VOL. LYIII. XO. rOKTLAXD, OKEGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1918. PRICE FIVE CENTS. 3 FLYERS PERISH AS UAVC fP GIRL IS ARRESTED AT PRISON CAMP 3 SHIPS SUNK FOR EVERY ONE BUILT SPIRITUAL LIFE TO BE GIVEN BREADTH SHERIFF ON TRAIL AIDDI AMCC PDAQU llllIU Ul G.U.P. OF A. CI 16-YEAR-OLD GIRL M)X OF CEX. PEYTON MARCH OXK OF VICTIMS. ADDITIONAL CHAPLAINS ASKED BY GL.VERIL PERSHING. SUPPOSED FIANCEE OF .TERN ED ALIEN HELD. IN- 14, INDIANA ATTACKS CHAIRMAN OWNLEY !do U-Boats 'Make Deadly Record in Year. EONAR LAW GIVES FIGURES Ratio cf Vessel Losses Will Be Changed In 1918. CONSTRUCTION SPEEDS . UP Jtavac-s of submarine- lo He .Male riallr t lin ked Tlil Stammer, Ac ronllng to F.xprcsstona of Daniel and Jrllk-oc. WAStllXilTON". FrK IJ. Ship tons "ag mnk by submarines In l17 was tscwrly three limn as irtml as lha total production In Ih I'nlted States and i;rl Britain during that year. This was disclosed today by th. an rnnncfmrnf of Aitrw llonr Law. 4'hanrellor of the Kxchequer. In th Iirittsh KmiM of I'nmnwns that Great 1'ritaln produced only 1.13.47. tona of hipping laat year. The output In th l'nlt.d mates waa fH.::3 tons, making a total combined 1anar of I.4.;. wntle sinkings by submarines last year generally are reckoned al .oon.v ton. (tnlnrlki Data laeaaplet. While eomplete figures on construc tion In Japan. Italy. France and other anions In 11? art not yet available, fftrlmla her do not bllv their ag gregate equaled the total of the I'nlted states. If that la the case, submarine inking more than doubled all new tonnaar produced. Both American and Britten officials expect a very different atory .n 1911. however. 1 ne t'nrlad States and Great Jiritaln are speeding up their shipping programmes and naval officials In both countries have confidently predicted that th so bm trine will be curbed thla tummer. Uat recti tm Fad. Hcrtary Daniels believes that f f.ctnal results will b obtained In tb ary stammer. Admiral fir John R. Jelll former chief of the British naval taff. re cently predicted that by August It could be said that th submarine men ace I killed- However, he pr Meted stark montha before that time. The output of snip tonnaa In the l'nlt.d Dials In 191 has been various ly estimated at from 3.5a.0 tona to tons, with Phlpptng Board of ficials confident that at least J.SOO. not) tona will be completed. No estimate of .rel Britain's output haa been re ceived, but that country I expected to materially Increase Its HIT figure. Jepaa apeed I p. Japan's operations Just now ar ham pered by lack of steel, but thla handi cap Is expected soon to be overcome and that country also is expected to In cr.as Its output this year. Ifh.r countries ar hulMtng few alp. LONDON. b, 13. Nineteen British merchantmen were sunk by mln or submarines in the last week, according to the Admiralty statement tonight. Of the.e 11 were vessels of ! tons or mora and sis war under that trm aace. Three fishing craft also were sunk. The loss to Pril.sh shipping In the pas! week showa a considerable In crease over that of the previous week, which totated li ye.!s. tea of them over 4 tons. Ir. the preceding three weeks th loee.s were eight, eight and li respect tvelj. AN ATLANTIC lt)KT. Feb. 13 An nertt-an steaminp arriving here to reported having sunk a German submarine in the Mediterranean Jan uary It last, after a running fight. The atcamer was not hit. on the return to) ace. the same craft was attacked In th .Mediterranean by two submarines. One was sighted off the bow of the steamer and when the captain attempted to ram the undersea boat. It submerged and made off. At t'i same time th gun crew fought off anothrr submersible from the stern. The crew of the vessel reported that Itritljrt patrol boats captured two aub- rnartn.s off the Canary Islands on Jan uary T. MADRID. Feb. IJ The Spanish atcamer Ceferlno haa been aunk by a submarine near Ferro Island, on of th Canary group. wesaaera C re w Saved. All th members of tha crew were saved. They were towed by the sub marine to tb port of La L'staca la th Canariea MADRID. Feb. IS Th Italian Am bassador to Spain called upon the Mar quis I Alhucemas. the Spanish Pre mier, lat yesterday, and gave him 'all available Information