Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 14, 1918, Page 20, Image 20

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Spanish-American War Veter
ans Again Serve Country.
Battalion of Three Companies Will
Be Completely Oalflllril With
Oil rrb ralforras, lVllver
of Which Begins tit Unl.
rrl. for th. efficient wort of th.
Or, fun titat Guard, m-mbera of which
ar. detailed from l'nmpnli A. B
and C. of th. Cortland battalion rom
pod of paath-American war veter
ans, la geoarsl tmooK municipal offi
cers a4 head of industrial plant
line th waterfront, whrri th. bos
f ara doinf their bit.
Lieutenant W. North, adjutant of
tho battalion. aald yesterday that th
eomp4Qli4 bad ba recruited t a
mnara4 extent sine tho iu-n had barn
celled on for -rvlc. which resulted
Medford. arc registered at tha Ptr
klna. Mr. C. G. Krller. of Hood Rlvar. la
at th Portland.
J. A. Fontaine, of Dayton. Wash, la
at tha Cornelius.
J . Muntrr. of feat tie. Wash, ia reg
istered al tho O-egon.
Mr. George A. Cathay. v"f Klamath
Kali. I at tha Benson,
Ktelu fmlth. or Colfax. Wash-, la
rtut'd at tha Eaton. -
J. W. Kemp, of Nt Tork. la regis
tered at tha Multnomah.
C. 8. Marke. of McCleary. Wash, la
registered at tha iieward.
it. Henry and Mrs. Henry, of Mad
ford, ara rt tha Cornelius.
Mrs. Arthur Halla and children ara
r.gttred at tha Nortonla.
F. E. Butler and Mr a. Butler, of Hot
Lake, are at the Nortonla. i
W. K. Pchwanelt. Western Union
(ml at Seattle. Wash la register;,! at
the Benson.
l m m 4 - l l , , -B-fc - - 1 l """"" -SSSSSSJW
and War Savings Stamps
on sale at oar Accommo
dation Bureau, Base
ment, Sixth St.
for Spring another new shipment
just received. The price is 25c
copy and any 15c Butterick pattern
included free Second Floor, Fifth
We make to order service
flags of silk, wool or cotton,
for private families and lodges,
societies, schools, organiza
tions, etc. Estimates furnished.
Fifth Floor. Sixth Street.
of work done by girls in the
Domestic Art Department of
the Portland Public Schools
now on display in one of our
Fifth-street windows. See
this educational exhibit.
LltlTl:Mt TMOH1.
Father. k (a at to Fart la ad Fry as
Bail. Saareo Kffwrt to Flad
Tm of !( Offerer.
When darkness settled over the Wll
from official orders lourd br Gover- I lamett. Itlver laat night those who
ror W'lthjreombe. though ther are I hare been endeavoring to locate the
places remaining for men of T;-rrlnce. body of Lieutenant C. Kreroer Twohy
oiito drab untforma oVdrd for the abandoned their task until today.
..,,. ... ... ... , I. a.. hn they win renew their quest.
l.v.r.d in anoth.r t Tha entire " -ld that never la tha history
fore, of thre companies will be com-I of the city have so many persona been
Ttely outfitted, as they are to re-1 engaged In auch a task. With the tr
nam a permanent organisation, even rival of William Twohy. father of the
tI con.taou.ary rorra imi,miD Lieutenant, from Butte. Mont,
.1 K . 1 1 I'll. . . ti m M V-r St LUIl. IliI ru.
Major Richard Iteck. rommandlna;
the battalion, baa ordered that drill
b-' resumed Monday nlaht. For a time
drills na been opndd. owlna; to
tha rail for men. which dcread the
their borne, the authorltiesredoubled
their efforts, under Instructions from
the parents to spars no expense.
A diver was employed yesterday and
made several efforta to locate the body
trenctb of the compantea. and now
It Is planned to consolidate the men I". " " 1
am Monday nlsht and drill th-m In I . T" " ""r "''.,".'!.;.
an. or two oraaniaatlona. I wh. 'v. .
M4ter and Inspection la to ba held I " " "TT i .7. . . L.7...J : -i-kT
early Sunday morolni. He was mlaaed
This Is the Good News torToclayl
it month, when the men are to tarn
out In their new Serb. While for
t'me tha nw ta?tlce were sohiewhat
left-banded" for tha men who cam
for a few minutes and others discov
ered later that he had disappeared.
