Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 16, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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Former, Star Dancer Perishes
While Instructing Cadet
at Benbrook Field.
Aviator Who Was fn barue Machine
K"Cpr Practically Cnlnjurrd.
Jead Man Om-4 Popular I'lj
nrf on American Mage.
TORT WORTH, Tea.. Feb. 1J Cap
lain Vernon Castle. (mou dancer and
nmhr of the ftoyal Klying Corp, f'll
to hi death at Henbrook flying field
lxtj)r. sarrifli-tng his owo life to cave
t.val of (fllow aviator. -
Captain Castle, who Jias been acting
aa an aviation instructor acre, me
iath in an attempt lo avert n col
lision with another plane, which wa
m-ikinc a Undli( near Mm at what la
known aa a "blind angle."
Castle aaw a collision waa Imminent
and "loomed up' T. feet, but at uch
a sharp angle that his engine died, allowing-
the plan to turn on its side.
tiin pinnae noeo downward to earth.
It is believed that If Castle had been
S feet higher he would have had time
to make a safe landing.
The cadet with whom he waa (lying
was only slightly Injured.
Captain Castle waa on of the best
liked mrf on the aviation field. A mili
tary funeral will be held at t o'clock
tomorrow afternoon. Ills body will be
sent to New York for burial. A de
tachment from the Royal Flying Corps
will go aa an escort of honor.
PAULAS. To.. Feb. IS. Tho death of
Captain Vernon Castle while flying at
fort Worth was the fifth In tha avia
tion ram ra rn that city within a week.
The Increase In fatalities la at
tributed by aviation officers to the
greatly Increased flying thai haa com
with tk advent of warm Mprinar daya
aad t tha fact that the atudenta are
reaching- a alas; wher they fly alone.
Royal Cars Mar Daring.
The Koyal Flying Corps Cadets ara
encouraged to make nior daring and
dangeroua flights than the American
students, and the danger of collision Is
Increased by the greater number of air
planes that ar la th air during prao
lie lime.
The fatalities this week at Fort
Worth began Monday with the acci
dent to Lieutenant Peyton C. March. Jr..
son of tne chief of staff of th I'alted
States Army, who fell 160 feet at Camp
lUawte, receiving tnjurlea from which
be died ttie following day.
On Tuesday, fad-is J. L Wray and
F. it- Porter were killed.
Yesterday Clifford X. Murray, a cadet,
(ell to hi death.
There waa on fatality at th camp
at Wichita Kail thia week and on at
Houston, when Donald Uleasoa was
Today'a brings th total fatalities at
Fort Worth to SI. as compared with
even at Houston, three at San An
tonio, two at Wichita Fails aad aa
ach at Dallas and Waco.
I as ! Tsr Tewten lavoattoav
Th Imbalnaaa turn, ta which Captain
Castle met hie death, waa named after
lieutenant Iramelman, the German flier,
who downed many allied airplanes be
fore being shot down himself, accord
tag to flying officer.
"Ft la a combination turn and twist
while diving." said an aviation offi
cer. "Cap tan Castl evidently tried to
dive under and around th other ma
chine hut waa too cioa to clear his
'tigs? . . ,vt a n
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People Wrought Up Over Ar
rest of Presidents.
Demonstration Carried On by Tlion-
anJ Futloulnf Taking or Tlire
Magistrate Quelled by Force.
Number of Civilians Killed.
AMSTFUPAM. Feb. IS. Les Nou-
velles (Maastricht) reports that th
Belgian government, having .ordered
the Belgian Judges In th occupied ter
ritory to proseculo all activists guilty
of having announced th fall of th
King's government and of proclaiming
autonomy In Flanders, th three presi
dents of th Brussels court of eases
tlon plaeed under arrest Pierr Tock
and Pr. Auguat Harms, loader of the
activist movement.
The Germans immediately hastened
to the palace of Justice In Brussels and
arrested tk three presidents, at th
same time releasing Tock and Borma.
Th new spread like wildfire and dele
gates representing (00 Brussels socle-
ties met In th main square, where a
demonstration of thousand of parsons
waa being carried out. Th police and
soldiers charged and fired upon the
crowds, several soldiers and civilians
being killed or wounded.
