Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 13, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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British Premier Sees No Sign
of Peace Teuton Allies
Declared in Accord.
Jttth Takr rodtion That Prtl-
d-nt VHo Dlcr Imlnatr Janflj
la Regard to I'ltrmmr of On
. tral MatlooV 5pul.rn.
trON"DON rbt 15 A41rln th-
Tfno of Common fjr. Premier
I.loy4 on rM h hi rcS with
profntri disappointment th repll
t atvn to Frtdnt W.ln an4 lo ttt
driarttoQ of ta FrttUh ioTrnment
br Count on Hrtllnj. th (irrman
t'haarvjlor, aicl Cunt Cirnln, tb
Jknetro-Hurtvarlan Forn Mini.
Th FTnur 111 U u perfectly
trn thai a rrd- th ton thr
". a vft cji of 1iffrrc bctvron
th two t'ghM and bita4 b could
bWfv thr waa a dlffrnc In th
i)h(nr. Wbfn It ram to th rtl
uhsunr of thm allt' demand. h
aJd. Count Civmln aa aJmoU
r U ar raeta Held Barlu
. Rcardtnc th aaprm war council,
Mr. Lloyd Ctaorvv said It waa Impotil
bl to mk a ataiwmnt as to tha d
t rt'tona It rach4 without gtvlfiff In
formation to tha nm!r.
A cn oTorrl dnrinc Trrmlr
I I.lod ori' remark a in hb ti
tltn4 to dtvuiK i ha d tana of
th inprfnw war ronnrtl information
wairh tba n(ny would pay aoy mony
to t.
A rot 'If t th chr1n. -frm.r A
autth roa to proiMi la the stroniTrst
lrmi acilnvl thr Inatnuatmn that hn
bad k-'J for iwh Information. Ha
datr to bnow only In what rvtct
tha funrtmns of fh cotntl had bcn
permanently enlarged, be aald. i
raoal laipataitoa Healed.
" Mr. Uod 0orjr Mid ho rejoiced In
repudtatlna any personal Imputation
and IhAt ha d-etred tu aiilidraw any
thlna whlrh acemed t aupport lucb a
!" aiieiMon.
The I'ramlar aald h wootd Uha any
member to point out any-thin In tha
; phea of Count Cierntn or Count von
Kert Una which poaetMy could bo re
' rardd aa proof that the central pow-
era were prepared to maka peace on
trnn whlrh could be regarded aa Just
and reaaonabla.
Mr. Uord lieora; aald thOTern-
snent stood by the considered, d --. a ra
liAn mad at th meet in a a with tha
trades union representatives early this
The sroTernrnent. ha added, did not
yeevte in tha least from Its war alma
aa t hy had ben stated. It wa no
1 usa, ba aald, crying peace when tnere
m no peace.
Germany action regardlnc Russia,
tha Premier pointed out. proved that
br declaration retrdinc no anneata
tiona had no rest meaning. No so
er bad been given regarding Pel
glum that could b regarded aa satis-
factory, ha declared.
. No anawer bad been given reganllng !
Poland or France, with her 1'KiUmai
ltm for the restoration of ber lot I
provinces, not a a ord bad ben said I
about the rt-n of the Italian race and
tort cue pow uadr the Austrian yoae.
In tit there was some better prof
than had bees provided In any of the
Speech ee to which he referred tht the
central powera were prepared to con
sider the alma and Meats for which
that the responsibility ba placed upon
other should re.
The cfcrtge in the military situation
brought about by the aendfpg of Ger
man troops from the easto the west
was a factor which rauat ba considered,
tha Premier said, and H was essential
that the whole strength of tha allied
army of Prance, Great Britain. America
and Italy should be made available for
the point where the blow would come.
Arrangements shouUl t made under
which tha allies would treat their
army as one to meet the danger and
menace, wherever it should coma.
