TOE HORXIXG OREGOXTANV WEDVESDAX. FEKRUAR'T' 13, 1918. 3 VAR DEPARTMENT'S - AIRING GOOD TIG Secretary Baker Is Forced to Make Number of Import ant Changes. GRAFT "WILL BE CUT DOWN PIx'kMm of Incompetence and .M l-inanagrnirnt Msde by Sena tor Cliambrrlaln and Reed Will Be Benefit to Country. OREGON! .Of NEWS BCBEAV.Wu. tngton. fh. ii. Though Consrress. of course, will not pax the Chamberlain bill creatine a war cabinet and pro sldinr for the appointment of a direc tor of munition, raax-al chances are beinc wroucht In the War Department which are the direct result of the fight that!nptl over these two bills and rulmintted In in speeches of fccnalor Chamberlain aad Senator Kecd. And as th .result of .the. airing ,th Tvr Wpsrlrnerit has received at the liands of these two (Senators, the coun try Indirectly and the Army directly til benefit materially and promptly. In the matter of iro-oDinctency. which was lat't bar by 8nator Chamberlain jt.-ill v. seerets.rT" letter baa been S rred to make Important cbt&i'l of personnel, and other changes are to f llnw. Incompetents who have been licldlna- hi an. office either bare been relieved of responsibility or will be displaced by mtre competent men. and the central Lastly that prevailed up te ry recently will disappear. t.raft to Be t'ot Dns, As to craft, or Incompetency la the n.cotiation - of contracts, which was upon more particularly by for llltchco.-.. thst also will diminish, for assin publicity has' been threat ened If unwise, financial moves .are mad in the future provided benator Jlltchcorlt ran set at the facta. Graft cannot be entirely eliminated: It aeemi be a part of every war Admlnlstra tion. regardless of politics: but It can be held down to a minimum. The speeches of fenator Chamber lln and Hitchcock, jonsldered wllb trial has been glan before the eienat committee on military af fair, save served to point to two prime reasons why the War Depcrtment, in a lsrce measure, haa "fallen dl.n." The first and Larccst cause has been the f-Mcrfrrenre of the Council of National Wfcn.e with the lecitlinate work of tne War liepartment. an Interference that ws made ptrl because jievre t rr riafter. In addition to beinc the eI of the Wir !epertment, baa also feces head of the Council. ay irsroaoa Jtsrtetr. It haa been noted that the Navy baa e.eaped most of the unpleasant noto riety that h-s been heaped upon the ar tcpartiiient. The reason la plain to those familiar with the bin- liovero ment -machine at Washington. The 'avr. In a word, did not permit -the Council of National Defense to Inter. f'M with Us business. When tne Navy waa ready to let corirracta It did not consult the Council of I'eenee. whether 1's contrscts were for rhlpii. for cloth Inc. for supplies or for ammunition. Through Its Wmg-eslabllsiiod bureaus tlm'Navy Wpartment, sine our en trance Into the war, haa conducted Its purchasing evactly as It did In peace times, and the Council of Iefenee has had nothing to say about Navy con tracts. The result Is the Navy la get tg Its ship with reasonable speed, considering the upaclty of our ship yards and the demand for material. In the War Department a different situation prevailed it waa not only sanctioned but advised by Secretary linker. The Quartermastrr-Ueneral Is the official charged with purchasing ail Army supplies, uniforms, tents, etc His oftlce has been organise! to do this buying. But InstrsJ of letting the Ciuartermaater-faenerat buy the sup riles for the Army. Secretary Baker In sisted that the Council of National De tense pass upon contracts and pro posals, and. before long, the Council of Jefensc virtually had supplanted the Vusrtermaster-tjeneral. and waa direct ing all Armv purchases. situation from a military point of view la that the struggle haa narrowed down to the wrsterm front, of which the Italian, theater already' has been officially recognized as a portion by the allied chief. The final test of arms la to come on that front- Chairman Flood, of the House for eign affairs committee. In a atatement today aald that the President's address yesterday la approved bv almost the entire membership of Congress-. Next Drive Awaited. Re declared that he expected to se Important developments after the failure of the next Herman drive. The action of the Bolshevikl gov eminent." he added, "will not affect the situation. a Russia at this time owes the United ."tales 1187.77. 