Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 16, 1918, Page 16, Image 16

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Grant Smith & Co. to Finish
Excavation for Munici
pal Elevator.
lifriraltie Koronntrrrd to Dale In
, Getting Work Ione llcrallrd.
!-!) May Hast? IW-cn
Ie to Pro-(rfrmo.
Grant Smith & Co experienced rail
road and general contractors, tr to
Bndertake the completion of an excava
tion for the municipal grain elevator,
at the St. John terminal, according to
conations now on between the com
pany and the Commission of Public
Ivxrks. following; the cancellation yes
terday of the excavating contract held
by the C J. Cook Company, due to de
lay In progress that was attributed by
Mr. Cook largely to deliberate damaice
to the gear used and theft of tools and
other equipment.
It Is the third time the excavation
work has been held up. yet It Is estl
mated by U. R, llegardt. chief engineer
of the commission, that It Is naif com
pleted, so about lo.tioo cubic yards of
material remains to be moved. In con
nection with the Cook contract the
commission, at an adjourned meeting
yesterday, agreed reasonably to com
pensate the company for the labor per'
formed up to the present.
(nk Reewlla Troablea.
Sir. Cook explained to the Com mis
a: oners me obstacles ha had encoun
tered and whether they were due to
pro-tiertnan action or soma other In
fluenre ha waa unable to say. One of
the moat serious troubles, ha said, came
when a ateel cable used on a clamshell
gear for removing the material, which
had been used only on three shifts.
broke and the break showed ronclu
slvely that It had been cut. That hap
pened about Christmaa time, and once
since It gave way In the aame man
Mr. Cook said last night that he em
ployed a watchman and that In both
castes damage to the cable waa done
after the last night shift stopped work
at midnight. Mand had also found Its
way Into the steam chest of the en
gine used on the clamshell rig. and Mr.
Cook Insists the steam cheat had been
cleaned shortly before, so It waa ap
parent the sand had been Intentionally
placed there. Regarding defective tim
bers found In the derrick. Mr. Cook
aaya ha doea not think tnay were due
to interference, bat to an oversight In
Inspection during Ita construction, the
material not being suitable.
taay Thefts Rrserlei.
'i was reported aa well that a num
ber of robber boots used by men on
the elevator site had been cut and many
artlclea of value stolen.
Tha contract for excavating waa first
naenaaea oy I.rn Son. but was
given up soon after tha first Winter
freshet overflowed the site. Tha C. J
Couk Company then shouldered the task
and freahet troubles had their effect,
the work being stopped a few weeks
ago. but arrangements were made
through which tha company resumed.
Tha matter of equipment used there
being Inadequate waa mentioned In a
special report from Mr. Ilrgardt. but
Mr. Cook Informed the commission he
would add to that. Tha compensation
due U to be adjusted later.
Grant Smith Co. hold a contract
for driving the piling for the foundation
support there and have already started.
mo It rs expected by Mr. ilegardt that
ae fast as the excavation proceeds It
will be followed by tha piledrtvlng
crews. There are about 400 pieces of
piling to be driven and one the ex
cavating Is well under way double
ahifta will be worked.
Paeradattoa Plana Drawa.
As to tha work on plana and draw
ings. Mr. Hegardt aaya those for the
foundation are already prepared and
much of tha other drafting work out
of tha way. which has been accom
plished through weeka of work at
night aa well aa during tha day. drafts
men from raj 1 roads and other ergan
lsatlona assisting.
VTa are to advertise tha last of the
month for bids on the construction of
tha elevator and dock." aald Mr. Ile
gardt. Tha Commission yesterday authorlxed
tha Issuance of proposals for :S.000
barrela of cement for tha elevator con
struction. which la eatlmated to be
ample for tha work. Track connectlona
have been provided for. material In the
way of steel having been purchased
and tlea ordered. The fort of Port
land dredge Willamette la engaged In
channel work there, clearing from the
main channel to tha harbor Una In
front of the property, that material
being deposited on the land for filling.
while tha dredge Portland la digging a
slip for tha first piet. the dredglngs
eemg also pumped onto the property.
Caaasniaaisesi Meets Today.
Tha Commission will meet at 14
'clock thla morning, when It Is be
lieved arrangements will be completed
with Grant tfralth at Co.
-We Intend to facilitate the work
n tha elevator and dock aa much aa
poaalMe and. while the completion of
tha plant may ba behind the early es
timate, wa will be prepared to take
care of whatever bulk wheat moves
here," said C B. Moore chairman of
th Commission, last night. "I feel
that estimates of the amount of bulk
wheat that will move here for ship
ment thla season are too high. War
conditions have held bark equipment
and construction material, while the
plana have entailed an Immense amount
of work and time."
Hid?: j i .'ii"N
ij.- 1 . ; ; i :-v u:. )
Delay of Western Deliveries to
Be Cleared Up.
h-. r'i if ?J- w. fcjH - a
it . f : "... i ! s-. s
1 1- i
. r-r "
if V'- i X ' : ' ' N
1 -r,Mf.
'-wV,' - . ;,
Law a eaeavavBssasssa aasavawtMaveassaaawa
I.lemtraaat C. II. Jeaaea. Lleateaant William Catta.