Prrvloua attempts by City Orappler
if failed,
of prl-
7"'..'::... -t Pl.c. ye.terd.y and the en-
. ' , , ..." , " " ,,, lira day waa riven over by the mem-
T""'J. 'i-.Lh"...C.",r!,.70.l.l7.r ber. of tha party 'to a search for the
.,,.ned ,h. war -; P-- oc.Y.Th. boYy ha'
and the ,urr,rtlon In t he PP'. f,ther .nK.aed a number
thev h.v. rapidly "r-ucht on and. Tate ,nrlu(,,nK a dlv.
aid rrcular realments In the laland.
tha rompaniea ara bclnc
whipped Into their old form.
Un tha waterfront the appreciation
lx houeeboata were towed awav by
the harbor patrol boat In order that a
thorouc-1 search of tha river bed might
ef plani ownera for the dependable I b md.
B"ari Himmru ... w. . lj.u..nant Twohr. who waa !S Tears
1 . :7.V . V. Ji.Jr o'o. waa commlsaloned a Second Lleu-
nd in different w.ys looklnr after com
their comfort. Inc ly. the dally .... tniinw cour,e a,
fu.rd sports on 111. at Armory. m,ldio of . Fr.ncllro ,econd
show conclu.lvelr that """ camp. He rerently completed hi. edu-
ar. takln. nothlna for an4 nmr, graduated from
p.tns on their river posts.
orARD MAY BE 4000 1 '"'' A
Artlns Adjntant-Ce.nrr.1 Itecelve. LEWIS RIVER CAMPS OPEN
Many .explications.
I'roorercts Brlrht for Mgin and
Lumber Interests.
"A home guard of 400 members
could be organized In Oregon In on
Slav If we had the equipment for them,
aald Lieutenant-Colonel W llllama. at- I WOODLAND. Wash- Feb. 11. 8ne-
Ina Adjutant-Ueneral of tha state. I claL Not slnca l0-7 have things
trnii ..- v.. .tl hi. en.. I lost-el so bright for logging and lum
ber Interests on Lewis Klver as at this
time. For several days past large
numbers of men and largo shipments
of equipment and ..-tppllea have been
going up the river. iestlned for the
for several days taken up with cor
reapondence from all parte of Oregon,
In which offers bavs been made to or
gantse companies of home guards. He
I. argiog all of them to go -head and J,,... ,,- V mnd" wmHla .nougn At this time the fol.-wlng are an
Bn'htng In the way of equipment. I ... -i,. -i.-. v w
. TW. V,'.TIJr " moves ara afoot. , lxltltlnt company', logging camp
Colonel Williams announced ye.terday. , Mwmtll. Columbia Tie Timber
or in p. noma Com a.wmlll: Ktna Mill A Log
ons of the. is for the voluntary reg- B,nic company. . sawmill and logging
"Z camp: Dayton Mill at lagging Company,
state. The other is Colonel Williams' MWnl,,i: Higdon Bennet Mill ar Log-
ow nenlargement upon an Idea that (l( Company, sswmlil: John B. Lamar,
originated with the National Aasocla- awmlll: Tenny Logglnc Company, log-
tion of Shotgun Owners, of which John winK Camp. bealdea several small log-
i .ua .-.a-i.-nai "''" I glng Cam pa.
inirr iron iim r w itirs neaa-
ejulrtera of this alcatlon urwrd the to be speeded
Ad lotaat-Oeneral William can re n
reason why rifle V-ild. not be In- I (.arhac? Wagnna Mast B :qulpx-d
eluded as well as shT'guns. and will I
confer today with Carl Shoemaker.
state game warden, over the plan of
organizing all men In the atate wbo
own firearm.
Good Materials Good Styles Good Workmanship Good Values in
New House Dresses for Spriiig
We place on display apd sale today a splendid assortment of new house dresses in
desijjns and colorings most appropriate for Spring; wear. Garments that attract by their
smartness of style and freshness as well as possessing the excellences that women expect
in service features. Finely cut and tailored with all the niceties of workmanship "and
finish associated with more elaborate garments:
A Spepial Featuring of New "Billie Burke" Dresses
Made of fine quality percale in pretty colorings with contrasting trim. Button and lace front styles.
Large graceful collars in a variety of effects. Wide and narrow belts, detachable or sewed on. Short
sleeves or elbow length. Fancy pockets. Sizes 36 to 44. ,
Wonderful values in new house dresses at $1.98 to $2.98. Four models illustrated.
