THE MORNING OREGONIAX, TIIURSDAY,' FEBRUARY 14, 1918. 5 OAi tnuANUVta gMisl'- I Herat. hiTmoad rKwu. Okla. LOST ON TUSCANIA Official Advices Show Few Dead in Addition to Those Already Buried. SEVERAL NAMES IN DOUBT Im port Made Available of Vkllnii of C-Boal aad Hunts Adtlmsr. Thesae Inlrrrrd Itrcordcd by Mambrr. Ixr. Herbert 1 J . Kaxieaw, Mich. Weeka Bert (A. At rxlaaio. l mi. Speleel. Ileary S-. Mew Tark Cllr. Weaner. J uli ua. Staanford. CMw. Treaaisi a. v ilium Lm feltenwood. Miaa. -wart, aina. EurvU, nL wnsat. wuiiam w. Biemarck. Okla. t'eea. Merarua U . 1'nnan, MoaL J. Ui rails. Miaa. I. I aalr. Tlwmai at. Ja"Uoa. Tut. Colllaa. Arthur W.. App.eer. Tax. 1-aaaeaee. Tkeodorw aw. ta rraaclec. Cat a-lovar (aac Omar). GaraJ4 tL-. Henarwell. a a. Praaa I RSI Buraatt. Prank. Naer Tark City, Tall, (awl Tally,. Mlltaa, latee CM) Taen ia jraey. Katw1a R. BamMll. Miaa. All.a. Frew a. . Ada. attna. Heme Inwt KaJnaat. at en eel (aac W. ). rai Maui. Ilaw-mia. V. (aot Lal(and). Mil tip, Ballt- js. A B4troo. Homer LJaweutra. Combarlaa4. wia l.lntew lax Liataaal. Fred M-. Laaaolae. cel. Klmer I.. Victor. Meet. ni. William .. Keyee CfT. Tea. l-.aireae. aaaaai N-. Daaua-efte. Tea. Beaeeta. Reeeel P. PTatnfleld. Wla. Ham. Lamer W. Hrakaa Bow. ukla. elma, I ram. Alloa. Tat. Heeler. Jeanee P.. Needaa. Wla h.gge taoK Hisai. Samuel P- Sea fraa irackar aot Cracker!. Narmaa O-. Ceater, Tex. Byrne laot Berre). Jara J . Bwtte. V oat. Hadelph. reed A . Milwaukee, W la. Kapp. Harm a a. Saw Tark I'ltr. kneedee f aot Kao.leei.. Jaaoa M.. Halbert, Ok a. Temtlaa. eera;e W . Kl Reae, Okla. knit. Etbaa..Araetf. Okla. l-e Bran, laptaaa l-eea P.. ttothrle, Okla. Itmlta. Oecar I . winter. Tea. Hamea tool Iliaraval. 4sar C Hangar. T' Moreae aot Mama). Ctarn. raaiaall. In. Tnarnaaoa. Tna R. MedltL Okta. Wnittinstoa. Walter L. t Laoaard). Shar. WASIIINi.TOX. Tab, li War Po- aXartmanl advtcoa Indlrala that TarT far Amarlraa aotdiara loat thair llvas In tha daatrtK-tioo of lha Itrar Toa- cania In a Id u loo to lha 1 r a ported Itxtajr aa burto4 on lha l-llah roaat. Tbo latomt raparu DIara tba Amartran loaa at not mora thaa 17a of lha 1179 aho vara oo board tha ahlp, altbouvh tha lit of rattened ailU ia far from complata. avrn additional aurvtvora arara off1 fillr rotMsrtort lonlahr raHnrlnr tha I mat). Taa. a liat of ikaaa not rarorilad a. t.iil. castaja ramp Kliatira. Bjracaaa. - . . . ... ... . : . ix. t. aa aa.ri to aoout ;aT I na Aaaortataxi willi.m R m W K 1 Caatoa. rrw tiac vi na unrapoRtQ, raaaa ap TtL btr rhaarklrs both official and nnoffl-1 Trobrlrtaa. Daaial W . Straarn. Taa. Pladar. riatchar (D ). Odall .Norman. Ok a. vickara (not Bickara). William t.. Booth- at OtT. M4 Hirklar. Jamaa J. Mlnnaapolla, Minn. II afkoo. Joha H.. t oatar. okia. aunc Kdarard F.. Callmar. Taa. I'araa. Aaaal aat En(al). rarer, Saa Al lan to. Tax. inarmu. Captaia Philip Via coat. Kortb- riald. VL Xlaara. William A., 'aa Fraaclaro, Cat. llatrhlaa. Otla C., Wbltahall. W la. f'arpoatar. Harry . Potomac. 111. klnroT. ora 1. F.I Moata. Cat. Auiaaurlar. fttanlar R-. Dartoa. O. o. ina. Htanlar Knlahta rrry. Cal. Karatrtrk I aot Maaatrnck), Jooaph O-. Cial advtraa asalnat lha Tuaranla s pas- apaar lii. wan radurrd la 171. Tha Wir Iaapartmanl la airhandnat daily Inns rablrcrami with lha arn- baaar al landan in an effort lo com- fitata tha purvlvor roll and unlancla iiiMi carblad In Iranamlaalon. 