Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 14, 1918, Page 11, Image 11

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14, 1918.
ouuimlu iiuniom
Waeae ' r.lii.r n!i"r
u.iw .nnl:o,4
anaear r.4,te M:e !". A e-a
A4en!eiMe r..rt merit. . . . t mim T"TK A "3
arlar,.a4eat ef Pm 4 na taia l. A
nrwit.rcj lr4tr at Tee'ecl Wetie .1-
area luiid M.effa4 ties treai
i ( ii r. m.
9-Jk MR (Brlr ar Stalk, Wim A I
ar u4 Aleaaer S.ea Cora-
Mir m -Mi atejaetf. iaa "
lakt at SIX
fXT(J liHnr at AMr Veode-
l. -e. Tare eaee Sally. I H t aaa .
Mirror- (Rree1war at Tajni
t.-i'levi. e an ate.tae p4nf 1 ta :
tl P. H. Sarareere. alaje aeil
Serm. eealtaanae. l.LA la 11 f. M.
Taaxr lWMait KMl ! rark
aea "t Pr kauJaruta aa aMw
Sxtaree. Ceailaueaa.
X.TMIO iriartH aft 4 StarO Voelcal cam
ep. i;r. affraeea aa4 meaw
ICW incK-iTrair-nTM aa4 lunkin.)-
aiiersseee aa aita.
A eewae to aUaee wilt W m!4 far
tee nmm wmi ffniiTlatlaa W aajaa gaht
Ltssrnio co.
raornaaoa Hairr to 8p4X TowiaaT
rrofeeeor Joaeph Klnmonl Hart, poll
Itral aronomlai at Ree4 Cellee will be
the apeaker at a meettne; la room A of
to (astral Library at t o'clock ton Ik he
ander tp aaapic of th Portland
hapter. Intercollegiate Poclaliat So
ciety. Hla aubleet will b. "Kd Bra (ton a I
Aa automobile delivery track of tli
Sr Sretem Wet Wuk Compear,
driven br liarler Blade, of Ml Eaat
Ninth etreet Nrth. atrork Patar T. Van
Mra. aaed St rears, at East Ninth and
Hrase. etreete lata Tuesday meat and
knocked htm to tha pavement. lr.
Van Mica, who la tha father of P. B.
Van Nic and llva with hla aon at
: East Fourteenth atract North, wti
takaa to Good Samaritan HoapltaL II
waa aarieaaly lajnred and tha shock,
dua to bia advanced ae. makes hla
condition serious. Mr. Blada ears Jlr
Van Nlc stepped suddenly la front of
to machine.
Oacooa Crrr Fathkr OaoAXism.
Sanfield Mecdonald. president, and
other officer of tha Association of th
Pt'kthara of Ho Id lar and Sailors of
Oreaea la aarvica. want to Orea-oa City
Tuesday niabt and aaalatad la tha tem
porary organisation of a branch of th
atat association. Pro feasor J. R. Bow
land and E H. Coo par wera elected
temporary preeldent and aacretary,
pectleely, and th following eoreraltte
waa named to prepar aad aubmlt a by
lawa and constitution at another meet
ing to be held next Toeeday nt(ht: J.
w. draper. Rer. W. T. Mllliken. u.
Kreytas and A. M. Blonotv.
raraaa in Boa Wm Ommiii,
rather and Son week la bln( obaerred
In many eharchea and aodetJea In Port
land. Monday moraine will wltneaa th
attendance of thouaanda of fathera and
aona at church. Tomorrow nl(ht a
junior rhoraa of t volcaa will preaent
a proa-ratntne at th Vancouver T. M.
C. A. for th aoldlera. The local ao-
clatlon haa planned an automobile trip
out tha Hlahway for th father and
SunayaM Mathodtit
r'ounfLatloaa of Mmnrrkrr " Wul II.
l,u.u. ... i. k... ... .n..k..iona on Saturday.
lo1t and Profeaaor Hart waa to ha. Church had on of the Uret dinner,
lectured later la the rourae baln alen of " """ Tu,,1'' wb" ,.h "0.,h
at the Library, but their place on th and erTd a repeat for It men
prscramm were chanced. Admittance I "
ta fre and the I
to the lecture tonlaht
Babhc la laeited.
