TIIE MORXIXG OREGOXIA TIITJRSDAY. FEBRUARY . 14, 1918. 17 BEAL ETATt I me mh Urn WAXTr.D-BIAL ESTATE. In m -r.my voa Tow i A I 'UR KKXT W ILL, lr. T th bam. matlcn baca- U-w a; frxir ruoni and ta; iim-fwin and iliiinf -rv:n caib.nt. wit.i tirmj c rul ou.t-ln buff't: Duicb nn with breaafaat b4y . J brtrorr w.ifc b-'h fce t n . .1..ey admit of t!'r--t p ' from -n to-m i bath rwn . act.c. fu I k4Kmn(. p.ant iur- j ri.Ti.iij,j. Thu buut.ow la p-ed at ' . f a and $ Ls pr mnt !. Xrni., 10 tsrwgoo blalf. Pbene Broad- DtlRA HLE HOI'SK.4 tt ATtn If you nae ta aitractivo bouM for on tn g-o4 condition, ioooted la desirable winct. I can .! u fr rot at pric. with but Ltd delay and without o..jon.n yQu but slight inconvenience. N o rja-doA or poorly .oca led property handed. I ATI. C MI RPU1, -70 i otaxk "AM equity In A-room hou and lOoxlOO it in sckxi district, with pvd trts will t clear houM and tot on Missouri nar Aiimh orih. Mr. Smith, with Co A. Vckioiu Co 727 Chamber of Com mrr to i djr. IT Jll'-T i:LL OK TRAt'E. Rr.r ctTT iilC MOKlr'lCCP loxl". fu.iy mod. -a. room. s.ptng a. srag. fin gtrden. fir irc-a. 4t and iiw . pr.rt ane.i wy down to caan. bai. irmi or tiaI for C'4r. cash ..u. era-l! horn to glo. t i la r- nam, take advantage of to i. Se a todav a.i HACK. Vm ti '. f r p:tTff W ri bivt a ciimt who want to buy a-mora bunga.ow or v ruomi with ono or two on "fl floor; must bo up to date, full lot and have garage; will pay to $wvO.Irv Ingtoa prfrrd. Tnia la all cash. God dard Wiedrick. 34a Stark at. FOR BET-rARM. $ ii L .NOALo A Fin. irt. Nnu.u. flrvp !. Oak f oor, bufft. bookraa, Utt.rlt k.tch- n. lay D-l ry tr cmnt porch, tone p ara, doii. r bj .t, t b ock to car. close In, a Kno;ia nr M.twaukia a. -r th rikr. prico JJOo. aio casO. por nB' h. lr.-; 14, nr in rt. 1 uri of Trario. Mam Tl.3. WANTED Tenant to Oct. I. for Ido-arr farm, furmabvd or nnrumiahed ; A acrrs In crop. 10 to bo acodvd. largo paatura, good buildings, good rwoda. aaar Lcbsnoo. W. F. Bruca. Hotel Uunoo, Oregon. '.K KKXT .'-ocr farm. 14 mlifl from I'ortiand. naar iiaavlin road, good buiid Inga: rnt $25 caah. In advsnca. Se onT irnlay. aT O.mbfr of Commerce. ALHIXA i:jtrict bargain. T rocni wi bol t hoitM. M 34x133. f" acrta. rmat wa ka. gaMa and I rvm. rr ono bio.-k both atda. dry liaaa I iw vwnor moat li ai A. Warr'.nor tTT;R. LoWC CO.. r &-T Board of Trodo btdg. 4 ACHKS. soma clrod. good bouao. run ning water, railroad atattoo on paca. rant Pr ar. Inqutr Aider at. FOB BALE. . Organs aad MnsIrmJ Instruments. I loo T 50 CASH. 7 io next pay day. thn 17 monthly buys lli. lyil mouel upright piano at 9v0 during Crvenborg Music to. Kansa liquidation sal in progreaa at Schwaa llano Co 111 Fourth at. it opport unity bofor ralao in prices. Your parvota or. grandparents paid: $600 to loM for such quainy ptaaoa ourlbtf nd after our Civil War. w BL'Vtl l.oO Wonder with six records; 5 bus a csbinet Vtctrola with lu rc orda ."chwm Piano Co.. Ill Fourth su i OA al Western Cottags organ. gO. IIAKOOU Klmoail p.ano, rosewood, alio. oimsrtT. Yamhltl t. 4o CASH secures a 135 mahogany, modern upright piano now closed out by Security . Murage Co.. lttt Fourth gl. at Wash st. AsINT a piono, most rosaonabi tar ma in Portland, no aquarea or thump boxea Harold ti. Gilbert. a4 Tamhlil U $-o CASH cloaea out 5&0. bo-nota. ma hogany player piano, bencn and muaic, at becurity Storage Co.. lotf Fourth au PlA.Nud TUNED. 3. Georae T. P. t Tiiwir m.iTa Grad. New Eng. Conservatory. FULL. CASH VAL1E PA in For Records. Phonographs. Musical Inatru. FOR SALE. A ut oca ob ilea. HCa grmfonola for rent by We-k or month. ciiiFirq 1 rangier CO., Main l&WJ. FARMS WAVTF.D. TO SELL. Oil TKADS Tul'K FARM list with KIXNET A TrtACY. Conra.ils. Or. 1jV.S KILU.NuSWoKTH AVE. --ro m uol rn btiCi-. firepar. itl-; l,l(t g.-iiu fu.l p.-l--: down. ba an'O J ya;a. T pr cent. FOR 8 A L E TTM BF.R UNDA. qbwrbw tls Froperty. Al.E Uair.troat horn. I arr, bo us. 7 ro..rn. botn and pantry: ba.ro and out u. ..lings, 6-erir.a; fru.t tr-. grmitr hot anJ ..t w(r. dany rura: iuaiI. t e- I p ittt. Mar y ttmri to ail Puget Sound a diavooDt for caah. ixott r. ?rii:ua. Waxh. FOR SALf Ono aawmill complete, rapacity 1-i thousand, with odg-er aud pisner. oO- ft. auetrork. deep water on Taqulna bay. 14 miles Newport- wbero tha Ouvernmeiil la bu UUIng jttjr. 2U million feet spcvnd gro 1 a fir near, ilumpaxt reaaonf.bie; all t.ia City Lumber Co.. E.k City. Or. Sho ACHES timber land. '9.O.0O ft. of spruce, cedar and hemlock. S ml. from txlewater: Ilea In res" ton where there la lif.uu.iM ft. spruce. Ih.00.wO fu cedar and 0ui.voo.(nO ft. hemlock. Harold P. ki, Heteno. Or. 000 PIANO, oak finigh $175 cash. Phone I Woodiawa 54ui. I 1 PAY CASH for used pianos. Hai Gilbert. 3H lamhiil U WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING BARGAIN'S in usi cars, taken in trade on new Pack' ara ana Nash cars. THESE CARS HAVE ALL. BEEN completely overhauled and repainted and wi.i stand close!, investigation. SPECIAL PRICES NOW FOR SHOW WEEK. Packard SO, 7-piss., touring, $650. Packard 5-passenger touring; $950. Hudson; 7-passenger, $750. Chalmers, 6-cylinder, $500, Cadillac, 7 -passenger, $550. Cadillac roadster. $500. Overland touring-. $600. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 10th and Burn aide St a. Broadway B2L WANTED Piano, pay cash; no dealers. nave your Marshall 546. Furniture for Sale. H A 1. K Income prop-rty. r;e tn. Wt !!. corner. a -J story b-ulding '"h o,voo. for niifk a- : lJ.5fU taas wmw lerms. M. tl. lvk(. 401 c- PiLINO. mine and tie timbr with down-hill pun. ran road on ground. H btracban. K 5. boa, 17. IMisro. r. gov sali - rnac. TIoN saw pl.ing and tie timber, near i. I v.. $4o per acre. Address F. V. Warner, -'H Ore cm St. TtAl.Ariv VALLEY. 1 at-, cu.tivatsd: jng pf f rrntrt, berriea. pert beavr darn. -1 but -Img. iir e -trt !tne; 'r". bargain. 0 oer. Mata F'U SALE ' a-r r s :!., Wn& Afut 4 a.-re care t Aa, otn,r Imprat m-nts. cheap f.r h. or you can make rour ew trma U r.tm fur paracu.ara. A- Van. Me. 'a. Waeh. I X Ai"KK. 4-riAm p aa:rd house. Q-cent earlio. Ontb r Cafe. Lenta. For alo I lJi.uOMM4 FEET timber easy of access. n-ar L'mpqua River, price $55.00o. AP 4oj. Oregon un. FiK SALE by owner. 