Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 13, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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lunuo ur
Newspapers of London ancf
Paris Praise Outspoken lit
- terances cf President.
Plralr, hi forward I-anraacc of Ie-
Bim-rarjr Com ranted With Jargon
vf Old Scm IXplofnarr, Which
ll U Declared Must Ilnd.
t-OXPO.V. Feb. 1J. Great prominence
la lin In Ihla evenlnir's newspapers,
to tha speech mad yesterday In Con
rrj by president Wilson, and tn their
lena-thy comment they compare It with
Kraperor William' reply to tha Huriro
nuitr of lUmburf. In that tha Em
peror declared that the victory of Ger
man arm must be recognised.
The Westminster tiaartte. after re
viewing tha President's argument,
"The Kaiser, with tha vlortflcatlon of
life army, has had his reply. Kor tha
moment, at all event, he and hi Chan
cellor eeem tn have forgotten the
Kelchstaa resolutions of six months
aao. It remains to be aeen whether
thft who pasted the resolutions are
willing to revert to the spirit of 1'rus
ptanlsm Implied In Chancellor von
iertltnjr's speech and openly avowed
In the Kalr messasje of yesterday,
t emla'i Power IMaewaafee).
rommcctlTiK on I'resldent Wilson's
reference to the address of Count
Ca-rntn. tha Aastro-tlunffanan Kor
etitn Minister. In which the 'resident
"found a very different note. the West
minster tiazette says It remains to be
een whether Count Caernln "will be
Me to maintain Ms attitude or
whether we will have to deal with ene
mies whose standpoint sttll Is accur
ately represented by a Kaiser, resolved
to make the world submit to tha vic
torious ilirmaD army.
The fall Kali (isiette says the fun
damental Issue between Uermany and
the entente a!. lea was never mora
clearly defined than In the I'r-.-sldent's
address and the newspaper whole
heartedly Indorsee the President's dec
luxation aa-alnst a "peace of patchea.'
Preeideat Xot Asaala-aaws.
The Tall Mall ftjasette disagrees with
Mr. Wilsoo that the vole of tha Oer
tuan Chancellor la the volco of but ona
party In Germany, but adds:
"Hippl y the President Is unemblau
ena in hie declaration that America
will hold to her purpose until tha mon
strous claim that the Hermans stand
on a pedestal of armed strenicth above
the rest of the World la bruucht to
The ulobe consider tha President's
speech shows there la as yet no hope
of accord In tha vlewa of the entente
nations and the central powers, "and
despite the conciliatory tpne of his ad
lre. the newspaper add, "that fact
la obviously as clear to tb President
aa to ourselves."
place on Friday and Masons aad Knight
Templars will be In charge.
The ranch on which Mr. Clin Venbeard
died bad been hla home for 14 yeara
and la one of the finest In the couniy
Trolley Company Akcd to Alleviate
Congestion on Cars.
SALEM. Or. Feb. II f Special.)
Chairman Miller! of the Public fcervice
Commission, today- sent a letter to
President Krlffith. of the Portland
Hallway. Licht power Company.
calling attention lo complaints of al
leged crowded conditions on that com
pany s lines and asking that an Imme
diate, study of traffic conditions be
made to alleviate the congestion.
lie said In hla letter: "We should
a1 appreciate a comparative state
ment of the traffic handled aw of this
date and 30 days prior."
Chairman Miller also Instructed Ex
aminer Kaach. of the Portland office,
to make an Investigation of traffic con
ditions, both personally and through
traffic sheets, paying particular atten
tion to overloading. 11 also waa in
structed to furnish a comparative
statement of the number of passengers
bandied per car mil.
Battle Is Scheduled Over Ef
ficiency of American War
Making Machine.
Fourth Class at Cnlvemlty lo Open
31 arch 1 1 With Knrollmrnt of to.
cxtvt:rsttt of Oregon-. Rurene.
