-... A a. 'A ' Av V . JSJ SSgrrSS.V'ti . fl I a. y- .a A . A sV A A ' a. 'a a i 1 i M VOL. LYIII. 0. I7,8.6. POKTLAND, OKE(iON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY" 13, 1918. PRICE FIVE CENTS. TEUTONS MINIMIZE 'U.S. WAR EFFORTS COLLAPSED RUSSIA FOOD PROFITEER G. O.P.TROUBLEDBY .teuton mm GERMANS ADMIT AIR RAIDS KILL LANDS OF L PAYS BIG PENALTY II SENTENCED JAIL GIVEN TO L H ii WHOLESALE POCLTRV DEALERS BCT BERLIN REPORTS ALLIED ATTACKS DO SMALL DAMAGE. GERMAN AGEXTS SAY " UNITED STATES IS NOT IN EARNEST. LOSE LICENSE DURLNG WAR. SEDITION PREACHER OE BURDENS Difficult Problems Ne Gain-of Teutons. U S. ARMY. VIEWS CHEERFUL Final Test of Arms Will Come - on Western Front.- UKRAINE TREATY IGNORED British Government Refuse All Jierognltioa of Pact; Bolshevik .Explains lis Action la ' .Kef using toJlcbU VASHINGTOJT. Feb. It With th penlng of th. (rMt ctmptlin of 1)1 n th western front apparently to sight, military men hr examined to day with profound Inumt th situa tion create by th alanine of A peace pact between the central pom era and b new I'hraln republic and the de cision of the Bolshevik Rnulin govern ment to demobtlli the army. Their conclusions were. not discourse Inc. Th.s events on their face would appear to st free enormous German forcea for th Impending baltla In the weat and also to furnish new sources f food supply for the'Teutonlc allies, but many factors detract from th ad vantages the central powers nay de rive. Few C;ereaaae Held tn It .la. On of th threats against th west- am front dereU upon In public discus Ion Is th fact that presumably 1.109. ' prisoners of war held by Ruasla would Ue released 10 strengthen the German army. ' TO fart ts said to be. howeeer. that th ureal majority of th soldiers rap tared br th Russians are Austrian not available for western front opera tions by preeeut Indications. Most af tli others are civilians or amp followers of on Tstnd or another, and. so far as known, only a small numb- of German troops were rapture-! on that fron"t. Any men from the ;rion camps are regarded aa of doubt - fUl military value- far soma time to corn, as th Russians, unable to feed their own soldiers, hardly have Im proved the health of th captives. ' 1 are I a Rrieeme Cripple. There Is doubt here, also, a to th stent to which th agricultural re sources of th I'kraln or of Russia can' be broucht to th aid of th Ger man people la th near future. Failure of th Russian transportation system worked In Germany's Internet in undermining th dentins: power of th Russian armies. The sara agancy Dow. necessarily, worka acalnst th central power la ita deslr to cat out food supplies. Moreover, th bert wheat regions which may be opened to th Germans a-r In a remote section of th Ukraine sod la such poor condition that th ag ricultural system may hare to b mad ver. a difficult process with th con tusion that prevails throughout th tec ion. Frontier Must Be Curded. TmAbl!lsatton of th Russian army will not mean that the Austro-Genr.an-Bulf.r forces on th frontiers can ba wholly withdrawn. There will be a constant threat of renewed hostilities And th Germans -must to It that ample fore Is always at band. In fact, dlplomatlo obrvm aay Ger many la confronted with the. most dif ficult and unprecedented problema ahe has met during th present war as a remit of the declaration that Russia ha abandoned hostilities without th signing of a pear treaty. Th refusal of the Russians to sgu any treatiea alienating th Russian .tern province, the dlplomata point out. will leave th central potters with out any legal claim to their possession. Teaar lleete OA Foeeev firm and Aurtrlan tenure will rest ntirely upon the assertion of force. without recognition of International lw. and ron.)untlr must be subject to the de.ie.a of nhatever form of tribunal finally determines th basis of general peace. nould Oermany and Austria resolve te refuse to recognize the Bolshevik iecree aa terminating the war witlioal the confirmation of that action by a treatv In the usual form, their armies vw oe in a poemou of killing aa uareeistlng and unarmed people, a pro. reeding miM-H here as certain to cause trouble f.r