TITE 3I0RXIXG OltEGOXIAN. TITTJItSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1913. 17 BARLEY OP AGAIN Bids at Local Exchange Are . Advanced 50 Cents. Win earn M II 3nfl 1 Tf Jnnithana tl 40 to 3.43. Minneapolis Arrivals: Wisconsin S: 0 earn aabroken. Demand and movement rood. XT Spltaanberga, medlnra ta lam, meanly $1TS; XP Wlaesapa. small $1,739 l."; XF Jonathans, medium to Ian. $2.30. Boston Jobbing: Demand and movement moderate. XF Wlnesapa. medium. 1175; XF Genoa, Black Twigs, medium to larga, i4 UIV STOPS SHIPMENTS OF ORANGES HEAT USE LESSENS Decrease of Half Million Head . Slaughtered in January. NO SELLERS ON MARKET Oal Al.o JU Sharply With Lack of Offcrlnt Fredlnff of Wheat at North Portland Stock Yard Discontinued. Trieca waa aaother advance of SO cents la kerty kids at tne Merchants Exchaaa yes tardav. with $71.30 offrd for brewing and T 3 for feed grade. There were setl era Jtut wbat barter ta worth la bard ta d.t.nnlne. aa the supply left la thla terri tory appear to be widely scattered and hotd.ro are aot disposed t after It ea the anarket. A sale was roeeatly not threes at aa Interior point at 1 14 and another choir lot la known to hvv been boocht to omo here at T landed. Rotted barter prieee bare been raleed to 174. bat there Is J Tiardly any demand. Farley Tour baa ant rhanred la price etaeo tka adeaaea noted ta tti.ee columns Bandar. With tha whale grata rllmbls a fctsher floor pries-. In the Pear future is Inevitable. Pets were even stronger than barter. Bide at the rTverianc on Xa. - white feed were advanced TSevftSA ta na a ton. while of fers for Eastern barley were raised $1.30t?I ton. reedlr of wheat ta livestock at tha Port lead fnlon Ftockysrris haa been discontinued a measure of economy. The dtermtfna a nee of th!a prartk-a- ba aot been limited a tha stockyards, for. with tho exception of tnetascee where farmers) are feeding wheat ralsMf by th.msolvee. there . very little feedinr of this vrala In tho entire North west. tnst.ad of wheat tho Ftockyards Tympany sells tha stockmen slther cracked corn ae crushed barley. Cora sel'a at 4 rents and bartey at 3 rente a pound as compared with a price of 3 cents for wheat when that cereal was belnr fed. Stockmen eTelm It la tmpoatfhto ta flit noes as wetl on either corn or barley so on wheat and the rart that packers admit getting sllchtly better drawing yields since wheat feeding was dlsrontlnued would seem to add wrlrhl to the teckoien'g coatentlnna However, the fills ehtslasd are accomplished at a lower coat thaa formerly. Very few com- p-stnta are beard, most of tha farmara and stockmen fakirs' a patriotic view of the matter and apparently looklnr upon It aa a part of -doing there bit- toward! coBer-ring tbs world's supply of wTDeat. Weather conditions la tha bflddta We.t. aa wired from CTilcsgo: "Minneapolis. Du rafh. clear, in below: Wlnnlpec. clear. 2 below: Chicago, clear, cold; Peoria, clear. ! above: St. Lewis. 13: Kansaa City, cloudy. 19; St. Joseph, clear. 1 below: Tiatcbtson. Topeka. clear. S above: Daven port, clear. I: Ohio, clear, IS ta 33 above; Omaha, dear. 10 below. Terminal receipts, la cans, were reported by tha Merchants- "ir bangs aa follows bmall Plies of Navels Are Exhausted IU.Ui.ra f mlirnniia .eimee sAr . t ei i t e 1 With tha rains In Southern California the 1-IUUnC.O rUtt IiUnlnWLb orange movement baa coma ta a stop, ana ns shipments ara ex peeled to ba made for 10 dare. Small elaea ara bow exhausted. except seedllaga, Mediterranean 8weeta and Vales else. A mixed car of vegetables waa received yeeterday. Including spinach In hampers, which sold at StllO cents: chicory lettuce at 3 cents a dosea and bunch beets at 75 , U casta a dosea. f.fw Market Easier. la aplta of tha colder weather tha erf I market weakened yeeterday aa a result of decllBos la other markets. Tha ruling: case count quotation was 42 cents. Hatter was la aeod demand, and buyers bona local representative, the following rs.dliy paid 4S cents for country creamery 'laliaUcs of receipts at all United D-taice . ' I stockyards In January, 118, as compared with January, yjlii Decline) In Consumption of Pork and Mutton Is Marked MoTement of Livestock at All Points In First Month of Tear. Tha Bureau of Markets haa Issued from Its North Portland office, through C. K. Gib extras. Dressed meats and poultry wera un Changed nr. Balances. Wheat Barley Ftnur Oata Hay Portland. Wad. 4 1 T Tear age- 1" 1 1 eeson to date.43 "ta Tear ago 113 14 10S3 Tacoma. Tuee Tear ago S rn to date. 74 .... Tear ago SOt-j 10S .... VeattSe. Toes... It .... 8 Tar ago IS ... Weens to data.8TM e-ta Tm Tear ago 404.I 2J lias 11 loin Ih.'B :m 4 2 mis ions 4 X ! l' "i 1101 ls.ia a lOTATO BCTEU ABE HOLDrNQ OFF Xarfcea Is aV.s.rted Weaker at latertar Ovegesi roints. Tba potato market la reported weaker In tha country with buyers holding aff. The ruling quotation! aa V. & No. 1 la ft. There Is aa demaad for U. 8. No. 3 stock. The Jobbing market was Inactive at unchanged prlres. Destlnatlaaa of ths latest shipments from tha Coast ara given by tha Bureau of Mar kets aa follows: From Oregon EI Pasa 1: New Orleans. 1; tocktoo, 2. Frsca Waehlngtsa Chicago. 1: Kansas City 3: Denver. 2: Seattle. 3: Stockton. 1. From California Alexandria. La.. 1: El Paso. 4: Fresno, I: Qalveston. 1; Laredo. 1; Las Angeles. 14: Saa Bernardino. 11'; San Diego. 