wnu-h had been collected by Italy regarding the torte doing of th Italian steamship Duca dl Cenova. Th Ambassador requested that he given whatever details tb Mnantsh aathormes hav and waa Informed that th lnvestigat!bn at Valencia had pot yet been completed. ablaw CMatdera aiaklaga. Tb Spanish Cabinet met today to eoaslder tha airklnga of th Duca dt Llralrnant Wraj, of Io .nscles. and Cadet Porter, of Long Island, Are Killed on HU-ks Held. FORT WORTH. Tx. Feb. IJ. Thre more fatalities, dua to two separate crashes, were added today to the ever lengthening ro;i of deaths at Hicks Flying Field. IJ mliea from Fort Worth. The dead are: Lieutenant Peyton C. March, son of the newly appointed acting chief or stalT of th l'nlt.d states Armf. First Lieutenant J. L. Wray. a natlv Canadian, but who had resided for Jears at Ixs Angeles. CaL Cadet Flyer R. Porter, whose father Is R. A. Porter, a JewHer of Lone "iJeitenant Msrch crashed one thou. and feet Into the airdrome at Hicks Field Tuesday afternoon. He died today at the base hospital at Camp Bowie. lieutenant Wray. who was 32 years old. and Cadet Porter. S3, crashed at II o'clock today four mltea from Hicks Field. A party of cadets from B brook saw them plans, earthward and hurried to th. scene, arriving only a few moments after th machine almost burled Itself tn the sod. Th bodies of the IJeutenant and the cadet were pinned beneath the wreckage. How control waa lost of either ma chine never will be fully known, but each plane waa seen to' plunga into a dlv. one of the most dangerous pligbta In which a flyer ran be placed. and which has caused most of tb fa - talltiea at th aviation camps ut Fort Worth. wisiiivnTOX Veb 11 Army oftl- errs attribute the growing frequency of fatal accidents at th military avia - tion schools largely to the fact "hat arge numbers of the thousanda of .indents are Just reaching the stage of qualifying aa fighting flyers. The student officer must go through all tha perilous maneuvcra be might have to execute at the front- There ar many thousanda of stu- denta at more than a acore of training stations, and the percentage of serious accidents so far haa been regarded aa gratlfyingly small. FRIENDS LOST, HE ENLISTS Clackamas County Agent Incenocd al Torpedoing of Tu-canla. o':K;t.N CITT. Or.. Feb. IJ. (Spe cials Angered al th torpedoing of the Tuscanla. because 23 of his former college matea were on th ahlp. and grieved over th death of his chum. William (-Blckl") Williams, who went down with tha Ill-fated vessel. R. G. ("Dick") Werner, county agricultural agent. Is going to the front and leaves Friday. He has enlisted In Base Hos pital I'nlt No. 4. He will be succeeded by Wallace L. Kadderly. who haa been assistant state leader of county agenta. I Mr. Werner determined aom months I aao to enter th Army, but waa induced I by the state and I'nlted States authorl-I ties to stay at his post. He expecta to I be In Frajc within two months. CITY FLAKED WITH WHITE Swiftly Falling Temperature Turns Ha in Into Snow Storm, Chilly weather yesterday turned drtxzle of rain into a genuine snow I storm as nlsht came on. At 7 o'clock I th big flakes began their descent, and! In a short lima th downtown streets sera avenues of slush. With th ad vent of th storm th temperature I dropped to it degree. Thouah th snowfall melted rapidly I a In tb downtown section, suburban die- I trtcts. on loftier belghta. donned their I coat of spotless whit for the second I time thla Winter, and gav promts of I sled. ling for th children. Th prediction of Weatherman Wells I for today Is rain or snow. MAMMOTH HOP RANCH GOES llirt Brother lo Grow Vegetables on Independence Property. SALEM. Or.. Feb. 11 (Special.) Information which haa been received I her la to th effect that th great I llor.t Brothers hop ranch near Inde-1 t penlenre. said to be on of the largest I , in the world, will be converted largely! into a vegetable ranch hnd that tbe I dryers will b used for evaporation ofl vegetablea It Is stated that 400 acrea of the I ranch are to be leased for vegetable I growing. IOWA BANKER SHOOTS SELF W. F. Conn Victim of Revolver in I Own Hands: Cause Unknown. CLINTON, la, Feb. 13. W. F. Coan. stat counsel for tha Lincoln Highway I Association and prominent Clinton I banker, killed himself this afternoon. Mr. Coan discharged a pistol which bad been lying under the teller's win- I dow, sending a bullet Into his brain. Whether the act waa Intentional or I accidental has not been determined. 