ITxj' a sanaaar Eawre T SpbaC
Police aVraeant Krrln. of th mater
rci iiwd. anBounced yeaterday that
h will every public achool In
tae city and addreaa the teacher and
pupil upon th aubject of prauoa
t accidenta. lie will obtain picture
lor the purpoe or tllustratica certain
f'ataree which he deairea to make
particularly clear. It la hla belief that
la tMa manner It will be poaeible to
explain this to children so a to do
a-real deal of food, ile will arrana
hi aerie, of talka at one and will
eaia with th Ainewortn tk hooL
voi Prxao lj rot THasATajrnro
rt K in. Mra Walter Curry, who waa
eonrlcted by a Jury In Circuit Judae
rtapleton a court Monday for threaten-
In a to kill W. A. flicker, a neighbor.
waa fined lie aad coeta yeaterday,
paln aeaienc. Juris Hlapletoa aaid
had hoped the Jury would return
verdict of not aunty, at he felt that
the enda of justice would be a u bee reed
If no puntthment were meted out to the
defendant. Inasmuch aa h bad no
pantonine power, ha Imposed the mini
mum eentence for the offense upon
which Mr. Curry waa coartrted.
nantn OraaAToa UrT cor Box pa. John
Jacobaen. Southern Pacific acent at
Timber, who waa recently arrested by
Federal authorities for unlawfully operating-
a radio elation, waa yeaterday
releael on fiea bonde. pandinff hie pre
liminary examination
tafee Commlaaloner
Wednesday. rlnc hla arrest. It hat
deeel-ped that Jacobean, who la
telegrapher, waa only opera lira th
receiving apparatus of a wlrele.i sla
tinn. which teeaene th araTtty of the
offenee with which he la charged, lie
ai.o is an American cltiten.
?i.ttio A a a r Ijupeju Itcaa.
Mra. Commlasiener Ketell and Mra
Brigadier it'llwelLef Chicago, who have
the oeereight of th women a sorlal
work of the Salvation Army In all th
Weetern siatee. are Tljltlng Portland
neat tatun!ay. Hunday and Mondar
KunHar afternoon these dUtlngulahl
visitors will coadurt a m eet i r g In the
Palvatio) Army. No. 4 Hall, HIS First
street. All the city Torres are uniting
for tkle special meeting. Ons of th
special features of tbla service will be
a dedication of children. Tka public Is
heartily Invited.
rtcirnx m-i.u A Dorr a p. City em
phoea eagaged la emergency work are
to receive no annual vacation Tha
City Council yeaterday paaaed an ordi
nance eliminating auch employe from
the Hat of persona entitled to vacation a
Th wteaaur was aimed directly at
guard employe! on the Bull ilun pipe
line. Commi.atoner Mann, who hi
charge, says these men have easy work
and are only employed on temporary
appointment for the war emergency
purpoee and therefor are not anutled
to a vacation.
;t.DMiTM Hrr.Tg Ilaaa !?. Aa
Oatat la Oregon valued at J ).0 was
left by ilia late Louis Ooldemltb, ef
ew York, acrordinc to the petition for
the probate or tha aetata la Uregen
which waa fileJ yeaterday In th Coun
tv Court. A. H. W in 1 fre waa aamed
administrator to hanul th affairs of
the estate In Oregon. Th ma lor por
tion of the estate I belna probated In
the state of New Tork and all beneft
Pass to Rjvxn Paojrr RaQ'tnxD.
Under rulea Just announced by th
Attoraey-Uenaral at Washington, all
workers and others haying; business
within la yards of th river, docks,
piers er other waterfront facilities moat
carry a proper Identification pass
authorising; them to be within th
barred district. This pass must be ob
talned from the United Ststes Marshal
office. It will Includ a photograph of
th holder, together with hla nam.
residence, nationality, occupation, nam
of employer aad bia place of employ
Bcrrxcst Mc-v to TTcar Dm. rorrxa.
Dr. William T. Foster, president of
Reed College, who haa Just returned
from Washington, will speak today be
fore tha Progressive Busiaesa Men
Club, on ''How Washington la Speed
Ing t'p War Prsparatlona.- Mrs. Luis
Dahl Miller again will favor tha club
with two lata songs, accompanied by
Mrs. Warren K. Thomas. F. T. Richards
will ba chairman of the day. This Is
Father aad Sons' week. Bring you
son to Iho luncheon, ta th Invitation of
lb club.
Tug opening lecture of the class for
automobile owners will be given In th
lecture room of the T. M. C A. auto
mobile school at Smb. and Mata alraet,
at P. M-. Thursday. February 14. All
en who own earn ar cordially Invited.
