Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 14, 1918, Page 19, Image 19

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    THE SIORXIXG OREG0XIAX, TlTCESDAT, -.mrcairr" 14. 1918.
Food Products Inspection to
Be Extended Westward.
Hurra a Will tie Elablihcd at San
1'raJK-lM-o Within xt 30 Days.
SjMtra of Iienrflt to Potato
. fclilprxrs In This Section.
Hfe-- ar Wlnr taken to nttnd th food
acoxlixta Inspection sorr.r to tha Pacific
Cnmt, within tha next SO dmrm. By that
tin an off.r will r estbiii.ned at Saa
'rmnrtaco ami otb-r Coast points will prqb
ar.:r be taken In later. This service arivea
shippers the Brlrn(.r. of off.-tal Inspection
at points of delivery whera they could not
at a Imliri'taal attention to their shipments.
Th .np-rttnn crt tflcate Issued has a legal
slue In run of llttsauoa. and la therefor
f s-rt benefit to shippers, particularly la
the potato trade. Every dealer In this com
mdtty knows from experlen- that tha eon
titwn of his potatoes oo arrival at distant
markets haa frequently been Judged ac-
CH-amc to tha sloes pre ai linn at tha point
f d:iTery rather than by the actual tod
tfit.on of tha shipment. By thus vtvlnff pro
tawtno to shippers many of tha abusea that
ba heretofore prevailed In tha trad, will
be ellmintad.
la ad.liioa to San Franrtero, Inspection
ervtca will aiM b estsblt-hed at Ienver.
Omaha. letrolf, A di.... tq...
ntinffham and Buffalo. Inspe-tlna servlca u4
aw availsbla at tha follow me points:
Baltimore. AM Washington office.
Boston, Warn T. e. Merrill. Inspector. 4o
rtdeiity brjiMin. IH fttate street.
hies ro. Ill 11. B. Pratt, eupervtainc In
SBtor. H Dtstnrmtors buildlnr. 23 North
Clsrk street.
Oncianati. O Howard E. Kramer, lo;
Johanna bulldlnc
Oerelaad. CT R. C. Butner. Inspector. 9
Eirhanga buliainf.
Dallas. TexI a. Sennit. Inspector. 53
Afoor boll. ltn. Tenth and Mala streets.
a.slvesto. Tea. Houston office.
iinuMt'iat. Tea. Wesley v. Stephana, In-
pector. T nouthera Pactfl? buitJinr.
Je-aoatUe. ria. T. C. Curry, 9-m BUbee
Jersey City. N. J. New Tork of flea.
Kaasaa Otr. Wa-r. K. rw.Utm. super.
tin laspactor. 20- rrtxlore Lifhuft
sail. una.
Memphis. Tens. 1 J. Weishaar. laspac
tor. av Cirhauirt buii.lin-.
Mtnreoptls. Mtna. W. P. Jtetlerk, nsp
to- ano Market Mats Bsak boiMinc
.New Otesn. La. r. II. Lister. Inapactor.
til Metrnpotltsn bulhtlac
. ew Y.h. rL L. Marhetl. supervlsfnc In
pector. To; fruit Trad boil. Una. 2 frank
lin street.
Oklahoma City. Ohi. r. A. L. Bloom,
tnpevtor. Buresa af Varketa.
PhtlS-lrlphU. ft. J. Russell. Inspertnr.
13 Insuntnc r.rhana bu.Miac. Third and
V' sin at streets.
rirtsbara. Ps V. B. Rnhk. t rupee tor. K3
K'tlerman buildins;. fichteeath aad Penn
7tnia aesnu.
lTr- r1rx-e. R. t Bostna nfflrs.
ft. l-a-. Ma. Kr. T. Brrs.. tnptnr.
4H out tttstorni llous. Third and Otl
t. Psut. Minn. Mianespntts offlr.
Wawhinatoa. l. c fuprutoa V. M.
V (! sn.l C. T. Mora.
Appltrattoa f-r la pert ion In any market
ho.t a o-Hressed to the Inspev'tne- in
cher ef thsi market, or to tha Bureau of
Markets Waehlncton, I. C.
mtwor. art. tx Mtri RAT: pp. hand
OsJy rira-4.ra Mork la nawted by Milp
gwre Pthaa I awkaned.
Thrw to n moderate demand for grand
shipping prttato. but ther no rail f-r
Nx 5 toaa, Ths jnrtnlnc market continues
slow at 91 1311 fr arerag Burbank.
ampments Ju-t report-! from tha Coast fol
low: Vrim Csliforvia Isos Aftglea, 9: sT-a -snentrx.
. r'rsnris'x 13: iVIeman, Tea..
1: Bl'n. N. M . 4: Clnvis. N". M-. I; ltee.
W. 'al . 1: LI Taso. 1; Oakland, f. Calvea
tu. I: llsl-ns. 1.
rrtri Waahlngton IWnver. T: Kansas 1: Iinenapoiis. , ftasttTe. 9; (iacra
tientsx I ; New rlans. I; Billing. ; Chl
csw I. tan.llte. lit. 1.
mrn Orfm riia., 1; Fs-ramento. 1;
t:t Ps.aV 2: ( k ton, 1.
Vrket rnnllttons as report k by fla
gr .ph;
VtX Worth. Tee, o!wsJx 13; Wa.-hln-t"v.
3; lIahK J; I'tah. J; California. 2. ar
rived. Demand and movement modsrata.
lsrkt wesk. Vncraded Colora! and Idaha
Yniie whirs. $221. rusets. 9i?Si3n;
C'sMforal Bur banks, beat. $2 if HZ art. Car
lf a move ment slow ; buyers holding; off.
C'oJrwad an 4 Idaho. ancradd. wblta va
rfetkMa. 91 i: Washtng-ton Netted Uewia.
914tfJ: California llurUnkA bast. $2.
fner. Cloi Iema4 and movement
ry slow. Market weak- AH stock ungrs-l-ad.
mtvea whites. Oreelsy diet rift. 1 1.40 ?
1 Western itlop McOurew quality and
v4i4ttli good. 91 S: ttomllty and rondttloa
feaarally go-U ll1fITl; bast Burbanka.
Jsr-etly $Z: po.rsr. 91 T3 9I.9X
fi Pranrfsco. CmL Demand and irmvo
tnent mmlrst. Testerdars jobbing; prices,
Hto.-l.tof. delta stork, faoy Burbanka. 91.
l ; rhotc. fl.2i 1.40; hatlnaa stoc-k.
9 2. 29 Oregon Burbanka. MAO'S! CI.
ruesetA. II 73 2.
mti x Arri.c pricf-4 arc bTrir
aUgkter ,pewi Ar Ra-rled Iswa Pa
einc Nonkwewt.
a:y r cars of applea wero reported
ahipped from the Northw-est on Monday, th
dstnatl-n. being as follows: Birmingham,
1. Burttnstotv 1: Ceir Uapida. 1: Chicago.
1 : tWnver. 9; tMmonton. 1 . Kalrmoat. 1 ;
lnnsspoits. 4. New York City, 3: tmaha.