Aaejnlfh Agree 1 lib 'eVIlaoav
Tn tha House of Commons today, ex
Premier Aetulth, commenting upon
President YYileon'a speech to Congress
yesterday, said tha Preetdent had dls
errminated piatly In regard to both
tone and a u beta nee between the dec
larations of the German Chancellor and
th Auatro-Oarman Foreign Minister In
1 their utterances regarding war alms.
Me aantitth aald It would seem, as
Me. Wtlaon remarked, aa though the
military party of Germany alone re
cted and would have nothing to do
with peace baaed upon the lines which,
it principle at any rate, all tha rest of
the world waa ready to accept.
The e-rremler assorted that noth
ing had been done or left undone which
had In the last shaken the confidence
of the nation In Field Marshal Halg,
th commander In Franca and Hclglum,
and In eneral Kobertaon. chief of the
Imperial staff, at army h idquartera.
Celebrated Treason Trial at
Paris Reaches Stage
of Arguments.
Oftlr Rmally.
of lh .ppolntment by Gov.rnur Withy
comix of J I. C. Atwrll. of For.nt tirove,
a mmbcr of th, fiat Hoard of
lloritrulturr. urcllnc J. V. Pomeroy
ProMKitor Will Today Make Appeal
to Court for Capital PnnlMiment
of rrenchman Notorious
on Two Continents.
: ,:
H ' ' :
t;- ' ,
I ;,.- -
lls av .-.. s U
if X-,. i
i JT-1 4-..,
e 11- C. Atwrll, lho la A a ablated a
e aa Mrabrr of atalo Boarel of 4
Agrtcalture. '
oitiiion a
of ScapXMe. mho hss held the office
during th paM four ytarf. hut who
resigned this week because of added
duttea aa manaaer of the Oregon Tairy
men's !eagtta In Addition to mansion
hi Urtre frutt and dairy farm at Ap
pooee. , .
As commUplonr for the first district.
Mr. Atwrll coms to the horticultural
(board highly recommended by the fruit-
iro em among whom he will work.
His appointment met with the general
approval of the fruitgrowers of the
talv Mr. Atwell lor a number of
year has taken a leading part In
tha all tee r ftKnttng. said Mr. Lloyd promoting the best lntreata of tha in
Corge. it would b the nation a re
grettable duty to no on and make
preparation nceneary In order to ca
tahhah international right.
It aaa true that be had stated In
ovvmler. be continued, that It waa
not intended that the 8irrme War
Council should have escuttve func
tions, but since then liuia had gone
out o' mar and a number of Sr-
Tnan dtviaiona had ben brought to the
wtern front from tha Kaat.
The actuation had be. -urn very much
tnor menacing, and the alitee had m-t
at Versailles to consider the beet
methods o meeting that menace.
Tha Premier said that If the Mouse of
Commons waa not aatUkd ltn the
vond'wt of the war the only way
to change the goernmrt.
Fie. 4 Marsh 1 Mat and tVnTal KoH
ert.en. b added were pr--nl at the
tMtion of th siprem War Council
and arnrnved Ita tlriin.
The Premier declared that Germany's
violation of her agreement not to move
troops from the eastern front bad to
he borne in mind a hen there any
tf lsuton of terms of peace, because
It hd a real hearing upon guarantees.
The situation bad been changed com
pletely by those retnforcementa. be aa
aerted. The Premier requested the House not
to preee t be government regarding the
arrangemenia made for countering tne
coming blow of the tirman.
9witp of t tsaoat lasnejrtaace,
I'pon the decisions f the supreme
vf council, the I'remier reminded the
House, depended millions of gallant
Uvea, the honor and safety of the coun
try and trie war alms upon which the
future of tbe world waa dependent. If
Information tn thta particular were to
k atven to the enemv be would prefer
duetry. and it was he a ho took a lead
ing part In the campaign to establish
a central selling agency for Oregon
fruit, lie was for seversl years presi
dent of the Oregon Horticultural So
ciety and for two years waa manager
of the Forest Urovf cannery.
Mr. Aim.-ll will devote a greater por
tion of his tint-s to Inspecting orchards
and fruit In his district. He mill also
lend much of his assistance In promo
tion work. Mis district comprises Mult
nomah. Washington. Clackamas, Yam
hill and Clatsop counties. He will -sums
bis new work immediately, the
sppointment having taken effect Mon
day morning.