2 TONS OF SEED SHIPPED California Send Shipment id Eng-I land for Rehabilitation. HOLLIoTER, Cal.. Feb. 13. Two tons of garden seed, one of many similar shipments to the British government I for use tn rehabilitating agriculture. left her loday by express for New I Tork. whence It will be transported tj Committee Elects by Acclamation. ADAMS, ONCE PRO-HUN, QUITS Perfect Harmony Restored After Early Storm. HONORS PAID TO PERKINS Miwm Leader Credited With Feat of Sending to Junk Heap Doom That Had Been Launched for Iowa Man. BV ARTHL'R M. EVANS. (Stjff correspondent of the Chicago Herald.) ST. I.OU1S. Mo.. Feb. IS. (Special.) Will II. Hays, the original "Live ire ot inaiana. wnnse aciivum pi I the Hoosier atate In the Hughes column 1 i uij, waa elected by acclamation (ar u Xaln, chlrn1lin the Re ....mi,.... All th atorma biew over and all was I peaceful as a Red Cross knitting circle, I John T. Adama. of Iowa, whose pro- . utte.-ncea before America en- . withdrew fiom tn race and nomin ated Mr. Hays. No other candidate waa named which roada it unanimoua for Hays. He l.i ! Kepublican stale chairman In Indiana and also chairman of the Indiana State Council of Defense. After that the committee proceeded to what speaker termed "a complete ---5". .. . xecutlve commit tee, among them Mr. Adams, arose one by one and resigned to give the new chairman a free hand. The next executive committee will be named at the next meeting of the National com mittee. I'pkaaa Chosen Tresssrer. - Fred W. Upham, of Chicago, was elected National treasurer of th party. to succeed Cornelius V. Bliss. Jr., who resigned on account of his Red Cross work. Mr. Upham handled finances In the Weat In the Taft campaign of 190S, am.' again during the Hughes campaign. ueorge it. nriaon. or -ew lorn, was put up, but Upham ran away with the of flee, getting 34 votes to 13 for Shel- don. K. P. Thayer, of Indiana, was made sergeant-at-arms of the party, to suc ceed the late Colonel William F. Stone, veteran of many campaigns. James B. Reynolds, of Washington, was re-elect ed secretary. Adaau Haa Vetbl.g tm Do. Mr. Adama remains in his old place as vice-chairman. liut the leaders point out that the holder of this Job has 4'onrlud.d on r.s. 2. Column 4.1 i VALENTINE DAT IX GERMANY. j i I : r 7 u i J i: i I. rawvu i r4i' . i : I N rrfcv " i I I tfN Mill J2 s 7 I.I - ji . t!JL W VV-rT "M I 'It YMMMm Mlf. f Fl v pmi&M m ' v ' . J ' r-.v o UM fc-ss 1 ' t Conduct of Men Abroad Excellent, but Conditions in France Re quire Increasing; Vigil. WASHINGTON, Feb. .13. Gene Pershing has recommended to the War Department that the number of Chap lains In the Army be increased for the war. While the conduct of the expedition ary forces haa been excellent, the Gen eral said, fortitude born of great cour age and lofty spiritual Ideas is required to overcome entirely conditions found in France, and it is his desire to sur round tha men with the best influence possible. "In the fulfilling of its duty to the Nation," aaid General Pershing's cable gram, made public tonight, "much is expected of our Army and nothing should be left undone that will help in keeping it up to the highest stand ard of efficiency. Counting myself re sponsible for the welfare of our men in every respect it is my desire to sur round them with the best influence pos sible. In the fulfilment of this solemn trust it seema wise to request the aid of the churches at home. Men selected should be of the high est character, with reputations well established as sensible, practical, active ministera or. workers accustomed to dealing with young men.' They should be in. vigorous health, as t"ir services will be needed under mosi trying cir cumstances, i "It is my purpose to give the Chap lains' Corps through these forces a defi nite and responsible status and to out line, direct and enlarge their work into co-operative and useful aid to the troops." $2.75 WHEAT IS PROPOSED Bill lo Give Farmers Greater Profit