Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 16, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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LAIA-H ruin
LA who wr. fortunate enough to b
-- Included in the Invitational Ut
tor the officer of Vancouver Barracks
tnc tonight at the Multnomah Hotel
re co( with eager anticipation of
very Jolly evening. The ball la aeml
formal and will be attended by about
couplss. the oltve-drab uniformed
efficera front the barrack, and the Port
land vomrn, all of whom will don even
Jna attire for the occasion. Colonel 11-
". Moore and Mr. and Mr a, Henry larid
Corbett will receiv the guests. The
i op committer, which Is a permanent
rne at th post. Includes the following:
Captain W. H. Hlaeell. Captain
) "ohm. Captain K. R- Osier, lieutenant
. H. tjoowden and Lieutenant t. W.
Ihtnrinr will commence at s39 and
fnna- the evenlna favors eusarstlve
rf the Valentine reason will be dis
tributed anions the dancers.
This I the .-ond dance of the sort
that Cortland women have participated
In this season, the first one beins; riven
r the ntanafcemrnt of the Multnomah
llotel to Introduce the men, who were
etattonerj at the oet at that time to
the I'ortland mai'ls. Since then several
of the companies have been transferred
elsewhere, and the dance tonight will
ee all the more Interesting because of
the number of new officers to be pre
sented to the rharmlnic cirle of town.
Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Kenney and K. B.
Chapman, of this city, recently visited
In the Southland and were registered all
the Hotel CUrk, l.o Anirelvs.
A Junior cloned paper chase, under I
1ta direction of the it. F. II..
Jarrte. Mml, will be held this after-
Tnon. the start belnc made fron. I
Jrtha, Station. fuinn Caswell. I
c-ueanoa Piatt and Jack MrUouaall wll. I
! the bares. At the clubhouse, afterl
the chase, all the ndena will be the I
(juests cf Mrs. A. M. Cronln.
Natt M-Koua-all. president of the
Portland Hunt Club, has extended In
vitations to a number of local Army
officers for the valentine party at thai
clubhouse this everinc. and the direc
tors and members who attend will do I
tfietr bi; to give the men a merry time.
it Is reasonably certain the club
house will be filled to capacity, aa aU I
the dinner tickets Issued have been I
sold. Only dancina" coupons are to be I
had. and these can be i'tuid today or I
this evenma at the clubhouse from I
James A. Heckett. Marlon IC Cummlnns I
or Mrs. r . A. Martin. Dancing from a
to 11 o clock. 1. U.
the Army, and will leave Wednesday
evening: for Fortress Monroe, va
The residents of Sellwood will arlve
Kev. Mr. Hayea a reception on Tues
day evening- In the Community CenterV
An excellent programme, including ad
dresses by representative men. will be I
riven. The members of the church
have planned some surprises for Rev.
Mr. Hayea. Mrs. W. D. Palmef la In
Mrs. Hayea and young son will tro to
Colorado, where Mrs. Hayes mother re
sides, and will remain there during; the
aDsence or Kev. Mr. Hayes.
1 1 m . .
: ' i v x
i VVV V- .
Questions nert&lnlnir to hvriene. unltk.
I tlon- and prevention of dlseuea. if msitsrs
of Keneral Interect. will be arutwered In this
column. Where space will not permit or the
subject in not suitable, letters will be Ter-
sonally answered, subject to proper Uml-
tatlons and where stamped addr-PHeaVi n.
Iveinpe is incioeea. ut. bvaiu will not make
diagnosis or prescribe for Individual dis
eases. Requests Xor such services cannot
09 iniwfrfa,
(Copyrlnht. JPIG. by Dr. W. A Ttvnm
Published by amnsTcmtnt with fh rhiffttrA
rye- yn i
H eCl- . y - f
society wen and women, with a fen
eroui sprlnklinir of Army officers, sol
tilers and sailors, and the usual en
thusiastic thronif of hockey fans, at
tended the Ice hockey same last night
sit the I' e Ta'ace and (cave vent to
their enthusiasm by cheers and ener-1
sretlc applause. A number of well-1
known men and women were hosts fori
line parties, which later developed Into I
supper and danclna parties. Several of I
the officers from Vancouver Harrarks,
s well as the men connected with I
the spruce division In fort land, enter-I
tained a number of their friends with
line parties at the Same, which was I
played between Sesttle and Portland,
Miss Elisabeth Carson has returned
fim Los Angeles after several months
-visit with Mr. and Mrs. John 1. Carson,
Mr. and Mrs. X. C. Vllleneuve. of
Boise. Idaho, are spenrilnr their honey
moon at Hotel Portland. The bride
was formerly Miss Catherine 11c
amars. a prominent society girl of
Hoise. Mr. Vllleneuve Is cartoonist on
tiie Boise statesman.