II- is the fifth member of the Ftata
aa J Hoard of Horticulture, there being one
member from each of the five horti
cultural dtstrlcts of tha state.
Alkali in Soap
Bad For the Hair
Taxi lrlrrr Claim KaKfrnr of Fend
AMili Ii lie W ill Not luteal.
TACOMA. IVaah b. II. (Special.)
A ffud of nior. than a year' exift
.m brtwrrtt l'aty Mathrwn. Tacoma
taxi driver, and rnrmlra mhom he re
turns to rrv'il to thu polU'e broke
out asaln rsrlv today, when a fltlrk
of dnanitt waa cxplmlrd beneatb the
bdrtoin m-!nri- tf Matheaon'a home.
.th-on wa. not aleepina in the room,
but ht two .mall children were there.
The dynamlf wa placed .o far away
from the home that It did no aerioua
danuc. othertdan to dla- a hole In
the earth. ahAtferlnc; tha window and
tnr a board off thu side of the build
In a.
Pp ahouM b uaed rery carrfully. If
you want to keep your hair looklnc Ha
be.t. Most aoapa and prepared sham
poo contain too much alkalL This
drlen the clp. niaaea th bair brittle,
and rulna It.
Th bet thine for Meady ue Is Juet
ordinary molaiflrd cocoanut oil (which
is pur. and srese!ea. and Is better
than th mo.t expensive soap or any
thing else you can use-
tn. or two teanpoonfuls will cleanse
th. hair and scalp thoroughly. Klmply
looletea th. hair with water and rub It
In. It makes an abundance or rich,
creamy lather, which rinses out easily,
remevinc aery particle of dual. dirt,
dandruff and excessive 01L The hair
dries quickly and evenly, and It leaves
th. scalp soft, and the hair Ana and
silky, brle-bt. lustrous. fu.Ty and easy to
You can jet muletfled cocoanut oil at
any pharmacy. It's verv cheap, and a few
ounce will supply every member of tbe
family for months. Adv.
Caitallt lo Go to France.
SAN- KRANnSTO. h. 1. Ccorjre
R. Ix'nt. a retired capltallxt. and Fr J.
Itodrer. manaaer of a larice estate
' her, have left for Washington, whence
they will proceed to France tn the
eervlce of the American Ited Cross. -It
wax announced today by Marshal Hale,
m.mncer of the Pacific Division of the
f PARIS. Feb. II. All the evidence,
testimony and speeches by ltneses
In the case of Bolo 1'ajtha. who i on
trial for treason, and appsrently all the
other "affairs" now under Investiga
tion before the French court, had betn
concluded thta afternoon and tomor
row's sittlnr will open with arguments
of the prosecutor.
He will ask that the sentence of
death be Imposed upon Polo.
The trial was resumed today with
M. Doyen, an expert accountant, aeain
on the stand to refute charices inada by
Monsiicnor Bolo, brother of the defend
ant, that Doyen had dishonored himself
by falsifying a portion of his original
report on iiolo's activities.
The witness spoke wiih great re.oerve
and moderation, declaring merely that
he took exception "to the form in which
these criticisms were presented by a
who stranirely abuses tbe moral
authority conferred on him by the
elolh he wears."
Kxpert Aaawera rkalleaa-e.
M. Doyen then reiterated and ex
plained in detail the portion: of his
report which the priAoner's brother had
After M. Doyen had testified. Mon-
Ignor Bolo again took the stand and
reiterated his attacka of yesterday.
especially on the authentlcily of th
telegrams of Count von Kernstorff,
former Oerman Ambasssdon to the
L'nlted States, duplicates of which he
instated should he produced rather than
to rely on American State Department
When the prosecutor repeated, as on
Monday, that the American tlovern
ment should not be questioned, the
priest created a aensatiou by asserting
. "The American Government has not
the right to shoot my Innocent brother."
