14 TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21 1918. RML rTATE. Proprty. I U tpir',una I.r i lirp et for Apt. houa . lt . n-r -J.'l a Lv)U) . -r"fn b rn:s pr month. This ts In 'h ruii.nt i?jr r-r ij.initint" f-r in', rvrn T"ntv no brokers. II a raV. brr. 4 np. -arr Nvji, reel. 7 put to cultivation, s. hoj! and a-lgabor: S'lto road inn rrtiiiJi lovu tj Mrr-hani Trust .!. 1 M.VVci a--rr bet -n V.tprt and H un. nl. from Mrh station, larva Mwnni; ml plat, land lira on "- lumbig Hth). RNut ' arrsa of sxd tlt.ab Ma. k ..-am soil. -ry ir -ar. Atut 4 acr f g"I Aldrr bottom. 1! ,- cracks running a row same, i'rlt-v SJ.".n, at your own i'rm, it r interest on firat payment. ." K. ..tin th.. I'ort lard. tr. TtC 17 -". tSel of lb beat located acr tracts at Kyn t jit too OO th iirrrnq Kire-IMC, 6-cvnt fare; ail kinds of fruit trr and am ail fruits: acr worth IXAM of any man mnn houif rmnilv hurned flown. nt to vo Kat an. I a 111 sacrifice for S1M; via taha cash, balance; on ray irmi or particulars call at 4tH I'latt bldg. IS Av'KitS overiooklna Tuaiatln a. ley. on Hewitt bd. on miie west of Ml. Zlon. jHull Hub water and gas on grounds; wll ae.l part ar alL AUdresa John 11. Uault. t'endleton. Or. AL'KEd aood wheat land ner 1-1 nd. Wash., all In crop, for S par aud with lr. inveatlaata Write . U. Watta, Weton. tr. 2 AL'KeiA. 4 -room p. altered house, e-cent crt!ne.-;nbbier Cafe, Lents. ciose ft we PtaMr tarnw, ALbLHTA WilKAT FAltJt OK &ALC. HY OWN EK. CORONATION UlriTRICT IUA ar-res, loam soli, clay subsoil. 40 a rea cultivate!, balance pasture, level: no atone, no brush; 1 mi. town: will be less; 1 mi. school, a ml. K O. ; good road. iood buiidinga plnteil; 0-room house and avreea porr b; bam, 1 horses; feed room and hayioft; machine shed, garage, cool house, granaries and other bui. sings: 4 mL fencing. ho pasture. 2 wcha. lota of wa ter. Oreai opportunity here for stock. World or hay and water on school land diotrwng. subject to lease very cheap. TM farm Is a money-maker. Him raised 4- bu. wheat and loo bu. oata per a re. and paya per cent en prKa aaked. ,j failures here. Don't mua ibis U you ant rai farm cheap, I'oor health compe.s change of climate. I'rio Sju.uoo. 1 caslt. beU. lex ma to suit, $ l per cent Interest. r Cortioo of cul tl rated reaerred , i r,i Would accept a couple pieces Portland r4twt property at va.ua lion up i;o om or email acreage, suburban bom. w l located ia vaiiey, and fftva terms oo ba-ance. Must be a safe buy and near achooL 6b4 fuli particulars and photo, tirst ieitar. J. T. MOKUA.V, Easlelgh. Alberta. CHE AP land, bg crops. higA prices have put trie arm era os n Mum tanaua on a prosperity footing that was und reamed r b.fura the world war. More Western Canada farmers have big bank balances than ever before: more western lenadi farmers are spending this Winter to Caii forma and Florida than ever before: more automobiles were bought last year by Canadian farmers than ever before. West ern Canada baa struck Us atride. and the man who get la there now is same to Biaae money tor years to come. Aioag tne I. Be of the Canadian Northern Rai. way is some of the best land la the coun try price li to -i Pr cre eay terms and U4.0m 1 HO-acre FREE farm. At us tail you all about Western Canada nd why mor land was aotd to Amen a farmers In 1 V L 7 than In any one pre vious year.- end for KKEE Illustrated books and fo.dcra. Call on or addmes A. Hcoatedt. D. F. ac P. A. depu l. ' agent. Canadian Northern Railway, Ov Hasting St.. Vancouver. P. C. luL'H CHA.SC a; Id IS CANADA Rich laada and business opportunities of'ef you iadepeadeace. Farm laaJ. $11 to $30 acre: irr tei taads. to w. -0 years to pay; -Ooo loan In Imprevementa or rady-aade farma. Loans of livestock. Tames average under 20 cents an acre: no taaee an improvements, personal property, er livestock. Oood markets. churches, j school, soads. te.ephonea Excellent clt- iwniM mm A livatock Drove 1L. Soo- ri.i hAmAMfkin fare cert if iatea. Writ for free bookeia. Allan Cameron. Genera superintendent Land Branch, Canauia a I. IV hi s NAP. 20 acre, cleared. H acres of which Is planted to 7-year-old New towns and feptt en bur as. f1rt-ciae condition, and on half inurcat la U acres d wanted to oat, tnta deal carries contracts to care for foreie-a-owned adjacent tracts which pa $J4o per year na.f of which ffoea to the purchaser. This tana wita toe comracn f.uid mi for itaaif within S years In ad Uit ton to making a living; price $15vU, sa.f cash. r. K. STEARNS. :? wiicox it.dg. Main 3"17. evenings Mar. $770. Ij21 WHEAT RANCH. l-jMHi W 11. i. HAN DLE IT. All In cultivation and In the best whes :t nf Adams fount v. Washington. But nliee to haul the wheat. A good 6-room p.astered house: large barn, outouiiuinga p-eoty of fine water. This ranch is in Ln siiaoe. but owing to sons called to th Iron: the owner wttl sell at the low price of $27. Pr acre. Worth much more, s'uMkti rb and tne balance long time, eas r.vmenta With wheat at the present prtci 'his ranch will pay Itself oat in a short I'm. Act quirk y if you want IU aiaciaacs. 2l Oregon ouig. u. 11 k n I 'J 1 Acrra. S acrea c eared li cultivation with a variety of all klnda of fruits, small rtouse. Darn, cnicaen nouse. iO aacka of potatoes in tne eeuar, piowi ...4 K-rMArv tAAn avervthlna roes to gether with a perfect litis to the land for $4oO. It must bo a!l rash and no trade will be considered. This land is lo- ted four miles on a xirsr-ciass roca roa imm i .aEskanieL This Is giving It away. Act aulckiy. M. J. CLOHESl. 415 Ab- ington bidg. BIG CUT IS PRICK Or FARM LANDS: In the west agricultural pan 01 couhuw uu County; $iJ per acre. IO yearly payments rai.ways, schools. lactones; ptemy o w. -rn twai oroooatttoa on the mirar for th man who wants a farm. Send for i iu 1 rated literature. Browoeii Laflt to, Mk 3d ave.. oatie. Wash. fcLNTON COUNTY. OREGON OFFERS EX . fci i.v.VT uoeortunttr for the DAlRt man. the TUi- KM AN, the FRUIT- ..w.avrn and best of all. to the GEN ' K A I. FARMER. TELL L'd WHAT IOU KkJnKY A TRACT, the Real Estate Men at COKVALl.lt V'tt., in nomw iow n ..REGO.S A'.KKTl.Tl'RAl. COLLEGE. r..w.ik rrmi nd datnr farm of O acres, situ ated on West Mdi highway. mliea from a em mil from county seat. Good bam and 7-rm bouse, wun water systm 00 arx.a treea. 9 yeais oid. lAnd in good state of cultivation. For further particulars mo In lerverdence. or. FoR sALE acre at station en R. R, good new bungaiow. with porches, goo 1 h.rn Wodhed With ak WOOd I for Winrer. and Jersey cow. awed potatoes, small too:, cultivator, wagon, hack. 1 rra In wheat. 