Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 16, 1918, Page 11, Image 11

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FOR 1918
Multnomah, Washington and
Clackamas County Direc-.
iors Outline Policies.
Co-oprratJon Between Cities and
Country District Important If
Exhibitions Succeed, Speak
ers Tell Catherine.
. Pair directors of Multnomah. Clack
maa and Washington counties attend
ed tho meetinc or the Grange Wonri'i
Club at the Central Library yesterday
arternoon. The meeting waa called at
1 o'clock In the morning- and laated
iinm a in me afternoon.
With th attendance In tho afternoon
f county fair repreaentatlrea tho meet
ing assumed Importance as an
ion (or the making- of plana and the
outlining- or policies for the big events
of next tieptember. In addition to the
cj t rrctora there ware a number of ex
hibitors present, and the assembly
benefited by tha discourses of,men who
bare had arid experience In matters
relating to tha farm, tha products and
lit SI OCX.
L C. Lewis, president of tho Unit
nomah County Fair, spoke on the sen
ral advantaaea of falra and their bene
Bta to a. community.
K4aeattaa la Needed.
"The people of Multnomah Conntv
and especially tha people of Portland.
aid Mr. Lewis, -fail to appreciate the
advantages of county falra. It la nat
ural that thla ahould bo. but wo hope
tho time will come when residents of
xno cuy will realise how much they
we to the farmers, and co-operation
-wiu do a reality and not a dream.
A. J. Krueser. Tire-preaident of the
tuiinom.n County Fair, apoke on th
subject of premium bonks and offered
Information for tho direction of ex
htbltors. o. E. Fretar. director of the
Clackamas County Fair, spoke on the
necessity of Judgment In the makeup
of a fair, tho need for the right kind
of exhibits and the elimination of the
wrong; kind.
Tho Importance of tho women'a de
partment and tho exhlbita that attract
women were emphasised by Mrs. IV h
.Hurray, superlntead-nt of the textile
department of the Oregon State Fair.
"Attention to the women'a department.-
aald Mrs. Murray, "means a
difference In tho gate receipts, for one
thing, but more Important In the great
encouragement given to the housewives
and the spur to domestic science In
tho home.
Lou Smith. Industrial agent for tha
Vnlon I'aclflce system, described the
varied and lasting benefits of county
"One of the biff points In connection
with fairs and competitions.- said Mr.
Smith, "la the necessity of explaining
to tho youngsters who enter Just why
they win or lose In contests. They
aro better able then to correct their
error, and win greater success in their
life work."
Aeaaareeeat Featwro Isssertaat.
E. K. Arnold, of tha Arnold Amuse
ment Company, dlscussod tha need of
moral, wholesome amusements at at
tractions, J. J. Johnson, of the Even
Ins; Star Grange, pointed out the need
la tho hotel business at St. Paul. Minn.,
are at the Carlton for a few days.
Misa Anna Piper, of Milton. Or.. Is at
too Washington.
Mrs. Frances T. Baker, of Roaebarr,
is at tho Seward.
Mrs. Edwin B. North, of Tfcnber. Or.
is at the seward.
Thomas Stephenson, of Carlton. Or, Is
is at me Portland.
Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Barton. Of Baker,
are at tho He noon.
C. A. Stockton, of Oak Point. WaslL.
is at tne 1'ortland.
Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Foster, of Seattle.
are at tho Jaultnoruah.
Mr. and Mrs. It. Wilson, of Astoria,
are at the Multnomah.
William G. Talt. of Med ford, la refla
tered at the Multnomah.
Mr. and Mrs. U U Mann, of Pendle
ton, are at tha Imperial.
Mrs. Thompson Coberth, of The
Dalles. Is st tho Portland.
Dr. and Mrs. W. U Stansbnry, of it
tor la. are at tha Washington.
Mr. and Mra. F. N. Huntington, of
Kelso. ash., are at tha Oregon.
K. McPherson and family of Vulcan,
Alberts, Canada, are at the Carlton.
J. L. Brown, of Great Falls. Mont.. Is
among- those registered at tha Carlton.