'oty Tbamsht !! Icatloa. Ia aplta of tha fart that only aome fa of tboaa on tha paaaenjrar liat ara efnrtatly unaccoantad for. tha d'part rant ba.a mora than 27n namaa of atir alTora which It haa bean unabla lo de cipher. Abont of theaa ara atappocad to I Aatona. N. T. ba rlopliratlona and aa many mora ara amea of men of whom there la no I Tex. I'eeord. Tha partial llt of lha Tuacanla'e dead, aenl by tha Aaaoclatod Preea ror- raipondefil from a ttcottiah aaaport u tay aa barm- been burled on tba Prot- tiah roaat. la tha firat definite Infor ffnaiton to reach relatlvee of tha ao. etiera who have not been reported In the j.aia oi aurvivora. Kill, alartla C. (CoJambua). Wlmberty. 11 Oarar I.ea ftmith Wlatera. 1 a y. dear K Burna IS rnlrfeattfted mem bar of craw. la Oeoraa Meraa. 17 I'ntdentlf ied private. 1 Tuia B Thorn pooa. 1 9 rail Walter loaard. Whttttnctoa Sharrou. rl Uauteaant E. Pbliip LKhtall. Zi W. C W llaoa. 33 l.'atdentirte-d private. 24 tanil Trobndia Brjraat. 2i t'nldentlflod private. 24 William O. Wllltama :l rielcher Od.ll Pledrirer. :, ra an4 an Three unidentified prlvatea 31 w. K. Bickara. 12 t'nldentlfled piivata. U J. J. Parkier. S J. R Blehop. 3j and Id Taa uoldaatlflad prlvatea T r. r. Toona. 3 (;ilmora Knrel Parry. Sa. 40 and 41 Three anidentlfled prlvatea 43 Captain Philip V. rihermaA. 4J t'ntdeollfied private. 44 t'nldentifted member of enter. 4.V 4d and 47 Three unidentified prftatce. 4 Wi:tlam Arthur Moore. tr-Ont K. liatchlna 4-4 Barkd la Third Plat. At a third place, 44 vlctlma are burled In three trenchea, tha largeet holding II bodlea, anotner ie ana a tnira tin. n the flrxt named the bodiea have been numbered from 1 to IS In thla order: I Harry Carpenter. 5 an I 3 Two unidentified prlvatea 4 Joha A. l-aakko. ft Hocco Calareee. Ada McCoy. T and Two anidentlfled prlvatea, P Stanley A. Anepurser. lo R. A. Hoaaton. 1 atianley I. Colllna 13 Jneeph O. Maxatruck. II Otto Ray Martin. 14 Coiiamboa HIIL 1& laro Metaenbaumer. 14 Wilbur Clark Jackaon. IT John Ktrhammer. III Baa Barker. Thoae In the next trrave are num bered from 1 to 14 aa follotra: la Unidentified private. SO Wealey W. Hyatt. 31 Anatad Otmder. S3 Van ftralth petera. 21 William R. Ralaner. 21 Fled K. Vnrer. 2A Prank Ora hot a. 24 John O. Roblnaon. 27 Edaar Cull en. I1" J. P. Wuaon. 2a E. F. Churrh. lo Henry A. Flemmer. e 31 X. It. Short. 31. 31 and 34 Three unidentified prlvatea In a third crave only ten men were burled, tanged from one to ten as follows: t John ftloaa. 3 Riley T. Murray. H O. Batee. 4 Anr-umy Eibonl. 5 Wlnaton A. Haraock. 4 1. X. Colllna. T Claud Bradley. K J. R. Crow. P 1 E. Inalehart. 10 A. ". Ullleeple. Ott. toot CH.o Ray). Keaeeha, I ENLISTMENT RESULT OF DAI'E Wla Metaenbauer. Ctelre. Chippewa ralla. Wla c:a.rk. Wilbur W.. lauaatna. at ten. P..rhhamer. Joha A Avaal Uraad Ferka, M'nn. r Ir .r nan. Foulabora. Tex. Auaiad. William V. (aot Auatad. Cundarl. ftk'ae. Minn. mlthpeter. William v. laot Taa Bnsltnpet er. tort conn. ta;a. Ralaner. William M.. coram. 1 au lexer. Fred M.. Paratawa. . D. lirahota. rrank. Jackaon. Minn. relnner. Hilar Henry A. (not rtaary mill 1 aldeottllad. Of lha 141 American dead who have b en burled In Ma-otlanii. It waa not ooe aiala to. Ulaallfa 1 1 aa Ik. anMlara wr Ian I aiernftieri. Rorkford. 