1 s-re inoats and vetch. priew $J.w. Address O 17. lregonlan. r a. 1 in. UNI A irisated alfalfa land tracts ...11 rfiirvinc and stock raising dts .rt Small oarment, easy terms. See - meml-monthlv excursion ratea aflfornla Coloniaatloo Co. 1003 Spalding Hid C I- K SALE 8-rt a err of Eastern Oregon wheat land. $1 320-acre w rritnoulahment. ad coining; amali amount of cash will hand e. See owner. H. P. Nola. Hotel Medford, 123 bib North. ioHk ACRES in Southwestern Washington f.r sale, to settlers only, upon easy terms and low pric. -' Pr acre ana up. nnn trr m9 showing location, terms, etc WEYKHHAEI -!KK TIMBER PoWPANY. Ti flin4 H dg.. Tacoma. W aah- .-k. i iife: wheat ranch. li cul.. lvw) EX wheat, leaee! this year: $.iO per aero. ruh. consider sftiO ITopertV. bal. mm-v terms. L. K. Moore, 17 Hoard of T-ade. i OH 6LE Wheat and alfalfa raach. 13HO a. 1 a. under irrigation, iu a. ta ai f.'f. all tillable but 40 a. For price and -licit are ad Iresa Peter t srison. Lcho. or. 4 HI. kr:V. FRUIT. C.ARt'EN RANCH EA. Near Portland; to $2 par acre; easy terms, best soil; farms for sa'e. all SLaes. M'-Far'and. v3 Yeon bldg . Portland. A!Kki- 2 a-re la cultivation. 7i down, lima on balance ; also larger farms on a m terms. See Draper. 4"! Board of Trio. LN is. and roa :a. sing 2nd acres on Pug t Sound, eharmtnr aurroundlngs. Particulars fnrn W'm. H-yer. Hrron I. O . Wash. 4S AC KS 3 lee t. fenced, cleared, good sol L house, employment: near W tllamina. $5 cash. fl mo. Jesee R. Sharp. M it. LOTiGRD-orf lands. $1 acre np; running water, good soil. H tillable, employment, easy lerma Jesse R. Sharp. 3 $d st. S-Ai'RB piacw. Improved, buildings, young orvbard. lOc fare. Main "f. FOR SALE Sacrince 992 acrea ftno stock, yrala ranch. Particulars, pnoae Tabor 41"5 WVNTr.n RF.AL ESTATE. I SELL HOUSES ONLY: LIST WITH -M&. f. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE CO. 20a-5-7 Board of Trade Bidg. wXNTEO -Sroora stretly modem bunga low. daj to be a decided good value. F. Koch. 420 Ch. of Com. FOH SMALL h"ue or bunralow wanted Quick; ai U baxa'ain. B 54. Oreoolaav H ATrr REAL KSTATE. I'K.-IKAHLE IIOL'SKS WANTED. If you hav an attractive houao for sal In ood condition. located In a dealrable district. I can sell It for you at a fair pric. with but little dr;y and without occasioning you but allKht Inconvenience. No run-dwn or poorty located property handled. VAVU C. MLKPHV. ..TO1 titark M. Main 17. ni. A IMS. I WH.I, trad my Mitchell 7-paisens:er. -cylinder taurine car aa flrat payment on & or "Krovm modern bungalow, balaoca In monthly payment. Address -AK 6, Ore ronian. W K WANT H( L'a KS. Have ruatomtra watting for chnp and mfOiurn-priifU homes; have sold 6 in 1. dar. 1.1st your. Ws ran sail m. BAULKY. M X. W. Bank. Alar. &M0. r. hat a buyers fur bouses tn Hawthorn district. Wa ar handiest to show them can sell yours if prit-e Is rijrhf. Chapman tntlr 'o, ln,t lawthurn avt., cor. Hth. or llt.i Northmstrrn Bank bid. UUV wiiii on car. thoroughly familiar un roniann. would like to snow and s:i real estate in car for reliable firm. Main :. morning. V A MTU Modern bungalow 4 not over $.'J50. good neigh borhood. In exchange for modern automobile aa part payment. V. O. box Vancouver. Wash. WANTED Portland Heights home; must be atrlrtly modern; prefer city view; will pay cash for bargain. Main 44.T WANTED For cash, a house and lot. Call at Zl Rnthchtld b:dg , or phone Main 7141. FOR SALE TIMBER LAND. ho ACRES timber, six million feet saw tim ber, l.'ut plies. 1mni tel. poles, good choco late colored buckshot soil; will make good farm land: price $2i an acre. 3ho cash, balance city income or Improved acreage. Address owner. 11. A. t.'nx, Multnomah, Or. A W M l LL, ready to start and plenty of tlm be i. V e need a man with . K un show you a gool profit. See me Monday morning;. John P. West on Co., tUO North western Bank bids;. SJ M ILLION feet good timber. Western Washington: s million hemlock. 4 of 4 dar. M of fir: 1 mil t water and 1 mile to railroad. Price ?5,"0. one-third caah. Lk A. Ijiuner. Urania Pa., Or. FOK HA LEiS turn page, on :u acre a near Eugene; fine saw. pinna; and tie timber, cloee to rat. road. H. A, Cox. Multnomah. Oregon. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. c J. Mccracken. S04 mckat bltx. WANTEI TIMBKK LANDS. WANTED Timber In small tracts close to gether suitable for ties and timbers; stum page to be paid as cut; must be close to Portland and near R. R. Will pay good price. liF 1mi. Oregonlan. BH LP- K N E Ei4 W AN T ED. LOEB BROS.. aoC-a Broadway Bids., Portland. 6HIP knees and hewn ties wanted. Gambia Rleff hip Kneo Co.. Cierllnger bldr- FOR RtTVT FARMS. A GOLDEN OPPORTL'NITT. If you want to make S70O0 or $9000 next year, look over the renting" of this beautiful 5 acres Klickitat County Irrigated farm, with practically aoo acres under th ditch, with ample free water right: this land yields abundant crops, wheat going about oO bu., oata from 80 to I JO bu.. oata. vetch, clover and alfalfa hay about 4 tons per acre: well located In the midst of a thickly settled com munlty.' has a wonderful view, adjoin ing thousands of acres of outrange, ful ly equipped with a fine set of farm bldga. with electric lights, hot and cold water. Will rent thla farm at a reason able price and aell a large herd of HoL stein cows. Implements, hay, feed, etc., at about I7A0O: only cash customers wanted. Will sell thla farm at a biff sacrifice. Otton A Hark son Realty Co 411 Chamber of Commerce. 1R KENT, with or without buying stock 1 and equipment, which cost over io0; wi'.l take $-L5o: bo eacres. well fenced and watered. 40 acres under plow, house and barn: come and look at place. If It suits. we win agree? on rent: located 2 miles from Lstaeada. on good auto road. In quire of Wltham frtuhby. Ketacada. SMALL ranch. 5 cows and 1 horse: adjoin ing acres. Renter ran make Improvements for part of rent, will rent on shares or cash. Lota of work near place If desired. Box SO. woods, Tillamook co. or. 53-ACRE farm to rent, oa the Salem tne carltne; will give someone a good deal. Call at 219 Rotbchlld blUg., or phone Main 7141. FARMS WANTED. TO SELL OR TRADE YOUR FARM list with KINNEY 4V TRACY. Corral Us. Or. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED Fully equipped farm on shares. before Msr. 15. W. H.. 91 loth iU Port land. Or. FOR RENT FARMS. LARGE dairying proposition of about e-00 acrea near Portland: renter must no ante to buy the livestock and machinery. O. W. Taylor. 10O 4th st. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. TO EXCHANGE for hlih-cla, piano. hlKh- crade auto or bunaajiw. oL acres on fea l.ra Klfctrlc. station and switch on tract. I on. hour from Portland, on. mil. from I Wlllamett. boatlandlna. hlKh state culti vation, seeded to red clover, -5o beartnic I Irutt trees. tlie. irood roads, church, store, school: represents investment of will sacrifice. Ant. burf. K. K. Scott. U. s. N.. 7tt. K. 1'Tth N. fhona Woodlawn 1S3T. I FOR SAL.K OR TRADE. A one-half Interest In meat market and packing plant In a live valley town with a monthly payroll of f-'7.0OO. Ko trad, for rood stock ranch or farm property; a bar gain for cash or food trade; above dome an average month. y businsas of fiuu. AV I A4 4. urfgonun. FOR SALE OR KXCKANGE. .Beautiful -room I.aurelhurst home; this Is one of the. handsomest homes In this beautiful district; II you have a small house, clear of incumbrances. I will ac cept It at a fair valuation. J. Delahunty, ;th S'tark st. Msin itoo. NOTICE. Ir your property, either city, farm or acreage, baa luerit and Is for exchange or sale. caII or write full particulars: no In flated values considered: have first-class list to select from. ;.o. P. Henry. I Henry Ding. net. ,-ortiana rtealiy rioarn. FOR SALE OR KX HANGC Beaverton Income producing acreage. 11 acres in apples, beautiful suburban homeeite. close to etectiic lines: owner non-reeldent. will sell cheap or trade for California proprty. t. Pauee. Orovllle, Cal. EXi'HANiiB o ion. in Grants Psss. all cultivated: 1 acrs strmwherries. balance In bearing fruit: good buildings, pumping plant. -ric. i;oo Dajanc ia per month. no Interest. Want clear. L. A. Launer. I GOOD 7-room house and A acres to trad. I for 7-room bouse in Piedmont or wood-1 U.n, or will buy if house suits. Let m. I know what you nave, femes are wall-1 Ing. W. T. Goulder, i!9 Chamber of Com-1 lO-ACRE appl. and peach orchard. -yMr old treea, near Roaeburg. or.; trade for Portland real Mtat. or automobile. John Townsend. o3 Cham. Commerce. Portlsnd. Ll.-T your property with us for results: i- Chang's of merit: estaoilsned lo years. I The Ernest Younger Co.. I'i5-10T Park st I Between wasnington ana starK streets. I H AN G E :o acres ot clear land at Ad-1 dison. N. 1 rnr a 5-R. housa In Portland, pnon. East tvjtl. Tabor lt7U. J. K. Parry, 11 orand ave. WANT molern bungalow; have flrwt-clasa rrnperty worth g.oh). clear; will turn In at 10o and aasuma .1000. See n. W. Gill. 17 .tark St. WANT f.TOCK RANCH TO $70.oVi. Hsv. Improved Income city property to trade for asms. p. t. rex i3. ITT lot wanted. If clear. In part or full ax- chang, for $7K0 player piano, music and bench. Bounty -Btorag. Co., low 4th at. OH SALE or exchange u acre and 6. room bungalow; aleo 15 acrea farm land. Phone Hellwond 111. 1X good acres and cash for residence In I Lauralharst. Irvlngton or Piedmont. Fdsry. liiiH. I am the owner. From ti'M to loo0. FOR BALE. Horses, Vehicle. Kt. OR KALE at a bargain. 1 pair of black geldings, wt. s.-ou ibe., just tuna for lum ber team: agea B rears old. Can 24V E. sth and Main. EAD stock and old horses bought. Call up for service ana best cash results. Mli waukle 6V-J Phone calls paid on dead 1W7 stock. SAD HORDES and animate haui away free. Portland llenaenng Ao. call wood- lawn 21. i.H' R h-ad good farm work horses. lOOO to 11". JTi each: also 2 rear-old colt. l-'OO. IFORD touring. M flo (all ZH Alder st. I SALE On. turn of horses, w.lahtl NEW worm-drive For-d truck 3O0O. inquire 3091. 1st st. I JjELIVERT wagons and horse, for sale I 191 c ne.a. M w ix jnoxUL, 1 tOK 8ALR. flora. Vehicle. Ktc VK HAVt; th f I neat assortment ot youoff atok, consistlna as follows: One team of wall-matched chestnut mares, A years old, wt, a.40 lbs.: 1 team mares, 5 and 10 years old, wL 2S00 lbs.; 1 apan mures, wt. J7."i0 His., 1 span it eld ing. 5 years old, wt, lflMM lbs.; team of jt. ldinirs. wt. -0m lb.; 1 bay mare. 5 years old, wt. 1 7(H; at so soma of the finest young mul tanis. real orchard chums; 2 saddle pome, b seta double work harness, 1 farm wagon; at) stock guaranteed. KKAZIEH at Alcl.KAN, 40 K- th and Main. bl'AN of mares 5 and b years old. wt. '240 lbs., free of blemishes, true to work, Sjud. tpan of young mares, both with foal, wt. -.V0 lbs; frve of blemishes and senile to work. Also 10 head of horses we have been working on the street, which have been replaced with auto trucks. These, horses weigh fmm l(Xu to 1300 lbs, price from $Ju to lix each. ' model, ptables, Fifth and 1'avls. HEAVY FARM HOW5KS. For sale. 1 black horse. 1700; cheap, fray horae, 1400; 1 black mar, ltwO, roun mare. 14a". MULTNOMAH FUEL CO.. Main 5540. FoK SALE, cheap. 4 head of farm horses, weighing 12"0 lbs.; 1 team of small horses, weighing JiJOO lbs. ; 1 team of horses. weighing -'H ids. !'.' Kussell st. FIVE or six horses, from looo to 12K lbs.. suitable lor all purposes; also a nice pair or email young muiea. central utabiea. lth and Alder ata 4-YEAR-OLD horse. 1400-lb., 14-Inch steel plow and aprlngtoota harrow for sale or trade xor ngnt car. ri. &.nuke. Sal mon at., Fortlanu. WIL.L. sen to nig nest oiaaer team mares. aooul 3400 lbs., with narnesa and camel back truck. Call landers, neax Hroadway. A 1-uT of H axel wood and other wagona for aale; aiao horse and harnnsa: parties eo trig out of the horae business. Apply 0 Utand ave. FOR KALE, cheap. 1 team of horses, weight 24O0 lb.; harness and two wagons, good team for farm work; owner wants to leave. Call Tabor 6!.V1. DEAD stock Lakoti quickly; we pay the most for dead and crippled stock. Tabor 40. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. li.oO CASH. S7.50 nc monthly buys $45. 1917 model upright pianos at 9210 during oreenoerg .music Co.'s Kansas liquidation sale In progress at chwan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth U Last opportunity before raise in prices. Your parents or grandparents paid tf00 to $1000 for such quality pianos during and after our Civil War. SECOND-HAND automobiles and motor trucks are to be found at the Northwest Auto Company, Broadway and Couch sts., and the finder may drive any of them away by making a small payment down and arranging for the balance on a month ly Installment plan. Prices from $2u0 up. Call H rod way 1460 and aak for aecond. hand department. UNDERTAKERS. A 1914 Cadillac chaasia in Al condition. Meal for hearse or casket wagon; worth I'JutiO to you. Our price $370. People would Just die to rtdo In this car. North west Auto Company. Broadway 1460. $3.00 BUYS $12.50 Wonder with six records; $43 ouva a caoinet v iciroia witn iu rec ords. chwan Piano Co., Ill Fourth at. $ao OAK Western Cottage organ, $30. Kimoau piano, rosewood, si 10. HAROLD S. GILBERT. 8S4 Yamhill St. WILL exchange one of our all-record Bruns wick phonographs for good piano. Soul Rrnt 1 1 0t h t ' FULL CASH VALUE PAID For Records, Phonographs, Musical Instru ments. Newman. Main 4405. 123 First. RENT a piano, most reaaonable terms in Portland: no squares or thump boxes. Harold S. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill st. $245 CASH closes out $.'.50, 88-notc. ma hogany player piano, bench and mualc. at Security storage to., iw rounn bu COMPLETE set Leedy drums and Deagan Xylophones. M. H. Hyde. Main S7f3. PIANOS tuned, $:i. George T. Peck. Tabor :.74. Orad. New Eng. Conservatory. 1 PAY CASH for used pianos. Gilbert. :t4 Yamhill at! Harold S. FOR SALE: Ludwig piano, $1S5. 7092. BF 75. Oregonlan. WANTED High-gradepiano; cash. Oregoninn. AR 15, Furniture for 8ale. Elec-lyoR SALE Strictly hand-craft, fumed oak furniture. 1 library table. 1 arm leather- cushion chair, 2 straight oacx leainer cushton chairs. $40 cash, less than two thirds cost; and one hand -made fumed oak child's hlghchair. $2. 643 E. 46th N. I A BARGAIN that will make you sit up and take notice; brand-new feather pillows, regular price $1.75: special at $L each. MISH FURNITURE CO.. J4 First St. FOR SALE: Used office furniture, oak and mahogany of all klnda KILHAM'S, Fifth and Oak Sts. USED gas heater and oil beaters at leas than hair new pnee. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 184 First st. I SECOND-HAND range, baker's oven, kitchen treasurer, gas range, dishes, pots and pans and tables. 1751 Derby st. , LOW unitary roller-top desk and chair. fin. shape. Tabor 131. FOK fcAI.E Fine Wilton rue. 9x12. heater and chair: a bargain. JS9 Broadway. FOR 6ALE- -Nice couch, $12.0. Apply Beech St. Does. Birds and Pet Block. FIRE CHIEF. ORANGE PKRSIAN CAT. WINS HONORS. At the recent Cat and Pet Stock Show, held in .Meier A Frank's store, the cat Kire Chief won the honor of best orange tabby male In ahow. With this last win Fire chief has defeated practically every soli gnnn and orange tabby mala eat in th Northwest, and this in the face of keenest competition. The orango tabby male class in the recent show contained the largest number of entries of any class, and Fire Chief In winning defeated nine other j.run.e t.hhv mics. He is owned and ex hlblted by Fire Chief Cattery, 602S 30th ave. S. K. fhnne 'laoor oi.. FOR SALE Pedlirrecd cocker spaniel pupa u months old. 261 W. Farragut at., near Peninsula WjANTED Australian shepherd pup. Charles A. Wtl.on. Ia i-entrr. w awn. A FOR one 4-year-old fullblooded WhKe fpiiz; cniin s pet. x mnjr .i Poultry. TO POILTRT RAISERS. Write poultry dept.,. Fisher Flouring Mills Co., for free poultry bulletin on how to raise chicks successfully In accordance with new poultry rood regulations ot u, H. Food Administration. WHITE LEGHORN baby chlx from heavy Invlnr (Hoeanlsertl SIock. jmrcn aenver) lt per loo; April, 10. We guarantee safe arrival. The Pioneer Hatchery, I'eta luma. Cal. Livestock. FOR SALE Cow. fresh two months, will give a1 gallons on grass: test o per ctpi, 0. Call 8 A. M. to 1 P. M. 144S Ila- ware ave. WANTED A good milch goat, statt Bd full panlcui,rs, AR i, Oregon! breed an. launches and Boats. RlUTKEN. A 6-crllnder. 8 H. P., valve-in-head motor, with clutch, gear .box and pro tw.ii.e .haft? would cost today approx Imately ,ioo: our prire vtorKmau- ship on this engine cannot oe evceueo. NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY, Broadway 14. Typewriters. NEW Remington rental plan, rent applies to purchase. Vlsioie mooeis. nemingion Typewriter Co., 8 Broadway. Phone Broadway o I . WE can aave from Ml to 73 per cent on al make, of typewriters; sena ior our price II. r Retal Denartment. KHU1.1SAL1, TYPEWRITER CO.. :.21 Washington st. FtR HALE Oliver standard visible writer. No. 6: paid IlOu; U1 s.11 for 3u. Phon. REBV1I.T typewriters and supplies. Corona Dealers. E. v . pease t-o.. itu oin. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. I. .0.. Z..t BtirK iu mam WANTED To rent No. 10 Remington type writer. East Ht4. REBUILT typewriters and repairing. Oregon Typewriting lo.. ihv otn st. main opp Antomohilee. ford truck. In good shape, $450. Beaver Garage. 209 Union ave. N cor. Holladay. Phone East B04. $3O0 FORD touring car. overalxe tires, al most new. eiectnc iignts, ov otner extras, snsp. East T9QH. FORD t oaring -ar. with special wheels and springs .."- zo l nion ave. xn., cor. Holladay. Phone E. BQ4. . FOR SALE, cheap, fine trurkhed. In Al condition; side curtains, an complete: aiao 1 H-ton Federal track. E. 40. B 1444. FORD touring car. like new, extras; terms given Kroanway J t J SLIGHTLY' used tires. 18 to S1.1 each: vul- canlxed. Zc: tire repairing. -07 Madison. PAIGE touring car In excellent condition; f ioo. Call Broadway -jao. runabout i 211 Wash. .nd t. truck at a sacrifice. with body: lee than coat. Tabor 6478. H FORD louring car, only used short um; term. iSroaaway 10 2. FOR SALE. Automobiles, PEE THESE USKD CARS AND TOU WILL BUY ONE. TOURING ROADSTER DELIVERY. 1017 Ford totirlne; car, with extras. 1116 Ford touring car, like new. 1010 Ford touring car, Al condition, a 1110 Ford touring car, with extras. 1010 Ford roadster, with extras. 1H10 Ford roadster. Ilka new. 11115 Ford touring car, electric starter. 1115 Ford touring car, Al condition. , 1U15 Ford touring. car, with extras 1914 Ford delivery Al condition. AND MANY OTHERS. TERMS GIVEN. PALACE GARAGE CO., AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS. 12TH AND STARK STS. Broadway 1572. Phones A 2442. WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS in used cars, taken In trade on new Pack ard and Nash cars. THESE CARS HAVE ALL BEEN completely overhauled and repainted and will stand the closest investigation. SPECIAL PRICES FOR THIS WEEK: Packard 30, 7-passenger touring, $650. Packard, 5 -passenger touring, $950. Hudson, 7 -passenger, $750. Chalmers, -cylinder, $500. Cadillac. 7 -passenger, $550. 1 Cadillac roadster, $500. Overland touring. $600. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 10th and Burnaide Sts. Broadway 521. THE following list of cars are go new we will give you a FACTORY GUARANTEE on every one of them. We received 8 carloads yesterday: seven carloads will be here as fast as they can get cars to ship in. 1917 Hupmoblle, cord tires, 99 new.. $1400 1017 Studebaker 6. 7-paas.. 95 new. S00 3ttl7 Chevrolet 490. liek new 550 1917 Hupmoblle. cord tires. 95 new 1200 1917 Chevrolet 490. like new. 550 500 500 550 3910 Overland, model 73 1916 Overland, mode 63. justew.. 1916 Baby Grand Chevrolet 1917 4, 7-paas.. Just new 1915 4, 5-paas., just new 1014 4. 5-pass.. perfect - 1916 Dodge roadster, perfect 1916 Ford roadster $100,000 stock to select from. CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER. Cor. 15th and Washington sts. Phone Main 3S 43. 