Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 16, 1918, Page 10, Image 10

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Charges Filed by Mrs. Alvina
Johnson .Will Be Given
Careful Consideration.
?lce Kavanangh. IWor Whom Ac
tios Was Instituted.' Will Kulo
en Habrae Corpns Promd
inr Within I'rvr 4aj.
Cemplete lnvesticatlon In open court
cf the charts brousht aaainst the
Javenile Court by Mr. Alvma John
aa J to bo made hortly. tt an
Mincfil yesWday by Presiding Judae
v..nH-h before whom a habeas
carpus petition for the relrase of Mabel
..H..m lt.irar-old rfauchter of the
t now m-nrllna.
Jada-e Kararuuih yesterday said
that the charges should be carefully
recsMerad by the Circuit -Court, where
wi-jr. for tth Mrs. Johnson and
th JuTenile Court could be called to
offer testimony. The matter, ne saiu.
should not be dropped until both aide
of the caee are heard. He probably
will ut(g the eae to one of the Cir
cuit Court department within the next
few dare.
Fpeaklna for County Judre Taxwell.
w-h L. confined to hl home with ton
s.lltia. Xn. Delia Whiting, chief officer
of the lrl division 01 in. conn, pjiu
.tercUr that a thorouah Investiga
te of the charge would ahow that
the Juvenile Court officer bad acted
for the best Intereeta of lra
Jahnaon and ber children. She said
that Judge Taswell and hi deputle
had nothing to fear aa th result of a
complete Investtgalloa.
Chief Offteer IalerrealeA.
Walling admitted, however, that
lira. Johnaon probably wa a competent
Mntn to have rharae ot ner lour cnn
Lren If she could remain at homo with
tnem la the evening. h Is now com
t elle.l to work aa a car cleaner at nlirht
rf neresaartly her Children must be
1ft alone.
, -Would the Juvenile Court be willing
tt lira. Johnson In getting
viae where she could work during the
nay ann wi ilu iici immnu . -
ilra. Whitina was asked.
-It micht." wa her response, 'but
tie Juvenile Court la not a free, era
kovment bureau.
"If she were able to ret work In the
day she probably could not earn enough
to keep her children, she added.
"la that treat, would tha pension
department five her back her widow-
pension a a mean of assistance
ilra. Whitinr was then asked.
"I can't say as to that." she re pile!.
Mrs. Johnson was securing a widow'
pension up until the time her children
were declared dependent ward of the
Javemla Court. At that time her
pension was stopped, although two of
her children have lived at Home witn
ber a greater portion of the time and
nave, been dependent upoa her work
for their support.
ChlMrew ftrelarew Backward.
Tha Investigation In tha rharae
preferred by air. Johnson Thursday
will determine whether or not the Ju
tru!e Court can "farm oat" children
to persons living In Washington. In
the case of the girl XI a be 1. s ho Is seek
tng release from the Fraser Detention
J(.rre throuch the habeas rorpu pe
tition, as well as the younger cauchler,
tiladvs. beta girle were given Into the
custody of persona living" in Waah-
Mr. Whitinr charge yesterday that
both Mabel and Gladys are backward
la their mentality and should be in tha
special publio school classes for back
ward children. This phase) will also
undergo Investigation, aa tha authori
ties wish to determine why children
who are said to be backward mentally
are given over to tha custody of per
sons instead of being placed In these
s aerial classes.
- Judge Havana ugh said yesterday he
would decide the habeas corpus petl
Uou from a legal standpoint at an early
date, although, he expressed the desire
te have the matter undergo thorough
activities for tha Vnlted States and
Canada, and It Is doubtful If any at
tempt will be made to bring them to
trial before the war ends.
Mr. Hutchart Is serving as president
of the war ammunition committee of
Canada, and Mr. Moore la making an
Investigation of the cement Industry In
the Ilocky Mountain district for the
United State Government.
Tha Oregon fort land Cement Com
pany, with eight other cement com
panies on the I'aclfie Coast, was In
dicted several months ago under a Fed
eral Indictment charging; a combina
tion for the purposes of dividing the
selling territory and regulating prices
of cement. Each of the other concerns
pleaded guilty and paid fines of :;o.
Recreation for Shipworkers Is
Uncle Sam's Idea.
Marlue Corps Sergeant Declares St.
Patrick Imposed On.
Need or Making; War Industrie At
tractive to Workmen Realized.
Total of 1258 Volunteer to
Work In Oregon Yards.