Introduced in Senate. WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. A bill to fix the price of wheat for the 1918 crop at not less than $2.75 a bushel. In stead of $3. a8 now provided, was in troduced today by Senator McCumber, Republican, of North Dakota, and re- feried to the agriculture committee. The Senator said tbe price of materials and labor had become so high that something must be done to Increase he profits of the farmers and Induce hem to increase production. Senator Gore, Democrat, of Oklahoma. also Introduced an amendment Increas ng the Government's guaranteed price $2.50 a bushel. ROOSEVELT IS IMPROVING Doctors Report Patient Weak, but Condition on Whole Satisfactory. NEW YORK, Feb. 13. A marked im provement in the condition of Colonel Theodore Roosevelt was announced at Roosevelt Hospital this afternoon. He passed a comfortable night and awak ened at 7 o'clock greatly refreshed. Mrs. Roosevelt. cpcnt some time early in the day at the bedside. A bulletin Issued early this afternoon said: "Doctors Martin and Duel report very stalsfactory progress of Colonel Roose velt. He is. of course, weak, but on the whole his condition la most satisfac tory." i fir f ' Non-Partic7,n Official to . aKen Soon. SEDITION WARRANT IS ISSUED Light Thrown on Alleged Mob- bing of Attorney. BOYCOTT TALK RESENTED Citizens of Lakefield Rally When Manahan Says He Will Use His Influence With Farmers of That District. LAKEFIELD, Minn., Feb. .-(Spe cial.) Following tha conviction last night of Joseph Gilbert, manager of the Non-Partisan League, on a charge of creating an unlawful assembly. Sheriff Lee, of Jackson County, has gone to the Twin Cities with a war rant for A. C. Townley, president of the National Non-Partisan League, charging him with conspiracy to dis courage enlistments. Now that somebody else is telling about them, new light is betas: thrown on the circumstances of James Mana han's departure from Lakefield Monday night, after citizens of Lakefield, re acting to threats charged to Manahan,, responded in kind and moved tha coun sel for the Non-Partisan League to hurry out of Lakefield. Mb Attack Alleged. Accounts of the circumstances at tributed to Manahan included asser tions of attack on him by a mob of 500 persons. Manahan was in Lakefield defendin Gilbert, manager of the league. Dur ins the course of a statement by Man ahan, the attorney threatened to have the town boycotted by the - farmers, men In the audience said. This angered the citizens and many gathered around Manahan and Nel Johnson, league organizer, threatenin them. Johnson left the town on his own accord. Guard Left, at Lakefield. Sheriff Lee returned to the county seat of Jackson County today, leaving 15 deputy sheriffs at Lakefield. Non-Partisan League headquarters Issued statements giving their version of the Lakefield affair and condemning some of the public officials. T was in Lakefield as legal counsel for a client who was on trial foran .lleged misdemeanor," ManaHan'a state. ment says. "While acting in this ca pacity just after I had conducted an auction to raise funds for the Red Cross I was assailed by a mob. Rights Declared Violated. The peace officers of that county gave me to understand they could not protect me that I had better leave town and stay away. I was forced to leave my client In the midst of a trial (Concluded on Pace 4. Column 3. Officials Say Voting Woman Con Spired With Ogden Pastor to Compass Escape of Germans. SALT LAKE CITT, Utah. Feb. 13., Charged with rifling the United States mail and with violation of the espio nage act. Miss Augusta Minnie Deckman, said to be the fiancee of Ernest A. Leybold, an interned enemy alien, was arrested late this afternoon fn the of fice of the Federal censor at the war prison headquarters at Fort Douglas. The arrest of Miss Deckman brings to light the fact, officials say. that it was she who wrote the note .which Rev. B. Henry Leesmann, Ogden, Utah, pas tor, was caught in the act, it is charged, of attempting to smuggle into the civilian sect on of the compound last Sunday night. Both Miss Deckman and Leesmann were arraigned late today on the charge of violating the espionage act and pleade not guilty. Both were held in the