Opes) Air Health Prodhieer.
"piVERrONB Is agreed that the prfti
IHi cipal reason for the increase of
sickness In TV'inter Is the fact that peo-
Iple stay In the house too much.
The Increase starts when the people
be cln to house up In November. It
mounts steadily until March In the
colder reclons and then as the warmer
days begin to lure men Into the open It
halts and gives way to a decrease. This
being true, whatever gets people into
the open air in mld-Wlnter Is a health
ti mi itriicie on wnat to waf on
Winter Hikes." which recently appeared
in uoon iieaitn, jsivens says a person
must spend as much time out of doors
In the Winter as In the Summer. Rut
this Is not feasible unless ho Is properly
ine first essential Is a srood nalr of
walking shoes. These should be lars-a
'cn to permit or two pairs of wool
en socks, wnen put on over two pairs
of socks the ftf of the heels should be
snug, out there must be plenty of room
across the ball of the foot and around
loes. ine shoes must be oiled weft
ana frequently. The men in the tell us that oiling; the feet Is
worm wnue.
An Army officer save In rinn tt..ii.
"1 never knew what foot comfort w.
until I began taking long hlk es out
from camp I to whom a five-mil.
waiK was a thing to gloat over before
going into the service. The secret of
III Sll IS the DOW nairs of woolen anka
reuows with a single pair, either cot
ion or wool, are tired out and their
teei are hot and covered with blisters.
Not so the men I can induce to wear
xne two pairs.
For underwear It Is better to wear
' " What dish more tempting and whole- -SBtf ' J
- some than sizzling ho ;-- -
1 The choicest cuts and pure spice seasoning. A pgj ?-"i llssA
- spected. Order a package today. Made daily by lljjlljjibSjF' - J
Wfii: . UNION MEAT COMPANY jfagftfijl
throw on this interesting; and equally
mysterious casa win be appreciated."
The taste Is due to chlorine and not car
bolic acid. Occasionally the taste of' chlor
ine can be noticed in the water. That is
objectionable, but see what you escape as
an offset. You never hear of any friend
Photo by Underwood & Underwood.
Mm. Henry P. Iavlson. wife of H enry P. Davison, chairman of the war
council of the American Red Cross, has given the former Davison residence
at Firth avenue and Fifty-first street. New York City, to the Y. W. C. A. to be
used as a hostess house for women and girls visiting soldier and sailor rel
atives stationed In or about the city. The house was opened on Lincoln's
birthday. February It. Mrs. Davison Is treasurer of the war council of the
Y. W. C A.
The house will Include dormitories, where women may stay overnight.
There will be a big living-room and tea will be served every afternoon to
the fighters and their friends.
As the hotels and lodging-houses are crowded, the hostess house will be a
boon to women and girls comlns; from a distance to visit soldier and sailor
hjivlnr tvnhnld fnw. .nv ni nT- A fw
two light woolen or cotton wool suits I years ago typhoid and baseball shared
rather than a single heavy suit. As an I honors as subjects of gossip.
outside coat nothing was any better
than the ordinary hunting coat esne-
clally if it was leather lined. This
outside canvas coat when leather lined
effectually stops the air, while woolen
garments beneath it hold the heat in.
A woolen sweater or macklnaw. par
ticularly the latter, was a satisfactory
Prominent Business Jfen Acquit G.
Anderson, Alleged Vagrant.
DoMEsnc Science
By Liliai Hwgle.
lew Is Csse It.
DON'T fry smelt this year, but use all
you can cooked In other ways. Re
member that in the food pledge we are
particularly asked to avoid frying, be
cause of the unnecessary amount of fat
needed for this method of cooking.
