Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 16, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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Selection Is Made at Meeting
in Spokane on Vancouver
Man's Suggestion.
Beginning TODAY
. ...
Alex It. Macfarlane, w
Head. I dominated by
C. E.
Cochran, of Rom Cltj, and
Ejection Made tDinlmoos,
FrOKANTEi Wh, reb. 1- (Spe
rfX British Columbia, the mwI
territorial acquirement of the Fifteenth
Rotary District of the Northwest, today
certured the district irovernorshlp for
111. In the election of Alexander K.
Uarfarlane. of Vinowtfr.
While the Brltlh Columbia contln
arents were celebrating their special
honor. Portland walked off with the
convention for 111, and an equitable
division of honor waa accorded both
Portland and Vancouver, whsse dele
Katloas came to Spokane with candl
date for dtetrlct otrnor.
The eolation of the governorship wu
solved today when nominations were
called for aa one of the first orders
of the business of the conference by
Charles K. Cochran, of Portland, the
Portland nominee for the orernor
hip. Mr. Cochran placed In nomina
tion his Canadian friend. No ' other
names -re offered and the election of
the Vancouver man waa mad unani
mous. In turn Harry F- Gale, of Vancouver.
B. C. proposed Portland for the 11)
convention etty and the selection was
unanimous followln the formal Invita
tion addresses made by the He v. Will
iam Wallace Touncaoa and Mayor Ba
ker, both of Portland.
- r
lUwtirn Ceatahatac Living or Sleep
US Rwm Makt-Werklas;
Kevinnlnr February 10. ail office
ulldiaca In Ore con are to be Beetle
at nJjrht. Irreepeotlve of the source
from which heat la derived. It must be
tamed off in office bulldlnrs at 4:10
oclock each evening and not turned on
agala until 7 o'clock In the morning.
This d rait la order was Issued Teeter-
day by Fred J. Holmes. Federal fuel
administrator for Oregon. It Is a eoaa-
nrehenalve extension of aa order Is
sued by hint February T. when be de
manded that, all Portland office bulk-
lnas and department stores using oil
a fuel be made heaUeee between 1:10
F. M. and T A. M.
In publishing the original fuel-sav
in r fiat Administrator Holmes said
that only by errtet compliance with It
would the boUdlnx owners stave off
nor hampering restrictions.
Mr. Holmes baa been at his home
La Orexde for some days, yesterday's
erder being announced by Bruce Den
nis, who la acting aa executive secre
tary ef the Oregon fuel administration.
Mr. Dennis said the new prohibition Is
considered by Bis chief as absolutely
seceeaary for the conservation of fuel.
Office bulidlnra In which there are
sleep! sg or Uvtns; rooms and those
where certain floors are devoted to
.night Industries wtu not com under
the ban. Mr. Dennis stated, though
wherever practicable It la expected
that the heat will be abut out of por
tions of such bulldlnrs not used at
' '''''
Of ndala mX Caan Iwia Recetre Or
der to Report for New DurJee.
Majestic Bobart Henley and
Barbara Castleton, "Parent
age." . -
People s Winston Churchill's
"The Crtsls.-
Columbla WHMam a Hart. The
Star Irene Castle. "Sylvia' of the
fecret Service"; WUllam. B.
Hart. "Satan's Man."
Sunset '"Jack and the . Bean-'
Liberty Buhraan and Bayne.
"Fighting Blood."
Globe Wallace ReM and Myrtle
8tedman. "The World Apart";
"Who Is .Number OaeT"
new play. "Mary's Way Out." which Is
to be given to the Los Angeles publla
Chicago apartment-house owners
won't stand for a pet ostrich, asserts
Taylor Holmes, so the Easanay come
dian waa forced to decline the offer
of a bird from an Arlsona ostrich farm
e e . e
Eugene O'Brien, Norma Talmadge's
leading man. hails from Dublin. Hs
once studied medicine. His latest stage
escapade was In "The Country Cousin."
" e e . .