Th thre magistrates wer sent ta
Germany. Later the court ( cassation
met and decided to resign In a body if
th thre magistrates were not re
leaaed. All the Helglan tribunals have
united and decided to strike. Th Bel
gian people everywhere aooording to
thia report, a re In a slat of extreme
Indignation against th Flemish inhabitants.
rstlna.d Wrem First Pege.
German offenaiva aaainat Russia ws
discussed. Nearly all present wer of
the opinion that It was very lmprob
able, but uttered warnings against un
limited optimism In this direction, be
cause th extreme annexationist groups
in Germany might fore th govern
ment to a new offensive.
"All th speakers expressed cop
XRW TORK rib IS rVntaln Caatl.'. I fldenc that the masses of the people
or uerminy ana Austria-nungary cuuiu
not permit new bloodshed on th Kt
slan front, for such an offensive would
have the character of an open raid for
"M. Trotxky completed his report
with the statement that Russia wa
withdrawing from th war. not only 1
appearance, but In reality; waa throw
Ins; away all agreements with her
former allies, and, aa regards the wa
in progress, was reserving for herself
complete freedom with reaped to both
Idea in her revolutionary policy.
Arsslatle Held Ended.
A dispatch to the Pally News from
Rotterdam says that th Germans take
the view that TrotxKy's declaration.
though It did not end the war, auto
matically ended th armistice. (Th
arratatic expired February 14.)
Th Qerraans new consider that they
hav a fre haad and mean to us the
This, according to th correspondent.
does not mean necessarily that th Ger
mans will Immediately try to reach
Betrograd. but uir probably that they
will support th Ukrain by fore of
Th Germans, h says, ar carrying
on an active propaganda In the Ukraine
for th purpose of suggesting to th
Hada that the new stale is endangered
by the llolshevikL
It Is declared that this Is all part
of Germany's scheme fur breaking up
th former ituaaian empire with s view
to extending her own power and in
fluenc over the new states, of whom
t la posing aa protector.
Belehevlkl Arssle Moving.
It is certain that the Bolshevik! are
now moving troops against th U kraine,
a Berlin dispatch to th Koalnlsch
Volks Zitung says, and the central
powers do not Intend to allow 1 k em
selves thua to be robbed of th fruits
of th lately concluded peac.
AMSTERDAM. Feb. IS. Peac with
th Ukrain was mad not only so that
th central powers might obtain food
stuffs, but also to effect a breach In
th eastern front, it s Indicated In a
dispatch from Vienna.
Trotsky's Aitltnd Obstructive.
A statement from a well-Informed
source dealing with the conclusion of
lircst-Ultovsk negotlatlona and given to
Vienna newspapers says:
"As Trotsky's attitude, particularly
concerning th application of th prin
cipl of self-determination, mad a satis
faetory oaacluaien Impossible It became
necessary for the powers who were
working for peae to mak a breach In
th eastern front, that is. to arrange
peaco with th Ukraine, thereby also
arriving at a settlement of th Rus
sian and Roumanian questions.
Richest Grnaarg at Itaka.
Peace with th Ukrain had to be
mad if only because a way waa opened
by It to Eastern Europe's richest
"Peac with the Ukraine,' the state
ment continues, "la the cornerstone of
tha entire peac structure and opposi.
tlon t the arrangements cannot be
regarded as compatible with th In
terests of th monarchy."
The statement then refers to the ef-
Brest-Utovsk by ths
tth the Ukrain
body will be brought t New York with
a detachment of th Roval Flying Corps
aa savori. They will attend th funer
al, at which full military honors will
be accorded th acad aviator.
Mrs. Caall was so affected by th
news of the tragedy that a phyaiciaa
was summoned to attend her.
Vernon Castl had a National repu
tation as a dancer. Hla horn waa here.
He was born in Norwich. England. May
. Its7. Hla right nam was Vernon
oon after receiving his aviator li
cense he sailed from New Tork for
England to Join the British aerial serv
es. In March. 11. h was appointed
a temporary Lieutenant m th British
Royal Flyrng Corps.
Caatl reluraed from th French
front In April. 1SII. and Joined the
Royal Flying Corps In Canada aa aa
Instructor with th rank of captain.
Tk following nsonth ho waa reported
t have had a narrow capo from
death la aa accident whlla flying at
Cass. Mohawk. Th cadet who was
flying with Captain Castle In the, ma
chine at the Urn was killed.