650 450 400 350 DEPENDABLE bargains In used cars. Read this list: New worm drive Ford truck with express body 975 Ford delivery, good tires, repainted. canvas top 275 Ford delivery, metal body, repainted 300 Five-passenger Ford touring $ 250 White gas 5-passenger 400 Jeffery 2-ton truck 1000 1917 5-passenger Maxwell, only been run 7C00 miles. like new 650 1915 Hudson. Just repainted, , first class shape 1000 QAn H.Vianri Rrlacoe. renain ted. STOOd tires, runs fine 575 1 Ctah maiiifr- VOU HlUft SAO this tO appreciate It 700 1911 5-oassenger Cadillac 20 1 Veils 5-passenger 300 1 Oakland roadster, repainted obO I We are open Sundays. W. H. WALLINGFORD, Main 2492. 522 Alder SL USED TRUCK SACRIFICE. 1H -TON FEDERAL TRUCK. EXCEL LENT CONDITION THROUGHOUT. TIRES NEARLY NEW. WILL SELL AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. INVESTIGATE. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 10TH AND BURNSIDE STS. BROADWAT 521. USED AUTOMOBILES. Terms given. fr 20 Car, to Select From 20. 1125 Up. MITCHELL, LEWIS 4c STAVE R CO., Used Car Dept. East Morrison at First St East 7272. B 1210. 1 MTTST RE SOLD. 5-passenger Dodge; held for storage and I Other cnarges: owner say. .en im eiw. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO., 105 Park st. Main 5195. A 1051. Between Washington and Stark Sts. VF.W AUTOS FOK HIRE WITHOUT DRIVER. SEE G. N. SMITH. 121 NORTH THIRD ST. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO., THIRD AND GLISAN STS. WE buy and sell used cars. - Let u sell your car. No storage charges until car Is sold, we have several buyers waiting. Metropolitan Garage, East th ana Bel mont. FORD touring cars, bargain in 1913. 1914. 1918. 1917 models overhauled and re-1 n,inf.Hi terms If desired. Robinson-Smith Co.. 6th and Madison; authorized Ford 1 dealer. LATE model Ford, speedometer, shock ab-nr-hor. dimmers. Yale lock, epecial hood. look, like new; will sell for $375. terms. Call Frank Smltn. Broaqway liao. BUICK. 1917 six, fine condition, seat covers. bumper, extra lire ana tire cover. Dig bargain, tenna, Co.. 58 23d N. D. C. Warren Motor Car Main 780. . MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles: we wreck ail maxes OI can ana sen ineir parts at half price. Auto Wrecking Co., Mi-91-93 North Broadway. 1916 FORD touring. In elegant condition and lota or extras, Der imrage, xoa Union eve. N.. cor. Holladay. Phono East 304. 1018 FORD touring car. only used few days must sell on account ot sicancss. ah 10. Oregonian. 1916 DODGE BROS., touring. In excellent eonaition innwunoui, , imn,. n v. x Auto Works tt Painting Co.. 525 Alder st. 1918 MAXWELL, almost new. at a snap price, on terms, a no. l aulo vvoras At Painting Co.. 625 Alder st. Automobiles Wanted. DON'T wreck your car until you have had it Inspected by specialty rounary st la chine Works. 'We are equipped to over haul It and can pay you more lor it. See na at Metropolitan Garage, East 7th I and Belmont. WANTED Late model touring car in ex change Ior umber lana. box 2j, uiviae. Oregon. WE PAY .not cash for late model cars. TH B USriD LA It LAtnAMtb, OJ! v asn. Where Washington and Bumside meet. WANTED 1016 or 191T Ford touring car; must be in good condition ana oargajn for cash. Box 21Q. St. Helens. Or. WANTED Light auto; will trade 4-year-old 1400-lb. horse and caeh 388 salmon st. WANT the best Ford $150 to $200 will buy. Phone Marshall s4. CASH for '17 or '18 R-paas. ear., prefer BulcX light six. Call East zzso. Mr. reel. Automobile, for Hire. I AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVER FOR HIRE. T-psss. car with driver. LONO SILVA. 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. Phone E. 6840. e AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO.. THIRD AND GLISAN STS. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Garage, 86 10th St. Broadway 840. PREGG'8 auto service: good cars, competent drivers. 6th and Washington, wain iun. 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 3547. HUDSON super-six.- Inclosed car. day or night. Geo. Turney. Main 5065. A 1405. NEW SAXON 6. highway, depots. luneraia, calling, shopping, reasonable. East 4532. FOR SALE. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS without driver for hire. Fashion Garage, 10th and Yamhill. Mar. 232. A 123d. Machinery. 1 22(1-H. V. ERIE CITY water tuba boiler with complete equipment, including grates. c. 1. rront and eo rt. of 4J-inch stocK. 1 10-knifo No. 1 flat fish cutter. 1 No. 1 flat Burpee & Letaon filler. 2 S eel ey w e-i e-h i n e mar h rn es. Wright and Smith combination exhaust boxes. run. 3 Astoria Iron Works 3-car retorts. 2 No. 1 tall Burpee sfc Letaon fillers. 1 6-in. Moran cent. pump. 1 o0-H. p. 2-cvl. Nash engine, sta tionary, sundry equipment consisting of shafting and hangers. Balata belting. detachable link chain, pipe and valves, S. S. pulleys, retort cars, aprockete, re cording thermometers, retort controllers. fish wagons, etc. Address Key City Packing Co.. Port Townsend. Wash. FOR SALE 1 35-H. P. Atlas marine engine. in No. 1 shape; just the thing for boat power; cost $2000 when new and as I find this particular engine unsuitable for field work I will sell at a bargain, $500. Any one Interested In this kind of power will profit by communicating with the owner. lie xx orote, ciyae, wasn. RUSSELL engine, suitable for sawmill, 65 1 H. P.. hKh sDeed. 22-in. stroke. 11 -in. di ameter. Went through fire. Needs babbits, I other small repairs., uearnarx far torn pany. lOOVn 4th st. FOR SALE Two 75-horsepower boilers. with or without steam pumps; all good as new. Inquire LaGraod Creamery, il 1st, or 12 North rront. FOR SALE Donkey engine, 7x9, 300 feet cable: price $r(0. L. Oldenburg, Gresham, Or., K. A. Residence tieurose sta. Miscellaneous. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, of all makes, sold for less; no agents em ployed; machines repaired and rented, $3 per month. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 3d, near Yamhill. A 3626. Main 9431. FOR SALE A good dairy, well equipped. 4A head of cows, mostly Jerseys; route retail, 12 cents per quart, on leased ranch. 4 miles from town. C. L. Hurst. Pendleton. Or. CLOTHES-WRINGER Used twice, cost S6.50. will take $3.25: last a life-time. 211 First st., room No. 15, call 3 to 4 P. M. today. I PIANOS, organs, talking machines accepted as first payment on new ptanoa ana player pianos. Schwan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth st. N. FOR SALE Card press, cabinet, 14 fonts type; cost $300. $75 cash outfit. 6231 7ist st. S. is. - FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co.. 2rf0 fetara st. I BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show cases and wall case, nxtures; easy terms., W. J. QuJgley. 