DON'T MISS GERARD The Oregonian Will Print His New Book Starting February 24. GERARD'S NEW BOOK Don't Miss This Expose of Hun Duplicity to Start Next Sunday. VOL. LVIII. XO. 17.801. PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1918. PRICE FIVE CENTS. SPAIN TO PROVIDE U.S. ARMY SUPPLIES HUH STEAM ROLLER ROOT POINTS OUT PEACE TALK PERIL HUTCHESON AGAIN . DECLINES TO SIGN CHINESE MOSLEMS THREATEN REVOLT EASTERN STATES LEAGUE WITH I.W.W. IXOXOMIC AGREEMENT HAS BEEN SIGNED IN MADKII. CARPENTERS NOT MOVED ACTION OF OTHERS. BY BOLSHEVIKI GERMANS AXD TURKS BUSY IX SIX KIAXG. M HUNGER MENACES PARTISANS CRUSHING RUSSIA Kaiser's Armies Moving on Ruthlessly. HUGE SPOILS OF WAR TAKEN One General, 425 Officers and 8700 Men Captured. IMPORTANT CITIES FALL Rndnn. One of Triangle of For I rr --. Reported Cleared of M Surrender 4 lo Surprise .Ilark. LX tHXV. Feb. II Forty-live Ger man warships were approaching Reval on V.ndajr, according to a message rfrlrt by the Express from Its Tetro- grad correspondent. Troops have been landed at HcvaL LMiiy Bolshevik corre spondent telegraphs that Leon Trotsky, Holshevlk Foreign Minister, probably ill resign. BEKU.V. Feb. II. via London. Th RuMlan town of Rovno has been clearvd of th Russians, the War Office report a Trains with about IOC cars, many laden with food. have been captured thus far. as U as airplanes. 13SI suns and between iOO and J00 motor cars. Maar Primmmrrm Taken. The Germans have made prisoner a General commanding an army. 455 of ficers and S?oa men. Rotno Is the most easterly of the tri angle of Kuaalan fortresses In Vol hyola. Lutsk, the western citadal In the triangle, capitulated to the Ger mans on February IS without fighting. The third fortress In Volbynla, Pubno, lies about midway between Rons and the town of Urody on the Gailclaa frontier. Hallway Jaaetteaa Take a. Between Dvlnsk and Plnsk the Ger mans are pressing eastward. General on Llnslngen'a movement continues. Important railway and highway Junc tions have been occupied. The Germans have passed through Wtndea. SJ miles northeast of Riga. and are now before Wolmar, ? mile northeast of Riga. Mewsi aoaaal CraeataV. German regiment from Moon Island crossed Moon Sound and marched Into Kathonia. occupying LeaL Other forces, advancing along the shore of tha Gulf of Riga, reached Permgal and Lemaai. BKRLIN. via London. Feb. SI. The German troops have entered Minsk In their advanee eastward In Russia, ac cording to the report from headquarters this evening. Minsk, a town of Russia, capital of the government of Minsk, situated on an affluent of the Bereslna. la 43 miles sc'Khwcst of Pctrograd. Tha principal buildings are the cathedral of St. Cath rrine. the theater, and the museum. There are manufactoriea of leather, agricultural Implements, tobacco, spir its, etc. Minsk Is tha seat of a Greek orthodox and a Roman Catholic bishop. The population In 1ST waa 1.4I4. of whom about ts.00 were Jews. LONDON. Feb. St. German troops. Harms, occupied Dvlnsk. are advancing toward Pskutr. lis miles south-south wrst vt Pctrograd. according to i Keuter dispatch from Pctrograd. Cavalry Mavao Mobile. They also have occupied HapsaJ. Es- thonia. and their cavalry Is pushing toward Mobllev. tha former Russian grneral headquarters. The Novels Viedorasty. the dlapatch adds, says the Germans have occupied Molodechno. an Important railway Junction northwest of Minsk. According to tha Pravda. tha Austrl ans have begun an advance on the Ukrainian front. ' PET ROG RA D. Wednesday. Feb. 1. I By the Associated Press.) Dispatches received here Indicate continued Ger man movements along all fronts toward Vitebsk. Minsk. Tskoff and RevaX Air Fleet Raid Reclata. German airmen are reported to have rakled R'glsta on Monday. Many bombs were dropped and several persons were killed. The raiders diesppeared toward Dvlnsk. Just two hours after the armistice ended German troops entered Dvlnsk. It was S o'clock on the afternoon of February It that German patrols un expectedly appeared around tha city and seised the railway stations and other central points. Only small skirmishes with fleeing soldiers took place. The Red Guards offered bo resistance. The artillery and Infantry were demobilising and wholly unprepared to fight. HOLSIIEVIKI THREATENS FIGHT Leaders Ieclare Pctrograd Will lie Defended by Red Guard. FET ROG RAD. Feb. 20. Bolshevlkl leaders declare that If the German ad ranee contlnuea they will defend Pctro grad with the Red Guard and harass .ha German advance by guerilla war fare. No plana had been made for evac uation of tha city. The Bolshevlkl say this la a new liono ailed ea Page S. Columa LA Negotiations Follow Itefur-al lo Fill Order of tieneral Perslilng; for niankets and Mules. WASHINGTON. Feb. 11. An eco nomic agreement with Spain under which General Pershing will set mules. Army blankets and other materials In that country In return for cotton, oil and other commodities, from the L'nlted States, waa signed today In Mudrld. The State Department was so ad- vlwd tonight by Ambassador Wlllard. The terms of the agreement could not be learned and It waa not known whether they had any bearing on the rate of exchange between tne io countries, which the United States has desired to adjust because of the recent depreciation of the American dollar In Spain, where It la now worth only about IS cents. Tha negotiations followed the re fusal of Spain to supply a large num ber of mules. 