2. PhUal tphta. 3: Pitts burg, Pueblo,
1: 9psane. 1; Htocktoa. ; Tacoroa. 1;
Terr Haute. 1; Ty!r. T.. 1.
fast market as re port ed by w Ire :
i hwx Arrivals: Washington. 9; I-iah.
S. 7w rar on track. Including: broken and
wabrka. Iwmaad and movement Coo.1.
narkt atea ly. J-bOing openinc tolay: NP
tptt jrnNergs. Rome, medium to targe. 92 9
S W; fancy metlum t la re, f I 7 IV ? 19.
NP Twttctousv large. 92 7031 fancy medium
to la-ge. ;jfJ173: XT ffaayraena. Jona
n msdtam to larva. 1 1 9 rv. cholc
to fancy mvdiunk 91.9V
Beastoo Arrive la: Washington. S. Job
bing; demand and movement moderate, nar teaIy. Washington sale from atoraa.
quality a4 coertTtTw" e--tt XF Wtneonpa.
Urg. 91. murium, $ 71. smalt. 92 2ZV2 "a.
9aay lea la Is. la largs, 91.71;
Xr B'.ack Tsira medium to Largs. 919;
faary nvedlum. XF Rooaea: medium t
to'ae, fancy medium to larga. 92 2X
rhils-le.pht. Arrlva s: Vlrslala. 1; 9 rar
smttewken; demand good, market steady. To
day g sals. Jobbing;: Waaamrto XP Stay
moraa. amall t medium. Utlgl 9t: XT
wtowaav 92-Xi. XF Black Beas. 9973
trfo X 9 pH son boras. n4'ia, 9959)
Z SO. Aa-tton prlc: VTaehtng-loa, 9 car:
ItZ-O SOHa lav. tiaaraalswd
lUvJO or, aroorl. medium weights
FMd all yoaj bay.. Itn KS JOf ! I k
U.ll, l.lafct r'larr. ljW-18 fer l av.
L(l'.,arr.l.3r rerla, IIKAlT
IIMT atltl. 12-1 6 rrr La,
Cwawaalaal.a I karges.
The Savinar Co., Inc.
2w f'raal SUaart. Capital Ut,e)
) quality aad condition, anr fresen.
L Xr Vlimapi, lars. 92 SO; medium.
:1D923: smalt. 1 sorT10; fancy Ism
Zli: giKllim. $10iil0; small, tl to. XK
and fancy .V'nrlou. all sixes. tl.091.Ti. XF
Romeo, medium, 11 M; am all, tl.TS. XF
unm medium. $!. I.SS: fancjr lares.
11.43; medium. $1 70 1 : small. 1.T(X
orrKRi.vos or are small
Bread rr Desnaad far Alfalfa forLaeal'aBd
Hhlpplas Actooot.
There was no chants In grain bids at ths
Merchants Eichsnrt yesterday. Ths de
mand for barley and alao lor oata was
strong, bat thers wrs T.ry few offerings.
Alfalfa la holding ateady. with a broader
local and shipping Inquiry.
Receipts at San Francisco yesterday In
cluded Il.l'N) centals of wheat from Aus
tralia. Weather conditions In ths Middle West, ss
wired from Chicago: "Northwest cloudy.
Zero at Winnipeg to 33 above at Dululh.
West. Southwest and Ohio Valley, clear to
cloudy. 33 to 40.
Terminal receipts. In cars, wers reported
by ths Merchants Exchange ss follows:
Wheat. Bsrley.Flour.OslsHay.
Wedaesls-. 1 2 9 1-
Yfir ago 14 1 4 S 2
Sion to dat.aVU ?J9 aU 977 14T3
Vr.r no 1 lotfl 1774 14U
Tear tfo 14 - t
Seon to data.SfX'-l 71 ... ?M
Yesr aco 4V&7 104 ... -i7 laVlti
Tuesdsy A ... ...
Yr ao 1 ... 7 S S
s.on to daie.344!i ITfva 7S
Yesr aso -M 1107 lu.'.O 3uJ4
Batter Market Ulslr.
Kin wer tsdv yesterday, with 40 cents.
esse count, the general uuotation on the
Butter aalea drat, and as receipts ar In-
crinr the mrt is weaker. ha top
quotation on country creamery extras yes-
ter-iay a as it H cents.
I raised roeaia were In fair supply and
Hhlpmcnte of Tangerine Received.
A shipment of 4."M boxea of California tan-arln-s
reached tha street. They wer put
on sale at .'.SVf 1 a boa. A car of Mexican
tomatoes also arrived and wer quoted at
Baak 4lertnsa.
Bank rlesrlngs or ths Nort h west em cities
yasterday wers as follows:
Clearings. Balances.
Portland $4.W'.772 9 Jn.H -7
S-attle 1.U1 7.4H7
Taroma ! :t.l! 7.1T
fpvkano. 1.7Jo B7a &01.TU7
Grain. eed. f loar. Lie.
rerchants Efhinit, noon session.
rVoruary delivery
Oats ' Btd. Yr. Ago.
No whit feed I'i.l 0 9 IH.00
Mitnlard leed 9tkkv0
II r lev
Sttn.lard "A" brewing 996.00
Thirty days
No. 2
liar ley
F d
rUatrrn oats and cor a In bulk;
No. J whit
o. Ut Slipped while
No. 3 y!lnw
No. 3 m.d.....
Thirty days
Vv 3
. .9A.1 0
.9'.o no
. . .9. 00
. .. 9.1.0
.. ou.00
. . tI ."0
WHEAT Bulk basis Portland for NaM
.Ha- liarrf w hi ts Hluestsm. Karly BsrtN
Alien. Oalgalua. Martin Amber. ooft
w hite I'aioue bluest m, furtyfuid. Whit
Ya.ley. ."ld Coin. W hit Kusslan. $ioJ.
Whits club t.llt. club. Jenkins club, whit
hybrid, iwnora. -OL Ked Walla Kcd
human, red hybrids. Jones fife. Coppet,
91.1-. .a 3 g-soe. 9c leas. No, S grade.
c la Other grades bandied by sample.
Fl-Ol'R latents, 910; V ley. $Ulo; whole
wheat. $ fmttam. 9--U. borley flour.
91U Jo gi 1 1 per bar fl. rlca flour, b per
klLMKEI Net mill prfree. car lots:
Brsn. per ton: shorts. 9i2 per ton;
m t J d I n is, 9 JO: mixed csrs and less thsn
carloads. &oc mora, rolled bar icy. 997 011;
rut'Vd taats. 97u.
CORN Whole. $7H; crarked. 977 Per ton.
CiiRNMHAU 93 per bale.
HAY liuytng; pricss, f. o, b. Portland:
Kstra treg'o timothy. 9-T pr toot Val
ley timothy. alfalfa. 9:J50: Valley
grain bay. 922. clover. 919; straw. 99.
Hwlry aad loan try
11ITTKR Cube, sstrsa. 47-c: prim
firsts. Jbbing pri. eg: I'r-nts. ex
tras, i-'c. cartona. 1 aatxa; butterfal. No.