1: Santa Paula. CaL. ; Stockton. 1; Ttoop. 1: Santa Rosa. X. To San Fraa aisra by boat, la Markst saaduiew aa reported by tele graph : Saa rranctsca. Cel. Demand aad move ment moderate, anarket steady. Bur bank. Backed, freta Stockton Delta, (aavcy ll.aOCr l.ao: choice. L11 14 Ore res. Idaho and Washington, bo sates reported. New Orleans. La. Colorado. 3: Washing ton. 1: California. 3: Wisconsin. 4; Minneso ta. I; Michigan. I: ft ah.. 1 arrived. Demand aad tnovoinent moderate, market steady. Idaha aad Colorado Raaad Whiles, 1140; Oregon Barbaaka, sa4XS. Ileastao. Tex. Wiscoasla. I; Mlnaesota. 1: Oregon. 3; Call oral. 3, arrived. Demand aad movement goad, market steady. Idaho, rallfarala. Oregon Barbaaka. 2.sut.4: Kasoatts. 12-10 2.49; ' Calif orala Kawad Whites. lt: KASTKKX APPLE MAKKETS ARE TE.DT Coed Dtmaad fee- Xsetbwastsra Boxed rsM nt New Ysrk. Appla ahipmeata at tba epaalng of ths week from tba Northwest amounted to lad cars to tha following destinations: Abllsae. baa, 1; Aberdssa. 1: Akron. 1; Birming ham. 3: Bllltngm, 1; Chicago, T; Cincinnati. 1; Cleveland. 3: Cut bonk, UoaL, 1; Dayton. 0 I; Denver. 4: Dea blolaea, 1; Detroit, 4: Dabuua. t; East Portland. 1; Edmonton, 3; LI Paso, 3: revert h. Moil, 1: Oreat Palta, 1: Memston. 3; Kansaa City. 1; Livingston. 1: Los ABgelea, 4: Melrose. CaL. 1: Milwau kee. 3; Minneapolis. I; Kew Orleaaa. I; North Platte. 1: Mow fork City. : Okla homa City. I: Omaha. S; Philadelphia. 4: Pittsburg. 3: Sacrament. I: at. Paul. I; Saa Francisco, I: Sheridan, bra, I; Sweetwa ter. Tc x 1; T acorns. 1; Vaaooaver, Can.. ; Wallace. 1: Washington. 1; Whlteftsh, 1; Winnipeg. 1; Wichita. L Market conditions in tha East ara report ad by wire aa follows: Chicago Arrivals: IlllnoU, 3; Washing ton. S: Oregon. 1; Oklahoma. 1: unknown. 1; 13 cars on track. Inclsding brokea and aabrok.n. Demand aad movement, mod orate. ery few early salsa. XF Spttxenberga. Homes, medium ta large. IttM; fancy, medium. fJ.00CS.2S; XF Jonathan, Wlneoapa, medium to largs. f Lao 9Z2i fancy. fL7J91.rO; jr Delicious, larga, f3.7t0o.tM; medium faacy, fi.ftO New Tork Arrivals: Washington. 22; New Terk. 20; Vlrgiala. 17: Oregon. 1. Demand aad movement good, market steady: wide isage la quality and condition. Today'a sales Jobbing. Dock aalea: XF Spltxesbergs. Wlaesapa. larga, f.Mw'f.T; medium, fj.23 small. f3: extra faacy Homes, largs. fiTi; medium. tZia. small. f3.23: extra fsnry N'.wtowns. Pippins, largs. f2.23 2 fd: email. l--bO; extra faacy Komsa. larga, f2.7i; medium. Il; smsIL f2.2a. Salsa from storage: Quality and condition good, all sixes, all varieties, 33 cents higher. Auc tion peleeo: Qoolllv and condition vbHsMo; Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of ths Northwestern cities yeelsrdsy were aa loi.owi : "leartn Portland f2.77'4;s Seattle 4.SI7.71S T..ma TM.IIJ Spokane I.2JI.7U7 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain. Fred. PI oar. Ele. Merehaats" Exchange, boos session. F.hruarr delivery Oata Bid. Tr.Ago. No. -j white feed tcs wO 3tl.JJ iiariev Standard feed 7 l "A lrewlig 71.10 Thirty uaya) -J Iiarlsy Feed llrrwlng Kastera oata and corn in bulk: Oata No. S white Thlrty-elgbt-peuad clipped while.... Cern Vo. f yellow No. t mixed March clipped oata ....... Thirty daya) Oata No. 3 Clipped Co Tellow Mixed . January l!t8. HUT. fattlo 1.6fU.Ill l.H.M.74.1 lioga 4.UU.I.B1U a.iui.f". hheep l.io.llhj l,..4').lj llorsea and mulra lJ.tk.B l,i Comparative receipts at tha Portland sloe titiihulvxrdi la January: v I . a n,e 111 I H'l ' l-'H. KlIMi 1 cattle i.mi i.io.i IMU11III0M 2L'.P.n 2. nnecp o.u. io,v. Horses ana muiea ,Ms .oj feDukane recelDia for January compare: 1018. 11117. Cattle 1.1T l.o:2 lioga 4.7..J a. KIT KheD 1. 0-1 1 4.M Horses and muiea. . . . i4 uul acattle receipts for January compare: loin. mtT. xe M) Cattle , .'. 3.614 4.S4U noKi i. ,u,ni Sheep la 2tl4 Total Ualtsd Statss shipments. Including .f 19.00 I stockers snd feeders, milkers and springers driven out: ItM 101 . 101T. 71.50 ICattle SL'l.n71 411:1.11ns Hogs I.2:ts,iiT.1 l.r.fj..-.T .-heep 60.1. 0.IU ).)t.n SO Horses snd mules 134.&7U 1J1.701 , ou.au i Portland shipments la January wera aa fol 1 lows: a 5" I Cattle .5!T l Hogs 7.1isT 07.00 .-heep 2. ma liorses and mules 370 Spokane shipments In January compare: lain 1 hi ? 01. on Cattle K.1 410 Hogs mo 1.1 -:l Srieen S '-.T A tA 07.50 I Horace and mules! .! '. ' 24 4ks Bid. r.s so WHEAT Bulk basis. Portland, for No. 1 I teattla shipments In January ware 29 cat- grade: Hard white Bluealem. Barly Bart. I Alien. Ca.galua, Martin Amber. -' Oi. Sort I " jnneu oiaies anipmenta 01 stocxers hits Paiousa blusstem. lortytoid. niu imiuuinj unva out.: Valley. Hold Coin. White Russian, fj.ua. I 1H1H. I01T. Whits club Llttls rluh. Jenkins' club, w hits 21H.8i'l 25.1.0S2 hybrids. Soaora. ti.OL Ked Walla Had "- ,?S""0 ,!7',i!4 Kussisn. rsd hybrids. Jones fits. Cappel. sh"P ; U7.0N9 llu.oun II va. No. 3 grade, Jo lesa. No. 3 grade. enn.ra.ni. 01 aiocacrs ana leeaers irom ac less. Othec grades bsndled by sample. Fori.and compare: FLOUR Patents, f 10: V sllsy. fu.SOi whols I C (t, - heat. $Bo: graham. 33.20: barley flour. V... i1."'