13 VOTERSTOTAL90,067 aoi XOE30I 3 Eastern Star Red Cross Workers Will Meet in Our Auditorium, Fourth Floor, Today From 10 A. M. to S P.M. All Members Are Urgently Requested to Attend We Are Portland Agents for the Ladies' Home Journal Patterns Gossard, Nemo, Bien Jolie, Royal Worcester and Bon Ton Corsets Richardson's Quality Linens U. S. THRIFT STAMPS AND SAVINGS CERTIFICATES ON SALE AT THE MAIN OFFICE 4TH FLOOR TAKE LUNCH WITH YOUR FRIENDS IN OUR BEAUTIFUL TEA ROOM ON THE 4TH FLOOR Registration in Multnomah Toilet Paper 24 Rolls Good quality Crepe Paper put up in standard size rolls. Metal holder free with each purchase. Q" ff Special, 24 Rolls ior wl.UU Th Standard Store of tht Northwest Linen Kerchiefs 6 for $1.00 Main Floor Women's Pure Linen Handkerchiefs with dainty colored and hand - embroidered ini tial in corner. Six for only tDx o 11 a County Tabulated. Olds, Wortman & Kin; TWO-THIRDS REPUBLICANS Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods TIIE MORXTXG OREGOXIAX. TnUKSDAT, FEBRUARY 14, 1918. !TlKaands of Xraromrn Said lo lie fnaware of Fact Thai Tlicy Maj Vote In Oregon After Months' Re-tldence If Registered. There are now 0.t? registered Tot- rs In Multnomah County eligible to Tut at the primary election May 17. i according I latent tabulation made by l County Clerk Heverlrte up to Febru ary I. Mr". Beverldce believes thin ! romber will be Increased by several thousand before the registration books t are oe- April 1. Thousands of penon who bar come to Portland during the past year are unaware of the fact that they can become registered rorer after six month" residence here." said Mr. Bev ertdge yesterday. "If -hese people wjll come to the Courthouse and register as quickly aa possible they will be able to rot at the primary election." laterewtta; sMellgfcta .Itfrar. The figure rive some Interesting aideitchts a to the complexion of the inline population. There are nearly thrre times a many Republican reg istered a there are Lietnocrat. while the erstwhile Progressive party ts all but ettlnct. The figures show a total Of 2.M Republican voters. 31. lo tera ccratlc voters and but s31 registered tender the banner of the Progressive party. Jn fact, the Socialist. Prohibi tionist and Independent voters far ex reed those registered from tna rank f the Bull Moose Thr are .?7 male voter regis tered a against 1.71 women. The to tal number of voter registered within the cttr limits of Portland is j.Oi. while 01 voter are registered In the tlylng precincts. The West Sid voting strength amount to 21017. of which tbil art women, and the Kast Hide registration total SI. Bit. of which H.Zii a re women. sae Ptesjlater Maek aa Mrs. The figures further show there are Xt.Oi women registered aa P.e public ans and 1.S of the gntlr sex listed a iH-mocrats. The prohibition party makes tae next strongest appeal to the women, with 'a total of l'Mt registra tion. County Clerk BeverMge yesterday completed his final list of judges and rlerk of elections, which has been approved by the County Roard. Ills list waa made Up almost entirely from recommendations from the Republican and Democratic county central commit tees, together with wrttt-n applications from thoe who wanted to serve on election boards. With the new pre cincts added last Kail by the Commis sioner, making sll precincts, it was fieressarv- to appoint approximately see election official to serve this Jeer. Including both day and night