Kight In their own cook-shacks are the thousands of loggers engaged in
"getting out the spruce" for airplanes for the American and allied nations
going to witness motion-picture shows, brought to them by officers of the
Spruce Production Iivlsion of the Signal Corps. If no hall la available and
the cook-shack is not large enough, the pictures will be shown in an extem
oorlxed pavilion. i
In preparing a motion-picture outfit which can be carried easily from
Place to place and operated without direct electrical current a thing that
would baffle most "movie" mechanics was accomplished. Lieutenant William
Cutts. a pioneer in this field In the Northwest, assembled the two outfits to
be used In entertaining the loggers. Lieutenant C. H. Jensen, of Vancouver,
will travel with the second show outfit. The "premiere" was presented In
the Vancouver Barracks Y. M. C. A. hall Thursday night and was attended
by 1800 men.
Daily Advance in Dry Goods
Held Unwarranted.
Federal Government Calls Sujx-rln-tradent
of Protective Division.
Mrs. Lola O. Baldwin, for 11 years
superintendent of the Women's Pro
tective Division of the Bureau of Police,
formally relinquished Its supervision
yesterday afternoon and turned affaire
ver to her auccasaor. Mrs. Wilma C.
Crouaea. Mra. Baldwin will leave for
American Lake at 7 o'clock this morn
ing. Mrs. Baldwin waa last week appointed
to have charge of women's protective
work In the Northwest for tha Gov
ernment. She accepted and Is on an
Indefinite leave of absence. She may
remain for tha period of the war or
may return to her former position If
her work for tha Government ia com
plated sooner.
Potato I Tour Market bought.
TAJCIMA. Vash Feb. 15. Officers
of the Selah Watrlct Frultgrowera' As
sociation have taken up with State
Food Administrator Mebbard tha ques
tion of finding a market for potato
r.our. which tha organisation purposes
to man u fact, ax a,
Incrrar In Cot of Various Goods.
Are From 4 0 lo 0 Per Cent,
With General Booct ot '
4 3 Per Cent.
Scarcely a day passes that Portland
merchants do not receive unwelcome
tidings of a new advance In some com
modity of dry goods. The upward ten
dency that began a year ago con
tinues unabated, and manufacturers
protest that Increased costs of labor
and materials are responsible.
Many merchants look askance at
these explanations and assert that the
advances are wholly out of proportion
to any possible Increase In cost of pro
ductlon and openly charge the manu
acturera with Indulging In profiteer
Ing on their own account.
General Iaereaae) 43 Per feat.
Indicative of the general Increase of
he past year, which haa averaged 4S
per cent In dry goods, are tha price
tatlstlcs compiled by one Portland
merchant and recently submitted to
he women's wage committee of the In-
ustrlal W elfare Commission. The per
centage of Increase la based upon prices
f January. 1917. compared with those
f January. 1911. and are as follows
for varloua staple dry goods commod
Dark calico, increased 60 per cent
light calico. Increased (0 per cent: per
cale. Increaaed 40 per cent; gingham.
increased II per rent; galatea, Increaaed
49 per cent: ticking. Increased SO per
cent: cheesecloth, increased 85 per
rent: cotton blankets. Increased 90 per
cent; bleached muslin. Increaaed 6 per
cent. Since January outing flannels
have advanced to an increase of 100
per cent.
Merchants are advising customers to
employ substitute fabrira for the higher-priced
commodities, but admit that,
In aome Instances, no satisfactory sub
stitutes are available. Outing flannel,
for Instance, cannot be satisfactorily
Dealere Are Suspicious.
Regarding cotton fabrics, dealers de
rlare that scarcity of raw material and
the wide demand of cotton for muni
tions and other war uses is no legiti
mate reason for Its exploitation. Siral
larly they believe that wool, contrary
to Ita nature, does not shrink, but in
creases abnormally in the lapse be
tween the producer and the finished
factory product.
Wool, for example, brought CO cents
a pound to the growers of Eastern Ore
gon, or an advance of 30 cents over
normal prices. Yarn, however, normally
sold at 11.20, now costs $3. Dealers
point to this disproportionate Increase
aa an indication that something is
wrong, and that even increased wages
to factory workers cannot account for
this ratio of Increase.
will load lumber. A. O. Andersen &
Co. have also listed the barkentlne
Alt a, which sailed a few days ago for
the Antipodes. and the auxiliary
schooner Pelican, which left here early
In January for Victoria and was dis
patched via San Francisco for the An
tipodes, both vessels being due here
by September with copra.
The schooner George 11 Billings, con
signed to the same company, left Syd
ney Thursday with a copra cargo and
the barkentlne Retriever and schooner
Gamble are on the way, while the
schooners Margaret and Else are listed.
The schooner Commerce arrived yester- Washington Sanctions Appointment
aay irom oan r rancisco ana win iuaa
Extensive Construction In All Sec
tions of Country Blamed for the
Present Shortage of Mate
rial on Pacific Coast.
Hope is entertained by steel ship
builders that some delays being met
with In receiving steel from the East
will shortly be cleared away, so all
energies can be concentrated on con
struction. In fact, it is believed that
there will be Improved deliveries im
J. R. Bowles, president of the North
west Steel Company, said yesterday
that there were about 150 cars of steel
on the way to that plant, but the ship
ments had not been reported as having
proceeded west of Chicago as yet. The
extensive construction on in all sec
tions of the country Is proving an im
mense drain on the steel manufactur
ing plants, and when it is remembered
that each ship of 8800 tons, deadweight,
such as are being built by the North
west Steel Company and the Columbia
River Shipbuilding Company, have
about 2500 tons of material in the hulls,
it is apparent that with all yards on
the Pacific Coast to be supplied trans
portation is a big problem.