. tH.4. tn.00913 per barrel; rye fiour, io 60 ft 12 she,p;;;;;;;;;;;;; per ba.rel: commeal. fi.is per oaie: nt. I Blocker and feeder shipments from other Coitr. hUr per DOUAu. MiLLKtCtLe Net mill prices, csr lots: Bran, f-lu per ton: shorts, 1 13 per too; middlings, fjo: mixed cara and lesa than carload. SOc more: rolled barley, f72; rolled oats. T4. CORN Whole, f70: cracked, f .7 per ton. HAY Buying prices f. o. b. Portland: Eastern Oregon timothy. t27 per ton: Vsl. Northwestern points were Cattle: Spokane 6. Taroma l, pasco 82. Hots: Spokane 199. Tacoma 96. Pasco 13S. Ths following are comoaratlva ilan.hrar statistics for tha Lnlt.d Slates, the flituraa i.yic.cuung reoeipta minus shipments 1 0,1 S 1(11, cattia l.ORrt.flnj l.0ft4 si2 "oss 2.9.i.-l.74.t 3.Lss.il fountains; cars) : Allsnta, Os. . . Austin. Minn.. 1 Knchtwood .,, .... ItoMon ....... 8 Buffalo ....... 1 Crdar Raplda. . 8 Chicafro 34 Cincinnati .... 11 Cleveland ..... 33 Cudahy. Wla... II Denver ....... 17 Detroit 2S K. St. Louis... J0. Ft. Worth .... 1119 Indianapolis .. 24 Jersey City.... 1U Kunsas City... 510 Kearneys. N. J.. .... Los Angeles... 8 Louisville 4 Mason City.... 1 Milwstikeo .... T cw Haven. ...... . New Orleans. 17 New York 39 Opden 4 Oklahoma City 87 Omaha 1KT Ottumwa 16 Peoria ....... Pittsburg .... Portland. Or.. U Joseph, ... p.iul fan Francisco reattls Sioux City.... Hloux Falls.... fpokano Taroma ...... Wheeling Wichita , Worcester .... Various ...... double decks counted aa two Cattle. Horses. Mid. calves Hogs Sheep mules stock. OATS AT TOP 1 7 8 132 . 4t 21 el 3 1 9 "ii '870 10 im 28 d-'ll .U .-16 81 27 41 2.14 'Jtl 124 12 178 2 9 28 34 17 1 10 1X5 20 20 38 8 155 42 1 31 1 1 77 4 33 .... 1 10 19 .... .... .... 12 I 41) 4 81 32 .... 13 11 1 83 'si "is "ii 2 18 1 .... ... .... "'3 24 .... 4 "! "'i ."" 43 .... 29 Chicago Price Jumps to High est Known Level. TRANSACTIONS ARE HEAVY Chief Impetus Is Prospect of Ad vanced Guaranteed Quotation, on New Crop Wheat Flnc tuations May Be Cached. 20 69 Totals 2O07 On. week Bgo.2'U7 Four w hs ago. 2340 240O ll19 2350 SS SSO 8.15 C56 4 'Hi 820 JM 14 CHICAGO. Feb. 20. Falling off In receipts tended to put strength today into the corn market. February delivery closed firm at the maximum limit allowed, f L28. but othar options eased back a little after midday ana rmisnea steady, fl.27 for March and XI 'R 7 Cr,,. TUT. ., 1 ... pared with 24 hours before. Oata sained 431 lH)lVio to IHo net and provisions 214 eos I v 402 1 Oa which havg aa yet been subjected to no formal curb, lumped to tho hlehest Ftste Origins of livestock loaded Febru-1 knwn level. Transactions reached a big total. iiaeuiiooa tnat 12S 14 3 "io 14 17 123 I March May .. ary 19: h or Portland California Oregon ....... 8 Washington ...... Totals 8 8 One week ago. Ii 6 .... Four w'ks ago. 8 .... For Seattte Washington ... 2 ... .... Totals Seattle 2 .... One week ago. 1 1 .... 1 our w'ks ago. 12 1 t .... Eastern Meat Trade Conditions. Report Eastern meat trade conditions I March February 20 (8:30 A. M.. Eastern time): I May Idersblo accumulation of atala stuff, market I m ' ull and draggy, demand very light. Kosher xr. beef: Supply modarata. market ateady, de-l.i,,iv msnd good. I New lork Beef, fresh: Receipts normal. I May . steady on stuff in good condition, demand Juir slow. Kosher chucks and plates: supply ado- uate market etronger. demand good. Hinds nri ribs: feupply liberal, market weak, de mand light. Philadelphia Beef, .fresh: Receipts mod- rate, market fairly ateady at yesterdays rices, demand a little slow. Kosher beet: upply moderate, market ateady, demand fair. Washington Beef, fresh: Receipts heavy. market weak, demand poor. A large number f stale cattle among the receipts are being saciificsd at prices considerably below the market. Pork. the Government guaranteed price on the 1918 wheat crop would be raised BOo a bushel furnished the chief Impetus. Prof it-taking, though, was r-.nvy on tno ouige, especially after gossip spread that a movement was on foot to confine fluctuations within set bounds for any single day. Provisions rose with hoga and gram. Ar rival of hogs were much short of tho esti mate. Leading futures closed as follows: CO u.v. Open. High. f fl.27 . 1.26:4 1.27 OATS. . .90 Vi .92 . - .SS .Hflii MESS PORK. 48.70 49.55 LAKU. .26.35 28.f,7 " 28.32 28.82 28.57 SHORT RIBS. .5.6( 25.80 25.57 .28.00 28.20 28.00 Cash prices were: Corn Nos. 3 and t yellow, nominal; No. 4 yellow, fl.71tyl.83. Oata No. 3 white, 94095c; standard, 94 H 098C. Ryo No. 2. f2.30. Barley $1.45 J. 97. . Timothy ?58.25. Clover f 22iS 33. Pork Nominal. Low. $127 1.26 .90 .88 Close. fl.-'T-1.26 a .91 48.70 4953 28.47 28.73 S3.T0 28.05 MORRIS BROTHERS, INC. Established 25 Years. 201 Railway Exchange Building', Portland, Oregon. THE PREMIER MUNICIPAL BOND HOUSE OF OREGON OREGON MUNICIPAL BONDS YIELDING FROM 5 to 64 Telephone Main 3409. 5 to 6fi Semi-Annual Interest Income Tax Exempt Those who demand absolute safety and regularity of income buy municipal bonds. The same rate of interest to those of small means as to those investing great sums. Denomlnatlona $100 $500 $1000 Ask for Hat. Call or phone. LUMBERMENS TRUST COMPANY Capital and Surplus $600,000 LUMBER MENS BUILDIN9 FIFTH AND . STARK Eastern Grain Markets. DULUTH Minn. Feb. SO. Rye, f2.20; bar ley, fi.ny ta)i.2. t . c v.. - . - MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 20. Cash corn: Ni andstl.l. mark'.t weak showing a very" ? .u07 hie range of prices. New l ork Receipts liberal, demand slow. most arrivals must be moved quickly, mar- et draggy. Philadelphia Receipts moderate, demand rht. market weak and uneven. Waahlngton Receipts moderate, demand tana, 9596c: No. 8 white, 91U.092UO No. 4 white, 8S91c Rye, No. 2, f2.24 02.25; arrive, f2.2402.25. KANSAS CITY, Feb. 20. Cash corn: No. 8 white. fl.982.02; No. 4 white, fl.9061 x.vo; rso. o wmte, sl.8TWl.88: No. ght. market fairly steady at yesterday I yellow, fl.90; No. 3 yellow, fl.80; No. 4 yel lev tlnMlt.1v. X Jl cr jo: aitaiia. V --. l"'. loneep 744 n-7 u-.it Valley grata hay. f22; clover, f 18; atraw. fa. I Slaughter etatlstlcs for Portlsnd In Jan unry, ItflB, XOllOWX Dairy and Country Produce. I attla 4 . Cubea. extras. 