Haked Smelt in Milk Wash and
clean the smelt, roll in well-seas-med
Hour and arrange in a baking dish.
had to tall, like sardines. Put a slice
of onion and a bit of lemon rind be
tween the rows If you like the flavor
and sprinkle on a little more flour.
Harelr cover with milk and bake about
Z minutes, sienrs hot In the baking
olsh with the naturally formed sauce
round the fish. On wheatlesa day use
cornstarch In place of flour.
fimelt Stewed In Milk Arrange as
above In a granite or aluminum frying
pan or stew pan. Cover and set on an
asbestos mat over a low turned gas
burner or toward the back of the stove.
Cook gently about IS or 29 minutes or
until the backbone can easily be pulled
Smelt In Tomato Sauce Prepare and
cook as above, using well-seasoned to
jnato sauce or strained tomato pulp in
stead of milk. Vegetable stock, or
cider or vinegar might be similarly
Used. A clove or two and a few pepper
corns may be added If liked.
Broiled Smelt Wash clean and split
the fish. Lay flat on a baking tin or
gridiron, sprinkle with salt and lemon
juice and brush over with oil or melted
ctrlppinas. Cook below the oven broiler,
when the oven la full of baked things.
Vinell will usually cook through In a
few mlr.utea without turning over.
Serve jwith lemon and vinaigrette
sauce. Baked potatoes are the best
Baked Smelt In Vinegar Wash and
clean the smelt. By usinc a pair of
scissors, beads can be cut off and the
fish emptied in about two motions. Tbis
counts when there are many fish to
clean. Let drain and Pack like sardines,
bead to tail, m a baking -dish, adding
two or three cloves, six or eight pepper
corns, a tiny bit of bay leaf and yellow
lemon rind: If available, and If liked, a
slice of onion. Barely cover with mild
vinegar, or a mixture of vinegar and
water, if preferred. Cook slowly until
the liquid boils, when the fish usually
will be cooked enough. Tou ran test
this hv pulllne- out one of the back-
on 10 to 40-watt
Electric Light
t lashlijchU, Baft cries and Electrical
Open Saturday' Nicht Till 10
211 Morriaon. Near First St.
bones. If It comes out whole and easily
the fish is done. Serve hoc either plain
or with a piquant aauce made with
some of the liquid, extra seasonings,
such aa mustard ' or chopped pickles,
and thickening.
Or serve cold, plain or with tartar
sauce. One. two or three, according to
else, of these little spiced fish laid on
lettuce, with their little backbones ex
tracted, and with mayonnaise or boiled
dressing or tartar aauce above them,
will make a useful luncheon salad eith
er with or without a little finely
chopped celery or cabbage. Pounded up
with butter or boiled dressing or may
onnaise, they make a good sandwich
Mrs. B. G. Skulason will entertain
at a silver tea today at her home. The
affair Is a Red Cross benefit given for
the Oak Crove-Mllwaukie Social Serv
ice Club.
Marshalltown Woman's Club will
meet with Mrs. P. C. Blair. 70 Kast
Twenty-ninth street. Wednesday at 2
P. M. tMontavllla car).
Mrs L. O. McAldney. of the Port
land Woman's Club, has received word
that her husband. Dr. McAloney. has
arrived safely In France. He said In
a letter that be had a most delightful
trip. "Irvln S. Cobb Is on board." he
e e e
Monday Musical Club will hold a
silver tea February Zi at the home of
Mrs. W. J. Swank. The money derived
will bo for the educational fund,
At the March meeting of the Presi
dents' Club borne products will be
served for the luncheon to be held In
the Y. W. C. A. green room. Mrs. S. K.
Ball will preside. All presidents of
clubs federated with the state federa
tion are eligible-to membership.
The postcards to be sold for the
benefit of the public health fund of the
state federation are being sent out. It
Is up to the clubwomen to sell these
attractive cards and help awell the
fund for the benefit of the crippled
children and the tubercular patients
that are befriended by the clubs.
1 . e
All Campflre Girls sre asked to meet
today at the Y. W. C. A. at.? P. M.
for the dress rehearsal for the benefit
which Is to be given for the Oregon
boys' hospital fund. All girds are re
quested to bring their costumes.