000. advanced for sup plies, which already have gone to Rus sia. Kor that sum the Government holds Russian bond. Whether thla vast sum will be a total lo.s to the United States depends on whether the ultimate government In Kassla decides to repudiate the debt. DAxrifrc. diving mkhmaids ARE AT ri.TA(.t, x v - - 1 r e. ' '- y - 4 sjl 1 . " Lf ' ' " i - a. " ' v x- - r f Y t ! SECRETARY BAKER'S CRITICS INFO filED Defenders Mostly Men Not Touch With Progress of Hearings. in CONTROVERSY BRINGS GOOD Spewhc-s of Senators Chamberlain Hitchcock and Wadsworth Have Produced Results; Wholcouie Changes Are een. Tuortle Mayer. .TTith the reputation of being one of the foremost professional aquatic stars In the I'nltrd States, little Mayer, supported by her Ianclng. I'lvlng Mormsida, la at tracting much attention to the ' 1'antages programme thla week. !lss Mayer has been Instruct ress with some of tbo principal' athletic clubs in the country and. every other season or so she turns to vaudeville, where she is a welcome figure. Miss Mayer is Introducing her latest dance. "Keep K1u as aa incidental to the art. hlle her Mlsa Mver will be the guest Kf Mlaa Mtlle Schlolh. another swimming and diving In structresa. with whom she Is pop ular, and she will offer for the benefit of their classes her lat est dives and other aquatic (rata. RUSSIA BURDENS GERMANY fiat h,pon to havT in I'kraiol&n t-rritorr will b retatoed C (bur posts In accord ith mil unties in th c& of th etbh?hrnnt of nw govern-M-nt.t. but this cannot be tmksa to tttrn fTfQ m d fut-to recuffnttlon. inflict. roni'lrmstioo tbst s.thr franco or Ormt Itritsm hsd rscocnised tri new Ikraimaa govcrnmcot was stilt Uckics: tlKl-a. T na cm r thtpjrf in th whole Easy to Make This f Pine Cough Remedy ; A crewlt of $321.000. BOO waa establish. at the Treasury for Russia, but onl llsl,i9.000 waa used when payments were stopped. LONDON". Feb. 1J. Tne- Associated Press le Informed that the British gov srnmenc declines to recognise th treaty of pear signed between the central powers and tne delegate acting on behalf of Lkratne. AMSTERDAM. Feb. 1. German and Russian delegates at Petregrad, ac cording to a olepatch from Berlin, have signed an agreement calling for the earliest possible repatriation of prls oners of war unfit for military service- Owing to transportation difficulties Kusaia considerable delays are ex pected. Yen know that pine i need in aearTr 11 prrrriptMne ami remedies for roocSs. 1 he reason is that pine contains scer.l peculiar element that have a remarkable erTi-ct la fvlbims and heal in? toe membrane o tae throat sod Cirt. Pise is famous for this purpose. l ino rough evrtir are combinations of r"e sod strup. lue "syrup" part is ns ual'T plam (rranutatrd snear vvnin, .Nft'lim; hetser, but whv buy It! Yea caa cauv m.ik it vourself la Dve minute. lo Brsi.e t:ie"bext pine rou;lt remedy tSat mooer ran bOT. put 2't ounce rl t'ire-r I 0 rente worth) ia a mat rtle, aed fill tip with bo?re.naile surar svnin. 'Ibis c'" you a full pint more than v mi ran bur ready-made for It la' pure rood and very pleasant cbiMren tae it earerlv. i oo ra feel this take hold Of a eonra rr cold ia a war that means bns'nesa. 'Jae couri mar he drr. koarso and tirhv. rr mav bo pertt.-ntlT loose? from th formation of phlecm. Tae cause is tss snie isrlamed memran and this Tinet and tvrin. comhination will stop it nraallv ia H hoors or less, f-plrndid, , lor hronchtal tehnt, koaxscaese. any o.raaarv tnroal ailment. - -J'mrX 13 kie'.i!v enncrntrated cot foond of genuuie .orit pine extract,- na te Isrcot; .as wuria vex lot XLS prompt K-!ult.' l-are of auhstUutea. Ask Tone rlrrrff. ri f"T "2", ounce of Tincx" with di rertione.' and doat accept anvtiing else. Guaranteed U rive aeolute eatis f set, oe or mocee rtromotir reiajhlcd. 