(. That St. Patrick never saw any
snakes In Ireland. let alone drive them
out. la th claim of Patrick Murphy.
native of Ireland and sergeant In th
Marina Corps here.
Snake, declare Murphy, were un
known to the sons of Erin until one Dr.
Uulthera. In 1171. Imported two small
reptiles, then considered a curiosity.
"The first man to really 'see snakes'
n Ireland." ear Sergeant Murphy, "was
friend of Dr. Gull hers. This occurred
one night wnen the man. a nar.tuai
drinker, awakened out of a drunken
leep and saw the doctor's peta crawl
ing over tha floor of his home. Dr.
Cuitber. after that, claimed snakes to
be a positive cur for drunkenness, but
St. Patrick? why. ho never even saw
Undo Sim I working out a preten
tious plan for providing wholesome
recreation ana amusement for th hun
dreds of thousands of men. who axe
now. or soon will be. engaged In speed
ing up tha National shipbuilding programme.
This Is said to be the first time In
history that tha Government haa ever
undertaken to exercise Immediate su
pervision over the welfare activities of
men engaged In large productive Indus
tries. It Is the first step of Its kind
that has been taken since tha begin
ning of the war. and In ita scope, pur
poses and ramifications will follow
closely tho plans being carried out for
the war camp recreation activities now
under tho Jurisdiction of the Fosdlck
Worker In France Soon Will All Be
Above Conscription Ago.
WASHINGTON. Feb. IS. When about
IS Y. M. C A. workers of draft age re
turn to the United Statea In a few
weeka there will be no one subject to
conscription connected with tha organ
isation's work In France, it was an
nounced hero today by the war council
of the V. M. C A. Six of these work
ers, all of whom. It la aald. were aent I statement
atrd Workers Wanted.
This programme, conceived to render
more attractive the 'service in the
shipyards, waa announced In a mes
sage to Franklin T. Griffith, state di
rector of tho Public Service Reserve.
from the United States Shipping Board
last night. It la Intimated that the de.
tall will be ready for announcement
before the capacity production ot pres
ent and future shipyards baa been
reached, a few months hence.
The plan as outlined by the Shipping
Board la announced. In tha following
abroad for short-term "emergency
service." already have returned. Most
of them Intend Joining the American
colors, officials of the council asserted.
Among those who have returned are
T. M. McCoy. Grayville, 8. C, and 1L
Oiannlng Collins, Lincoln. Neb. The
council reiterated that at no time has
It been Its policy to seek exemption for
any of Its men.
Men Will Bo Kxamlned Cnder Terms
of City Ordinance.
Examination of master plumbers to
determine their ability to do plumbing
work properly Is to be started within
few days by the I lumning r. camm
ing Board under the terras of an ordi
nance passed by the old City Council
about eight months ago. The examin
ers are I. s. v imams. Herman naus
senlua. C. J. Kelly, ltobert Gillan, W.
IL Chambers.
The ordinance require that each con
tracting firm of plumber, must have
one registered and licensed master
plumber la tho firm or In th firm's employ.
Tha ostensible purpose of tha ordi
nance la to keep unsKUiea sua irom
doing plumbing work.
HeslUIng that many of the shipyard plants
are new and that In otner plants the num
ber of workmen has been and will be great
ly Increased, that the accommodations and
surroundings are not what they will be at
a later date, the United 8tatee Snipping
Board Is making a comprehen.lve - plan to
provide means for recreation and amuse,
meat for the men who will be performing
the necessary and patrtotia work in the
It Is planned to work this out so that the
men themnelvea will hsve the strongest voice
In determining the kinds snd character of
amusement moat suitable and also a to how
the same shsll be conducted, bat. of neces
sity, under all tha conditions surrounding.
It will be necessary to ssk the aid of various
sg.nclea slraady organised that may be of
definite asfttataace, certainly at the Inception
of the plan.
In this connection It Is expected to call
upon the State Councils ot Defense In the
various shipbuilding ststea. the woman's
committee., the T. M. C. A., the Red Cross.
the Knichts of Columbus and others.
The fact that recreation has been shewn
s a neceeslty for men In the Nationsl
Atmy has mads It plain thst the welfare of
shipyard workers muat be taken care of In
a similar way. as the aork they are now
performing la as eeeenttal, necessary and
patriotic aa caa be performed.
Foarteea Counties Enroll 1 2rS.
Reports of the enrollment of ship
yard volunteers had been received at
state headquarters from a total of 14
out of the 26 counties of the state, up
to last night. The aggregate registra
tion at that time was 1Z6. as against
a minimum quota of 1:04 for the state.