House Dress Shop. Third Floor.
; :
Opens at 10 AM. Today The
Cat and Pet Stock Show
The First Annual Championship Cat and Pet Stock Show of the Oregon
Branch National Breeders' and Fanciers' Association will' be held in our
Sixth Floor Auditorium today, tomorrow and Saturday, from 10 A. M.
to 6 P. M. daily.
Cats, Rabbits and Cavies
will be on exhibit. - This show bids fair to be the greatest of its kind ever
seen in the Northwest. There are more than 300 exhibits, including a
most noteworthy collection of cats and an especially fine showing of
rabbits, of which a number of the varieties are new, exhibited here
for the first time.
Many handsome cups, fifty gold medals and other valuable prizes.
Colorado, Montana and British Columbia
iiave sent entries for this show. Orepan and Washington are splendidly
i 1 Tr 1 . T 1 in j 1 1.-1 -1 mi
represeniea. loung ana oia vni enjoy seeing ine many exniDiis. xne
show is open to the public from 10 A. M. daily. Everybody invited no
charge for admission.
Values to $2 in
Books $1
Included at this low price today
are leather gift books that are
very appropriate for valentines.
Values to $2.00 at only ?1.
Good 60c to $U0
Fiction 39c
Several hundred books at this
greatly reduced price. Populaj and
copyright fiction.
Book Shop. Fifth Floor
Harry Lauder
Reinald Werrenrath
Maud Powell
and other celebrated artists in
whom Portland people are deeply
interested can be enjoyed in your
home anywhere at any time, by
means of
Those who wish to secure rec
ords by these artists should come
to Meier & Frank's. We shall be
glad to play for you any numbers
desired. Come in today. ,
Phonograph Shop, Sixth Floor.
With roper Devices.
Vans, delivery wagons and other
kinds uf vehicles not provided with
dumping device are to be barred fron
the ilty Incinerator. The City Coun
rtl yesterday passed an ordinate pre
sented by Commissioner Kellaber re
quiring sll wagons and machines going
to the plant to b equipped with de-
Lea Craves, pf Amity. Is at the rer
bin. '
f I- Hammond, of Molalla. ta at tha vlcea f-r quick unloading.
Eaton. I Commlfsioner Kellaber explained
V. A. Vincent, of Newberg. la at the ,h"t loM'n ,r"ck and " "gone
Eaton. Ic,t ,n "" P'ant and have to remove
.. , - , , I their load with shovels, thereby bold
' -- " a. i. ,, up ctr.r aarbage wagons for long
M . I period. The only way of correcting
J- E- ne. of Rainier. Is at theltn trouble, he aald. waa to require all
rewaro. I wagona to b equipped properly to nn
W. 1 CBrleai. of Astoria, la at the I load and get out of tha way within a
j.rnaon. I reasonable time.
Henry Kldtse. of Clatskanie. la at the
W. k Carlson, of 8pok.he. Is at the COUNTY TO CHECK POWDER
liynatnlie to Be Handled Only With
Special rertnlt From Officer.
Multnomah County yesterday took of-
K Pvenson. of San Francisco. Is at
lb Kits.
J. R Franklin, of Los Angeles. Is at
tha Kit.
I. K Toung. of Tendleton. Is st the
Imnaplil '
vi.- t- e i.. , i. . k . . , . . filial cognisance of the dynamite scare
It M,nlf .Ecc,M- Cf E","r- " ,he which haa arouaed the entire Kast Side
"ilT,. . . . during recent week, when It adopted a
K. 1 eterson. of Astoria. Is at the resolution depriving all county em-
Itultnoman. ployes of the right to purchase, store
K. r. Hiatt. of Tacotna. Wash., la at or handle powder or exploalvea of any
the Oregon. kind without first securing the sane-
enrge J. James, of Spokane. Is at Hon of W". A. Katchel. superintendent of
the Oregon. coun'y properties.
K. H. fhort. of Missoula. Mont, la at Tn resolution further calls upon all
aa nrcKcn- employes to turn over to Mr. Katchel
V'.i.... v t iimj ui... i. .. all explosives now In their hands. It
the 1' " ' I lewla sets forth that all powder
v it i..... e i. ,.., i. taken on any county Job must be re
. lro,'..L Lexington. Is at ltaTnf4 to th. lwo powder-houses at
1 . 'rnperiaL Kelly Butte and Linnton If It Is not
jacoma, ia at used Immediately.
in i orxiana.
