TIIE 3I0RXIXG- OREGOXIAX. TITTJIt SD AY. FEBRUARY 14, 1918. INDIANA REPUBLICAN CHOSEN NATIONAL CHAIRMAN FOR HIS PARTY. 9 Rely Upon Your Own Judgment Choose Only by Comparison MID TEUTON LINES Oaring Dashes Deep Into En $ emy Trenches Net Prison ; ers and Do Big Damage. r HUNS MASS FOR OFFENSIVE 8 FRENGH AND BRITISH fc C?T tills V llindrnbarff Parks Hainan Pawns in WrM lo Samhrr of 3.3 10.000 Prrparaiorjr to Forcing Thrm to IMp Before Allied God. PARIS. Fb. IX A hlg raid w car rtd out today bjr tU Krmch vouthwevt f Butt MML Th German poi ttona wr entered up to th third lln and nun defenses and shelters wert destroyed. This innouncmtnt ws made by tn M'ar off Ire in Its regular communica tion tontirht. the trftt of which : "In the 4'hampaane we carried out a hm raid nar tiutt Meantl. on a front of about IS meters. Our detachments penstratvd the German pvsttlons as far a the third line, overthrew the ennrjf ctfni- and destroyed rumerou heltrs. captured mors than lvS prisoner. "Kroro Fbrurr I to 1 our pilots brouicbt down Z Urrmao airplanes." 'mmt Mm fVserte1. Tn the course of three surrensfu trnt-h ratds yesterday ths French ad m need a far m the fourth Herman line brlarn L I'retre and fort Iare oodi In the Woevr and took pris oners belonctnv to the Ninth Havarian and ths Uft Urdsrhr divisions. The tiTmn tnungltrnvnt had been destroyed by the French artillery last fete hi and the proaresa of th assault- In column was favored by a heavy mist. As soon as th French reached th f.rsl positions th tierman opened a sweeping; machine gun fir, as well as an artillery barrage, but th French penetrated the shell curtain almost without casualties, demolished all ths nemr shelters snd emplacements and returned to their own lines with jnost valuable information. U hen th French attack was In progress the (jrftmfK atemptcd a raid a t itegneviltr r In the &m district, but were repulsed with heavy losses. Artillery Is Aetlve. There was fatrly heavy artillery fir ing last night tn the neighborhood of J'lnon oa th Aisne front. Northwest of Khcima th bombardment was also rsthrr lively. lierman aviators last night threw down several bombs on 'ancr. k tiling three civilians and w ounding five. BERLIN, via London. Feb. IX British Admiralty, per Wireless Press.) Hevy ha.nd-to-hand flghdng has occurred north of Una and around jVronn. arrordlng to th official statement from general headquarters ioay. me rintlsh undertaking strong retoonottering espedttlons, which, headquarters reports, were repulsed. SHIPYARD WORKMAN DIES J lajorlr Kfrtlrrd by J. B. Ale man . t'riUajr RralC lalalljr. J. K Allnan. who n Injured Jl KrlcUr. when h fll from a v.- I th lir.nC iimlth chipjrarda. died last nicht at xt. Vlnr.nt'a liu.pitaL Ha had rfli'd a frarfir of the ukuil, Irohrn rlh and lra)'-rnal Injurlrn. Mr. Altroan la aurvlrvd by bl) widow and a daughter, who raid at 1 Mml in avrnue. Th family ha rlled In I'ortland for fivr jrfr, romlnf to thta itir froat thrlr former home la Penn sylvania. Kuneral arranarmvnta have bwt vrt been announced. Scdro-WovlteT Mill Barn. FKl.lJNfJHAM. Wash.. Frb. 1J Th , Pedro mill work., at Sedro- Wool ley. was de.!rie. by fire earlv todav. The lou in i 80 Years Old, Bathed IcternaIlyfor20Years 'r. I C. Newromh write. Tr. Chaa. A. Tvrrell. of New York, mm follow. - "Mr neit birthday la July JIth (0 year old. Have used Tyrrell's M. B. L. I'aacad"- for more than 2 years. Beet and only remedy that brlna. r.llef w ithout Iht um of drug. My experience vroveti inn ic aiwava relieves. o dan st from it. ytt ailments were prtncl ally I rto Acid. Biliouancsa. Coatlve tiee. etc." Thi i hr no means an exceptional letter for tr. Tyrrell to receive, a there are now over half a million Amer icans uin ir. Tvrrell a -J. B. li Caa cale" with like results. ty the s-tentin; us of Nature's rleanaer warm water It eliminates all poisonous waste from th lower An te. tine and arlve Natur a chance to work unhampered. You will be astonished at tha differ once In your feelinga th momma; after an Internal bath. Th "J B. U fascad" will be shown and explained to you by Woodard. '!arne as fo.. Portland. Or. who will alo cive you free on request an Infer-r-tlns booklet by Ir. (.'has. A. Tyrrell. "hv Man of Today Is Only .0 Effi cient " viiet this booklet and know )ust whr Internal Bathina la so effective in th promotion of better health Adv. EARN MORE A fee Mesf ks srl at POa.