4Sc: prima Lk..' 14.1.1. - - - K--.... ........ 1; 1 Mpokane slaughter statistics compare: ' 191. 1917. 1.823 4. SO 2 2T Moss. BLTTCW t-uoes, vatras, ..-;, x n r.t. 47 Uc. Jobbing prices: Prints, ex tras. 52c; cartons, 1c extra; butterfat. No. s."c d.llvered. I Cattle Ei;J8 or.son ranch, current receipts, I Hogs. 42 Sc; randlad. 44c; selects. 4&c par doxeo. I cheep. . Cllslbsb Joooers uuying prices, x. o. o. dock. Portland: Tillamook trlpleta, JIJc; Young Amsncas. Zoc per pouna: longnoms. 1 1 sttie. 24c Coos snd Curry f. e. B. Myrtle Point: 1 Hogs. .. Tripl.es. HSc; Young America, 25SC perlbheeo. pound: longhorns. 20He per pound; fee discount to portlsnd trade. POULTRY Roosters, old. 20c: young. ie; ssrlnas. 24c: broilers, large. 24c: young, iuo J.vc; ducks. 82 0 13c; geese. S04y21e; turkeys. alive 2c: dressed, so per pound. VEAL Faacy, 20v20wi thin, l01c; per pound. pOKh. Fancy. 21 21 Ha par pound. r rolls and Vegetables. . f.Aea! fobbing Quotations: FKL'lTd oranges, aavals. ft.75t.50; lemons. oot7io per box; bsnsnas. 8n per pound; grapefruit. fX2joL0; applea. S 1 .23 - -T ; tangenneav i-.J. VtoKTABLL4 Tomatoes. IJ.5001 per crate: cabbage. tSsio per pound; lettuce, fl.lu4fXB0 per crate; cucumbors, fLaOgjtf Mr dosen: cauliflower. f2.10tl2 8a per erst. rtlrhokesL Sic 1 1.15 per pound: garlic. IctBwO per pound: celery, i:igf iu per crate: peppers. 40e per pound; sprouis. li.llUc per pound: rhubarb, loo per pound. HACK VKGKTABLKa carrots, f 1 50 per sack: beeta. fl.5o2; turnips. fl.5O0L75 unnlM. tl.5UUl.7i. PUTATOK.i Oregon Barbanka. ft 110 1 "i per hundred; lilttmu, fl.o0tll.uU. oNlo.Nd Oregon, buying price, l.io per hvadred. ti: 2.5. besttla alaughter statistics are 19t. 191 T. . 3.514 4. 543 . 11,141 :0,I4 19 204 WE BUY RAW MOLESKINS M e Pay ITc Aadaew and Eipreas faargan. hin by Parcel Peat or taprcaa. Kohn & Baer Jl-lliaa nest Tnlrtycwa4 St. lew isrk C ity. Reference National City Panic, H. T. NaOonal I'axK liana. X. X. tHapla Orocerlcs. Local lobbing gustations: hluah sack bssis: rrutt and berry, 7. i. beet. f7.95; extra C, fl 53. powdered. la barrele. .no: cuoes, in oarreis. ev.ou. XUTS Wainuta. 24Sc; Bnull nuta. HO 21c; fllberta. 22f;Uc; slmoads. 1902c: pea. aais. 14 w 15c: cooMSuta L10 per dosea; pec-ana. 17Swl9e; chestnuts. 2c BtiNS California lobbing prices: Small whits, liSc; larga white, lie; bayou. loe; pink. loc. Oregon beans, buying prlcesi White, tn lc: colored, 8 He tu'fti: Roasted. In drums. 17tT25e. tiAl.T Oraaulated. fl0.75 per ton; half grouada. loua. f IS pee ton; 60a, f IS par toa; dairy, fla.7 per tea. RICE bouthsrn nead. 9THe per pound; Blue Rosa, c: Japanaea style. twWlo. LKltU FKLITS Applea. liSc; p.acbea, Uul-c; prunes. Italian. 11 14c; rsiains, !c pee boa: dates, fard. f 1504 per bos. currants, lac: figs. $3 or 50 per boa. Hides and Pelts. HIDKS ealtsd hides. 25 tba. and a p. 14c; sailed stags, go lbs. and up. 12c; aalted and gre. a kip. 15 ta 25 lbs, 15c; salted and greea calf, 10 to li Ibe., Sic;, gr.ee hldea, ;J lbs. and up. 11c: green stage, 6V lbs. and up. loc; dry lilot hiaea. 2c: dry flint calf, ;c: horse hides. fLg5Lftw; saltsd horse hides. Met pfcLld Dry long-wool pelts, ffc; dry short-wool pelts. 25c; salted palta, January takeoff, f 2. 50050. . Haps. Waal. Eta. HOPd 1317 crop. KO170 per pound; 1918 srop. aomlasL WOOL testers orsgoa. aonrgoe per pound; alley, eoajbee per pound; valley lamb. Cotr.vuc. alollAlK Long staple, full year, 80c; alx monlba 40w50c: burry. SocsCOC CAkCARA JiARkV New and aid. SMOSc per pound. TALLoW No. L 14 15a per pouad; M X IM per pound. PTevi.isaa. Ixcal lobbing cjuotetloea: HAMS Ail sises. choice, S3c: standard, 32c: skinned, 27 w 29c; picnics, sic; cottage roiia 2c LA KI Tierce basis, standard pure, compound. -4c. BACON Fancy. 48948c; etandard, 42 44c: choice. s3v41c DRY SALT ethort clear backa. 28S83c; exports. Welle: plates, g4C2tte. OUs. GASOLINE Bulk. 20V,c: cases. 29e naph tha, drums, l'Sc: cases, 2c; snglns distil. Late, drums. 10Hc: cases. 10c. LINriCalU OIL Raw, barrels, f 1.44 81.54: boiled, bsrreta. fl.ed: caaes. II SA .TLKPgNTiyu In tanks. 65c; caeca. T5e, Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Ca.. Feb. 20. Turpentine, 42c. klalee. 44 barrele: reoelpts. S4 barrels; shipments. 381 bsrrels: stock, 2..297 barrela Hosin firm, naies. none: receipts. 173 bsr rels: shipments, 30 barrels: stock. 8 I barrels. Viunts: T4. D, K, V, O, H. I, f.V.; K. te.35: it. f.95; N, f7.25; WO, fl.4u; WW. f7M. tnlenga Dairy Prod nte. CHIC ACO. V.b. 30. Butter steady. Cream. sry. 44t4e. Eggs higher. Receipts 1178 cases: firsts. Sic: ordinary firsts. 40OeOc; at mark, cases lacluded, 40 8 51c. Metal Market. K'.tr TOR K. Feb. JO. Metal Exchange guotee teed firm. bpol. 7.12 S v 7.2oc. peiter aun. s.sst au aeuia spoi oeiivery, efXsxed at ;.b7a. Tacoma slaughter ftatlstlca follow: ri. nii 1.7:14 2.051 Hogs. bhp pssco in jauary slaughtered 40 cattle. 