the Teutonic govern ments with their people at home. Aa appeal from the Russian peasants t th working claese of Germaay and Austria. It la believed her, would net fail of a eympathetie response m Vaxraaaing to th military j.rtisa. el.henh, Srar ltirlil. Tn Tatted state never has recog felied th Hol.htvls. regime and Rus sia abandonment of th war will not Alter avtetlog relations. This waa mad clear at th' mala Department today, a here It ale waa stated that th formal signing of a pecs treat y by the aew government of th L'k raise cnld aav so diplomatic rfect so far AS tain Government ts concerned, Ta first off.clal Inlimattoa that rear had been signed was received to ssy from "Minister Voplcka at Jaaa?, 2:uiwasiA yn-n ceniular officer aa Vntted w ; tm .'- H l-aWt-USs 1. Federal Food Board Takes Drastic Action la Case of Aew York Concern In Limelight. yEW TORK. Feb. IS. Announcement that th food license of B. Baff Son, lne, of this city, wholesale poultry And egg dealers, accused of profiteering, has been revoked for the period of th war by the National Food Administra tion In Washington, was made tonight. This Is. the most drastic order yet Issued against New Tork food dealers. The Baff firm purchased etc from th Iowa Producing Company at SS 1-J cents A dozen last April snd sold some of them as high ss 11 cents to the job hers At A time, when th Government fixed prlc was 4f cents, according- to the local board's findings. This la th firm whoa former head, Barnet Baff. was shot and killed a few years ago by agents of th so-called poultry trust which h had fought. Several men ara serving prison terms for ths crime. MARSHAL AIDS BRIDEGROOM Former Portland Bond Broker Se cures License at Hood River. HOOD RIVER. Or, Feb. 11. (Spe cial." When he waa unable ts estab lish Hood Hirer as the residence of his finacee for th pant six months. George W. Betts. formerly a Portland bond broker, was refused a license to marry alls Minnie Bartman at the County Clerk's office this morning, City Marshal J. K Carson interceded In behalf of the applicant to wed. and after a visit to the office of Dirtrlct Attorney Derby, the' marriage permit was secured. Mr. Carson escorted the couple to the office of Justice of the Peace Onthank and they were made happy. Th bride recently arrived In Canby from Kansas. Mr. and lira Betts say they contemplate making their horn In Hood Kiver. DRUNKEN OFFICER OUSTED Second Lieutenant at Fort Bliss Found Gallty by Court-Martial. EL PASO. Feb. II. George W. Baker, Seeond Lieutenant In an Infantry regi ment ststloned st Fort Bliss, wss found guilty by a court-martial snd ordered dismissed from th Army oa a charge of having been Intoxicated In uniform. It was officially announced at 1 vision headquarters her today. Frank Rayer. of Cleveland, O.. also was found guilty of the technical harge of desertion and sentenced to years In Leavenworth prison and dishonorably discharged from the Army. It was alleged that he was rafted at Cleveland, but deserted be fore be wa called to th colors. FLOUR RULE IS MODIFIED Mixture With Leas Than lH Per Cant Wheat Need 'o Substitute. WASHINGTON. Feb. 11. Mixed flours containing less, than 60 per cent of wheat flour may be sold without ac companying substitutes, th Food Ad ministration announced tonight. Where a retailer sell mixed flours containing mora than SO per cent of wheat flour.. other substitutes must be sold to bring the sale to a basis of one pound of substitute for each pound of wheat flour. A special exreption may be granted upon application showing necessity in h ca.t of specially prepared Infant and invalid food containing flour. GETAWAY IS STRENUOUS Ccntralla Thief Meets Whole Family Before Making Escape. CENTRAL! A, Wah, Feb. II. (Spe cial.! Chased by J. H. Boa en. pro prietor of th Columbia Hotel, threat ened with a revolver in the hands of Miss Margaret Bowen and struck by a chunk of coal thrown by Mrs. Bowen. a burglar who waa seen early Sunday morning going through the rooms of the hotel had A strenuous time before finally making his getsway. The thief answers the description of a man who also entered a Pullman car at the local depot Monday and stole