100.000 blankets and other materials ordered by General Pershing last month. Tha official reason given for tha failure to fill the order waa aaid to bar been that tha Spanish railroad system had broken down and It was Im possible to handle goods destined for Franca. Negotiations at Madrid apparently were going on when It became known that Spanish steamers were being held ud In America ports for lack of fuel. Through their control of bunker coal the L'nlted States and the allies were in a position to stop not only the ship ment of goods to Spain from the allied countries, but from neutrals as welL Spain la dependent upon this country for large supplies of foodstuffs aa well as other materials. Warning Is Afforded by Russia's Fate. WAR MUST BE FOUGHT OUT America's Attention Not to Be Distracted From Task. APPEAL TO LOYALTY MADE eteraa Statesman and Diplomat Sends Letter to Congress of Na tional Service Now in Ses sion at Chicago. MISS MARY RAUSCH DEAD Asltant In University of Wa-lilng ion Succumbs to Operation. SEATTLE. Wash, Feb. SI. Miss Mary Frederlcka Rausch. assistant pro fessor of home economics In tha exten slon division of the University or Washington, died her today following an operation. During the last several months Miss Rausch has lectured In several parts of the Pacific Northwest on food pre pa ration and conservation In connection with the work of tha Federal Food Administration. Mlaa Rausch waa director of the ex tension division of home economics of the Iowa State College In DOS and 1907 and head of tha home economics depart ment of Colorado State College from HOT to 11. BOYS MEET AT ABERDEEN Conference of Southwest Washing ton Organisation Opens Today. ABERDEEN. Wash, Feb. 21. (Spe cial.) Over 150 boys are expected to be In attendance at the annual South western Washington Older Boys' Con ference, which opens here tomorrow for a three days' meeting. Registration carda have been received from about 15 boys to date. Of thla number about 40 are coming from Tacoma and 22 from Chehalla. Many country districts In Grays liar bor. Lewis, Mason and Thurston coun ties will be represented. The speakers on the conference programme include prominent T. M. C lA. and Boy Scout workers In Western Washington. WOMEN FARMERS TO TRAIN Plans Made to Instruct Force for Agricultural Labor In V. S. WASHINGTON. Feb. SI. Plans for supplying women workers for farms during the war probably will Include campa for their training, the women's committee of tha Council of National Defense announced today. Thla com mlttee will have charge of whatever recruiting, educational and welfare work la done.. The women'a committee will co-op erate In supplying women to farms with the Department of Agriculture and the women'a division of the United States employment service. EAST WINDS, FORECAST Weather Man's Statement Probably Means Continued Cold. It's the overcoats and gloves for Portlanders again today. "Easterly winds." says the weather man. which means there probably will be no mod eration In the cold weather of the past few days. Testerdsy the Government's offi cial mercury dropped down to 2$ degrees, which Is three degrees lower than that of Wednesdsy. There was a bit of comfort In the afternoon yester day when a maximum of 41 degrees was reached. AUSTRIAN PRESS BOUGHT German Syndicate Acquiring Control of All Publicity ATenues. WASHINGTON. Feb. 21. German In terest are acquiring some of tha most Influential newspapers In Austria, ac cording to an official dispatch today from France. Herr Prlnchorn. general director of the Vienna Fremdenblatt. the Mlttags Journal and tha Allgemelne Zeitung. the dispatches say, haa obtained con trol of the most prominent papers In Prague and other cities oa behalf of a German syndicate. , CHICAGO. Feb. 21. In a letter read at the Congress of National Service to day. Ellhu Root, of New York, honorary president of the National Security League, said that the public should be careful not to have Its attention dis tracted from the intense concentration necessary to win the war by the dis cussion about peace terms that was ap pearing in some of the papers and at some gatherings. He pointed out that there were not only no negotiations, but no basis for peace negotiations. The congress, to be held under the auspices of the National Security League, opened a three-day session today with delegstes present from many states In the Union. Face Peril. Eistrta Taft. William H. Taft, Governor Frank O. Lowden. 