On the other hand machinery con
tinues to arrive for woden steamers
that are being built in the Oregon dis
trict and in a few weeks the work of
installing will be undertaken. In spite
of the delay in making known which
firms are to be awarded contracts for
Installing the machinery, no concern Is
being expressed that the vessels will
be taken elsewhere for the work.
J. R. Bourke, assistant purchasing
agent or. the Emergency Fleet Corpor
ation, was In the city yesterday on his
way from Puget Sound to San Fran
cisco, and though it is understood the
principal warehouse for assembling
small equipment and general appurte
nances will be located at Seattle, it is
assumed there will be a warehouse
here as well for the Oregon ships.
There again no apprehension Is har
bored, for Lloyd J. Wentworth. in
charge, and the staff laboring with him
represent a determined force, having
in mind the delivery of ships promptly
and rapidly, and are sanguine means
11 be at hand for outfitting the ships
when ready, even if there is no ware
at Inman-Poulsen's mill offshore.
Steamer Puts Into Eureka With bnt
One Holler in Operation.
EUREKA. CaL. Feb. 15. (Special)
Another chapter in the long story of
mishaps which have beset the Inde
pendent Line steamer F. A. Kilburn
was revealed today when that vessel
steamed Into port disabled after mak
ing slow work of It down the coast
from Astoria, bucking a head wind
and with only one boiler in operation.
The Kilburn docked at her old wharf
here for repairs, and Is not likely to
get to sea again until some time to
morrow. This is the second time the Kilburn
haa put Into Humboldt Bay' in distress
since she and the Breakwater were
withdrawn from the Eureka run. The
Kilburn left Astoria February II.
Barkentlne In From Sidney Will Go
Out With Lumber.
A cargo of copra consigned to A. O.
Andersen A Co. of this city, reached
the river yesteroay from Sydney
aboard the barkentlne James Tuft,
which waa 7t days on the way. She
eaves up early today in tow of the
steamer Henderson, ot the Shaver fleet,
and will berth at the Fifteenth-street
lluaicUtal terminal Oatwad laa I of t
Fuel Companies Say Discontinuance
Will Work Hardships.
. That the discontinuance of the Al
blna ferry will result In an Increased
cost in slabwood for thousands of con
sumers on the East Side was the au
thoritative prophesy of the Alblna Fuel
Company In a letter received yesterday
by the County Commissioners. The
letter was a written protest against the
proposal to close the ferry and give
the space now used as the West Side
ferry slip to the Willamette Iron A
Steel Works, which is seeking addi
tional ground for a fitting-out slip in
the construction of Government ships.
The Eastern & Western Lumber Com
pany also filed a written objection
against closing the ferry slip and of
fered as a remedy a proposal to move
the West Side frry slip to a apace be
tween the North Bank dock and the
American Can Company dock. This, It
Is asserted, would reduce the traffic
along North Front street from North
Seventeenth street and would give the
desired relief to the shipbuilding concerns.
The County Board will take no action
until aome definite decision is reached
by the city administration with refer
ence to closing the street near the pres
ent ferry slip. The board Is willing to
give up the ferry slip space for emer
gency war purposes if the city is will
ing to close up the street at that point.
of More Clerks, Doubling- Staff.
Increased work at the Federal and
Municipal Employment Bureau, where
shipbuilding labor is listed as well as
that for the spruce drive and other
purposes, has necessitated the appoint
ment of two additional clerks by R. P.
Bon ham. United States Immigration In
spector. Mr. Bonham received author
ity from Washington yesterday for the
appointments and Is selecting men from
the civil service list, also a third clerk
for duty at the headquarters.
While a complete reorganization ot
the labor employment work is under
way and It is to be handled by a sepa
rate bureau at Washington, Mr. Bon
ham has been asked to continue In
charge in Oregon for the present. It is
assumed that later the work will be
placed directly under tha new bureau
so none of-the immigration force will
be identified with it. Up to this time
there have been two Federal men in the
employment bureaus here, so with four
at work It Is hoped to catch up with
the detail problems.
Warnings Up for Southerly Blow.
Southwest storm warnings were or
dered up at Marshfleld. and southeast
warnings elsewhere in the district at
C o'clock last night by Meterologist
Wells, of the Weather Bureau. The
forecast for today on the Oregon and
Washington Coast Is that there will
be increasing southeasterly winds,
reaching gale force. North Head re
ported the wind southeast there at 6
o'clock yesterday afternoon, the ve
locity being 20 miles, and the sea was
from Hilo last Friday with a cargo for the
Matson Navigation Company.
The shifting of the Columbia to the At
lantic does not serve to hearten the shTp
ownera, who have been hoping that their
vessels will be allowed to operate on the
Pacific for the period of the war.
The shipping board is working on plans
to take a number of vessels although, aome
of them may not be sent to the Atlantic for
several months. All available craft will be
used, one way or another. In Government
The Errli, an American vessel, left out
for Yokohama. Kobe and other ports In the
Orient today.
The schooner H. D. Bendixsen. Captain
Carlson. Is out 90 days from Sydney for this
port. Shipping men are expecting the four
master to arrive almost any day.
