Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 14, 1918, Page 10, Image 10

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rnrum oaa-GO.
Xaioea SNutjaaal innwl feetoTIC aa
X .-a - aae Mii avalle.
Sae4r.9tlaa fatae iaanaa:y In M"K
Tif. laaie-le't. aae yaae ...... .t
t4t f. W4r iBe!1!. OM0tW .... 4 -
- It i iin.i ii.j. iarM saeaiaa...
la. . ft.nrfT me.u.leO. aaa oaeai ....
I'm. r. anaal Suaoav. aoe ae. ....... 0
la . nrtMf --1
1 .ItNul .11
Ma4T. rear 134
tH4uu4ntl a
Br Cm.
faro. Siao'ay taetoaad. eae year ..(
Iiai'r. Sanaa; lac. e-lae. ee etaaia
J..r. .:h.ut ri4A. m IMf .... t
Xf f. KB mt 'W4.. M MMItft ..... -
IIm aa (MU'lia mmmay or
4ar. nina or eoroaaal sear
tool kaaB r44. 44 eerreaeir ero
mm a.r rwk. . aaataffica illim la lui
r in- .! la ia 1 eoa. t eew: 1
oa j casta. (4 le 44 paa-a.
4) te 4U Hl O eaale. 4 I -
. it t. ai mm r
t1eea a.le.a. OWV. Toreee ra
t . hrvnaiek aaliaiaa Xw Tarti : Yrr4
A :a M .. 4laa. Ctuui:
4k C'aak la. r Proa al dial. Der
(le.. Wn rrMMc lp.aa4al 1 1 Mm 4.
awaatl. TJ Hutu Kmc
mtiiti or tm iMoruiTD rarjt.
-4X1 t aaa E4 riS4k.lC4lMI of
4)ia9leaee era. Ia4 te M 44 aac
o4-t4 th4 pew. a 4-ae I
a.i r4ii4 eepus leatie epoetal A-e-
prhW a-ratO 4 4 .e4
oLCxrcr rcwi the hitm ildlxj
Cnele Sam rail for 816.000 Tdun
er to help htm win the war. They
r not tikxl to tight, but to work
at good wage th bast of th
4iifht-boDr day la butUUtuc ships. In
mo dome thvy will bo fihun tb Kt
r as ffectully as though they took
thrtr nLae in tho trenrb.
Tb rirst csiwnUai to America's do
ins her full part La tfeo war is ships.
Without ships too A-oiwlcma Army
unnol b sent to Europe, it cannot
t armeU and fed. aad food aad muni
tions cannot b arat to the all las. L'b
iasa we build a crest armada of trans.
fiotta for men and foods, the armies
we ars traunlnc vo wortblosa. the
arms wo arc maklnar and the airplanes
we are bulkdlns will bw oaeleea. They
will bo like tbe potatoes which rot
la the field for ia k of railroad cars.
We ned ships to brine raw material
anJ food from all the ends of the
earth, to be transformed Into physical
power for the overthrow of militarism.
Kilps are the means of victory. We
kart tbe men. the material, the money
aid all the moral Qualities necessary
to win. but we must have ships to
carry them to the point where they
can overpower the German armies.
All the mea actively enmited in the
work of the war acre In thi- opinion,
ttcretary of War iluker said:
W4 Un i4r m ready thaa tatre are
aipe le tranepert.
General Crosier, until lately chief of
the Ordaance Bureau, aaid:
Tfc OrdMH tpertBkac. barkwarl aa
It mjr be see Impoj sm Ira the
ireat. It Is lack 4 M l
Food Administrator Hoover said
ronrernins; the supply of food to our
selves and our ailtos:
We are h)4 bark r lack ef rsnre rare
If iNvr 4rw veeaela te artas la tiif.r of
Java ! tha Wi. tA ausax eaartasa weala
k-4 earmaacatir ever.
I rector Mradoo. of the railroads,
laid rerardinf tha concestioa of
frclchl near Atlantic ports:
If bad chips late whKh t sour the
eeer Ih traubla real4) evrr. Th4
f rm nt Jam. Ite ffare reaching far bark,
le Briacipa.r bw.uM of tAliara at mava
aaaat at lb 4 commercial euttaia.
Howard Coffin, chairman of the
Aircraft Production Hoard, said of de
lay In carrying oat its a roe; rm in rue:
YVe bava mora arahlpe ready te gn tbaa
we caa a-B!. If Ika luator a Amartcaa
frtara abrt le laas this aw r. at. r than i
aaei4d It wilt aaa be becaue of slowaaeo
f sradartlaa.
Charles Plex manajrer of the Kmer
rency fhlp Corporation, said to a
Kenate commlttos:
If mm ara ta kaee ahaad of tha rtihmartfia
wa meat run thra ahtite a day tor liflj-twa
njeaa la lha year.
Ma)or Kredtrlrk Taltner. head of
the intrllif n-e etlon of (General
I'srahinafs staff. brouKht this word
bark from the American Army In
baa" and braia af avvry aftavr aad'maa
la rrace.
Kvery speech which Premier Lloyd
George has made In the last year has
carried tha refrain:
hipe. ehlpe. Ban ahloa.