3JO acre of pine. 1 miles N. W. Goldenda. Wash.: sawmill on twqiil 1 L. Yakima. ash. TIMBER LANDs BOlliHT AND SOLD. c J. Mccracken. a4 mcKaT bldo. I.AKLI C.nailS.1 rtllns. c nr n.iulnn -I sign, ft feet b Inches high, 3 feet o Incies I u is omit of solid, quarter-suaed oa, nms iivo Slieives and Iiih1 glasa top or 000 re; artistic aiul attractive and yei p ain; a .. cabinet for only e-XIo. v,ouhSTUh, Radiant Home, alightly uaed ; wsienroni, Oa a Ureaser. desk, centertable, J . .? a T n,ry coucn. Kitchen USED gs hfiien and oil heaters at less i4 n uiu new price. MirfH FUUNITLBE CO.. 184 First it. ;fc-Ar lumlahings 4-room heated flat. - ii-w . snap. 1 aoor j.u. Doars. B irda and Pri Mock. rou SALE Pedigreed Boston terrier puns. l an" ch: 1 niMie, - a 1 tivi. e- aanington St, WELX.KXOWN DEALER. UPON LOOKING OVER OUR STOCK. MADE THIS STATEMENT: "You havo the most complete line of late model, light weight, popular, eco nomical car I have ever seen on one floor. In addition, your price axe rUjhu" '19IS Dodga Bros, sedan, used Yery ""it; IllOO ir. boO UKAND AIREDALE PUPPIES. REAL vnn.unL.-N a r AL!y TA BOH 6024. Poultry, WAXTKI T1MHTR LANDfl. IbHtP knea and hewn Ilea wanted. Gambia- Ilteg Ship Kneo Co.. Gerllnger bldg. CHEAP iand, big rro, high prl.-e have pot the farmers of Weaiern Canada 00 a prosperity footina that mam m. r. of bofor th wPr d war. More VI astern ANTED, to rent dairy farm, equipped, on 4n4u urmfi havo b.a bmtt ba.anrs I - snarva or montniy payments (or stock. WANTED TO ROT FARM. in ever brr. mare fanner are apegdittg thlg Winter In Cau I""1 n-i Florida irian ever before: mrt llomnOh'fl Wars bought l-at vear bv I .'en'Haa f m.r taa ever bre. Veet- .-na.Ja ka stru k Us stride, and the wn rrs in tiere now tm going mA. non-y Tor ymmrn to come. A onf ,m-m or in t 44l an )ftflm Kai. wjy ta some of th b-t land in tne coua- try pcire $ti to Ji per acr lay terms an4 1J".0 licr- r'KKa farms. L'E y te.i yon s i aoout Uestera Catta-la an why more i n-i was .d to Anrt- I c n farme-s ia l'l than In any en pre Vioua r. -nd lr r'KEK in u( rated b and fo tra Call oa or addr A. Hroi.lt. l r. A P. A., dept. 11 I n:. i Aitul m rtnm Hallway. MA4tnr : . Vancouver. H. C. 1 v I. i; CM tNCE IS IS CANADA Kich UoiH anj buetaeas oppnrtimtt'-s o('r ls-1on'!nce. Farm laade. $l to $ ;o f. imsare.l taada. ti to ysarv I p v . 4.uu loan In improv ements. or riiy.rr.l farina. l.oa of ;isa;ovh. Ta-S average under Zu nCa a avr. a n lm?rovrrnat. Pinai proper'.v. Or livestock. Loo-! market. cnurchea. a- Boo a, refill, te. ephom-a. r. ei lent " Bile crop ann li veatock prove il nm kers tare frt 1 Jit-a lea W nr ftr fr- b-fk eta. A .an imrrvo. Cnri t"4P-r afndent I an I flaavh. CnadiaB fia -t- sOa .in(a . wa.gary. 1 AcK-. -. a I ri. h. li land. P a. res u der rui ti vstioo . f nret and Cro-fnrr mf(Mtat bo t Kims, fin water. bio a I frmii swftotl. all rural ahin'i Iroin i trie Itna. tn thl aiv ich hr h ol. an. I e) mil out on fine I aato read, tnrnffe! are hear! f hMC A . tearw. h ama. ha-k. crv-mn rat.. -ldr nill. et . AH fr oniy iJj.Jt: $. raan. 11 m 00 Kunr. or ran put j In lo re more adjoining it wanted) at 1 right prv TIK'VPJUN A RWAN. rh and Main St . Vanrouvrr. Wab. 2 men ia famity, experienced. AK Vsl. regonian. TO FJICHANG1 -REAL ESTATE. STOCKED AND EOCIPPED. IIP acres, to In cuItUaiion. bal. pasture and timber, all ran be cultivated, good buddings, water piped to them; near Kiii make ear ly layers. We guar-1 h.w iisi o vniie LfKnorn oaoy l chix from heavy-laying tHoganixed) stock. I BU. hihw, tit iot Pioneer Hatch rrnmim, (.11. Live rk. FOR SALE Registered Holsteln bull, com-I lnr 2 years o.d. fine Individual. Grhard c omen ua. Oregon, route No. 2. IIS lodpe Bros, tourlnc. almost new Dodgo Broax touring lild Ford roadster, electric llrhts and. starter IOTA Ford touring;, great buy iuir Ford touring, wonderful buy.... lil-". 'halmers six 2:." Ford delivery, first class 1:17 Maxwell, used very little, extras i:!3 1'ackitrd. first class 111.1 Stud'-bakr sedan, great buy.,.. 117 Studebaker six. almost new 1917 Bulck. like new 191a Cadillac eight Many others to choooe from. 425 3 Jo S3? 7.-0 475 It 150 0o0 150 FOB SALE. 34 Iscellaneoua, SEWING machines, new and second-hand, of all makes, sold for less: no nirnta am. ployed; machines repaired and rented. $3 per raonm. SEWING MACHINE FTVPORTTTM 19Q 3d. near YamhllL A 3tiJ6. Main 943L HOT water tanks, slightly used. 30. 40 and 60 gaU guaranteed in good, serviceable condition. 30 gal., $5 each; over 4o0 of our boilers Installed in city. Ib9 Adams su .asi ibov. OAK cord wood for sale. Apply J. Ai Pattisos j-umuer .. ea-o aiorgan biag. Main bU-4 A O.IQ. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex vnonii, wuuguu ientiey to. aiain ooa. FURNITURE WANTED. GEVTJRTZ FURNITURE COMPANY. 185 to 191 First St. BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED FURNITURE, Stoves, ranges, rug store fixtures, res taurant outfits. hoLels. roominr-hnni.. office furniture, furniture stocks; nothing ww wi va iuu auian iiT us. rrompi at tention and courteous treatment. MARSHALL 59SL A 8224. vatv an. e- need furniture, carpets and other uwuHuuiu aooua, auso 011 ice xurniture. We must have goods at once. Call us and our buyer will be there with the cash, giv ing you the highest prices ever paid in this , KLINE'S FURNITURE STORE, 1V2 First St., Near Taylor. Main 30y. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of used household goods, ho tel and restaurant outfits, trunks, bgs and suitcases, bicycles, fishing- tackle tnd firearms; also hardware and tools of ail deaxripLion. CASH OR EXCHANGE. LEVIN HAKDWARii & FUUNITURE CO., 221 Front St., cor. Salmon. MAIN U72. A 71V4. MISH FURNITURE CO. will pay highest -bu prive ever paia ior usea rurniture, carpets, rugs, stoves, ranges, office fur niture and fixtures. It will pay you to call us. You will be money ahead. MISH FURNITURE CO., 14 Fl&oT. Main 5708. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Young; man. 18 to 20 years of bo. preieraoiy witn nigh school education, for office work; must be willing to start at moderate salary and able to accept advancement; large, permanently estab lished firm with offices throughout the United States and very exceptional oppor tunity ior ngnt party. Answer in own handwriting, giving age, schooling, address and telephone number, name of previous employer, if any, and whether living at home with folks. AN 827, Oregonian. LABORERS WANTED. Permanent positions assured steady men, wages $3.10 V hours; strike not yet de clared off but loOO men working general papermlll work; no experience necessary. Apply 509 Oregon bids., cor. 6th and Oak streets. BOYS If you are 16 or over and can get a wheel, I can give you steady employment with a chance to earn from $50 to $100 per month. . ELMER L. BAILEY, V-0S Oak Street. HELP WANTED FEMALE. YOLNG women for telephone work. Psidl while learning. Apply the Pacific Tele phone & Telegraph Co., Gth floor, park! j"d Oak sts., between S:30 A, M. and CONSTRUCTING millwright, $7.50 per day. 233-235 Burnside Street. $1 IN thrift stamps will be given to each i cvrai sen 001 ooys wno win deliver copies of the Curtis publications to cus tomers; only school boys, clean, gentle manly and ambitious need apply. The $1 ia in addition to liberal cash profits and many other advantages. Apply F. N. Bay, , - 1 o m st. W ANTED If you are willing to travel tuid! are fairly graceful I will offer a perma nent position in hfghtclass ballet on Or pheum. No charge for training In pro duction. These dance productions pajl well and are permanent. Studios. Monsieu) Marcel, Portland's only ballet mastery premier artist Imperial Russian BaU let. Wheeldon Annex Apts. Cno phones). SOLICITORS wanted, married women, to calf on friends and neighbors during idle hours i no experience necessary; work easy ta learn and high-class; good pay; phone, on call room 502 Carlton Hotel, 14th and Washington. Phone Broadway 34o5. WANTED By established advertising agency, experienced copy writer; woman' preferred; state experience. AN 339, Ore gonian. I WANTED GIRL TO ANSWER TELE PHONE, USE TYPEWRITER; MUST && QUICK AT FIGURES. OPERA HOUSE LAUNDRY, 245 EVERETT. ; EXPERIENCED hair dresser and manicur ist. JUipman, Woiie & Co., mezzanine floor. WANTED A woman,- middle age, to keep house; good home for right party, also wages. Phone Woodlawn 345. CAMP helper, $50; chambermaid, $40; wait resses. Ho we' a, room 435, 270$ Wash. WANTED Experienced waitress, rtson. Marine Restaurant. 253 Mor- W ANTED Transit man, $125 per month ana Doara; level man, $10 a month ana board; rodman. $05 a mouth and board: head chain man, $45 a month and board; I WANTED A kitchen helper. Call Columbia tan cnati man, $00 a month and board, 1 653. fi Mr Wearrnm at 97 Vnrth Koonnri at I miVAICi OOme ior Cniiuren O - , old: 15 years exD. 714 Everett. Alar. WANTED All-round printer to run country! 1 . 1 1 v " r7Cl office. Must be able to run Cranston cyl- GIL ?'antea.i5 general housework. Phono paper. Or could use man with wife, daugh ter, or son. able to do straight composi tion. Good, steady job. Apply to Ansley printing Co., Fourth St., fortiana. ur. WE NEED all kinds of old furniture, car pets, stoves, ranges, ollice Xurniture and H. H. goods generally and will pay top price for same. Call Marshall C5i and our buyer will call at or-e. GUVURTZ FURNITUAtE STORE, 205-2U7 First St. waiclj 10 ouy so bead of Holsteln cows or heifers, John Back, Gen Delivery, Port- I SHEEP for sale Havo 150 splendid brood-I r' .1 mTTI - 1 a" or DmrtI priced right. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Main $244. 21st and Washington m riiKM Holsteln ralf. South Portland Woo, Is st., upstairs, and road to 73 12th NI"K young family cow. chean. Call seii- Typewntera. hoot. water and R. R. transportation. I S" K W H.minnnn ,. I erty or seil for $.OtA cash down, bai. 6 per cent. S H. F. Le. II. A. DRYER. The Acreage Man. M0 lwia Bldg. V ILL chans $4000 equity in $nOm mod era Laur. hurst residence on East Dais. near vtn street, a rooms, sun parlor, hardwood f:or. furnace, firepiace, 5o-fot lot. restricted dlstrttt. rented to Novem ber 1. Went T or -rom mxUm house with downstairs stooping room snd larger lot. lm proved aroait or 1m proved rant h. Wilt assume to $liv, give futl d,rtptmn and pn. in first etir. No agents. AP 41-'. rnnnti. 1;aIK ociulty iu J0-are farm, equipped for I retail mik dairy; modem dairy umi. ctiy water, orchard, small house, on grateied road, it miios to town. A .so suburban homo. 2 atorlo. modern I plumnmg. io trie lighta. frame barn. IS I A. s round, a I culti valed. 1.1 r hang equity of $IO xio In those j 3 p ares fr stock ranch; prefer Wotern I rgo. give dcriptton In first ieitr. w ii: A Co.. 7Kl F 1 rs t St.. Nw borg. r. VII. E TO avLKCTlUC 44'0 A.. - b creek era- r is tod: ai ra.ity ha farmed, at tillaM. liaa and Knuth( run down; Et, and ! . can b Ir as lars arrins" This le veral artotn wells. lan-l beat adapts. I to wheat; A to 1 mile N. P. It. 1- uiMn, in Ka.iern W ah : 12 mil I 1 f v f -Norh Vnhima. Prue $IO per a. 11n 0 gl.Ai con-tdored In trad and mid amount raiah.. bal. to suit. This land fcmler cultivation worth p-r a. U K. M m.kU 317 Hoard of Trade. CI'T IN PR!': Or FARM LANDS; tn I I .-a beat agrir-141 1 urai part of Miuiom in I lount per acr. lo tear.y piymnts. r '. wa vs. s-htv:, f . .-tones, p.enty of la bor. Tna bt pronS'tioa on th market for th man who want a farm. Send for t ta, r ted t Herat ur lirDneil Land COl, li-i Ji a.. eatt. Was n. BENroV OH'MTL UKKuO.V OFFKS t- 'r;i.U-ST opportunity for the DAIRY MAN, t. uriH'kMA.V the tKClT- i.Knf R. an-i. owl or all. to the uHV- KM. FAK.Vlk.H- TELA L4 WHAT XoU A n r M.NN' T A TRACT, the Real E-tat Mn. at l'ORVAf.I.T'4. OR., tho home town of I ' HKl'lN A'R1ULT I R AL CoLI.EOH vANU'l. farm lan-l at sl pr acr. near pvtn.a iorc and T. Railway, weot of rnoun tain, tn H. .. I teat climate. god water str-m and lake.-, land will prn- cj i m a 1 kt'-'ii i( rrow. tin tx coun trv Cniit'n farmer are wealthy and will ! quarters 00 full -tion; oulv $ I pr a 'e V . Uurly. s Irving st. Mar- VV lie: AT T ; T - A :lHEI( W hv pot bur this 57& arrg in Faatern r-n. go,.i .!. 4 . ar In ru'rlitln. n.i.r from II. K. : fer et w.th Wre; tri. on.y 1 .0 ai-ro, $jih rash, terms or ha'jini-e. -n Itewey at J. HAKru Ci'VPA.W. No. 7 Chamber of .i-Ti :iv- n h .1 50-ACKa; FARM. U STATION. ood soil. Hew .l. no rock. S In Cul ttvatloa. ba!anc small Oak, family or chard, house, barn, spring and well; prtr $50u. eacnange fr cier. modem houso In good district, up to $a00. terms on bilsnca. See va ni llewcy at J. J. ll A RT MAN roWPANV. No. 7. Chamber of l nnimrrrt bidg. K I -A l AT II FA1.1-S clear lota for improved j Portland proportv: will aum ; booming I ity of two railroads, three banaa. $i.'h.ooo payroll per month, five schools, ad-litm in Improvement last week over $Vio.ih. the natural resources will bring her to iirp city in leas than five years. AL I (irogonian. " NOTICE. If your property, eit'.er city, farm or I acreage, has merit and is rnr oirhange or mi, cail or writ full particulars, no ln- f td values considered; hato first-class I list to select from, treo, I'. Henry. 