Maurice Villette, former Minister of
testified that the current
among parliamentary and
ministerial circles In August. 1317. was
that -no case would he found acainst
Bolo I'aaha, and that M. l'aloleve. then
Minister of War. had asserted that the
case did not warrant an arrest.
The last witnesses of the day re
counted the good deeds of Bolo Pa.sha
and Darius Forchere, "an . accountant.
whi Is a co-defendant with Bolo. and
also told of the personal feuds between
the newspaper men for and against
Senator Charles Humbert, former own
er of the Paris Journal.
One character witness for Polo. M.
Delanele. said he was surprised that
the Government had charged Bolo
with being a friend of Abbus Hilrni.
former Khedive of Kgypt, who. ft has
been charged, eent money to Bolo for
use In carrying on German propaganda.
"Why,- said Delan-'le, "President
Wilson ha. not yet said he was an
enemy of Turkey." Bars Dseaaaeats.
When M. Vlollette. In testifying, re
ferred to two documents sent in Au
gust and September, Id 7. by Prosecu
tor Mornet to Minister of War Pain-
leve, M. fall's, on behalf of Bolo
Pasha, demanded that the documents
be submitted to the defense. Tins was
refused by the court and il. Mornet.
Salles then requested of General Imi
hall, military of Paris, permission for
the documents to be added to the
docket. This request also was refused.
M. Vlollette said that Minister of
War Palnleve had Informed the coun
ell of II Investigating the question of
lifting tha parliamentary Immunity of
Former Premier Callleuiix' testimony
In connection with the case, that until
additional evidence was obtained from
America Bolo would not be arrested.
To this atat.ment Mornet replied:
"We readily admit that had America
remained neutral we could not have
got to the bottom of this case and
other cases and that Bolo today would
be walking the streets free."
In the opinion of prominent lawvers
present at the trial, the refusal to turn
over te two documents sent by Prose
cutor Mornet to M. Painleve may prove
a good argument for an-appeal to the
Court of Caseation if liolo is con
victed. ,
Abbas llllml Is an Ottoman. Owing
to his pro-German sympathies lie was
deposed by Great Britain in Decem
ber, 1911. Huasein Keutil succeeding
him and taking the title of Sultan of
After he was deposed Ahha Hilmi
visited Constantinople and Vienna and
also spent much time In Switzerland,
fine the Bolo Pasha ciue his where
abouts has not been made known.
deavorlng to have the Government
abandon Its plan of riving spruce in
forests of Clatsop County and banging
the bolts out with motor truck.
One of the Commissioners explained
the situation at the meeting of the com
mission today. He said: "The system of
riving spruce is not practicable. Only
one tree out of ten la fit for riving and
it is nothing less than a crime to split
logs for only a portion of the timber
to remain and rot In the woods.
"Loggers and those with experience
In marketing timber are unanimous In
the opinion that the Government should
build railroads into the woods and
bring out not only the spruce, but the
yellow fir timber as well, all of it at
one operation. If the Government does
not care to go to this expense, private
ownership will be willing to take the
responsibility If the Government will
aid them financially." .
Keg.latloa Requiring Vnlted State Of
ficer Pr.blrm, V. of O. Wanta to
Retala C'ol.ael Joaa Leader.
Feb. 12. iSpeclal.) Oregon may not
accept the reserve officers' training
corps rating for which It made applica
tion to the War Department and which
can be had whenever the university de
cides to take it. sr-cordlng to word
brought back from Washington by
President Carapbe. who returned Sun
day evening.
The acceptance of the rating depends
altogether upon whether or not the
training corps can be established here
and Lieutenant-Colonel John Leader,
commandant of the university battalion
and head of tbe department of military
science, retained tn command.
.rnder-the provisions of the National
defense act, by which the training corps
is provided for, the rating can be given
only to those schools which have an
officer In the Cnlted States Army of at
least five years' standing at the head of
the military department. The unlver
slty does not want to lose the services
of Colonel Leadtr, whose 23 years of
active service in the British army, two
years of which were spent on the west
ern fron'. In the present war, make him
especially qualified for the training of
young officers, however, and has under
consideration another plan by which
the work can be carried on as effect
ively without the loss of Colonel Lead
er. The plan under consideration would
enable the cadets to receive full equip
ment of arms and uniforms.