111. andoaliladla atta dlaftanrail k.vnnJ I Mnort. Xatban B. Ptephena Ara. " " a Abbonl. by which lo determine who they were. I Cf the namea of tha 111 aoldlera aenl I iiartaak. Wtnatoa A. (net Haraock ) frora Scotland. I.J have been definitely I dan. va. loaraled oa the Hat romrjtled by thai Colllna Alvia N. laot t. K. a . . . r- -t i. ..nH Marhma. . -4 . K... k Bradley. Claud. Pwaty. Arlx. have not been reported aa survivor. of tha 111 namea how similarity with) otbera on lha mlaelnaT Het. but lataa of them ahow no elmtlAfitjr. Only H3 of lha 111 namea Iherofore hae been checked off. leavlnc l( names to be definitely accounted for. I'Jahl (eallaae III. redoctln the II unidentified Amir Iran eoMier and the nine uncertain tanfi from thie list leaves 1J mlaa- 1"C. Rllcy Mnrrajr, EnRfnf, Reported In Liat of Tuscanla Dead. EtT.EXE, Or. Feb. 13. (Special.) I will enlist If you will." waa the chal lenge that sealed the fate of Riley F. Murray, of Euirene, who is believed to have lost his life when the trans port Tuaranla was sunk by a German submarine off the roast of Ireland. f I,. K... nflrlalltf eennrterl In . ...i . 11. i-iC.V. t.,i. I the Hat of dead. Rapt-1 ployes of the Willamette Sand ae Gravel Company, of r.ujcene. Murray spoke of the boys who were enrolling; In the oth Knrineers and airreed to lolun tear If Shark would also enroll. Mur- t --... . rwihara X Santa ManlCa. tILirar paajta all raaniiiiaui'iia, wua. Ui.-eapta. A:exaadar .. Im Ansalaa, Cal was rejected on physical examination Sweep aaaea la DaaaM. I In Portland ana returned to cucena. w-a.. ii.a r Kn. einrted Mntalni a I Murray waa 37 years or age. Mrs. . - I Vf .- a.. -a a... III anil ha, Anrtltirtn number or conruainaT errors ana a num-i - - - -- bar of nairea which cannot bo trans- - oecomo " - ""'. . a. u cn bod with certainty. Amon them ara news that tha Tuscanla. on which her nuaoanu waa aa uaaaruaci, iiau - ' . . . w I torpedoed. raldinr.. K. L" a.o..- Jm p,,,,.. ntortea t,Hll, Tbomaa 8. waa-line 1 uscania aean. is a son ox jamrs U rierce, 8r.. of Cresweiu ow. J.nntnxa R. Appleby, Tea. Pra lo J. p. Weeeoa I may k . k .. .. . . .... in a. - .. I Mn Koartuaaea V ea. I . . . . , ... a a-daaf a laa i wa.iBr i.i ana.a I'ainaanoiaiiaaiiiiai a'a I ,- ,, . . Ark . and Cooaor I . . Thar, are Americans still here C.KinV bT. .1. CraiaTMi.: iK yet - ,ks,-"M to III to leave, aeveral of them still da led by their experiences. They atiartered ta nearby farmhoaaaa and ilif hoteta Theaa maa are r. I. lUnefleL K L. Lyatrom, Wilbur C Null. Boyd C Hancock. K. K. liar pham. Henry hurtlna. James J. Col well and . A. uocher. ne Ananraa ofricwr and 14 men are till la a hospital al OlasaTow. Mre e-ae-vtvwrw laaeaarva. The followlnc additional survivors anHnl aa atarv Ivaara a. T. C Devtdeoa (may be Chauacey J. Xav Idaon. Aaaewada. Moot.). Paul John C. Wood 4 may be Private Jamaa C. Wood. Yantle. Texaa. Wnriam O. rvmieme I paaaenser net enowe Ball M. wmiama. O.enwood. Ark., and Paul A. Wl.liama. Pneble. Coial. In tha cabled Hat also ara W. Bardey. Perry A. Stevens First of Community to Give Life In War. BEND. Or.. Feb. 1J. (Special.) Messages received here today report I the loss on tha Tuscanla of Terry A. f the Tuacania were announced lo I vivore and thoae loot. E. O. Peca, and Clan W. Walker. These I Stevens, the first Bend resident to I namea are not on tha list which re-1 ,rl his life In the present war. He mams after removing from tha pas-was a private In the 30th Engineers! Sanger list all those reported aa aur-I and had enlisted only a few weeks ago. Why IDEAL Boilers cut fuel bilk Tha IDEAL Hot Water Boiler here shown, is on a floor-Iarv-el wrarlylmg platform. Tha Boiltrr fa weighed amipty, then with its full chare f fas, anal finally tha ashes ara weighed scparatdy. Moranwhile tha total heat produced or transmitted by tha burned fuel to thm water and circulated to warm tha rooms is recorded absolutely, by means of