1917. U58 S.21 1.078 I 7 He SMALL RCW AT PORTLAND TARD8 aagnier Ircmand for Top Grade Steers Hogs Are steady. There waa a amall run of stock at the yaroa yesterday and trading was limited. no a ngnter demand for high-grade ateera, fll is now quoted aa the top of the In their weekly review of market condi tions at tha opening. Kid well at Caswell say: "The common and medium grades of steers found outlet at prlcea 15c to 25c lower '"" weea ago; the eleer market In gen erai is fully 2.c lower. One load ot fancy steers sold at fll; a very good class selling from flo.2S to fl0.5 and off gradas from f to flu. The outlet for cows and heifers is lairiy coon and tops sold from f9.5o to f9.80. with bulk of ths eaiee from f7.75 to -ov. sou common Kinds trora ft.50 up There Is a strong demand for bulls and prices are fully steady, with tops selling as f"go m so. duik ot tne sales from X7 in f 7.50. The hog demand la alack and prices 6O0 lower thaa last wsek. with extreme xnps ai io.u. pulk of sales at Xia r.o ami pigs from $14.50 to f 15. There wss a small run of sbsep and lambs on the market the demand was good and prlcea ateady with last week. Strictly top iambs selling from f 15 to fl5.50. wethers from f 12.50 to flS.50 Ha owes irom .10 10 gii." A survey to determine the number of meat animals that will ba marketed from sugar-beet feeding districts ahows approx- roi.iy ivi.ni esxtie ana sifJ.eee aneep. At many of the factories, especially those In Michigan and other Middle Western atatea. the pulp la dried and sold to dalrymsn and ss a result moatwof the feeding operations who meat animaia are carried on In Cali fornia, Colorado and ether Rocky Mountain statss. Tha usual custom la to feed the beet tope until Ibe middle of November or the first of December and then continue tho feeding with pulp. Reports received by the Bureau of Mar keta from garbage contractors who have contracted with the Government for the gar bage at military camps, show thst on Jan uary 1 thers wsra approximately 22.950 hogs being fed for market on the garbage from 13 camps. These hoge range In weight from liH to 150 pounds and the average dally gain Is about ons pound per head. The number of hogs kept on feed at the different camps fluctuates throughout the season because of variable condltlone which govern the number that can be fed profit ably. Hoga on feed at American Lake num ber MOO head. Receipts yesterdsy were 91 csttle. 2 reives and SoO hogs. Shippers were W. O. Minor, Heppner. 1 load cattle; A. F. MrFee, Yelm. 1 load cattle and calves; Frank Mann. Mount Angel. 1 load cattle and hoga; Robert lie Crow. Goldendale. 1 load cattle and hoge. Tha day s sales were aa follows: wt. Prlce.i wi price. 2 cows ... 770 7 cows . . 2 cows 9-0 A cows .. 945 1 cow ... "BO 1 cow ... !0 1 cow ...10 2 cows . 7 " 1 cow ... B40 2 cows .. 7S0 1 cove ... 10 2 cows .. ar,0 17 cows .. ft 6 cows .. Ot" 1 cow ...lo 2 COWS .. !M 2 cowe .. M0 2 cows .. 4.t a cows ,.ii.v 2 cows .. at 5 1 bull ... to 1 bull 1 bull ...159I1 N BO I hulls .. .135 7.ro 1 bull .... 8ho R Mil 1 bull .... 990 B. !0ll , steers ..KM 3 f.nni 1 steer ...ln.io l.r.0 21 steers ,.112 5.501 1 stag .... 840 5.50I 2 heifers. 5 7 '-"I 2 calves .. J 45 8 T!! 1 cslf .... 250 7.511 1 hog .... 310 0OI 1 hog .... 230 gno'is hoga ... 172 7.1WV10 hogs ... 173 7.751 8 hogs ... 181 ml K hogs ... Cta 9 ool 1 hog .... l.-.rt It sol a hogs ... 1 o a mil 8 hogs ... 200 7f"i 1 hog .... e?n C. 75I45 hpgs ... 209 Quotations at the yards tallow: rattle Prices. Medium to choice steers flo.?r,r7 11 00 Hood ta medium steers in.P1 Common to good steers 800$? 9.40 Choice cows and heifers a.nce 10.00 Com. to good cows and heif.rs.. ,7." if 8 15 Cannera 4.2.1W 8 2 5 tutis n.onirR.oo Calves TTiOr? 11.00 Flickers and feeders 8.0019 9.50 Hog 7.RS 8.r. 7.50 8 25 800 10.45 7.50 9 25 8.50 5 25 12.00 10 00 15.80 18 80 18 80 18 80 18.50 18 80 1 8. r.o ia.no 18.70 18 80 18.00 ose. Lamb. Boston Receipts heavy, demand unus ually slow, market dull and weak. New York Receipts liberal, demand light, market about eteady on light lambe in good condition. Sales of etale lambs being made at ridiculously low prices. Pbllauaiphla Itscslpta liberal, demand low, fl.751.77; No. 8 mixed. tl.T3fi1.80 No. 4 white, fl.l5L70. Oata, No. 8 white, VlVJVlfO, WINNIPEG. Feb. 20. Cash oats: No. white. 91c; No. 8 white, S9e; sxtra feed, Diltci iso. a leea, boc MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. poor, market draggy, some lambs being 89V4c 0)ia, 89iLc, 90c frpxen. Washington Receipts moderate, demaad iignt. maraet unchanged. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA, Feb. 20. Hogs Receipts. 10. 300; market 15o higher. Heavy, flS.40 18.70; mixed. 18.4o418.ea; light. fl.85ty 18.f.; pigs. fi0ilo.0i; bulk of sales, f 18.45018.85. Cattle Receipts, 3200; market 103 15o higher. Native steers, f9.OO913.10; cows and heifers, f7.00 11.00; Western steers, t.50& 12.00; Texas steers, 17.50010.00; eowe and heifers. f7.009.60; cannera. f8.50 7.75; stockers and feeders. f8.60ll.75: calves, f9.0013.00; bulls, stage, etc f7.50 tj 10.50. Sheep Receipts, 8200; market eteady to strong. Yearlings, f 11.5UM14.60: wethers. f ll.ooffl3.00; ewes, f iS.SOtylZOO; f 14-23 16.25. 