L dellvered.
Brecon ranch, current receipts.
4th . rnd1d. slts. 4tc per doteru
I'll KKfc Jobbers' buying prices, Co..
dlt, Portland: Tillamook triplets. Oc;
Young Americas, roc per ponno ; long-noms.
;4 . Coo end Curry f. o. b. Myrtle Point:
Triplets. Y'in America. 2jM-c er
p..und; onn.rns. ::.'iC per pound. c dis t.. i'.rtUnd trade.
I -off. THY Ko?er. yOc: sprlnas. 2i
du. k. 1- M i- : geeee. lnc U 1 "W
turkey, alive. 2Jc If -J SC. dresaed. Jll
' l - naP PoUllif.
VKAL-LBt). Jit; Iqln. 1C91S.
per pouaaV
IVUK r'sucjr. 21c per pound.
1 rait, aad Vcgetablea. lobbing quotations;
MtClTS Orsnges, navels, $3,7346 30:
lemoos. I4j0 0.iw P-r bos: bananas. SvSSC
p.r putiid; grapefruit. 4 ... . SO. applaa.
ti :'.n: :i; tangerine.. IIjiiu
VKUETABI.Ks Tomatoes, 50? 73 per
rrmt.. cabo.g-. aac per pouno; .
tur.. $2.lou M Per crat.; cucumoera, $1.60
vj pr dosn: cauliflower. 9J.wXaS per
crate; artlcbokea. aScrf$l.lA per pound;
garlic. 7 ".: per pound; aquaato, lias per
pound: cei.ry. $4.21 per crai.; peppsra. .5
a 4a per pound: aprouta. 11 V 1-Sa per pouad; 13tf l.v per pound.
HACK VKtiETAHI.KS Carrots. $1.S0 per
sack; beeta. tur a; pa, eUJOWLIi
n.r.nlpa. II Mul iV
POTATOKS Oregon nurbanka, II l'O
l 2i par hundrl: aklmaa. gl.3Svl.SU
t iv.tlu.B. 6u3HC per pound.
iNIONb Oregon. bumg. prKa. IL50 pr
Rtaplo Ci
Local Jobbing quotations:
M L. A It SmrK baala: Tult and berry
$7 Hw.; beet. s. 92: extra 1 . o:
in harre.a. faa: Cubca. la barrels, .!o.
Nl Walnuts. 24 4c; llraail Buta. 196)
;ir; lilberla. .JtlXic; almonsia, 1 p : pem-
auta. Uvlx: cocoanuta, el.iu per dosan;
pec ans. !7nM9c ehntnuta. auc.
I r: ANS California Jobbing prices: Hmstl
white, MHfl; large wblta. 13c: bayou. 3uc;
pink. lc. oregoo beana. Duytog prices:
White. p9Sc; colored. Sc.
I'OITK K Koaali. In druma 170 ZSc
HALT ;ranu..ted. HO-Ti per ton: balf-
gruunds. I"-. H per tun; 60a, $16 per 10a:
datrv. $14.76 per too.
KlCL-outb.ra head. $09Ho per pound;
Blue Koe. lc: JapaneM at I.. t,a.
PRIED FRl ITS Apples, 13Sc; peachea,
H4lJc; prunaa. tallan, lltflJc. ralslna.
UcglJ per bo: dates, fard, $2 60 01 Per
kas; gurranta. lc: figs. 12 g X5Q per box.
II idea aad Pell.
niPF.e Railed hides, t3 lbs; and up. 14c:
sailed .tags, SO lbs. and up. l:c; salted and
greea kip. IS to -3 lbs.. 13c; salted and
green calf. 10 lo IS lbs. 51c; green hides,
iil and up. lie: green stag. SO I be. and
up, 10: dry I Int hldra. -r ; dry flint ca:f.
up. luv: dry flint bldea, Sac: dry flint calf,
luna bldea, II.U9I.W. aaltad bora. Bldea,
-l J 4
PELTS rnry long-wosl pelts ; dry
ahort.wool palts 33c; sslted pelts, January
taaeofT. $ASOQSO.
GASOLINE Hula, MSt: raaea, Ic: aaph
tha. drum. y.,c; casea. 3.c. angina dis
It;. at, tluma. I0V1C. cas.4, 1 ee.
L1NEKI OIL Kaw. barre.s $l4t: casea.
$1 :.l I-. .'. I. b.rre'.a. $1 4J: caaea. $1.U.
TLKI LAllAb id tanas. Ojt .
Haaaa. Lard aad Ilacaa.
Jobbing aootatiof::
II A U All mv 33c: auadard.
32-. .aina.d. 2 Q . picnics, 23c. cottag.
ru..a. -c
LA K D T'.rr. basis, standard pars, 37tac:
Compound. Ilkjc
ha.1i.V-FancT. 4694SC: stsadard. 410
43c rh.lre. U4lc.
DRY SALT Short clear barks, :9631c:
aaparta W,il. P it'. 24 Jc
H4a. Hssl.
l.CP- I1T ere p. 19 9 V
e per poand; 19l
trw. aemiaai.
v .XjL Has tern Orrgoa. K9 40c pr
puad. VsMey, sS pr poand; Valley
Umh, 4.'iif.
s-'HAiK ltag staple, fu'l year, 50c; slz
moniha. V5r. burrr. 15 SJ W.
( ACi'AHa HARK New sad old. ISf c
par r puad
TAIUaw No. 1. 14c per pons 4; 3.
lie per uaL. . . ... . .
Profit-Taking Wipes Out Stock
Market Advances.
Demand Is Soon Satisfied and Spec
ulator Fail to Follow Up Initial
Operations Rails Generally
Heavy Bond List Steady,
NEW YORK. Feb. 13. The stock market
seemed to be favorably Influenced in th
aarly atagea of today'a trading; by events
over in Holidays. leading- lstiuea grained
to 2 points and a few speclaltiea as much .
9 to 4 In tha active first hour.
abater tha greater part of this advantage
WM canceled for no apparent reason other
than realising; for profit and failure of spec
ulative Interests to follow up their initial
operations. There was a moderate accumu
lation of buying: orders but this demand was
soon satisfied.
The usual divergence of opinion prevailed
.im.uu una sirmiicanc or resident Wll
son latest address and the bewildering
"i n m Kuaeian situation. In no Im
portant quarter waa It believed, however,
that peace prospect hud been hastened.
United States steel reacted from its early
kiq 01 i to a slight fractional loss, other
stocks of the same division moving; with
similar Irregularity. Ralls, Canadian Pacific
excepted, were heavy and dulL Sales
amounted to 47M.OOO hares,
Tha general bond lijht was steady, but
liberty first 5s at ftO( and second fours
at e. .0 oruke to new low ground. Sales,
pa rvalue, asgreaated 94.9J3.0uO. United
States bonds (old Issues) were unchanged on
caie. riitn. i.ow. Phi.
:iw 7h 's 7 77
e.MM 4 :t!
I'.vmi 74 - 12 1, 71.
Am Beet Surar.