Mrs. Oscar Drumhellcr and daughter.
of Walla Walla. WasIl. aro at the Fort-
Misses Margaret and Florence Flynn.
of Stevenson, Wash, are at tho Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. W. & Clark and daugh
ter, of Walla Walls, Wash, are at the
W. Bollons. division superintendent
of the O.-W. R. tc X. at La Grande, is
at tha Multnomah.
Dorse y Kreltxer, vice-president and
general manager of tho First National
Bank of Marshfleld. Or, la at the Carl
ton. Mr. Kreltxer la accompanied by
Mrs. Kreltxer.
B0.D3 for rmrosE.
We Give S.& H.Green Trading Stamps With Purchases Amounting to 10c or Over Stamp Books Redeemed in Cash on Fourth Floor
Manicuring and Hairdressing Parlors, Second Floor Baby Carriages, Go-Carts, Bicycles, Fourth Floor Furniture Dept., Third Floor
U. S. Thrift
and War Savings Certificates
for sale Main Office, 4th Floor.
Buy them and help Uncle Sam
win the war for democracy.
The Standard Store of the Northwest
Olds, Wortman & King
Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods
Tea Room
4th Floor
Appetizing- Luncheon served
daily from 11:30 to 2:30. A
good place to meet your friends
while shopping. Prompt service.
The Whole Store Reflects the Spirit of Spring
New Wearables, New Wash Goods, New Silks, New Neckwear New Things in All Departments See Them!
Coadeaaaatloa or Stlpalatlea Prop seed
as Hetaods of Taklag Over Eatlr
Streetcar Syateaa.
TACOMA. Wash, Feb. J J. (Special)
A proposition to vote K.aOO.OoO
worth of utility bonds for tho acqui
sition by condemnation or stipulation
of tha entire electric street railway
system of the Tacoma Railway
Power Company by the city of Tacoma
will be put to the people at the nest
municipal election, April 3.
Commliuiluncr of Public Works
Charles D. Atkins today authorized
Cily Attorney Harmon to draw up an
ordinance for presentation to tho City
Council placing the proposition on the
ballot at the Sprint; election.
The alternative plan of the proposed
acquisition Is done so as to provide
sure market for the utility bonds and
at the same time set a valuation of
the physical property of the Tacoma
Railway A Power Company.
If the city should decide to condemn
the property of the private corporation
In acquiring it. there would be an Im
mediate demand to show cash sum
cient to make the purchase, it waa ex
plained by Commissioner Atkins. If.
as the alternative plan now proposed.
tho city ahould purpose to stipulate,
It was explained that a board could be
arranged which would fix some value
on the physical property of the com
pany and arrange for an equitable
method of financing the transfer.
Commissioner Atkins explained that
tho action of the city Is brought about
directly by the demands of tho various
units of organised labor, the Tacoma
Commercial Club and hosts of privato
tndlvlduala la Tacoma. for better serv
Spring Suits
Are Now Ready
Fresh out of their boxes, these new Suits will be inter
esting indeed to every woman, for they bring the new
season's message or what is to be the vogue for Spring.
A Model at $25M0
is developed in navy blue. serge. Smart jacket with high
waistline, gathered peplum, novelty belt, high collar.
Skirt is rather plain with gathered back. Many other
models in various materials also shown at this price.
A Model at $29 J5
This Suit has box-plaited jacket finished with belt, bias
bands, fancy pockets and collar of polka dot satin. Made
op in neat pin striped suiting in black, navy. Very smart.
A Model at $35D0
is of excellent quality gabardine in popular sand shade.
Box-plaited jacket with belt, fancy caffs, convertible col
lar. Skirt has plain front and gathered back with novelty
pockets. Superbly tailored throughout. Second Floor.
A Model at $39.75
has the new box coat with roll lapels and fancy vestee of
white Chudda silk. Made op in Poiret twill in tan shades.
Two-piece skirt with the new wide belt top. A beautiful
dressy suit of highest quality with finest of workmanship.