The steam schooner Johan Poulien, Cap
tain Ulvestad, sailed today, towing the
dredge Natoma. It la expected the voyage
to the Columbia River will take five or six
days. Ordinarily tow boats do the work of
moving dredges along the coast, but Just
now tugs are somewhat scarce. According
to shipping men, the scarcity ot tow boats
results in rather high charges.
Walter Scammell left tor Portland today
to clear his schooner Forest Home for Syd
ScammeHs schooner. William E. Burn-
ham, aalled today for Dundedin, with case
oil and a deckload of lumber.
The steamship President, Captain Thomas.
arrived this evening from Honolulu with
food passenger list and heavy cargo.
ABERDEEN, Wash.. Feb. 15. (Special.)
The steamers Hoqulam and Chehalls cleared
for California ports; the former from the
National mill and the latter from the Hul-
bert mill.
The steamers TamaJpals and San Jacinto
arrived and are loading at the E. K. Wood
mill in iioqulam.
Movements of Vessels.
PORTLAND, Feb. 15. Arrived Steamer
J. A. Chanslor, from Gavlota. Sailed Steam
er Atlas, for San Francisco; barge No. 93,
for San Francisco.
ASTORIA. Feb. 16. Arrived at midnight
and left up at 1 A. M.. steamer J. A. Chans
lor. from Gavlota. Arrived at 11:30 A. M.,
barkentlne James Tuft, from Sydney; at
6 P. M.. schooner Commerce, from San
Francisco. Sailed at 1 P. M., steamer Daisy,
for San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 15. Sailed at 3
A. M. steamer Santiam. for Columbia River;
at 9 A. M., steamer Argyll, for Portland; at
11 A. M.. steamers wapama. zor Portland;
Johan Poulsen, towing dredger, for Astoria;
at noon, steamer Beaver, for San Pedro.
EUREKA. Feb. IS. Arrived at 11 A. M.,
and sailed at 3 P. M. steamer F. A. Kil
burn. from Portland, for San Francisco.
SAN PEDRO. Feb. 13. Arrived Steamer
Shasta, from the Columbia River.
SYDNEY, Feb. 14. Sailed Schooner I
George E. Billings, for Portland.
ASTORIA. Feb. 14. Sailed at 4:10 P. M..
gasoline schooner Mlrene. for Newport and
way ports. Sailed at 4 :30 P. M.. schooner I
Lottie Bennett, for Melbourne.
TACOMA. Wash., Feb. 15. Arrived I
Steamers Absoroka, from Seattle; Quadra,
from British Columbia. Departed Steamer I
Quadra, for British Columbia.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 14. Arrived
Steamer Celllo, from the Columbia River.
SEATTLE. Wash., Feb. 15. Arrived I
Steamer Southwestern, from Alaska; Ad- I
mirai Farragut, from San Pedro, CaL
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 15. Arrived
Kf-n m -r Johanna Smith, from Coos Bar.
Sailed Steamers Santiam and Johan Poul
sen. for Astoria; Argyll and Wapama. for
U. S. Naval Radio Reports.
M. yesterday unless I
FEB. 13
Floor. $2. $1.50.
Balcony, SX.50, $1. 75c.
Gallery, 75c. 50c.
t Mat. today Last time tonight.
I The latest comedy hit.
Eve.. 25c, ROc. 75c. Mats., 2oc. 50c
Et Next week, starting Hun. Mat..
H "The Old Homestead-"
The Propvllle Recruit"; Levy & Acker-
land: HARRY GILFOLLi Rouble Sims;
Travel Weekly; 8AXT1; HARRY & EMMA
21 MAT. DAILY 2:30
With Lottie Mayer.
Six Other Bla Acta.
Three Performances Daily. Night Cur
tain at 7 ana .
Matinee Dally at 2:30; Nights at 7:30.
This week the big laughing show
Next Week. Starting Tomorrow 'Matinee
Cotillion Hall
Fourteenth Off Washington.
Portland's Finest Amusement Palace.
Ball-Bearlns; Spring; Floor.
Seven-Piece Orcbeatra.
lor Valdez,
260 miles
Distinction Made In Certain Berths
on Breakwater and F. A. Kilburn.
Grays Harbor Men Sign Up.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. Feb. 15. (Spe
cial.) Approximately 120 workers have
signed up here as willing; to give up
their present employment and enter
In a rearranaement of the fares of I shipyards. More are expected to vol-
the Emerald line between Portland and "nteer for this service during the week.
c- nuhll vtrdav snowing is reBaraea as gooa con-
" ' j , Isiderlns; that nearly 1500 of the men
oy XI. ft. xxt uv:i ui l. fvrunuu aguui,
main-deck berths on the steamer
Breakwater and boat-deck berths on
the steamer F. A. Kilburn are lowered
from flj.50 to 10. The change will
go Into effect on the steamer Break
water from this end. she being due to
sail Monday. Upper-deck rooms on
the vessels remain at $11.60.
The reduced fares are expected to
attract more traval to the vessels and
if adequate support is given in the way
ot cargo they will no doubt remain on
the run. It was reported recently they
might be withdrawn and later that it
waa planned to find a run for them on
the Atlantic aide. Tom Crowley, one
of the owners of the line. Is on his
way to San Francisco after Investigat
ing conditions in the uulf of Mexico.
Well-Known Railroader to Take
Place of Major Wells.