Or.. Feb. U (Special.) sis hundred
thousand dollars In Government war
Insurance, nearly 110.000 for each man.
Senate Military Committee Given
figures on Proposed Army Con
struction Programme; Ship
yard Worker lo Be Housed.
WASHIXGTOV. Feb. 1!. Contro
versy over American war. efficiency
and reorganization promises soon to
reach concrete form for a fight In Con
gress. Th Senate military committee's In
quiry, which began Just two months
ago. virtually was concluded today
with tha submission by Secretary Ba
ker of confidential Information regard
ing shipping facilities.
Many new construction projects for
ried in the past was submitted and it'
was eaid tn some case showed that
vessels with C00O to 1(1,000 tonnage ac
tually carried frieght weighing only,
from 3009 to ITOOO tons.
Cowlitz Citizens Ak?d to Give Regu
larly to War Work Funds.
KELSO. Wash.. Feb. 12. (Special.)
The Cowlitx County Council of Defense,
throtjg-h I N. Plamoodon, chairman,
ha lefueri an appeal to the citizens
Cowlitz County to place their Con
tributions to war charity work on a
monthly payment basis. During the
com in if week every person in this
county will be asked to assist In this J
cau?e by pledging: a stated amount for i
earn month as long: as the' war lasts.
The payments will be made the first ,
of each month and from the resulting:
fund. Cowlits County's quota for each
lied Cross. Y. M. C. A. or other drive, ; paid. This plan will do away J
with the work of conducting: succes-.
sive drives, which tnrow a heavy
burden upon patriotic citizens of the
county. Each of the towns of the
couniy -will form its own organization
for soliciting; subscriptions and the
rural districts are being; covered ,
through the school system.
IBatMs 4 U?if wy pkem.
The J tar. which ha bmn a svr
erirtc of the report of the Vr.u
confrwnc ran not rwoncil the, report
wto the lTiunl' ad arm. The
"Mr. Htifoa tef In th language
f democracy. The VeraailUe repurt la
written la the Jrgon of old, aecret
diilor.ry. Secret tr4t.?a mul be
T pudiakted. Our government mol come
int the vpen and ranee ttIf with
Amertw-a. If thla government hmm
nwtther the moral courage nor the will
power to brek away from the foul
1-mAt. th-n Wt urn batve a claa govern
trnt that will do m. . . . Hrlttib
diro-r.i' v l at one with American -mrrry
tn a determination nut to live
tn a wvrld governed by Intrigue and
ait4nal rary Demanded.
Tn Standard any that th time
would m to have arrived In Britain.
In viw of the probability of elections
th' y..r. for m real national party,
and that Ite mo to might well be l'reei
dent Wtlaoa'a declaration:
" We can never turn ls-k.
Tne Standard adds: "W are a new
Knclaffi and a new world. ... A
w Kngland and a new world are ours
on one rendition- that we remain true
to urwl
T be Kai-wr! blasphemona bombast
will deceive no one. Apart from the
othr a! lie. Kngland and America
alone can faro tthout tremor the
nr( of vhwb the war lord are cap-able.
Neither aHo.she11.tem. onr lrui
Min arm, baa conquered Kuaeta. and
th Otrmkn empire only hope la that
liol.bvia lem mav undermine the aill-aui-t
of the Western power"
k llooa'a 1 tteeaaeee Timely.
The n-wptr d-rlrre that the
ntigln of iTetlmt Itaon broad
and afmnlike utterance coutee In
Umety faehtun.
PAHIS. Feb. IST-All entente allies
wttl approve the law formulated In
9retd-nt WiUon a message.' eavs Le
Tfnp! la an ed torial today dealing
wttn two striking Items of news the
de-lrat ton of peace made by loti
Troii a y. the HoHhevtk ' Foreign
aJnietvr. and ITeldot WlUofi'i reply
ir Court vou HertUng. the lirrman Irn
prtal t'bjincellor. ami t'oant ternin.
h Aotnn Korditn Minietrr.
tr ileon's programme In welding
trcether the eeonomic and terri:ortal
at ipoatione. the newspaper aajs.
