THE HOICTIXG OTIEGOXIAX, SATURDAY, FEBItUAKY 23, 1018. Washington's Birthday Is Ob-jyocG Portland bripe tybo jus returned cere for visit. served AH Over Country. FRANCE PAYS ITS TRIBUTE rs oid ER mm pMpiiiiiipl Mee and Gmiis Geirmaey Gaies By Russians Sinnfenider Ambassador Jnsserand Delivers Ad- drui at Washington Cnder Aui- pices of Sons and Daugb. j lrr of Revolution. WASHINGTON. Feb. 22. Congress today observed Washington birthday In accordance with time-honored cus tom. Washington's farewell address was read In the Senate by Senator I Carry, of Rhode Island, and in ths House by Representative AsbwclL of I Louisiana. The memory of Washington was ex- I told by M. Josserand. French Am bassador. In an addrsss delivered at a I rommtmontlvt mass meeting bald hers today under ths auspices of the Sons and Dtufhltii of the American Revo lution. "Everybody." said It Jasserand. "knows the unanimity of fee litis: of all French people who ever met Waahlng- ton: bow. during our revolution French citlsenshlp was bestowed on htm as be- I Ins- 'one of the benefactors of human ity. and how, wbsn bs died, the French aatlon went Into mourning, officers I wore crepe ana our Hag. wsrs flown i t half mast. Referring to the present war, 31. Jns serand declared: "The fight Is en. As ws shall no snore desist than Washington did. sven at this most perilous hour, the result la certain. The work must bo done so that It may not have to be done again. la this we are ail of us with yon. whose enthusiasm, valor, resourcefulness and Inexhaustible s-efieroelty briar; ue such cbeer and comfort. A nay Canape) Celebrate. Washington's birthday was observed la all Army camps throughout the country with various exercises and the soldiers enjoyed a rest from military tralninc. At camps where there were no formal celebrations the men en- raced In holiday festivities, many of them belDC craned leave. Tbe commis sion on tralninc activities made pro vision for entertainment la all camps. NEW TORK. Feb. 22 A parade of 1ioi troops from the TTth Division of I the National Army st Camp Upton was tbe feature of the Weahlngton e birth day celebration la New York, City. Fifth avenue, the principal line of Inarch for the parade, was literally waving- lane of red. white and blue. Toe revlewlnr officers Included Secre tary of the Navy Daniels. Tonlsbt a mass meeting aider the - ? ' X lv : '" L , - )'": . , ; " - -aveewt,sMw,-w,J-sws . . eV When the Russian "Muzhik trades his machine-gun to the Germans for a drink of vodka, as many are doing, he comes near typifying the act of his Bolsheyik superiors ia giving up their military .power for an intoxicating dream of anarchistic liberty. Like them too, he may hit off the transaction with some fine phrase that seems to. sanctify his murderous bargain. Declaring' piously that they tan' not continue a war -with the German -and Austrlai workers, they release those unhappy workers for transfer to the Western front where they, may soon be thrown in masses at the Allied guns :with far more .disastrous, results- to themselves than if they had remained in the. quiet trenches of Poland. ' What is of mosr concern to the American people, however, is wfcar-ganf Germany has made in1 men and guns by Russia's unconditional- surrender, and "in the leading article in THE ' LITERARY DIGEST for February. J23d, there is a careful examination .of this phase of developments'" ori the Eastern front, and other contingencies that may arise, in the near future. Other'articles of almost equal importance in this. number of rThe Digestrarert President Wilson His Own War Lord All Shade f 'Editorial Opinion on the Proposed Leirislation to" Speed Up the War, Either by Lira it in Or Giving Greater Power to the President auspices of the American A ill. nee for school children. Army and Na Labor and Democracy was addressed I.. .tt . . . by Secretary Daniels and Samuel Oom- " w11 dosens of buslne WASHINGTON'S birthday proved to be a real holiday for many vy men. ness men. p-ra, president of the Amerlcaa Feder-jmnr of whom passed the day on the auoa of Labor. IfoLf links or the tennis or squash Courts at the leadlnr f-lnKa A nnkjp cnic.voo. reb. 12. chicsro today rof -. ,r T ,. celebrated Washlncton'a birthday with l,h. . . , ' " ' military hoIM.T a narmria of S000 I '" " iw reai oeai ei me men of tbe new Illinois Reserve Militia alnlns; last nlcht. many of the balnc a feature