the trousers of A sleeping trsvrler. COLONEL SHOWS PROGRESS Plijlclans Optimistic as to Mr, Roosevelt's Condition. XtW TORK. Feb. 12. Theodore Roosevelt continues to make progress at the Kooserrlt Hospital snd It was believed tonight that he had made up th ground lost In th setback on Sun day. A bulletin Issued at the hospital said: "This baa been Colonel KoosaVelt's most cmfortab day." and "his prog ress I lik sly to b uninterrupted from now on. AMERICAN GIRL IS FREED Blanche Skx-urn, Grand Opera Sing er. Allowed to Leave Germany. CrTTt-AGOt Fex 12. Miss Blsnche fi locum, of Chicago, a grand opra nr. wna virtually has bn held a prisoner tn Germany for several months, finally has succeeded tn -obtaining passports. . H. Horum. her father, w-ss advised t tht todsT by the American Consul ar Coral at iiurr-b. Swi Jtriand. Adami, Once Pro-German, Will. Not Quit CHAIRMAN CONTEST - CLOSE lowan Has 23 Votes -Pledged in National Committee. HAYS ALSO LOOKS STRONG Mayor Thompson, of Chicago, Whose Americanism Has Been Under Scrutiny, Offers Free Speech Resolutions ST. LOUIS. Feb. 15. Th Republican National Committee , meeting today waa a troubled one. and In an effort to appease all factions, the vital mat ter of tho selection of a chairman was postponed until 1:30 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The most reliable available figures indicated 21 votes pledged to John T. Adams, of Iowa, for chairman; 23 pledged to Will B. Kays, chairman of th atata central committee of Indiana, with five vote noncommittal. Fred Stanley, of Kansas, who looked aa a dark horse plainly during the forenoon, disappeared as A candidate during the afternoon, largely by rea son of his Insistence that he desired to vol to' th last for Adams. A ease Flic ad Loyal. ' The expected public attack on Mr. Adams did not materialise. His friends asserted that h was fighting mad, snd they were with him. He was a good American, they said, and all the fight In them had been stirred by the al legations that he had been a leader in pro-Germanism prior to the' entry of the l'nltd Slates Into th war. Mr. Adam wss secluded and busy directing his fight during the day. William Hale Thompson, Mayor of Chicago, candidate for the Republican Senatorial nomination next Fall and attacked at timea a a pro-German. enrolled himself on the. Adams side. . Tbasapaoa Offers Defease, I "I can see nothing In what Mr. Adams has done or aald which would disqualify him as a good American and good Republican, declared the Mayor. Mr. Thompson Introduced a resolu lon of some length which was referred to the commute on resolutions. It Indorsed th Constitution of the United States with regard to free speech and assembly, and called for rigid adherence to the rules separat- ng the powers of the legislative, exec utive and Judicial departments of tile Federal Government. Reference to the fight of free s- (Concluded on P.. . Column S.i TA E REALIZE NOW THAT WE I'ive Killed and Nine Wonnded, Ac cording to Official Statement.. Work -Is- Unhindered. BERLIN, via Amsterdam, Feb. II. Entente allied airplanes made SI" air raid, on German-territory in the'month of January, says an official statement issued today by the German War Of fice. As a result of these alr'attacks. the statement adds, five persons were killed and nine wounded. Insignificant material damage was done. . The text reads: "The enemy made SI air attacks on German territory during January. Fif teen of this number were made on the Lorraine and Luxembourg industrial districts. . The towns raided included Ludwigshaven, Freiburg, Trier (Trevis). Friedrichshaven, Rastatt, Offenburg, Mannheim and Karlsruhe. "Although the number af ' attacks compared with those - of the previous month was considerably increased ow ing to the favorable weather, the dam age and losses fortunately were smaller. Five persons were killed and nine wounded. The material damage was insignificant. There was no interrup tion of work worth mentioning. "The enemy lost four airplanes dur ing these attarks." CAMP GREENE CONDEMNED Site Knee Deep In Mud, Owing to Unusually. Hard Winter, t WASHINGTON. " Feb. 12. Camp Greene, N. C now. occupied by