Government atandnrd thermometers, gauges, electric recording chauts, etc All facts are ajxactly computed In our Institute of Thermal Research tests of the heating efficiency and economy .of the IDE-AX, Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators are made by scientific men and fuel engineers, impartially and according to the most authoritative in struments and, methods. All is proved nothing is left to old-time guesswork. The elaborate fuel-economy proofs furnished with each size and type of IDEAL -.AMERICAN outfit are the most complete and convincing reasons why more are in use than of all other makes The installation of an IDEAL - AMERICAN outfit means houseowner (thousands of whom have greater need to econo- starting with units of known, dependable value and fuel- mize) would ask for these full facts of efficient heating, no saving. The engineers of big buildings throughout the world one could afford longer putting off tke purchase of IDEAL use the data we publish and specify these outfits. If every Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators. Ameri A UliaTUaiVU )EAL .Boilers These outfits guarantee you a lifetime of lowest heating cost. Ask your dealer today! It is of the greatest importance that you should specify IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators for your new or old building because now more than ever it is necessary to practice the most rigid fuel economy. Furthermore, IDEAL Boilers burn the cheaper grades of hard and soft coal, screenings, pea coal, lignite, coke, wood, gas, oil, etc. thus offering you this means of saving. IDEAL heating gives new life and value to OLD buildings Act now and save enough in fuel, absence of repairs, doctor-bills, reduced care-taking and house hold cleaning to quickly repay cost. Easily put into old or new cottages, farm nouses, flats, schools, churches, stores, public buildings, etc., without disturbing old heaters until ready to build fire in the new. Learn how to save heating-dollars by asking for free catalog " Ideal Heating.". Write today. COLD T ffHCrWATtl avATiaj I hvrixruats lOSi No exclusive agents. Sold by all dealers. Also makers of ARCO WAND Stationary Vacuum Cleaners Our IDEAL Hot Water Supply Boilers will supply plenty of warm water for kitchen, bsth and I sundry at coat of few dollars for fuel for aeeaoa. Temperature just ticht, kept ao by IDEAL Sylphon Regulator nre never goes out! Write for booklet. Write Department P-13 Yeon Building Portland Pabilc saWieoais at Chicago, New Tark. Boston. Pro-rideoce , Worcester, Newark, Philadelphia, Harriaburg, Wilkcabarre, Baltimore, Washington. Richmond, Albany, Syracuse, Rochester. asusTalo, PittsSurga, Cleveland, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Biranlng ham. New Orleans, Milwaukee, adlnneapoHs, St. Paul, St. Louis, Kansas City, Das Moines, Omaha, Denver, Ban Frsadsco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Spokane, Portland, Toronto, Brentford (Ont.) l int af Marisd ran A SCOTCU SEAPORT, aplarted. Keb. IS. The I He haa been burled on the coast of Scotland (Stevens was only If years old. r,aanalail frnm the Henri Hlarh Srh following la the first complete list oi Sprln,. H, father. F. 8. Steven American victims ot the Tuscanla l., ,..