When Canadian contingent of th
nylnr corps waa transferred to Texas
last Fall for Winter training Captain
Caatlo went with it as an instructor.
Wife Motlosj Ptrter Stnsv
Sirs. Castl is on of th star ac
tress of a motion picture concern.
While both th Castles gained their
reputation chiefly as danrera, both
bav had. stag carrs. They aatab
ihed a dancing school her called
"Castl House." wher they taught th
modern daaees such aa the "tango" and
th "fox trot" aad attracted a clientele
amosg th leaders of New York seeiety.
XKW HAVF.y. "conn. Feb. la. A
ewblegraas received at Tale last night
stated that First Ueutenaat Frank
ttrowne Turner. 'IT. of Wicomico, Md,
wa killed by an alrpLan fall la
Franc February . Turner left college
kefer bla sair year ended. Joined th
w York Naval Militia and waa trans
ferred to th aviation section of th
Signal Corps.
WASHINGTON. Feb. IS In spit of
tb frequent fatal accident at th avl.
atioa training camp during- th past
week, th War lpartnnt Maaleers
th prcatag small considering th
large number of students and the
amoun. of flying they ar doing.
Tho acting chief signal officer to
night Issued this statement:
"Distressing though recent fatalities
lo the aviation aectioa of th tilgnal
Corp hav been, the percentage of
casualties among our young aviators is
very low. oonsiderlng th Increas in
th number f men flying each day.
Th aviators at th Signal Corp train
ing school ar averaging about lie
hour of flying per day. which makes
n diataac of about 11. a rail flaws
each day. This is equal to four trips
round th earth.
"Considering this amount of flying,
th percentage f fatal accident la re-
markably low.
Absolutely Removes conViusn" pUcW
IndlfieStiOnA DlWC.StS -TroukV aad hls-govemment. realii
t j t ! OC 'l,n the mPO,lblllty of continuing the
rcfUHu ia0neyaHAltIUlS..-3C- j wsr in present circumstances, preferred
to lay down their arms with a certain
eclat and to assume th pose of an
oppressed people.
'Still In State f War.
"The Russians' tactics, however, may
prove to be th worst for them because
we are in no wise bound by their dec
laration, and from the standpoint of in
ternational law we are still in a state
of war with Russia, qualified at pres
ent by the temporary armistice.
The Russian government cava us
opportunity to denounce the armistice
nd continue the war. or to make a
similar peace declaration. The Auatro-
Hungarlaa government haa no reason
to denounce the armistice.
In Germany a more skeptical opin
ion appears to prevail, but an exchange
of views should soon take place. On
the other hand, it would be s great
mistake on our part to announce the
state of peace now and thua bind our
hands. Tltfit would not do if, for ex
ample, we have to Intervene to pro
tect the Ukraine.
Our relations with the Russian gov
ernment, however, are not broken;
neither do the Russians wish thia. On
the contrary, they desire to continue
diplomatic relations through the wire
less with the commissions now sitting;
In Petrograd.
We shortly expect a declaration that
Roumania is ready to enter Into ne
gotiatlona with us."
Bolshevik! Official Will Try to Stop
Russian Violence.
STOCKHOLM, Feb. 15. At th re
quest of the Swedish government. M.
Borovsky-Odovsky, the Bolshevikl rep
resentative here, will leave for th
Aland Islands today on board a warship
to Induce th Russian soldiers to stop
their acts of violence against tha In
The Russians also will be asked to
leave the islands on Swedish vessels.
LONDON. Feb. 15. Great quantities
of arras and ammunition bound for
Finland have been seised In the harbor
of Stockholm, the Social Demokraten.
f Stockholm, says, according to aa
Exchango Telegraph dispatch from Co
penhagen. Half a million cartridges, it
is said, were delivered there to th
order of an alleged private individual.
Th workmen at the Vesteras factory
hav Informed the government that
they will stop work If exportation of
munitions Is permitted.
Two Statesmen Reported Once Hum
ble Tollers In San Francisco.