There la no admission charge. Adv.
Cathouc w o a a to Marr. Tb
Catholic Women's League. Red Croaa
before I'mterf auxiliary, win meet taia morning it n
Drake next I a clock at tne league rooms, iiw rounu
alreet. and will sew ail nay. a large
attendanc la requested.
RaaaKAHa Wiu. Maar. Rebekalt dls
trlct convention will meet In Independ
ent Order of Oddfellows' Hall. 1-enta, on
February It. The meeting will bo under
the auspices of tha Eureka rieoekan
Lodge No. I7.
Medical Boards Seek No Pay,
Says Dr. R. F. Davis.
Scores of Drafted Men Appear Daily
for Examination and Doctor
Xeclect Private Prac
tlco for Them.
MNs Ilasrl Cartoilan villi Give Se
ries la V. W. C. A. Aadiiorium.
Vealnnlnr thia evening, from T to
T:l o'clock. In the auditorium of the
T. nr. C A, Misa Hssel Cartesian will
gtva a short series of Informal talks on
Armenia. Th subjects aad datee will
be aa follows:
Pebruary 14 "History of tha Ar
menia a Nation."
February 21 "Social custom-Horn
Ufa of tho Armenians.
February Ii "Education Utera
tore r
March t "Religion
As Mlea Cartesian IS a native ef Ar
menia and apent her early life there,
Ikes talks will be of especial value to
all who ran attend. The course Is fre
to all girls and a cordial Invitation Is
extended to all to attend and bring
their friends.
Star Fand Co, Penalties V ninety
Imposed la kellahrr'a Opinion.
Provided tha Ftar Sand Company la
willing to dismiss a suit now ienllng
eiariea under the terms or tho will live I against tha city for recovery of Jinn,
in ine r-esi. which amount was aasesaed against the
Koraniais Co TO Prog tsz. -Mayor I company several years ago as penalties
r-aker headed a large delegation of i for failure to complete contracts with
the r.ntary club which left for Kpokaae I In the contract time, the city will pay
last nlaht to attend the Northwest con-1 back the money held out on the con
f-renre of I'.otaryS clubs and to land! tracts. The proposal Involves the pay-
the neat convention for Portland. The I ment of ail court coats by the company.
Mayor will be away probably th rest I The proposition waa brought up by
of the week. A strong effort will be I Commlaaloner Kellaher at yesterday s
made to bring the next meeting to I Council meeting. Ho presented a let
Portland. Th convention alwava la at-I ter from tha lata ax-Mayor Lane. In
Members of tb three medical ad-
rieory boards la Portland call attention
to tb fact that they ar serving with
out pay and have no Intention of de
manding compensation from tb Gov-
fromtnt Btatements to this effect
wer brought out because of a reoort
from an official high In tha draft serv
ice that doctors aa a class wer de
manding' pay where civilians connected
with the draft machinery are serving
without thought of compenation.
"I am averaging from 10 to SO cases
day." said Or. R. F. Davis, who is
th y-esr-nose-throat specialist for
Dr. W. T. Williamson's board. "Kiahty
xaminationa mean a day's work. I
take the draft cases as they Cf me and
tbls obviously Interferes with my
private practice. In addition, there are
tsro afternoons and one night a week
to be devoted to board meetings and
two mornings a week for examining
applicanta for the aviation corps. I
have no thought of demanding pay. As
far aa our board Is concerned, I know
none of the members took up the work
with thoughts other than of doing their
If the past' haa Imposed hardships on
tha medical advisory board members,
than tha future promises to be even
more severe. New regulations make it
necessary for thes boards to examine
all doubtful cases coming before the
local boards. In addition to all those
who are examined on transfer cards.
Or. W. T. Williamson. Dr. S. E.
Joseph! and Dr. L. H. Hamilton head
th three boards. Each Is authority
for the statement that the doctors on
their respective boards are working
without thought of compensation.
"It Is very unjust to accuse the
doctors of being unpatriotic." said Ir. I
Williamson. "They are devoting a great
deal of time to the work and even are
taking care of no end nf clerical detail
In order to keep down expenses. We
have but one clerk to handle the work
for the three boards. In my own case,
I have had to do a lot of night work
and use my office staff in addition in
order to keep records up to date. The
burden will b greater now that we
mutt examine all th doubtful cases."