By Edith Knight Holmes
THE Red Cross auxiliary to the Co
operative League held Its regular
meetings Wednesday and Thursday. The
children's department, which has been
opened with Mrs. 1L L. Mayhew as
chairman, is doing good work. The ap
peal made last week for used garments
of all descriptions met with hearty
response and the women feel sure that
when It is understood that they are
all to be made over Into little garments
for the Krench and Belgian children,
many donations will come in. For fur
ther Informstion, call Mrs. Mayhew,
Kast ;;. Leave all donations st the
clubhouse. Kast Tenth and Weidler. or
If arrangements are made, they will be
called for.
A delicious luncheon wss served by
Mrs. Delmar Shaver assisted by Mrs.
Krsnk I'lympton. 30 ladies being pres
ent. Mrs. Shaver represents her dis
trict at the food conservation lectures
given by Miss Johnson, of Oregon
Agricultural College, and during lunch
eon gave a very full report of the
lectures on conserving whest flour and
At 1 o'clock Miss Edna Groves gsve
a demonstration of the many breads
thst can be made of substitute flours
to an Interested audience.
Next Wednesday there will be a com
fort tacking at the clubhouse to which
everyone Is cordially invited. Fifty
women are wanted in addition to the
regular attendants. The scraps that
have accumulated from the various
work done by-the auxiliary have been
pieced into'warm comforts and will be
sent to the Red Cross. The large room
downstairs will be used for the tack
ing and will be warm and comfortable,
e e
At 411 Morrison street, the Oregon
Army and Kavy Auxiliary will have a
valentine party tonight for all soldiers
who wish to be their guests. A num
ber of matrons will be chaperones and
young girls will assist in dispensing the
hospitalities. Some of the patrons and
patronesses Invite the boys to be guests
at their homes. Those who wish to
dispense this hospitality may send in
their names to the auxiliary, of which
Mrs. George M. Nolan is president.
At the First Presbyterian Church
house yesterday 75 women worked all I
day on Red Cross work. Twenty-four
machines hummed all day long and
busy workers made Red Cross articles
and a few quilted. The women are
making baby layettes on Fridays. Mrs.
Butterfield. president, has an able set
of officers and assistants and the work
era are loyal and, consequently, the
work Is well done.
e e
Among the' students at the Girls'
Polytechnic School. 13 was raised for
the Armenian relief fund last week.
Nothing- Is better for women to wear
than the Camp Fire Girls' hiking uni
form. j or blustery days the best head'
gear is a stocking cap. On warmer
days an ordinary visor cap with ear
flaps will be found warm enough.
woolen mitts are about the best cov
ering for the hands. If leather gloves
are worn they should fit loosely and
tney must be fleece lined.
In dressing for a hike one must bear
In mind the production of heat by the
body. The first few minutes in the
open will prove the most trying. After
that the working muscles will make a
lot of heat. The colder the day the
swifter the gait, and the greater
amount of heat made. There is con
slderable danger of overdressing by
reason of failure to make allowance
for the production of heat. The fin
gers and toes may be cold even though
walking has warmed the remainder of
the body. A ' dozen or more deep
breaths are effective in warming up
cold feet.
A Jury of three men J. WeBley
Ladd, H. L. Camp and R. B. McClung
yesterday afternoon sat In Municipal
Court and tried the case of the city of
Portland against George Anderson,
charged with vagrancy. They acquit
ted him within a few minutes after
hearing argument and receiving in
structions from Judge Rossman.
Anderson was arrested by Policemen
Hunt and Martin, who declared him to
be an idle and dissolute person, having
no visible means of support. Through
Attorney W. T. Vaughn, he demanded
Jury trial. The result was that the
three men. who are widely known in
business circles, heard the case.
alleged to have said that It served the
boys right who went down with the
Tuscania. that they had no business
going to war. Another case, in which
a woman and her husband are alleged
to have said that the President should
be killed, la also under investigation.
Albany Man Takes Up ew Post.
CASTLE ROCK, Wash., Feb. 15.
(Special.) G. N. Turner, the newly
appointed manager of the Washington
Idaho Water, Light & Power Company,
has moved here with his family from
Albany, Or., and succeeds H. A. Bot
tomly, who has moved with his family
to Winlock.