sum of $2000. According to the officers. Miss Deck man has been the outside agent in a plot that had for its purpose the de livery from the compound of Leybold, Alvo von Alvensleben, the Kaiser's for mer financial agent in British Colum bia, and a number of -other dangerou enemy aliens held In the war prison camp. With the arrest .of Miss Deckman, two new tunnels were found today in the prison camp through which the interned" prisoners were seeking to dig their way outside the enclosing fence. The woman has been under surveil lance since last Summer, immediately following the arrest of Leybold von Alvensleben and William Schlocterberg and others, who were caught in Seat tie and interned as dangerous agents of the German government. Miss Deckman said she was born in Schleswig-Holstein, a German pos session in Denmark, bhe is zo years old. W. F. SKIFF, 55, SALEM, DIES Prominent Dentist Resident of Port land for Nine Years. SALEM. Or., Feb. 13. (Special.) Will F. Skiff. 65, a-prominent dentist of this city, died at hia home on Fair mount Hill here tonight. He was a native of Salem and with the exception of one and one-half . years spent in California and nine years in Portland, had resided here all his life. He re tired from business about a year and a half ago. He had been ill for some time. For many years Dr. Skiff was active in many ways in Salem's civic life and was one of the best-known residents of this section. PRICE OF BREAD UP AGAIN Chicago Bakers Find Substitutes as Costly as Wheat Flour. CHICAGO, Feb. 13. Because wheat flour "substitutes are as costly and hard to secure aa wheat flour itself, Chicago bakers have again raised the price of bread, 9-cent loaves advancing to 10 cents and 13-ccnt loaves to 15 cents. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 44 degrees; minimum temperature, 31 de srees. TODAY'S Rain or snow; moderate finds, mostly southerly. War. General Pershing: asks additional chaplains be sent to France, i age l. Submarines in 1917 sank three times as much ship tonnage as was built. Page 1. - Three -aviators killed In mishaps on Hicks flying field. . Page.l. French raid German trenc'f s at several points, capturing prlaonerp Page 2. Foreign. Great crowd in Paris court hears prosecutor demand death penalty on Bolo. Page 3. Italians A-elcome America In war as factor for success. Page 3. liertllng and Czernin declared In collusion to destroy unity ot allies. Page i. Hoover's success in accumulating meat sup plies tor all es amazes British. Page 4. National. t Republican National Committee elects Hays, the Indiana live-wire, cnairman. Page 1. , uomesiie. . . a Supposed fiancee of interned alien arrested for conspiracy. rage i. . American loss in Tuscania disaster unof ficially placed at liO. Page 0. r Railroad employes ask wage increases that would amount to S-',WM),wu annually. Pags 4. Llvrng conditions In stockyards district of Chicago disclosed as difficult owing to low wages. 4 Page i. Sheriff on trail of head of Non-partlsaff League. Page 1. Poisoning. of 300 lambs at San Francisco believed to be alien enemies worn, page o. Tacifie Northwest. Silverton girl left unconscious by masked man woo steals her nair. rags i. Sports. Flaher to manage Portland 1918 baseball team- Pags 14. Franklin de'eats C. B, B. C. In Interschol- fcstio basketball game. Page 14. Good boxing card promised for February JO. Page 14. Commercial and Marine. Beginning made In educating shlpworkers for big task aneaa. page 10. Produce Inspection service Is oelng ex tended to pacuic uoasi. page iv. Corn stronger with improved shipping fa cilities. Page is. Early gains in stocks wiped out by profit- taking sales, rage la. Portland and Vicinity. Enemy aliens In Oregon carefully watched. says Baraett in. uoinatein. Page s. Weather report, data and forecast. Page 19. Registration figures show two-thirds of vot ers call, tnemseives republicans, page u. ven Injured in series of motorcar accidents. Page . Oregon Guard praised for official work along waterxront. page --u. Dr. R. F. Davis says medical advisory boards seek no pay lor services. Page 11. Enrollment of shipyard workmen to con tinue indefinitely, page . State thrift campaign growing. Page 8. Reams receives