It H Hennett. of Hood River, la at
flk t lh Norlontav I
K. II. Robin-on. of Ion. U lYtctaterd iVrmlwlon Akrd by Salvaclon Army
We're Adding Daily to Our Already Big Assortment of
New Sprin
For Women and Misses
Our stocks, of new Spring suits are so complete, so distinctive, so
attractive, that every woman or miss who sees them is filled with admira
tion. The fabrics are of exceptional quality. The style notes are repre
sentative of the best that fashion has favored in suit modes for Spring.
And Meier & Frank values are strongly in evidence.
Prices Hange From $22.50 to 685
and every suit is a desirable acquisition at either of these prices or one
of the many prices in between.
Poplin, serge, gabardine, tricotine, homespun and wool jersey are the
materials. Flain tailored, semi-belted, Norfolk and sports models are
shown in staple and sports shades.
Your New Spring Suit Is Here Now
and at the price you wish to pay.
the new arrivals today.
We shall be delighted to show you
. Apparel Shop. Fourth Floor.
A Special Sale cf 150 Pairs Valance
Exactly 150 pairs of desir
able scrim curtains with inser
tions and edges. Prettily ar
ranged with valance piece
between. Pair very specially
priced today at only- $1.69.
Hi I .mi
--Curtain Shop, Seventh Floor.
Second Day, of Our Sale 1000 Pieces
Enamelware at 35c
or 3 for $1. Included are five-quart pudding pans,. three-quart
utility bowls, two and thre-quart lipped saucepans, two and
three-quart lipped preserving kettles, twelve and thirteen-inch
wrash basins, eleven-inch mixing bowls, sink strainers. Supply
your needs today at 35c each or 3 for $1. '
Housewares Section, Basement.
I the Imperial.
Mr. A. It. Leonard, of Astoria. Is at
the Washington.
R. r. Ferguson, of The Dalles, la at
the Washington. "
W. N For t of Astoria. Is registered
at the I'nrn.llLL.
F. E. Oelser. of Baker. Is registered "m?.r"r, KT'd evening at I o'clock
t th. Tortland. V " "m Bnk building.
to Raise $50,000.
A meeting of the co-ordination com-
nlttee of the Stat. Council of De
fense, representing also the Portland
War Kmergency Council, will be held
Rov A. Creek, of Ln Grande, la reg-
li ered at the Rita.
Felix Ward and Mrs. Ward, of New
Tork. are at th. Rita.
Among th. Important matters awaiting
action by the committee Is the appli
cation of the Salvation Army for au
thority to conduct a drive In Portland
to raise tjo.Ouu for th. organisations
K t. I'tnkerton. cf San Francisco, la I wsr service fund.
at the Portland. I The co-ordination committee la ar
M Vsn Orooa and Mrs. Van Grooa. of I ranging to co-operat. with the liberty
Jtallaton. ar at the Katon-
Rer. 1. W. Riley, of McMlnnville. Is
registered at th. Washington.
A W. tDok. an Oregon timber owner.
Of Pittsburg Pa.. Is at the Renson.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. P's-. of Cathla
Inet. Wah ar at th Washington.
Mrs. Same! GalU.nd. of Spokane.
Wash.. Is registered at the Nortonla.
loan committee In th. coming campaign
lo rats. Oregon s quota to the loan.
Camp Logan Soldier Killed.
HOrSTO.V Tex.. Feb. 1J. Ralph M.
Fcley. member of Company G. 130th
Infantry. Is dead at Camp Logan as
th. result of an assault mad. upon
him near the stocksde today. John
W. A. Wood and Mrs. v. 00.1. of Hon- r. !anp and Walter Matthews, privates
Itor. are registered at in ornc.iua. , company C. 7th Infantry, were
C II. Mar. a and Mrs. Marsh, of Pen- arrested, and it la understood they
titcton. are at th Reward. admit th. attack. Foley waa stabbed
yi;i;ta JasiJy, aal rs. Xcll, at lo deals.
A Sale q Patriotic
Show your patriotism by wearing
some emblem designating the particu
lar branch of the service in w hich you
are most interested. We have the
most complete line of patriotic em
blems in Portland.