regular troops, la to be abandoned as a perma nent training center. Major-General Dickman : today re ported the camp site knee deep in mud in some places owing to an unusually hard Winter and the clay soil which underlies (ha surface and prevents rapid absorption. The medical department has deter mined there Is no danger to the health of the. soldiers there until Summer comes. By that time the men will have been moved. WOOL CROP TOO SMALL Shortage ,1s . Estimated at - Seventy Million Pounds. ' 0 TOLEDO. O, Feb. 12. Delegates to Ohio R'rail' Clothiers and Fur nishers' Association convention, which opened here today, declared that there Is only enough wool being raised in this country to make one suit for each inhabitant .every four years. , It Is estimated that the wool short age Is 70,000.000 pounds. TOBACCO TRAIN CHEERED Thirty Carloads of "Havana" . Des tined to Soldiers In France., DURHAM. N. C. Feb. 1!. A train' of 30 cars loaded with tobacco destined for the American troops in France was given a rousing sendoff today as it started on Its way. . DID HAVE AX INTEREST IN LITTLE SERBIA BACK IN 1914. " Non-Partisan Secretary Gilbert Convicted. MINNESOTA - ACTION IS SWIFT Charges of, Plotting to Halt . Enlistments Proved. TOWNLEY STILL AT-LARGE Warrant Will Probably - Be Served Today on President of Organirsa- . .tion . Accused of Trying to t Undermine Loyalty. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Feb. 12. (Spe cial.) A. C. Townley, president of the Non-Partisan League, for whose arrest a warrant was issued in Lakefield yes terday, charging conspiracy to discour age enlistments. Is reported to be in Thief River Falls today and is expected In St. Paul tomorrow. Authorities there said he would - be arrested on arrival.. Joseph Gilbert,, secretary and organ ization managed, tried on the same charge and with violating the Minne sota law covering disloyalty, was found guilty in the District Court at Lake- field tonight and sentenced to months In the County Jail. Gilbert Deemed Agent. Gilbert was arrested here two weeks agow hen he attempted to hold a league organization meeting after it had been forbidden by county officials. New charges against Townley and Gilbert were brought on the grounds that Gilbert Is an agent of Townley and that while be committed the actual act which Is declared to be disloyal, town Ify-ls his .employer and. therefore, dl rects his. movements and is guilty o conspiring with Gilbert to oppose the Nation's military policy. Seditions Speech Charged, The disloyalty complaint against Gil bert charged that in his recent speech at Lakefield, before the meeting was broken up by the Sheriff, he made the following statement: "AH young men who are on farms should be left on the farms. They should not be taken into the Army. They are better oft where they are than in the trenches, 5000 miles away. Who is going to feed them when they are 5000 miles away? "When tlj Government conscripted your hoys it did not conscript wealth. If it had we would not have to have wheatless and meatless days.-. . Iaslduoo Appeal Made, "You farmers are trying to produce more crops than ever before: you have had to subscribe to the liberty loan (Concluded on Pa.i?e 8, Column 4.) Deluded Huns Think Americans Are . Only Amateurs and That Entente Has. Deceived .Us Terribly. NEW . TORK, Feb.. 12. Ignorance displayed by German agents in Switz erland concerning the war preparation of the United Suites was described in an address here today i by. Dr. Hugh Birckhead, rector of Emanuel Church, Baltimore, who had traveled extensive ly in Europe as a representative of the American Ked Cross. - Dr. - Birckhead .said the "German agents appeared glad to talk to an American. They told -him that . the United States "has been terribly de celved by England and France" and that the present policy of Germany is "not to aruioy. America,, as she Is not in earnest." "The American Army -raised in one year Is not efficient enough to cope with the German machine of . 