American Can . .
Am Car A dry
American Loco..
Am. Sm A iteffc.
Am Sutar H-fg.
Am Tel A Tel...
74 -s
11. -.--4
"io '
4- '.
6, 7h
Am Z LA H. . . .
Anaconda Cop..
A ii A w I S 8 L 11 '
Ralti Jk Ohio. .
M '4
4:1 s
:. ,
4.. V,
1.17 4,
i'.,lf Petrol ....
dlaa Fsrlf.
1.17 ,
t'entral Leather.
t heea st Ohio .. Too
hi lll SI P. 1.DU0
hi a .V W
R I P etfs.. 1.1O0
hlno CoDDer. . . tPHl
t'o.o Fu A Iron. &to
Torn Prod Heff
t'rurible Steel'. .. 3o..".'HI
t'!a Can. Sue l.tHio
iM.till becurltlrs 1.1m
Kne ...hi
;.neral Kcl... lM''o
;.aeral Union. h.1im
;t Xrth pfd
tit Nor ore ctfu.
1.4 mi
i'7 4.
Illinois Central.
In.plratlon I'up.
44 i
Int M M
pfd ;.4..n
Int i.-kel 11. 7. hi
Inter Paper .... 1..1.MI
KrnnfOfltt Cop.. 1..1..0
1U.S ,Mh .. L'.MI
1 x 4
swell loiors.
M.VK-ao Petrol.
Miami Copper..
UiRsouti I'aclflc.
Montana Powrr.
Nevada Copper..
N V Central ...
N Y N H II . .
Nor a We.t . . ..
North Pacific...
Parlflr . . ..
Pennylvanla ..
Plit.Onr. coal..
R.y Con Copper
Ip Iron & Steel
fhat Arls Cop. .
Southern P.icific
Southern Rr . .
Slu.lebaker Corp
Texas Co
I'mon Pacific ..
1" K Ind Alcohol.
L" S hteel
do pfd
Plan Copper . .. pf't n..
Weetern I. lion..
Yl-.Mn Kie-t ..
1.01 10
i- IH
1.5.MI 7; 7.1 7.:1i
0.10 s::s -1'. -1
I.1..0 .', :.i. r.1'4
S.soo 1 .i:: 1.4V,
l.Z.HI II.'. 114". 114 l'JO l.'.l j-jfl
97.4.MI 11.;. in
4.") lii li"', l"!i
l.UoO ', M I
11 "4
1.700 im 4. is 4o"4
Total sales for the day 470.000 shares.
U S ref J. reg. eii.tNorth Pac 4s... R44
do coupon... 97'. do 3 !
V S res !! Pac TAT i4
do i-oupon... iPean con 4'7. sic,
U 8 4" reg li4K Inlon Pacific 4s 1
do coupon... l'i4S 1' H St.el a... PH i
At.h sen 4... 84'.ISouth I'M cv 5s
. R 1; ref 5s 49 'i Anglo-Kren.-h .V. MC,
N Y n deb 6a 93S.U S Liberty 3!;S 97.70
float on Mlnln gStocka.
BOSTON. Feb. IS. loing quotations:
Alloues :.l I North Hutle 1
Arizona Corn... 13 Old lV.mlnlon... 4
Calumet A Arls. iWH'iMr.ola r-
Calumet He Hec..4M jQ.ilnry 7 . .... 1 3 .lDcrlor
Cop K Con Co... 4S'Sup Boston M.
K Hutle Cop M. 9i, Shannon
Kranklln 5 Iflah Con...,
lle Itoy (Cop).. JWInona
lake Copper.... ' Wolverine ......
Moha.k I
Moaey. Kzrhange, Ktr.
NEW TOItK. Kcb. 13. Slcrcantlie paper.
514 tf54 per cent.
sterling no-day bills, $4.72; commercial
an-day lillra on banks. $4.71S; commercial
AO-dar bllka. $4.71 'a: demand. $4 7S; ca
blee. $4 76 7-16. Francs, demsnd 3.721.. cs
blcs 6701.; guilders, demand 4". cahels
44v: lire, demand g 3. cobles 8 61; rubles,
demsnd 13, csMes 13 !..
Har silver. Vise.
Mexican dollars. IWc.
Cov.rnmsnt bonds, heavy; railroad bonds,
Time loans, firmer: 60 drvya. no rtays and
six months. 5f6 per cent, csll money,
strong; high. 6 per cent: low, 6 per cent:
ruling rate, 6 per cent: closing btd. 5H per
cent: offered at 6 per cent; last loan, 6 per
Feb. 13 Bar sliver. 2& per
Odnce. Moaey. IS per cent.
Discount rates Short hllle. 4 1-32 per
cant: three month.. 4 1-16 per cent.
Rally la Coffee Futures Market.
NEW YORK. Feb. 13. Therein a fur
ther rally In th. market for coffp. futures
her. today. Itecent heavy llquMatlon ap
peared to have eliminated the scattering
long Intereats and with offcrlmts compara
tively light prices worked higher on cov
eting of svio'LS or a moderate demsnd from
trs.i. sources. First price, were 6 to 12
point, higher, with ths market sclMnar up to
7 l for May and to .2."c for September,
or about 17 to 21) points net higher. Clos
ing bids were ths h'ghiwt of the day. ahow
Ing a net gam of IS to 22 points. Marr-h.
7 aile: Mav. ac; July. 6 11c; September. b.2c;
October. K2lc; December. 8 40c
Fpot coffee, firm. Rio 7s. Hc: Pantos
4a. lotvic. No fresh offers were reported In
ths cost and freight market, but Santos 4a
wer. aaM to be hers at lo. steamer e.tlp-
ment. Un4r.n credits and at 9.60O for ahlp-
merat by sailing Teasel.
The official cablea carried no quotations
nwlna- to the holiday In Rrnill. cantos re
ported a clesra'nr. of 4.000 bats for New
Orleana Braslllan port rscalpia, 42.000
Dried Fruit at New Tora.
NEW TORK. Feb. 13. Kvaporated apples.
dulL Prunes firm. Apricots ana peaches,
few offered. Kaln. sle.dv.
CI ton Market.
XKW TORK. Feb. 13. Spot cottoa qulet.
Mlddllng. 31 2.V.
ca Marlaal Wlthla. the Rawsie of
(.tatleaa ICa tab lis keel at the
Ofwmlas af the Week.
Trading; at the stockyards yesterday was
not of large proportions and the market
waa steady to firm throughout. The chief
transaction reported woa the sale of a load
of heavy hogs at $15.75. Iealers sttU quote
17 23 as tha top on prime hoes. Receipts
wer $07 rattle and 277 hots. Shippers
were: A. F. Hunt. King C'ty. Cal . cars
clU ud sheep; G. i-. Flaiey. Toacliet,
Wash.. 1 car hojrs. A. Baker. Centervllle.
Wash.. 1 -car hogs.
The day's rales were as follows
Wt. Price !
Wt. Price.
4 cows
1 cow .
1 cow .
1 cow .
1' cows
1 cow .
1 cow .