1mpj trermarv e drevtora to accept a
ut p-vace. for they fear a boycott after
Vm aar abich would ruin them. Trot
iky greture encourage them to pro
loe th-tr war of eontaeet through the
fMatt.ltty of obtaining provision la
Ue Tempo comments oa each of the
1 ir prtnctpls laid down by President
, v- ' "? -' .- -
,. xt, "- ' -- ''' '"' t 3
- . ft ' - i : r- ' 1
Ilood KlTer Co-operative 'Agency
Distributes About $100,000.
HOOD RIVER. Or.. Feb. It. ( Spe
cial. ) Members of the Applegrrowers'
Association are this week receiving;
checks that will total approximately
lluu.uuli, a distribution by the co-operative
agrency on all fruit delivered from
the 1917 crop.
Total advances made by the apency
on different varieties are as follows:
On Spftzenbergs. Delicious. Arkansas
Flacks. Ortleys, Oregon Reds and Red
Cheeks, 80 cents per box on all grades
and sizfs: Newtowns and Black Twigs.
Tu cents per box; all other varieties, 0
The association announces that all
pools have been closed on many Im
portant varieties. Final statements
have also been issued oa the 1917 pear
crop. "
. Hi- H f-1
f LSi l J II 1.0
TAKE YOUR S. & H. STAMPS They are a price saving on
every cash purchase and promptly paid monthly charge accounts.
We carry a
full line of
Gasoline Test
- Sets
for testing
' batteries,
Chemical Ther
mometers Household
A Real Rubber Store, Ours
Sickroom and household needs
the very finest grade of 'Para
rubber a guarantee of quality
with each.
Hot Water Bottles: Fountain, Bulb and Douche Syringes;
Invalid Rings; Air Pillows; Gloves; Sheeting; Atomizers;
Reasts F. rhladarea. Serceaat Aatoa B. Cklndarea.
MOIAIXA. Or, Feb.'lJ. (Special. Sergeant Anton B. Chlndgren. of the
20th Engineers, son of Mr. and Mrs. .P. O. t'hlndgren. was on the Tuscania
and was amonsr those rescued. He was a student of the O. A. C. and member
of the alee rlub of that Institution.
Keuben F. Chlndgren was alsu rescued froth the Tuscania. He was a stu
dent of the Colton HiKh School and left in hla senior year to enlist la the
l'lth Knglneers.
has been taken out by tha men enlisted
In the L'ntvervlty class In ordnance
stores accounting this week. This Is
the first of the three ordnance classes
conducted at the I'nlverslty this year
to take out the Insurance, while they
were on the campus, as the two former
elasses were not enlisted until after
they had finished the course-
It has been announced that the
fourth class, which I to open March
II. with an enrollment of men. will
ba uniformed and outfitted at Van
couver before starting their work here.
Tha present rlass will complete Its
work here In abut two weeka and
will then ao to Portland to study the
methods of storms;, handilnr and ship
pins; Koods In v lnu Industrial plants
that city. From Portland tnty will
so directly to the arsenals and supply
depots lu whl h they may be assigned.
Wm side Pacific Illchnay Will Not
lie Improved Till Year.
ORFTSOV C1TT. Or, Feb. 13. Spa
clal. No etata money will be expend
ed on the Pacific Highway between
Oregon City and Portland, on tha west
side of the Willamette, this year. The
state'a appropriation for Clackamas
Countv will be spent, under contracts
already In force, between Oregon City
and the Marlon County line. It Is also
possible that no money will be spent
on the west side next year, though such
possibility rests on the action of the
County Court, according to Jlmon Ben
son. who urged the county to place the
road In condition to receive bard sur
face. It Is the urtoa of the Highway
Commission to pave six miles between
Oregon City and oweo In one con
tract In 1M9. providing the road Is In
condition to receive the hard surface.
the Army, Including munition plants,
ordnance depots, storage plants, port
terminals.' hospitals, aviation work,
cantonments and housing were dis
closed In a statement given the Srn
aie military committee today by the
War. Department. The work will cost
a total of :'iiS.650.nnii, ana, while some
of the projecta had been announced
before. In most rases the location and
cose had not been given.