3-'J I lienry bidg. Ref. Portland Hetlir Hoard. r c. ran save rrom JO to 75 oer cent on all make of typewriters; send for our price 1' K,Bl1 Oe part men l. WHOLESALE 1 r. "nucn .kj.. gJi ash. St. RrlHLJLT type;riters and supplies. Coronal " c . i e .tse to., no oih. renuui. ifonn-tund rents -s at cut! rates, r. p. Co.. 2ol Stark st. Alain 1407.1 Automobiles. ONT.T TWO DAYS LEFT ' JN WHICH TO ritY ONE OF DKPKN IA RLE lSKI FtHI CARS AT AN AAIAZINOLY LOW PRICE. . The largest stock of used Ford cars In ine city is on display at our salesrooms. TOURING ROADSTER DELIVERY. An Inspection of our csr will prove mat wo nave tne nest value in the city. We gre listing a few: ITMT Ford touring, like now. I'M Ford touring, with extras. 11t Ford tnurttig, AI condition. I'.MH Ford touring, bargain at $100. 1t."i Ford tntirina. AI onlirion. 115 Ford touring, with extras. 101 Ford madnter, like new. VI Ford roadster, with etrss. Irtia Ford delivery, panel top. ll14 Ford delivery, mot a I body. USED AUTOMOBILE?. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN". Here are a few we offer for your ap 117 Mitchell. n-pas.. 6-oyL t P li!7 .Mitchell. 7-pae., 6--yl $1250 rjit Mitc.ieii, 7-pada.. tt-cyi. with wm- tor top 11.150 Mttrneii, 1 -pass., o-cyi. $ s.V) 1 '.i ii it'-nni. A-pa-ws.. o-cyi. ...... s I'.i'.d MtU-hell. 5-pasa., 8-cyl $ 850 i:i. .Mitcii-u. o-paj-a.. -cyl $ !:.". Mitchell, 5-pass., 4-cyL $ ftK 1!M Mitchell, 7-pass., 6-yl $ H50 1114 Mitchell, o-paaa.. 4-cyl $ ,V l!I2 Mitchell. 2-paaa.. 4-cyL $ lidO I'M-' V It c 11 en. a-pass.. o-evi x I'U-' Mitchell. .Vpa.. -cyl $ .".50 i-.Urt studchnk'-r, 5-pass., o-cyL $ S50 l'.!4 Stu'tebaker. delivery $ 450 11H Joffry, 5-paM., -c! $ 850 I : 1 Maxwell, .-pas. Sedan $ h5u IJ-pass. hotel bus. 6-cyl. $ S50 To old Mitchells, each $ lio Ml i L M rLrlt. L.f-WlS & MAER CO.. Etft ilorraon at First SL Fswt 7272. Phones B 121. USED TRUCK SACRIFICE! ,l-TON FEDERAL TRUCK. EXCEL LENT CONDITION THROUGHOUT TIRES NEARLT NEW. WILL SELL AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. INVESTIGATE. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. 10TH AND BURNSIDE STS. BROADWAY 621. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Bavrton Income producing arrears, consisting of 1 1 acre. In appiso. beam t-I ful au bur baa homosit. close to electric I linee; owner non-reaident. will soil cheap, or Iran for Cailf ornua property, o. pause. MILL trade 4S acres of tilled land, ready for crop, o-wire fence. lacing two mam 1 roads Sidewalk to Oregon City. Valued I at 11250. Mortgag $4u. easy terms on I Uiortgaga. Wlii lake auiomoullo In good I condition for equity. J, AL Justin, care J PrKo liros,. Oregon City. Or. or trade 10 acre, all in cultivation; good buuga.ow, bara. outbuildings, young I naru. . miles iroin city car. .o in AND M ANT OTHERS. PALACE CARAGE COMPANY AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER. " Twelfth and Stark sts. Bdway. 1572 Phones A A SACRIFICE. six cylinder Ftuta, ft-paas. Inuring enr wirn wire wnel9 anr1 sodan body; good tires, one extra and wheel. Will be soia m un amazing. y low price. Terms. car at tne PALACE GARAGE. Twelfth and Stark Sts. Broadway 1572. USED CARS. Cadillac K. like new; anap. 1117 Hulck light six, extra equ(pment.$9 V) 1 . 1 7 S r)pm-iiooth. snappy buy ..... 750 ':t noil si, touring. roflnLihed bM) l'.17 Stidebuker. 7 -pass.; curd tirea.. 725 110 Cadillac. Tim ken bear in as 150 11 i Dodge; nee It H5il Lirht Mitchell, perfect 550 Lie nt Mitchell, electric lights and starter, refinihed 450 OLDSMOUILE CO.. OF OREGON, Broadway at Couch. Broadway 2270. RING UP the Greater Portland Furniture & 1 ore, Aiarsnau 01, and you will get the highest price paid for your used furni ture; you will also get good bargains in Duying or exchanging. Kerne m Der, 105- BOY Between 16 and 20 years old to learn electrical business, must be wining 10 start in shipping room and work up; ex cellent opportunity for advancement. Stubbs Electric Co.. Sixth, and Pine. SALESMAN wanted Established mill sup ply house wants city salesman to call on mills, shipyards, etc. Must be experienced and able to deliver the goods. No order takers need apply. Give name, address and . tel. number. AH 793, Oregonian. Ut". UHc, selling your furniture call up rriLUBi,u r LIUVII Ulil CO.. I66-I08 First St. Main 4S33. If you are in need of furniture, new or usea. give us a trial. PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR USED FURNI TURE, CLOTHING, ETC. PORTLAND LLKAKlU HULoit MARSHALL 4ioo. WANTED vBest four or five-room outfit o: housekeeping furniture that $150 cash will ouy: private party, aw wz, oregonian. WANTED. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332, WILL pay best prices. Marshall 26S2 WANTED M I SC ELLA N EO U S. $7.50 AND UP $7.50. Call Marshall 1220, or 220 Madison st. to sen your castoff clothing. J. Meyer, Tho Tailor, pays $7.50 and up tor second-hand suits. He pays more for noes ana otner ciotmng. we call any- wnere in me city ouy or evening, call aiarsnau l-'U, or Z-J Madison. WE PAY CASH for diamonds, old cold. platinum, silver, high-grade ore. Turn the tnings you don t need into money; bring or maJL We are reliable and in Port land a years. We make and repair jeweiry; tiiamonas sec wnne you wait. Pickering & Co., manufacturing Jewelers ana aiamona setters, ui ort h western Bank bids. (Ola iioor). Main IKo. PHONE MAIN 4-70. 2D-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR, PAYS HlwlllJST PRICES FOR MEN'S AND LADIES' CLOTHING, SHOES. ETC, WE CALL ANY PART OF THE CITY. PHONE MAIN 477. 246 FIRST STREET. BETWEEN MAIN AND MADISON. WANTED A gasoline launch with two cylinders, four cycle, water cooled, verti cal. Standard or Union engine, 20 to M II. P.. about :t0 feet long and 10 feet wide; unless you h-ive an AI boat, do not an swer. The price must be reasonable and will pay spot cash. Write Mr. Irving T. Rau, i;U5 Monroe St., Oregon City, Or. SECOND-HAND clothing wanted.' J, Meyer, the tailor, pays i.oU ana up ior suits; he pays more for shoes and clothing. We call anywnere in the city, day or evening. Mar shall 12tf, or 229 Madison. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles; we wreck all makes 01 cars ana sen their parts at half price. Auto Wrecking Co., hn-ai-03 North Broadway. Automobiles Wanted.. WANTED Late model touring car In ex change for timber land. Box 2d, Divide, Oregon. WANTED A Dodge or light 4 Buick o-pass- cngfr: must be in good condition. AF boQ, .Tt-tiontan. cumorance, talue $5ou0l Take loss, sere- CHALMERS Master Sfx. a wonderful car.$7nO roauaier. rimi-ciaMS ........... 075 Over, and A-passcnger. excellent tires.. tv 11 cnanu, cora sires 77. j S'udennker 5-p.isenger. a bargain .... r.do Chalmers 6-3d,' new tires h73 Maxwell sed-tn. run 50 miles, $225 discount. Chalmers, model 32; elegant condition. 775 Terma riven sntt.tfartory to purchaser. WEST t UN iluTt'K CAR KALES CO., Broadway at Burnside. WE I'aY spot cash for late mode) cars. THE USED CAK EXCHANOE. i21 Wash. Where Washington and Burnside meet. I CASH and four clear lots in Idaho town for g o col u go-! car. Tabor 2ol. AU'NTAXA WHKAT AND srXTK RANCH. o.t,. mi cr, w I improved. Judith H--! i . m ic h in wheat and alf a-1 a . Ideal a i-d: v i'-n or r rtncn; '4 atattons. on t o ra. roa.la. 'r-. . snap. N. M. Appl. H " - fw da ron Hfiltjr Hoard or I v 1 'inn tri M rr arpo ntment. Ali sCS impm. land. loratl In on bt .'" ns of Coo' t'lniAB. Waa.i v I roni ir s-t-ti co.1 sere ta nar 1 l'ort'an-1 or ra-nt.a rash offer. Yourl pp" ini:T. as 11 u at oiak chaog. Owner. A r-gon; n 1 -0 A-'KK- .n SM:hnru Wah.ntoa f r s-a s. t- e: - en. v. upva easy trmsl anl .ow prt. . per acre snd up, V r.t f r mp si-1,f ;o-:.on. trrtia. 'e. jL -r.it TlilH.-lit C. 'Vil'AN 1', T'n Hie. Titoii. Wh. Li- II v.irkro.a 1-t r- ITit l fa fa iau.i. -o, 4 w or a. tr rnva. sv.-nl - nnont h. um f.r r-' i'd rai 1.-!i';-'n '. Ifc,l Sp !inff b g fl THAI' i In M -ka.i.n; !. o -- f -(-.. a ;i tana. m pro --d. for n iattd. D VA Ots- ; ant a'a.f r, 1-n 4 i.iud, I i a F P---r I'r'ifls. a -.- as or city home aa part. AP aba, Orego- UB. l oft SALE or rxebaug. 50l A sto k ranch, f uily euulppd. J5o A. In cultivation ; 50 cattle. J borars. 4 brood sows. cnUkens, urkeva. Will exchange for sto k mei- I rhat.aLae or will take Port. and homo to I $"om. F. H. SMCk ey. Albany. Or. io ACKba, 7-yar-o.d apple orchard, fin bearing condition. near I-y.e. Wash.; new -room house, barn, etc.; will sel or I trade for Portland property. Inquire AU I t-'regonian. LIST your property with us for result; rhana-w of merit: established lo yea Tho Kmt Toongor Co.. I k-107 Park W bet w mb Hub in g t yand Stark strweta, 10-ACRK asp e and peach orchard. 7-year- oU trees, near Rooeburg. or. : trade fori Portland real estate or automobl.e. John I Towner.d. to'3 Cham. Commerce. Portland. I EXCHANGE 20 acres of clear taod at Ad I'son, N.iY4 for a 5-R bou in Portland. Pnoce blast i-'. Tabor Itii'A J. EL. Perry. IMS Grar,da. WANT STOCK RANCH TO $70,000, Have Improved income city property to I trade for same, p. O. box lo ACRES at Boaverton. trade for Portland property. AN .-"-. iregoman. aR.K)M modera bungaiow for Canadian land, will pay cash difference. Main t'Uo. WANT residence: giv boau'iful ;o. near I eectrlc. owner. 141 List '.th N.irtn. 10 A. AT Beaverton to trade for good auto; consider torn. Jtain 000 apt. A. OUR specialty Is buying ladies' and gents' cast-oic clothing, .mgtiest casn price paid. Will call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 315, or 200 Madison St. WANTED An electric generator with low voltage and high ampere; must ho in good condition. Appiy to W. J. oullivan, 20 Grand ave. WANTED Woman to cook for 5 to 7 men, out. $35. Wanted, man to take a con t ract to rot nut 500 cords cotton wood. Young men for factory In city, inside WANTED An elderly woman to help for room and board. Tabor 6710. WANTED Cook and graduate nurse at Ore gon City Hospital. WANTED Girl ushers. Call after 1 P. M, Majestic Theater. Park and Wash. LADY for stenographic and, clerical work. 105 Front St. WANTED Experienced cook and Becond1 girl. Portland Heights, Main 2740. EXPERIENCED chocolate dipper on plain goods. Thomas Bros., 260 Larrabee st. EXPERIENCED girls for bindery work.! Davis & Holman. Ill 2d st. WANTED Refined young nurse girl, refer ences. East 3!M3. WANTED Waitress. Campbell Hotel. iolT f "nnpklni. nlflnt. aa'iA centa I STRONG, capab.e day w.rk.r. Mar. 934.; an hour. Call 222 Couch st. Wanted Domestic. WANTED Accountant, young man, mar- I ried, steady, lumber and railroad worn, 1 who can show speed and accuracy, ex- I centlonal onnortunlty. permanent, ref-1 erences. Address AH 797, Oregonian. TO GO TO HOOD RIVER. Girl or woman without children fort cooking and general housework; place nearf town; all conveniences; part washing senti out; two adults, two little girla, in fam ily. Phone or call Thursday night or later1 or leave phone number. Mrs. Boot, Con greas Hotel. FOR family, a few miles from Portland,' experienced young girl of good character,: rpnprnl housework, assist with cooking: BOY wanted for messenger work from 8 to I no laundry. Wages $40. Apply 228 Alder at. 10 A. M. daily and irom o 10 Bunaays. v T F . . f general houseworld Call at circulation desk In the business XPRIE.N.C:D.5 11 .f nirL..k.l- S ... . m, , : j 1. i I ana cooKine: a in lamn.v, no mius w, Slocum. WANTED A man over draft age to drive Studebaker delivery car; must Know now to take care of car and know city; give, references and phone number. AP 4U9, Oregonian. BOY, 10 or over, with wheel, $50 per month guaranteed, can earn great deal more. No Sunday work. Apply room 7, Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Married man for pure-bred dairy farm; will furnish house ana larra : produce, call Oregon uairymen u jgu.&uv, 401 Corbett bldg. WANTED By established advertising 1 agency, expenencea copy wnier, woman preferred; state experience owf ore gonian. WANTED" Foreman for folding box dept.. 1 In a growing San Francisco lactory; one experienced on automatic giuer. western Paper Box Co., Oakland. California. WANTED Young man or stout lad to assist with janitor worK in exenange ior uusmess college course. Phone Broadway 1S2L Armstrong-lioimes uusiness Loncgr. WANTED, at once, open-s.iop macnimst helpers who can hannie cut -on saw ma chine; night work, S-hr. shift. Apply 520 Oregon bldg.. 5th and Oak sts. - ironing. Mrs. Walker, 722 Sherwood drive. Marshall 6o4. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, small family. Oood wages. Ap ply mornings, 8S3 E. Taylor St., corner 29th. Phone Tahor 1800. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework and cooking, second girl kept, small family, wages $35. East 3730. 205 E. 15th st. N. WANTED Competent, experienced girl or woman to help with housework, no wash ing. Apply Mrs. Gordon, 1130 East Gllsaa St., Tabor 135 1. r WANTED Someone who is fond of children as nurse for 2 children, 3 and ti yrs. oC age. Broadway 104, A 1480. GIRL for general housework; good wages, small family. 40;; Montgomery drive, Portland Heights. Main 4207. WANTED A girl for general housework. Apply 434 Carter Lane, Portland Heights. Main 6310. . WANTED Girl for light housework; ono preferring to live at home nights. Call i.-u.t tR7:t WANTED A good janiLor for of fice build- nnrU ftm.,Vftf gond olace ine: must nave gooa references. v.an m - V,.,,. Vt -1, 1 room 506 Gerlinger bidg., between 11-12 for right girL Address 2311 Markie ae. MAN, not subject to draft. lor ornce worn and collecting. Address in own nana. writ ing, stating salary required. AL S23, Ore- 1 HOUSEKEEPER, to take charge small family: good wages. 01. N. East 557. of flat. E. St h WANTED At once, first-class experienced knee bolterman to worn on u-imuuu LADY for general housework from 8 jo I o'clock; no wasning; js car. xj. st. North. machino. Apply Western Cooperage 1 eaT girl or woman for general housework office. Phone Columbia 52. CAN'DV makers helper wanted, salary .u month. Apply at. ornce nazeiwooa, oea Washington st. WANTED Barber to go to Hoquiam. Wash. in family, two adults, two children; wages $30. Phone Tabor 3872. WANTED Second girl to asalat with care of children; references required. 74 North !0th. Main 40H1. For particulars apply Lewis-Stenger Bar-1 WANTED Girl or woman for housework ber Supply Co. WANTED Elderly man to do chores on wheat farm In Eastern wasnington. om Knott ft. Phone East lail. THE GLOBE PAYS HIGHEST PRICES FOR MEN'S AND LADIES' ZD-HAND CLOTHING, SHOES, ETC. 2S5 FIRST. MAIN 20o0. MULT1GRAPH and dictaphone, if bargain. N. M. Apple; leave your number. Main G77S. BEST cash orlces paid for used office fur niture. Desks, chairs, files for sale or rent. r'acmc mat y a fig- o.. lot 2a st. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description ; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4527, or 204 First st. CASH for furniture, musical instruments and records. Main 0l. FULL value paid for second-hand goods and Junk, call juain 4t2j. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVER FOR, HIRB 7-paaa. car with driver. LONG A SILVA. 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. Phono K. 6840. BIG BARGAIN. A lady has left her 10I Metx touring car witn ns to sen. it mis not been run "i j mi toe. ami sne is wining to tuke a bt uiscount on same. The factory guaranty goes wnn tne car. fOvr.T MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Main C244. Washington su at 21st. NEW AUTOS FOR HIRB WITHOUT DRIVER. fcEB U. N. SMITH. 121 NORTH THIRD ST. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION COL. THIRD AND G LIS AN STS. LoNG A SILVA'S Auto Wrecking Dept. We havo pans for the following cats . RO per cent to 75 per cent off the list: Studebaker, Chalmers, Xl.ch.san, Hudson.. . Overland, E. M. F. U inion. Pope-Hartford. Engine. Radiators, Windshields. Msg news, iarnuie.it)-. umpi, ecc. ior lei than one-h:f price. 4'.2 Ha-vth rr.e ave. Phone E. 6540. TO t H i,r VIMHUMOl . WANTFl To trad gas water beater for M rang. I'hon hast a0i. r pn.-e S' S A I a--rs A r 1 ml ea trxnm . ea - HALE ra--n F.'erfrle lln. 1.1 i-i in fam Ci:- k.-:. K.a ir. ;am:n Ran. t . art.: . , -i r. . - pr r. aay r-n. -fc w 1 in a r-r ae. eaea AN i n.l c'P O-xtnd c h s"- r g 'i.-.und :H4t. a I as "-. re fci-.r. .;a.i JBt P -v i rj co rc: for a r ..k r-r cent intn;. menth- vC ci A'l-lrwa &.t 1 n .-ew -. or WTrfv str L FUT TF. rtvr: . front Tot in Alameda Pork. J ino srr-st tmp. pai'!. a .v. some caa foe y oar t ti 1 r or -fm mum m g-M ri -e wii-in if yor pru is r ia bt. llAII Dmri fr & ii J-m-im ni1rn b'us- a-t t- e.-1 $ n4 ri4 b-e an 4 mar rn-a Kcv'Iuro A K-m4db I 4 feai ln.-r f n n lmt 10 .. ytr If th DfW k l" iaw;:jorn or 1I15 N. i'nptin-VMn'"f 'x HM' ro...'. Tasar I 41 A ra or r A' S'.S t rea si m . f o ev lerma Mast aw baga4BaV Aia ltMO, Av Cl C rVK SALE. NEW FAXON 4 roadster, fully equipped, never been run: at $:.2.v Ail mikes .f used cars, not abused cars. specially priren. USED CAR EXCHANGE, 7 Washington. Where Wash, and Burn. Meet. Horse, Vehicle. Klc. No ri"E Ve bav several good young hor that w wt: soli or trad for an auto lr i a. Anderson Bros. Stable. Zd r.-t Jf-erot sta blHJKi'T to draft, so most U my team an.l harneao, weighs l.oO lta. oa. h I Will aeLl :n-i or dout . Call at th aad B a e . i-i egoi. tl. Noal. jiAlti I Svhu::.r waawn. V sarin. with f t rack and spring seat. 3-bors po.e and aevhk. 1 farm aagon wna 3 i'tn. t a.i m rr: i n mm ror v. o . tinjt . Foil ALfc si head aa v work borsea. with or without barneam Port, and an A Storage o. Lth and Kearney sta NOW, MR. BARGAIN HUNTER. HERE'8 VOL It l If A N E. 1913 Overland So. touring, tires good, newly pointed $ i hit Mnn mix. touring, new........ : 1 ill ! H upmoniie. touring ............ 750 lVla C'hamiers roadster, finest condi tion. lo.ks l:ke new 205 FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. E. 377'. Eaatl:i;h and llawthorne are. lelrt MAXWELL o-passenger, AI condition, $400. All tnskso of used cars, not abused cars. specially prfrea. USED CAR EXCHANGE. 527 WashingTon. Where Wash, and Burn. Moot, Dr. AD HjHSI:m and aniraa a bu 4 away l.e. r oriaaa Knoriag to. Ca.t Weod- FoUH beJ s od farm work horses. luOO to llmM, 9. trb. a s 2-year -o.d coil. A.'0O.lsv' $!. a I A .rr St. A Plt 1 IIc, pri- t condition : 5 w ; rv whee.s. 5 new cord tires; a:o a new Dodire triat hit never bean used. Answer. AF .".4. Orvconnn. MX heavy teama. want wora. Nobby barn. IZtn anil r anders naot to buy heavy I Vi.n hnr A r reohurger. SALE S:udetaker roadater. in good condition, two extra tiros, e.ectnc MicM Must sell at onre. owner has enlisted. Sve It at Ku!!