Moat af the American shipyards are
working only one eight-hour shift
daily. Many men. ai-t oruiof to the
tsetimony of liyniund H. Stevens,
raember of the Shipplnr; Hoard, be
fore the Seiuito committee, many
sinsle men In the shipyards work
only four days a week, becaua at the
prevailing hlch wages they can earn
all the money they want.
All men In shipyards ehooJd work
Sis days a week and as many hour
ss they ran without overwork until
three) eight-hour shifts ran be em.
ployed, not for tha ask of tha money,
but beraiM tha ships ara nra-ently
needed to win tha war. Kvery man
who takes a day's rest should realise
that ha is holding bark from the front
the man aad matertavls to win victory
and is bringing risk of defeat upon
Uie Army facing the Bun.
When the suggestion of conscript.
Ing labor to work in shipyards was
made to Mr. Stevaas he instantly re
jected It. saying:
f am aatiaftad that Amarlcaa vtrtntn
wl.l arada.-a mare aad da mora la wla t i:
ae aadar frae iar'.rtl caod.tMaa taaa
t4V wi.: aadar aav mi liary mpu.iMn. 1
fcalteve tha nil h warfco fur dara a
wah valantarvr la Ika ahlprard will
aaara n . ' 4 iaa a anaa a la drtvtrc
eats atta a aareaat er a nfte at kia aa:a.
The Shipping Board la acting on
this opinion of Mr. Stevens. It needs
e.toi men to man the shipyards for
tkree) shifts a day and to work sta
days a week, aad It calls for volun
teer who wtli work under the im
pulse) of patriotism, not of tha bayo
net. The great Government ship
yards in the East ara ready to build
ships on all their ways, and with three
abifte steadily at work they ran
launch a ship from ear h ways after
sixty working days, but that require
aa army of men. With three shifts
varkinar steadily In the Portland
yards ships could bo turned out three
time as rapidly. Aa fast aa ship
sow under contract are completed,
new con tracts wiu be lot until the
famine of ships la relieved.
Tha lack of lahor causes the fhlp
nng Board to bold back contracts
which would fill new ways in eiL-tlcg
yards and which would employ new
Sards, because the board wishes to
concentrate a valla Me lahor on the
ships now tinder construction or con
tract, and thas hasten them to com
platioa. Tha volunteers now bring en
rolled are to fill the three shifts on
ousting contracts. When they have
bean filled the board may be expected
t earoll mere men for new ways and
saw yards, in order that lha number
of ship under construction at one
time may be increased. Hence it may
be said that organisation of the ship
building army will lead to great ex
tension of the Industry on the Colum
bia and Willamette rivars.
There are m-tfty skilled men in
many trades who can quickly adapt
their skill to the work of shipbuild
ing. Every one of them should en
roll for this service, where he will
not only earn good wage, btit where
every blow be will strike will be a
blow In defense of democracy against
Kaiaeiism. They should do this for
the honor of Oregon also, in order to
retain for the stale the title: "Oregoo
First." Every employer of men ouch
as are needed should encourage them
to enroll, for tbe sake of his country
and for the honor of his state. As
the state has gone our the top in re
sponse to every call that has been
made upon it. the number of men for
which It is asked should be doubled.
Hy so doing Oregon will help to
swamp tbe Kaiser and his submarines,
sod to avenge the men who died on
tbe Tuacania.-
Mr. Hays Is doubtless a wise choice
for chairman of tbe National Repub
lican committee. In any event, it is
quit obvious that the selection of Mr.
Adams, of Iowa, would have been al
together unwise. All who know him.
or who take the trouble to examine
tbe Ada ma record, may be speedily
satisfied aa to hi entire loyalty: but
the farts of his early pro-Germanism
are Indisputable, and not even dis
It was the fashion In certain quar
ters, a few year ago. to picture the
Kaiser a quite a democratic person,
and to blame K ranee and Great Brit
ain for the invasion of Belgium, and
to sympathise with Germany In its
self-elected role as an innocent party
to a great International conspiracy to
wipe her out of existence. But it is
not fashionable now, anywhere In
America, nor with any political party,
or group of riusens. It i not fash
ionable, or seemly, because America
knows the truth In ail it blackness.
Mr. Adam made a mistake about
Germany, which he is no doubt now
free to acknowledge.
But practical politics cannot stop
for explanation or defense, when
they may be avoided. For the Na
tional committee to load Itself down
with Mr. Adams, and his earlier pro-
Germanism, would have been a colos
sal blunder. The committee, of course.
did not do it. and was unquestionably
In no danger of doing it, after it knew
tbe facta.
Chairman Hays, who Is from In
diana, where politic ia a science, is
the chairman of the state Republican
committee there. What he did. and
can do. is siown by Indiana's action
in 11. when Mr. Hays had charge
of the Republican campaimi.