7io Hnex CCk. it otric, Iod. Clear Pimples With Cuticura And Be Happy saetss kM st sss ss LONDOV. Feb. II. Confirmation of tli tierman report that Russia has withdrawn from the war Is contained In an of ficlal Russian re celved here today. Fvwatler to Be Curded. The statement says Russia declares the war with Germany. Austria-Hungary. Turkey and Bulgaria to have ended. Russian troops simultaneously receiving an order' for complete de mobilisation on all fronts. For the de fense of the frontier some detachments of younger soldiers will be left. The negotiations of peace with the central powers have been ended, th statement says. The Russian delega tion refused to sign a treaty providing for annexattooa by Germany. Never theless, Russia will not continue the war with the Germans and Austriano, "workmen and peasants, like our selves." The text of the statement says: "The peace negotiations are at end. The German capitalists bankers and landlords, ' supported by the silent co-operation of the English and French bourgeoisie, submitted to our com rades, members of the' pence delega Hon at Brest-Lltovsk. conditions such ss could pot be subscribed to by the Russian revolution. "The government of Germany and Austria poaaess countriea and peoplea Vanquished by forca of arms. To this authority the -Russian pop4e. workmen and peasants could not give its ac quiescence. We could not sign a peace is hlch would bring with it sadness oppression and suffering to mtlllona of workmen and peasunta. La Baler rraee Hep S la ted. ""But we also cannot, will not and must not continue a war begun by Csars and capitalists. We will not and we must not continue to be at war with the Germans and - Austrian! workmen and peasants like ourselves. "We are not signing a pesic of land lord and capitalists. Let the "ierninn and Austrian soldiers know who gre placing them in the field of battle and let them, know for what they struggling. them know also that we refuse to fight, against them. Our delegation, fully conscious of Its responsibility before the Russian people and the -oppressed workers and peasants of other countries, declared on February In. in the name of the council of the people's commisairies of th government ,of the federal Russian re public to the governmetits of the peo ples Involved In war with us and of the neutral countries, that It refused to .n an annexationist treaty. Rupa. for its part, declared the present war with Germany and .Aus tria -Hungary. Turkey and Bulgary at aa end. "simultaneously." the Russian troops receive an order for complete demobil isation on sll fronts." The signature of Leon Trotsky and other members of the delegation are appended. 3 Couples Get Licenses to TVcd. CllEHALIS. Wean, Feb. IS. Spe cial. Marrlsjr licenses granted at Chehalls today were: Mack H. Miller, of Dryad, and Frances Stone, of Port land : Hen Streei. of Cedar Falls. Wuh.. and Zella Stacy, of Mayfield: Elmer Cab, of Bunker, and Bertha Wei be. of Tenioo, Wa-"h- Phoee your want arts to The Oreeo. nUn, -Main I97. A 'j3i, . OREGONIAN NEWS sJUREAU. Wash ington, Feb. 1. Criticism of the war administration, or of the War Depart ment. as voiced In the Senate of late, has come entirely from Senators who are members of the committee on mil itsry affalri and Senators who have been regult.r In their attendance at the hearings the cast month. The de fenders of Secretary Baker have been either Senators who are not mefnbers of the military committee or members who have stepped In occasionally to ask a few Questions and depart. When Senator Ch.