This showing for Oregon is below the
naco she has Bet in nracticatlv all other
MM I MFPJ Til KIIT S I AM H war work activities, and Intensive ef-
.j- w.r,.... fort wn b mda fron now on fcy th ,
I Public tervlce Reserve staff, county
War Earing; ocietics 1'ietige J'ari oi
Wages to CkyrcrnmenC
CH EH A LIS. Wash, Feb. IS. (Spe
cial War savlntr eocletle were or
ganised yesterday In the Nspavlne
neighborhood by N. H. Co ft jn an. George
R. Walker and A. K. Nystrom. The
Kmery and Nelson War Saving Society
waa organised, assuming per cent of
their wagea aa their allotment, and W.
IL Harrison was (elected president.
uren Skagg was named vice-president.
Tha Napavln Lumber Company War
Savings Society also was organised.
The members of this organisation also
assumed per cent of their wagea as
their allotment. Harry C. Burton waa
elected president and R. E. Forker secretary-treasurer.
Ml I
lood Administrator Make Conces
sion to Prevent Looses.
flight and temporary modification of
the r-ceata-per-pound prlca for poul
try waa made yesterday by federal
Food Administrator W. B. Ayer. a th
result of representations mad by a
dctca-atton of Portland retail dealers.
la order that losses may not be
sustained on supplies of poultry these
dealer have purchased recently at high
prices, they are permitted to acll stock
a hand at Ji cents per pound uaul
aext Wednesday.
The administrator's notice reade:
"The retail price on poultry of SO
cats appliea on all new stock and on
all stock, new and old. on and after
Wednesday. February !'. For all stock
la dealers hands at th present time,
and until the 10 th. tha retail price shall
not exceed 3 cents.
Tood Administration Announces
Concession, to XaUon'a Sweet Tooth.
WASHINGTON. Feb. IS. Consump
tion of candies containing little or no
lunar has been approved by tha Food I
Administration as accomplishing two
definite things, the saving of sugar
and th continuing- ot tha confectionery
Four klnda of candles are recom
mended. Th first Includes chocolate
and cocoa candlea with centers of nuts
and fruits and uncoated soft candies.
The second Include stick candy, lemon
drop, peanut brittle and th like.
Marshmallows and similar candy com
prises the third group and In the fourth
are groups and Jellies.
chairmen and local enrollment agents
to boost Oregon over tha top In her
old-time form.
The detailed registration by counties
Is aa follows:
Baker lni'Multnomah
t'lackamas .. ..... !' Polk
C'lateop 14.vtntnn
f'rook 5' .......
Hood River Z) Wanrilngtoa ..
Klamath .Yamhill ......
l-an. z;.
Lincoln J Total l-'OS
reflnlte Instruction's were received
here yesterday from W. R. Hall. Fed
eral director of the Publio Service Re
serve, to continue the enrollment drive
for ona mora week. That this action
would bo taken waa forecasted In ad
vices received Thursday, and waa de
cided ttnon In view of tha fact that par
ticular effort la being made everywhere
to secure 100 per cent of the skilled
workers who will be ready to step Into
shipyard service without further train
ing or experience.
Director Hall also notified the local
board to continue the campaign in this
state until the full quota had been
Output for 1916, 950,000,000, Isl
Greatest In IlUtory.
JUNEAU. Alaska, Feb. . Alaska's
mineral production for tho calendar I
year lilt waa tha greatest In its his
tory, amounting: to tiu.uuu.uou aa com I
pared with tS2.8G0.000 In 1915 according-
to Governor J. F. At Strong' re
port. The Increase, S4 per cent, was I
dua largely to the Increased copper I
production which amounted to 120.-1
584,000 pounds, valued at S31.400.000.
SHIPWORKERS TO BENEFIT I There wa. a .mall Increase in the gold
output, wnicn in ii waa si7.usu.uuu.
Plans Being; Made to Provide for
Ijuplorea Entertainment.
Clark Moore and It- P. BatcUard to
Appear Before Coart May .
United Statea Judge Bean yesterday
pet May S as a tentative data for the
trial of Clarke Moore and IC P.
Itutchart. oft'eiats of the Oregon
Iortland Cement Company, who are
vnd.r indictment charged with a vio
lation of tbe Sherman anti-trust law.
toth men are now ergared In war
and in IMS. $16,700,000.
The value of Alaska' lesser mineral I
product In lilt was: Silver, StSO.000;
tin. $120,000; lead. $110,000; antimony.