G. F. Kgan; Albina agent of the O.-W.
R. Ac N., who has been connected with
now employed
this industry.
here are engaged In
Pacific Coast Shipping Notes.
COOS BAT. Or.. Feb. 15. (Special.) The
steam schooner Yellowstone, which loaded a
lumber cargo at the North Brnd Lumbea
Company dock, sailed for San Francisco today.
The black buoy marking; the outer end of
the Coos Bay sunken Jetty broke its moor-
mrs yesteroay ana was www into unaris
ton Bay by the coast guard crew.
The itaaollno schooner Koamer arrived
from Portland, brinflng a miscellaneous
cargo of 60 tona
Barge C. A. Smith, In tow of the tug
Samson, arrived from San Francisco, but
had not crooned In at a late hour.
The coldest day of the Winter is on. ac
companied by a heavy downpour ot cold
rain and some snow.
ASTORIA. Or.. Feb. 15. (Special.) With
cargo of copra and hardwood for Port
land, the barkentlne James Tuft arrived
this afternoon, after an uneventful run of
78 days from Sydney.
Bringing a cargo of fuel oil for Portland,
the tank steamer J. A. Chanslor arrived dur
ing the night from California.
Carrying a cargo ot lumber xrora west-
port and Knappton, the steam schooner
the company 14 years, haa been named I Daisy sailed this evening for San Francisco,
to succeed W. D. Wells, as Portland I The steamer Rose City Is dus from San
agent of the San Francieco & Portland I Pedro and Kan Francisco, bringing freight
Steamship Company and of the U-.-W.
R. & N. river lines, when Mr. wells,
(All renorts for S P.
otherwise Indjratea).
off Bight Island reef.
LA TOUCHE, xakut&t ror
miles east of Cape Ellas.
VICTORIA, Cordova for Seattle,
from Seattle.
FIRWOOD, San Francisco for Seattle, 10
miles south or cape l- lattery.
TOPE K A, Eureka for San Francisco, 3,
miles south of Blunts Reef.
WEST WIND, latitude 39.8 north. longi
tude. 124.9 west.
ERNEST H. METER. San Francisco for
Everett. 233 miles north of San Francisco.
ADMIRAL WATSON, Seattle for San
Franoisco, 156 miles from San Francisco.
ASUNCION. Richmond for Ketchikan, 233
miles north of Richmond.
Tides at Astoria Saturday.
High. Low.
4:22 A. M S.2 feet!ll:1X A. M 0.3 feet
6:0 P. M.....6.7 feetlll:04 P. M 2.1 feet
Columbia River Bar Report.
NORTH HEAD, Feb. 15. Condition at 5
P. M. Sea, smooth; wind, southeast 20
O. A. C. Instructor to Report.
Corvallis. Feb. 15. (Special.) Orders
to report at San Francisco to the com
mandant of the Western Division have
been received by Cyrus F. Dugger, in
structor in military science at O. A. C.
who has recently been commissioned as
a First Lieutenant. Adjutant-General's
department of the Army. Lieutenant
Dugger will leave this week for Cali
fornia. He has been at the college for
the past five years as a sergeant in the
regular Army, retired.
PORTLAND. Feb. 15. Maximum tempera
ture. 40 degrees; minimum, 35 degrees. River
reading, A. V.Z feet: change In last 24
hours, as root fall. Total rainfall (5 P. M.
to 6 P. M.), 0.17 inch: total rainfall since
September 1, 1917. 30.41 Inches; normal
rainfall since September 1. 29.00 Inches; ex
cess ot rainfall since September 1, 1.3.
Inches. Sunrise, 7:14 A. M. Sunset, 5:37
P. M. Total sunshine, none; possible sun
shine. 10 hours 23 minutes. Moonrise, 9:05
A. M. ; moonset, 11:45 P. M. Barometer
(reduced to sea level), 6 P. M., 29.94 inches.
Relative humidity at noon, 83 per cent.
A. AND A. S. RITE Members
are reauested to attend the
funeral services for our brother,
Oeoree G. Rae. 32d degree, at
our Cathedral this afternoon at
1:30 o clock.
By order
18. R. A. M. Called convocation
this (Saturday), evening, East
Eighth and Burnslde sts.. at 7:30
o'clook. M. M. degree. Visitors
welcome. By order E. H. P.
A. F. and A- M. Special com
munication will be held at Ma
sonic Temple this (Saturday) at
1 o'clock P. M-, for the purpose
of conducting the funeral of our
late brother. George G. Rae, from fccotttsn
Rite Cathedral to Rlverview Cemetery. All
Hi M extended cordial invitation to assist.
By order of W. M. RUFUS R. BALL,
A. F. and A. M. Special meet
ing at 1:15 P. M. today (Satur
day), Feb. 15, for the purpose
of conducting funeral services
over th remains of our late
brother. Ralph W. Beckett, of lone Lodge,
No. 120, A. F. and A. M., of lone. Or. j-lease
bring autos. M. BTciAUAA , sec.
A. F. AND A. M- Special com
munication this (Saturday) even
ing, at 8 o'clock. Work in the
F. C. degree. Visiting brethren
cordially invited. By order of
the W. M.
46, A. F. AND A. M. Special
communication this (Saturday)
afternoon. 3 o'clock. East 8th
and Burnside. E. A. degree.
Visitors welcome. Order W. M.