The statement shows that S3T.noo.000
will be spent in building a gas-makiag
plant at Kdgewood. N'. J, while 40 In
terior atorage depots, to cost an ag
gregate of 3').oi.oo, are to be erected,
and at unnamed points on aviation
work. Including a new cantonment, the
location of which was not given, Jli,
Ooo.Gut! will be expended.
For housing for the Shipping Board
to relieve congestion In shipyard com
munities the department plans to ex
pend 145.0OU.0uu. This will represent
a part of the SO.oeo.i00 for this pur
po provided In a bill m-hlt-h pated
the House today. In addition to this
ISV0.000 a ill be expended at Newport
News, Va, for housing the negro steve
dore regiments engaged there In load
ing vessels.
About the same time It became known
that President Wilson, who Is unalter
ably opposed no the committee' bill
for a war council and a munitions di
rector, plans to begin tomorrow a scries
of conferences with members of Con
gress. Republican and f emocral. call
ing them to tha White Housa to discuss
Coos County Candidates Well Quali
fied to Hold Position.
MARSHFIELH.' Or.. Feb. 12. (Spe
cial.) Three Democrats have an
nounced their Intention of seeking- the
nomination for Sheriff of Coos County
and the three-cornered fight will be
ona of much interest before the prima
ries are held. Sheriff W. W. Gape,
by reason of possession. Is considered
by many as having an advantage. He
has held the office for several terms
with one Interruption.
J. M. Tfeomas, of North Bend, has
been deputy game warden for several
years and made an enviable record
while serving. -Walter Kichardson. of
Marsh field, has served on the police
force and as deputy sheriff and busi
ness men's night watchman and Is well
qualified for the place.
War Board to Handle All Drives to
Be Conducted in Future.
LA GRANDE. Or., Feb. 13. f Spe
cial. Union County Is organised to
conduct war drives as probably no
other county In the state is. At a meet
ing attended today by 93 men, repre
senting all sections of the county, a
complete organization to handle all war
endeavor was formed. ',.
G. L. L-arlson, of La Grande, is
county chairman; H. E. Cool id ge, coun
ty secretary, and James Hutchinson, of
L'nion. treasurer. There are 15 sepa
rata and distinct subcommittees, each
with a chairman who is a member of
the county organization known as the
county war advisory board. I
L. J. Blackney Shows First Signs
of Life Since Hit on Head.
ABERDEEN, Wash., Feb. II. (Spe
cial.) After being unconscious for
seven full dsys, U J. Rlakney, boom
man for Wilson Bros., who was struck
on the head with a windlass handle
Monday morning, February 4, showed
his first signs of regaining conscious'
ness yesterday.
Special Reductions
for This Week
Desk Sets Specially Priced
Serving Trays y4 Off
Candlesticks & Off
$1.00 Egyptian Complexion Lotion.
