THE MORXIXG OREGOMAX, SATURDAY, FEBRUAKY 9, 1D18. 9 IS. LOLA BALDWIN ENTERS WAR WORK Portland Woman to Be Given Charge of Federal Protec tion Work for Girls. MAYOR SANCTIONS LEAVE X"Teent Datlea Will Bo Confined to Xortbvresl. bat May Later Be Extended to All Sections of United States. Mrs. tola G. Baldwin. superintendent f the Women's Protective Division of the Bonn of PolU-e. has received as unsolicited appointment of rreat Im portanre from tha War Department and, bavins; obtained a leave of ab " from Chief of Pol tea Johnson and Mayor Bakar. will In a few days take ns her new duties. She will haw oapervtston of the Government's pro tective work for alrle In tha Northwest. t present, bat mar be sent throughout the United States later. Mayor Baker aaid yesterday after. aoon that he areatly rerets to lose, temporarily, the services of so valuable a woman as Mrs. Baldwin, bat la verv clad that anyone ran he of orb, service) to the Government la Its koqr of need. "Mrs. Baldwin has been (-ranted leave of absence.- aald tha Mayor. ae Ion as aha wishes to encase In this war work. I an eorrv to lose ber eervlcea as far a tha city Is concerned but verv proaq ana happr because, she bss beei called to so blah a poet by the Oov eminent. It Is not only a compliment 10 lr. but to the etty. as welL We wast to help the Government la avsry vwaaiDia manner. eeei ! Alienwc. hlef Johnson said ha does not know who will be placed In charge of the oonnc .Mrs. Baldwin's absence. Jot It Is reneralljr presumed that Mrs. lima x t ronnee. who has been an slant to Mrs. Baldwin for nine years. win succeed temporarily to the poet. Tha rail came from tha War Depart ment Commission on Training Camp .Activities. Washington. D. C asking ror tne release or lira. Baldwin In or tier that she mlcht serve the Govern ment aa field worker under tha War Tsepartment committee on protective or gins, or Miss Maude 11 Winer, of New Tork. Is chairman. Mrs. BaJdwIn la well qualified by training and experience for tha posi tion. he was the first woman In the T nlted Ftates toi organise and estab Ilsh a definite protective department for women and clrls In connection with av police department. In 10S tha work waa organised tbroush financial assistance from Miss Helen Gould, under the exposition travelers' 0.14 committee of New Tork, wttn Mrs. Jessie M. Honeymsn. presi dent of the Portland Tonnar Woman's Christian Association, aa chairman of us local Board. Aalkatty la State-Wide. In 10I a chance took place by which It became a civic organisation by ac tion of the City Council and subse quently tha work was made permanent by Incorporation In ths city charter. Tha whole department la now under Civil Service, with tha title "Women's Protective Division of the Department of Public Safety." It Is the only fea ture of city government which exists expressly for tha benefit of women, from tho beginning she had police power and for several years has bsd state-wide authority as special agent of tha Governor. letter Mrs. Baldwin was ctven a com mission by tho Department of Jus tice. Miss Miner telegraphed aa follows: "Hum telagraph me If you can un dertake the work for ale montha or aa long aa tha war lasts. I know you ara needed In Portland, but I sm sura yoa ran do a atlll greater service at this time, aa our field worker In tha War Department Commission on Train taS Camp Activities." street: Jim Elli. JS'i Third street: Jacques KngeL 111 North Seventeenth street: Clarence Dean. 44 North First; John Pappademetrlse. 10 North Third Paul afraegt. LJnnton: James N. Davis, general delivery: Walter McGlbbon. 44 North First street: Ernest Dsvls Will lams. IS Broadway; Dr. Errol Will iam Wlllett. S4 Flanders: Thomas No lan. t North Fourth street: Julio Gra poda. 42 North Sixth: Emlle Ver- haoghe, LJnnton: Apolomio Dai Ida. It rourtn street: Donald W. Nix, Corne llus Hotel: Moy Jum Foy. 107 North Fourth street; Grover Rollins, Llnnton Fran k E. Baron, steamer Henderson; Frank Lomnlckl. (01 Guild street: Bob Raich. 