1 cow .
1 cow .
1 cow .
1 cow .
4 cows ,
1 steer
t-49 $
Mil 7.5'
1 row
130 H.25
7 cows . . . H4.J S.i'S
KR.l ftMt'AI hoes S7S IS. 7.1
. . R40 .mi 2 hon .... ll! 1 7S
.. K40 6 1 bull ....lJ.IO lO.S.)
..111711 7.7.11 1 COW 11.10 U00
.. 7 751 Shoga .... 143 IS. 00
.. 710 8.50 10 hogs .... :i lrt.75
noo 5.ini 12 hoes .... 20 16.75
. . 4. 7.75 Scows .... t 8 SO
..1170 7.2.' 1 cow 7IH) 600
, . 897 7.LM lcow. RIO 7.73
.. SJO 9.001 1 steer ....1230 10.00
Quotations at theyards follow:
Cattle Price.
Medium to choice steers .' .$10.5o Cr 11.50
Good to medium steers .. 9.35)10 35
Common to good steers ......... S.OU 9.40
Choice cows snd heifers 8.0010.00
Com. to cood cows and heifers. .. 6.75-0 8.1J
Canners 4.2.1'ir 6.5
Bulls 6.00 w 8.00
Calves 7 60611.06
titockers and feeders.. 6.000 9.60
Prime light 16S.1W17.
Prims heavy
loon ia.
14. iO li.
Western lambs
Valley lambs .....
Yearlings ........
13.00 15
14.5015 00
12 .5l)9i:l 00
Shipments En Route to iMdlnje Livestock
Mtavrkets of the Country,
Destination! of livestock loaded February
12. (Carloads reported west of Allegheny
aaiouniains; aouDie decks counted aa two
cur-. Reported by the Bureau of Markets,
.sortn Portland
Cattle Morses. Mxd.
calves Hoirs Sheep mules stock.
Austin, jtiin
Baltimore 7
Boston 20
Cedar Rapids. . 2
Chicago 844
Cincinnati .... 4
Cleveland .... 12
Cudahy 4
Denver 23
Detroit IK
E. St. Louis.... U9
Fort Worth.... 84
Indianapolis . . 14
Jersey City. . . . 35
Kansas City.... 240
Los Angeles.... dt
Milwaukee .... 3
Nebraska City
New Orleans. . 21
New York 34
Oklahoma City. 74
Omaha 14,".
Ottumwa. la. . . 4
Peoria 7
Pittsburg 8
Portland. Or... 5
.t. Joseph 131
t. Paul 44
Hun Francisco.. 27
Seattle l
Hioux City .... 63
Sioux Falls.... 4
.... 1
1 2
US .... 1 ....
44 VI 31
Ul 7
47 15
67 ' 1
7 81
2 14 81
116 .... -13 27
1 .... it S
0 1 21
20:t 22 10 41
16 6
11 2
39 la.
1 1
S3 a
2. 2
147 57 .... 38
25 II." T II II
6."r 4 .... - S
1 i
112 24 .... 3S
til 7 6
1! 1
1 .... X ....
10S .... 1 7
3 .... 3 5
78 3 IdS 7
1937 335 237 4M,
lMtt .IM 2"9 St.S
ItKiO 22 175 115
I yes Lock loaded Febrn.
6 1
m"i IIII III."
1 .... 1
Spokane ...... ....
Wichita 17
Various 370
Totals HM5
One week Sfto. 2222
Four w'ks aso.l4'J3
State origins of 1
y 12:
For Portland
Orfiron 4
Washington ... 1
Totals ....... 5
One week ago. 1
Four w'ks ago
For Seattle
Oregon Washington ... 1
Totals Seattle 1
On week ago
Four w'ks ago. 9
Eat4rre. Meat Trade Conditions.
Report on Eastern meat trade conditions
ret-ruary 13 ts-.s A. 41 . Eastern time).
Boston Beef, fresh: Today s unloads very
light, a few cars reported In. but not yet
placed lor unloading, market quiet, deman
light. Konher beef: Supply light, market
steady to strong, demand good.
New Vork Beef, fresh: Receipts light.
market a shade easier, demand light. Kosher
chucks and plates: Supply normal, market
druggy, demand moderate. Hinds and ribs
Supply liberal, market weak, demand ex.
tremely slow.
Philadelphia Beef, fresh: Receipts mod
erttte. market very quiet, demand slow,
Kosher beef: Supply moderate, market dull,
drmand s!ow.
Washington Beef, fresh: Receipts liberal,
market in bad condition, prices weakening.
demand poor, some accumulation of stock.
Boston Supply heavy, market dull and
prices barely steady, demand slow.
New York Receipts lrberal, market weak
and declining, demand very poor,
Philadelphia Receipts liberal, market very
weak and uneven on all cuts, demand very
Washington Receipts heavy, market weak
at yenterday prices. ?iedlum snd Ugh
loins selling at 92ti to 9 2s. Demand poor.
Boston Only a few lots unloaded today,
hut rather a heavy accumulation since Mon
day, market dull on all except choice handy
weights, demand light.
New York Receipts liberal, market
draggy at prices unevenly lower, demand
Philadelphia Receipts moderate, weak un
dertone to market, demand alow.
Washington Receipt, moderate, market
unevenly lower, demand Tight.
Chicago Livestock Market.
CHICAGO. Feb. 13. Hojrs Receipts 25.
0M, strong. Bulk, l.Yh.rr 14.25; light,
Itl.Yfinwr M HO; mixed. SI -. 7"1) 1J 30; heavy,
ft.". Hon liS.25; rough, $15.60 15.75; pigs.
112 2.t'.i 14.83.
Cuttle Receipts mm, strong. Native
teena $. 400 13.80; stockers and feeders.
f7.201t.2A: rows and heifers, f 6.3011.60,
calves, S.AU14.
Sheep Receipts Toon, stronr. Wethers.
f'J. 13.2U; lamnn. ii.-..7Si li.
Omaha Livestock Market.
OMAHA. Feb. 13. Hogs Receipts 14.700
market 2uc higher. Heavy, $l4RH 1S.7S
mixed. $ 15.45 H 15 65; light, $15.35ojli.75
pigs. flOfrlS; bulk, of sales, $15.45'r15.65.
Cattle Receipts 34O0, market strong
lOit 15c higher. Native steers, fStolJ."
cows and heifers, 17 10.50; Western steers,
I7.S0& 11.60; Texas steers. $716; cows and
heifers, S6.50f3 9.25; canners, f .25& 7.25
stockers and feeders. $6.5011.25; calves.
9Uifl3: bulls, atags. etc. XTfelU.
Sheep Receipts 9600, steady to strong.
Yearlings, f 1213; wethers. 1113; ewes.
$10,756 12.25; lambs, 15.50916.50.
Priors Current so Eggs, Vegetables, Fresh
Fruit. Ltc at liar City.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 13. Butter Ex
tra. 52 O 4C.
Eggs Fresh extras. 41Hc; firsts, 41iic
fresh extra puiiets, 4U1-tc.
Cheese Young Americas, 27 He.