6. Stanwood Menken and hun dreds of other delegates were present. "The time Is coming, and we might as well prepare to face it." declared ex Presldent Taft, "when the seeds of dis content will be sown, when we shall meet disaster, when, with hellish ma lignity, tha Germans will suggest for fools among us a trap of inconclusive peace. "We must have our people educated to stand up against that and teach th Germans that a moral people like us will die sooner than give up our high Ideals. We ask no territory, no money. no Indemnity, no additional power. We are fighting for humanity, for the most sacred cause since history began." ' Bolshevlkl Cited aa Example. In his letter regretting his inability through Illness to be present at the congress. Mr. Root said: Let us be warned by poor Russia's present position. The Bolshevlkl were very eloquent about peace 'without an nexations or indemnities, and they filled the minds of Russian soldiers and workmen with the idea to such an ex tent that they stopped fighting and making munitions, but when they got to Urest-LItovsk they found what the leaders probably knew all along that Germany had no Intention of making any such peace. She wanted the Baltic Head of Organization Refuses I Submit Fully to Action of Fedcv" Wage Adjustment Board. LA WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. William L. Hutcheson, president of the Brother hood ot Carpenters and Joiners, to day declined again to sign the memor andum already signed by the 17 other ship workers' unions giving the ship building wage adjustment, board full authority to settle all differences. Instead. Hutcheson submitted a coun ter proposal and let it be known that until the wage adjustment board ac cepted it he would have no further conferences. The terms of the proposal were not announced, but are understood to state that the carpenters' union is willing to leave questions of wages and hours. but not questions of conditions of lobor, to the Department of Labor, and that the union will agree that all labor be hired through the Department of Labor. louver Says Situation Highly Critical. FOOD MAY BE SHORT 60 DAYS Oregon Warned of Per nicious Organization. NORTH DAKOTA IN CLUTCH PATRIOTIC TEACHING URGED Government Control of Education Deemed Essential for Nation. CHICAGO, Feb. 21. Federal control of education, financing of educational Institutions by the Government, the teaching of patriotism directly as part of the National system and requiring a patriotic test of teachers themselves were the principal measures advocated by the educational contingent of the delegates to. the congress of National service of the National Security League today. The meeting was presided over by Dr. Robert M. McElnoy, head of the department of politics and history at Princeton University, who succeeded President Wilson in that chair. 1971 SAVED ON TUSCANIA Reports Show That 127 Are Known to Be Dead and 81 Missing. WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. The first official estimate of losses by the torpe doing of the troopship Tuscania was issued today through the committee on publio Information. It states th&re were 21 1 9 officers and men aboard; 1971 saveo.; Known dead, 127: still unaccounted for, 81. The unofficial compilation haa shown 13$ known dead: 13 unidentified dead and 72 still missing, Including the un identified dead. (Concluded on Pine 2. Column 1.) OPIUM SUBSTITUTE FOUND Xew Remedial Agent Discovered Is Coal Tar Derivative. NEW TORK. Feb. 21. Discovery of a new agent as a substitute for medi cines derived from opium was an nounced here last night by Dr. David L Macht. of Johns Hopkins University. The substitute Is a coal tar derivative and has been named benzyle bensolate. The new agent. Dr. Macht said, relaxes the muscles, giving the patient the same beneficial effects as opium de rivatives without their ill effects. Reserve Stores Nearly Gone Over Wide Area. BLAME PUT ON RAILROADS Impossibility of Moving Crops Has Upset Law of Supply and De mand McAdoo Disposed to Resent Statement. Governor Yang Tseng-Chin Issues Warning of Trouble That May Rival Former Rebellion. PEKING, Saturday, Feb. 16. Bolshe vik! from Russian Turkestan, as well as Germans and Turks, are inflaming the Chinese Mohammedan population of the province of Sin Kiang. Chinese Turkestan, against the government, ac- i cording to a report from General Yang Tsennr-"?hin- Oovftrnnr nf thA nrnvinnr. The General warns the government Veteran Farmer TellS Of H0W mat arms ana ammunition are being) supplied by the enemy. He states Radicals Menace Freedom. there are prospects of a Mohammedan rebellion similar to the one which be gan in 1861 and was successful for more : than a decade, being suppressed by Marquis Tso Tsung-Tang. Even the loss of Chinese Turkestan is possible in the General's opinion. A special meeting of the military leaders was held on the receipt of this I Arthur Foster, of Clyde, X". 