boards. Double Stamps With Cash Purchases in All Depts. SheetBlankets SI. 00 Each Third Floor Plain white, heavy fleeced cotton Sheet Blankets in size for double bed. Standard 11.25 Blankets, priced Q1 fl( Dollar Day special at 31vU rodayBllarDay Mobilize Your Dollars and Reap the Benefit of These Extraordinary Bargain Offerings for Dollar Day 25c Ribbons 5 Yards SI Main Floor Your choice of any 25c Hairbow Ribbon in the de partment Thursday, either plain colors or fancies, at Q" fC very special, 5 yards O-LeVJl ill Women's Lingerie Waists $1 Coverall Dresses $1.00 Bargain Circle, First Floor Women's dainty Tub Waists in a splendid assort ment of styles, trimmed with laces, em broideries, ruffles, etc. Vari- J- ff ous materials. Thursday at tvXavl sifo Combinations Special SI. 00 S1.00 Conscientious Objectors' Way Hard at Camp Lewis. laafcy MewaMlto Lae Scr-sb 1 loo re . , t a crock, tsallaleg. Y fH TAT)) Second Floor Dainty lace and embroi- II 1 ILEafwlfc dery trimmed Combinations of good qual- ea-k. a wtme ity longcloth and nainsook. XraUf $10, 1.75 to $2 values, only Child's Bath Robes Special $1.00 Girls Shop. Second Floor Children's Bathrobes of (food quality robe flannel in attractive patterns and colorings. Sizes for girls 2 to 6 (Jl ff years. Priced special for Thursday, at OAeUl Women's Aprons Special $1.00 Bargain Circle, First Floor Women's House or Porch Dresses in new coverall styles, with middy blouse, round or V necks, kimona sleeves. Per- (J" ff cales and chambrays. Special wlilU $1.25, $2.00 Laces 2 Yards $1.00 Main Floor Metal Flouncings, Bands, Insertions and Novelty Laces of various kinds. Odd lot from our regular 6tock, selling regularly at $1.25 to Q1 Cf $2.00. Thursday, 2 yards for OJUUU DOLLAR $ 1 .50 Silk Chiffon Cloth S 1 Yd. $ 1 ?JS Di-pss Npfs M Yn I ve jl. m 4mm Jh-r .a. - u jl 1 i' kcr jl, -at. JAJT Net Department, First Floor 42-Inch Silk Chiffon Cloth for party dresses, fancy, waists, etc. " Shown in a large as sortment of the leading colors. (P" Af Standard $1.50 Cloth, at, yard DUU $1.25 Neckwear Special $1.00 Main Floor--Choose any piece of wom en's Neckwear in the department selling heretofore at $1.25 this includes sets, vestees, jabots, guimpes, col- P1 ff lars or plaiting Thursday at dJ-UU Net Department, First Floor Fine quality Silk Nets in white and ecru. Very Vtl'A j Li. a j nit ."' aesiraoie ior pariy uresses, ecc. r uii mcnes wiae ana a standard ci tlrh?- $1.25 quality. Thursday, yard i--sV' ' I kit J I I 1 fv J r 7ii i ii Second Floor Women's Coverall Aprons in the popular large full styles with pockets. Made up in good quality light or dark percales in good assortment of patterns. All are well made and nicely trimmed. Today at special SI riT I I r-i nn $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 Dress Goods $1 Yd. $1.25 Tub cSilks $1.00 Yd. Main Floor Wool Dress Goods, odd lines of various kinds grouped for quick selling. Excellent fabrics for 6kirts, dresses, etc.; Regular $1.25, $1.50 up to $1.75 j-J ff qualities. Thursday, at yard 3J.UU Main Floor Fancy Striped Tub Silks in a good assortment of wanted colors. ' Stand ard quality, selling in the usual way at $1.25 a yard. Supply your ff needs Thursday at, the yard 3UU $1.50 to $1.95 Scarf Sets Special $1.00 Women's $1.25 Leather Belts $1 $1.25, $1.50 VeUs Special $1.00 Main Floor Women's Motor Veils off splendid quality chiffon cloth in all the fl W"W RZ3 wanted 6hades; neat