20. Oata: May. 69 Tic, 90c, 89 c, 89ic90e, 90 Ho, 80 'io. 90 He WINNIPEO. FeK 20. Oats: May. 94 He seo, HiTic, e, 9Jic 95c, 4',ic, 4c yaw. ' Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Feb. 20. Barley, fl.OO 1.92. Flax. 3.75He3.77t4. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 20. SDOt ouota tlons: Feed barley. f3.558.85; white oats, 3. 4.1 03. .10: bran.f34.0034.50; middlings, ti.tfv.ou, snorts, eoo.uucFov.uo. FULL ACREAGE LARGER Grain Experts Opinions Barred. CHICAGO, Feb. 20. Opinions of exDerta lambs. 1 on toa probable course ot prices of corn. oats ana provisions, in the dissemination of whloh over leased wires Board of Trade brokerage houses spend many thousands of dollars, must not he sent out until April 1, according to a ruling by directors ot the Board of Trade announced today. The pur- pose ox tne regulation la said to be to dls. courege miscellaneous speculation not di. rectly concerned with the proper marketing WHEAT CROP I GOOD COXDITION I iy WESTER3T OREGON. I Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, Feb. 20. Hogs Receiots. 27. 000; market strong. 13c above yesterday's 1 ci. .1 w.. w 1 average; num 01 sales. zin.Tom 18.90. Light. fl:4R17; mixed. fl8.4,1i7; heavy. flU.20 Ki. 1 n.w, ruuxu, sio.-u(uvxu.eo;; piga, eluU(o) XO.iiU, Owing; to Mild Weather Through out Winter. Cattle Receipts, 6000: market strong. Na tive steers, fS.85013.90: stockers and feed era. f7.4010.80; cows and heifers, f.60 14.10; caives, so. 00 13. 7 D. Sheep Receipts 7000: market firm. SheeD. iu.uuii.iu; iambs, fi3.uOi6.oo. SAN FRANCISCO FKODUCE MARKET, Winter wheat and graas conditions la the Willamette, Rogue River aod Uropq.ua Val leys are compiled by H. A. Hinahaw. gen eral freight agent of the Southern Pacific, follows: Independence Account of the mild and I Prices Current on Lxrs. Vee-etablas. Fresh .Trait, r.tc, st Bay City. to normal owing to verv dry weather last I . "n'Z. f """""i -" "Utter JEX FalL which did not permit of preparing rr the ground and aowlng. Grazing condi tions good, account of continued warm weather and ralna. Woodburn Fall whsat In very good coa- ditlon. Acreage allgthly Increased over nor ms!. .Grass io good condition, account of continued ralna and warm weather. Lugene Acreage of Fall wheat sown la sstlmsted at 110 per cent ef last year's crop which waa about normal, and haa made good growth and la in good condition. Pas tures are la the very best condltloa for grazing. balem Fall wheat In good condition and Indications for a good crop are very en couraging. Acreage thla year la about the h:sga Fresh extras. 43i4c: firsts. 42 It or iivan cjiu 1, puueis, e-c. Cheese Young Americas. 27t4c Poultry Hens, nominal. White Leghorn roosters. -sr-oc; rryers, 34&3SC; broilers, 34'38c; squabs. f3&3.50; pigeons, fl.7o2; gsese. ISfrliOc; turkeys, mixed and off stock. 31 33c. Vegetables Asparagus, I01i30e: squash. cream, iucsx; nuooaru. si.o1.50; egg. plant, 812tic; peas, small, iKuUOc; tele. phone, 12tec15; peppers, bell. 15&22c: Mexican green chiles. 15i920c; tomatoes. et.ooiux.iD; letxuce. Salinas, .oo!tc -10 saca; sweet, s-t.ou: onions, Aus. trallan brown, tJ.10: garlic. 3nv4c: cucum. bars, f3; pumpkins, fl; beets, fl.50; car- "V" Ia Ura"S exceptionally rot ,6ce,1; turnips, t'ctl; rhubarb. f2 good owing to the grass which haa been " no ' growing all Winter due to the warm ralna Fruit Pears, alligator. f28.50 doa.: Win and open Winter. ter Nellia 82'al2.50: strawberries na Cottage Orove Plenty of rain and mild i-.- lemons. 15.75830! .r.Mfn.tt. 11 tih emperature haa been very beneficial to In. Ml- nrm-n. n..i. at ,n4,,. Fall wheat, which is In the very best con- I X2..lo:l -'.1: banana.' H.u.iin amail'. dition at thla time of tha year. Grazing I nineennle. nninin.i- mni.. rt-M.ri.n i conditions were never better. L25: Newtown Pioolns. ll.lOesl 25. Monroe Fell wheat In thla vicinity 1st iiav Wheat and wheat nd n ginioo- looking exceedingly welt. Acreage Indicates tame oat. f2se29: barley. t25S27: alfalfa- light Increase over laat year. Grazing con-I f25tf 27; barley straw, 8090c. inon. were never Better. Mlllfeed Cracked corn and feed eornme.t. Banks Fall wheat In thla vicinity In very S77&80: alfalfa meal. I36IS38: cocnanm good condition, but growing too fast, and meal, f 44.50. estimate acreage 125 per cent of normal. I Flour f 10.80 per barrel. rase making splendid growth and la good I Receipts Flour, 9773 ara: barley. 6000 color. I centals: beans. 1881 sacks: potatoes. 9240 i.riu)n r.n vnw ncreago estimated sacKs: onions. BOO sacks: hav 128 ton. normal, present inaicationa are cor yield ot 1 hides, 1660; wine, 19,900 gallons. IH per cent greater tnan last year. paa- ures better than normal account of open I Coffee Futures Market Oniet. winter. Sheridan Acreage sown to Fall grelne es. NEW YORK. Feb. 20. The market for coffee futures waa quiet today, with fluc- peclally wheat In this vicinity is somewhat tuatlo. irregular as a result of March Haul above normal. All Fall-sown crops look datlon. The opening was 2 points lower 01 on that delivery, while later months were 1 to 4 points higher on further scattered cov ering. Alter selling at 7.80o early, March stiffened up to 7.85c, but September eased off from 8.41c to 8.05c. and the market closed net unchanged to 4 points higher. The buelness Included exchanges of March for May at 28 points, and of March