$40,000; tungsten. $50,000; coal, $30,000;
petroleum, marble, grypsum, et& $130,
Ouu. .
WASHINGTON. Fob. IS. Wholesome
recreation and amusement la to be pro
vided for tha great Army of workers
amhlnved In tha Nation's shlnvsrda.
The Shipping Board has announced SNOW SIGH I IN KAY CITY
plan and expects to ask aid In the
work from the Y. M. C A Knights of I San Franciscans Seek What Eastern
Columbus, Red Cross, the women s com
Banks Open 6 to 8 P. M. Saturdays
: ' J
;! Continuing
! ! our policy ;1
' of the past J
j, 12 years,
J this ' Bank I
I is open for 1
! ' the conven- .
1 1 lence oi its
j ; depositors
i'l Saturday
h II
;; evenings '- ;J
from 6 to 8 ' jf
; o'clock. j
Hibernia !
j Savings Bank I
"A Conservative I
: Custodian" jj
Fourth and Washing- i II
i ton Streets - " j
i ' I
hn 1
. N
Bank Building
Savings Department Open
Saturday Evenings
6 Until 8
STARTING TODAY, we will re
sume the former custom of
opening our Savings Depart
ment Saturday evenings from 6
until 8.
This, we believe, will be a convenience
for Portland's great army of Shipbuild
ers and other Artisans whose patriotic
duties prevent calling during regular
banking hours. '
New Savings Accounts may be opened and
additions or withdrawals made on Savings
Accounts already established.
Liberal Interest on Savings
SaavaW Vaass ds
1 1 a i
and Surplus
We have some
offices to let
in our new-building
Conquers in War
Achieves in Peace
HIS strong, progressive Na
tional bank is glad to be
come the custodian of the
proceeds of your thrift, and to
give you thoughtful counsel as to
its conservation and investment.
Regularity in your deposits, even
though they may be quite small, will
enable you to take advantage of some
of the attractive investments being
. offered from time to time by our
Government War Savings Certifi
cates, Treasury Certificates and Lib
erty Bonds.
There is no safer investment in the
whole world than these' interest-bearing
obligations of the United States;
to buy them is a patriotic duty which
you are glad to perform.
"Get Into the Thfift Circle"
The United States
National Bank
Sixth Street at Stark
Savings Department Open Saturday
Evening From 6 to 8 o'Clock.
fcMS You Men -; j
U who shape steel and wood j W
ftgjgC!jf4atgfc i into ships, and all other ;:
ftSiS-P workers' :i m
mmmm.'- Shape Your J
i ft VpSlMi ;! . Futures ; If
i ;&wBpmM In- ?y f u1' systematic . sav- I Hi
irZ&vfi' ing. For your convenience i f t
mWmmi r Savings Dept. m
llf3-' ' itPxfci'- ' ; is open Saturday Evenings Jfil:
j ,y mllW from 6 to 8 oVlock. i ft"
Mv ' We invite you to make this v
1 Jff'-'' I - yur banking home. f
Um&;' " M i Ladd & Tilton I f
Mm0fM1, Bank M
j?.M-Jagf i Oldest in the Northwest If
mittee and tha stata council ot de-l
(ens la ship building; states.
rs Would Avoid.
Montana Professor to Help Build Vp
French Farms.
Corn Is fine
food for cold
you can get Atj
crisfxsweet Yji
BOZEMAX. MoaU Feb. 17. C X. An-
netu professor of husbandry In the
Stat Coliesje here, haa been granted
leave of absence and haa gone to
France to take up under the direction
of the Red Cross th rebuilding or the
farm and livestock Industries In the
vicinities of th basa hospitals.
Near each hospital a farm will be es
tablished for convalescent soldiers.
with the Idea of aiding- In the food
production of the country.
BAN FRANCISCO, Feb. T. Whllo the
residents of large Kastern cltlea have a
surfeit of cold and snow this Winter,
ban Franciscans are organising; parties
witn a view to hunting the cold and
snow In Its lair. Week-end outings
amid th snows of tha Sierras ar an
nual events, and now the California
Alpine Club Is arranging; for a three
day excursion to Truck with plenty
of anow as the main attraction.
On one or two ocoaslons a truck-
load of snow has been hauled from the
mountains to this city. Ita presence
on Market street, the principal thor
oughfare, haa attraoted crowds which
required the presence of police to keep
Brother Slackers Convicted.