A story by the Action writer Cobb,
in a current number of the Saturday
Evening 1'ost. under the clamorous
title "Thunders of Silence." seta forth,
with a wealth of Cobb detail, the po
litical adventure of a personage
named Congressman Mallard, who had
mad himself highly obnoxious to the
"interests" by hi radical activities. It
seemed to the "money power and its
allies expedient to defeat the trouble
some machinations of the bold Mal
lard, and it was done by the unusual
device of a combination among the
newspapers to Ignore him. Mallard
speedily dropped iuto oblivion ac
cording to the Cobb tale. Obviously
Mallard is another name for 1.& Kol
Irtte. "Thunder of Silence" is a hint
to all concerned as to how ho may
be suppressed by a conspiracy of
The natural comment on such an
obvious Impossibility Is that It cannot
be done: but we shall not make it,
for there is testimony that it has been
done, and with La Follette. A letter
from a citizen to a local contemporary
delivers a eulogy on rienator I -a Fol
lette and describes a scene where ut
dinner in WashinKlon City he
greatly offended certain eminent per
son by his pointed strictures on the
newspapers. Says the Chronicler:
And tbaa lha allaar (all. Krnm tha date
of (11.1 Maobinaloo. diooar. du.n lu Ilia
pr-44tit moment, n AmmiixI I'raaa rape
I aa rr m.ntlwaad 1 laun. bum- In
aur other than a ri.n,catry way. Tina. I
Iftlak. ia hlalnry. Tha A44ovia!-d Irra4 (I ri
ara f.rn in anv doultt.r. The itate of ihe
iinner referred to la atxut IwiT. n.n akrJ
fr lha raaana of Ibi hvcatt. Melville rl
."tea. "i.'f'l that llwb had "inau.lcd"
lha acaapeaeca.'
W have rarely seen so much nnn.
scnae compressed in so few words: but
It has stimulated our curiosity to see
Just how one Associated ITess THiper
Joined the "conspiracy" against Mr.
La Follrttc.
The occurrence of the dinner was
doubtless the -annual tiitut of the
Ma4raxine and Periodical Publishers of
America, at Philadelphia, February 2.
151". Wooiirow Wilson, then Gover
nor of New Jersey and a candidate for
President, was a guest, and so was
lax Follette. The latter spoke more
than two hours. In his usual vehement
style, and fiercely arraigned the news
papers of the country as boing crea
ture of the "money power." He was
immediately called to account for his
attack by the toastmaster, I km C.
fivitz. who denounced tt as wicked and
foolish. It developed that I -a Follette
was suffering from some form of hys
teria, fur he Immediately collapsed,
and hi speaktna; datrs for severat
weeks were cancelled. The Orcponlan
on February 4. 1912. printed the full
text of that part of the La Follette
address referring to the newspapers.
It was furnished !v the Associated
Press, and Is a sufficient refutation of
the falsehood about the altitude of
General Manager Stone.
There was a ITcsidontlal primary
in Oregon In 191!. and Senator La
Follette came to the state on a speak
ing tour. He arrived In Portland on
April II. and on April IS The Ore
gonian had a first-page story, with In
terview and elaborate details about
his trtsitand Its purposes. There was
a first-page picture of Senator and
Mrs. La Follette and the reception
committee. The total apace devoted
to the La Follettes in that Issue of
The Oregonian was about six columns.
On Tuesday, April 1V the first page
of The Oregonian was given up en
tirely to the accounts of the Titanic
tragedy. But 1 Follette was not
overlooked, and had about three col
umns page 12) on his trip through
the Willamette Valley: one-half col
umn (page II) announcing his forth
coming Portland appearance, and one
half column (.page 20) devoted to Mrs,
La Follette and her entertainment.
On April 17 Senator La Follette re
appears on the first page, along wtth
the Titanic, having about four columns
In all for his Portland address. It was
adequate and entirely accurate, and
even appreciative. Ten thousand per
sons crowded the old Gypsy Smith
tabernacle to hear him. Not a deroga
tory word appears in any of these
lioubUea there are ne a & payers in
Wlsconsin and elsewhere, clients f
the Associated Press, that have been
and are friendly to Mr. La Follette.
They will testify, of course, that they
not only have had no part in any con
spiracy to Ignore the Wisconsin Sena
tor, but that they have positive knowl
edge that there Is no such conspiracy.
How could there be?
The human mind Is a wonderful
thing. In Its various manifestations it
Imparts to some -individuals tbe most
astounding imaginings, which are
given forth as fact, and which ure,
lnded. believed to be fact. No other
could have possibly found a literal
application to so fantastic a yarn as
Thomas A. Edison, at 71 years of
age. ia still the most romantic figure
in America. It is Impossible to ap
praise fully the work he has done to
make life pleasanter, and easier, and
to advance civilization. His develop
ment of the telegraph did much to
unite sections of the country by fur
nishlng extensive means of coramuni
cation. His Incandescent lamp has
hed it rays ia millions of dark
corners. We owe the perfection of
the telephone to his transmitter. Th
talking machine and the motion pic
ture we now regard as Indispensable.
But these are only high-lights In
the life of the great American lnven
tor. It is not so well known that he
ha received patents for more than
0O device of one kind and another,
nearly all of them of practical value.
Indeed, the characteristic that makes
him a man apart from the tnv-ntor of
our everyday conception Is that he
first determined the probable value
of a device or process before he set
to work to "invent" It. He did not
waste much time making doodads that
we might get along just as well
Edison possesses both genius and
talent, according to the classic deDni
tion, for both inspiration and per
splration entered into the results he
obtained. He la still one of our most
Industrious Americans. And if there
is a moral to be drawn from his life.