227 1st. Main 539. I FOR SALE Addressing machine. A 398, Oregonlan. SEVERAL good second-hand safes at the ngm once. r iuiu bl. j; wnunaj FOR SALE-Second hand safes, all sizes. ' l-ii uiu'c K.h o r.H rar Eto FINE BICYCLE: BIG BARGAIN. war DRAFTED 128 1ST. NEAR ALDER. : FOR SALE One 1914 multigraph. Address George W. Sanborn & Sons. Astoria, or. GOOD glass office partition, cheap. 345 & Washington. Mam 2bi2. room i. WANTED Launch hull. 24 to 82 ft.; in good condition. AV 227, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Elegant baby carriage, good I condition, reasonable, laoor 2io. VAPITTTM rlnanera sold. reraireL rented, ei- changed, bought. Bentley Co. Main S582. I CAVITARY roll desk, swivel. $28: flat desk. oi $10: reading lamp, 329 Mohawk oidg. LARGB, roomy wicker baby buggy, rubber I ha 1 1 lr. n anr ni aon To Hj-tf -XW1 15 6.HOLK STEEL RANGE. - $12 NO. 8 COOKSTOVE. 205 Jefferson. WE sell and buy new and 2d -hand barber chairs ani supplies, bo utn st. FURNITURE WANTED. CALL MAIN 809. We need furniture, carpets and other household goods, also ofiice furniture, we must have goods at once. Call us and our buver will be there with the cash. giving you the HIGHEST PRICES EVER PAID 12 ItilS U1I. KLINE'S FURNITURE STORE, 192 First St., Near Taylor. Main 309. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of used household goods, ho tel and restaurant outfits, trunks, bags and suitcases, bicycles, fishing tackle 8n IirearuiB, aiav w wwa v u fTASH OR EXCHANGE. LEVIN HAKDWARB & FURNITURE CO., 221 Front St., cor. Salmon. MAIN 9072. A 71.4. MISH FURNITURE CIA will pay highest cash price ever paia zor usea furniture, eamets. rugs, stoves, ranges, office fur niture and fixtures. It will pay you to call us. You will be money ahead. MISH FURNITURE CO., 184 FIRST. Main 5768. BEFORE selling your furniture call up FELDSTE1N LiKNll LIKE LO., 166-los First St. Mala 4633. If you are in need of furniture, new or I tised. give us a trial. I WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have tne ready cash, l Phone today. Main 407. or 204 First st, I PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR USED FURNI- I TURE, CLUlulAli. C.1L-. ruuiLAJlu I CLEARING HOUSE. MARSHALL 47B3. I H1GHEST price paid for second-hand furni- ture; we must have the goods. Michigan I Furniture' Co. Mar. 1822. 104 1st at. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PA X CASH. MAiXM 333'J. WILL pay best prices. Marshall 2682. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. $7.50 AND UP $7.50. Call Marshall 1229, or 229 Madison st. tn sell vour caatoff clothing. J. Meyer, the Tailor, pays $7.50 and up for second-hand suits. He pays more for shoes and other clothing. We call any where m the city, day or evening, call I Marshall 1229. or 229 Madison. PHONE MAIN 4779. 2D-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. QOLDSTE1.-N. THE TAILOR. PAYS HIGHEST PR'lCES FOR MEN'S AND LADIES' CLOTHING, SHOES. ETC WE I CALL ANY PART OF THE CITr. I PHONE MAIN 4776. 246 FIRST STREET. BETWEEN MAIN AND MADISON. WE PAY CASH for diamonds, old gold, platinum, silver, high-grade ore Turn the things you don't need Into money; bring nr mail. Wa are reliable and in Port land 8 years. We make and repair I Jewelry; diamonds set while yon wait. 1 Pickering & Co., manufacturing jewelers and diamond setters, 937 Northwestern Bank bldg. (9th floor). Main 965. WANTED A wheel chair Ior a poor man who has been blind and unable to walk for five years and boys at O.-W. R. & N. freighthouse donating to purchase the chair Call Broadway 34S5 and ask for either J. B. Giover or C. F. Rohweder. OUR sDeciaity is buying ladles' and gents' cast-oft clothing. Highest cash price paid. Will call day or nigac PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 8225. or 209 Madison St. SECOND - HAND clothing wanted. J. Meyer, pays more for shoes and clothing. We 'call anywhere in the city, day or evening. Mar shall 129. or ataaison. WANTED An electric generator with low voltage and high ampere; must be in good condition. Apply to W. J. Sullivan, 20 Grand ave, THE GLOBE PAYS HIGHEST PRICES FOR MEN'S AND LADIES' 2D-HAND CLOTHING, SHOES. ETC. 285 FIRST. MAIN 2080. WANTED 2 desk chairs, swivel, oak. pref erably to match. How much, cash? AP 418. Oregonisn WANTED Marble counter for confectionery store. Phone Bdy. 4685 or call 455 S Wash, st. BEST cash prices paid for used office fur niture. Desks, chairs, zues ior sale or rent- Pacific Stat ist ptg. Co.. io na st. 100-LB. FLOUR SACKS Can use up to 5000; glaa to hear from out-of-town bak eries. 1256 Halsey. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4d27. or 204 First st. WANT TALKING MACHINE; ALSO REC ORDS. MAIN 4495. TABOR 6798. 128 1ST. FULL value paid tor second-hand good, and Junlt. can Alain of. $1 WILL repair your watch at Relngold's, jewelers, 14. rum, near waanington. BICYCLE wanted, spot cash paid. 4494. 1ZB First, near Alder. WINCHESTER and Remington automatic & pump shotguns wanted. Hochfeld, 85 3d. HELP WANTED MALE. CARRIER wanted for Oregonlan route near end 01 r uiton pars: canine. Apply cir culation Dept.,. room 203, The Oregonian bldg. ' WANTED Boy for office in wholesale house; good opportunity for young man desiring lo learn a business. BF 89. Oregonian. BARBER wanted at 447 Washington at. HELP WANT ED MALE. EXCAVATION AND CONSTRUCTION laborers wanted. $3.10 for nine-hour dar. Apply foreman on job In West Linn, across river from Oregon City. Non-union Job where unions struck October 26. 1917. Bring this ad with you. Steady work. Board and bed, .Oregon City, $6.50 to $7.50 week. ' 1 -xti&tua ake POSITIONS OPEN FOR YOU. The calls for high-class men far exceed I the supply. We know how to put the right man and the right Job together. Member ship coating $5 guarantees employment or I a reiuna lee. 11 costs nothing to investi gate this modern, systematic poaltion-ae-curing institution. Advisorv and Rmninv. ment Department Y. M. C. A. Main 8700, A POOL LABORERS WANTED. 