-.. f lhe Roarers Lumber disaster now burled on lha Scottish company, of Knderby, B. C. He Is coast. Kach body, whether Identified I also survived by hie mother, who Is or not. waa given a numoer. I now visiting here; two sisters, Mrs. Thus at a point where . victims were Frank K. Trlnce and Miss Hasel Ptev The home addresa of the American I burled side by sine la a long trench, lens, of Rend, and a brother In Van Id I' re burled on the Scottish coast. I the numbers ran rrora l to In the I couver, B. C. taken from the Asaax iated i'ress liat of I following order thoae unaccounted for. as checked up I I T. w. Herraaa. va.ah taa Tiaacanla a aalltsrar Hat. ffol. I H Flee4e lo tin some Instances the spelling re corded at the jfrotcb seaport does not agree with the official passenger list ) Bight by the War tvpartment: Zalktnas. J a. a. Fall llreer. Mass A lain. Jusee A.. enaSpea. Mian ttaant.l.ja. Cveretl t-. aVrn:aa, It Wiru-n. aiug. I'reilerw-laaaors. Tax. af, A"ad V . Lewrataa. I"a. J.aerit. Haraet I lar.'. taarrati. WIS. Ttamunaeov. Caceava, blanwa. Taa Dead vt Kb Maseaw Addiaaase. 3 SERB SCENTS COLLUSION UK. VES.MTCH SAYS HERTLIXG A.D C7,KRM I ACCORD. TISC..MA VICTIM BARER MAS Tn'tlm. Tri-y. tl.a. ir. M-. Vt::iam P. Pofiisl, Or. lwtoik. Ttt1wr IL. rrt tr9Ts. Or., jwi.v. mn rr-w a. Um pi;d nam litpitdiu). Ien4. Or. d ivriv. ea.f tm HlMa Or. iprot- h;v ti. H .. I weja urtK W. r lepm. Or. iaurttnn Outr7. Jmm B. GlMx Cr I'laerv) i mf rrv. Jmm L.. Cr:L Ut a rm in Amr.n. Pmtmr A.. Jt. Or. I a.k.SX. Jtf!tl A-. AjJttnrlaa. OT. fiattft. rinr A. M-lrt. Or. tdtrrtr. hilay r. Kc-. Or. HsInv Nc-ry C. Babr. ir. wa,llt,tot . peserr.ti. t)sj O Hoatll ftond. WmA. rteaathr. Jhs V . t-uru. srTa, Rotwrf r. 5-ut. saaii. n-v W li : iam. H-lkir ham. tut. aUfrr lo. , MiTunt J x Wjts. M(rty W. lttt. VlWlL r JaBl A.. PHJ 1fr. IdaaDaJx, floD.AJa. JrbH I'DtiAtCb. Idasa.SK HvrmmiK T. 1 .. I pky rrd W . mt lainvoli. k. rixir. l.sitK-'r B . Brnsidburat. Tri. ftrbrtj 'ax NhMs h-. T- Iffr. tsr-f H.. filrsm prtn. 1M . J-sni.w.. Vwilitam ft . Mt(tmf-ri, Mich. I"w-i. Mt..rT II . 9-ra:ocaV. Tsi. lr.e-ti. r:tr 1... !. Va. , ne--t. C"'rx-M-- . niliHnr. Tm, J-i'Ter. R-mvf. . ItichrrtAtad. Wla JC T if; A Costs 1-css nl'"J t:iic (J.11VA 1YIIIJ That Cold CASCARA QUININE The aawadaed ewas ewee see M weaea tw (abate sua aa aaar. aaaee. we esaaeee eatss eotat taa la taatsre grap aa J atawa. Maasew bark tf rt feaee. Cat Mae aaawiaa a-a ama Red ena swat Mr. Hal a awcTaare ea ax. Coat a leaa. giwee I V -W It. lam l. Aaeavwa. -L. Kotaarta a 1'aapar. -E. II. lurry Paul Jeha C. Wasa, a w. It. joanaua -H. K. Pase. !:. U. V. aat. 11 T Tattle 1. Waller Brown -a'lareeare w. anart. -II. eleaart. 1 riraman. mamner ef erew !-v Raamond Hutler. atata af W'tecoaala. II JarnM l.of a. memaer af crew. la al. a Zimmerman, la av. Cdwarala. Butte. Meat. u ;eorga 11. K.lnebarUu ; 1 alter t relilne. Wn.iam hv Heaaett. 21 .,. rl. nwanaoa. I nldentlfiea private. Wi, liana P. sleraa (arobasly W. F Xerln. of I'ol'anala. . J. J. JaLgina -t'hartal Ativan, crew. -Itaymond T. Hurau -T. r.. lawtaa. R. Oavlaoa. al W. Harder ... 11. Heanar. 2- It. 1. vlaeka a a 11 Miry KpMel. ftaaidti. Rente i Juliua D. Waaner. r Wintara J. Traceeecr. Alfta Uaerl ' I'.rrv A Stevena w wniM. l llarrua B CaaM. 1 N. Bjerk. lotin Johnaoa. 4 T. T St. Clair. 4i Arthur W. a'otllna. ' i. l-anaenan. J. W. (.'heahire ierald K. Ciraaer. 4 rraak Harnx Mlltaa Tuilv. l r.daia R. Berber. l2 I aideatlflad soldier. Phtlia n lixard a'urtisa Wiv.arel Wllsea. t'nldentlfled member of Crew. Kredenrk Alien. T W. Balnea f Hrtmer L. Andereoa. fa rred M. t.lniea. B. Ouerney. al J L. rearra. e F'mer R. L. raaraa. a aj Vai.liam T. MrMurrar. -hamiel A. TVntecaaet. -Ituaae.l r. Bennett. -Ha-rt r. Warrra. aT U w. (Jam ret. -w iitiam I, Urate. -1. Sims. 7 r IlawTer. Tl W. Vattnewa T 3 t'nldentlfled enldter. -Samuel I. Ittggaa. -Nornaea a"!. Cruaker. "a T. A. Agrlen. -J J. Brce Tf Fred W. Hude'eM. Vilwaukee. WIS. Ta t'nldesiaf ied private. T a Harraas Kupp. Owe (arave Holds 4. At another "point In a long grave are badteav . They are all In coffins and are numbered from 1 to 41 la the fol io Ing order: 1 fnldflnllf led private. S Jeaae H. Hho.'ea 'aetata 1-eo P. Lateen. 