1)., Sajs( ' WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. The East ern part of the Cnited States faces a food shortage likely to continue for the next 60 days. In making this disclosure tonight Food Administrator Hoover declared that the situation is the most critical in the country's history, and that in many of the large consuming areas re serve toad stores are at the point of exhaustion. The whole blame is put by the food administrator on railroad congestion, which he says also has thrown th Food Administration far behind In its programme for feeding the allies. The only solution he sees is a greatly in creased rail movement of foodstuffs, even to the exclusion of much other commerce. McAdoo Appears ReseatfuL It was very evident tonight that the railroad administration is inclined to resent Mr. Hoover's blame of the rail roads, and Director-General McAdoo declared he was ready to provide every transportation facility for expediting food movements. The railroad administration, he said. had suggested that farmers be urged to release their grain, holdings that large numbers of available cars might be utilized in moving them. Cereal exports ' to the allies. Mr. Hoover's statement says, will be 45, 000,000 bushels short on March 1, and meat shipments also are far short of the amount promised. Supply and Demand Law Upset. Inability to move the crops, Mr. Hoover sets forth, has suspended the law of supply and demand, and has created a price margin between pro ducer and consumer wider, than it ever waa before. A large part of the corn crop is abou to spoil because it is not moving to terminala for drying. The percentage of soft corn in last year's crop, all of which must be dried if it is to be saved, is the largest ever known. Es tlmates place the amount as high as a billion bushels. The cost of grains for feeding live ALL COMPETITION STIFLED information. The War Ministry ordered General Ma An-Liang, the most promi nent Mohammedan General, to devise means of combating the movement. Xon-Partisans and I. W. YV. Give Xo Patriotic Help and Policy Has Made Discontent Rife. BANK LAW REVISION URGED Bill to Amend . Present Statutes In- ers If anybody tells you that the lead- of the National Non-Partisan troduccd in House. WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. A bill to amend the Federal bank laws, designed League are not intimately associated with the Industrial Workers of the World he is enther willfully misstating the truth or does not know what ha is talking about," declared Arthun (Concluded on Pase 3. Column 4.) HE SECURED PEACE BY" FIGHTING FOR IT. ill VFI RST IN WAR, FIRSTIM pI Jflfo 5ST IN THE HEART&QPy to secure better representation of Fnstor. for 21 v..r, . former nf rivda. ou rtaerai reserve oran N. D., ia a talk before the Insurance directorates; increase National bank Federation of Oregon at its weekly privileges to a wiaer scope or fiduciary luncheon at the Multnomah Hotel yes- Business man as executor and admin- terdav lsiraior ana to ciarny existing law in "Last June A. C. Townley, president, others ways, was introduced today by and other officers of the Non-Partisan Chairman Glass, of the house banking I League entered into a contract with ana currency committee. the leadens of the Industrial Workers of the World to supply the farmers of North Dakota with 25,000 harvest hands at ft a day for 10 hours' work on a basis oc wheat selling at si.bu a bushel. "Townley then asked the farmers to ratify the contract. It was approved In some sections, but rejected in others u-hrA fnrmora snti!ri not affnpfl frt nir ington, Feb. 21. Senator Chamberlain's fhn At MInt hwv. , nf ra"a lo is regaraea oy nis th( BtronKest I w. w. town8 lQ the jjuyaiciaiiB as BaiiBiuciory. ne is rest lng more easily than at any previous I r tified time since nis operation. Last night he suffered considerably, but showed improvement this morning SENATOR MAKES PROGRESS Mr. Chamberlain's Condition Is Re garded Satisfactory by Doctors. OREGONIAN NEWSBUREATJ, Wash- country, the contract was promptly . Townley's Words Quoted. "In submitting this plan to the farm- and appears to have made progress rs Townley admitted that in bring- throughout the day and early evening. ln ,nto tnB slate sucn a lare Der or industrial iworxers ot me World it - was to ba exrjected that a BAKER TO HAVE ELEVATOR f6W criminals would be included, but he assured the same farmers that tne Farmers of Valley Subscribe $2300 7 , criminals among me x. be found among the bankers, news paper publishers or any other class of BAKER, Or., Feb. 21. (Special) At business men anywhere.' It you people in Oregon permit the Non-Partlsan League to come into your state you will bring Into, your midst numerous I. W. W., for the Non-Partisan League and the I. W. W., as the people of North