Woodburn'9 Thrift Campaign Active
WOODBURN, Or.. Feb. 15. (Special.)
Woodburn is making a very active
campaign in the sale of thrift stampB
and has made a record equaling that
of other Oregon towns with three times
the population of this. Postmaster
Guiss reports sales to date amounting
to over $7000. The schools of the city
have materially assisted in the sales.
Kev. F. II. Hayea Is Commissioned
Chaplain in U. S. Army.
Iter. F. IT. Hayes, pastor of the Sell-
wood Baptist Church for eight years.
has been commissioned nm fhamaln In
Vacclaatloas TVet Genuine.
Mrs. R. H. V. writes: "We have had
a so-called epidemic of smallpox in our
community. A child who had been suc
cessfully vaccinated five weeks before
broke out with the disease. Other chil
dren have been successfully vaccinated
after recovery from the disease. Could
such things occur If this is smallpox?"
There Is soma mistake somewhere. Either
the disease is not smallpox, or else the vac.
dilations are not genuine.
Chlorine Taste In Water.
F. Jf. Writes: "I am aware that splr-
Itus vlni. alias alcohol, has been ren
dered Inapplicable for internal use by
adding carbol as an inevitable war
measure, but would it not seem a
rather radical step to take infesting
our otherwise good and innocent drink-ine-
water with that drug?
"It is mv experience at least that
whenever I take a drink of water from
my faucet a strong flavor of carbol
"Anv Hrht you may be able to
Public Market Prices.
Maximum prices for best quality of
produce in Yamhill-street Public Mar
ket today will be as follows:
Turnips, 2 cents per pound.
Cabbage, 314 cents per pound.
Carrots, 1M cents per pound.
Parsnips, 2hi cents per pound.
Potatoes, 18 pounds for 25 cents;
seven pounds for 10 cents.
Bunch vegetables, 5 cents per bunch.
Spinach, 7 cents per pound.
Onions, 2 cents per pound; 11
pounds for 25 cents.
Kggs, 47 cents per dozen.
Poultry, 30 cents per pound.
Beans, white, 13 cents per pound;
two pounds for 25 cents.
Beans, colored, 12 cents per pound.
Milk, 12 cents per quart.
Cream, table, 13 cents per one-half
pint; whipping, 15 cents per one-half
Butter, S3 cents per pound.
Kraut. 10 cents per quart.
Honey, 35 cents per pint; 65 cents per
Prunes, 13 cents per pound; two
pounds for 25 cents.
Official Probe at Cottage Grove.
COTTAGE GROVE, Or.. Feb. 15.
(Special.) F. A. Thrasher, special em
ploye of the United States Department
of JuBtlce, was in the city yesterday
Investigating a case which had been
reported to the Government of a woman
Wlien a caller says
"Headache!" the Coliimhian
"Sit right down, please!'1
Ninety headaches in every hundred are from some trouble
with the eyes. -
No glasses! Glasses no longer strong enough! Or glasses
incorrectly adjusted perhaps bent out of focus without the
wearer knowing it!
Whichever the trouble may be, it doesn't take us long
to discover it. Nor much longer to stop the headache caused
by it. 1
You get a wonderful service here. The benefit of every
thing that optical science has yet discovered or produced.
And you are charged no more perhaps not as much as
in places where the skill is far less and the methods by no
means so accurate and safe!
Consult the Columbian always!
.to the United States Food Administration, requirements
for the making of
Our Three Popular Brands of Bread
"Kleen Maid," "Table
Queen," "Royal Rapt
are alreaoV being matie to conform to the rule and regulation, for
"VICTORY" Bread and, although not full "VICTORY" Breads as
yet, they will be before many days.
Your Grocer Sell Royal Made Breads
l. slsnHsna-m 1
ii k ti & n iTEri
Floyd F. Brower, Mgr.
145 Sixth Street.
The food drink
without a fault
Made of high grade cocoa
beans, skilfully blended and
manufactured by a perfect
mechanical process, without
the use of chemicals. It is
absolutely pure and whole
some, and its flavor is deli
cious, the natural flavor of
the cocoa bean.
The genuine bears this
trade-mark and is made
only by
Walter Baker 8 Co. Ltd.
: btabliabed 1780
H5 r7?y
MO. U. . PAT.' OFF