1 Permanent positions assured steady men. wages $8.10 9 hours; strike not yet de clared off but 1500 men working general papermill work; no experience necessary. Apply 509 Oregon bldg cor. 6th -and Oak aireoia. SHADE HANGER Apply between 9 and 11 a. jvi., superintendent's office, basement oaicony, .meter ee .Frank Co, ACCOUNTANT, between 25 and 35 (exempt iiuiu uiaii;, in general onice ot public uwiy company; accountant with knowl edge of public utility accounting preferred, Applicant should state age, experience, salary and references; applications will oe treated confidentially. W 3, Oregonlan. WANTED Student, university or nllaa. age 21 to 80, who can devote short time each day to handling Insurance for us among ruuman employes. Portland dis trict; work not difficult and remunerative. WANTED Will give a good boy 10 or 11 years 01a a line nome, where he can at tend scnooi, cnurcn and sabbath school, in exenange for light services; a perma nent home for the right boy. D. J. Ab- ney, Jennings drive. lo9-R, Oak Grove. WANTED Stenographer, out of city, near x-ortiana; lumber experience preferred, but not necessary. Salary $100 to start. Give teiepnone ana man address. AV ,228, WANTED Experienced 1 auto mechanic. should understand lighting and starting systems and accetylene welding; send references; married preferred; steady era ployment. Sappers' Inc.. Hermiston, Or. WANTED -Men to qualify for conductors. Appiy room 310 isiectrio building; hours from 8:30 A. M. to 4 P. M. and Sundays iu a. in. men wun aepenaenta preierred. tr. rt., J-.. & f. 00. WANTED A bright, energetic man to- learn gooa wnoiesaie business. Apply in own handwriting, giving references and if can I use typewriter: give Phone number. BD I NEAT-APPEARING, active boy. between . 1 H.Vl f s r- anHa rllanAnaAv- . necessary: salary $50 oer month and board; work 6 days a week. Apply The nazetwooq, 3a Washington st. WANTED Young man, 16 to 20 years of age, ior oirice worK and collector; good chance for advancement if ability is shown. r ii, oregonlan. WANTED At once, man with motorcycle to cover territory around Portland; must be bright energetic and reliable; nothing to Ben. rt. uregonian. - FIRST - CLASS Ford mechanics: mar ried men preferred; wages 60c per hour- Edw. P. Leonard, 5619 So. Union ave., Ta coma. Wash. WANTED Experienced stenographer and order clerk; young man preierred: state experience and salary expected. BF 85, Oregonlan. YOUNG man for clerical position: one of good family and good writer desired; state age, experience, references, etc. Address H o, Oregonlan. WANTED Man, about 31, assistant shipping clerk machine house, capable hard work good saiaryj state age, experience, phone. Ar 7, oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS all-around cook for relief man; work six days per week; salary $110 per month. Apply The uazeiwood, ass Washington at. WANTED A boy to work In the morning. light delivery, who has paper route in tne afternoon; prefer boy with wheel. AH 24, Oregonlan. INTELLIGENT young man, of neat appear ance and willing to worn;; state age, ex perience and salary. AR 13, Oregonlan. I PYPPRTPVPSTI nmor on men's nants: new work. Apply Brownsville WOOien Alius, 31 ntl "T'n I WANTED Flrt-clas elevator operator; must nave omce- Duuaing experience. Uivc age. A 412. Qreffonian. WANTED Boy to deliver and learn drug business. Laue-Davis Jjrug lo., ja ana Yamhill. BELLBOY wanted. University Club, 6th and Jefferson. Apply between ana iu A. M.. at tradesmen's entrance. MAN with team haul wood to river bank. hi to Yi mile; also woodcutters, per cord. Phono Main 8105. wanted Carpenters, laborers, steam fit- ten and sheet metal workers. Apply 010 Oregon omg. EDGE trimmer who can also trim neeis or set edges. Address Washington Shoe Mfg. LO., Seattle, wasn. - WANTED A stenographer, man or girl. Dy March 1. When applying, state salary ex- pected. AK 2, Oregonlan. WANTED Competent billing machine oper ator for wholesale grocery; good pay. Must be fast operator. Aij l, uregonian. GROCERY order clerk, must be experienced. Apply 9 to 10 Av it., superintenueni s ox flee, Olds, Wortman & King. WANTED Bushelman and presser; wages $3.50 at start. Address wararoDe Liean. Co., Aberdeen. Wash. DOES party know whereabouts of Charles Harold, that pnonea juar. deuh, x riuay iiui. Call again. BOYS over 16 years to learn the grocery business. Apply superintendent s omce, 9 to 10 A. M. Olds. Wortman as King. WANTED Salesman and collector for city work. Singer Sewing Machine Cc 402 Washington YOUNG MAN. 17 to 20. opportunity in wholesale house; answer in own nanawrit Ing and give reference. C 264. Oregonian. STRONG young men to work in harness factory. Apply P. J. Cronln Co., 129 1st St. WANTED A baker, a bench hand on bread. Apply oyai xiaKing lo., duo Washington, Vancouver, Wash. Phone 408. MEN wanted to work on river steamboats; $50 a montn ana ooaru. Appiy vvaamng- ton-st. pock. WANTED Men to stay away from Oregon City, Lebanon and Camas. Big strike in paper mills. S. Ed. Lanner. Oregon City. Al TEACHER of Gregg shorthand and kin- drea BUDjecxs. nvvig ,,ii,vii. muucm Business college, reattie. wasn. EXPERIENCED clothing salesman for per manent position. Apply at ouce. iiuuuBii s, 144 3d st. WANTED Man and wife, for light inside work; salary. wanniBin, " mva uci fumisnea. nnwawaj uygo. EXPERIENCED auto washer. Auto Laun dry. 17j 2ist. WANTED A good barber at once. 654 Washington. BOY wanted with wheel to deliver in grow Ing store. 23d and Raleigh st. WANTED An experienced grocery clerk. H 6. Oregonian BARBER wanted for Hoqulam, Wash. In quire Lewls-Stenger Jiarupm guppiy lo. WANT two carpenters and one helper, and Sandy road. CY'LINDER and platen press feeders want ed, f . w . rtaitea g n. JAPANESE cook and light housework, small private family. IPS Royal Court. BOY to work in drugstore. Brink's Phar macy, 13th and Wash, ata. WRINGER man for laundry work, steady positioiul256Halsey; JANITOR, for church. Inquire at pastor's study, cor. Grand and Wasco. WANTED Good man for position in car penter business. 540 Washington at. WANTED Experienced packer. Apply The Geo. Lawrence Co.. First and Oak sts. WANTED Janitor and wife for apartment house. Phone East 208. COATMAKER wanted, steady work all year round. Call D. B. McBrlde. Royal bldg. SAILMAKERS wanted. Pacific Tent & Awn ing Co.. 1 N. First St.. corner Ankeny. WANTED Man to do kitchen cleaning four hours evenings. Campbell Hill. WANTED Auto mechanic. Sandy Road Ga rage. 24th and Sandy. JANITOR and wife wanted for modern apt.- house; wages gooa. l o.j. uregonian. BARBER wanted, steady Job. Morgan Bldg. Barber snop WANTED Experienced window clean era Apply 201 Henry oiag. BAKER wanted. 022 Alberta st. TIMEKEEPER. 34 N. 2d st. CHARLEY, please come back. L. H. BARBER wanted, steady job. 120 Si rt, HELP WANTED MALE. SEVERAL young men for our traveling ad vertising crews in' the Northwest: no ex perience required ; steady position, good pay and excellent opportunity to learn salesmanship; must be single and willing to work for advancement. Call 9 to 12. Mr. Livermore. Carlton Hotel. EXCAVATING estimate for new house. Phone .evening, after 6 P. M., or call 501 E. 43d st. North Friday morning 7 to 9 o'clock. Tabor 1000. Help Wanted Agent a. AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month hos pital tickets. 