white or flesh, 3 for 2.50
25c Miolena Hand Lotion, 3 for 65
25c Purodor Antiseptic Deodorant, 3
for 65d
Wood-Larl Bandoline, assorted col
ors, 3 for 40
S1.25 Toilet Water, Tanty, Paris 88d
50c Smelling Salts 23d
25c Listerated Antiseptic Tooth Pow-
der, 3 for 65
10c Jergen's Rose Lotion Soap, 3 for 25
10c Jergen's Old-Fashion Butterrfiilk
Soap, 3 for. , 25c"
10c Genuine Oliye Oil Castile Soap, 3
for.. 25d
10c Imperial Peroxide Soap, 3 for. . . - 25d
10c Almond Oil Bath Soap, 3 for 25
10c Shah of Persia Jf ure Olive Cas
tile Soap, 3 for 25
50c Listerine .... 43 C
$1 Nuxated Iron 90d
25c Kipan's Tabules 22d
25c Dioxygen 22
50c Garfield Tea. . 45
50c Ayer's Cherry Pectoral 45'
50c Cuticura Ointment.. 47
25c Weber's Alpine Tea 20d
25c Hamburg Breast Tea. . . 22
25c Murine Eye Salve 22
$1.00 Peruna ..89
$1.00 Danderine .893
50c Lavoris ... .45
75c Scott's Emulsion. 69f
50c Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin 45
35c Castoria . 293
25c Pierce's Pellets 23d '
$1.50 Fellows Syrup -1.35
50c Cascarets 43
MAg SMALL 4-700-HOMr AH"
.AJwy S. H." SUmp First Three Floor.
Austrian Columns Torn
Fierce Artillery Fire,
Klnknev'a unrnnftfTlntiH Tirfrw
legislation lvln him power to effect . 4monK the lonRest known at local hos-
J. C. renne-y Not lo F-Mabllxh 0
Morra as Plannrvl. Is Announced.
LEW1STON. Idaho. Fen. IS.' Spa
rtaL C. A. HIsnrhaM. local manaaer
for the J. C I'enney Company, oprlat
Inc li atorea. located principal) in
cities and towna in tha West and Noith
west, has returned from a three weeks
stsjr In tvtlt l.ake City, attendli.r the
annual convention of sales suaoasjirs
of tha corporation's stores.
Mr. Blanchsrd said: "At this meetlnr
lt waa decided to add to the chain SO
more stores. The oria-lna! plana wre
for additional atorea. but war cordl
tloos caused a complete chanse."
Horn! Itlvcr Yonfh III.
HOOD RIVHR. Or, Ten. U. Spe-
I rlall Mr and Mrs. T. H. Place, of
V ilon. sauna- the first Imi I'.ea that I Koadside fruit farm on the West Sid'.
fh entente ailiea cannot recoa-ntsa any I have lust received a letter from their
arrsnaemert Imposed by violence orison. Henry, m-mber of the Jnth Enal-t-lrkerjr
which i-retcsds to regulate the neers. stationed at a Virginia canton-
'-t.ty of people according to the j ment. who announces that he Is eon-
c-it totere-ts ii a dynast, ret e or fined to a military noepiiai at Annapo-
a lf-etvled superior nation-
iulus J. Cllnkmbraril. Kanvlx-r and
Danker. Ill for I'a-t Year.
M FIELD. Or.. Teh. 1J ISpe-
f atlJoha i. ri inker. beard, rancher
a-d a late pioneer of this
--tirn, dicU at his home on Inlela
Cre-rk this sji--irnln. The deceased had
n ill for in past year. Mr. Clink
.rb'iM leave five children and a
widow, beside elsht brothers and
a. tera
A aotab! InrMeat In tha f:irfeen-k-.rd
family htxtory Is the fart there
bid been bo d-a-ha among hla brothers
and sisters la years. The deaed
as officer and director In the
peek of "h.u'hwestern Oregon, and a
sreraber of ar tha taaoale ordr. He
h one eon la tn- lltd tata Navy
at Xax 1 1 - 1 Xe Xuasrai wul taae
its. Md. Mr. Hla-. a graduate or the
Oregon Agricultural Coll'g'. where be
was familiarly known as "Heinle." waa
a star basketball piayrr.
Rrldrnt Dire.
Or, Keb. 12 !pe-
etall Furman Huihee, well-known
resident of Oregon Cltr. whose home
Is at Seventeenth afreet, died at the
Oregon City Hospital taia morning.
a(tr an Illness of several weeka The
funeral services are to be conducted
from tb Moos lodge room tomorrow
tt 1 r. H
" i
Walla W alla Farmer 'Tlr-.