Dakota have observed, are one. They are associated and working together and you do not find one with out the other." League Causes Much Harm. Mr Fostpr ftmnha.tip.ftllv denied tha Injured in Chinese Province Number assertion8 Df Townley and his associ ates that the Non-Partisan League ia patriotic by pointing out that, aside from the league's affiliation with the I. W. W., It was significant that in North Dakota none of the members of the league had been in any way iden tified with the direction of liberty loan or Red Cross drives or other patriotio wartime activities. Mr. Foster further charged that the organization bad achieved nothing of substantial benefit for the people of North Dakota, but, on the contrary, had caused endless harm by preaching the gospel of discontent and appealing to a meeting held last night by the farm ers of Missouri Flat, S 2300 for the erec tion of a grain elevator was subscribed. The elevator is to be built by the Farmers' Milling Company, which Is made up of some of the most prominent ranchers in the Baker Valley. 600 DEAD IN EARTHQUAKE 2 000; Several Villages Razed. AMOi, China, Feb. 21. Latest re ports from Swatow give the number of dead from the recent earthquake as 600 and the injured as more than 2000. Several villages in the Amoy hinter land were virtually wiped out. NDEX OF. TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 41 degrees; minimum, 2v degrees. TODAY'S Fair; moderately easterly winds. War. Ellhu Root warns Americans against peril of peace talk. Fage 1. General Greene, back from France, optl mlstic over outlook on wet front. Page 2. Foreign. Russian cities fall before Irresistible advance of Germans in Russia. Page 1. Chinese Moslems in Sin Kiang threaten in surrection. Page 1. German plot to start labor insurrection In France exposed. Page 4. National. Carpenters' union head refuses to submit to wage adjustment board. Page 1. Government ownership of railroads defeated in Senate. Page 3. General Pershing to get mules and equlP' ment Irom Spain, page 1. War finance corporation bill reported by committee. Page 8. Domestic. Hoover announces Eastern part of United States faces food crisis. Page 1. Millions stolen In Natton-wlde plot of Army uniform manufacturers, page 4. Union labor promises to respond promptly to call for 250,000 snlpworlters. Page 2. Montana Judge summoned to answer dis loyalty charges before House of Repre sentatives. Page 5. -Boort. Pacific Coasc International League's size I depends on vote of Spokane magnate. Page 14. Lefty" James may play with Shipbuilders' I League. Page 14. Vancouver hockey team to meet Portland I here tonight. Page 14. 1 Northwest. Northwest livestock growers meet at Spo kane lor three days session. Page 14. Vancouver, Wash., plans to be cleanest city. Page 7. Commercial and Marine. Cold storage stocks of poultry in Northwest less than year ago. Page 19. Chicago Board of Trade fixes maximum oats price at 93 cents. Page la. Strong advances in all issues of liberty bonds. Page 1. Big composite steamer Harney Is launched. Page o. Portland and Vicinity. Red" Rupert sentenced to serve one to three years In penitentiary, page . Lincoln High School honors its young men gone to war. Page 11. Weather report, data and forecast. Page 14. Non-partisans and I. W. W. said to be in league. Page 1. Present day church sick, says Dr. John H. Boyd. Page 6. Attack on advisory board doctors stirs Indig nation. Page 13. Red Cross surgical dressing workroom closes. i Concluded on Page Column 3.) GET THIS FREE BOOK OX THE UNITED STATES NAVY. Few Americans have a clear idea of how men live In the Navy of the daily routine of the boys behind the guns. The Oregonian offers you a glimpse behind the scenes a free book on life in the Navy, pub lished by the Government. This little book tells what a United States sailor must be physically; how he is trained; how he lives; how much he Is paid; how the Navy educates him; the rewards he earns by distinguished service. There are 20 striking illustra tions of Navy life, on the battle ships and on land, including a full-page picture of the monster Pennsylvania, one of the half dozen most powerful fighting ma chines in the world. This book on the Navy should be in the hands of every patriotic American. Here is an up-to-date, minute account of life in the Navy, at a time when the Navy is fighting day and night for you. A copy of this official booklet will be mailed free to you if you will send a request to The Port land Oregonian Information Bu reau, Washington, D. C, enclos- lng 2-cent stamp for return post age. The Free War Book, contain ing recipes and Information on how to serve yourself and your country. Is still available. Send 2-cent stamp for postage to The Portland Oregonian Information Bureau, Washington. X. C, and it will be mailed to you. Do not send your request to The Oregonian at Portland. Fol low above directions. .. - y