for promising. Grazing conditions vera never more encouraging. Hlllsboro Estimated that there la a sllgth decrease In acreage of Fall gralna due to he continued drought last Fall andw short- go of labor which prevented sowing of heat. Graaa for grazing In excellent eon- itlon. Albany Estimated acreage of Fall wheat . i.i. M.rch. 7 8V- v ma. 20 per cent of normal; good healthy stand jiy, 8.22c: September 8.37c; October, 8.41c; nd looks vsry promising. Or as. haa made vw.mher a noo. n exceptional growth owing to warm weath- I t- re o,tler? Rfn 7a. gate; Kantn. a. er and plenty or moisture. . iniic. Cost and freight offers were report Lebanon Estimated acreage of Fall wheat ed of Bantos 4s at 10c and Rio 7s at 8.80c, In this vicinity about 75 per cent of normal ,tmer shipment. London credits. decrease due to continued drought which Th- official cables reported a decline of prevented preparing of the ground and 60 reis at Rio and of 25 to 60 rein In Santoa sowing 01 grain, iraicimu. mm tner. futuree. Brazilian port receipts, oi.uoo bags. Ill De a largo in, 1 -a.o-c 111 "I" 1 ' ' ft grain. OIL AND GA LEASES I have leases in Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas and Wyoming for sale in proven territories. If interested in leases or oil securities communicate with me. References; R. G. Dun & Co. Any Bank of Oklahoma City. R. D. STONE, Terminal Building:, Oklahoma City. SI FOREIGN CONDITIONS HELD AC COUNTABLE FOR SELLING. Reaction in Industrials In Face of Unusually Knconrnglnsj Trad Ad vices Honda Are Irregular. NEW YORK, Feb. 20. Investment stocks were under persistent pressure during to day'a more restrloted trading, for which for eign conditions, especially tha Russian situa tion, were chiefly accountable. Pools were ieas conspicuous because of the general proflt-takmg that accompanied their advajico and publlo interest, as denoted by commission houses, showed a perceptible diminution. Dealings once more centered In Industrials, notably war stocks, shippings aiid specialties comprising the automobile and oil groups, but the trend in these Issues was often so conflicting as to defy analyaia Raila reflected the Irregular recent trend, moving within fractional llmite for the most Utilted States Steel's course was typical of thai nnraued by affiliated equipmenta, hold ing slightly above or under final quota, .i,,.,- nr the nrevlmia Hiv until shortly be fore the close, when prices eased 1 to 2 points all around. Sales amounted to 760,000 shares. The late reaction In industrials was the more Inexplicable from tho fact that trade advices were unusually encouraging. The nniii of tha leading Iron and steel mills shows a large expansion during the current week with other lines ot manumciuio. Time funds were again quoted at 6 per eent with nrantlcallv no supply, ana mw call loans were made at the 6 per cent basis, last week'a drop in excess reserves causing tho banks to manifest lurtner tj ,1 - w- leeeeiilsr. Anglo-French 5a showing firmness, while Pans OS easea: x-iu. erty issues were less active ana vllr;'V' Trttnl enle. nar value) were 84,125,000. United States old coupon 4s lost Vi per ent on call, registered 4s gaining per cent on sales. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. sales, men. w. i-' Am Beet Sugar. 4,200 Am Can 11,600 Am Car & Fdy. 4,400 Am I,oco Am Sm & Rfg- 13.200 Am Fug Rfg 3.300 Am Tel 4b Tel.. 200 I.IHHJ 16,500 1.7O0 6,300 1.100 2,4110 1.1O0 SOO B.200 1.200 Grass In fine condition for grazing; much better than In any year past. Medfdrd Fall wheat about four Inches hieh and looking exceedingly well. Esti mated acreage 20 per cent above normal. Grass New Tork Grain and Provlnlona. NEW TORK. Feb. 20. Corn, spot strong; kiln drisd No. 3 yellow, fl.88,; No. 8 white, f2.22tt, cost and freight New Tork, prompt Prime light ... prima heavy .. IMg Kheeo Western lambs Vallev teiube .. Y.arllnga ..... Wethera Ewee ... 18.45AM6 60 ... IS 40018.8.1 ... 14.5013.00 ... 1H. 001115.50 ... 14. oer 1.1 00 ... 13 WftlJ M ... 12 no is. no ... 9 00tf 1L00 IIKSTINATIONS OF STOCK LOADED Biiipmeals Xa Roots to Leading Livestock Maraeta of the Country. Destinations of livestock loadsd February 18, (Carloads reported weal of Allegheny aC".hBe r.nTn. fr? Z shipment; Argentine, t2.20 f. e. b. cars, on ths foothills In good condition I A ' . -. . ... t si ni . 1. . .hi. a - - ,h,nii.l.Ai, k I V 1 " ' ' . - " . Snq llDt. .vi. .v ...wuvu, w. Winter.. Ashland Acreage of Fall grain estimat ed at normal and is In very good condition. Conditions were never more promising thaa at the present for a good heavy yield. Grass spot Pnrk. strong: mess. f52. Lsrd. firm: Middle West, f 28.T526.85. Other articles unchanged. Am Z L & S. . Anaoonda, Cop.. Atchison a a& wissl. B tc O B & S Cop Calif Petrol ... Can Paclf ent Leather .. Ones & Ohio ... C M & St P Chi a N W.... C R I & P etfs. Chino Cop ..... C F A I Corn Prod Rfg. Crucible steel . . Cuba Cane Bug. Dist Securltlee - Erie Gen Electric . . . Gen Motors . . . Gt Nor pfd . Gt Nor ore ctfs. 11 Cent nsp Cop M M Pfd nt Nickel nt Paper C ? South Kenneeett Cop.. Louis & Nash.. Max Motors .... Mex Petrol .... Miami Cop .... Mis Paclf Mont Power ... ev Cop T Cent N Y N H 4 H. . Nor A West ... or Paclf Paclf Mall Pennsylva-nia . . Pitts Coal ..... Rav Con Cop. .. Reading Rep Ir A Steel. . Shut Arts Cop.. , Sou Paclf , Sou Ry Ptuebaker Cor. Texas Co ...... nion Facir ... S Ind Aico S Steel ... do pfd tnh Cno Wab "B" pfd West Union . Westing Else 400 500 800 1,800 6.2O0 R5.IK10 28,:wo 7,100 J.800 9O0 8.5O0 800 3,O"0 :;im 4,500 81,400 8, M 2,100 .100 1.100 2O0 300 12.700 31 (0 1,400 VyaTrewAL cTfV BANlfl. Safety and Yield In Investments MANY short-term notes of ample security offer, at present prices, an un usually liberal yield. Well-known issues of such securities can now be bought at prices to yield from 5.60 to well above 7. Send for Circular OR-1S8 The National Gty Company Corespondent Offices in H Cilitl Portland, Railway Ex. Uldg, s7eaaTs-tfAart Term Aere-Aeceiiacee Hu ms v. y- 42 41 41 7854 .T5. 