40 years' training," Dr. Birckhead said the Gcr man agents told him. "The American soldiers are amateurs. Tour rulers are assembling a force to meet the inevitable conflict with Japan. President Wilson is a'pacifist. He will withdraw at any time. We are bringing to bear powerful influences on your Government today. "Our agents are working day and night.. You, an American, do not know as much about your Government as we do. We are Informed of every move." - ALLEN W. FAWCETT DIES Nephew of Ex-Taooma Ylayor Suc cumbs at Marine Corps Hospital. k BAKERSFIELD, Cal., Feb. 12.Allen W.' Fawcett, aged 30, well known in newspaper circles in California cities, died at the Marine Corps Hospital in Brooklyn, N. Y., -according to advices received here today. He had been transferred from Camp Kearny and was " booked to sail on the Tuscania, but became ill and was unable to go. Mr( Fawcett was a nephew of a for mer Mayor of Taooma, Wash. He en listed last Summer af Bakersfield. PINTO BEANS ARE BOUGHT Federal Food Administration Takes ' Whole 1917 Crop at 8 Cents. .DENVER, Colo.. Feb. 13. The 1917 crop of pinto beans will be bought by the Federal Food Administration at a price of 8 cents a pound, re-cleaned basis, according to announcement here tonight by J. B. Lamson, of the Food Administration. The bean-growing sections of New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming, Kansas and Nebraska are affected by the ar rangement. INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Wrather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. 44 decrees; minimum, t degrees. TODAY'S Occasional rain; westerly winds. War. Germans profess not to fear United States' war efforts. Page 1. Germany admits air raids kill. Page X. Better days coming for Turlcey, says Dr. biuermer. .rage 3. foreign. Importance of Russian collapse as war factor minimized by American military observ ers. -Page 1. Newspapers of London and Paris praise out spoken utterances of P.eaident Wilson. Page 4. Italians hold their line and hurl back Aus trian s. Page 4. American dead on Tuscania now placed at Page lo. Prosecution will ask Paris court to Inflict ucttiii leiiicii-ja on duio x-asaa. rage . Lloyd George sees no hope for peace tn Czerin s attitude. Page 2. British King invokes war spirit in speech to Parliament, jPage z. IVationaL Congress prepares for fight on war-making machine. Page 4. Recent airing of War Department promiaes good, results. Page 3. Adams, with pro-German record, continues fight to become Republican Isationai Committee chairman. Page 8. Railroads charged with violating law by brotherhood ofiiclals. x'age la. Secretary Baker's critics well informed. Page 3. Dome-stir Postofflce Department calls for bids for air planes to carry mail. Page a. Non-partisan League's secretary sentenced to three monthi in jail. Pajre 1. Prices for Northwest wheat may be made uniform. Page 6. Five aviators killed in American camps. Page 8. Republican National convention troubled by ueriDavn Bptjviri . rage a. Food profiteer pays severe penalty. Page L Sport k. Vancouver. Wash., may join Pacifc Coast International. Page 14. Portland wlli probably train at Pendleton this year. Page 14. Oregon-O. A, C. football game will be played at Corvallia, Page 14. Lincoln defeats Hill In League B basketball contest. Page 14. Pacific Northwest, Neighbors' fight over dog fatal. Page 6. Klamath County announces all is ready for tmra uoerty loan onve. rage xo. Commercial aad Marine. L W. Litchfield, assistant diretor of Public Service Reserve, passes day in Portland, page 14, Improvement noted la boxed apple trade. Page 19. Willamette Iron A Steel Works has 163 boil ers under contract. Page 14. . Portland an. Vicinity. Portland pays tribute to memory of Abraham Lincoln.' Page 1. Flag should fly at full mast on Lincoln's oirtnoay. rage a. Auto Show eatis successful week tonight. Pag V. Portland boy is gassed. Page fl. State Board meets and lays plans for vaca tion! -classes, rage ii. Police still cling to belief that Lieutenant Twohy waa drowned. Page 7. Red Cross Junior membership campaign in Oregon begins.