Dr. Willismson's board is composed
of Dr. It- F. Davis. Dr. Noble Wiley
Jones, Dr. Andrew C. Smith. Dr. Ralph
Walker and Dr. A. K. McKay.
Dr. Josephl's board Is composed of
Dr. R. C. Matson. Dr. T. H. Coffen. Dr.
H. M. Hendershot. Dr. A. W. Baird. Dr.
R. M. Geilert. Dr. J. n. McCollom and
Dr. A. J. Brock.
Dr. Hamilton's board Is composed of
Dr. William House. Dr. J. K. Kise. Dr.
H. W. Howard. Dr. C. E. Scars. Dr. W.
A, Cummtngs and Dr. W. L. Wood.
FOR nights of comfort the
new arrivals in
a strangle hold on sleep.
Made extra well and extra
fulL Some specially fine ont
ing flannel Pajamas in fancy
stripes, all trimmed and
frogged shown in our win
dows today the Suit $2.50.
UNDERWEAR any fabric
that feels good to you, in
union or two-piece.
The Kuppenheimer House In Portland
Gua Kuhn, Tres. S. H. Stamps Given.
jniimimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiii milling
MimiinuiiiiiiiuimiimiiiKLLH Py Viiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii:
hould b a firnt
c o n I d e ration.
Many chl1rtrjn m
hiandtcanued l n
chool or jubject-
4 to oat ty nerv-
ttus or physical Hla.
by impemct vi
sion. An xaml-
naUon at tha
1 100,000 School Children
tnr Xmt York City pnowaa
nearly :iO pfr cent needed glaasei: In
Boston it wa more than 20 per cent,
.nri most of them were down on tho
hooka aa iun.d.M "atubborn" or
Wear.njr laje In childhood often
avfrta -wrious trouble later on.
Wo will gladly examine lour child
eyea without c barge.
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi 1111111111.-1
Sweethearts, wives, sisters and mothers always
delight in being remembered on February 14.
On Valentine's Day, when the whole world honors
Love's beautiful sentiments, a box of our attractive
candies will be especially appreciated.
In every woman's heart lies the fond hope that
her valentine will send her a token of remembrance,
and of all sifts, the most acceptable is candy.
"aa wC. TC - ti
Puts Its Guests in
fine trim for a
day of Business
It serves a
Fine 50c Luncheon
'on KiE-htv-aecond street: not that I lay s
the flattering unction to my oui uim n
is I who am responslole lor it.
"The little old wooden bridge across
Johnson Creek stil bothers me; if it had
an historical value like th 'rude bridge
that arched the flood where the em
battled farmer stood and fired the shot
heard around the world." It might be
tolerated. However, I observe that you
have auite a road improvement pro
gramme maDDed out and you will
doubtless reach th bridge seriatim
"With respect to your road pro
gramme I will ssy that you differ from
and progress immeasurably above our
Mayor and Commissioner, wno, tnrougn
the medium of prohibition and moral
laws and more moral laws laws for
the manufacture of criminals at the
instance of numerous divers and sun
dry cultural thlmbleriK unions, clubs
and societies, are endeavoring to pave
a road to heaven for the average citi
sen: tha street of the city, in the! -h,,in-j ni ,.nnn .v. nrewpnta
meantime, here, there and everywhere tion f documents proving the national-
resembling that -sserooman oog wnereiity of tha applicant, hia ability to re-
The Hazelwood
Washington at Tenth
Broadway Hazelwood
127 Broadway
Instant Service in the Coffee Shop, 126 Park St,
The SEWARD Is a aew, modern see)
elacantlr appointed hotel, ponsailca
ene of the moat beautiful corner lea.
hies la tha N'orthwaet. Located at
lath and Aider ata, eppoaite Olea,
Wortmaa A Ulns'a bis department
store, ta heart et retail and theater
district. Katee, $1 aad ap. Bus
saeeta all train. "W" car aiae ran
from Union Depot direct t Hotel
g. Visiting Buyers O
in Portland
First Find
Way to
C. IV. Corneliua. rretidesW
K, K. tletrher. Maaacer.
Park aad Alder. Portland, Or.
Special rates br the week or moath
aV "ffl
' Ti in1 rZ
Partlaad 'w.'heleaaler Preeeata Pie
Be far Ceaaty CeamUaleienk
Iaveetlaatian Ordered.