It probably is that hard work does not
kilL if It is approached in a cheerful
spirit- He ha labored prodigiously,
and even denied himself sleep, and
always ha been an enthusiast, and.
although he has passed the time
allotted to man iby the scriptures, he
is hale and hearty and happy, as
It would furnish a pleasing subject
for reflection in a leisure hour to look
about one and note the Inventions of
Edison now In common use. and spec.
ulate upon what we would be doing If
be had never lived.
Why do German Generals, states
men and writers so constantly dis
parage the ability of the U nited States
to accomplish anything ia the war?
They did not waste such protests on
the smaller nations, which obviously
could not do much. The inference
seems warranted that they find
wholesome fear of what America may
do prevalent among the German peo
pie. and that they find it necessary to
dispel this sentiment.
The Germans have known for many
years about the great population, re
source and industrial power of this
country. They heard much on the
subject when the two countries were
friendly and were exchanging compli
ments on each other's greatness. Be
fore the I'nlted States intervened in
the war they were carefully worked
up into great indignation against our
sale of munitions to the allies as the
chief means of preventing German
triumph and as justification for sub
marine f rightfulness. Now that these
much-advertised resources are turned
directly against them the molders of
German opinion try to undo the work
they have already done, for they have
inspired a fear which must be re
moved. The Germans have already learned
respect for one "contemptible little
army." Can they be gulled Into be
lieving that the American Army Is also
contemptible? There must surely be
a limit to even German credulity.
Plscovery of natural gas in Benton
County, Washington, by the sinking of
a strongly-flowing well hopes
not only of great bodies of cheap fuel
In the most convenient form for use,
but of oil discoveries also. Natural
ga almost. If not quite. Invariably
prove the presence of petroleum, and
originally was considered of no value
for Itself, hut rather aa a nuisance to
be got rid of. In the early days of
Pennsylvania oil development it was
put to uso hy being piped into the
mills and dwellings of the little town
of Kittanning. but its extremely vola
tile character made it difficult to con
trol, and an explosion which killed
several persons and wrecked many
buildings caused it abandonment.
Not until the early '80s was natural
gns put to general use on a large scale.
It was then piped to Illtsburg. Pa.,
from neighboring wells and used as
fuel in the iron and steel mills and
glass works, and for heat in buildings
of all kinds. General abandonment of
coal made Pittsburg no longer the
Smoky City, and buildings were Actu
ally painted white and stayed white.
As the oil discoveries extended into
West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana and
other states, the use of natural gas
also grew until it Is now adopted as
fuel In every oil region.
From the beginning of Its use, how
ever, gas was shamefully wasted, the
supply being deemed Inexhaustible.
Wells were drilled without provision
for piping the flow to point of con
sumption, the gas caught fire and for
days and weeks columns of flame
often a hundred feet high lighted tbe
country- When President Cleveland
made a tour of the West fifty wells at
Grapeville, Pa were set on fire In his
honor. Pressure rapidly diminished,
the supply ran down and the gas had
to be coaxed through the mains. Its
cost rose to a point where It exceeded
that of coal, there was not enough for
both residences and industry and It
was cut off from the latter, while
for the former It became a luxury.
Iittshurg thus became again the
Smoky City. The costly experience of
the East should warn the West to
husband carefully any deposits which
may be developed.
If great bodies of go and oil should
be discovered In this region they
should prove a tremendous impetus to
Industry. Even at present high prices
they should be much cheaper than any
other fuel, and their convenience and
the saving of labor effected would
commend them to consumers. Nat
ural gas gives Intense heat, more con
trollable than that of any solid fuel,
and makes clearer glass and cleaner
steel. Its Illuminating power is low.
but It can be enriched with vaporized
petroleum to make a good flighting
ga. Great car ia necessary to pre
vent leaks, for natural gas is odorless,
but highly poisonous, and a house
may be filled with it unknown to the
occupants until asphyxiation or explo
sion informs them.
The Benton County discovery should
not be permitted to start a stampede
by wildcat companies, for time and
expert examination will be needed to
define the extent of the oil and gas
beoring strata, and there will be no
lack of promoters ready to separate
people from their money by offering
visions of millions. There are many
failures for each succes. and net
profit comes only to a fortunate few
or to men who drill several wells be
fore they strike a gusher.
That American are essentially
home-loving people Is shown by the
stress placed In the centers of new
war Industrie upon suitable housing
accommodations a a mean not only
of obtaining worker, but of retaining
them. One Instance 'Is reported in
which a shipbuilding company was
able to keep only 400 out of 10,000
men hired, the reason for most of the
shifting about being that th locality
was not prepared to furnish decent
living accommodations. High wages
were paid and there was no complaint
as to conditions in the workshops and
mill, but men simply would not re
main unless they could obtain quarters
at least resembling homes. The same
men would have accepted camp and
trench conditions if they had enlisted,
and would have made the best of
them, but they regard it aa unneces
sary to do so while at home. That they
have the sympathy of thoughtful men
is indicated by the passage by the
Senate of the bill to make the housing
of workers a matter of Government
The Smithsonian Institution, in a
statement which ha an important
bearing upon the National fuel situa
tion, tays that while this country has
more coal than any other country Tn
the world, only about 4 per cent of
the coal mined does Its full duty in
producing energy. Progress in coal
utilization, it is set forth, depends
ultimately upon better provision for
the utilization of coke. Quantity and
kind of coke produced are now de
pendent upon the needs of tbe iron
Industry, and attempts to employ the
product for household use have failed
because the kind of coke made was
not suitable for tbe purpose, and coke
as a whole has suffered in reputation
among householders. Coke suitable
for household use must be made.