At 10c U. S. flag emblems in
great variety as well as flags of our
allies. Colored rhinestone flag effects
at 29c and 59c
For automobiles we have round and
oblong flag emblems. The regular
prices of 35c and 50c are reduced for
this sale to only 10c. These emblems
are waterproof and make attractive
flags -as well as decorations for the
auto. Center Aisle. Sixth Street.
Fine $15 to $65 Beaded
Bags; -.Off!
Three Sketched 0
Included at Va. off today
are our entire fine stocks of
high-grade imported and
domestic beaded bags. .
A great variety of artistic de
signs in colored beads included.
The popular draw-string effects,
as well as the staple frame top
bags. Beautifully fitted bags.
Many are exclusive French pat
terns. .
The regular prices range from
$15.00 up to $65.00 for this
'extra special sale today reduced
25 per cent.-
. Leather Goods fehop, Main Floor.
Old as Well as Young Men Can Share in This
Great Sale of
Wool Felt
Stylish, serviceable hats in shapes
that will appeal to the conservative as
well as' the advanced dresser are on
sale at $1.49 this price is less than
present wholesale cost. FULL SATIN
LINED wool felt hats with patented
sweat, band. . Green, brown, black,
grayj tan handsome plain shades and
good looking mixtures. All sizes to
day at $1.49.
Men's Hat Shop, Main Floor.
I laM bpeed Vrged li
Great lndastrlal A
Take Place at Front.
Order That
y May
Industrial classification of draft reg
istrants, discontinued a week ago be
cause the supply of classification cards
had given out. will be resumed today.
A supply of th. cards waa received
yeaterday by Adjutant-General Will
iams and will be distributed :hls morn
ing to school teachers, wl.; have been
performing th. service of filling them
out from Information In th. registrants'
A telegram urslat all possible speed
in the completion of this work was
received yesterday from Adjutant-General
McCain by Colonel Williams. It
said in part: "The industrial needs
of the Army are great and pressing;
and they cannot be met until these
cards are available. .
"Please urge school superintendents
and principals with the utmost prompt
ness to exert every effort toward the
early accomplishment of this vital task
of prcducing the army of workmen
who must soon take their position be
hind the firming line."
Assistant Health Officer to Enter
Service n Reserve Corps.
Dr. John G. Abele. Assistant City
Health Officer, yesterday received no
tice that h. has been commissioned a
Captain ln the .medical section of the
Officers' Hesert'e Corps. He says he
haa written his acceptance of th. com
mission and expects to be called into
active service soon.
Dr. Abele is 48 years of age and is
an Indian War veteran. He says that
as far as he knows he is the youngest
veteran of the Indian wars still living.
For IS yeads he was in the United
States Army. "
Four Boxes for Relief of Belgians
Contributed by Citizens.
COVE, Or., Feb. 13. (Special.) Miss
Eunice Ramsdell shipped on Monday's
outgoing' train the last' two of the
our boxes of ready-to-wear clothing
contributed "by citizens of Cove and
vicinity for immediate relief of desti
tute Belgium refugee children and
women. .
This is the last work of that kind
demanded for a variety of reasons,
among them, it is said, being the in
ability of, American clothing material
to endure the primitive methods of
laundrylng by the pfospective users.
in the kitchen. To avoid
waste. To make taste
less dishes appetizing. To
make warrned-overs ab
solutely enjoyable. To
give cooking a delicious i
flavor. . Use .
t Jt's a daily assistant,
Why Kidneys Kill
BecaoM the mre diseased. Two sound
actiYe kidneys are necessary for sound health.
They mast act as filters, cleansing the blood
of the poisonous waste matters taken np ia
its coarse through the body.
Wh'on the kidneys are sound and aetire they
do theii filtering; work perfectly. When thejv
ara weak and diseased they fail to do their
task, and the whole human body sailors from
this poisonous blood.
. FOLEy KID NET PILLS are jost what U
needed to make orer weak, ailing1, achingr
kidneys into strong, healthy active ones.
Start taking- Foley Kidney Pills today, and
backache, lame bak, stiff swollen joints, dull
weary headaches and tired-all-OTor feeling
will quickly pass away. Regular kidney and
bladder action, clean blood, good health,
sound sleep, and no more dull weary pains or
headaches, will be your sure reward.
Your druggist sells them Rnmombat Um
name Foley Kidney Pill.
Xhey are the best. Adv.