Featuring for Saturday
Wool Sweaters
At $5.00
Bargain Circle, First Floor Five dollars
is a small price to pay for such good
Sweaters. Several different etyles to
select from some are of Angora with
large collars and cuffs of brush wool,
others are shown in the plain Quaker
weave. Good range of colors. Jf? A A
Extraordinary values at only DttJJ
Lace Sale Continues
Save to J
Slain Floor Beautiful high-grade Laces an importer's house sam
ples consisting of full pieces which cannot be duplicated on account
of war conditions. Edges and Insertions to match scores of dainty
patterns narrow and wide. Four great special lots, as follows:
LOT 1 15c to 20c Laces 1001 LOT 3 35c to 50c Laces 250
LOT 2 25c Laces, yard 150 1 LOT 4 75c to 95c Laces 480
of county superVl.lo.1 lor lain and ex- CANDIDATES IN PORTLAND
nious. i
rtlanflrld and Cuslck Return From
Trip to Southern Oregon.
Irs. Fred J. Merrill representing tha
Oregon Congress of Mothers, reviewed
tho plans of the con Kress for the com
Ins year, which Include tho placlns; of
children's Industrial exhibits In tha
county fain. County Fchool Superin
tendent Alderman dlscuaaed the work
of children's Industrial clubs la Multno
mah County, and the plana for extend
ing the work. Will Schulermlch.
superintendent of the livestock depart
ment of the Ore icon State Katr. recalled
tho work of th "pis; lube" at the last
tate Fair, and predicted th addition
of "calf clubs" thla year. A. C. Uage.
editor of the Angorla Journal, spoke
on the possibilities of the goat Industry
In Orec-on and displayed a number of
beautiful aamples of mohair.
Th meeting yesterday was presided
over by Mrs. Kdvth Toiler Weatherred,
preatd-nt of the Uraage Women'a Club.
It Is planned to have the fair directors
meet every year In March to formulate
plans, hear auggeetlona and co-ordinate
tho efforts f th fair authorltlea In
the) three roantlea.
Money Orders to I'orr Ign Countries
XUmltrd to One Person.
fnrtner restrfrtlona on money orders
fr Norway, Sweden. Denmark, the
Netherlands and Swltasrland are Im
Paoot! In an order by th Poatmaster
Ueneral which has Just reached the
local post of flee. Tho order provides
that, effective February T. money or
ders parable la thea countrlea shall
not be Issued on the application of one
remitter for a creator amount than i0
within a calendar month.
"Vnosual ollls-ence." reads tho order,
"will be necessary to prevent evasion
of tho solrit of this ruit by two or
more remitters purchasing orders In
favor of th same payee. In a cas of
that kind a postmaster may decline to
I .sue more tha a on order and report
th circumstance to th department."
C Ly, Hudson, of Bend. Is at ta Ben-
It. X. Stanfleld and K. T. Cuslck. Tie-
publican candidates for United States
Senator and State Treasurer, respect
ively, were among those returning to
Portland yesterday from Mcdford and
other points In Southern Oregon, where
they passed several days meeting the
voters and telling of their cartdlducies.
Mr. Stanfleld will be at the Imperial
Hotel for a week, but Mr. Cuslck will
return to his home at Albany In a few
days. Mr. Stanfield hss accepted an In
vitation to address the Knights and
Ladles of Security at a meeting: In the
Woodmen Hall. Kleventh and Alder
street", nevt Mindv rtlcht.
Girls' New Spring
Second Floor The Girls' Shop invites your at
tention to a shipment of new Silk Dresses in the
latest models for Spring, 1918. Dainty styles
made up in taffeta and foulards in plain colors,
plaids, figures. Prices range $13.75 to $29.00
New Spring Coats
Second Floor For girls 6 to 14 years of age we
now have a good selection of the new Spring
Coals in various materials and colors. Prices
on these Coats range from $9.85 to $20.50
COATS FOR LITTLE TOTS 2 to 6 years of
age in attractive styles 6ome with fancy collars
and belts. Priced at $2.19, $3.25 to $7.25
New Spring Middies
Special $1.49
Second Floor Made up in good service
able material some in all white, others
with colored collars. Ages 6 to 14 years.