This," says the Institution, "can be
done, and the accomplishment is an
urgent necessity. Domestic coke. In
reality, will be artificial anthracite.
Coke-making will also enable us to
produce more of the valuable by
products of coal which we now fail
to obtain.
The efficiency of the German sub
marine against troop ships is in the
ratio of about 2000 to about 11.000.000,
for they had killed about 2000 men
out of 11,000,000 carried overseas be
fore they sank the Tuscania. Their
greatest success has been against
cargo ships and fishing-boats and in
killing defenseless sailors and fisher
men by the hundreds. For this rela
tively small result Germany ha in.
curred the execration of the entire
civilized world. It is reasonably prob
able that without the submarine cam
paign Germany would not have added
the L'nited States and Brazil to the
number of her enemies, to say nothing
of other nations which may yet be
come important factors, and that, after
the breakdown of Russia, she might
have overpowered her other enemies.
The submarine may prove to have
been the undoing of Germany.
A man In Vancouver, B. C, predicts
the passing of the Fourth of July as a
day of celebration, and finds people
to listen to him. They are over the
border, to be sure. Some day, when
the sun is cold and the stars dark.
and a Kaiser has whipped us, that
might happen: but we'll all be dead a
long time before then.
Appointment of H. C. Atwell to the
State Board of Horticulture means a
gain of the services of an active man
In guarding the fruit interests of the
First Pistrict, which is this immediate
The bill to permit officers In the
l'nited State Army to buy their uni
forms at cost ought to have been
passed long ago. There is no reason
why they should be made the victims
of profiteers.
Ex-Consul Bopp is protesting be
cause his papers were seized. He
knows how much value a protest
would have if entered under circum
stances iu his own country.
Premier Orlando's declaration that
Russia's dereliction is offset by the
entry of the l'nited States docs not do
full justice to us, but the big Italian
had to say something.
While the meat Inquiry is on It
might well Include Investigation of the
reason for the advance In shoe leather
n face of increased production of
Are the old-fashioned comic valen
tines gone? A man ' sometimes en
joyed receiving one that emphasized
hi idiosyncrasy.
Is the world becoming cosmopoli
tan? Well, Marching Through Geor
gia" on Harry Lauder's bagpipes has
the sound of It.
According to tradition, this is mat-
ng day for the birds. According to
Oregon weather, they will need over
coats. Two men quarreled over a dog at
re Eil. and one is dead. Which, on Mr.
Geer's theory, is the better man?
Smelt is the cheapest fish food in
the market, and nobody has ever died
from eating too many.
The more of Germany's four mil
lions on the western front the better
the targets and hits.
If the Russian in this country knows
hether to be proud or otherwise, he
Is a wonder.
Garfield's order for a workless Mon
day never interfered with hanging out
the w ash.
Recall that once upon a time the
ittle Japs whipped the Russian to a
A little cold weather to choke the
Fluvius rain spout will be acceptable.
The man who loves cats is easily
Identified. He is at the cat show.
Kipling was right about Adamxad,
but did not go far enough.
Star and Starmakers,
By Leone Caaa Baer.
RS. FIBRE In an interview says
that "clothes should be fitted to
the temperament.' Think it's a mis
print. Believe she meant temperature.
Actress suing for divorce says that
husband and wife should pay expenses
6 -&). and then they'll get along. Any
husband will agree with her.
a - o o
Harve says he's noticed that Charlie
Chaplin is Hopxerlxing by having pie
lea picture.
My idea of a perfectly sweet hus
band is that actor in New Jersey who
endeavored to get his first wife to
writ him a compromising letter about
herself upon which he could base a
divorce suit,
Caroline White has been engaged by
Selwyn 4c Co. to appear in "Rock,-a-Bye
Baby." a musical version of Margaret
Mayo' "Baby Mine." The music of the
new piece 1 by Jerome Kern, and the
adaptation of the book was made by
Edgar Allan Wolf.
o e
Walter Gilbert says he'd Uke to call
on Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Romanoff in
the evenings. Says he just read In a
news dispatch that tbe erstwhile first
famjly of Russia spends its days in
silent prayer and fasting, and then
humps things up with a big feed at
dinner time, and spend the rest of the
night playing cards,
o o o
Obscurity Note A Washington, D. C.
paper says that "a general drive in fur
therance of the thrift campaign was
conducted in Washington, headed by
Mrs. George Creel, wife of George
Creel, National chairman of the com
mittee on public information, which
acts as a censor of all war news to be
Issued for publication.'
Further along the article says that
Mrs. Creel made a half dozen speeches
during the day at various department
stores, and succeeded in spreading most
successful propaganda for the cause of
the stamps.
Such ia fame, A few years ago Mr.
Creel was a member of Only Their
Husbands' Club, and we referred to
him as Blanche Bates' husband. Now
she is Mrs. George Creel.
o o a
I hope some of the aspiring play
wright who send me their p'lays to
"look over" will read this, lzetta
Jewell wants a play. If you happen
to own a typewriter and haven't any
thing especially to do With your time
some evening, sit down and bang out a
play or two and thereby earn the life
long gratitude of lzetta Jewell. MisB
Jewell is at the present writing fever
ishly a-search for a new piece in which
to make her appearance on Broadway,
and she announces all candidates for
literary merit from School of Journal
ism students to disciples of Ibsen Will
be joyfully welcomed.