of the celebration. I hospitable homes belnc thrown open Sevea States Represented. "ul ,or a "n,cr danclnc. Governors ef seven statea la Caleaco I . , .ur" " 1 aner- sI.w!a th. Ildl N'UoMl b": tlon at the residence of Mrs. Walter F. csvlswed the parade. I o,,.,.,, . , . . . . VFrtV HAVEN. Conn. -Teh. 55. Tele Not of entertainment. The affair was men In the Army and Navy Joined with "'T' by the Multnomah chapter, and indrcrsduates today In celebrating I 't aa a dellcbtful event. An elabo Vchlncton's blrthdsy. Fsrvlce;s"ste rrosramme. Includlns; dsnrlntr by t-etrinc til stars for the university and I little Marlon FarrelL ninsirsl selections 114 s'-r for the tclcolifle school wetelbT niembers of the Portland Symphony r resented. lurcnestra. made tbe occasion, charming ana most interesting. PAM ANTONIO, Tex. Feb. 11 Wash- I Hundreds of women called dar'nr the Incton's birthday parade th roach ths Isfternoon. and the hostess wse ssslsted business district today by the entire l by Mrs. r. M. Warren. Mrs. E. C. Shev itb LMvision.-.attonai Army, was tea- iin. Mrs. Charles Gauld and Mrs. mrei or in aenai participation or tnw I ii. ji. FarKer, who presided at Army areonautleal senooi nere. wnicnitbe prettllr ar-Dolnted tea. table. Th ad IS regulation balloons over the city I refreshments served conformed strictly nunnsjinn lanoi. arropunn irara mo toe conservation rules, flour and jvruey r teia siso particiyatea m me sucsr substitutes belna- used throuch demonstration. HALIFAX, X. S.. Feb. IS. The United ftatee and American Ked Croes re celired a snare of tribute at a Wasb Inston'a birthday celrbiation here to- ly. which was attended by Lieutenant' out the menu. This Washington's birthday celebration Is sn annual event with tbe D. A. It. of Multnomah chap ter. Miss Dorothy Strowbrldce last nlcht ioremor Grant. United states Consul I entertained with an Informal diiuier l ounir and a. lrce body of represent tilt citU'ns. Trlbate FaM Ited Creea. We desire not only to honor Georce Washlncton." ssld fr'r Fredenclt Fraser. uperint'ndent of the Halifax School honoiinc Mies Marian Smith and her fiance. Thomas Kerr, the wedding of whom will be an event of tonight. a a Today's Important social event Is the wedding of Miss Msrian Smith, which for the Blmd. to an address, -but also ''m",d rr."d,'nc f the country his name represents. Ws r' Mr- Ved!,L- .,ar"n' "S want to recoimlse ear ally we h LrMt' .Bt i3 The fichtinr side by side with us and we want also to recocnise the creates ally we have had In liojifax In the days followinc the explosion the American Led Croaa. DEXVER, Feb. 2 The Britlsh-Ca-padiaa reerultlnc mission here wss ef Georce Wsshincton. A notice on the rloeed today in honor of the memory front door of the mission said -Closed, holiday, . In honor ef the blrthdsy of Georce Waahlncton. the father of American liberty. The British-Canadian reerultlnc mission. Amer ica s partner In tbe cause of world lib erty! will bo closed for the day.' RUPERT STAYS MARRIAGE Convicted Bond Thief Say He In fends to "Corns Rack" First. 1rde J. (Tied) Itupert. who was sen ten-d Thursday In the Circuit Court for from one to three years In the fn itentiary for the theft of fito in lib erty bonds from the Northwestern Na tsonal bank. Is held at the county Jail and unless there is si Federal chares placed acalnst him be will be taken to the State Penitentiary In a few days. The expected re-marrtace of ftupert and bfs d.vorced wife, pearl Rupert, will not take place until Rupert pays ine penalty lor his often, he said yes t'rday. He said that after ha had com Tleted his penitentiary sentence and convinced his wife he could "come bark, they probably would be re-mar Tied. -We understand each other perfect ly.- he said. We both feel that It is for the beat Interests of our -year-old son. Baden. In fact. I would not even lt them brine the boy up to see me Bare la the county JaiL Head The Orman classified els. D A Real VfarTimeFood GRAPE'IlUTS Delicious borley flavor Over I0actual grain sugar produced in mak- IkotACrumsCfWaSTL bride will be attended by Mrs. Lovelle D. Winters aa matron of honor, and Miss Dorothy Strowbrldce and Varnel Beach will art as beat man. .Rev. A. A. Morrison will officiate, and the affair will be attended only by close friends and relatives. Mr. Kerr's father. Alex ander Kerr, came on from Washington to be present at the ceremony, and his mother