- Page 1. Inntructor May will be reinstated. Page -0"1 Farmers Union not affiliated with Non partisan League. Page 8. a .Weather report, data and forecast. Pa4 la Portland Pays Tribute 'to Nations .Martyr. CRISIS ADDS TO DAY'S IMPORT School Children Keep Alive Emancipator's Memory, j JUDICIAL HOLIDAY . IS KEPT Special Lincoln Day Exercises Deal With Mfe and Nature r, -Martyred Fresident.lVith Songs . ' of - Country and Freedom. , : In - common with all America, the city of Portland yesterday gave many a garland of love to the memory of Abraham Lincoln on tire anniversary of his birth. Always of great signifi cance to the Nation, the day . grew even greater, in fancy and actuality, as thought turned to the epochal crisis in tlie commonwealth's affairs . such a crisis as President Lincoln confronted, and mastered, though it led to martyrdom. If one is pessimistic in his view of the American spirit of our deep love for high ideals and affection for those who interpret them, he might well have attended the exercises at any Portland school yesterday and felt shame at his doubt. For the school children of Portland keep the memory" of the great emancipator green, and through the simple exercises they offer to it runs an understanding, an ap preciation that will endure. - Courts Closed la Tribute. Yesterday was "non-Judicial' in the legal calendar, and the courts were closed in tribute to the lanky young Kentucklan, who gleaned his first book learning by the light of a log fire, and to whom the pathway of the law did not open in great. universities. Once upon a time Abe Lincoln coined, among tho myriad pithy Americanisms . that are attributed to him, the observation that "God must have loved the common people, because he made so many of them." When the mints struck the new pennies they bore the head of Lincoln to pass cur rent among those folk that Lincoln was so certain were close to the heart of the universe.,- Yesterday in Portland, as through out America, all financial institutions and banks closed their doors in tribute to the great American, whose profile, is on the humblest . coin their complex counting machines . bale in thousands. . Special Exercises la Schools. In the schools of Portland there were special Lincoln day exercises, readings, recitations and essays that dealt with the life and lovable nature of the martyred President, and there were songs such as be cared for stanzas that sing of the love of country and freedom. Many. , of the downtown business houses and all public buildings floated flags in observance of the day, snd several special Lincoln day assemblies were held at which speakers told of his worth to the Nation and his ex ample to modern Americanism. At the high schools speakers ad dressed the students. Various frater nal organizations observed the day. The Modern Woodmen of America gave programme and entertainment last nieht at their hall. Williams avenue and Skidmore street. At the Knights Templar lodge, Washington Com mandery, last night. Rev. Joshua Stans field spoke 01 "Lincoln, Then and Now.' A programme was given at Bethel A. M. E. Church last night by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. ' HILL COMMEMORATES LIXCOLX Patriotic Exercises Held to Ce1erate 4 .... Emancipator's Birthday. In song and story arid patriotic ad dresses Hill Military Academy cele brated Lincoln's birthday yesterday. A majority of-' the" numbers exprefreed tribute to the memory of the Great Emancipator and loyalty to the eoiintry and democracy. To the chorus Of Rally Round the nag,'' the boys sang with a vim. "Down With the Kaiser and Up With the Stars." B. S. Josselyn, one of the speakers. recalled his boyhood days and spoke of having seen Lincoln and having attended the funeral. He advised the cadets to be honest with themselves. to appreciate the opportunities the? have for getting an education, for pre serving the right ideas and right ideais and a patriotic spirit. 1. N. Day, a patron 'of the scjiool (Concluded on Page -3, Coiumn 3. ) . WRITE TO WASHINGTON. , Readers who, want the Free War Cook Book or who desire service or Information from' Washington will write DIRECT to Frederick J. Hat kin. Director Information Bureau of The Ore gonian. Washington, D. C. En close z-cent tstamp. Do not send your letters ' of ' inquiry or for cook books to The Oregenian. Write : DIRECT to Haskin. . F . n y v rrrn i i n n