Poultry Squabs, $3.504; pigeons, $1.50
ttrl.75; geese, IN 4.20c; turkeys, mixed and
off stock. 3Uv32c
Vegetables Asparagus, 15 20c; squash,
erf am. b5cti$l; hub bard. flQ1.25; eggplant.
912Hc; peas, large leiepnone, iul4c;
peppers, bell. -OtjL'JHc; Mexican chiles, 10
12Vc; tomatoes, fl.50Gl.75; lettuce, $1.50
tfl.OU; celery, fi. to 19 2.0V; potatoes, balinaa.
12.004. 2. . saca; sweet. J.ia cental; onions.
Australian brown. $2.10; green onions.
Vucttfl; garlic, 2 if 4c; cucumbars, $33.50,
pumpkins. $1 ; beets. $1.20 ft 1.50; carrots.
bVOM; turnips, (0ci; yellow rutabagas.
il.lov 2.2i ; rnuuaro, 9-V.o.
Fruit Pears. Winter Nellls cold stor
age). S2.25fi2.50; strawberries. $6ii-7;
i emons. $.75tU 6.5u; grapefruit, $2.75t3.50;
oranges, navels oOw.jD; tangerines. $2.25
tiai.25: bananas, Hawaiian 4b44c: pineap
ples. Hawaiian. $5-? 6. apples, Bellefleur, 91
9 1.25; Newtown pippins, fl.lUtf 1.25.
Hay Wheat and wheat and oat, $.'713 29;
choice tame oat, $28929; barley, $25$27;
alfalfa, $25c27; barley straw, 60UOc bale.
awllllfeed Cracked corn and feed com-
raeal. $77fi80; alfalfa meai, $J6jJ. cocoa-
nut meal, $44.50.
Flour $10.60 per barrel.
Receipts Flour, 2320 qrs,; barley, Sl-lfH
centals; beans. 4041 sacks; potatoes. 4340
sacks; onions, 530 sacks; hay, 500 tons
hides, 114u; wine, 75, 3 w gallons.
"Naval .aHtorea.
SAVANNAH. Ga.. Feb. 13. Turpentine,
firm. 4c: sales, 214 barrels; receipts, 33
barrels; shipments, 114 barrels; In stock,
25.613 bsrrels.
Rosin, firm; safest, 593 barrels; receipts.
2434 barrels; shipments, 36 barrels; la stock.
U3.4tS barrels. Quote: B, D, E, F, Q, H,
I $6.10: K. $i.7o; M. A, $t-4o; VVi,
$7.j; WW, $7.7Q.
New York Sngmr Market.
NEW TORK. Feb. 13. Raw sugar stesdy.
Centrifugal, 6,005c;- molasses, nominal. Re
fined, steady; cut loaf, 8.WSe: crushed. a.7uc;
mould "A." 7.05c; cubes, t.20c; XXXX pow
dered. 7.65c; powdered, 7.60c; fine granu
lated and diamond A, i.4oc; coniectioncrs
A," 7.35c; No. 1. 7.3uc
Chicago Dairy Prodnce.
CHICAGO. Feb. 13. Butter, unchanged.
Eggs, higher. Receipts. 15H7 cases. Firsts,
52t5.c: ordinsry ftrsts, 5i751c; at mark,
cases Included. lo02ci retTige rat or firs is.
4c per dozes.
Improved Shipping Facilities
Cause Stronger Market.
Offerings Absorbed Quickly and
Shipments to, Eastern Seaboard
fninterrupted; Oata Firmer on
Brisk Exporters' Demand.
CHICAGO, Feb. 13. Improvement In the
railroad situation east of Chicago gave
strength to the corn market today, despite
the fact 'that receipts here were the heavi
est of the season. Prices closed firm, hi
He to 'tSc net higher, with March
$1.27H and May $1.24 & 1.254. Oats gained
?io to laic an d provisions 15c to 55c
Offerings were absorbed so readily that
It waa evident a quick outlet wa,s being re
lied upon for any surplus stock. In this con
nectlo nthe fact was pointed out that all
but four roada to the east from Chicago
were, now accepting freight without limit.
A further bullish Influence was the circum
stance that a, resolution Introduced in the
Senate favored an Increase of the Govern
ment guaranteed price of whrat.
Brink demand from shlprers lifted the
oats "market after initial declines. Sellers
were scarce, owing largely to assertions that
carttfjpjifild discriminate against oats
andWTmandle corn, which stood in dan
ger of spoiling.
Provisions advanced on account of reports
that further Government contracts would
be placed In March.
Leading futures ranged as follows:
OPEN'S High. Low.
...$1.27 $1.27H $1.27
... 1.24 1.20 1.247s
... .821, tTg .82 4
... .7!'? .81 H .791,
47.20 46.93
. ..25.rt2 20.61 25.32
,..25.40 25.70 20.40
May .
May ..
25. S.-i
4.55 24. S5 24.53
24. SO
; No. 4
Cash prices were as follows:
Corn No. 2 and 3 yellow, nominal
yellow, $1.5001.82.
Oats-e-No. 3 white. 80$? SGc: standard.
S5H 87Hc,
Rye No. 2. $2.17473.18.
s-arley $1.634i 1.88.
Timothy $5.ti0 h.25.
Clover $21.00 5 33.00.
Pork Nominal.
Lard $20.60.
Ribs $23.67 24.17.
Primary receipts Wheat, 3S4.on0 bushels.
vs. 671. 000 bushels; corn, 3.165.000 bushels vs.
1.O27.IMI0 bushels; oats, 1, 015,000 bushels vs.
541.000 bushels.
hinments Wheat. 220.000 vs. 300.000
bushels; com. 1.414.0O0 vs. 461.000 bushels;
oats. 1,050.000 Vs. 520,000 bushels.
Clearances Wheat, 57.000 bushels; corn.
oats, none; flour, 24,000 barrels.
MinneapoUa Grain Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. Feh. 13. Barley, 11.52
1.8S. Flax. $:i.6Si3.lK.
Valnea of Other Classes of Produce
Are Advsmcinsr a Result
of Ruling.
The poultry order recently issued by the
Food Administration is being' cheerfully
obeyed by dealers here, most of whom are
heartily in sympathy with it. Some leeway
was given dealers so they might clean up
stocks already on hand, and such shipments
as were started this way before the order
was issued. A number of such lots came In
yesterday and were disposed of at the prices
that were in effect before the announcement
was made.
Other classes of poultry than hens and
pullets are naturally firmer as a consequence.
the new rule. but receipts as yet- nave
been light. Roosters sold yesterday at 20
cents and Fprinss at JbuO cents. Ducks
brought .12 'fj 'A2 cents, and live turkeys
were quoted at 25& -7 cents. These are
higher prices than ever Dei ore quotea nere.
