Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 09, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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Physicians in Attendance Say
CoSoneTs Condition Is
Met Critical.
Anoihrr Kortj-elchl tloati Will De
mi o hafh-r Aitnilier Oprratinn
, W 111 ll .Vwrwiry, D-rcJarc
' Jx-ftora la Ancadanar.
. u
VtW TuRK. Feb. The condition
f Theodore KooMvfll at J :3a p. M.
tolv waa daelarad to b satisfactory
In a koll(ln Iwuwl al tha aospltal
wher araa recently operated on for
a threat
"I-r. Bael called on Colonel Iloose at 1. o'clock." aatd the text of
the bulletin
Tolonal IciHMtrrlt ha nid a very i
ho activities extended throushout
the pacific Coast territory.
In addition to blowing up factories,
plotter In fiat section of the country
had planned to foment strike among
workmen encased In war Indue trie, to
demaare fruit trees and crops, and to a
leaner extent to destroy ships being
built la yard alone the CoaC
CITV mOMPT TO Cl'RB I. w. w.
rortland Srntla Krt-ord Nnrabrr to
t hk-a-ro for Trial.
Portland hae taken eummary meas
urr to head off the L. V. W. movement
in thia vicinity and rlnaleaders have
been taken Into custody almost aa aoon
as they arrived.
It wa. known aeveral weeka aro
that eeveral were hea-ded Ihla way from
the Middle Weet but they were rounded
up aa tbey appeared, with the reeult
that Portland hae aent to Chtcaao for
trial, more I. W. W. asltators than any
other one city, aorordtne; to Acting
t'ntt.d Sttatea lllarasv I'lnkln Tk..e
agitators included ILarry Word, or-1 anupaiuy
aaniaer In Portland: Alton Soper. or
aanixer In Aatnrla. and C. IL Orlfrin.
representative from the Chicago head
It l tacitly admitted by authorities
here that a few L W. W. men have at
tempted to vet Into the rank! of ship
yard and lumber camp workers, but
these are dally being; weeded out be
fore they can do any material damage.
Their propaganda is not belli received
very enthusiastically among; the workers.
Chief of Police Johnson Is In receipt
Failure of German Policy Is
Seen in Moslem Move for
- Emancipation.
to All
Shown In Measures Taken for
Turklficatlon of Commercial
Lite Hated Allies Tools.
(CratHfht. ISIS, br Ceorze H. Porin A Co.
1'ubllahfd by arrangement. Seventh in
From the Germans we now turn
of information concerning the possible again to the Turks, to try to fathom
sabotage campaign and yesterday re-1 the exact mentality of the Young officials In different ministries, partly
eelved additional information of value I Turks during; the great war. and to foisted on the Turkish government by
in -erreting out ma agitators in to I discover what were the intellectual uerman authorities, parity giaaiy
uowniown section. I ..... .,
, . -r- i. . . . . i sources lor tneir various acnvi'iea.
zr".". r. .iv;;,-:" irrrr..!" to give a better idea of the whole
the offices of all trade undertakings
of any public interest whatsoever, such
as banks. newspapers. transport
agencies, etc., the Turkish language
should be used exclusively for book
keeping and any written communica
tion with customers. One can. imagine
the "Osmanic Lloyd and the "German
Hank" with Turkish bookkeeping and
Turkish letters written to an exclusive
ly European clientele! Old and trusty
employes suddenly found themselves
fared with the choice of learning the
difficult Turkish script or being turned
out In a year's time. The possibility ,
Indeed, the necessity of employing
Turkish hands in Kuropean businesses
suddenly came within the range of
practical politics and that was exactly
what the Turkish government wanted.
The arrangement had not yet come
Into operation when I left Constanti
nople, but It waa hanging like the
sword of Damocles over commercial
undertakings that had hitherto been
purely German. Optimists still hoped
It never wouid come to this pass and
would have welcomed any political-
Foreign Powers I military blow that would put a damper
on Turkeys arrogance. utners, Be
lieving firmly in a final Turkish vic
tory, began to learn Turkish feverishly.