TV A I -LA WA1XA. Wash.. Feb. It
'Special.) ieorga N. 1'lca. pioneer
farmer of thla section, died Sunday at
Dayton, where be waa visiting The
funeral waa he.d yesterday at Walts
burg. Mr. Rice waa 1 years of age
and a native of Missouri. H spent
over 4 yeara la this Mclloa Him
Uuw jb4 ! aoaa aurvlva.
such reorganisation as he desires. The
bill the 1'resident had Senator Over
man Introduce last week and which he
talked over last night with Senator
Overman and Senator Nelson probahly
will bo amended by the Judiciary com
mittee and sovn brought before the
Renewal of the Senate debate on the
bill, which has been suspended for a
few days. Is scheduled for next Thurs
day, oenstor James, of Kentucky, an
Administration spokesman, giving no
tlce today that he would speak then
on "America and Her National le
fense. He will be followed Friday by
Senator Weeks, of Msssnchusetts, a
Republican member of the military
committee. In support of the Mils for
a War Cabinet and Munitions Director.
fterretary'a Testlaieay Kadrd.
Chairman Chamberlain, of the mili
tary committee, announced late today
that Secretary Baker probably would
not be recalled again for questioning
by tha committee, hla detailed state
ment on the ahipplng situation being
regarded as. making It unnecessary.
Secretary Baker, according to com
mittee members, submitted complete
Information regarding available Ameri
can tonnage and prospects of securing
allied tonnage for transportation and
supply of American forces sent abroad. I
Xoubt remains In tha committee,
however. Chairman Chamberlain said,
aa to whether Mr. Baker's Information
supports his statement that tha pros
pects were not unpromising for put
ting a million and a half American sol
diers In Europe this year. Mr. Baker,
In nts statement, reiterated the opinion
that but two tons gross, or l.ft tons
net. are required to maintain each man
In Europe. Senator Hitchcock recently
asserted Ave tons per wait are neces
sary. Although the Secretary's data will
not be made public, cnator Weeks Is
expected to make a general statement
In hla speech challenging some of the
Allied Teaaela Espected.
In his tonnage statement. Secretary
Baker, according to committee mem
bers, did not contend that 1.5(10. 0ll0
American aoldjera could be maintained
in Europe in 111 with present snip
ping facilities, bat expressed hope of
securing mora a lied vessels.
American tonnage now available, ac
cording to Secretary Baker's statement,
waa said to be less than the 1.400.000
tnna conceded by enator Hitchcock.
Secretary Baker's statement reiterated
hw contention that but two tons gross,
or l.a net tons, are required to main
tain each soldier In Europe. Senator
Hitchcock estimated It at five tons.
Also, according to committee members.
Secretary Baker's estimate that rhlps
can make the round trip In e0 i&ys
generally baa been exceeded.
A detailed statement ol cargoes car-
pitala. Now he Is consciour- only at
intervals. He has recognized some of
thos.e about his bedside. His chances
for recovery are said to be slight.
Chicago Tribune's Motion (o Dis
miss Libel Suit Denied.
GRAND RAPIDS. Mich., Feb. 12.
Circuit Judge Willis B. Perkins today
denied a motion of the Chicago Trib
une to diHmiss the $1,000,000 libel suit
brought against the newspaper by
Henry Ford, of Detroit. Judge Perkins
held that the suit was properly in
stituted in Grand Rapids.
Mr. Ford began suit after the paper
published an article discussing- his
peace motives.
The case involves incidents whirh
took place before the United fc'tates de
clared war tan Germany.
Logger Injured in Woods.
WOODLAND. Wash, Feb. 1J. (Spe
cial.) George Waldron, an employe of
the Tenny lagging Company near Ren
on Lewis River, sustainexl a fracture
of the right ankle and severe bruises
and contusions on his body and limbp
when struck by a flying log In the
wfiods yesterday. He was hurried down
on the steamer Etna, and was given
first aid attention by Dr. Hoffmann, of
Woodland, and then taken to a Port
laud hospital.