and alster. Mrs. Kenneth Hoi brook, came from Boston to attend the weddioc e e A cablevrem received yesterday by J. y. R. Webber annooncee the mar risce of his dauchter. Miss Marcsret Webber, to Cebert Capwell, which was omah Hotel. The affair will be held in tbe ballroom, and on the programme! are speeches by prominent men. dance I mnslo and vocal selections. Refresh ments will be served and the commit- I tee will endeavor to make this evening; I a notable one for tbe soldiers and their I friends. e e e Thomas Kerr, whose marrlara to Miss Marian Smith will be solemnised to- nlcht. entertained with a bachelor d!n- nor Monday eveninc In one of the pri vate dinlntr-rooms of Hotel Portland. Covers were laid for five. a e a ' Conrratulstlons are belnr showered upon Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bernard (Shir- I ley Flake) on the arrival of a little dauchter Thursday nlcht. a a a Mrs. H. M. Bond, of 13 Cook avenue. entertained the Klatter Club at her I home Thursday afternoon. Those pres. I ent were: Mrs. II. M. Bond, Mrs. w. I Glover, Mrs. J. J. Tryon. Mrs. Kate I Wood. Mrs. G. F. Egan. Mrs. A. Jack son, Mrs. William Alston and Mrs. Charles Nation. see Mrs. David Lincoln Herman, ef eat- tl. la vlsltina- Judce and Mrs. F. H. Whitfield, of 1393 Alameda Drive. Mr Herman is an old friend of both Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield and will be with them for a week. The Ukrainian Peace' Longevity of Spies Here Austro-German Friction A Captured Tank in Berlin Streets Gas-Driven Motor Cars Creatures That Live in Snow Fats for Fighters (Prepared by U. S. Food Administration) Cgrxtmal Gihhnm on Prohibition. The Future of Denominationalism Government Control of Business for War German Comments on "Tuscania" Torpedoing Japan's Criticism of Our War Aims War and Defective Brains The Cost of Coal Analyzed Electrically Heated Beds A Japanese War Game. Schools Send Their Boys .to War German School-Book Camouflage The Clergy During the War Important News of Finance, Commerce, and Industry Many Interesting Illustrations, Including Striking Cartoons How to Test the Actual Worth of "The Digest If you pride yourself on being an up-to-date, wide awake citizen, which of course you do. here is a little fest that will surely interest you. Buy the current n5mber of THE LITERARY DIGEST at the nearest news-stand, or borrow it from a friend, and sit down and read it. You will be surprized, startled, thrilled. The world will seem .bigger to you, and closer. The things hat have been puzzling you will become clear. You have, thought of "The Digest" heretofore as one ot a, number of magazines that did not concern you.' Now you will realize that it is just THE ONE. Vou have been really needing all the time. It keeps you informed on all the big, live topics o the hour. It is a good thing you simply can't afford to rriiss. Test ".The Digest" to-day. February 23d Number on Sale To-day All News-dealers 10 Cents The 1 I rr s tTlai "X. II w JH 11 V W e-J ji - mvK "V Pi merdnry wgesi w FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publishers of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionary). NEW YORK Women's PaituoticService By Edith Knight Holmes aboard th Tuscan la on her fateful trip, was ullve and safe In England. First reports Indicated that Erlrkaon was among; the missing. Erlcknon was for merly an employe of Johnson brothers. Teacher Red 1 -. "dar in'th. ftbmertsGfoAiS spoke to the Capitol Hill Parent-Teacher Cross unit held its regul the achoolhouae on Thursday, forenoon Miss Dunlap s school children about Joan of Arc which was Interesting also to some of A FTER presenting to th Portland Ihe women who m-ere fortunate enousrhlaTX Woman's Club the need that X' to be present. In the afternoon Mn ..v ... ,v, ...v i f m. al a at 1 I at .. a I V vwa J w a- m. r th. work !.. hT Ih. "a.n.aa worn in men onega. Teacber CounciL I nt""eui iui w stitution. received the indorsement of An event anticipated aa a patriotic the club In a substantial war Tester and social ratherin-; Is the silver tea day. A. soon M tne .ppaI,8e at the to be given on March 7 at the home of I ,.. , . . ....... ...k.i- Mrs. Grace Watt Ross moved that the club give to Reed College 1100 a year for a term of three years to assist In this specializing work of tbe ooUeee. Woodlawt. Red Croaa unit will neet J? Jk" Zi 2!!F!?!?.'