B. P. O. ELKS. No. 142,
Members are requested to
meet at the Scottish Rite
Cathedral, corner Lownsdale
and Morrison streets, this
(Saturday) afternoon. 1:30
o'clock, to conduct the- fu
neral services over the i
of our late brother.
George Rae. Visiting broth
ers Invited to attend. By order of the E. R.
M. K. SFAUL.Ul.Nli. fcec.
'MA '
SlVuaiUart- mains
LTXCH February 14. at S93 East TwentiMh
street North, Mrs. Kaiherine L. Lynch, ase
fiS years, beloved mother of John Lynch,
Mrs. Clara Place, Mrs. May A. Hoth, Mrs.
Katherine L. Kennedy, James H. Lynch,
Mrs. Jennie Porth and Mrs. Lena Batty,
and sister of John Cavanaugh, of Mon
tana, and Mrs. Winifred Kin. The funeral
will leave the residence, 7U5 Vancouver
avenue, today (Saturday), February 16, at
10:30 A. M., thence to St. Andrew
Church, East Ninth and Alberta streets,
where services will be held at 11 o'clock.
Friends are invited. Interment at Mount
Calvary Cemetery. Services at grave pri
vate. BECKET In Kansas City, February 8,
Ralph W. Becket, husband of Mrs. v. W.
Becket. father of Harold, Murl and Will
lam Becket, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Becket. of thla city; brother of Mrs. Theo
dore Anderson, Miss Mary Becket. of this
city; Walter and 'h;irtes. of Heppner, and
John Becket, U. S. Marines. The funeral
services will be held at the conservatory
chapel of F. S. Dunning, Inc., East Sixth,
and Alder streets, at 2 o'clock today (Sat
urday), February 16. Friends invited. In
terment .Rose City Cemetery.
RAE The funeral services of the late
Oeorge G. Rae will be at the Scottish
Rite Cathedral. Morrison and Lownsdale
streets, at 1:30 P. M. today (Saturday).
February ltf. Friends invited. Interment
Rlverview Cemetery. Remains are at
Kolnian's funeral parlors and will- lie
in state at the Scottish Rite Cathedral to
day (Saturday) from 12 o'clock until tima
of funeral.
STICKLE In thrS city. February 12, Charles
Stanley Stickle, 1657 Minnesota avenue,
aged 34 years. 7 months, 26 days, brother
of Mrs. Brock S. Campbell. Friends in
vited to attend funeral services, which will -be
held at the Portland Crematorium at
2:30 P. M. tomorrow (Sunday), Feb. 17.
Take Sell wood car for crematorium. Re
mains are at Holman's funeral parlors
until 1 P. M. Sunday.
WHITFELL George Baker Wbttfell. aged
years 10 months and 35 days, of 73-4
Nenalem avenue. February 12. Funeral
services will be held today (Saturday).
February 16, at 3 o'clock P. M., from the
residence funeral parlors of Walter C.
Kenworthy, 1532-34 East Thirteenth street,
Sellwood. Friends invited. Interment,
Milwaukee Cemetery.
HEATON In this city, February 14, Ida
Adele Heaton, 378 East 41st street, aged
43 years, 2 months, 19 days, beloved wife
of Edgar Heaton. Friends invited to at
tend funeral services, which will be held
at Holman's funeral parlors. Third and
Salmon streets, at 10 A. M. Monday, Feb
ruary 18. Interment Rlverview Cemetery.
JOHNSON At the residence of her parents
in this city, 525 East Davis St., Kuby John
son, aged l year 4 months 6 days; daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson. Fu
neral services today (Saturday), Feb. 18,
at 3:30 P. M., at the chapel of F. S. Dun
ning, Inc., 414 East Alder st. Interment
Rose City Cemetery, friends invited.
DAHLGREN In this city. Feb. 15, Jean B.
Dahlgren, aged 54 years, beloved wife of
Oscar E. Dahlgren, mother of Jonas P.
Dahlgren. Services will be held Mon
day at 2 P. M., at the residential par
lors of Miller & Tracey. Interment Mult
nomah Park Cemetery.
POWERS The funeral services of the late
Erasmus F. Powers will be held this (Sat
urday) morning at 10:30 o'clock at the
chapel of J. P. Finley & Son, Montgom
ery at 5th. Interment at Mt- Scott Park
ALTMAN The funeral services of the late
John B. Altman wilt be held today (Sat
urday) at 1 o'clock P. M. at the residence
establishment of J. P. Finley & Son, Mont
gomery at oth. Friends invited. Inter
ment at Mt. Scott Park Cemetery.
KENEALY The funeral of the late John
Joseph Kenealy rrom Hoiinan s runerai
parlors on Thursday, Feb. 14, and inter
ment made In family plot, SU Mary's Cemetery.
Lowest Prices Best Service.
No expense after interment.
Prices lower than other cemeteries.
MARTIN A FORBES CO.. Florists, 354
Washington. Main 263. A 12U9. Flowers
for all occasions artistically arranged.
CLARICE BROS.. Florists. 287 Morrison St.
Main or A isoo. i-lne xiowers ana xiorai
designs. No branch stores.
XONSETH FLORAL CO.. 285 Washington
St., bet. 4th and &th. Main Biwz. A iini.
MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215. A 2121. Selling
bldg., 6th and Alder sts.
Flowers and designs. Phone Aiaranau o.z.