. Roy Stewart, Triangle cowboy star,
la a believer In realism, ao he permitted
himself to be branded on the arm with
a lighted' ciprar during the filming of
his latest picture.
Frank Bonn,
Trt angle-Keystone
y, I v t- ' " f The Best Known
m gx-i9-- fzZZ , h Woman In America
' ';a I 'vV. . v '
"it " K 'S f
ai aseaw
A 5-act speedy comedy-drama
with more
pep and thrills than
you can imagine.
TACOMA. Wash, Feb. If. CSpeclal)
Mmjor F. W. Clark, acting chief of
stair at Camp Lewis; Major W. K. Fin
aer. Adjutant of the lllet Infantry Bri
gade, and Major Oordon Vorheee, Adju
tant ef the lSId In'intry Brtgade. re
ceived orders today traoaferrtng them
to new duties. The nature of these or
the place where the e Ulcere will be
eat waa not disclosed. Major Clark
hast been acting chief of staff in the
absence of Lieutenant-Colonel H J.
Brees. who la absent with General H. A.
Greene, commander. Major Flnaer. waa
formerly AtSJutant-Oenexal of the Na
tional Guard of Oregon. Major Vorheee
Is Adjutant of the 1124. commanded by
Brigadier-General F. S. Folta. -
In the absence of Major Clark and
tmtll Lieutenant-Colonel Mreee returns
Major F. W. Manly, divisional adjutant,
aad Majoc E. Alexander Powell, who Is
In charge of the division Intelligence
school, will attend to the dullea of the
office, of chief of staff,
Hotset and Tent Oocaprlns; Are
to Be Ousted! Is Barbr Plan.
All oeetrpanta of street area la the
Heights Terrace district. Including the
owners of tent houses and residences,
are to bo forced to vacate the street
property, according to a plan of City
Commissioner Barbur.
For a long time residents of the dis
trict have been demanding that the
City Council force the removal of a
serlea of unsightly tents erected on
vacant property In the district.
In investigating the proposition It
res been found that some of the tents
aro occupying street area. Also It has
been found that one or two houses are
in the same predicament, owing to dif
ficulties with street lines several years
I Majeatio. '
"Parentage.- the anusnal eeve n-reel
statee right photoplay, which baa been
playing to huge crowds In the varlovs
theaters of the country, opens an en
gagement at, the Majeatio Theater to-.
Barbara Castleton and Hobart Henley
are the leading playera In this picture
of life.
Melvln O. Wlnstock, who brought the
photoplay te Portland, asserts that
"Parentage" la aa exceptional photo
drama and worth the attention of every
Port lander.
"It proves that a picture can put
over the biggest and most vital prob
lems jf lire in a eleaa. wholesome, en
tertalnlng manner," save the former
Portland theatrical man. "It deals with
plain people la real Ufa and Is snttrely
devoid of the ordinary melodramatic
flaah. - wnen In New Tork recently ar
ranging for the distribution of this
picture, I had the pleasure of personal
ly meeting Hobart Henley, the co-author
and sole director of "Parentage.'
He aald that he spent almost aa much
time la selecting his types aa ha did In
actual com era and production work.
Tha picture has caught the publla fancy
In many of the big eltUa of the East
and critics say that In "Parents ire," Mr.
Henley haa founded a new sohool of
screen expression. For those who want
to think on constructive line. It offers
a wide field and those who want to
laugh will get their All."
Mrs. Vernon Castle, famous dancer
wife of the aviator who was killed yes
terday at a Texas aviation camp, and
William a Hart, the famed "bad man"
of the screen, will be seen at the Star
Theater today on tha aew photodra-
matlc programme.
"Sylvia of the Secret Service." a plo
tured tale of Scotland Tarda, aa Ameri
can girl sleuth, a stolen diamond, and
a romance which takes the spectator
from Holland to England aad then to
America. Is the Paths play starring
Mra. Castle. Elliott Dexter, hubby of
Marls Dora, la bar leading man. while
NO INQUEST TO BE HELD piayeVa. ,nciuae ou,,r w,u',uim
i -i
Inquiry Unnecessary la Caso
Woman Killed la Auto Crash.