Tor Verses Castle, mm Fvet Seat of
Military Airplane. Belove-r-M . and
Mrs. Castl, x
British Front in Palestine Is
Advanced Two Miles.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 15. M. Mir
sky, a member of the Lenine-Trotzky
cabinet, was at on time a laborer in
thia city, according to Cyprian Sha
nowsky. former attach of the Russian
Consulate here, who said he vised Mlr
sky's passport when he returned to
Sbanowaky said that U. Schneroff. i
Bolshevik delegate to the Brest-Li
tovsk peace conference, was formerly
an elevator boy In San Francisco.
Holland Suggests Other Neutrals
Act la Regard to Russian Loans.
THE HAGUE. Feb. 15. Holland has
suggested to tho other neutrals th
they tak Joint action In respect to
the repudiation by th Bolshevikl of
Russia's foreign loans. Foreign Min
ister Loudon has Informed a deputv.
Spain, said th Minister, already has
consented in principl and replies are
expected shortly from Swltserland an4
toe Scandinavian, countries.
Berlin Advices Say Negotiations
About to Be Opened.
AMSTERDAM, Feb. 15. Berlin news
papers of Thursday evening Intimate
that peac negotiations with Roumania
are about to be opened.
They say although no of flclar com
munication haa been issued, it may be
assumed that Roumanian negotiator
who will first discuss a prolongation
of th armistice hav arrived at a place
agreed upon.
Prince to Enter House of Lords.
LONDON. Feb. 15. Tho Prince of
Wales, who automatically becam a
member of tho House of Lords on st
aining his majority, but who did not
ak his seal, will do so next Tuesday.
according to tha Times.
Te Prevent tfia ftrtn
QL1MN&1 Tablets remove the causa, There
.nl? " "Brom Quinine." , E. W.
CROWS signature box, aOc. Adv
German Lines Pierced by French
Troops and Prisoners Taken
Violent Night Fire Reported
Along Mense River.
LONDON, Feb. 15. Tho British force.
in Palestine yesterday made an advance
of two miles on a front six miles north
east of Jerusalem, tho War Office an
nounces. Tha statement follows:
"Yesterday w advanced our Una on
a front of six miles to an average
depth of two miles on either side of
the village, of Mukhmaa. 11)4 miles
north-northeast of Jeruaalem.
An enterprise against one of our
posts about four miles northeast o
Jerusalem was repulsed after it had
reached within bombing distance,
few prisoners were taken."
Following la today's official west
iront communication:
"The enemy's artillery showed con
siderable activity early. In tha night
against our front line in tbe Queant
sector. Apart from patrol encounters
In the neighborhood of Lans, in whioh
we secured prisoners, thera Is nothing
further to report on tho British front.
Yesterday morning an attack by
German raiding party on a Belgian
post east of Meroke was successfully
PARIS. Feb. 15. French troops last
night penetrated tbe German lines
northeast of Courcy on tho Aiane front
and returned with a number of prison
ers, the French War Office announced
today. A lively artillery duel was
maintained in the Champagne, notably
in the sector of Butt du Mesnil. wher
American batteries ar stationed.
The night was marked by violent
bombardments on the right bank of
the Meuse, and in the Woevre region.
In Upper Alsace tha French repulsed a
German raid in tha district south of
'On the night of February 13-13
French aerial squadrons dropped 4500
kilograms of projectiles on the rail
road stations at Thlonvme, uonuans,
Schembles, Mets and Sablotx. Fires and
explosions -were observed at the sta
tions at Schembles, Mets and. Sablotx.'
LONDON. Feb. 16. In a leading ar
ticle on th Americans In notion in
France, th Manchestern Guardian says
that more noteworthy than the ground
gained, valuable as is every inch on
his Champagne front, where Amen
can batteries were engaged in support
ng tho French raid of Wednesday, Is
h fact that th Americans lor tn
first time took part in th fighting.
There have been American casuals
les In France before now." eontinues
he Guardian, "but they hav been in
German attacks by air r by artillery
ire. This ia th first Instance in
which th Americans have taken part
formal attack. The French are a
polite people, but for that very reason
they do not waste compliments and
heir praise of the part taken by tn
American heavy guns In this action
may be taken exactly at its face value
We have persistently warnea tn
people not to expect the American as-
istance to develop ita iui( vaiu eariy.
but when America does Develop ner
military power, wa place no limit on
what It can aooom,pllah. W must re
member that th Americans are the
qual f Germans In pride ana energy.
nd their superiors in population, ma
terial resources and mother wit.
Lambs Die of Indigestion.
BAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 5. Deaths of
325 lambs In a stockyards here were
Twelve New Models in
Henderson Corse
Corsets of Guaranteed Quality, Fit and Comfort Giving ,
At $1.25 to $3. 75 Pair
Both front and back-lace models in styles to suit every figure comfortably. They are
made of the best materials and come in the double guaranteed rustproof boning. Our
present stock, replenished by 12 new models, faithfully portrays every new desirable
feature. It affords excellent latitude for choice, as prices range from S1.25 "P to
S3.75 a pair.
For Saturday
Crystal White Soap
For 25 Cents
e i
None Delivered Except With Other Goods.
Five Bars to Any One Purchaser.
Other Special Offerings
In the Notion Section
No. 2 Red Rubber Water Bottles at
16-oz. bottle Cedar Polish at.
16-oz. bottle Peroxide priced at
JUablache ace Powder at. . .
Diana Face Powder at
Pond's Vanishing Cream at.
Woodbury's Soap priced at. .... .
Creme Oil Soap, 10S 3 for
Palm Olive Soap, the cake
Large bar Castile. Soap at
A Fine New Line of Mens
Negligee Shirts
Perfect fitting custom made Neg
ligee Shirts in coat style neat
patterns in fast colors.
Blue Chambray Shirts $125
Coat-style Shirts with regulation
turn-down collar. All sizes. Fast
Men's Worsted Union Suits
at$23Q .
P. 0. A. Worsted Mixed Union
Suits in form-fitting styles all
Fashionable Styles In
Women's Shoes
At $5.35 Pair
The popular two-tone models black vamp
with gray top; also brown vamp with
cloth top to match. AU sizes.
For Saturday
The Bergman Shoe
for Men $6.85
A complete line of these celebrated work
shoes. Men in ship yards have found them
to give the best of service. All sizes.
Store Opens
at 8:30 A.M.
at 9 A.M.
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
Store Closes
at 5:30 P.M.
at 6 P. M.
caused, by indigestion and were not the
result of poison, according to the re
port today of Dr. Charles Keane, state
veterinarian. The indigestion was
caused by yeast in the barley upon
which the lambs had been fed. Dr.
Keane reported. This barley Had been
prepared originally for use in brewing.
Messages Cleverly Conveyed to Ger
mans Bring Results.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 16. The much
ridiculed German sausage may be play
ing an important part toward disinte
grating the Kaiser's army.
France's message to German troops
that they will do well to surrender
and give the password J'kamerad re
publtque1 is being carried te the Ger
man front ilnes in sausage meat and in
other ways.
Small vials containing the message
on oiled paper are dropped in Germany
from allied airplanes and relatives who
hope for peace and the lives of their
men to be spared slip the message into
things they send to the troops. Many
of those receiving the message surren
der and "surprisingly few spies have
been found among their number.
Propaganda pamphlets showing that
the war aims of the allies are for the
overthrow of the Prussian autocracy
are heing dropped 200 to 300 miles be
hind the German front lines.
Bride-to-Be Miss Marie L. Harring
ton, of Colusa, Cal.
NEW YORK, Feb. 15. A license to
marry was issued here today to Lieu
tenant-Commander David Worth Bag
ley, of Washington, a brother-in-law
of Secretary Daniels, and Miss Maris
Louise Harrington, of Colusa, Cal.
Lieutenant-Commander Bagley waf
in command of the American torpedo
boat destroyer Jacob Jones when It wa
torpedoed and sunk by a suhniarine in
the war zone December 6, 1917, with a
loss of 61 men.
Voluntary Service for Public Works
Proposed by Government.
ROME, Feb. IB. A decree has been
promulgated providing for voluntary
national service for agriculture, indus
try and public works.
The government reserves to itself the
right to resort to compulsion In event
volunteers do not come forward in suf
ficient numbers.
Read The Oregoninn classified ads.
Come Across. Naw
Agreement'with" the United "States provides
that' YOU will be DR AFTED if you don't y ol
unteer. i All kitten between 20 and 40 are liable.
Your Brothers Over There Are Calling
' Volunteer., to :day;r the fneedis"imperatiye;
you, yill not . be doing- your, full. duty, if you
wait to be drafted.
You Can Join Either the British or Canadian'Armies
At Nearest British and Canadian Recruiting Depot