Attempt of Hun Forces to Push For
uu rfl nn Korth Front West of
Brenta River Repulsed
With Heavy Losses.
ROME. Feb. 12. The Austrians yes
terday renewed their attacks on the
northern front west of the Brenta
River, but were held In check by the
Italians. The Austrian columns were
torn to pieces by the Italian artillery
and tha attacks were stopped, says to
day's official statement.
The communication follows:
"rt. irw.reuOTri f tenting activity con
tinned yesterday morning on the south
ern slopes of Monte Sasso Rosso and
east of the Frenxela Valley. The ene
my pushed forward Important infantry
forces, which were located tn good
time and cut down by our artillery so
thst they could not develop any im
portant action.
KPRI.1V. via London. Feb. II. (Brit
Ish Admiralty, per Wireless Press.)
After a dav of lively artillery fire on
ih. sette t'omiinl Plateau on the Italian
front, the Austrians attacked south of
Sasso Rosso, clearing supporting post
tinna and cetiturinsr nearly 180 pris
oners, uw headquarters announced
Salem Man Lands Contract,
SALEM. Or, Feb. 11. (Special.)
The estate Board of Control today
awarded a contract to F. A Ertxon, of
Salem, for the construction of the new
pioneers' memorial building at Cham
poeg. at a cost of 11298. - Under the
terms of the bid. the - basement is
omitted and other changes In construc
tion will reduce the cost below the
f iOOO appropriation.
Vancouver Elks Unfurl Flafc
VANCOUVER. Wash, Feb. II. (Stu-
ciaL) With SO stars on it, tha service ther
flag or the Vancouver Lodge of Elka.
No. i-"3, waa unfurled at the lodge meet
ing with appropriate ceremony, in
which several members mada patriotic
talks and the orchestra played patriotic
Thrift Stamps Good Valentines.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. Sending of
thrift stamps as Valentines ie sug
gested to the public in a resolution In
troduced today by Representative
Lunn. of Xs York. ' '
One Girl Is Said to HaTe'Fallea Off
Piano Stool. While Other People
Are Badly Frlshteaed.
Out on Marquam Hill. In the Fulton
district, on East Broadway and on East
Belmont street near Fifteenth street,
the folks were "sure" they felt an
earthquake last night at 6 o clock.
Something happened, anyway, and for
a brief second it seemed as if the bot
tom had dropped out of life in general.
One girl is reported to have fallen off
a piano stool.
Downtown no one. so tar aa teamen.
felt a tremor. Tha Oregonian ottice
was besought Jot Information, and
when the good old explanation, so oft
used before, that they were dynamiting
something, somewhere, failed, a tele
graphic message to Goniaga University.
In Spokane, where a seismograph tells
the tale of the earth's nervous disorders
brought back this response:
"Instrument at Oonxaga University
shows normal markings up to this hour.
No evidence of earthquake anywhere."
Inasmuch a Mie seismograph wodd
have recorded the tremor, no matte
where it occurred, this evidence Is sub
mitted to reassure the fearful once more
tha there was no earthquake last night
in Portland, at least
Reports of the disturbance continued
to come from various parts of the city
during the ei'ening and inasmuch as
originated in widely separated
districts, the dynamiting; explanation
seemed unsatisfying. Aside from the
tumble taken by a young woman on
East Clackamas street, while she was
playing the piano, no other violent ef
fects of the alleged earth tremor could
be found.
Elevator Contract Awarded.
WALLA WALLA. JVash., Feb. 12.
(Special.) The Tumalum Lumber Com
pany has been awarded a contract to
construct a bulk, grain elevator at Im-
bier, Or - with a capacity of 100,000
bushels of gra'in. The company built
several elevators in the Grand -Ronde
Valley last year.