-emberl;in delivered his speech in criticism of the man agement of the War Department he was answered Immediately by Senator Kirby. of Arkansas. Senator Kirby is one of the slacker members of the mil 'tary sffairs committee; he has seldom attended the hrings; he has not kept i ii ivucii will k u u run m icbiiiiiuiij , c . be did not hesitate to rush to the defense of Secretary Baker and the War Department. Ml 1 1 Isms Answers Hltrhrork. A few days later Senator Hitchcock. of Nebraska, delivered a carefully pre pared speech, basing his statements on the teetimotty of witnesses who have been before the military committ Senator Hitchcock haa been a regular attendant at the sessions of the com m It tee. lie was replied to by Senator Williams, of Mississippi, a Senator who. aside from not being a member of the military - committee, had been away from tbe Senate for several weeks and did not have any clear idoa of what had 'been gotns on. .Senators Chamberlain. Hitchcock and Wadsworth have been denounced by Administration supporters for their criticisms of the War Department; the criticism, however, has not gone to the points which these Senstors made against the war admlnislraton. The "replies" to Chamberlain. Hitchcock and Wadsworth have not been replies In fact: they have been a dt'fene of the military administration, uouched in generalities and dealing largely with what Is going lo be done. 5-seeches Prawaee Result. But the -controversy has done good: the speeches of Senators Chamberlain. Hitchcock and Wadsworth have pro duced results For instance nnlv a few days ago the Secretary of War ordered tiie commanding offlcera of ail the Army camps to have dully inspections made of the hospitals. Would that in spection have been ordered had not Senator Chamberlain fearlessly told tbe truth about conditions in some of tbe camp hospitals? The Aecreury of War two months ago had reports of Surgeon-General Gorgas detaillns; condi tions at the hospital, but Hint report brought no action from thoihead of the War Department. It was only when Senator Chamberlain bruught to the attention of the public conditions hat weye unbelievable that the Secre tary of War acted. I was only when Senator Chamber lain and a few other Senators on his committee laid Uare the inadequacy of the quartermaster department that Genersl Sharps was relieved of that command: it was only when it had been demonstrated that the Ordnance Corps was unequal to the task Imposed upon It that General Crozler was relieved as chief of ordnance. Vet the fact that these officers did not measure up to their respective Jobs must have been known months ago to the Secretary of w ar. Arsay Meat Favor Bills. As for the two Chamberlain bills that precipitated the Army row in the Sen ate, they are -both favored and were largely suggested by practical and trained Army officers; they represent the Judgment of officers who have the good of the service at heart: not men who are striving for personal advan tage. Tbe Chamberlain bills, if left to vote of the officers of the regular Army, would carry overwheitningiy GARLANDS OF LOVE GIVEN Qnt!nurd From Firet Pa j. V gan and William C. Batrs declaimed the Gettysburg speech. A quartet, includ ing l. B. Crandall, Cecil Crocker, X. E. Qulpley and M. Rorison, sang: pa triotic songs and the audience joined in singing "America." CONGRESS HOXOKS LINCOLN" Senator Lewis Delivers Eulogy; Get tysburg Address Read In House. WASHINGTON". Feb. II. Abraham Lincoln's birthday anniversary was observed In both houses of Congress. Senator Lewis, of Illinois, delivered an eujpgy, and in the House Representa tive Johnson, of Kentucky, in whose district Lincoln was horn, was called to the chair to preside while Repre sentative Russell, of Missouri, read the Gettysburg address. Senator Helson, In a brief speech, also eulogized President Lincoln, after which the Senate adjourned until to morrow. Germany's war lords were scathingly denounced and Americans urged to fight for "the democracy implanted by Lincoln and advanced by Wiison,v in the address of Senator Lewis, of Illi nois. The German peace offers were declared to be only a "ruse to murder." Struggles of the world's democracies to retain their liberty were recounted by Senator Lewis, quoting the Ger man poet Goethe, "that those who have liberty must fight to keep it." He re ferred to President Lincoln "aa the apostle of the liberty of man and the standard-bearer of the