St.. opposite city rtali. Main boo. I'aiiip
Neu & Sons for memorials.
I U thibd vr nADi3QN street
R. E. A. CARD PARTY. 500 this (Satur
day night, 8:30. Ham and grocery prises.
Manchester iiail. soft mim streeu auiiiib-
slon 2oc All welcome.
EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, plna
Maw designs. Jaeger Bros.. 181-S 6th at.
rRIEDLANDER'B for lodgs emblems.
class pias and medals. S10 Washington st.
State et
and passengers for Astoria and Portland.
The schooner Commerce arrived this even-
ng from 6an Francisco to load lumber
on the river.
SEATTLE. 'Wash.. Feb. IS. (Special.)
With the arrival of the Kishinev In port
todav. three vessels of the Russian Volun
teer Fleet are in the local harbor, all either
loading or preparing to load lor tne Amer-
Rlair c-eneral manacer of the I lean-Siberian Trading Company. The other
. .. , w I twrt are the Nilnl Novsorod and the Ton 1
incisco ex rortiana neci, w nu - r.--- -y. ---- , . rf,in
which she was thoroughly fumigated, the
Nippon Yusen Kaisha liner Katorl Maru. on
her second visit to this port, arrived here
today. She brought a full cargo of Ori
ental merchandise. ....
The Osaka Bhosnen naisna nner uinioi
Maru. with 63 passengers and two tons or
general cargo, sailed today for Hone Kong
via Yokohama. M1 . ,
The Standard Oil tanker T. G. Seofield,
whlla shifting In the harbor today, lost her
starboard anchor overboard, and divers are
attempting to recover It. The accident will
delay the big steamer until tomorrow morn
ing, when she will sail for San Francisco.
The Belgian bark. IAvenlr shifted from
Tacoma to Elliott Bay today, and tomorrow
will start loading lumber at the Schwager
& Nettielon mill for Manila.
The United States Shipping Board's bark
Mononghela finished loading 3800 tons of
coal today and will complete her cargo with
box snooks today and should be ready to
sail Sunday.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 13. (Special.)
The Federal Shipping Board has rescinded
the order for the steamship Columbia to
tnke a cargo of general merchandise to the
H:ivaiian Inlands and the vessel will be fit
tl for a voyage to the Atlantic, where it la
planned to operate her. although she is com
jwxauvely, small, Jha Columbia arrived
who has been commissioned a Major In
the United States Army Transport Serv
ice, leaves for France. He has been ad
vised by telegraph from Washington to
hold himself in readiness to move on
short notice."
G. L.
Pan Franci
came here from San Francisco to ar
range for the apney Changs, an
nounced the appointment of Mr. Euan
last night, that having; been agreed on
with the railroad officials, aa the dock
organization is a joint agency.
Toronto Officials Here.
John Lax ton, one of five members of
the Port of Toronto Commission, with
K. L. Cousins, manager and chief engi
neer of the I'ort, are In the city on a
tour of the Pacific Coast, studyingeport
development projects and present facili
ties. Tbey spent part of yesterday at
the headquarters of the Commission of
Public Docks and taking; in the water
front. Of J25.O00.OO0 authorised for
Toronto improvements, about $7,000,000
has been expended, and the war hss
temporarily halted progress. Of more
than 90 men in the office of the com
mission at Toronto, It Is said, only 18
remain, the others having gone to the
front along with 400.000 men Canada
has supplied ot Iter population of
Baker ........ 10 800. 00112 SB Cloudy
Boise 18 3410.00 8 K Pt. cloudy
Boston 3 5S0.08i24 W Clear
Calgarw -lfl.,.0.00
Chicago 2( 24 0.0SI18 N"E Cloudy
Denver 16 28o.0o 4 NK Clear
Des Moines ... 14 260.00 4 NK Cloudy
Eureka 34 ."i2(0.00 12ISW Cloudy
Galveston .... 66 8610.00 4 E Cloudy
Helena - K lo 0.01 4 NW Clear
Juneauf 10 24 0.0(1 10 NE Clear
Kansas City... IS 2K 0.00 14 NE Cloudy
Los Angeles .. 48 6 0.00 12 SW Clear
Marshfleld ... 32 42 0.72 6 SE Rain
Medford 29 40 0.00 4 N Cloudy
Minneapolis... 2 14 0.00 4 NE Cloudy
New Orleans... 68 74 0.02 4 S Clear
New York 3S 5410.01 80 NW Clear
North Head... 34 38:0.44 20 SE Rain
North Yakima. 24 42O.0O 6 S Snow
Phoenix 42 s0.00 4 W Clear
Pocatello 2i 2S,aj1 4 S Clear
Portland 3H 40(7757 7 SB Rain
Roseburg 32 42 ft".T4 6 SE Rain
Sacramento .. 36 5S0.00 4NW Clear '
St. Louis 26 3410.00 16INE Cloudy
Salt Lake 24 32i0.01 4lSW Clear
San Diego I 50 r.SiO.On 4W Clear
San Francisco. 44 5610.00 4ISW Clear
Seattle 32 440.02 8SE Cloudy
Sitka N Clear
Spokane 24 ROjo.01 12isE Pt. cloudy
Tacoma 30 42IO.0H 4SB Rain
Tatoosh Island 34 40I0.00I36IE Rain
Valdeit -10 !220.00Calm Clear
Walla Walla.. 32 4410.001 4ISE Clear
Washington .. 42 62i0. 01 136INW Clear
Winnipeg r-18- 2j0.00 8W Clear
Edward Holman. Pres. W. J. Ilolman. Sec.