commission as as- Miss Lillian Rosheim, Silverton; Victim. - HAIR IS STOLEN BY ASSAILANT Young Woman, Unconscious, Found Lying in Puddle. BLOODHOUNDS TAKE TRAIL "You're Too Beautiful lo Have Such Hair," Cries Masked Man as Ho 'Throws Girl to Ground and Cuts Curls From Head. SILVERTON, Or., Feb. 13. (Special.)' Miss Lillian Rosheim, aged 16, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Rosheim, long . and well-known residents of this city, tonight lies in a sanitarium here In a serious condition as the result of an attack by an unknown masked man who tried to steal her hair about 11 o'clock this morning one and one-half miles out of town. Mrs. Hugh Small, at whose home tha girl had been visiting, found her lying unc-nscious in a puddle of water back of the house an hour after the attack was made. Man In While Mask. The assailant wore a white mask, Lillian said afterwards, and as she walked out of the Small house and w-ent around the corner she was grabbed, thrown to the ground, her cries for help muffled and with some instrument the assailant cut several curls from her head, crying: "You're - too beautiful , to own such fine hair." During the fight which the girl mado with her assailant her dress was torn and she was seriously injured. No further violence than the cutting of her hair .was .attempted, she declared. The Constable of Silverton, A. F. Fineral, Immediately notified -the Sheriff at Salem, who, with two dep uties, rushed here in an automobile with two bloodhounds, the men and dogs taking the trail at once. No theory has been advanced for tha strange assault except that possibly an insane person or a degenerate liv- ng in the vicinity may have been watching the girl's movements and. lying in wait for her, timed his attack when Hugh Small, at whose home she had been, was in Silverton and there -were no other men near at hand. Small Home Isolated. The Small home is located in a wood ed district and there are no other houses within half a mile. Mrs. Small was in the house when the attack was made, but declares there were no cries,- or at least she heard none, and it was not until the dog, barking loudly, at tracted Mrs. Small's attention that she went back of the house and found Lillian. Early, in the evening a man answer- ng the general .description of Miss Rosheim's assailant was seen running across the Vields toward Scott's Mills, and four, men from here Jumped into an automobile and pursued him. They have not been heard from. yet. The girl declared that htr masked assailant was short and wore an Army hat and a khaki suit. a Further examination of the girl will be made at the sanitarium for possible internal Injuries, it being believed by , Mrs. Rosheim that her daughter's back has been wrenched. Mr. Rosheim is a millman here. SALEM, Or, Feb. 13. (Special.) The latest elopnents from - the Oregon State Hospital were Evelyn Day and E. Skog, both male patients from Port- - land, who left together about two weeks ago. One of the hospital physicians stated tonight that Day was considered to have some degenerate tendencies. The men both suffered from religious hallu cinations. Neither dressed when they left the institution to correspond to the description given -of the assailant of the Silverton girl, and hospital authori ties believe these men made their way to Portland. SAVE YOUR BREAD. Unless we save food, we can not win this war. This is no exaggeration, but a plain statement of fact. The time has come for ' every American home to show where it stands not by words, but by deeds. Let Tbe Oregonian show you how your home can help. Write today for the free "War Cook Book." " iRE YOU A SAVER OR A WASTER? This book will tell you how to save food, save money, eat more cheaply and eat right. It tells you exactly what your country asks of you, and exactly how to do it, without sacrifice to yourself. It contains numerous new rec ipes and timely war suggestions. Write DIRECTLY to Frederic J. Haskin. director of The Ore gonian Information Bureau, Washington, D. C. Enclose 2-cent stamp. . -I Do. NOT write to The Orego nian at Portland. C.i4ifd ea s'a cemai Lmland ' ....................... ..J,.Ji...A.J..AAA alsiaat 10 Allorney-Ceneral, Paf! 8. 9. rrm 107.0