-rr.ASD. Will Fit 1 aw far "laser Pay a ad Paellas. larirat BelM. el I ewe la tka .wrtkeiest. rROLI. AST T1WK. W rite far I'ree ( atalacse. A Paatlkaa Ba t .aerlfiL 3 Bell-aims Absolutely Removes Indigestion. Druggists refund money if.it fails. 25c ! .1 7i POISON KILLS PBS Federal Authorities Believe Destruction Is Huns' Work. I. W. W. HELD AS SUSPECT . . 3iainal Indrnclrd lo Spare o Tain to Ran Down Poloncr Ixpartmrnl of JaMlre Prom All Pfxlble Ilrlp. SAX r'RAXCI.W). Keb. U (Spe cial. Baslllo affore. In custody on Federal Indictment charvlna; rom- ftjlrlty In an allrced I. V. V. conspir acy to obstruct tha (iovernment s war procramme and to commit sabotase, will be questioned by (.eovernuaent aaents to ascertain whether he has knowleda of the polsonlns; of 300 lamba In Butchertown. It was an nounced thia afternoon by I'nlted stale. Marshal James H. Ilollohan. The Marshal declared he had hern Informed that Saffores was seen Sun day nhsht near the yards of William Taaffe A Co . In Butchertown. where h lambs died of polsonlns. This new feature shared Interest with the re ceipt of a telegram by Ilollohan from Attoraey- leneral Ureaory at Washing ton ordering a vigorous Investigation, and with th dleclosura that two mem bers of the I. W. IV. are being sought for alleged complicity In th poisoning plot. Palawaera la Be Ran Dowa. Th Attorney - General Instructed Marebal ilollohan to spare no pains t run down the poisoners. He stated tha the department of Justic had been Instructed to co-operat In every wa with the Marshals office In its work. Marshal Ilollohan previously had telegraphed to Attorney-General Greg ory that in his opinion the poisoning of the sheep was part of a deliberate conspiracy to destroy food supplies. The search for the two I. W. W members became known from an thentlc source to'tay. while secrecy wa being maintained as to the clews un earthed. Name of the I. W. W. sough today ara known to the authorities. It la understood that they had bean loitering in the neighborhood. Twenty-one more lamba died In the early morning hours and two cats kept In the yards were found dead. The nature of the poison used has not ye been ascertained. kess lata Arc at YYark. Chemists under the direction of Tr. William C. Ilassler. City Health Offl cer. are making an analysis of the drinking water In the corrals of th dead sheep, their feed and stomach contents. It will be some time befor this is completed. Prank T. Preen. City Toxicologlst. also is busy at work along similar lines. II explained today that th care with which lb analysis must be mad will require several days to complete th work. a A rtatboloSVa! autopay performed a th San Francisco Veterinary College on one of the dead lamba showed tha the animal had been in good condition and had died from the effect of quick-acting poison. I Professor C. Klschner. chemist at the college, says that rirst symptoms elimi nate th possibility of arsenic, but that the poison may have been atrychnlne. The lumber of lamba that have died from the poisoning now exceeds 300 and the financial lor is said to ba more than liOtfrt. a close guard baa been placed about th property of butchers and packers of Butchertown. That the authorities are working along auspiclons of an alien enemy plot was I mi ics ted strongly when police de- te-rtlve detailed on the case reported that clews pointed to enemy activities. LORD DUNSMORE TO SPEAK Camp I-ow l Soldier lo Hoar Eng- INh Mar Veteran. TACOMA. Wash- Feb. 11 (Special.) 1-ord LMinsmore. th Earl of Duns more, will speak to th soldier at Camp Lew is on April i. according to word received her today. II has seen servlc and Is now In America recover Ing from a wound received In action. Ian Hay. author of "Th First Hun dred Thousand" and "All in It." widely discussed war book, will speak to the soldiers her on March 20. W hen Lord Dunsmor comes her h will b greted by British officer who are teaching Americana how war la waged In France. They know him well. 3 SHIPS SINK ONE BUILT rer'noef frem Plrwt Pare.) (ienoYa and of tha Spanian elcamship Giralda. A dispatch from Msdrid on Febru ary t aaid that the Italian steamship luira dl tlenova. of Tlt tons, had been torpedoed only a mil off Murvledro Beach, on