1J North Second street: Alfred Wilson. Second street: WUlta C Gasch. Government moorings; Louts Eng Tow. 107 N. Broadway: George Ed ward Larson. Llnnton: Chin Man. SJIt Couch street: Lovell Dlnsmora Camp- lis vit : y c- It i s; n V ( I i ROBBERY SUSPEGTS POT UNDER ARREST George Heafy and Dan Davis . Believed Responsible for . Series of Crimes. ONE -SERIOUSLY WOUNDED Ik SI I I I II III in I 1 Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin. Saperln- f tesaevt of Weara's PioHectlee f TMvkstoa of Perl lee S Baireaa of 1 fwllee. Appeeated to Hlsja Get. I ermeaeat Pee It la a. I bell. 134 U Vauchn street: Nls Fredell. 1 North Second: Jamea McGulre. 171 West Park street: Leroy Henderson Hubbard. llf Twenty-third street North: Albert Edwsrd Matthewman. Twentv-thlrd and Marshall etreeta: FuJIo Toehlsawa. St North Park: Chang Check. a Flanders: Louis Mcnwen Wardlaw. it North Fourteenth: Wesley A. Simons. 14 North Twenty-first; Carden Phillip Ramstead. 17 W ash Ington street; Robert 8hl. 1S1 North Sixteenth: Mick Klplakoa. 20 isortn tlxth: SamDson Oliver Anthony Plun kett. 14 Everett street; Tenso Iwssh- Ita. 721 Park: Herbert Annur .iair. Eaals Hotel. Third and Burnslde; Alex Koaefla. Llnnton. Local board No. has nine men on Its lists whom It aeeka to trace. The names snd addresses follow: Francesco MarlonL White Hotel: Henry Albert Levy. 2IS Thirteenth atreet; Earl Henry Brown. 201 West Park: Joaqulm Bran. 233 Tenth; Ernest Jaehna. Wis consin House. Hood ' street; John A. Meyer. 15S7 Macadam; John Carpoff, :i First: Domenlco Caserto. St. George Hotel; Charles Olaen Causland. 173 i First. PARTICIPATION IS URGED MATOR BAKER ASKS FCBLIO TO OBSERVE WEEK OF SOXG. 53 STILL DELINQUENT BOAMD SKF.KS IFORSltTlOW MISSING REblT!ITJ. Maay Alleaa lacladed la LUt of Mea VI Fall to Retara Qorstftsa- aatreo to Data. Txir.ptlon board No. 1. of Multnomah County, having under Ita Juriadlctlon tne low-number preclncta of the city of I'ortUnd. la making a final effort to I ki down the big grist of delinquent registrants left on Ita records. Having to deal wtth an unusual proportion of aliena. this board haa experienced great difficulty in tracing those who have tnoved from the city or to new ad elreaaea. tlttsens who ran glvo Information relative to d'llnquenta In No. 1 will perform a patriotic eervice by comtnu Bleating with the board, still located In room 143. Courthouse. The telephone number. Marshall Fifty-three arose are listed In tha last group post ed and ara here repeated with tha old addresa: Itlchard Arrlna Rathbun. Couch street: Moso de Saatla 34 Third North: Axel Runt. li North blxteenth: Shir ley Jasper Barnes, 741 Hoyt street: Jack tarr. lilS Sixth atreet: Ttrud- suchl Kumura. 3ie Everett: lngrr Sll Jan. Linntoo; Edward C Surapf. 3443 North Sixteenth street. Philadelphia. Pa.: Morton John Marsh. 23 North Seventeenth atreet: George Edward Brown. :' North Fourth atreet: fcorKO Andrew Kgert. 21 North Third street; John Bernard Pasro. 3S North Sixteenth tref B-Iv T FlocH. ?1 U s.-cond Prsclaematlea Reqareta Slasrlag of Ka- tleaal Soaga at All Gather, alga of Week. Portland Is urged by Mayor Baker. In a proclamation Issued yesterday, to ob serve National week of aong from Feb ruary 17 to 22. The proclamation urges that all citlsens observe the week by participating in special events sched uled. He urges special oersmonies on Washington's birthday: Ths proclamation reads aa follows: The week of February IT te 23 baa been officially designated ae the National week ef sofie. a sevea-day period devoted to patri otic soars and mnele. The aim la te etlm- le patriotism, devotloa and loyalty so ntlai to anifytac and aatlooalutac the Muntrr at this time. Ths people of Portland are or red ts ob serve the week ay participating la ut va rious feataree planned. In accordance wtth the plan outlined tor citlsens all etsr the failed States. I urge that National aongs be eans In all ecboole sad eburchea. aad that special commnnlte eong presrammee be carried eat by all choral eoctctlea. wel fare ctrciee. vremea'e elube. men B etube and kindred orsaalsatlona Further, tbal at o'clock In the evening ef February 23 all rltlaene aherever assembled rise and sing sll roar versee of "jay Country. "Tie of Thee." Also. I