Mis Jewell was formerly leading
woman with Otis Skinner. Prior to
that and her subsequent marriage to
the late Representative Gay Brown, Jr,
of Virginia, she played several seasons
In stock at the Baker.
o o a
There's n'othlng like travel to broad
en one's outlook take it from Ruth
Gates, who encountered a well-known
Portland woman at a tea t'other day.
"Yes," the blase traveler in question
declared with a well-affected air of
boredom, "I went up to Astoria on the
boat, but I returned on the train. You
know" and the globe-trotter yawned
with ennui "you might as well see
the world while you're about it,"
a o o
"Have you had much stage experi
ence?" demanded a manager of a young
actor who applied for an engagement.
"Well, I should say I have," the
Juvenile answered indignantly. "I had
four Jobs last week!"
Inasmuch as Madame Marguerite
Matzenauer has so recently appeared
here, the following is interesting: Her
husband, Eduardo Ferrari-Hyphen-Fontana,
former tenor at the Metro- j
politan Opera, has applied for a writ j
of habeas corpus, complaining that he
has not been permitted to see his child,
according to tho terms of a decree of
divorce from him granted Madame'Mat-
zenauer. The decree gave her the cus
tody of the 4-year-old daughter, Adri-
ana, and it was stipulated that Ferrari-
Fontana be permitted to see the child
each Wednesday and Saturday at the
home of a friend.
According to the story Fontana told
when he applied for the writ, he is now
an officer in tbe Italian army and, ob
taining leave of absence, came to this
country from Italy on December 24 in
order to see his daughter. "I was al
lowed to see her twice," he complained,
"and then suddenly I was told by
Madame Matzenauer on January 23 that
I could not see my daughter again."
"The whole trouble." explained Nich
olas Selvaggi. counsel for Fontana, "is
that Madame Matzenauer is a German
and wants her child to be ruled by an
Iron hand.' Mr. Fontana, an Italian
and loyal officer in the army of his
country, feels that his daughter should
be taught at least something of the
Italian language and customs."
a a a
Daphne Pollard, the tiny singing
comedienne who used to come a-visit-Ing
with us the Pollard Liliputian
Opera Company, is now the idol of the
London Hippodrome audiences and Is
to have an Important part in Albert de
Courvllle's new revue, which opens this
month in tbe English playhouse. An
account says that she will continue to
wear rags" in the new piece. American
admirers of Miss Pollard will remem
ber the abbreviated "Mother Hubbard"
made out of an old and tattered potato
sack, in which she made her big hit in
1916. She Invented that costume herself
when she was featured In the Rock and
Fulton combination and it got so many
laughs that she used it until she left
for London a year ago. 8he didn't want
to appear In rags before the British
public but De Courville insisted that
she try it at a matinee. It caught the
London idea of comedy, too, and they
dubbed Daphne "The Raggety Kid."
Then somebody wrote a topical song
for her, called "The Ragtime Germ,"
and it was added to her stunt with
more "Hear, hear" from the Hlppo-
dromers. The original potato-sack cos
tume was rescued out of an ash-can
In the alley at the rear of tbe old
LaSalle Opera-House in Madison street.
Chicago. Miss Pollard, in an inspired
moment, cut holes for her head and
arms and danced onto the stage with
out any warning to her manager or
associates, but the audience hailed the
freakish prank with delight Now its
success is international, like the war.
Oreron Grape.
GRANTS PASS, Or, Feb, 12. (To the
Editor.) What is the state flower of
Poultry Raiser Says There Is Little
Profit With Feed at High Price.
MONMOUTH. Or., Feb. 12. (To the
Editor.) 1 have sold eggs during the
Winter and made a little money. How
ever, to break even was something, as
I could then feel that I was doing a
little bit in food producing, which is so
necessary now.
Eggs here are now SS cent. Wheat
as food cannot be bought. You know
what corn costs in small lota Mill stun
is very high. Oats to feed, without
variety, will produce no eggs, or the
price of oats, considering their food
value as egg producer when used alone.
is prohibitive. I have now 50 hens. My
wheat bought last Fall is used. As
Spring laying was beginning and eggs
becoming more plentiful. 1 wa prepar
ing to sell three dozen hens, when the
new poultry order, prohibiting tbe si
of hens for slaughter purposes, was
issued bv the Government.
This new "Garfield" pulled by the
Government Is certainly a prize one
force the poor fool who really thought
he was doing a service for his country
during the Winter to keep his entire
flock now and sell at a losa.
Again. Two months or so ago we all
read in the Portland papers that mill-
stuff up the valley, thanks to the J.
Teal commission, would be lowered In
price. For instance, bran was to sell
around 70 cents per CO pounds at up
valley points. Right after the great
ultimatum the price for the same num
ber of pounds jumped to $L10. Before
the order was Issued apparently low
ering the stuff to around 70 cents per
CO pounds, we were paying 8o ana su
cents for this amount. Fine wora.
Some country millers hint I say hint
that certain other milling people down
Portland way wanted to mill, mill and
mill more. So the little millers up the
valley had to let go.