6H 8.-.V3 84 Si 84 10S4 10614 I""1 107 ti 107 Vi 17 '4 16i 16 15V, tW'i tW -65 854 84 Vi S4'-. llBVi J17 117VI 52 H 52H 2 21 19Vi 20! 17 17 17 14 147 147H 72U 70Vi 70 C4Vi 63 M "rii'vi "oi'vi H 21Va 21 2oai 45 44Vi 44 41 4Vi 40 i 34 34 'ii T,4 07V. 63 3ST4 32 82 -i 41 80 40 15?4 15V4 35' 142Vi 14m 141 '-4 132VA 12!',i l0'i 1)2 91 Vi- Vi 2 211 2H- 06 "i 04 48 4 47 U 47 loo QK 14 2814 27 S 31 4 80 8014 17V, 17V4 17 33 33 .H 113V4 113 H:' , I 31 .1014 29 Vi 1 04 Vi -' P: I 32 31 81 J 23Vi 22 224J J 70 L 600 104 1!H JH a 2,100 71 71 4 71 400 28 28 V4 28 Vi I 3O0 105 104 10.1 I 1.400 85 8 S5V4 I 1.000 27 Vi 26 27 I 600 45 . M.. iti I 'i'.SOO '24 24 24 I 8,000 77 Vi 76 7i , 7.4O0 81 Vi 79 70 ' 1" ' ittti ott fit 1 400 23 3 23 23 12 100 54 52 52 1,600 156 15.1 l.-,5 6. BOO 120 1194 120 3.510 124 121 121 140,300 08 06 ti 300 1112 in no 1,800 8.1 84 83 200 23 23 23 ...T S9V4 4" 3! 41V 41 x. II I 4414. Lire, demand 8.76, cables 8.T5. blea, demand 13, cables l'dft nominal. Bar BUver, guttc. Mexican dollars, 69c, Government and raiiread bonds Irregular. Time loans strong; 00 daya, UD days and six months 0 per cent bid. Call money firm. High, 6 per cent; low, per cent; ruling1 rate, 6 per cent; clos ing bid, 6 per cent; offered at '3 per cent; last loan, G per cent. LONDON, Feb. 20. Bar silver. 42 per ounce. Money, 3 POi cent. Discount rates, short and threa months' bills, per cent. IS'evr York Sugar Market. NEW YORK. Feb. HO. Raw sugar steady. Centrifugal, 6.05c; molasses, nominal. Re fined steady. Fin granulated, 7.45c. TWO FIGHT FOR POSITION C. H. Fcldman and William Helber Want to Conduct City Incinerator. Tho contest for the position of super intendent of the city Incinerator will rest between C. H. Feldman and Will iam Helber, who have been fighting for the position for several mouths past. They will be the only ones taking: a civil service examination today for the position, one one else having; applied. Mr. Helber formerly was In charge of the plant and Mr. Feldman was chief engineer. Now Mr. Feldman is in charge and Mr. Helber Is a foreman. TRAVELERS' I OTTOS. lLTmkn Wranse.1. Junes t'a axalvsa, 8ewlird an Anchors CAi.lFOKN'14 v,a fieattla or baa s'ranclaco to Los Angeles and Saa Uiego direct. Lare.l hips. un.Qualed service, low rates la eluding berta aad msala. Make reaer. ationa 2,800 Total sales tot the day. 760.000 shares. BONDS. tt j ref "s ret?. 7INorth Paclf 4s.. 3 ?T Irrf 2s cou.. '.7 North Paclf 8s.. 60 IT I imt?. . .. P Tel fc Tel 5s 1 H5S ... Penn con 4s.. 07 n B 4s ?e '..V104iUbIob Paelf 4a. 88 TTS4SCOU :"104U 8 Steel Bs... 09 YtfhlHon Sen is 83 So Paclf cv 6s. 01 i'lTo n 6s 49 Unelo-Francn 6s 89 N T C deb 6: MIU 8 Liberty 8Vis98.0O Boston Mlrdn ritocks. BOSTON, Feb. 20. Closing; quotations: Allouez S. S. BEAVER BAILS 8 P. M. SATCRDAT, FEliKfAKK 23, San Francisco and Log Angeles The San Francisco ft Portland 8. S! Ce., Third ad Waililnaton Sts. (with O.-W. K. di Co.) Tel. Broadway 4000, A 8121. Dried Fruit at New Tork. NEW YORK, Feb. 20. Evaporated apples, K: .rTurnUbtarauaint SIISSSS Doluth I.lBsted Market. DULUTH. Feb. 20. Linseed, $3.78 S.8S; May. $3.7 bid; July, 3.72 bid; October, 83.50 asked. Inl-k Bonrliiirr Winter has been very mild, with little frost or snow and the warm rains have been beneficial to Fall-sown wheat. Acreas-e about SO per cent above normal, prospects were never better for a heavy yield. Grazing- has never been better. Will ticgin harvesting broccoli crop next week. The broccoli Is in good condition and esti mate yield ot about 60 carloads. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Feb. 20v pot cotton quiet. Middling. 8-c. Ariz Com C'al tc Ariz . . . cal tc Hecla .. Centennial .... Cop R Con Co . E Butte Cop M. Franklin Isle Roy (cop). Lake Copper . . Mohawk No Butte Old Dominion Osceola Juincy 43 Superior 10 (Shannon 5!tTtah Consol .. 22 (Winona ...... 6 Iwolverine 6 . 13 , B9 .450 . 13 63 . 15 . 43 . R . 75 . 4 , ,. 5 . 11 i3 ,. 85 Money, Exchange, Ete. NEW YORK. Feb. 20. Mercantile Paper, 5 i5 per cent. Sterling. 60-day bills, $4.72; commercial 60-day bills on banks. 84.7J; commercial HO-day bills. $4.71: demsnd. $4.7s; ca bles, $4,76 7-18. Franca, demand 5.72, ca bles 6.70. Guilders, demand 48, cables Str. Wapama SATLS LIRECT FOR SAN FRANCISCO LOS ASGEI.ES SAN DIKGO Friday, Feb. it. 2:30 P. M. . San Francisco, Portland I.os Angeles Steamship Co. l'rank Holism, Agent Ui THIRD STREET. MAIN Sid. U STR ALIA TrJrTTi,.. Suva. Haw Ztfsdaaa. Regnlnr sailings fmra fanroavcr. B. 0., br ths Palatial Passenger bteamera ef tba Canadian-Austruliun Royal Mail Line. For full Information apply Can. Paa. Rail way, 63 Third bt.. Portland, or General Agent, 440 Seymour bt Vaacoaver, H. C