hemstitched border e'keaaMsfasat ana wen maue. itepiar jlo Vt fill TTSl Skf and $1.50 VeUs. Thursday at 9XUU LFiaUL. New Ginghams 5 Yards $1 Main Floor Standard quality Dress Ginghams in beautiful new Spring patterns plaids, stripes, etc, in the latest colorings. Priced j" AA very 6pecial Dollar Day, 5 yards for tD-LeVvl 4 Towels for $1 Main Floor Good size Huck Towels J1 (f JAeVU Main Floor Women's and Misses' Knit Wool Cap-and-Scarf Sets in plain colors and fancy stripes. Regular J- ff $1.50 to $1.95 grades. Thursday 3J-V U " TmA. TVaeh. Teb. 1 J (Special.) "Woih. fr the msht Is co-o-m. 1-a-." BlainliTcijr wailed the rornrt manipulated hr one of Camp Lewia' l rtmevtenttoue fbjetnr In their barracks near the haee tioepital. The l" had worked hard a:i tlmy and now "' relebratinc their Army life w Ith a ot"T little hnin erlre. The war of the ronsrientlnns sbrr. tnm IS hard. They had worked with the knowledse that trie ntslt was cmn int. Now mcht had rome and still thermnst work. Hut br the time thrjr reached the dor of the barracks bml.l ln th.r were smllin:. coins to ttarir lak wi'h a lishl "heart. A hukr M-nn-mlle lad. drafted from rattle country, where he rode the ranee all tay. went forth to scrub and "ur a ll.tor. like a rommrin scrub woman. And he's rrttins no far f tits work, because he ias refused to wear Lorle Yarn's uniforn or lake h fnnner. Itut he works, cheerfully. An otr-ter lennonlte in the same crew of -rubbers wore a uniform and la bis pocket Jinclevf the remains of la.it month's par. He has scruples acslnst .fating, but not asainst scrubbing EUGENE BOYS DOING BIT ITXrd frwi Bor Made la School 3fiaaal Tralolox PepartmenU i TrrnrNK or . k u r?i-H! TN bova in th manual tratnine d fartmrit of lh public auhool al lht ptatr. untr tho rttr?rtion of I'nnrtpal hrl IV. c.rt. hT bn dome th-kr tit hy PMekinc paclilnc ca- for Iht hipmnl of R'd iro vupplt to :urop. Th, bo ar 24 243. )nrhr ant ha ropt.iif lhi Intra! rhaptar of 1b Rtd Croa about I a ptc W hn tho qutlon of maklnc thi in iho manual tratm ng hop maa prypo99i tha boy a Instantly offered to purchaa tbo material and nialx the boiM th-rnlvc. Th boys rtrj the ynoner bjr thtr own labor or br deny ing; themaaWea raadx, morl tlcketa or tml!ar amuaemant. a total fund of betar rontributed la tht fafb.on. SERVICE FLAG UNFURLED Albany College Honor Student lo ertlce of Vailed Stale. At.PANT. Or. FeH. 1 J ?pec'al. A stK fUi with 1- star was unfurled with formal eaerrlses at Albany (. lece yesterday. This flaa has a lur far each. undcrsraU uat woo ha co listed. r. neor;e If. Tounr. rastor of the First Hatisi t'horch. of Albany, delly. tred the principal addrea at the ex ercises. Miss Mareraret tibson present ed the flaa o behalf of the student a-ndy a nd it was received by President Wallace llow Lee. He. O. R. rer- hlna. aastor of the First Presbyterian Msrra. opened the serce with a Hlbi rea4in: Mis Orah. Ilsrkness, of Ibl cits, read "A Tcrfeet Trtbste t Abra m Lincoln." and Miss Helen I.re sanr. LIAR DAY dT t J Tfc - "V i Tk Tk t -4 AA A I -r11I.Q eS MlltON I JrPQSPQ. Jl f VAA AV V-'v v VV ya-l AXX VWUVU YV Stamped Designs on Good Grade Material Art Needlework Department. Second Floor Special lot of children's Stamped Ireses greatly underpriced for Thursday's selling. Mothers having girls to buy for should take advantage of this offering. Pretty stamped designs on Q" ff JL 4 white or blue mercerized poplins. $1.50 and $2.00 Dresses. Special (r; WOMEN'S STAMPED NIGHT GOWNS AND KIMONOS attractive J1 f( Main Floor Patent Leather Belts, Suede Belts and Kid Belts in black, white and colors. Various widths and fl-!' A A styles. Regular $1.25 grades, at 5i-vlU Double Stamps With Cash Purchases in All Departments with colored border. Thursday, 4 for HEMMED UNION Napkins with red J- AA border. Thursday. BDecial. Tier dozen DAUt WHITE CAMBRIC of good quality, on sale Dollar Day special, 8 yards FLUFFY WHITE Cotton Batts, put Q1 A A up in 3-lb. rolls. Thursday, at, roll tDLlM. S1.00 styles and good grade material. Formerly $1.50 and $1.75 choice today Card Table Covers . a- aT afTk - aT S special oi.uu r" Second Floor White embroidered card- lO Af? table Covers in regulation size, and good ' XJ aUAi Xhi, I quality material. These are fmm our TfcA'V' regular stock nelling form- Q- A A iJUfkl crlyat$2.00. Thursday, each 3 AUU 50c Handkerchiefs At 3 for $1.00 Main Floor Women's hand-embroidered Pure Linen Handkerchiefs with white and colored corner embroidery and hems. Excellent 50c Hand- J- A A Men's Soft Felt Hats at $1.00 Men's 50c Ties at 3 for $1 in kerchiefs. Thursday, 3 for DAY Main Floor Odd line of men's and young men's Soft Felt Hats in good styles for everyday wear. Not all sizes in each color and style. Hats of A A standard $2 quality. Special OAaUlr Men's 50c Hose . 3 Pairs SI. 00 Main Floor Men's Silk-and-Wool Hose in medium weight, specially priced for Dollar Day. Neat mottled ef- (g"J AA fects. 50c Hose, 3 pairs for 3xVv Main Floor Men, it will pay you to buy a dozen of these good Ties. Large flowing end styles, good range of pat terns and colors. 50c to 65c (PI AA fJ Tics. Thursdav. snecial. 3 for 35XlU f Men'sNightGowns Special SI. 00 Main Floor Men's Night Gowns of good heavy grade outing flannel. Cut in full, generous sizes and full length. Priced for Thursday, at only S1.00 -DOUBLE TEADING STAMPS WITH CASH PURCHASES IN ALL DEPTS. ,DA5T Scrim Curtains SI. 00 Pair Third Floor Good quality Scrim O Curtains with lace edge; are 2i 0 ' yards long. Regular $1.35 Q1 AA O 'n-teins TViursHa v nair OltWW EXTRA! 25x50-Inch Kag Kugs in attractive mottled designs, with fringed ends. Usual $1.25 Q- AA Rugs; priced special, at "Dollar-Day" in the Basement Underprice Store 72x90-Inch Bleached Sheets Special, SI B e m e n t Seamless Sheets of good quality. Limit 6 to a cus tomer. Thursday special JjSl.OO Undermuslins Special, $1 Basement Women's Undermuslins gowns, combinations, envelope chemise, corset covers, J" . A A skirts, etc Good values -9AUl Women's and Men's Umbrellas Special, $1 Basement Odd lot of men's and women's Umbrellas; rain -proof. Priced special Thursday at $1.00 SateenPetticoats Special, $1 Basement Women's Petticoats of splendid quality black, sateen with deep flounces. Priced P" A A tl7XUV special for Thursday, at Dollar-Day Sal Hair Goods -e- Second Floor CLUSTER PUFFS one special lot to be closed out at a very low price. Buy them J- A A Thursday, Dollar Day, at DA.UU CLUSTER CURLS, single curls. pin curls and separate puffs; a special lot on sale D o n o n o S1.00 is If n-r-"2l Women's Shoes Special $1 Pair Sizes 2lA and 3 Only $430 to $6J50 Grades Main Floor A sensational underprice offering for Dollar- Day in the Shoe Depart ment. One lot of Women's Shoes patent and dull calf leather some with cloth tops, Goodyear welt soles, bmall sizes (ZVt and J oniyj. onoes ij-i nil formerly priced $4.50 to $6.50. and 3 