4 Jena Jeuk'na wlrelese apermler. a J a an e A. I'rire. Boise. S aad T Two unidentified prteatea. and W. Wa:ker. Los Asselea I O Pace. I e aris W. Trm1laa 11 rtlaea Allea White. li aaailapuXrwt arttaVf, ; .. Olbl Henry G. Bates Lnlislrd in : Knjlnccrs on December 13. BAKER. Or.. Feb. 11. (Special.) Henry U. Bates, news of whose death waa received here today, enlisted at Kaker December 11 last In the 20th engineers. He waa it years of age and Is survived by his mother. Mrs. Nancy Hates, of Baker: his father, Edward Kates, who resides In Missouri, and four sisters. Mrs. W. R. Barnett and Miaa Mary Bates, of Baker: Mrs. Iva Bunna, of Salt Lake, and Mrs. Emma I Brown, of Scappoose. Or. He la also survived by four brothers. I George Bates, who is In the United Isistes service on the ship Huntington: Floyd Bates. In the Army; John, at Baker, and Marion, of ilemett. Mo. Maarbestrr Guardian Dec I a re a Wllaoa Head aad Shoulders Above All Other Allied Spokesmen. NEW YORK, Feb. 1J. Dr. M. S. Ves- nltch. head of the Serbian mission in this country, commenting today on Tresida'nt Wilson's address, expressed the opinion that Count Cxernln, the Austrian Foreign Minister, was insin cere and had acted concertedly with Chancellor von Hertllng. of Germany. in an effort to deceive the entente allies as to Austria's real attitude. LONDON", Feb. 13. President Wilson stands head and shoulders above all others as the spokesman of the allied peoples, in the opinion of the Man chester Guardian, mainly because he is able to keep firmly and constantly in view the reasons why America came Into the war. PARIS. Feb. 13. In the opinion of I the press, the situation has been cleared by President Vllsons remarks in his I'naer. of Parkaton, S. D., aged 33 years, address to Congress concerning the who was lost on the Tuscania. en- German military autocracy, taken in listed at Vancouver, Wash., In Company conjunction with the recent statement P, Sixth Battalion, 20th Kngineers, on of Kmperor William that Germany's Iecemher li, 117. A widow and five enemies must recognise her as victo- lst newspaper. Vorwaerts. commenting on President Wilson's address, says: "The difficulties of concluding peace will never be overcome so long as each side does not perceive that it cannot overpower the other and that each, in consequence, must come to an under standing with the other." LIQUOR SOLD TO SOLDIERS Tuaranla Victim PARKSTON. a D- Iavca AVIdotv Feb. II Fred M. small children survive. PRIVATE MORIN IS VICTIM I Tort land Soldirr on Ill-Fated Tus canla Buried In Scotland.' To one home In Portland came yes terday the knowledge cf trial by sacri fice, with the official announcement that William P. Morin, of 997 Ganten bein avenue, was a victim of the Tus canla ainklng and that his burial has! taken place on the Scottish coast. Private Morin was a member of the I Sixth Battalion. 2(h Kngineers. and hia young wits resides In this city. Just I a abort lime ago she received a letter I from him. telling of tha marking of I his Identification tags and speculating! on whether or not they would ever be I called into grim service. Alexander J. Dunn, tha remaining! Portland boy who Is yet .