urge that all pres-remmee of whatever sort erheduled for V'aaalngtena birthday be closed with the singing at "The atar-opeagled Banner." r.KiiK L. BAKER. Mayer. St. Louis Strike Called Off. ST. LOUTS. Feb. t. Th striking motormen snd conductors of tha United Railways Company this afternoon rati fied the agreement made last night be tween the directors of ths company and a committee of union men. and car service was resumed at once. - Officers Find Russian Lj-lnf; on Bed In Roomlnf-Boase With Part of Ear Missing and His Head Burned and Lacerated. With tha arrest yesterday afternoon of George Hesly. a Russian, formerly an Interpreter in ths Municipal Court and well-known police character, an Dan Davis, not so well known. It believed thst ths mystery of tha loot ing of Levitt's Third-street departmen store Wednesday night has st least partly been solved. Healy snd Davis were found In room of tho New Belmont Hotel, on South First street, at 2 o'clock yester day afternoon, when Police Inspectors Goltx. Coleman and Howell called an demanded surrender. Dsvls csme to th door and tho officers discovered Ileal lying on a bed. his bead bandaged and blood -c hotted. Death Dodges! by Miracle. Never In tha history of this city lis there been a person In tha Emergency Hospital with a head so badly lacerated aa la Healy's. Apparently, he was shot. tha bullet clipping off the upper por tion of his left ear and the powdo burning the skin and hair off Just bark of It; also he was slashed with a knife. Ha apparently missed death by the nar roweat possible margin. Whether Davis did the job. the police do not as yet know. He denies it snd Hesly sullenly refuses to telL Both are held while a further Investigation proceeds. A hospltsl Intern worked hours yes- tsrdsy afternoon on Healy's wounds, Chief Inspector Clark. Captain Circle and tho arresting Inspectors Incline to tha belief that Healy is shielding some one, but whether It Is Davis, they do not know. It Is hard for them to be Have his story, yet they admit It may bo true. - Rerara Via It Dlaaatroaa. Healy maintains thst he went to the store Wednesday night to steal some things, but when he got to his room. he discovered he had left a pair of trousers, which he wanted badly. He returned to the store and, the first thing ha knew, ha was confronted by revolver, leveled at his head. He clinched with ths man. They rolled about the place, fighting the while and tha man stabbed him with a knife. Healy weakened and decided to run. Just before he-dashed off, the revolver wss discharged, clipping his left ear snd burning ths skin snd hair. Terribly wounded, Healy says, he climbed to ths roof through a stairway to tha top of tha Northern Pacific ticket offices at Third and Morrison streets and when he ssw his pursuer had gone back, returned to Morrison street by way of another stairway and called a taxicab to go to his room. In Healy's room, the Inspectors found Isrgs quantities of clothing, groceries, swelry, etc-, enough to stock a small store. This, nndoubtedly, he stole trora various placea throughout the city and the police want those who have missed articles to call and see If they can Identify any of this stuff. The knife with which Hesly wss cut wss found naar ths scene of the strug gle by the police. A runner investiga ion is being made. The man who drove Healy to his room assisted the police In locating him. INSURANCE WORK RUSHED e Portland Red Cross Chapter Helps Soldiers to Gain Protection. As a TOlunteer agent of tha Govern ment the Portland chapter of the American Red Cross has done a record breaking business In Government wsr risk Insurance. Cables ara now beginning to corns bsck from France and telegrams from all parts of the United States. The Portland chapter will keep open its offices In the Corbett building Sunday from 1 to 6, to make It convenient fur relatives to make out applications the minute authorisation Is received. Relatives receiving answering cables from their soldier boys are requested to bring them to the Portland chapter Immediately on receipt of same. Phone your want ads to The Orego- nlan. Main 7070. A