On sale Thursday, Dollar Day, at, pair mm fiH X Ke-r5v- Dollar-Day Specials in Groceries KIFfpg B Double Stamps With Cash Purchases Women's $1.50 Boudoir Slippers $1 Felt Slippers Special $1 Pair Main Floor Women. Boudoir Slippers of good quality red kid with chrome elk skin soles. Full range of sizes in this lot- Standard $1.60 Slippers ?1 Art Main Floor Women's House Slippers of good quality felt in colors, brown, wine and blue only. Full range of Art sizes. On sale today, the pair mi ad 1 (JaUaUfaAt on sale today, the pair at only ,DA5T Broken Sizes Mustard -Colored Spats $1 K.1 -rti a OWE CANNED GOODS put up ex pressly for this store. Choice of Pears, Peaches or Apricots. Priced Q-J rtrt special Thursday, 5 cans for wl.UU DEL MONTE brand Sliced Pineapple, put up in No. 2 size cans. On sale Thursday, Model . Grocery, (J- A A Fourth Floor, at six cans for 0A.UI PREFERRED STOCK OR MONOPOLE PEAS 7 CANS FOR ONLY $1.00 40c OWK Coffee at 29c Pound ' OWK Cocoa 24c Pound COLLAR Pair .DAT Fourth Floor This is our famous OWK Coffee you hear so much about. Used in hundreds of Portland homes. OQf- Kxrpllont (V e-ra.de at. the nound dJt Fourth Floor We reserve the right to limit quantity of cocoa sold to a cus tomer. Our famous OWK brand 0 in HiilV. PtcpA finecinl tnriav. lh. amls iol Mm BOHAR D D Coffee Delivered Only With Other Purchases in Grocery Dept. XIOCSOC aoi ioqoi HOW FAT ACTRESS WAS MADE SUM Vtny tf f4pt tiw tftn4 . friy ntVM. ta.rnt Pi-ri ct Tl It for rltt'tn n4 con trot tine lt. t civr a.cr i ht r r- u-4 I o t for pan4a k hr m tlti Rv frin of ihm fa m .. lairn-l fr-vcrf pf ion nl for. s v tk nx MsrmU Ti vral tim JT. hr ibt r.arhi. All liruciHtA iv 11 XiiruinU l'r -rrlpt ton Ttita at I ff nit for a Imrgm rs et st thm br n1tnc prir iri i t M-trtrol rnw.- r4 A.. ltrou. Mich If yoa haft . ri4 chtt ia . Iijr Ai rut 1M 4VA4 lftUs a4. HEAD OF SCHOOLS RESIGNS Metlfonl Saprrinlpnclent Sar Board Not In Harmony llh luelf. Jtrnmr.D.' Or, Feb. I J. SpeelaL rurUrlrr that he has not beB In Bar mor.r srilh th rnhool Foard and th rVhool Hfrd has not been In harmony srlllt ITeelf. Superintendent of Bohool V. M. Ililli at a pecial meeun- aion dar resnned li la position to tak ef fect at the close, of lb present school year. June Jrt. Thia action Is th culmination of manr mon'hs of fnrtlon beisreen the Diembers ef the l-M-hoo! Poard nd the superintendent on varloua question of administration and policy. Na action ha hen taken to secure hi uoceaeor. lr. Ilillia said that ha had neeer re-eei-re.i ane sijpport from th r-chool Hoard, and felt that Ip -Justice ta th people of the city he should leaT the hoard free to rlinots somsone bom they could HQPIHirL Aberdeen Veteran on Fnrlongh. :riir.r;v. ns. Fei. i. iSr-e- r'ali . msl a eh-om" I to areet '-ha rrry. former Aberdeea realty i dealer, upon hi return home here shortlr. after spendlnsr thre year with the Canadlana on th western front- He enlisted with the first Canadian contlna-ent. has been several times wounded and is the wearer of a medal for bravery Prry haa been granted permission to transfer from the Ca nadian to Amerlran troops, which he plsns to do after a brief furlough, whli-h be will spend with his a;d mother, of tbia city. Ha 1 sow in Canada. Cow-Tetlnt Club Formed. CASTLE noCK, TV ash . Feb. II. Special.) At a meetlnc ield for the purpose of orsjlnlilns; a row-tesilnir rlub. the following orflcer were elected to work cat th details: President. Howard