At 85 or 90 cents per tn pounds tnere
was a little profit for them, at 70 cents
for the same amount there was none.
So the little millers up the valley let
their big miller brothers down there
mill the stuff and ship it up here, so
that after adding on the transportation
charges, etc., bran comes to ns at tne
lovely price of (1.10 per 60 pounds.
Every cloud has a silver lining, how
ever. I'm telling the world. Thanks to
living In this Oregon paradise or balmy
air and warm breezes, my nens can
henceforth feast in gastronomous de
lieht upon the budding pussy willows
which line my park and bask In the
glorious sun which is so encouraging
to every little thing.
The order prohibiting the killing of
hens has been modified to permit the
killing of "boarder" hens, which may
be sold direct to consumers or on such
places as the public markets. Licensed
dealers in poultry, however, must not
handle hens until April 30.
Scheme to Absolve Proprietors From
Charge ef Proflteerlag.
PORTLAND, Feb. 13. (To the Edi
tor.) Now that it is our duty to Hoo
verize, it is also our duty to do it
cheerfully and in such a way that the
greatest saving of foodstuffs may be
effected. There is still a big choice of
foodstuffs and none of us need go hun
gry. If people don t liae preparations
of corn, oatmeal porridge or Scotch
oatmeal scones are good. Well-made
Irish potato cakes are No. 1. We use
the latter largely in our family and
nobody need pity himself who has to
eat them. The only legitimate "kick"
we have is that some of these substi
tutes are much dearer than they should
Another point that has occurred to
me is that the hotels and restaurants
are to serve meatless and wbeatless
meals and also less sugar. This, of
coure, is O. K, and whatever is saved
is. of course, a saving; but is it not
also an extra profit to the hotel or
restaurant? That's the point. A man
comes to a restaurant and pays for a
square meal and finds himself up
against a meatless meal. He may feel
he has a grievance, and perhaps be
has, especially If he thinks the res
taurant is just profiting on bis going
hungry. If he could feel that his going
without meat wa actually giving
meal to some poor, starving person in
Beleium or Armenia or elsewhere, nine
men or more out or ten wouia eai
their meatless meal cheerfully and go
off better for it-
How are you going to do it? Easily
enough, it seems to me. Supply all Ho
tels and restaurants witn meatless
meal stamps, graduated in value ac
cording to price of their meals, perhaps
about 5 cents, when they usually serve
25-cent meals aud 20 or 2a cents on
a dollar meatless meal, these stamps
to represent about the value of the
meat that would have been served at
the meaL If you can compel the ho
tels to serve a meatless meaj you can
compel them to serve the meatless
stamp with the meal, which woiiid
show they have served the meatless
meal and were not themselves profit
ing by it. SOLDIER'S DAD.
Saerial Military Service.
PORTLAND. Feb. 13. (To the Edi
tor.) Will you kindly advise me as to
how I stand on the following matter:
I have been notified by my local board
that I am qualified "for special and
limited military service." a per my
physical examination. What branch of
service do l enter ana wnen.- i am ai
present working at the Northwest Steel
Company. ILLUMINO.
If you are employed in building or
fitting Government ships you are not
subject to military duty so long as
that employment lasts. If your em
ployment ends you are subject to call
when needed (and that may never be)
for special or limited duty, not on the
firing line, but in some capacity which
your physical condition permits you to
perform efficiently. What branch of
the eervice that might be nobody can
Yield of 1917 Income Tax.
REDMOND, Or., Feb. 11. (To the
Editor.) Kindly publish how much
money the Government estimates will
be raised by the income -tax of 1917.
The war revenue bill -was designed
to produce (2,500.000.000 annually. Of
this sum about (1,250,000,000 will. It
is expected, come from the excess
profits tax; (1.000,000,000 or more from
the Income, super-Income and corpora
tion taxes; (250,000,000 from additional
tax levied by the bill on liquors and
tobacco and from the new stamp excise
taxes. It is estimated that of the total
from (20,000,000 to (30,000,000 will be
paid by the 6,000.000 individuals who
were not affected by the law under the
old exemptiona
Metaphysician. Too, Oppose Reading.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Feb. 13. (To
the Editor.) You print a letter in
which the writer, after congratulating
another of the anti-reading ilk. asserts
that "The book habit ia a depraved
selfishness." Now, through all time
metaphysicians have opposed reading.
This is quite natural. We expect it-
But it is difficult to understand wny
a layman of even very modest intelli
gence should oppose it.
Let me asa: now aid your corre
spondent come to learn what Bacon and
Emerson wrote? Ib he giving us curb
stone gossip, or was he told tnis oy
his sister's washerwoman's son?
If this correspondent reads he may
yet attain the wisdom of Bacon's rats;
who had brains enougn to evacuate tne
building before it full.
In Other Days.
Half a Cearmry Asa.
Trom Tho Oregonlaa, February 14, fast.
The New York Post has prepared a
skeleton form of the various plans for
rebuilding the financial system of the
country. In the merest essentials the
plan consumes more than two columas
of space.
About 625 miles of the Union Pacllto
Railroad running west from Omaha
across the continent are now completed.
This brings the line to the eastern base
of the Rocky Mountains.
W. Lair Hill, secretary, has prepared
an account of the proceedings of tha
Union state central committee, whioai
met yesterday.