! Monday In Woodlawn School from 10 ef the cIub Ths meetra;'was IV . V W.WVm. I k.lj , . L. tnltnAln.k U n . 1 k.llMuti. - - ... " ' " .'lUh.MUIIIl.II 11"1V1 Mrs. C. B. Simmons presiding and Mrs. ine iavenaer tins, oranen r-0. i. met I J. vrancis Drake asslstinir. In the headquarters ef the East Side I Dr. Foster spoke on ' The Prepress of Mrs. J. C. Hare. The Sha.a.cpeare Club members have arranged the festivity for the benefit of their worsted fund for Red Cross work. solemnised In Labalna. on the Island . Bu"?"sv Nn'" CluD on FrldT nd he ihr wr-: , w"hll "Pressed th. of Maul. Honolulu. The bride, accom panied by her mother and some of Mr. Capwell's relatives, reached the Islands early In the week. ISo further details have reached Portland as yet. a a a Members ef the B'nal Brlth have made final, arrana-emente for an elab orate annual dinner party tomorrow nlaht In the Multnomah Hotel. 8. Conn la In rharse of the arrangements, and the evenlnr will be made Interest Inc with short talks by prominent men. who are members of this organisation. a a a Tonlsht the bis; Armory, with It trappings of military atmosphere and patriotism, will abound with the bun dreds of merrymakers who are to at tend the dance to be given fur the benefit of Company D. 31'th Engineers. The proceeds from the dance will be used to purchase equipment for the men who will lava soon for ranee, Everyone Is cordially Invoted to attend thla affair and help to make It a sue eass soclslly and financially. A nam ber of the men In Company D will be n "pass" to attend the function, and the Hit ef patronesses who Include prominent women of the city, assure a well-attended and Interesting party. The hostesses will Include Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gsrr Reed. Mrs. C E- Dentler, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waldo Coe. Mr. and Mrs. C II. Templeton. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Arnatt. Mrs. Charles Pant, Mrs. G. UelllwelL Mr. and Mrs. F. IX Whtttock. Mr. and Mrs. Georce M. Nolan. Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Neuhau- aen. Miss vena winner. Mrs. Veetla Sanderson. Pr. Florence Man I on. Mra. G. J. Frank tl and Mrs. C B. Simmons. a a The junior members of the Irvlngton Club will entertain with an Informal dance tomorrow night, for all mem bers of the club and their friends. Tbe patronesses for the event will be Mra F. P. Reno, Mrs. IL K. Lounsberrr and Mrs. W. IL Cullers. a e An Informal and varied entertain ment has been planned by the Knights of Columbus for soldiers In and around PorlUadv lor ibis MenlBa? t tbo Mult-, regular business waa transacted, after I highest admiration for President Wil- which an Interesting addreas was given I son. he declared that lie believed that by Mrs. Frasell on the subject of "Child the President had "made a mistake In Literature. The meeting was well at- holding himself aloof from tho pro tended and the club will meet again on pie." Xr. Foster eald that the prob Frlday. at which time tbe members lems of education had not been handled are requested to come supplied with I at all In many Instances. thimble and needles to take part In I war worn. Lavender Club, branch . wffl meet on Tuesday at 2 o clook with Mra. R. B. Knight. tS Chapman street (Jetfer-1 son car to Chapman, walk two blocks I north). see War today is a matter of matching the skill of technical experts, and the thing In which this country Is lacking la an appreciation for the necessity of training men technically. There has been a short-sighted policy In educa tion." declared President Foster. "The War Department has taken rec ognition of ths needs In thla line only In a ereneral way. Becanne of delav In Auxiliary to Batteries A and B, 147th I shipbuilding. In which much of the Field Artillery, will meet Monday at policy has been used, many lives I P. M-. room t:o. Courthouse. I have been lost. In a summing no of ths lack ef ta in the houaewlves campaign. Mlrs I precis tlon for the need for more inter- Gertrude Talbot will speak on foods I et It. Foster said: "They're still today at the Clrlo Club luncheon. Mult-I fiddling along. The point I want to numah HotcL I muke now. with the permission of the president of the club, is that the city Failing School la doiner lta bit In I of Portland should feel It its duty to spreading the doctrine of food eon-1 u a Darl ,n training tne workers. servation. The children cony tbe