Getting a aafe bride across Johnson
Creek Is ef much more Importance to
James Hlalop, a Portland wholesaler.
than having officialdom pave a road to
heaven for him. At leaat, that's what
he tells th County Commissioners In a
letter received by the board yesterday.
It waa aeveral weeka ago that .Mr.
Hlalop penned a humorous lotter to th
board asking for Improvements along
East Eighty-second street. The board
couldn't withstand the appeal, hence the
tn provements.
But bar la Mr. Hislop a latest letter.
which azplaina Itself:
I thank you for your prompt tem
porary eerelce as far aa you have arone
armies whole have sunk.'
It goes without saying that the Com
missioners will Institute an immediate
Investigation of this man. who will
forego a paved road to heaven for
good bridge arross Johnson Creek-
turn to the state in which he now
resides, his moral standing (by affi
davit), that his object in making the
trip is legitimate and that he Is In pos
session of sufficient funds.
Switzerland Barred to All Without!
Proiier Identification.
Any resident of Oregon or Idaho I
m inning to visit Switzerland must first
secure a passport or equivalent paper I
of Identification bearing the vise of the
Mwiss consulate in this city, according!
to Instructions received by A. Strelff,
HwIks Consul, trom the Swiss legation
in Washington. 1. C. Mr. titreiff says I
that no persons except Swiss citizens I
will be permitted to enter Swiss terri- I
tory without such a passport.
Application for passport, says Mr. I
Streiff. ehould be made rt his office.
HIS Spaldinr biilWinir. The certificate
fir1!'' A
'X'i', fl
Hera are shown six popular styles and
prices. Other styles are (165, $215, $265.
Style XVII Electric $325.
Mail Order Special
To bring: the Vlctrola to you w make
this unusual offer on any style:
Pay 10 Down and 10 Monthly.
Why not have, at once, the Victor Jt
will flood your horn with music It will
give you the best the world haa vocal
instrumental band and orchestra.
tended by busineaa men frem ail over
the Northwest.
RT Itisn Orroairv The City Ceun
eil will Interpose objectloaa to the pro
p.sed Inrreaee of long-distanre tele
phone rates when hearing of th re
nueet for Increased ratea cornea up be
fore the Mate IMbllc Service Commis
sion Kebmary I. Th Council decided
yeaterday to oppoe the Increas and
will ha city Attorney LR.och and
others appear at th hearing to present
b lections.
Ma. K F. TVitjKx-e, manager ef the
Hankers" Mortgage Corporation, will
Wiver a lecture on "Modern Hnsiness
and tha Accountant" at th T. M. C. A.
ezt rday evening. February li. at
o'clock. All Interested men and
women ar cordially invited to attend.
There will be ao admission charge.
"tint ft p a i n Bratie" Is Tone. IX
Bruce Ilnrafall will give an illustrated
talk on "Our fprtng Hlrds at Ulewollyn
-hool, r.a.t rourteeata and Henry
atreet. Friday evoclng at T:S o'clock
Colored slide. No charge. Kveryone
invited to attend.
JrriT M-sjkct or Tai.. "Condi
tlon Cnder Which Jitneys Can Operate"
will be dtaenseed tomorrow night la
the Brooklyn gchoolhous. TVIlaon T.
Mum will speak, lr. C IL Cbapmaa
Will preaide. Tb public la Invited.
Canrnna Oisls to lUrf All Cams
fire girla taktnic part to th benefit to
a given February ti for the emerg
ency fund for Oregon boys mill meet
for rehearsal at th J. W. C. A. at
r. M. .today.
FTaK rVixno CUuts la. Th
Oily Council yeaterday paaaed an ordi
nance railing in for redemption ffhre
street itnion bond nnmbarod Is. 14
anl IS. avid October 1. Ilia, la Lha sua
of :; ii.
Maa. rmrii To PraaK. M re. J. TX
ipenrer will speah tdy at 1 It clock
la th powers bonding. -Ftaa aad
Methode ef Cooking It" will bo is
cwaaed. Parrs Mtsgt-tum Kati.
Cadeta of Oregon. No. 1. Fnlted
Artieona. . o. 1 11th L. Thara
.. r eto. 1 4. Admiaaion. lee. Adv.
Pirn on..v Ha-iTtu Auditoriunv
La ien F- Hecaer. orgaatat: Mrs. James
rturee Albert, soprano: F-anoay at S
r. M. Adm.salua. lee Adv.
which the statement waa mad that tha
title probably ahould never hav
been Imposed. H aatd he had looked
Into tha case thoroughly and waa con
vinced that the cly had taken th
wrong attitude.