W. B. Carter, editor of the Corvalll
Gazette, was in towa yesterday and
gave us a call.
W. C. Whltson, secretary of the Ore
gon Central Railway Company, wa in
the city yesterday, his presence beini;
necessary to complete the contract
with the city under the late railroad
W. T. Shanahan has in his window a
beautiful work of art in the nature of
a frame worked in pebbles and shells.
Twery-ve Years Ago.
From Th Oregonlaa. Fobruary 14, 1893.
Salem The World's Fair bill has
passed over the Governor's veto and
Oregon will have an exhibit at the Chi
cago Exposition.
London Gladstone gave a synopsis
of his home rule bill yesterday and he
was received with much applause. Ho
had slept well and was In fine spirits.
The bill -proposes to give Ireland sep
arate powers, subject to imperial su
pervision. In New Tork a movement hsafeeen
started to have women remove their
hats in the theater. It has been tried
seevral times and is receiving t,s sup
port of the Sun in particular.
Mra Man' T. Wilson anri riaa r-jnui.
Belle left vestanlae nn tha. -
spend the remainder of the time in
Judee Carev left vesterHav fne Cali
fornia, being called there by the serious
. oi ma Drotner, tx. t Carey, at
S. A. Barber has lust nurchna! -ha
northwest corner of East Third and
surname streets for (15.OU0.
Joseph Grubers. a German nuvMnia
of Vancouver, Wash., ha invented what
ne tninks is a perpetual motion ma
chine. He has worked 19 years on his
Book an Shipbuilding,
PRIXEVILLE. Or Feb. 10 (Tn tha
Editor.) (1) Can you furnish tha
names of some books on shipbuilding
wouia oe useful to a carpenter
m case no was caned on to work in
a shipyard? (z) Do you know of a.
shipbuilder's trade paper such as tha
National Builder or Building Age, for
carpenter and builders? (3) I am a
carpenter and builder, but don't know
anything about ships and would like
to read up in case I should be called
on. I understand that the names of
different parts is a stumbling block
for new men. Is there a dictionary
of ship terms? w. J. P.
(1) Apparently there am nn ni-ae.
tical books printed on the subject of
ouiiaing wooden ships.
(2) The Buildlnir 1. "in -a.-e.t
Thirty ninth street. New York, month
ly, (2 a year. American Builder, 1327
Prairie avenue, Chicago, monthly, (2
a year.
(3) Patterson's Illustrated Nautical
Encyclopedia, published by the Marine
Review, Cleveland, probably would
serve you. Recently it was said to be
out of print, bnt the publishers might
tell you where a copy could be found.
It was issued at 60 cents.
Right ef British Subjects.
6ALEM, Or., Feb. 12. (To the Edi
tor.) (1) Has a British subject under
the draft age who haa not taken out
his citizenship papers the privilege of
choosing the Unite4 States as his
country to fight for instead of Great
Britain? (2) Can the British com
over and take one of their subjects
who is within the draft age and make
him fight? 3) Has a doctor the right
to claim exemption as a British sub
ject on the grounds that he is employed
in a state hospital, when there are
plenty who can fill his place?
(1) Yes.
(2) The tentative agreement pro
vides that British subjects between the
ages of 20 and 40 who are In this coun
try and do not return to their own
country or enliet within a given time
shall be subject to the draft regula
tions of this country. All exemptions
of the United States draft law would
apply in their case if they remain here,
except that the age for military serv
ice would be 20 to 40.
(3) Registrants so employe are not
exempted by the law of this country
unless they are executive officers.
Regrietraatn in Umatilla County.
ECHO. Or.. Feb. 12, (To the Edi
tor.) Will you kindly advise me the
number of men placed in first class, to
tal number of men called in all pre
vious drafts, number of men to be
called In the coming draft, and will
they be called in their order numbers
or has this all been changed?
I am a farmer with no dependents,
and, therefore, in the first call; my
order number is close to 1900, and I
am at a loss as to what to do with my
ranch. If I am to be drawn soon I
must make arrangements to have some
one look after it for me. If I will
not be drawn in this coming draft I
ean go ahead as usual with my farm
work. READER.
Men In class I will be called first
and in accordance with their order
numbers. It is impossible to give you
information that will definitely deter
mine whether you will be called.
Free Ceuatry for Decs.
PORTLAND, Feb. 13. (To the Edi
tor.) It seems to me there Is a great
deal of unnecessary talk about the
dog when there are so many more
things of greater importance to be
considered at this time. If the owner
of a dog pays (3 a year for a license.
he surely cares enough to take care
of this dog and not allow him to be
come a nuisance to anyone, but If he
is unlicensed, he is taken care of by
the Humane Society, and I can't help
but feel that, if this is a "free coun
try." a lover of dogs should be al
lowed the privilege of keeping a dog
if he or she cares to. H. C.
To Final Caaadtaa Soldier.
LYXrE, Wash., Feb. 11. (To the
Editor.) Can you tell me who to write
to for information about my boy. More
than a month ago I received a tele
gram from him, saying that he had
joined the Canadian army, B Company,
First Quebec Regiment, Barracks,
Montreal. Quebec. Since then have not
heard from him. although I have writ
ten several times. MRS. BETSI.
Communicate with the British re
cruiting office, Third and Oak streets.
Portland, Or.