rec- Ho ' them of the demands upon Ipes and explain them at homo to their I Reed College, what Is expected of It. parents. Many of the women are for- what it hopes to do in a patriotic way eign-speaking and otherwise would not I ,n training younj men and women and be reached by those holding the house- I f the decreased income and increase wives meetings. The domestic sci- I ln expense ana its amoitton to do real ence department of the school held a I technical, fundamental war service. creditable exhibition of foods ln the I Of Senator Chamberlain's criticism of South Portland Library. Ithe war programme.' President Foster , I sa'd: It waa well founded and time- siacsmar ircie no. zo. Ladies or tne iv r,. A. It., celebrated the birthdays of The club at the business session ln Washington and Lincoln at a meeting I dorsed the plan to add eight police- in v.aua Mall, seiiwood. .There was a I women to the force. They indorsed also painouo programme, io wnicn tne toi- the plan to enforce the curfew law and lowing contributed: Thelma Holden. I the proposition recommended bv the Mildred Elsert. Comrades Palmer. I civics committee to Increase the mlnl Wallrlde, J. D. Stevens, a number of I mum warn of women as ner cent. Tha school chidren. L J. Edwards ajtd oth- club also expressed itself as favoring having some one on auty aU the time in the Juvenile Court. An exhibition of the work done for the babies of France, under the com mittee headed by Mrs. M. H. Lam on d. was an attraction, one side of the ball German In the publlo schools and asked Ir. Foster"a advice. In reply he said: "It would be short-sighted to stop studying German now. It is more important than ever before that we should know the language." The New England Society held a.n en joyable meeting Tuesday evening In the assembly-room of the Hotel Port land. After the business session there was a programme and social time, a a a New classes ln cookery are being organised at the T. W. C A. for the Spring term which will follow a con servation programme. Regular and favorite recipes will be given, showing how they may be adapted to the new conservation methods. There also will be a number of entirely new recipes used. Each course will have IS lessons and the classes wlU meet evenings and afternoons. see The current literature department of the Portland Woman's Club will meet next Thursday with Mrs. J. Fran els Drake, 6S5 Elliott avenue. Mrs. A. B. Cutler. Mrs. J. B. Coffey and Mrs. Frank Kase will be assisting hostesses. "August tho First" will Toe the book read by Mrs. A. B. Manley. Luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock. Marian Fillers C ANSWERS Man Supposed Lost Safe. 22. (Spe- prominent PEAVERTO.V. Or.. Feb. claL) Johnson brothers. onion growers living two miles north room bclns strung- with dainty pink, of town, have received a telegram from blue and white baby clothes, ready to v asmngion. u. i slating that Hand I he Een.t to France. M. Lrlcl&son, on a of tiio paeseaserB 1 In a dub diaciissed -the - lubject fS TUST the other day I waa thinking Xj mat an me seinsn peopia naa Deen converted or become extinct and that all the gossips had become 'Interested ln soma work and had ceased then mean, small, unkind ways and then ran right Into a little group of the real. old-fashioned. malicious, gossipy va riety of women. They were so busy tearing another woman's reputation to scraps and they asked me what I thought about it all. Well, what I answered them left them gasping. I said: "Get to work and do something constructive. Thi8 war will never cease until every person has set aside just such, feelings and thoughts as you have. Think kind thoughts. Look for the good ln the other felloe. And give and work for humanity. If you can't do any of these things, at least mind your own business." But, boys and girls, what Is our own business? After all. isn't It doing something to make the world better? Isn't it saying a kind word when we have a chance? Isn't it keeping our hearts and lives clean and strong so that we may be citizens worth while? a a a A girl writes me that her mother says she can't have a lot of new Spring clothes because they can't afford to pay dressmaker and she doesn't like ready-made garments, and what shall she do? Shall she go into debt or shall j she get some material and try to make her own clothes. My dear Sadie, why don't you loin one of the