democracy of the world." This Nation's progress and freedom, he declared, "is the world's Inspiration for Republican government." FRIEND OF LINCOLN SPEAKS Dunham Wright Tells of Boyhood Associations AVltli Emancipator. LA GRANDE, Or., Feb. (Spe cial.) One of the speakers at today's Lincoln luncheon given by the mer chants of the city was Dunham Wright, of .Medical Springs, this county, whose mother was a sister of. Nancy Hanks. Mr. Wright spoke tenderly of his boy hood associations with the Emancipator. At tho recent fire In the Medical Springs Hotel Abe Lincoln's first Bible went up in the flames, a fact Mr. Wright regrets keenly. O'CONNOR DELIVERS EULOGY BSBSSSS Irish Nationalist Leader Says Xante of Lincoln "Flaming Torch." SPRING FIELD. 111.. Feb. 12. In a Lincoln day address here tonight, murkinir the celebration of the mar tyred President's lOitth birthday anni versary, Thomas Power O Connor, Iri.-h Nationalist leader in the British Parliament, declared the name of Lin coln to be a "flaming1 torch" firing- the patriotism of every American, whether at home or facing death on the battle fields of Europe. LINCOLN . DINNER HELD REPIBLICAX C'Ll'B PAVS TRIBUTE "TO GRKAT EMANCIPATOR. i -i 8 oke "not as a father butas an eider brcther." He addressed the bovs elo quently and Inspiringly, quoting many passages from Lincoln. Diligence, tem perance, truthfulness and loyalty were advocated. Mr. Day warned the boys and the guests against suspicion and eatousy and all pettiness and upheld the principles demonstrated in the life of Lincoln as the Ideals toward which the young men of today may work. 1'rozeeeor J. w. Daniels, who pre- Ided. called upon the school for number of songs and quotations. .The orchestra played several selections Special praise was given by J. A. Hill Professor Daniels. Professors Peck hum and Gavin. Colonel Patterson. Mile. Blnne and Miss Sanborn of the faculty. Dr. J. W. Hill made a brirf address. Hugh Horton recited with excellent xpression Lincoln's Gettysburg ad- ress. Little Charles Wortendyke, one of the primary cadets, won honors In Is resd:ng. "Advice." Mrice Kinney, f Forest Grove, was another of the ounger cadets w a o participated. Alexander Berger. of Alaska, sang and ave a reading. Donald Aust Ire's oration, "Lincoln.' Alfred Burklund's "tTnlon and Liberty: ernon Johnson s "Landing of the Pil- rims and Raymond Wrotens reel tation were well presented. Others participating In the . Intereittirsr pro- ramrae were Gael Green. William oung. Carson Niles and the HK1 or chestra. Professor Daniels hrld an nformal reception afterward and he parents and friends who were uests for the occasion. A salute to he flag and the singing of the "Star- pa nglet Banner closed toe pro ramrae. ' ANCOVVER OBSERVES DAY Youns Men's Republican Club Holds Appropriate Eacrclscs. VANCOUVER Wash. Keb. 1'. fSpe- dsl. ) Lincoln birthday wss observed with appropriate exercises In the Con gregational Church here tonight at S clock and the programme was well ttended. It was given under the aus- s of tbe loung Mens Republican Club. B. K. Mulker. formerly superintend- nt of the Oregon Normal School at shland. Or., ants also a btate Senator, made the address, tn which he eulo- leJ Lincoln, his speech bringing orth vigorous applause many times. Mrs. Tfarrle Headee Presents ' Organ isafcloa With Service flag Cos. falsing 'Tweatr-rive Stars. An Impressive feature of the Lin coin day dinner given at the Orego Motel last nlt,"tit by the Kepublica Club of Oregon was the presentation to the club of a service flag by Mrs. Harriet Hendee. acting president of th Womens Republican Club. The flag contained stars in honor of members the organization who enlisted and re today In active war service. A. N Wills, president of the club, fittingly CKnowiedged tile gift of the emblem. Music for the occasion was furnished tiy the eterans quartet, an organiza. tion composed of four gray-tmired vet erans who fought In '61 and whose combined ages aggregate 299 years. A one of their encores the quartet sang 'l Know a lankee