.j. -i m mm wit mi mjmH n ihbwh wn'.j vgjsmvi'Vtirs'Xvv UWiisViyilkyV -i
fc?re- ? J'wA3 PfeittJ-
ar. v.
Kctircl Capitalist, Too Old to Join
Arm j. Will Produce Food.
EfGEXE. Or.. Feb. 12. C Special)
Ralph O. Miller, retired rancher and
capitalist, today made preparations to
fitter the service of his country when
lie purchased the Lei berg ranch of 1329
arrea on the McKenrie. The demands
of the Nation for food have called him
back to the plow from a life of leisure
he had expected to spend In Los Ange
les after years of hard labor in build
in k up a fortune that insured him all
the comforts of life.
"I am too old to serve in the Army,"
he na id. 'I thought I could best serve
my country by huyinjr a farm and
bringing it to the highest state of pro
About 330 arres of the land included
in the Loi rx ranf h are under the
plow. The purchase price of the ranch',
which wuh owned by R. B. McKwen,
was 145,010.
The ROYAL Bakery
' working hand in hand with the United States
. Food Administration in the production of
Before many days our popular brands of Bread
Kleen Maid," "Royal Rapt
"Table Queen"
will make their appearance as full "Victory"
Bread. They are already conforming in part
to the bread regulations of the Government.
You'll like the wholesome way in which they
are being made the "ROYAL" way.
You can enjoy full "Victory" Bread now by
Order From Your Grocer Today
Martial Utterances Mark
Speech to Throne.
- t
Pianos, Player Pianos and
Talking Machines
T l inU IT. St. 4 nay TT
Vcrniont Man trf-t l'lacr.
rell. of Newport. X'l-. solicitor of the
Interstate I'ommerre Commission' bu
reau of valuation, was appointed chief
counsel of the "ommlssion today to
siu-ceed Joseph W. Kolk. who recently
revlicned to become counsel of th St.
Ixuia Chamber of Commerce.
MMse Plan to Spejid $00.000.
CXEVEX-lNP. Fet. 12. Members of
the war commission of th supreme
lode of th ljal Order of Moos
-aUierd here today to complete plans
for the expenditure of a IduO.OOO war
relief fund. At th same tim th loth
anniversary o( th National order waa
IIctmI Sltop Damaged by Fire.
BKXr. Or.. Feb. II. (.Special.) Fire,
whlrh apparently started from an over
heated ftr(. ImI niKht damatred tool
and machinery In th welding- and mat-tune
shop belonrllc; lo R R Riley.
Th ftre was discovered about 14
o clock. Th bulldlnc wa saved.
rtlea C seed la t 14 Dar
rr-n if-t'i rarmad money If PAZO OfXT-
xtt fills to rue Itrhma. B'lnd. Btoedln
Mrs, Elizabeth Ann Wit lice I'.i'
at Home of Her Daughter.
RliMbeth Ann Withee. who has been
a resident of Oregon for 33 years, died
at th hom of her daughter. Mrs.
8. H. ' Oraham. 1242 Garflel.i avenue,
yesterday at tha afte of 79 years, he
was born In New York and Inter movj-rt
to Nebraska, from where she came 33
year ago, and settled in lamnni
In August she came to Portland, and
had sine, lived at the home of
daughter. Mrs. Graham, who is her
only survivina; child.
Announcement of tbe funeral services
will be made later.
Message Written by Woman Before
Death in 1914 Finally Arrives.
PCLfTH. Minn., Feb. 12. Four
months apro rr. Aldon Cwl, of this city,
wax notified through the United States
Government that his wife had died
more than three years ago while flee
tn it -from advancing1 Germans In Rus
Hia. Their three children, who had ac
companied their mother to Kussia on
a visit, are misHinfr.