One special lot on sale Satur
day at the special price of tO Aorta
Girls' Woolen Dress Skirts
One-Third Off
Second Floor Odd lines of Girls' "Wool
Skirts in plain colors and J fTT
fancy plaids, priced today 3 v-r.Tr
New Spring Ribbons
For Hairbows and Millinery
Main Floor NEW Hairbow Rib
bons in plain colors, plaids, Dres
dens. stripes and fancy bordered
effects. Moires and taffetas.
Priced now, the yard 25 f, 350
narrow and wide. Splendid show
ing of the newest Spring shades
for millinery, etc. The prices
range vfrom 120 on up to 850
NEW CERIE or stove-pipe black Ribbons in various widths popu
lar for millinery trimmings new lot just in by express. Dept. 1st Fir.
New Drape and Circular Veils
Main Floor Our up-to-date Veiling Section directs your attention to
a new shipment of Women's Spring Veils in drape and circular ef
fects, just received. Navy, taupe, brown, gray, black and white.
Priced 650 to $2.75 each. New Veiling by the yard in latest meshes.
Devonshire Week"
Aisle of Cottons, Main Floor,
FOR house dresses,
porch dresses, c h i 1
dren's school dresses,
men's shirts and other
SHIRE CLOTH has no equal.
Shown in plain colors, stripes
and plaids. Dont fail to see
our superb showing of these
fabrics on the Main Floor.
Spring Hats
Showing Early Models
for Street Wear
New Sailors with straight, mush
room or cushion brims new Tri
cornes new Continentals new
Turbans and many other 6tyles.
Hemp, satin, Milan hemp and nov
elty straw braids of various kinds.
Exquisite models, many of them
are flower and ribbon trimmed
prices range from $5.00 to $18
Millinery Salons
Second Floor
TV. u. Eecles. of Baker. Is at tha Ore-
R. I Woods, of Salem. Is at tho Ore-
A. 3. Taylor, r Astoria. 1 at the
P. J. Tones;, of Seattle. Is at the
H. B. staves, of LewUton, la at the
E C. TteUr. ( Ppokaaa. Is at tha
P. K. Reasrla. of 1 Grands. Is at the
IL R. Kavport, of Prlnevllle. Is at the
J. M. Anderson, of Astoria. la at the
VT. t. fiarrlman. of Dufur, Is at the
TV. If. Ward, of Coldeadate. is at the
R. C. An ;ells. of Salt Lake, Is at
the Benson.
K. If. Morgan, of Centralis, is at
tho Perkins.
Charles H. TV Ml man. of Salem. Is at
tho J n pe rial.
F. 11. Robinson. oT Zone. Or, la at
tho Imperial.
Mrs. John Sloan, of Pendleton, Is at
th Cornilios.
John f. Cr inter-, of BeatCe. Is at
the Cornelia.
air. and AlA. X. SaUer
I a- I
l I II
I U efYW' " W" I la
I OV rv ' I II
i T?y:v: vi
i rvjv0tt i in
I CkW C ail lo
M o
At 5c
Jlsin Floor 10c to 15c grades
a special mill purchase of sev
eral hundred Women's Handker
chiefs with slight imperfections.
White and colored corner em
broidery with -inch hems, pr
On sale Saturday for, each"'
75c to $1.00.
At 65c
Main Floor Women's Dainty
Swiss Organdy Collars in several
very pretty styles with neat em
broidery designs. These were
made to sell at 75c and $1.00.
Perfect in every way. ?
Your choice Saturday at UJl
Men WHo
Look about you and note the men
who lead--invariably you will find
they pay careful attention to their
clothes-pthey aim to dress up to their
responsibility. Hundreds of Port'
land's best dressed men wear
OWK Quality
1 they have learned that good work
manship, correct style and depend
able fabrics do not necessarily mean
high prices. Our erpert clothiers will
be glad of the opportunity to show
you the kind of clothes that HELP
Men's Suits $20 to $40
Overcoats $20 to $35
YOUNG MEN in search of ultra
fashionable cuts in suits and over
coats will find here a good selection.
Spring Hats
For Men
The Hat Shop is ready with the
t newest Spring styles in Men's and
' Young Men's Soft Hats in famous
makes. Price3 range $3, $3.50, $5
Dutchess Trousers
"10c a Button; Jl a Rip" the
Trousers with the money warranty
sewed in every pair. You will never
know Trouser satisfaction until you
wear Duchess. $2 to $6 the pair.