Man, the word for which were written by H. W. Sparks, of Forest Grove, the music-be-ing supplied by Professor Z. M. Par vin, one. of the singers. The other members of the quartet were: A. W Mills, Dr. E. J. Hall and W. N. Morse. Judge M. C. George, as tosstmaster, introduced the oratorical part of the programme with an elaborate eulogy of Lincoln. Other toasts given were "Abraham Lincoln, the Heroic Figure of a L'nited Nation.' Roscoe R. John son; "Lincoln, the Commander-in Chief," Acting Adjutant-General John M. Williams; "Lincoln, tbe Man of the Plain People." Judge W. M. Colvig "Lincoln, the Republican," George E. Frost, and "Lincoln, the Unionists," Arthur L Moulton. Messages of regret were read from Theodore Roosevelt, William H. Tatt, Charles E. Hughes, Senator UcNary. John Hays Hammond and Ralph K. Williams, National Committeeman. CLUB HOTARIANS ATTEXD LCNCHEOjr AT BE SOX HOTEL. slaent Speakers Address Men on PstrioUe Subjeetsi Many Fsthers Bring Seas. Tributes to Lincoln and honor to the fathers and sons of the country were paid at' yesterday's luncheon of the Rotary Club at the Benson HoteL The crystal room was filled to capacity by tiie Rotarians, and many gt the fathers were accompanied by their sons. C. B. Waters, president of the club, presid ed. and R. U Sabin was chairman. Or. W. B. HI neon, pastor of the East Side Baptist Church, reviewed the fathers and sons movement in an elo quent address. Another speaker was Will M. Cressy. of the Orpheum cir cuit, who is one of the original Four Minute Men appointed by resident Wilson with the United States as hi territory. Nelson G. Pike of the Board of Education, gave a recitation partic ularly appropriate to Lincoln a anni versary. Approximately 69 members of the Rotary Club will leave at 7 o'clock this morning to attend the Northwest con ference of Rotary Clubs. The delega tion wul strive to secure tbe next con ferenee for this city. THE "BLOOD AND IRON" POLICY Is Important In peace as well aa In war. Every man and woman who would be a winner and not a slacker should have the strength of Iron in tbe blood. Tbs new Iron tonic, Peptlron, com bines this valuable metal in medicinal form so that It Is sasily digested and readily assimilated- Peptlron also In cludes pepsin, nux. celery, gentian and other tonics sedatives for the nerves, digestives and Carminatives a health- giving medicine In convenient pill form. Take It for anemia or thin blood. paleness, nerve debility, brain-fag. One Of two Peptlron after each meaj will quickly tail a story of marralous ttsuliav Get it iouajr, Ad. . SILKS ;4 From the Orient Just received by direct shipment through the Portland Customs-House yesterday afternoon. Con tracted for more. than a year-ago and delayed in shipment hene offered AT SPECIAL PRICES With silks at their present high mark, this is a most extraordinary event.. and silks will be wonderfully popular this' Summer. PLAIN PONGEES , S1.19, $1.39, $1.59 ' In the newest and most wanted natural colors. Some a full yard wide and others 33 or 34 inches. Splendid weights. PRINTED PONGEES . $1.09, $1.59, $1.89 The popular silk for outdoor wear. There will be a tremendous demand for these silks in a few weeks, and if you are foresighted you will buy now. Lovely polka dot and ring dot patterns; 33 inches wide. White Shantung $1.67, $2.19, $2.69 The lovely; oyster, white that is so becoming', and so handsome. For' suits or skirts or dresses 33 and 34 inches wide. . 