Today rr. Cwl received a registered
letter written by his wife four months
before her death and mailed October
29. 1914. 1'QHtmarks show that the let
ter had not left Russia until Govern
ber 9 last and that it reached New
York on February .
Perching Rceoninieiids Enlisted Men
for West 1'otnt Training.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 12. General
rvrshinc today informed the War De
partment that fto enlivted men of the
American expeditionary forces are can
didates for entrance to the West Point
Military Academy.
The President has authority by law
to appoint and keep filled a roster of
ISO enlisted men at the Academy,
Heir of Baron Rothermere Kied
From Wounds Received in Battle.
IjOXPON. Feb. 12. Harold Alfred
Vyvyan s?t. teorg"e Harmsworth, the
heir of Baron Kothermere and a
nephew of Viscount Northcllf fe. died
in lndon today from wounds received
in the battle of Cambral.
Lord Rothermere's second son was
killed in the battle of Ancre.
Home Guard Debt Vanishing.
K A LAMA. Wash., Feb. II (Special.)
Kiflam.tis rallying to the support of
the Home Guards and at a mas meet
ins; of the business men over $110 was
raised to help pay off the indebtedness
her i incurred by the purchase of rifles.
At the last drill meetins; 60 members
were present and a larire American
Flair, the gift of L. N. Plamondon, of
Woodland, and X. B. Chapman, of
Portland, was presented to the guard.
The Guard has been performing guard
cUity at night at the plant of the
Kalama Lumber & Shingle Company.
Ceremonies Mark Presentation
Vehicle to Tied Cross.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 12 Sons of
St. Geonr. an" organisation of men of
Brltifb birth or descent, presented an
automobile ambulance to the lied Cross
ber today. It was contributed by the
Pacific Coast- Jurisdiction and cost
mor than $1800.
Ceremonies In connection with the
presentation were held in Union
Squar. at the foot of a monument conr
memorattng Admiral ewcya victory
at Manila.
Commissioner of Clatsop County
Calls Waste of Timber Crime.
ASTORIA. Or, Feb. 12. (Preclsl.)
Virginian Xamed for Tariff Board.
WASHINGTON'. Feb. 12. Thomas W.
Page, of Virginia, 'was nominated to
day by President Wilson to be a mem
ber of the United States Tariff Board.
Professor Page now holds the chair of
economics at th University of Vir
ginia. He succeeds to the place on
the Tariff Commission resigned by Dan
iel C. Roper, when, the latter became
internal revenue commissioner.
War Insurance Subscriptions Big.
HOUSTON. Tex.. Feb. 12. Although
50i0 men short of war strength, unof
ficial figures show that Camp Logan
passed the $30u,000.000 mark in war
Insurance when the campaign closed
Invaluable to Singers and Speakers.
Brown's Bronchial Troches clear the
throat.eease voice strain, relieve cough-
Ruler Tells Parliament That I ntil
Honorable Peace Can Be. Made
It . Is Duty of Xalion to
Fight With Vigor. '
LONDON. Feb. 12. Members of both
houses of Parliament assembled early
today for the openinsr of the eighth ses
sion of the longest Parliament in mod
ern times.
King George, accompanied by the
Queen and the Prince of Wales, who is
on leave from the Italian front, per
formed the opening ceremony at noon
In the absence of some of the customary
spectacular features.
A number of American soldiers and
sailors saw the royal procession. One
group of naval men attracted His
Majesty's attention by their hearty
cheering and the King acknowledged
the compliment.
Walter Hines Page, the American
Ambassador, was present in the House
of Lords and a number of American
eorresponclents and visitors occupied
seats In the galleries., '
In his speech at the opening of Par
liament today King George said the
struggle had reached a critical stage,
which demanded more than ever the
full use ot the country's energies and
Doty of Britons Plain.
Until recognition is offered of the
only principles up'on which an honor
able peace can be concluded,' the King
declared, it is the duty of the British
to prosecute the war with all the vigor
they possess.
Following. is the King's speech:
"My Lords and Gentlemen The ne
cessities of war render it Imperative
for me, after but a brief Interval, to
summon you again to your deliberations.