No inquest will be held by County
Coroner Smith In the case of Mrs. Ed
gar Heaton, who died In St. Vincent's
Hospital Thursday night as tha result
of Injuries received when an automo
bile In which she was riding collided
with another machine at East Twenty
fourth and East Everett streets.
Mrs. Heaton waa riding with hsr hus
band. A car driven by J. J. Greenberg
rraehed into tbelr machine. She sus
tained a fracture of the skull. Dr. W.
A. TrimMo attended her. but she lived
only a short time.
Phone your want ads to Tha Orego-
alaa. . Uaia 7070. A sou.
Satan's Man," one of those famous
old two-reel Mutuala, la the William
Hart offering which will be presented
as aa added attraction. They say that
this picture combines the story and
thrills of the average five-reeler.
There's plenty of gun-fighting, hard
riding, and other Ingredients of the
successful stories ef the frontier West.
Screen Goaslp.
Charlie Chaplin la a spy-catcher. A
man and a woman Invaded the Chaplin
studio last wssk In an atsmpt to steal
the plot and plans for several scenes
of Charlie's Initial First National Ex
hibitors' Circuit production and the
comedian captured the couple.
e e e
Belle Bennett, Triangle player and
sister of Enid Bennett. Paramount star,
haa been borrowed by Oliver Morosoo
for his production of Aahton fitsvsna
"heavy." la the owner of three Yaklm
TSkpple orchards, according to the Trl
Ianagto press agent.
Fifteen -pretty glrla playing dance
hall atrens In the latest BUI Farnum
picture. "Rough and Ready," were
treated to a taste of real Alaskan
weather In . tip-state New Tork last
week. Garbed In abbreviated dresses
the girls were forced to pose in a roof
less dance hall with the atmosphere
many degrees below aero.'
Norman Kerry, leading man for
Mary Plckford In several recent pro
ductions. Is now a member of tha Con'
stance Talmadge staff.
Franklyn Farnum la a bean-eater.
That la to aay, he waa born In Boston.
He left there very soon to go on the
stage and remained there until one dull
Summer he met a friend. Lee Moran
the famous Nestor comedian, who In
troduced him to Carl Laemmle. the mo
tlon picture magnate.
e - e e
Crelghtea Hale, Pathe star. Is a high
flyer literally. not figuratively.
speaking. He la a. member of the Aero
Club and when not at the studio may
oe zouna somewhere in the clouds.
, e e
Tne high eost of living does not be
gin to compare with the high cost of
turn production. The Pathe Company
urea years ago used an entire circus
in one of Its plotures at a cost of S25
In tips to tha circus employes. In a
recent picture a few "flaahes" of some
circus scenes cost a film company
itauu, an increase or li.uoo per cent.
Irving Cummin pre haa returned to
the William Fox forces as leading roan
for Peggy Hyland, the new William
Fox star.
ine r-aramoum-Macic Bennett com
edy gtrla have organised a volunteer
fire department to take the place of
the one which waa more or less de
moralised by the drafting of a nura
ber of the men at the studio. Director
Eddie Cline drafted the entire femi
nine flre-flghtlng brigade the other
day for use In a new comedy. They
wear firemen's hats and everything
ana nanaie Uie nose and axe Ilka ex
pert a
e e e
"We are a race of danoereP n
claimed Naslmovs, the great Russian
star, recently, when she waa compli
mented for her artistic dancing In her
Initial Metro picture. "Revelation."
"In Russia the classic ballet has been
developed along scientific lines for
more than a hundred years. One real
izes how deeply Ingrained in the Rus
sian nature Is this art when it Is re
nal led that many of the great-grasd-
paxenis or uving ballerinas followed
the aame profession.
e e e
Mildred Rankin haa returned to
screen -work and will be seen In "The
Cnchastened Woman." Miss Rankin
appeared In many screen productions
hen a child. One of her successes
was In "Vasco the Vampire." which
waa enacted entirely by children. She
haa completed a course In a private
school and wlU devote hsr future to
the screen.