-naccounted for, resided at Vernon avenue, it was learned yesterday through a letter from hla former employers, the Big Creek Logging Company, of Knappa, I Or. His wife is now at Knappa. nous. President Wilson's thesis implies war to the end; "that it is still far from view."' says the rlgaro. AMSTKRDAM. Feb. 13. The Soclal- Tacoma Woman, Held for TJ. S. Jury, Implicates Xcgro Vendor. TACOMA, Wash., Feb. 13. (SpeclaL) Ethel Blackwell pleaded guilty to day before United States Commissioner R. J. McMillan to' the cnarge ot sen ing liquor to soldiers. She was ar rested in her rooms, where she was entertaining several soldiers. She was bound over to the Federal grand Jury under $200 bail, after admitting that she obtained her liquor from a colored man who drives from California every two weeks with his motor car filled with whisky. The prisoner is serving a sentence of 0 days no .' on a state charge and this will be followed by 30 days for co vic tlorr on a city vagrancy charge. After that she may face the Federal court trial. coming a candidate for the same office and stated he would probably make his formal announcement in the near future. Invitation to Be Extended. SALEM, Or, Feb. 13. (Special.) A delegation of Salem business men will extend an invitation at the meeting of the Oregon State Grocers' Association in Portland soon to hold its annual convention in Salem during the Legis lature of 1919. It will be asked that the convention be held during the last three days for the introduction of bills so that the interests of business men may be protected in legislation that might arise. Coos County Has Snow. MARSHFIELD, Or., Feb. 13. (Spe cial.) The storm which prevailed yes terday turned to a cold, rain last night and snow fell in the higher altitudes back from the valley at Allegany and Powers. Today the lower districts were pelted with hail squalls and tha atmosphere was cold during the day. Snow fell at Allegany and also at Coquille last night, but melted before morning. Candidacies Are Announced. SALEM. Or, Feb, 13. (Special.) Zadoc Riggs, local druggist, has an nounced his intention of becoming a candidate for the lower house in the next Legislature. He has never before been a candidate for state office. John Dinwoodie, of Wodburn, well-known farmer, who was in Salem recently, also stated he is seriously considering be- Genrral Howie Transferred. BOSTON. Feb. IS. Orders transfer ring Brigadier-General Robert LaHowse. chief of staff of the Department of the Northeast, to Fort Bliss, Texas, were received here today from the Wsr De partment. General Howxe. who has I been located here since the establish ment of the Department laat Spring. will command tha Second Brigade of I tha ISth Cavalry Division. ficaui It vxagcoUa c .mlfiad avda. Vaars0f I When a substitute for genuine Aspirin is offered it is your duty to defend your self by refusing it Every package and every tablet of genuine Aspirin bears "The Bayer Cross TABLETS lax packet bases aW 12 Hottiea asf 24 aavd lOO CATSUIXS in sealed eaakana af 12 aad 24 Your Guarantee of Purity" The trade mark "Aspirin" (Reg. U. S. Pat. Off ) is a guarantee that the iraoooacetaCaKadeeterof axhcylvcaod in these tablets aad capsules is of the reliable Bayer manufacture. I 3$$? a V xzt M f ; Interested asks: "I am constipated, tongue coated, have headache, dizzy spells and indigestion sometimes. fiease advise . Answer: I advise that you begin using three-gram suipnerD taoiers tnot sulphur). These