"The" alms for which I and my allies
are contending were recently set forth
by my government in a statement which
received the emphatic approval of my
peoples throughout the empire, and
provided a fair basis for settlement of
the present struggle and re-establishment
of national rights and interna
tional peace In the future.
Teuton Government Obdnrate.
"The German government has, how
ever. Ignored our Just demands that it
should make restitution for the wrongs
it has committed and furnish guaran
tees atralnst their unprovoked repeti
tion. Its spokesmen refuse any obli
gations for themselves, while denying
rightful liberties of others.
"Until a recognition is offered of the
only principles on which an honorable
peace can be conciuaea. it is our auiy
to prosecute the war with all the vigor
we possess.
"I have full confidence that my
forces In the field. In close co-operation
with those of my faithful allies,
will continue to display the same heroic
courage and my people at nome tne
same unselfish devotion that have al
ready frustrated so many of the ene
my's designs and will ensure the ulti
mate triumph of the righteous cause.
'War Cabinet to. Meet.
"I have summoned representatives of
my dominions and my Indian Empire
to a further session of the Imperial
war cabinet In order that I may again
receive their advice on questions of
moment affecting the common Interest
of the euipire.
"Gentlemen of the House of Com
mons, you will be asked to make suit
able provisions for the requirements of
the combatant services and for the
stability of our national finance.
"My Lords and gentlemen, the strug
gle In which we are engaged has
reached a critical stage, which de
mands more than ever our united ener
gies and resources; - I confidently com
mend to your patriotism the measures
which will be submitted to you and I
pray that the Almighty may bestow
his blessing on your labors."
Montreal Police Start Crusade to
. . Round Cp All Slackers. ' '
; MONTREAL, Feb. 1J. Impressment
of draft evaders into military service
has been instituted here under Instruc
tion from Ottawa. Police squads have
been organized and every man who ap
pears of military age is being stopped
and questioned. If unable to prove
exemption, he is taken into custody.
Forty to fifty men were gathered in
Saturday and yesterday and today the
seizures continued. The men are
drafted Into depot battalions to await
calls from abroad.
Read The Oregonian classified ads.
Every Vlctrola owner
should visit. our sales
rooms. -Here you will find neat,
attractive record rooms.
Every room has a flood
of pure, fresh air.
Personal and courteous
attention will be given
you by our salespeople.
When next you wish a
record for your Vlctrola
or Phonograph think of
us. Try us and see what
we mean by our con
stant reference to Vlc
trola service.
Mail orders given prompt attention.
147-149 Sixth Street. Portland.
We Tune Piano. Mnla 3t0fl.
3 -if ?t-i
v t !
Th best meat the
best coffee the best
pastry at lpv. price.
C lean conrteoas
excellent servte
jjLl and Cafeteria
9 3:3 Washlnaton Street B
H . Kea.- Btxtlt . Ej
East Through'
Cost Little More
Scenic Shasta Route, Sacred Siskiyous,
Mt. Shasta, San Francisco, Los Angeles,
Southern California. Choice of routes.
Let us make an itinerary for your trip
showing train, schedules, stopovers, etc.
T Ask nearest agent or write
Gneral. Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon
Write for folder on the Apache Trail of Arizona
1 1 llllll lit 1 II lllltlllll Illlllllllllllll Illllllllllllllllllllllllllll Illllllllllllllll
TRUEST and most Idealistic rever
ence of those who pass from our
earthly life cannot conceive of a more
devout expression of sentiment than
disposition of the earthly house . of
flesh by Cremation.
People fear tbe desolation of a neg
lected grave. . Th e beauties of th
Columbarium, where the ashes of the
departed remain, will ever be Just as
they are today. Our civilization almost
demands, because of economic and
practical reasons, the general adoption
of Cremation.
el1woo4l ear to
Fourteenth and By bee.
to 5.
r Frctrwlla Piles,
m use appiirsiloa sives
J Tb Port of Astoria Commission is en- ' Ins. Adv