206 Corbett bjdg. Help W ant ted ftalesmeau WE want a first-class salesman to sell Stude baker automobiles. Very attractive propo sition for man who has proper qualifica tions. Must be live wire, with first-class selling record. Will prefer man who is now employed. See B. H. Kennedy, LITTLE & KENNEDY CO.. 712 Broadway. Tacoma, Washington. HELP WANTED FEMALE. YOUNG women for telephone work. Paid while learning. Apply tho Pacific Tele phone & Telegraph Co., 0th floor. Park and Oak sts., between S:0 A. M. and 6:30 P. M. MILLINERY makers. Apply between 9 and 11 A. M., superintendent office, basement balcony, Meier & Frank Co. WANTED A reliable, industrious, good-look ing girl In hand laundry office: must have some experience handling public and of fice work; single girl between 18 and preferred; references required. BF 91, Ore gonlan. WANT middle-aged or elderly womau to look after my housework while 1 am attending to my poultry: suburban place, only two in family, good home, $20 month. J 10. Oregonlan. PORTLAND Normal and Commercial School has several good positions zor teachers of shorthand, and also office positions; a first-class Gregg teacher can secure a good position. Phone Main 5S16 for appointment. YOUNG women for telephone work. Paid while learning. Apply the Pacific Tele phone & Telegraph Co., 6th floor. Park and Oak sts.. between 8:30 A. M. and 5:30 P. M. AN opportunity of a good home and made , one of family is awaiting a capable woman able to care for lnfunt and home. C. S. preferred. Broadway 10S9. WANTED Strong,, middle-aged woman to work in small rooming-house, room and board as part salary. Apply in person. 402 E. Washington St.. city. GIRL in insurance office, one with some offtce experience, able to operate type writer and take short dictations preferred. 570 Oregon bidg. YOUNG lady printing compositor-book keeper or pressfeeder-bookkeeper; one who can pick up price quoting and attend to customers. AE 15, Oregonian. WANTED A strong, energetic woman to work in laundry. Apply New System Wet wash Laundry. 507 E. Flanders. Apply be fore 8 A. M. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; home in lrvington; must be fair cook; satisfactory wages. Apply M. J. S.. 730 Pittock b lock. WANTED Stenographer, also wait on trade; answer in own nanawnting, state experi ence and salary in first letter. BF 90, Oregonian. DANCER WANTED. Toung lady assistant dancing teacher. Call De Harney's Dancing Academy, 23d and Washington. EXPERIENCED sewers: prefer gown fin ishers; girls not experienced need not ap ply. 427 Alder. WANTED First-class waitress; must be experienced; good wages, room and board. Mallory Hotel, 171 Lownsdale. FIVE stenographers, law $75 to $100, lum ber so, aicLapnone operator sio, three xio. 301 N. W. ank bldg. HAVE opening for experienced girl file clerk; good opportunity to advance. Give phone and experience. BD 8, Oregonlan CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en gagements, no traveling. Apply Casino Theater. ANY girl in need of a friend apply to the salvation Army itescue nome, aro juast 15th st. N., or phone East 123. DANCING TEACHER. Experienced teacher for ballroom dan cing. No amateur need apply. 85Vfe 5th. WANTED A stenographer, man or girl, by March 1. W hen applying, state salary ex pected. AK 2, Oregonlan. Al TEACHER of Gregg shorthand and kin dred subjects. Apply Wilson s Modem Business College. Seattle, Wash. WANTED A lady presser, one who can de repairing preferred; steady worK ana gooa wages. Apply Troy Dry Cleaners, Astoria. WANTED Makers and trimmers, steady position. In city or country. juuller ot Haas Co., Royal bldg. WANTED Woman to do housework anil take care oz child; mother employed; ,4 per week. 24H N. 10th. WANTED A woman to do plain cooking. Tabor 6719. WANTED A woman to work night and morning for room and board. Tabor 6i 19. PRIVATE home for children, 3 to 12 years old; 15 years exp. 714 Everett, fllar. 16. A LADY to help in hotel, $25. room and board. 1094 Corbett. WANTED Experienced floor woman for cafeteria. BD 17. Oregonian. HAND and machine operators wanted for patching sacks. Call 171 Front st. GIRLS wanted at once. Columbia Paper Box Co., E. 25th and Holladay HELP wanted, Burlington Hotel, lumbia 653. WANTED Apprentices to learn the mili nery trade. Apply l.owengart ft Co. WANTED Experienced marker. Apply Ore gon Laundry Co. GIRL for Housework. 543 H 2d St. A WOMAN cook, in small restaurant; some pastry work. 63 Vi N. 6th st. WANTED Housekeeper on farm. 332 N. 17th St. Inquire HELPERS on gowns, also errand girl. 503 N. W. Bank bldg. JANITRESS, $45; chambermaid, $40; cook, $40. Hansen's. 340'4 Washington. WANTED A cook; wages $33. 617 John son st. Broadway 2600. EXPERIENCED waitress at 143 Park St. Wanted Dometlcs. COMPETENT girl to wait tablos and help with general nouseworK in smati private boarding house. No cooking. 567 Va Glisan st. NEAT GIRL or woman to assist with house work on small dairy. German or Swiss preferred. Phone Tabor 6175. Route A. Box 289. Gresham. WANT girl for general housework; no washing, no furnace; 2 in family, one child 992 Council Crest drive. Main 2218. WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman for general housework; 2 In family. 7S0 Irving, apt. 2. Main 5472. WANTED Competent girl for general housework: good wages. 375 East 11th North, near Broadway. WANTED Neat, competent girl for gen eral housework in an apt; good, plain cook. Broadway 2h'57. GIRL to assist with housework In four room apartment; can go home nights. Broadway 2575. GIRL wanted for general housework, family of 4. 9 iianeocK, cor, luto. Apply from 9 to 10 A. M. GIRL to .do housework, small family; good wages, call -lit jsroaqway. GLRL to assist with housework. $lo salary. Call 1006 Thurman st. alter a f. m. GIRL to assist with housework and care of one child. Main .ss-4. .1. im. jist. GIRL for general housework, small family. Tabor 2458. WANTED Girl for general housework. Call Woodlawn 2560. WOMAN, general housework, wages made satisfactory. Call before noon. Tabor 364. WANTED Neat Japanese maid. Call 227 Chapman street, or Marshall nm. GOOD home and small wages In exchange tor help with nouseworK. raoor vav. GIRL for general housework. 6252. Phone Tabor WOMAN wanted for general housework; good wages.696 Everett st. WANTED A girl for general housework. 537 E. 21st st. N. E. 2401. COMPETENT girl for cooking and some housework: good wages. Main 4207. WANTED Competent second girl; refer ences; wages $30. Phone Broadway 3432. CAPABLE cook, small family; wages $45. Phone Marshall 3956. GIRL for general housework, 8 adults. 739 Kearney. RELIABLE maid for general housework. Tabor 4546. YOUNG girl, to assist with housework aa4 children. 753 Hoyt. Call mornings.