Country shippers by this time are gen
erally Informed as to the Food Administra
tion order and the reasons tor it. fc-everai
hundred copies of the following circular
have been sent by T. U. Farrell. of Everding
se Farrell, to shippers at interior points:
This is to notify you that on th aate
of February 11, ltUti, the United States Food
Administration suw fit to issue an order for
bidding the sale by all dealers holding a
Government license to do business, and prac-
ically all dealers hold sucn a license, ot
hens and pullets (chickens) until the date
of May 1. 1118. We presume that the pur
pose is to build up stocks of chickens, to
increase the production of eggs, etc. It was
a great surprise to tdealers, but of course it
is the law and must be observed. Jt docs
not prevent the sale of male chickens, young
or old, alive or a reason, ana aoes not, in any
way affect ducks, geese, turneys. guineas,
etc., of either sex. A producer may a. so sen
for food purposes, provided h is not li
censed, and we take it that but few if any
nroducers are licensed, any cmcKens, mate
or female, but they cannot be marketd
through a dealer here who Is licensed. So it
looks to us as if but a few hens or pullets be marketed while this rule Is in ef
fect. However, if any one wants any oi your
hens or pullets for the purpose or egg pro
duction (not to eat. you are allowed to sell
them. We desire that this information be
spread throughout the country as quickly as
possible, that little trouble may result, and
we trust that you will advise alt your friends
and acquaintances as speedily as possible.
It is likely that values win be very niu ua
ther poultry while this rule is in enecu
Klamath County Farmers Have 30 to 50
Carloads of Crap on Hand.
KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Feb. 13. (Spe
cial.) The problem or marKeung- a nuge
uno T or Dotatoes now on nanu in ainnam
County has become so serious that a meet-
ng was held recently at ine omce oi oun-
ty Agricultural Agent a. iioiana maisyer,
of this city, to discuss the matter.
It Is declarer! tnal mere are ueiween av
and 00 carloads of spuds in the hands of
local farmers for which there la no market.
nd an organization to be Known aa tne
Klamath County Potato Growers Associa
tion will probably be formed to work out
his and other problems tnai may arise in
this Important local industry.
It Is not Improbable mat a man
na the association win oe sent iq im,
where the potato market is Known to oe
rood. In the near ruture io iooa aner uis-
poslnl of the local crop.
Men Representinr Selves as uovemment
Agenta Work in Idaho.
BOISE. Idaho. Feb. IS. (Special.) Ths
State Farm Market Bureau has placed a ban
n tho.a aeeklna to leave tne impression tney
are Government agents when buying Idaho
av when In reality they are not.
One Instance invesr.igar.ea snows m.i me
gent of fcastern ouyers operaieu in me
ale. contracting lor oi cariuuu. gi nay.
Whr. cornered by a representative of the
State Department the agent admitted he was
ot representing tne government, out was
representing a firm that was selling to the
Ha waa wamea tnai ne couia not mut
such misrepresentations in Idaho.
Grain at Saa Francisco.
SAX FRANCISCO, Feb. 1.1. Spot quota-
Ions: Feed barley, .1.43 3.ofl: white oats.
$3.3093.35: bran. S4.00&35.50: middlings,
$41,50650; shorts. S38.M&39.00.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK, Feb. 13. Metsl Kxrhange
quotes lead firm. Spot. 7.12 T.25c.
Spelter aun: .asi eu jouie uenverj, apot,
offered 7.87 lit
Dnloth Linseed Market.
DCLUTH. Feb. 13. Linseed. 3.583.71
May. 3.59
asked: July, :t.M
market nominal.
asked; Octo-
bar. 5.Ss:
Hops. Etr at New York.
NEW YORK, Feb. 13. Hop., hide and
wool unchanged. .
Established 25 Tears
201 Railway Exchaaaje Building:. Portland, Oregon
Greater Winnipeg Water
District 5 Gold Bonds
Dated February 1. 1918. Due February 1, 1923
Interest Payable February and August 1
PRICE: 2.B8 aad Intereat, yielding-
New Investment Possibilities
The great profits earned by sulphur producers, comparable
only to thase of the Standard Oils, have resulted in these stocks
being: closely held by original purchasers, and these eecurittes
-have oniy occasionally passed from family ownership. New in
vestment possibilities in sulphur are found in the (stock of the
Cuprite Sulphur Corp.
in which public tradingr was recently Inaugurated.
Every Inventor, we believe, will be interested In learning;
about the immediate possibilities of this company, one of -the
three important sulphur companies in this country.
Our 12-page analysis has some decidedly interesting facts on
the sulphur situation. Free on Bequest.
44 Broad Street, New York
Short Term
Dominion of
Dated Affgust 1, 1917
"at the
yield about 8
These short term notes are secured by all the wealth and
resources of the great Canadian nation.
Details am request
Capital and
MAW To Mr. end Mrs. David Mann. 403
Simpson street, January 0, a daughter.
STEWART To Mr. and Mrs. James E.
Stewart, 9o0 East Ullsan street, January 7,
a son.
C'KAXDELL To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Crandell, 204 Porter street, January 16, a
NORMAN To Mr. and Mrs. Matthew O.
Norman, tilK Kast Sixty-second street, Feb
ruary ti. a daughter. ,
BABCOCK To Mr. and Mrs. Normal Allen
Babcock, Woodstock, Or., February - 3, a
son. ,
GOBLK TO Air. ana .airs, naymona r .
Goble, 872 Pardee street, January 9, a
daughter. . ..
FII-I.ET Tn Mr. and Mrs. Rufns L. Filley,
78.5 Cora avenue, February 1, a daughter.
HANSON To Mr. and Mrs. Edward E.
Hanson, 050 East Taylor street, January 27,
LiXN To Mr: and Mrs. Edward E.
Hanson. Lambrook apartments, eDruary o,
MacHaie to -"r. aim jin. nu,u i.
Hale. 312 East Forty-fifth street, January
27. a son. .
WALLNER To Mr. and Mrs. John C
Wallner, 1430 Hassalo street, February , a
daughter. .
AMEND TO Mr. ana -i r. xscrt ahichu
114 Willamette boulevard, February 2, fi
BUS WELL. To Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bus-
wj.11 17Q RuTTA-re street. February 1. a son.
FINN TO Air. ana Jira. fliuni. r'"i
-... ..a - .MAt- lonno t-v ;il n. son.
ri apu- Tn Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clark,
l.'iliS Eleventh street, January JO, a daugnier.
DOL.AN To Air. ana Mrs. ' 1 .,7.
Dolan. 674 Harold avenue, January 07,
KK . TO air. anu hub. " a '
320 Second street, February 4, a son.
Marrlace Llrenses.
t.- i.' t t-r t a i'ihi ini Shurwoofl Felker. 23.
lOS.". Hassalo street, and Aivnie Jackson, 23,
452 Benton street.
CLARK-ALLEN Aquilla Clark. legral,
Vancouver, Wash., and Emma Allen, legal,
21 North Eleventh street.
rifurva-l-IVC William Tt Otthens. 20,
tt;.i.v nr.. and Mary Fay King, 19, 5631
Forty-second avenue Southeast.
BAKER-ROGERS Robert R. Baker, 21,
Camp Lewis, and Grace Rogers, 20, 408 Al-
quist. 81. Astoria, and Honora Gallagher, J8,
839 Williams avenue.
Vancouver Marriage Licences.