-st. Oarage, corner Russell and amourrr ave. i--o- LB- l-am. T and a years od. sound and true wo-aers. g.J doub.o nam and ifn. N 1 T a- Wilt se . sparat Di.AD tk and o.d horses bought. C us for oerv.c aad best caaa feeu.tav Mll wauk . -J. TRUCK BUY. Row I-tnvt. now rear Urea, fine Tnorhant csl t-ondlt ton : tnuit seen to bo appre ciated; cash or trma. AK 3't. Orearur.ian. H'KM. wsoa and harnees. liarM tn All r.inu tiea . hirt no us for earn aneT must sa l toUay: gaO. Ca.t 2 V aa.-i!ng:oa st. 1W17 FKD. run rs than 2.od ml'ca; must sell at once: $3. i. ni E.ist 2ith. v ovu :ock car. got off at G'astone. .lLilY waC'ra and norae for aa.i heap. . F. 7th St. North. PKAU stock taan quickly, wo pay Ihtmrtl for Oeaj and crirpi a tor a. n oor l.'l Org a no and Mosirwl V ANTED fa OX rwQt iDati piaVAw. Alar aa aWwa k HAVE t-cyllndar Cadillac for sal at a low prlc. or will take lighter oar In trade, ftmadwiy I270l ST North Broadway. FOR TRADE My euairv of $IoO in SSx.t e'andard tru'-a ur "o: to irmg car. lace mo,ii; no ford. VMone Hun 12"'1. 1"1 FtRD, purchased Fel.ru-ry . wlii sell t" cab Call Ii-c'lwir 70. 131T FORD touring car. like now; will sac- gUico fHoM Roadway Adia. j AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rate. City Garage, M loth st. Broadway S4a NEW SAXON 6, highway, depots, funerals, lllng. shopping, reason a Die. East AUTOS without driver for hire. Fashion Garage, loth and YamhllL Mar. 282, A 123d. 6-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway S54T. HUDSON super-six. inclosed car, day a night. Geo. Tumey. Main B065, A 1405. I l.KG'S auto service; good cars, competent inv-r. th and Wash. Main 7u. Machinery. FARMERS, ATTENTION 8-16 Mogul farm tractor, good as new, $575, complete; moat oeti quick. Address 1035 Washington at., H 1 1 isboro. Or. ONE tfo-H. P. Frisco Union. S-cylinder ma- fre engine, witn equipment, complete; pneo I GOO. 1L E. Noble. 816 Lumber- lri- ::s bldg. $1 WILL repair your watch at Relngold'a, jewelers, i-4 rutn, near vvasningion. BICYCLE wanted, spot cash paid. 441)5. 128 First, near Alder. WANT Hires root beer keg. cash register. show cases, chairs, tables, etc. Main 44i5. WINCHESTER and Remington automatic & pump shotguns wanted. Hochfeld, So 3d. WANT TALKING MACHINE; ALSO REC ORDS. MAIN 44'JJ. TAB Oil T8. 1ST. OLD gold, silver and platinum bought at 218 oregonian Diag. HELP WANTED MALE. RELIABLE man for tea and coffee route and delivery; bond and ref. required; good opportunity lor right party, au- ioi, ure-gonian. WANTED 2 news agents to work on pasen ger train, small cash bond required. Ap ply 131 N. 6th st. MARRIED farm hands, $2.50 per day, free house, wood, garden spot; no oojection to children. Call 34 N. 2d. BARBER SHOP for sale, four chairs, re ceipts $60 weekly. Price $300 cash. 248 Burnside. ENGINEER, fashion door machinery man and sticker man. City Planing Mills, o0i Oregon bldg. WANTED Foundry apprentice to learn the: molder'g trade. Valveless Pump & Foun dry Co., 620 Hood st. LASTERS, hand pullers over and other shoe makers; steady work. Address Washing ton Shoe Mfg. Co.. Seattle. WANTED Boy to deliver and learn drug business. inquire jauo-ivo urus v-o.f 3d and Yamhill. EXPERIENCED operator on men's coats and vests: good wages; steady employ ment. Apply Brownsville Woolen Mills. 3d and Morrison sts. : BOY wanted to work in store. 16 to 18 years old. Breyman Leather Co.. 320 Everett st. WAN TED Kitchen porter. Campbell Hotel. Help Wanted: Agent. AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month hos pital tickets. 206 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. THE BON TON. cor. Third and Morrison. has an opening for tnree cioaa ana huii. and four millinery salesladies. Please do not apply unless you are competent and desire a steady position GIRL TO DO TYPEWRITING. Girl living at home, steady place, prefer Swedish or German descent. Give expe rience, age, wages, etc W 769, Oregonian. WANTED Good, reliable woman that wants a home to keep house lor a widower ana 6-year-old boy; small wages. Cal iat 550 Gideon st. Sellwood car. WANTED Neat and attractive young lady for candy counter; must be thoroughly experienced; no other need apply. Call 325 Washington. SPLENDID HOME for refined woman with moderate wages in return ror assistance in housework and care of children; permanent if satisfactory. AO 822, Oregonian. for two. small house, good wages, rnona M. 763. WANTED Girl for general housework, no washing. wages according to ability. Phone Mar. 3oOQ or A 2258. WANTED Middle-aged lady to look after house and care for two children; pood, place and good wages. AV 507. Oregonian. FRANKLIN High School girl or elderly woman to care for children for room, board and some wages. Tabor 8445. wanted Girl for cooking and serving, two in family, no housework; salary $30 a. month. East 2121. . WANTED A competent girl for general housework. 537 E. 21st St. N. E. 4W1. GIRL for housework, small family. 612 John son. WANTED Girl to assist with housework. 7S1 Marshall st. Main 2459. - GIRL for housework in flat, small family, no washing, no cooKing. juain i GIRL to assist in general housework in a small family, bet, hrs. of 1 to 7. East 2301. A GIRL for general housework. Phone Mam 0175. GIRL for housework, good wages. 408 N. 32d St., Willamette Hts. Main 7859. " YOUNG girl to assist in light housework In exchange for room and board. E. 7i69. GIRL for general housework; good wages. 643 E. 57Lh St. JN. WANTED Girl for housework, family of 3; $25. Call East 4118. GIRL for general housework: good wages. no washing Phone East 3900. COMPETENT girl for general housework. 721 Johnson. Phone Main 2512. ' GIRL for general housework. 731 Kearney. Main 5104. m W A NTE D -G i rl or woman to assist with, housework, good home. 81 Hawthorne sve. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. WANTED Young man experienced as ordtr filler and packer. ..Apply x itiuan-taxKer Shoo Co. FOR SALE Keynolds-Corltss engine, 20x42, In good condition. alrbanks, tors at o .5 1st St. ONE-SACK concrete mixer, gasoline driven; excel. ent condition. Astoria Jf uei at bup- p y Co., Astoria, or. Fu H SALE; Reynolds-Corliss engine, 20x42, In good condition, r air ban as, Morse 4k Co., '.5 1st st. FOR SALE A small sawmill; also one 00 and one 75-H. P. engine. Owner, A. B. Loud. Reedtport. Or. M Isre 1 laxtooas. FoR SaLE No. 1 second-hand lumber, all s.zes. also No. 1 finishing lumber: this lumber is all practically new-; wo also hie good wreckage weod. Phono Eaat 4 --"i. U.S.. a-t of Encyclopedia Brltannlca on In- tiia piper, cloth bound, new set; will sll for 1-cnt offer; must sell within week. 189 N 17: h. MEN wanted to work on river steamboats; $50 a month ana ooara. Apply wasning ton-it. aocyz. LADY bookkeeper and'stenographer for out of citv: eood salary ior competent person. Apply room 343, Multnomah Hotel, be- tween Hi and 11 A. M. WANTED 5 WELL EDUCATED YOUNG LA Dl ES WITH ULSI A err aka.mj iu. $12 TO $15 PER WEEK. CALL- AT THE LONG Post-graduate Schol of Pre SPINNERS WANTED. GOOD WORK. GOOD PAY. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS. OREGON CITY. WANTED Boy over 18 years old to oper ate elevator, experience not necessary. Palace Hotel, 4Jo v aanington. WANTED Wringer man, experience not necessary if quick and accurate. 1 Halscy st. PRINTERS Feeder wanted for cylinder press. Columbia Paper Box Co., East Twenty-fifth and Holaday. BOOKKEEPER for iedger work. Must have had experience In wholesale house. AM 3M2. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED presser on men's pants: new work. Apply Brownsville Woolen Mills. 3d and Morrison sts. COMPETENT driver, experienced. exempt I ram dratt. ior tf ora iigni aenvery car. t P. Fuller A Co., Morrison and Front st. 1a.u. organs, talking machines accepted as f .rst payment on new pianos and p ayer pianos. Sen wan Piano Co.. ill Fourth st. N. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, shoo cases ai.d wail case, iixtures; easy terms. W. J. Qutgley. 227 1st. Main 53"H. oti SALE Addressing machino. t'rftnnun, $oo TIN lO-pound pails, with covers. Leigh- ton I'ftiry Luncn. uroaawiy ana wash. . RES, scuts, showcases, counters, re- f-.jremtor and meat block. Wood awn 375. " 'UKAL good second-hand aa f a at the r:(!-,t price. 40 Front at. Broadway 1966. VV'" A.-E, office fixtures, furniture, boxes, c. F P. Keenan Co.. 10 4tb St. tti..-. ri poolta(s. first -clasN condition, at bargain. :i East Morrison. NIGHT WATCHMAN, a good walker; give age and weight; rexerences requirea. aj 331. Oregonian. BARBER for out of town, good Job. q u ire Kem p Barber Supply Co. BARBER wanted, steady job, $18 guaran tee. Jack Hill. Kelso, Wash. PORTLAND Cloak A Suit Mfgra.. 1654 4th. wants presser for ready-made cloaka. BARBER wanted for McMlnnville, Oregon. Inquire Lewis-Stenger Barbers' Supply Co. MACHINIST wanted for one line cannery, good wages. AF ST3. Oregonian. BOY WANTED. F. W. Baltei ACo., printers. MAN with In garden. automobile experience to work C. M. McGrier. Troutda'e. Or. EXTRACTOR ma-a at Pacific Laundry Co., r.ut Attnur st. ONCE. 309 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. WANTED Experienced woman janitor and dishwasher, to work from 8 to 3 daily. Rogers Candy Store, Broadway and Yam hill sts. CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en gagements, no traveling. Apply Casino Th enter. REMINUTON-WAHL operators wanted, two out-of-town positions. See Mr. Stewart, Remington Typewriter . o. ventive Dentistry and Medicine, 617 Broad way bldg., wishes to give services to the extent of $2000 tothe public. Patients for the treatment and cure of pyorrhea want ed. Call for free examination. 1 P. M. WANTED 20 more young women and young men to prepare for telegraph and station service to help fill vacancies caused by unusual drafting of men for war. Write or call, telegraph dept., room 218 Railway Exchange bldg., Stark st. ANY girl in need of a friend apply to the Solvation Army Rescue Home, 392 Eaat 15th st. N., or phone East 123. WANTED Middle-aged woman for house keeper, no objection to child. Phono 030 L. Vancouver. Wash. WANTED Experienced trimmers for out-of-town positions. Good wages. Apply Lowengart & Co. WANTED A woman to work for herself and husband's room and board In small boarding house. Call 6S4 Glisan st. SCHOOL girl with short hours to work in small family, uooa home to rignt person. Marshall 3i20. AIISS DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. Civil service, dictaphone operating, short hand, typewriting, bookkeeping, mimeo graphing, English spelling. Special rates Until March first. AllSky bldg. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO WORK IN LEIGHTON'S . DAIRY LUNCH, BROADWAY AND WASH ST. MISS MATTINGLY'S Shorthand, Typewrit ing School, day, evening. $5 month. 200 14th, near Jefferson. Main 3893. WANTED Woman to assist with house work, good home ana salary, oxi lain st. N. ELDERLY lady to care for 2 children; good home, some wages. Apt. r . ue air apts, East 3748. Call after 5 P. M. CAMP cook. 2d cook, helper, waitress. $40 to $60: hotel ana resiauram neip. noweg, room 435. 270 Washington. YOUNG girl to learn multlgraphing; small pe.r to oegin. Advancement rapia. a 848, Oregonian. WOMAN for general housework; good, plain conking: convenient house; good home lor right person. Phone Tabor 3645. TEW A RT ndiilon. rant with reasonable. water front, good 751 Wilson st. WO povl tables lor gao, 60 North d EXPERIENCED wringer man wanted at the i;. f. i.aunflrv t o., 1 ijnina ave. MAN with some experience wanted for poul try farm in city. AO 820. Oregonian. B A KrR'a eiper, Aiberla st. BACHELOR wants housekeeper in city; must ne clean ana neat ana not over to. AF 841. Oregonian. WANTED Young lady in doctors office, one with experience preferred. Apply in person. 1204 Stevens bldg. TEACHERS for vacancies now open. Yatea-Fishe.- Teachers' Agency. 01 Broadway building. TEACHER WANTED AH kinds of teach ing positions. M. 4835. Flak Teachers-Agency. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. BURSELL TRIVATE BUSINESS SCHOOL. Lumbermen! bldg., 5th and Stark. Individual Instruct ton. Positions wait ing. Take advantage now, special rates. Day, nig h t classes. ORIGINAL, MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL. Teaches men and women namer trace in 8 wks. Special rates for short time, $15, In cluding good set tools, diploma. 234 Couch. THE ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. 874 Wasco SC. Cor. Union Ave. Call, write, or phone E. 7445 about fre trial offer. Day and night classes. EASTERN teacher teaching all new modern dances, wishes a rew more pupns ror pri vate lessons. Phone Broadway 3111 for WANTED Makers and trimmers, steady ' appointment. . position. In city or country. Miller ft Rice f UNCALLED-FOR tailor-made suits and Co., .Royal bldg. J overcoats for ale, $3,50 and up, 255 Stark, '.tl 11