CS. FRESH FRUITS VEGETABLES Head Letts ce, CabBage. Car--room, Parsnips. Celery and . Sweet Ssada. Lemons, per doxen.......25 Oranges, per dozen...... .554 Ten pounds Onions. ....25e Fifteen pounds Spuds.. ...25d One sack Spuds... S1.40 Apples, the box. ...SI to SZ TRUE PATRIOTISM T wfceat tand other portable food needed hj the all it Is aa ateeeaaary mm It la rig; at. But America haa more of almost all the other fooda than we caa poaalblir export. So. with a clear con aelenctt. eat aa much of theao aa yu want, be properly nourished. Bat b a are 70a bay the heat and boy them riht- In freshness aa well aa la price. It Is oar duty as well as oar business to make special efforts to five yoa ths hinds of food that can best be spared. Yoa will find the heat the markets afford aad yon will find them HERE FOR LESS CHEESE One pound Full Cream Cheese. 30s Two pounds Full Cream Cheese. ....... .. .554 One pound Cream Brick.. 354 One pound Wisconsin Swiss. . 454 Llmburger Brick .. ...404 GALLON 1 Gal. Tomatoes - 40c 1 Gal. Apples - - - - - -40c 1 Gal. Pumpkin - - - -40c 1 Gal. Apricots - -55c GOODS 1 Gal. Pears ----- 55c 1 Gal. Blackberries - 65c 1 Gal. Loganberries - 65c 1 Gal.H. & G. Catsup 75c BREAKFAST FOODS T Two pkgs. Grapenuts.....254 Two pkgs. Shrsdded Wheat... 254 Two pkgs. Krlnkle Corn Flakes. . ..e 254 One pkg. Cream of Wheat 254 One pkg. Pearls of Wheat 254 One pkg. Cream of Bar ley 204 One pkg. Roman Meal:. ..254 One pkg. Maltomeal 204 One pkg. Post Toastles. .. 104 v. 1 Miscellaneous EXTRA SATURDAY SPECIALS ONE PO0IID ROYAL BAKING POWDER FOl R POI NDS VERMI fELH FOR. LOG CABIN SVRIP SMALL LOO CABIN SYR VP- MEDIUM LOG CABIN SYRUP large: ONK CAN OTTER SLICED PEACHES FOR THE SMALL PRICE OP ONLY..... :40c :25c 20c 40c :80c QUAKER OATS AT. THE PACKAGE LARGE PACKAGE 8 E A- FOAM POWDER. SIX BARS EASY-DAY SOAP FOUR CANS SARDINES ON SALE FOR MEDIUM WESSON OIL ON SALE AT 10c 10c 7:5c 25c 65c 10c BUTTER Economy, roll S1.05 HomeBtead, roll. ....... JHO Oleomargarine. ........ 704 Tea Garden Drips 45c, 80c, $1,50 Two cans Old Dutch Cleanser. 154 Twn pounds Black or Whits Figs. 254 Large Dill Pickles. dosen..254 One pound Bulk Cocoa... 254 One pound Bulk Choco late. 204. Two pounds L. W. Beans..254 Two pounds Pink or Bayo Beans 254 ON K - LB. CAN GHIR- ARDF.LI.PS GROUND CHOCOLATE. Larsre bottle Del Monte Catsup 204 Two cans Shrimps.. ......254 Ons can Clams 154 Two cans Oysters. ...... .254 Postum Cereal, pkg....204 Cero, package 204 Two cans Carnation or ML Vernon Milk 254 FO'UR POUNDS VER-OC MICELLI a-OC FRESH AND CURED MEATS BEEF MUTTON Rib Boiling Beef 12U4 Soup Shanks 84 Pot Roast of Beef..... 154 and 17H4 Shoulder Steak 1TH4 Round Steak 204 Sirloin Steak 204 Hamburger. . .154 VEAL Vest tew 1T144 Breast of Veal 204 Shoulder Veal Koaat 204 Lee: or Loin Roast 254 Shoulder Roast Mutton 20 Shoulder Mutton Chops 22 44 IvOln Mutton Chops... 254 Mutton Stew 184 Bolnsrna. Liver Sausaxje, Head 1 7 1 f Cheese, Welners I I 2u TISc PHONE ORDERS TAKEN FOR C. O. D. DELIVERY ANY TIME EX CEPT FRIDAY EVENING AND SATURDAY. S DELIVERIES AS USUAL WHEN ORDERED AND PAID FOR HERE Sell wood Tuesdays and Thursdays ReeeCitv Park Kern Park Arleta Tremont and Leate Wednesdays and Fridays Montavllla and Portland Heichta Thvredsys Other Seetioas Daily Phones A 6255 Main 5700 NOT IN ANY COMBINATION ESI EBB Sunnyside Store 994-996 Belmont Coirrenient for many East Side patrons. Same prices, same ser vice and specials as at she main store. PHONES B 1215 Tabor IS Miscellaneous Two glasses Chipped Beef. ..254 .22-4 One can Otter Pumpkin.. .15e ...254 Two pkgs. Mince Meat.... 254 Three boxes Toothpicks 104 One pound A. & H. Soda.. 54 Three bottles Vanilla or Lemon Extract 254 One can Ripe Olives ..104 One pound Peanut Butter..l5ei Three lbs. Rolled Oats 254 Two' pkgs. Seeded Raisins 254 One pound Walnuts .204 Two lbs. Dried Peaches...25e One pint jar Strained Honey 35 One quart Jar Strained' Honey 706 Five - pound pall Strained Honey S1.25 Large can Farrell's White Syrup. , 254 Two pounds Large Italian Trunes. 