7L Missbb"sbBb1s""""ssi 36-Inch HABUTA1 SILK White Only 67c 87c 97c , Second Floor . -Lipman, Wolfe & Co. cTMerchandise ofcMeril Only" ' SMILAGE COMES NEXT DRIVES -OP ROTARY CUBS BEGINS OX 5IOXDAY, Books of Tickets Prepared to GlTe Sol diers Chance to Enjoy Amusement .features ta Csatonmeats. Beginning .with next Monday morn ing the smileage book drive, will be con ducted in Portland for four days under the auspices of the Rotary Club. This is a National affair and these books are being sold all over - the United States under the auspices of the Rotary clubs in the different cities. The MilitaryK entertainment Council, appointed by , the Secretary of War, has originated a type of book of tickets that ; members of the soldier's family and his friends may send to him at the front. The books are made up of coupons somewhat like trie mileage books of the railroads, and come in two sizes, 20 coupons for $1. and an other size, 100 for Jo. These coupons will1 be good for payment for seats at any performance in any camp the ater. Probably, as the movement grows, they will be made good also for certain other and similar uses. Four comedy companies have al ready been assigned to the circuit of Army cantonments, and these enter tainments have been arranged so that the shows will be varied and will not be along the same line. Between the professional offerings there are to be regular amateur pro ductions, so that the men may have an will be able to provide suitable pro grammes for themselves. These books will be for sale in the downtown business district and every one will be given -an opportunity to do their share. Choral Society to Give Concert. GRKSHAM. Or., Feb. 12. (Special.) The Ores ham Choral Society, Joseph A. Finley. coTductor, Mrs. J. E. Clanahan, accompanist, will give its first concert in the opera-house tomorrow evening. Miss Goldie Peterson, soprano; Mrs. J. A. Finley. soprano: Mrs. Ethel Meade pianist, and Harold Moore, basso, and the Aeolian Male Quaret, of Portland, will assist. The chorus numbers .26 voices MesdamesE.- W. Ay Is worth, L. K. Backstrand, .C O. Branson, ' J. N. Clanahan, James Elkinston, Myrtle Myers, C. A. Radford. J. C. Schultz, F. C. Todd, Misses Efitie Bradley, Grace Hartley, Emma B. Johnson, Gladys Neal. Winnifred Osborn, Mildred St. Clair and Henrietta Wiles, Messrs. Dr. J. E. Clanahan, W. E. Child. L.. R. Mallr- cort. Glen Rusher, Charles St. Clair, L. H. Stone. W. E. Townsend, Leslie Walrad, Lesley Wiles. Several Portland sing ers, members of the Portland Oratorio Society will assist in the chorus. . Perdu Woman Sets Record. P.OSEBL'RG. Or., Feb. 12. (Special.) Miss Evelyn Hanks, of Perdue, a small settlement in this county, has the distinction of being the largest indi vidual buyer of war savings stamps, having purchased $500 worth. A cam paign is on among the school children of this city for the war cause and many are investing. : , of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Mawhirter were married in Chehalis January 27, 190S. The complaint charges the de fendant with cruel and Inhuman treat ment. Plantiff alleges that in Novem ber, 1915, her husband forced her to leave her home. Phone your want ads to The Orego- nian. Main 7070, A 6085. Cliohalls Woman Asks Divorce. 'CHEHALIS, 'Wash., Feb.' 12. (Spe- active part in the enterprise and sotcial.) Irene Mawhirter has filed a suit that when tney sro to tne rront tneyiror divorce against iviarK aiawiurier. The "Smart Set" CIoYerleaf Four Passenger A Style that's Irresistible A Value Unexcelled D. C WAKKEN MOTOR CAR CO, Distributers. 58-60 North 23d Street. VEIJF. MOTORS CORPORATION, Mofiae, ISL laiiilllijilllpias I I hill? Wiiiiitiii iiiri:lltiiiiii;i.. l'li ir iliijgrlil 11 "in i i'I1 ii, ; iiiiiiii .n Liu i.mi i . ! S a PRESENTING I j Jf TO YOU VI THE NEW o I 1st ( PRESENTING TO YOU THE NEW Spring Modes IN OUR Ladies' Custom 1 Tailoring Dept. Never - have we seen such 2 charming designs in suits and I coats as there are here in the o Custom Tailoring Department. I Come and have your new Spring garments made especially for you (in the modes that suit you best. It's true economy. Seventh Floor. Sjitmuxt&clie Qx J'HarcWUs J Merit CM HOOVERIZE AND KCONOMIZE. Send Us Your Old Rugs, Carpets and Woolen Clothing. We -Will Make Von Those Kverlast ias; Westers Brand Reversible, Hand - Wovea Fluff Rugs "They Wear Like Iron." PHONE! t'S AND Ot'R DRIVERS WILL CALL. Ont-of-Tons Patrons Sean for Descriptive Booklet. Freight Paid Both Way Mall Orders Western Fluff Rug Co. 54-KS I'nlon Ave. N, Cor. Kaat Davis. Phones East 6516, Home B 1475, WE DO SCIENTIFIC CARPET CLEANING. RAG RUGS WOVEN. ALL SIZES.