th Spanish coast. Th Spanish steamship Giralda was sunk Jsnuary !. A protest against the sinking was presented at Berlin by th Spanish government on Febru ary t. ROiLE, Feb. lJvZ7our Italiaa itm-1 .r 1 V W I1J, H. HAYS. ers of more than 1600 tons were sunk by mine or submarine during the week ending February 9. according to an official announcement today. During the week ending February ; but one Italian steamer of leps than ltioo tons was lost. PARIS. Keb. 1J. The Italian nava genersl staff, according to Havas dis patch from Home, announces that Italian torpedo-boata forced their way on the night of February 11. west of Dalmatla. Into the Bay of Buccarl. near Flume, aad torpedoed the largest of the steamera anchored there. FEDERAL CONTROL AGITATED (Jotrrnmrnl'i Taking Over Ship yards I Vrgetl on Congress. WASHINGTON.' Jb. 11. Delays In ship construction, charged to a consid erable extent to labor difficulties, have brought agitation in Congress for Gov ernment operation of the yards, and It was learned tonight that the Shipping Board haa been asked to consider the matter of taking over at least some private plants. Heretofore the Board has taken the position that If the labor situation is straightened out- the yards will turn out as much tonnage under private management aa they would If run by the (Kivernment. Virtually all ship construction now under way In the I'nlted Statea Is for the Government, but the yards them selves are operated as private enter prises. The Shipping Board is having thre Government owned fabricating steel yards built near Philadelphia, but their management, too. Is in private hands. Shipping Board officials declined to say what their attitude toward Gov ernment operation of yards now Is. but it Is known that If any yards are taken over it will be those which are not pro ducing ships rapidly and that others which are doing good work will be left with their present managements. Despite increased wages to ahipyard workers there have been as many strikes In the shipbuilding yards as in any other line of war work. The Ship ping Board Is engaged now In trying to work out uniform wage acales for ship yard workers and already has put t scale Into force on the Pacific Coast- One of the chief causes or Jabor un rest In shipyards has been the practice of shipyards of hiring men from one another. Those who are urging the Government operation of yards point out that under Government operation thia practice would be ended and that another advantage would be that the Government could shift workers from yard to yard readily If It became neces sa ry. Complainta have reached the Ship ping Board from ahrpyard owners that riveters are not driving the number of rivets they should and that they are held down to a small . minimum by union regulations. The board will at tempt to raise the maximum, at the same time Insisting that wage scales for piece work shall not be reduced where more work Is done. CUBAN SUGAR LOAN BIG SIM OF 100,000.000 TO HARVEST CROP SUBSCRIBED. Ckalrasaa af lateraalloaal Sugar Coea- aslttee aya That Profits. Last Year Were I aaecesaarlly High. NEW YORK. Feb. 13. Announcement within a short time that th Cuban loan of $100,000,000 to finance the har vesting of the sugar crop Is "an ac complished fact" was forecast tn a statement issued here tonight by the Internationa) sugar committee. It was Intimated that New York bankers and refiners already had sub scribed I80.COO.000 and that the bal ance probably would be forthcoming from Boston. Chicago. Philadelphia. New Orleans and other cities. George M. Rolph. chairman of the committee, said that most of the annual reports of the sugar companies would be forthcoming at an early data and it would be "Interesting to the public to not th profits earned by them dur- ng the year 1S17, when no food con trol regulations were In effect, and compare tbem with the same annual reports to be Issued one year hence. showing th results of the operations of the same companies ana tn looa control plan. Mr. Rolph declared that, in his opin ion, th profits of the last year, when there was no restriction on prices, were unusually and unnecessarily high; that the margina now fixed would result In fair earning on the capital of all the companies, and no exorbitant profits would be shown except in the case of a few of the best companies, which were greatly favored by natural climatic and geographical advantages to an unusu ally large production. In such caaea a large part or tha earnings will revert back to the Gov ernment In the form of Income and ex cess profits tsxes. flight Work to Begin Soon. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Feb. 13 (Spe cial.) Just as soon as tha necessary arc lights and search lights can ba In- tailed at the wooden shipyard of the fttandtfer Construction Corporation the night shift will be put at work. It is xpected to put on the second shift early next week and. If sufficient men can ba secured, tha number of men now at work, approximating 350, will be doubled. The company has six wooden ships well under way and addi- ional con tracts for six ships have been aasesaV mi't "iii i iiwiinr nlf rniiis I I I HAYS G. 0. P. CHOICE National Committee Makes Unanimous Selection. HONORS PAID TO- PERKINS Moose Leader Credited With Feat of Sending to Junk Heap Boom Tbat Had Been Launched for Iowa Man. Continued From First Pase.) even fewer duties than the Vice-President of the United States. Mr. Hays accepted the chairmanship in a telegram sounding a strong note of Republican loyalty in the war. "Everyone knows," he said, "that there will be political activity. The Democratic party has been busy for months. This political activity should be open and acknowledged and of a character and on a plane that needs no subterfuge. "There Is but one side to the ques tion of the war. On that side, support ing tha country's cause, shall stand every political party and every mem ber of every political party entitled to any consideration whatsoever. Pmrty Always Loyal. "The loyalty of the Republican party always haa been and always will be measured only by the possibilities." The action of the commute was hailed by men of all factions as "the greatest day's work the party has done in a decade." Observers say It places Colonel Roosevelt Jn good position for the par ty nomination next time. Certain it is the Progressives came out of the day with flags flying. For one thinff. the election of Hays meant the overthrow of "standpat" control. W. Murray Crane, of Massachusetts, drum-major of the old guard, was stood on his head. Last week Mr. Crane fan cied things had been sewed up so tight ly for Mr. Adams that he did not bother to attend the meeting. So he stayed at home with his gumshoes and his whis pering gallery. Perkins Wins I.aarels. George W. Terkins, Moose leader. started the real fight against Mr. Adams. Tonight Mr. Perkins is stroll ing the hotel lobby looking like the cat that haa Juat eaten the canary, while the leaders are asserting that no one can gainsay that Perkins is the man who did the foundation work that sent Adams boom to the junk pile. But Mr. Perkins got what the peace makers often get. Aa a reward for his work they tried to make him a goat As part of the treaty of peace it was required that Mr. Perkins be ousted from his position on the old campaign committee, which, since November, 1916, has been purely ornamental. The committee had been considering a proposal to retain this "campaign body, which included six progressives on Its roster. Today, however, this was tabled and it was made of record that the campaign committee has passed out of existence. It failed to Dr. Wheats Glasses Are Good Glasses made after a personal examina tion with the aid of the latest scientific instruments, assuring you of the greatest ease and comfort. Intelligent people know that .kill, experience, care and re ap o n a I billty are necessary In order to obtain clear, SAFE and perfect vision. That is why I give every case my personal and Individual attention. Allow no student or assistant to ex periment with your eyes th. most precious of all senses. Complete lens-grinding factory. DR. WHEAT Kyralajat Specialist. 