25c4 BOTTLE 'BLUING OR P" AMMONIA OC HERRING TRADE TOPIC GOVERNMENT SEEKS TO STIMULATE INDl'STRT IN ALASKA. '. P. Studdert Declares This Claaa of Fish Mar do Muck In Reliev ing Preaent Meat Shortage. t Taking the position that fish is to supplant meat of other kinds In the United States during the war the Fed eral Government has taken steps to build up the herring fishing Industry In Alaska. Information as to the extent of a campaign to get the big runs of Alaska herring to the markets of the United States was brought to Portland yesterday by W. P. Studdert. of the United States Bureau of Fisheries, who has just returned from several months in various parts of Alaska. "The embargo in Europe against the export of herring has caused a tremen dous shortage in the L nlted fatates, said Mr. Studdert. Smoked herring bss always been an Important food in many parts of the countrv and particularly In the con gested sections of the East. The Euro pean embargo has brought a meat nrlRls In some parts of the East. "All through Alaskan waters from the South up to Nome there are big runs of herring wTiich Investigations nave disclosed are equal In quantity and nualltv to anr In the world. I went to Alaska last May In company with An gust Kile, a fish importer and an au thority on herring. The purpose of our stay In the North was to encourage the packing of this fish in-vast quantities. We introduced the Scotch method of curing, which Is a milder and better method than the process in use. I think we accomplished a great desl In getting SICFHMERJ SAVE 3c on 10 to 40-watt Electric Light GLOBES rUshlixhts, Batteries mud Electrical Supplies Ope Saturday Nifht Till 10 EYINRUDE MOTOR CO. 211 Morrison. Near First St. sssas ark 9 j arket ACROSS STREET FROM FIRE DEPARTMENT M FOURTH STREET, NEAR YAMHILL ct(ff C J ' Parker through his modern policy of cash and no delivery. j Q ejcLVed This explains why Parker with a reputation for handling abso lutely the best meats in the city, can still maintain his high quality at these low prices. Remember, nothing but Steer Beef. SATURDAY ONLY PRICES: Rolled Roasts- Beef () at 22c Butter and Egg Dept. Butter, lb. 53. roll $t.05 Tillamook Cheese, mild '29 1 Sharp. Ib 30 Other Choice Cuts at Low Prices LOINS LAMB, lb. at . . . 32c LEGS LAMB, lb. at 32c SHOULDER LAMB, lb. 25c VEAL ROASTS, Ib. at.. 22c FARMERS! Highest prices paid for Veal, Fork. Dressed Beef. We remit prompt ly. Too don't hare to wait a month for your money. rr IS LESS CROWDED IN THE MORNINGS Fine Location for Market Purposes The Gas Company- will 'shortly more out and the building will be altered for the Liberty; Market Space FOR RENT Call 207 Stock Exchange Bldg. fish packers stirred up to the situation and the urgency of making; big: packs of all food fish." Tests made by the bureau of stand ards in Washington prove that reams sewn with the double lock stitch are stronger than those sewn with the shuttle stitch, and are less weakened by breaks of the thread. War Bread Notice tS Restaurants. Hotels, Bakers and the . Public ' Beginning; at once all restaurants, hotels and other eating placea are required under the law to serve only two ounces Victory bread or four ounces War bread per person for one meaL Victory bread must contain 20 substitute cereals and War bread must contain 40 substitute cereals. Many bakers will, and all should try to, offer for sale not later than Monday, February 11, both Victory and War bread daily. Caterers should require a guarantee from their bakers that their bakery products comply with this law.- DO IT NOW PORTLAND CATERERS' ASSOCIATION, J. H. Joyce, Pres. OREGON BAKERS ASSOCIATION, IL H. Haynes, Pres. - - x mr- ;sfr" i ; ;ihn - a ISSM : .ri- toes- - ImWi " To wate up each morning Jl to tart out or ay w"k f - ee "TV Ve-?Z-at . .tun W aaaw lliv Vsea y v aa. up on their h Ha., n: mnk 3 Ih. eamjf ar tabltspmtful M ttnt't iv$rth ma kit a cup. feeling fresh as a daisy; a strong, elastic step; to all the enthusiasm and energy at. your command how many of us do it?' For your answei look to the food you eat. You'll find a breakfast cup of Ghirardelli's the ideal food-beverage a bigger help than you think. ' Iinc, nil D. GHIRARDELLI CO. GMrardelli s Ground Qiocolai