Dutchess Knickerbockers for Boys
made to withstand the ravages of boyhood activities. They look
well and their good looks last until worn out. Department 1st Floor.
Toilet Needs
6? Drugs
Main Floor On account of the low
prices quoted below we reserve the
right to limit quantity of any arti
cle sold to a customer.
Ivory Soap OCv
' 5 Cakes for" Is
Mentholatum, 2 sizes, 23, 45!
Djer-Kiss Face Powder at (J0
Holmes' Frostilla, special 2of
Woodbury's Facial Soap at 230
Milkweed Cream, comes in two
sizes, special now at 450 and 900
Orchard White, 3-oz. size at 350
Euthymol Tooth Paste, tube 250
Oriental Cream, a bottle $1.2
Jergen's Violet Glycerine Soap
on Sale Saturday at only, .bar 100
Listerine in three size3, special
price Saturday 220, 450, 850
Mulsified Cocoanut Oil for 490
Nonspi priced at, bottle 500
Pluto Water the quart size 350
Colgate's Tooth Paste only 230
Palmohve Face Cream, l'aca
Powder or Shampoo, choice at 450
Boradent Tooth Paste, now 250
Pebeco Tooth Paste, tube at 430
Lux Soap Flakes, 2. pkgs. at 250
McNally's Olive Oil, special 290
Sloan's Liniment now 230, 450
Metal Hot Water Bottle $1.49
Squibb's Paraffine Oil, pint $1
Williams' Talcum Powder in all
odors Saturday at low price 180
Hill's Cascara Quinine for 250
Special Free Offer
With every purchase made Sat
urday of Creme Oil Soap at three
cakes for 250 we will give ONE
$4.98 Sale Men's Shoes
Department, Main Floor
A rousing one-day sale of Men's high
grade Shoes a sale no man should miss,
whether he needs new footwear right
now or not. Ail sizes and widths in lot.
3 Great Specials
rs'o. K!i Men s dull call bnoes in
laced style. English last with gray cloth fTm
tops. $7.00 Shoes, specially - QO JJI
priced in this sale, the pair tOXeiO
No. B664 Men's vici kid buttoned
Shoes on popular straight last with black
cloth tops. A diessy Shoe. QQi
$6.50 quality Saturday, pair uVxeeO
No. X679 Brown vici kid Shoes on
popular "Ortho" last, Blucher cut. Wide, Cftn DSr
f,,ll trw. nnH snlpnrlwi firrintr rf J tn t3ltUV JJKpi.
last. Standard ?8 Shoes, pr. t0s7O
Main Floor
Women's Boots
$7joo to $9joo ryr to
Grades Only 0O.O
Main Floor Several smart styles in this offering
dressy street Boots of dependable quality. In
cluded is the popular "Lancer'' model with black
kid vamp and ivory color cloth tops,
plain pointed toe and leather half -Louis
heels. Not all sizes in each model, but
practically all sizes in the lot. J A O
Boots of $7 to $9 grades, pair wOertO
We Give S. & H. Stamps!
Fourth Floor.
KEEP IN TOUCH with your soldier
at the front send him Kodak pictures
of home and friends. Complete showing
of Eastman Kodaks, Cameras, Supplies.
" Specials
Experienced telephone clerks at
your service 8 A. M. to 6 P. M.
SMOKED Beef Tongues, 00
about 3 lbs. each pound Oail
best grade 2 pounds for Oil
DRIED BEEF wafer A r
sliced special, a pound at aJU
HEAD CHEESE, a pound 220
Boneless Codfish 1 lb. pkg. 240
Eastern Codfish, pounds at 350
Camembert Cheese, each 270
Delicatessen Shop, Fourth Floor.
Principal Portland A gents
S-W Paints
and Varnishes
Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes are
recognized everywhere as the standard of. qual
ity. Make no mistake get S-W Faults for that
Spring work. Estimates cheerfully given.
S-W Floor Paint, Quart
Third Floor Sherwin
Williams Floor Paint in
several different colors
put up in full quart cans
Saturday special only
Third Floor