207 Mora-aa HMi. Washington at Rroadway. Formerly Aaaociated With Dr. Thorn paoa. K ' f ;'- " ' EDISON faction. VICTROLA Not without comparison do you match colors. Not without a careful hearing "' should or can you measure tone. Our house offers unparalleled opportunity for the exercise of your musical judgment, the testing of your desire and of the most notable of world's sound reproducing instruments. These you may see and hear in many designs, including requisite art cases: THE VICTROLA ' THE EDISON Terms as Low as $5 Down and $5 Per Month Besides, Superior Service here is our watchword. nMASON 61? HAMLIN AHDOTMER I) PIANOS r music J Morrison Street at Broadway Other Stores San Francisco, Oakland, 'Sacramento, San Jose, Fresno, Los Angeles, San Diego get under the hide of the Moose, how- er. The progressives were treated with arked respect by the old-line Repub licans, what Is now being sought is to give thert representation on the next executive committee, it that can De ar ranged. In such event the expectation is that Colonel Roosevelt will be given a voice in who shall be picked to represent the Moose. Mr. Perkins, it is expected, will go on. also Mr. Ickes and Chester H. Howell, of California. But the likeli hood is expressed that the majority of the Moose to go on will not be domi nated by Perkins. Progressives here have Deen eaying openly that the chief fault with Per kins is that he tries to run things him self and that they are for bridling him somewhat. Prominent among the high lights or the day. too. were the performances of Senator Boise Penrose and Frank M. Hitchcock. They have been "off" Mur ray Crane since llt. uunng me Hughes campaign. Crane sought to crowd them Into the remote corners with considerable eucceas. Today they got their revenge. Penrose Helps Ditch Old Guard. The ditching of the old guard brought nary a tear from Penrose, who for so many yearB was one of its most talented performers. In fact, he helped foil the guard over the culvert. Jir. XI HCIICUCJi, I.I1C Lam iiiuca jiiAii of the 1908 Taft campaign and the manager of the Hughes movement in the 1916 convention, performed as har monlzer. He moved among the committeemen saying. "What we need is concord and Pi DESCRDPTD0KI Height, 6 ft 2 in. Weight, 190 lbs. Eyes, blue and very piercing. Hair, dark brown. Complexion, fair. Muscular bui.t. Age, about 30. The above Reward is being paid several times daily at the Columbia Theatre tor the capture of By the Supervisors of: Cochise County, BUD WALSH. Sheriff ' Surely can you depend upon your own taste, your own mus ical judgment. Therein lies the broad road to after satis- ilgB Allen harmony." He is given credit by a good many for keeping the fight from coming to a real showdown on the floor of the committee itself, which might have caused much bad blood. One rumor that refused to be punc tured was that Mr. Hitchcock is doing a bit of ground work in the interest of Colonel Roosevelt. Mr. Hitchcock, him self, pulls a horrified look at the idea that thus far in advance anybody Is doing anything for anybody. Tonight a group of committeemen left for Indianapolis to hold conference with Mr. Hays tomorrow. The plan is to start things moving at once. DENVER PIONEER IS DEAD Thomas Kemp Once Owned Site of Present Colorado Capitol. SPOKANE, Feb. 13. Thomas Kemp, a pioneer of Denver and engaged in mining 'activities in Colorado, Cali fornia and Alaska several years ago. died here today at the noma of a daugh ter, aged So. - Mr. Kemp was declared to have once been the owner of the ground upon which the Colorado Copitol stands, as well as a large portion of the original townsite of Denver. TJ. S. Officer Marries. . TACOMA.. Wash.. Feb. 13. (Special.) Lieutenant Herbert T. Hunt, 346th Field Artillery, formerly of Sacra mento, was united in marriage today to Miss Evlyn Somerville, of his home of ;"THC y Li L-I3 LMJ Ltl U Li LJ f .':,- I imiiiasa- ts.&nMsaaie&ss, .- " - 'jj. It V - ' ' iVu tlimwaw-,iilm. r. t InltirisW-CaAaJ flTAPOUjOTTl PLAYER I PIANOS l TALKING I MACHINES If city. Rev. C. Y. Grimes, rector of Trin ity Episcopal Church, performed the ceremony at the home of Frank S. Baker, a newspaper publisher. It was a real war wedding with no attend ants and no one present save fellow officers of the groom and a few close friends. Lieutenant and Mrs. Hunt will make their home in Tacoma while ho is stationed here. Read The Oreironian classified ads. GILBERT SAYS: "Satisfied customers are m best advertisement" Why Pay $500 for a KNABE PianoWhen $367 Will Buy One? See My Window. Harold S.Gilbert The Reliable Piano Merchant 3c?4 Yamhill Street Out of the high-rent district. No salesmen, no fakes. Pianos Pianos Pianos Bought Rented Sold BARGAIN" algaed, . .