I .O. -' "-V. I
'. " ' :.---' i 1
i kTan i .!'
This reaming at IS o'clock at th
Keillg Taealer the seat aale open for
th Kaiaald Werrenrsth recital Satur
day evening. Floor, t. II. JO: balcony,
i:. It.S4. 1 1, TSc: gallery, reserved. 74c
admteaien. lee. Adv.
Maar School QiHiren are Sickly
Mt.rtj b th!r 0wm wmrort al
lllVMii ft rt of Ormv'a fw
twora fr CI,' eel rem. 1W throufboai tb
aajnav Tha-r Boraknik ap Cotdifa. R;ters rw-
ri a,BBV A mnnt ipBlfafi. Ta-nltif iMomeri,
M .,! -t.4 tAteeMwactl Trmjhitv I 1 br
m--r. for 1 fr. TX OC POft IF.Ki
NKVEH rIU All Ur mw Dob I
. f.btl' at. ctosnpi- ITHF.rt. A4
tiPs. a MtH-N laXaVy UaaW is. aaMUT Jk.
Three Days
More of Our MMmi L '
Shoe i;&fS?4
Saturday will be the last day on which you will be able to buy
these fine shoes below their normal prices. We advise you to buy
now. It is decidedly in your own interest.
Men's Shoes Reduced
Regular $12 Hanan & Son's Men's Shoes; tan calf, Blucher JQ Qf
and button; broken lines grouped for clearance OOeJ
Regular $12.50 Boyden's Men's Shoes; brown cordovan, P" A QP
lace, heavy leather soles, English lasts. Really $15 vals. wlVitJu
Many Other Reductions in Men's Shoes.
Women's Shoes Reduced
Regular $10 Hanan & Son's Women's Shoes; patent colt, button;
cravenette tops, plain or tipped toes, military heels. Every &rj QfT
size and width in the lot J
Regular $12 Laird, Schober & Co.'s Women's Shoes; all QQ Qr
leather, with buck tops; some of the latest styles )VUU
Many Other Reductions in Women's Shoes.
Write Today for Free CatalogM
and Free Trial Terras,
Palace Hotel
Ratea Frosa 7Se to Xf3J0 Per Day.
Kear Shopping aad Theater District.
Aaaolnt Cleanuneaa Throngbout.
G. F. Johnson Piano Ch
Mehlin, Packard, Bond, Lindeman Pianos
Welte-IHiprior! Hirers
A Moderate - Priced Hotel ef Merit
East Morrison St. and East Sixth.
St.OO Per Day, S4.0O a Week aad T'a.
TOE standard by P
i which all pencils f
are judged. 17 black If,
degrees and 2 copy
ing a7 perfect!
AaHvicas Lead ftacil Ca., N. T.
Stop Itching Eczema
Thrift in the home is the
keynote of the success
and popularity otH&C
Green Stamps. Since intro
duced in 1896 the volume of
collectors has increased year
ly, until to-day the number
reaches far into the millions
The Sperry & Hutchinson Co
Never mind how often vou have tried
I and failed, vou can etoo buniina. itchinir
eczema quickly by applying a little tento
furnished by any druggist for 35c Extra
large bottle, $1.00. Healing begins the
moment zemo is applied. In a short time
usually every trace of eczema, tetter..
pimples, rash, blackheads and similar
skin diseases will be removed. . .
For cleanns the skin and makinar it
vigorously healthy, always use zemo. the
penetrating; antiseptic liquid. It is not
greasy salve and it does not stain. When .
others fail it is the one dependable treat
ment for skin troubles of all kinds.
' Toe E. W. Rom Ca. Cleveland. Q,
tvEYTHiNs roll the Orfiet
Off?ce,Furniture a Appliances
Printing r enqka ving s Bookmndino
eiem a e.K atnara
Wanted Chairs to Cane,
by School for Blind.
Mr. J. F. Myers "ZZT
That NEW CAR OF YOURS is equipped with
B- 9' PaTWei Tfrtn Waa tliATn VnnM fltAtM tVa wic a new A veV awM
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V- " , them for
and then forget your tire troubles.
133-335 Barnaid at Broadway. Phone Broadway 379
Phone your want ads to The Oreo-
tnlan Mailt 77ft. A ....