J. E. Werlein, Treas.
Established 1877.
A Modern, Spacious Family
Room With Private Entrance.
Phones Main 507. A 1511.
Perfect Funeral Service for Less.
Independent funeral directors.
Wash. St., bet. 20th & 21st, West Side
Main 269L Lady Assistant. A 7S85.
Office, Room 153 Courthouse, Sth St.
Kn trance.
rhone from 8 to 5. Main 378, Home Phone A
2525. Night call after office hours. Main ztu.
Report all cases of cruelty to the above
address. Electric lethal chamber for small
animals. Horse ambulance for sick and
disabled animals at a moment's notice. Any
one desiring a doff or other pets communi
cate with us. Call for all lost or strayed
stock, as we look after all Impounding.
There is no more city pound. Just Oregon
Humane Society.
HFwnda aaaal tor srood tana sss 1 1
dty loams at close Interest rates. 1 1
Prompt. Bella ble Service. II
X17-21B NorUweateis Mans. liuUdla.
atarakall 4114. 4118.
Insurance, Surety Bonds
SOI WILCOX BLDG. Main 703. A 3702
Progressive Funeral Directors.
Private Drive Women Attendants.
Main 9. JJMJ-
East 64. Lady Assistant.
Funeral Directors, Inc.
Multnomah at Seventh street.
C 3165.
Wdln. 4340.
buccea&urs iu
Killingsworth and Kerby sts.
"ERICSON Residence Undertaking Parlors, r.rf Morrison sts. Main 01JJ, A
funeral direct-
u-n-riwav and fjne- sireeu rouu
t A. M. today. P. M. report of preceding day.
Broadway 430,
A 4558. Lady attendant.
Portland and vicinity 'Rain ; Increasing
southeasterly winas.
Oregon and Washing-ton Rain west, rain
or snow east portion; increasing southeast
erly winds, reaching gale force along the
Idaho Rain or snow; increasing south
eastely winds.
Southwest storm warnings ordered at
Marshfleld and southeast storm warnings
elsewhere In tne rortiana storm warning
district. EDWARD L. WELLS.
in want Alder street. East 62, B 625.
neral service. 1973 E. tiusan. Manor 3ia.
P L. LERCH, East 11th and Clay streets.
T.adv attendant. i,ast S1. a lda-
592 Williams ave.
1088, C 1088
and Clay. Main 4152, A 2321. Lady assistant.
Phone your want ads to The Orego-1
nian. Slain 7070. A 6095.
HUMAPOK At St. Helena. Cel., February
14. Margaret Hurke Humason. age &t
vesrs, wife of E. F. Humason. mother of
Mrs. Harrington, of Spokane; Mrs. Tufts,
of Davis. Cal. : Allen Humason. Atlanta,
Ga. : John Humason. Maxwell. Cal.:
Helena. Hector and Harvey Humason. of
Portland. Funeral arrangements W4U be
mads later, la Portland,
Taylor's Ferry Road. End Rlverview
The onlv civilized method of burlaL
8now-whlte. always dry, sanitary tomhs.
Permanent title and endowment; $250 up.
63S Plttock Block. Phone Broadway 35 L
Wm. MacMaster
MM Northwestern Bans. Blds
For Sale Lota.
THAT VACANT LOT Turn a burden Ints
Income. We design and build anything,
furnish the money If desired; eight years
In Portland. 1 R. Bailey Co., contract
ing architects. Northwestern Bank bldg.
J19.000 6TH ST.. only 3 blocks from Port
land Hotel; 48x100; income; terms; Ideal
apartment site.
FRANK L. McGUlRE. Ablngton Bldg.
EXECUTOR'S SACRIFICE 30 sightly, full
lots near Rose City Park and car. $3150;
will divide. Thomson, Mohawk bldc
WILL sacrifice for $400 cash, cor. lot, 4:id
and Clinton. See owner, 2ti06 East 4od,
near Clinton.
For Sale Houses.
HUBBELL SON, 1421 Sandy, oldest firm
ROSE CITY PARK, can sell you a good
house cheap. See us first Tabor 218L
$8500 FINE, improved West Side property.
224-226 18th. between Lovejoy and Mar
shall. Terma. Phone owner. East 3899.
8-ROOM house on immense lot In most ex
clusive part of Irvington; must be sold;
price $6000. terms extremely reasonable.
Phone Woodlawn 1465.
NEW five-room modern bungalow. 6Sth st.
N. E., $2500; $o00 and $20 month. BrcL.
4246. 9:30 to 3. W 780. Oregonian.
6-ROOM modern bungalow, sleeping-porch.
full cement basement, at Dargain. bee
owner. 1332 Division st.
6-ROOM house and lot, a snap. $1800; don't
bother unless you have tne money, owner.
4603 72d St. S. E. Tabor 7803.
IRVINGTON Modern 8-room residence, hot-
water heat, sleeping porch and garage; at
a bargain. Call Main 1769.
FOR SALE, small house, easy to move.
cheap. Phone Woodlawn 3Ua4.
KICHMOND bungalow, modern conveniences.
juuu; casn jyu. owner. x smi bums,