Dayton 3Ian Elected President or
Woolgrowers Association.
WALLA WALLA, Wash., Feb. 12.
(Special.) Ben Dickinson, of Dayton,
was elected president of the Wenaha
Woolgrowers Association here today.
S. V. J5avin. of Walla Walla, . was
elected vice-president: Elmer D. Bry
son, of Slater, secretary, and 1". A.
Van Hollebeke, of Eureka, treasurer.
The principal discussion centered on
the labor question. President Dickin
son said the shortage would be met
by boys and older men. T. A. Van Hol
lebeke declared that even $100 a month
would not bring forth the needed men.
Yakima has fixed the maximum salary
of herders at 70. The delegates went
on record favoring "pure-wool"
A feature of the meeting' was the
auction sale of a ewe. which brought
about J600. This money was given to
the Red Cross.
California, Arizona and Nevada hava
enrolled in the Junior Red- Cross ac
cording to reports which have reached
Red Cross division headquarters hera
from the three states, it . was an-
nounoed. . ...
The enrollment, according to Mrsj
Harry A. Kluegel. director of tha
Junior Red Cross for the Pacific divi
sion, was secured in the ftrst day o(
the membership drive which began to
day and which Is to continue until
Washington's birthday.
Munitions Traffic Chief Xanied.
SALT LAKE CITY. Feb. 12.---J. ' S.
Spelman. director of the Western Dis
trict Car Service Bureau of the Fuel
Administration, has accepted an Offer traffic manager of munitions for
the United States Government. . The
car service bureau with headquarters
here for Western states .will, .be
Five Companies Recruited In Coun
ty; Five Others Outside Portland.
Reports received yesterday from Coos
County that five home guard com
panies have been formed there and are
to be properly equipped, brought to
the mind of Acting Adjutant-General
John M. Williams the fact that there
are now in the state, outside of Mult
nomah County, 10 such units.
"There has been commendable activ
ity throughout the state lately," said
Colonel Williams, "in the matter of
forming home guards. Coos County
now has five companies. La Grande has
two companies. Baker two and Pendle
ton one. There are nearly 2000 of
these home protectors in the state out
side of Portland, and the number is in
Missing Portland Man May Be Lo
cated at Yuklraa, Wash.
TAKIMA, Wash.. Feb. 12. (Special.)
Chief of Police Gilmore has received
an inquiry from Portland regarding a
man who. for several years, has made
his home near the city garbage de
pository. The inquiry was signed hy a
son of John Klingersmith, who disap
peared from Portland about five years
The young man believes' the Yakima
recluse may be his father, though the
man here gives his name as Leader.
Local officials best acquainted with
Leader do not believe he is the missing
Portland man. . .
The moment you put
it on you say. Hello
to comfort and " Good
bye" to cramped toes,
crowded feet and the other
foot troubles that mar your
comfort and your peace of
mind. Here it is take a
good look at it:
Approximately 30 Per Cent of School
Children in Three States Enroll..
SAU FRANCISCO. Feb. 12. Approxi
mately SO 'per cent of the schools in
$6.50 to $7.50
Sturdy and serviceable and"
substantial isn't it? And
every bit as good as it looks.
Made on the famous Munson
last specified by the U.
Army worn by all our sol
diers and thousands of men in
civil life.
Our registered trade mark
BUCKHECHT is stamped
on every pair for your pro
tection. Buckingham & Hecht
Manufacturers Saa Fraaciseo
The Hurkhecht Army Shoe la
sold In Portland by C H. Baker.
In. other towns by principal
You Will Not Get Hurt If Sou Find
This' Number.
Porcelain Crowns....,
Porcelain Fillings....
22-K Gold Crowns....
22-K Gold Bridge.
......... $5.00
. . .$3.50 to $5
...$3.50 to $5
...$3.50 to $5
We Guarantee Onr Work.
ZZVz Morrison, Cor. Second Entire Corner JDr. Whetstone, Pre.