night classes at the Girls' Polytechnic School and you can learn how to make all your garments and make them well under the instruction of an able teacher. I called up Miss Arnold, the principal, and asked ber if she bad any room la tbe evenjxis classes and she answered: "We can accommo date a few more." o hurry up and join. It's ever so much fun to fashion your own clothes and your letter hints that you are planning to marry in June. Why not learn to make aU the trous seau? They'll teach you first to fash ion lingerie, then elementary dressmak ing, waists and later tailoring. Your married sister can go. too, if she wants to. and learn to make her little girl some frocks. There's no excuse nowa days for not learning to sew, cook, keep house or do any of the practical wor and do it well. The useful arts are more important accomplishments than to be able to sing or dance. a a a Dear Marian Miller: Ia it correct for girl to meet a aoldiar at a dance and make & data to ito out with him if he doean't know her famllyT I met a handsome feilow recently and he asked me to go to a snow the next Saturday. Enall I accept 7 ALICE B. Invite him to call at the house to meet your family. Have some music or just a quiet home evening and give him some chocolate and sake and let the family and yourself "look Kim over." Tour good sense will teU you the answer. Dear Marian Stiller: Same rlrls era cam Ins to spend tha afternoon with me ano knit. What anall I give tnem ror reiresn. mants, or shall we do without any refresh. ment? milieus A. Some brown bread sandwiches and tea or cocoa would be all right. little simple refreshment makes the afternoon more sociable. One may Hooverlze and yet one must not do without any entertaining. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, they used to say, .and I believe that statement still holds good. a Dear Marfan Miller: What Is rood for a rourh and sallow complexion 7 I have tried several kmda ef face powder and cream. -1 am so unattractive, no one admires me. always Ilka your answers. Tonr unhappy friend. MARIE C. 6. Try soap and water. Wash the face with warm water, a little pure soap, Ipe with a soft toweL Then eat sim pie food. Don't eat pie and pastry. Go to bed early, want in me iresn air. Sleep with the windows wide open. Drink a glass of warm water every morning. Think cheerful, happy thoughts. If this doesn't work, let me know. MARIAN MILLER. J0HAN P0ULSEN RELEASED Schooner Seized for Liquor to Be Taken to VTestport. 1 doubt If any two members of the rrei could so Invest that amount of monej especially as one of them has been oj the craft for only three trips. ASTORIA. Or., Feb. 22. (Special.) Deputy United States Marshal Berry, who seized the steam schooner Johan Poulsen, following the raid last even ing, released the vessel this evening, as well as Captain Ulvestad, Chief Engi neer Lockhart and a sufficient number of the crew to take the craft to West- port, where she is to load lumber. So far as could be learned, two mem bers of the crew are willing to assume responsibility for the whole affair and will claim the entire contraband cargo belongs to them. The authorities, how ever, do not believe this story. The liquor is worth at wholesale from $20 to $22.50 a case, so the amount seized ckot filosa i Ji.I!)0 and tag cI.fiGeia, CHINESE STUDENT SCOREj Harry Pond One of Few Who AVH In English Test. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugen-i Feb. 22. (Special.) Harry Pond, on of the six Chinese students ln tho UnH versity this year, is one among six ouj of 75 members of two freshmen classej taught by Mary H. Perkins, whj showed proficiency in English ln I recent test. Although Pond, who was born China, did not take up the study English until he was 14 years old, was one of the few who rewrote c rectly 15 sentences containing nuruert ous mistakes. orn ij udy oj old. hi te cor Pacific States Firm on 8-Hour X)A( SELLECK. Wash., Feb. 22. (Spe clal.) The Paciflo States Lumber Com! nanv. of Selleck. patriotically have del cided to put the eight-hour system il force in both their mill and their carol here. This goes into effect March H They employ about 250 men In all. llCPFFSCj Remember This There are no -(fs or "Buts" to the Closset feDevers guarantee. It means Just what it says: "Golden West Cof fee must be -just Ri2htand give vcu complete satisfac tion or your money back." Closset & Devera