tablets are laxative, act on the liver, kidneys and bowels and tend to keen the blood pure, by arousing the eliminative functions. Re lief should IOiiOW quicKiy. a a a "Manager" writes: "I have pains In my spine ana trigntrut neaaacne in back of head, fainting spells, twitch ing and trembling, nervousness, sleep lessness, loss of appetite and strength. and in fact am a 'has-been, when it comes to performing accustomed work and duties." Answer: In all such cases the assim ilative functions have not kept pace with waste functions and a -powerful harmless tonic treatment is needed. I finri tfirne-s-rain cadomeno tablets un excelled and astonishingly beneficial in such cases ana aavise mem lor you. e e a Mane" a.vs: "Some time ago I con tracted a very severe cold and cough. I have tried many remedies, but they do not seem to help me at all. I wish you would advise me what to do." Answer: What you need is a laxative cough syrup, one that will drive the cold from your system. The following prescription will check your cold and cough: Get a 21,x-oz. package of concen trated essence mentho-laxene and make according to directions on the bottle. jAku & ieaiiiopiuul every, hour or two TheDoCJ'O The questions answered below ara general in character, the symptoms or diseases are given and the answers will ; apply in any case of similar nature. Those wishing further advice, free, may address Dr. Lewis Baker, College Bldg., College-Elwood streets, Dayton, Ohio, enclosing self-addressed stamped envelope for reply. Full name and ad dress must be given, but only initials or fictitious names will be used in my answers. The prescriptions can be filled at any well-stocked drug store. Any druggist can order of wholesaler. or until your cold is better. This will relieve you in a very few days. see Celia asks: "My hair is too oily and my scalp itches with dandruff, and of late it is" combing out too much. What is a good treatment?" Answer: Obtain plain yellow mlnyol . from your druggist in 4-oz. jars and apply as per directions. This cleans, nitrifies, cools and invigorates the hair and scalp, thus stopping the death of ine nair. uanaruii anu iluiiiiib nre hi. once relieved. Men and women all over the country nowsise it regularly. "Worried" writes: "Have been doc toring for kidney trouble and now want... your advice. Frequent desire is fol lowed bv burning pain and am very tender and sore over region of bladder.' Also backache affects me dreadfully. Can hardly move- when I awake in the morning. Weakness, too, is a symptom." Answer: I think if you will take balmwort tablets regularly for a few ' weeks your kidneys and bladder will..". become normal and such symptoms vanish. This Is unequaled for such complaints in my estimation. NOTE: For many years Dr. Baker haa heen trivinE- free advice and pre scriptions to millions of people through the press columns, and doubtless has helped in relieving illness and distress more than any single individual in the world's history. Thousands have writ- - ten him expressions of gratitude and confidence similar to the following: , Dr. Lewis JBaKer, near oir: we nave used three of the medicines you advise, the double four, the essence mentho laxene and the rheumatism prescrip tions, and I want to say they all worked like a charm. Thev are the best I have ever used and I feel I could not keep house without them. I am very grate ful and pleased to recommend any of these medicines prescribed. Very truly yours, MRS. R- L. WHITED. No. 8 Coleman St.. Adv. Jervis, X, i t ra 109.0