ROWLEY-KOOSB Frank Rowley, legal
of Yakima, Wash., and Nettle Koose, legal,
of Yakima, Wash. , , .
MILLER-ENDIVES Floyd T. Miller, legal
of Vancouver. Wash., and Elizabeth R. En
dives, legal, of Vancouver, Wash,
hart-thomPSON Edwin S. Hart. 22. of
Vancouver, Wash., ana Jttutn u. xuuuniwu,
18, of Portland. .
SCHADE-TUCKER Frederick- W. Schaae.
23. of Portland, and Ruth E. Tucker, 20, of
Vancouver. Wash.
vniivx.r.nRRE Clinton J Moon, 21, of
Portland, and Mary George, legal, of Port-
la??ELSON-ANDERSON Frank Nelson, 26
of Portland, and Anna Anderson, 26, oi
19, of Portland, and Josephine M. Tompkins,
STUART-LACEY John L. Stuart, 33, of
Vancouver, Wash., and Mrs. Anna Lacey, no,
ton, 21, of Portland, and Mavilda Martin, i,
of Kapowsln. Wash. .
GRAY-DAVIDSO Newton J. Gray, 26, of
Crane, Or., and Elcy Davidson, 19, of Port-
worth, 33, of Portland, and Katnerlne li.
Smith. 32. of Portland.
Hornblv, 35, of Portland, and Mr. Sadie R.
DewneM. 25. of Portland.
Altkenhead. 30. of Camp Lewis. aBh and
Mrs. Rose A. Garringer. 38, of Portland.
GILBERT-BURKE Clarence M. Gilbert,
21 of Camp Lewis, Wash., and Estella F.
Burke, 19, of Portland
GLICK-DONOVAN John P. Gllck, 46 of
Portland, and Mrs. Helen L. Donovan, 2i, of
Portland. .
Building permits.
S. BAN" & CO. Repair three-Btory brick
ordinary store building. iNortn i nira
street, between Third and Second streets;
builder, James I. Marshall; $300.
MK. Bh-i-lj n.reci iramc " o --. . T,
rett street, between mat jieventu auu
Thirteenth; builder, same; $o0.
FLOYD BR 0 WER Erect frame garage,
244 Nartilla, between Madison and Main
streets; builder, same; $00.
SAM BEST Erect frame garage. 006 Front
street, between Bancroft and Lowell; buiid-
rB aw ' k'rE PNE H R Erect frame garsge,
8Rl"upshur street, between Twenty-fifth and
Twentv-sixth streets; builder, same; foO.
brick ordinary stores and hotel, 129 ParK
street. between Alder and Washington,
streets; builder, same: $50. i
REED INSTITUTE Repair three-story
brick ordinary stores and hotel. J4i irst
street, between Market and Mill streets;
K...TSa.'. ua T.shbrir & CO.: $2500.
RAY C LIEN Erect one-story frame res
AT,r Rajit Fortieth and Holman, near
Portland boulevard; builder, same; $1000.
W F HYNES Erect one-story frame ga
rare 424 East Forty-fifth street North, be
tween Sandy boulevard and Hancock street.
V. . . I . - .3 m CI fiO
R. A. STEWART Rpfilr and
t.r two-
V,e Par 17e Aple and. Express Charge.
. Ship bT Parol Poot or Expresa.
11-11S-130 Weat Thirty-Second St
Jw York City.
Reference National . City Bank, X. Y.
National Park Bank, N. X.
Gold Notes
Canada 5's
Due August 1, 1919
Surplus $600,000
story frame residence, 496 East Nineteenth:
street Norih, between Brazee and Thomp
son streets; builders, Stokes & Zeller Com
pany; $1S50.
C. A. WOOD Erect frame garage, 402
Hemlock street, between Ladd avenue and
Harrison street; buildor, Thomas Vigars; $5(1.
R. G. STEWART Repair one-story frame
tire shop, 125 Grand avenue North, between
Hoyt and Glisan streets; builders, Lambert
Multiplus Company; $500..
J. W. McFAUDEN Erect one-and-one-half-story
frame residence. 1261 Sandy boule
vard, between East Forty-fourth and East
Forty-fifth; builder, same; $3500.
C. D. THOMPSON Repair frame resi
dence. 220 Fargo street, between Gantenbein
and Commercial; builder, Edward F. Peter
sen; $40.
CLYDE O. ROGERS Erect one-story
frame residence. New York street, corner of
Central avenue; builder same; $500.
SMITH ESTATE Alter one-and-one-half-story
frame residence, 149 Knott street, be
tween Borthwick street and Albina avenue;
builder. McDanlel Investment Company; $40.
KIERNAN ESTATE Excavate for mill
building, 169-175 North Fifteenth street, be
tween Irving and Johnson; builders, LeDoux
& LeDoux; $4000.
fuel bin. foot of Spokane avenue, near Te
nino; builder, same; $2U0.
one-story frame residence. 487 Seventy-eighth
street, between Thompson and Tillamook
streets; builder, same: $125.
VIRGIL KEENE Erect frame garage, 425
Church street, between Union avenue and
Seventh street: builder, same: $00.
H. W. FRIES Repair two-story, frame res
idence, 408-410 Fourth street, between Har
rison and Hall streets; builder, H. P. W.
Anderson: $bo.
ELKS CLUB Repair four-story brick or
dinary stores and offices. 329 Stark street,
between Sixth and Broadway; builder, John
O'Hare; $300.
A. L. TREBER Repair one-story frama
residence, 423 Bristol street, between Smith
and Gilbert street builder. J. F. Custer;
Read The Orepronlan clnsslfie-l ads.
Yielding from 5 to oyer
QUR February list
of investments .
contains many offer
ings both sound in
character and attrac
tive in yield, offerings
to meet every invest
ment requirement.
Stnd for Circular Jrrl5i 'ft
The National City
National City Bank BIdg., N. Y.
Crrrtspondtnt Offices in t4 Cilitt
Railway Exchange Building.
Short Term Notes j4ccepiartca
leamshjp Gi
It Third 8t. Main Z.
ir, Wrangeu, J,
Kiiiaa. Bkagway, Cordova, va.u.a,
tu""' 6.,ard and Anchors..
,1a 8attls or Ban Francisco to Los
Angeles and Baa Diego direct Largest
shiDS. unequaled service, low rates In
cluding bsrta and meals. Maks rassr
vatlona. S. S. ROSE CITY
Sail 3 P. M. Sunday
San Francisco and
Los Angeles
The Pan Francisco A .Portland 8. 8. Co.,
Third and Washington streets (with O.-W.
K. & N. Co.) Tel. li road way 4500, A 6121.
Jp4 Honolulu, Suva, Nw ZsAjarf
Regular sailings from Vancouver. B. C, by
ths Palatial Passenger steamers of Uio
. Canadian-Australian Boyal Mall line.
For full Information apply Can. Pae- BaU
sray. 65 Third St.. Portland, or (ieneral
Agent, ftair eajawug it aaoouTSr. H, C