SEATTLK. Feb. 1$. Morris and Joe
Pass, brothers, were convicted here to
day vf two charges, failure to register
for ts draft and failure to producs
registration cards. Th Pass brothers
were also under Indictment with 1. M.
Wells, ez-presldent of the Seattle Labor
Council, charged with distributing se
ditious literature.
Fhone your want arts to Tha Orsgo-
rtlaa. Alala 7070. A oi.
eaasasseaasssaak .
Departure oi Red Cross Ambulance
Xor Front Wins Plaudits.
TCRIX. Italy. Feb. 14. The depart
ure ot me lourtn section of the Amer
ican Red Cross, made up of 15 ambu
lances, was the occasion today of an
enthuslamio demonstration lor the
totted states.
Flowere were hspe4 on the ambu
lances, crowds cheerenV hands played
American airs ana soldiers paid mili
tary honors.
K.ark Frsa X-KaT Apparatus May
Have Caused Blase That Laid
Grey Nuaaery la Rules.
MONTREAL. Feb. 15. From the ruins
of the Grey Nunnery's lire-swept west
wing, the bodies of 14 more cnnaren
were recovered this afternoon, raising
to 6i the death toll of the tragedy which
viatted the institution last mgnc
The heroism of th sisters who were
nursing soldiers Invalided nome irom
overseas lighting- averted greater loss
of life.
The origin of the fire has not been
dotitrmlned. While early reports at
tributed it to defective wiring, a nun
suggested to the authorities today -that
it may- have been caused by a spark
from an X-rsy machine.
Government Aid Asked.
TACOMA. Wash.. Feb. 15. (Special.)
Tacoma will ssk for about l.B0O.000
to b made available by the Govern
ment to assist in meeting requirements,
ot hlpyar4 and other war. Industry 1
employes for tiuslng. This Is the aum
th Tacoma Commercial Club believes
should be set aside by the Government
to assist Tacoma in taking care of the
war workers. The request has been
forwarded to Washington by tha club.
Onions Had for Asking-.
SACRAMENTO. Cat, Feb. 15. (Spe
clal.) Because of a city ordinance
which nreventa the destruction of
foodstuffs that can be used, a drayload
of onions, perfectly good for cooking
but non-salable. Is Deing given away
at a local wholesale bouse, wnen me
store opened at 7:30 o'clock there were
several hundred people in line waiting;
to tret their share of the onions.
Alleged Forger Is Arrested.
CHEHALIS. Wash., Feb. 15. (Spe
cial.) Deputy Sheriff Winn arrested
William McCarthy yesterday at Nap
avine on advice from Seattle that he
was wanted in that city on a forgery
charge. McCarthy is being held here
pending the arrival of an officer from
Seattle. He has been working in
Tin Imports Take Jump.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 15. An increase
In the direct Imports of tin in 1917,
with corresponding curtailment of tin
obtained through England, was an
nounced toAay by the bureau of foreign
and domestic commerce. Total imports
amounted ta iW( Jons tons, an in
crease of 2300 tons over 1916. despite
the difficulties In obtaining- foreign ex
port licenses.
Parole Violator Arrested.
SALEM. Or., - Feb. 15. (Special.)
Word was received by prison officials
tonight of the arrest In San Francisco
of C G. Graham, parole violator -who
recently cashed a large number of
worthless checks In Portland and Wash
ington towns. Parole Officer Keller
left tonight for San Francisco to re
turn him to the prison.
You Can Defy Disease
if Your Blood Is Pure
Don't Invite Attack by Slug
gish Circulation.
Keeping your blood supply up to the
standard of perfect purity is like build
ing an impregnable fortress around the
system, to protect It from the insidious
enemy of disease. Thus you are as
sured of a strong and vigorous vitality
that means perfect health.
When impurities creep into the blood
supply, there is a loss of energy, a fail
ing of the appetite, you are easily tired
and find the body weakening under
ordinary tasks, all of which means that
you are losing- that strons, virile, ro
bust vitality, that the, system 1a
perfect condition to resist tha attacks
of disease that everyone Is subject to.
By keeping the blood purified and
the circulation strong and vigorous,
the system more easily wards ofT dis
ease. This can be done by everybody
by the use o,f a few bottles of S. S. S.,
the great vegetable blood medicine.
S.(6. S. routs out all . Impurities and
revitalizes the blood and gives rifw
strength and a healthy, vigorous vi
tality. Go to your drug store and get
a bottle today, and If you need any
medical advice, you can .obtain earn
without cost by writing to Chief ?Jcdi
cal Adviser Swift Specific Co, E-206,
Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, 3a, Adv. i