't . y
: ,
i E- s i,
H I - - . w - ' v t
H C : " ; e(1!ft " "ii '14'"
y M - . ' e- i . " ,
i f - 1 ' - - ; ' ' -
i. . I '' ' ; - i 4". i
i ; . tt . i -
; : ' r -s ' " " - -
: '. ' ' -' u'' f ' - . y
' a
J X'4
And Then
There Is
A Real 2-ReeI Feature
We Guarantee This Show!
Money Will Be Gladly Refunded
to Anyone Dissatisfied. .
rioveland Is Second City la United
States) Wltk dSl Per Capita, aad
Seattle la la Fifth Place,
Portland Deoola make more use of
their publlo library than, do tno people
of an r other city in me uimoa -n,
for which statistics are complied by the
publlo library In Washington, D. C. A
tabulated sot of statistics upon the li
braries In 35 principal cities of the
country, which reached auss juary
France Isom, poruana iioreriaji. yes
terday, ebowa Portland at the top of
the column for per capita circulation.
Bach person In Portland, according to
these figures, uses Mi books from the
publlo library In one year. Cleveland Is
the next city on the list, with a per
capita circulation of 4.81. Seattle is
fifth, with a yearly circulation or 4.11
hooks per person. New Orleans and
Raltimore are tied for last place, with a
circulation of only 1.08 books per per
son. The average for the country is
2.0. . .
In expenditures per volume circulat
ed the Portland library shown economy
of operation by capturing a position
below the middle of the list, in the 21st
place. In this city the expenditure per
volume is 10.106. In Seattle It is 11
cents and In Pittsburg- it runs as high
as 10.281.
At a meeting of the directors or tne
Library Association Thursday night
Rabbi Jonah B. Wise waa elected a
member of ue board, ruling tne va
cancy caused a year ago by the resig
nation of Dr. T. L. Eliot.
Resolutions of Condolence to Sor
rowing Father and Mother Sent.
SALEM. Or- Feb. IB. (Special.)
Adoption of resolutions of condolence
to Mr. and Mrs. Fred wnson, parents
of Curtis W. Wilson, of thia city, who
dlers' and Sailors' Parents' Club formed
here Thursday.
The organization has 40 members) en
rolled, but expect over 300 at its next
meeting next week. Frank Davey is
temporary chairman and Rev. O. F.
Holt temporary secretary. Governor
Wlthycombe one of the charter
members. '
Cowl Us Bridge Repaired.
CENTRALIA. Wash., Feb. 15 (Spe
cial.) The Pacific Highway bridge
over the Cowlita River at Toledo, a
lost on the transport Tuscanis. part of which was washed out during
the first official act of the Sol-1 the recent floods, will be opened to
traffic In a few days. Six hundred
feet of new approach has been con
structed. The work was inspected
Wednesday by the County Commission
and State Hlerhway Commissioner.
Heal Skin Diseases
Beware of Cheap Substitutes
In these days of keen competi
tion it is important that the public
should see that they get Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy and not
take substitutes sold for the sake
of extra profit.
It is unnecessary for you to suffer with
eczema, blotches, ringworm, rashes and
similar skin troubles. A little zemo.1
obtained at any drug store lor 85c, or
$1.00 for extra largo bottle, and prompt!
applied will usually give instant relief
from itching torture. It cleanses and
soothes the skin and heals quickly and
effectively most skin diseases.
Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating, dis
appearing liquid and is soothing to tha
most delicate skin. It is not greasy, is
easily applied and costs little. Get it
today and save all further distress.
The E. W. Rose Co, Cleveland. O,
Or Frost Bites -Just Bathe and Rub
Them With
Users sayt "It's Jnst dandy!" No
Tease. Will not stain. There Is
othlas; like It. Tour drucglst baa
It, or will gladly get it.