Hunttnrton: elce-presldent. L. J. Krtn; ecretary-treasurer. K. A. Raalan. A lart number of dairymen war prsnt Pnnnjslde iran;- to Mret. CASTLE ROCK. VTiili, Feb. 1J. (?peclaL County Agricultural agent Lynn S. Keyes will meet with Sunny sine t.ranre. of Castle Hock. Soturd-iy. Ms iters of Importance, will i dis cussed. COUPLE ARE REARRESTED Mr. and Mrs. James Cox, Released Recently, Xow Held for Larceny. BAKER. Or.. Feb. U (Special.) Jamea Cor and hte wife, Ethel Cox. who were released from th county jail a abort time ago by the payment of a fine for bootlegging, were arrested last night In a moving picture abow on the charge of larceny. Lee Olsen. wbo waa arrested yester day for being intoxicated, charge that Mr. and Mrs. Cox dragged him from a hallway where, be waa lying Into their room and robbed htm of etsi). When arrested Cox had S200 in hi pocket. Cox and hi wife are being held in the county jail pending investigation by toe grand Jury. Federal Farm Survey. Under Way. CAtfTLE ROCK. Waeh.. Feb. 13. (Special.) The Federal farm survey 1 this week being carried out by the fol lowing men in the district tributary to Castle Rock: A. V. Crane. J. Conger. R. U. Keatley. George Bertrand. P. I I-aughlln. Karl Barnes. B. R. Searlea. I. A. Hooper. L. J. Parry. B. F. Blauaer, W. C aiailory. aim. J. it". Boucuuer. M. A. Laird. Leander Martin. E. A. Johnson. George Bain and William Lyon. This is the farmer's one chance to place the real labor ana crop situa tion before the authorities in this na tion-wide aurvey. Club Work Started. CASTLE ROCK. Wash.. Feb. ,JS. (Special.) The Boys and Girls' Club work waa started In Castle Rock dis trict last Monday. Mr. Audrain, the district club leader for Western Wash ington, spoke in the high school audi torium. Officers for general ma rinse ment were elected as follows: Prest dent, S. L.. Moorhead; vice-president. Mrs. J. Loring: secretary. C L. Keed. Clubs will be organised from the boys and girls of the school early in March. Baker Bootlegger Fined. BAKER. Or.. Feb. 13. (Special.) David Rombaugh, charged with boot legging, waa fined S250 and given six months In Jail In the Circuit Court here today. Rombaugh had pleaded guilty. The sentence waa imposed by Judsre Anderson. Oacar Bowman pleaded guilty to a charge of aaaault and bat tery. Bowman was arrested on a secret indictment by the grand Jury charging him with beating his stepdaughter wlm a piece of rubber hose. . S3- Total of Linn Delinquents Reduced. ALBA.VT, Or, 'Feb. 13. (Special.) The number of delinquent draft regis t rants In Linn County has been re duced to IS. 'When the time expired within which to return the question' nalrea many mors were delinquent, but several have been accounted for. Many of these are already in the service. Phone your want ads to The Orego- nian. Main Tn70. A 95. , Jtrfr . , so; t -i P'3 I r m tr4 I ktd 0 i i rri . r asasBssa I LJBI (71 I J-T-Mjatfiau .iar- w.Tri- -rr aa eel Acss Crew f-r Bkcklm'Is Motor Crsua isr rslrrtisa ' V'ktttsisg Crsus fee Blescsiaff TiMae Crsaai ior Sonesias ABlrisrest Cnmm isr Oiiisst Lsusee Crtsn fsr Cetstug i 60c and $1 Sizes ' If you have never tested these Creams, send two cents to cover cost of mail ing the ones you desire and our Booklet on "Cae of the Skin." , Green Chile Cheese Is the real thing with macaroni! fM1k- e" H1RIVELLO COSMETIC SHOP 303 Broadway Bide Broadway and Morrison Streets. u O o a o D o n o n (J a o U o n o o 0 o M O n o