Be that aa it may. the new arrange
ments were hung up on the walls of
all offices In the Summer of 1916 and
created confusion enough.
t'ermaa Optimism Shaken.
Many other measures for the syste
matic Turkification of commercial life
and public intercourse followed hard
on this first bold step, which. I need
scarcely mention here. And In spi
of the ever-growing number Of German
and pulse mtve been normal throughout
the day and the violent symptoms of
ht Internal Inflammation are subsid
ing rapidly. The outlook la very en
couraging. "
l-enpire the encouraging tone of to
st--' bnlletlA. Colonel Roosevelt's
eortrm have Imlirated that tney would
be unanle to determine before tomor
row whether furMier operations would
Tee neceseary.
1st Os-rratleiM Per-fs-rsaeel.
Tuesday the Colonel underwent an
operation for abecess-ia In hia ears. He
waa recovering from another operation
-serformod a few days before at his
tyater Hay home for fieluU-
Testerday acute inflammation devel
oped la the oh-nTs inner left ear.
which resulted in the hurried calling
of conferences, aa the pbyiUciana feared
It might extend to the mat-told process.
At their conclusion It waa announced
that the patient a condition, waa "serl
a but not critical" and the doctors
would b-e ana Me to say until hours
ad eUpead whether another operation
would be neceaaary.
Dallas-alls' Hew Held.
Members of Colonel Roosevelt's fam
ily, who have- been at the bo up Hat,
were very opttmlsttc over the rvporta
la announcing tonight's bulletin Miss
Josephine itrykcr. Colonel Koofssvelt's
private secretary, said there waa noth
ing noted from today's observations
vhkh would Indloxute the need of any
further operation.
dieorganixed 1. W. W. element in the Position w" J preiaca : , r
1 ii m K. r r-mrta Af tha I. i I DT aiating a lew 111 ina uui.-idiiuiiiK
progress but we have been able to cope
with it thua far." said one of the Fed- I
eral agenta working on the I. V. W.
cases, laat night.
. w .. Many of them are -converts."
who have entered the shipyards to
evade the draft. One of these new
converts' didn't even know the pur-
accepted for the moment because th
Turks had still much to'learn fro
German organization and could prof
from employing Germans, in spite of
the appointment of a number of Ger
man professors to the Turkish Un
versity of Stamboul (who, however, as
a matter of fact, like the German gov
ernment officials, had to wear the fez
and learn Turkish within a year, and be
sides roused most unfavorable and antt
German comment in the newspapers)
features of the present Young Turkish
government and their dependents. Their
first and chief characteristic Is hos
tility to foreigners, but this does not
Thev are meklne- a oulet memker. I prevent them from making every pos
ship campaign but their success Is not I slbla use of their ally Germany, or from
o inniram M.n -A..wi.. i I aDDroorlatlnsr in every walk of life
" " . . i u i - - - . .. , uerman comment in lue iiewa-ii"-t-rj,
connection with the draft have un- anything European, be it a matter of , was Boon pet.fecty evident to every
earthed not a little evidence and quite technical skill, government, civilixa- unblaaed witness that Germany would
a few new carda have been discovered tlon. that they consider might be f,n(, no place ln a victorious Turkey
nut tne Holders are not all ardent I. I protitaoie. iseconaiy. tney are possessed ft r th. war if tne "committee foi
of an unbounded store of Jingoism. . .nll rroe-ress" did not need her.
which baa Its origin ln Pan-Turklsm gom8, ,ort of light must surely have
with Ita ruling idea of "Turanlsm." broken over the last blind optimism
Pan-Turkism, which seems to be the ,h riermana ln tha course of the
pose of tha organisation and I believe I governing passion of all the leading Summer of 19K.
there are not a few Inoffensive mem-I men of the day. finds expression in I Hand in hand with the nationalistic
bers or tnis class." I two directions. Outwardly It Is a con- attempt to coerce European business
Acting I nlted States Attornev Ran-I stant striving for a "Greater Turkey." I imn minr the Turkish lansruaa-e there
ain saio last mgni that th situation I a movement that Tor a large part In went more practical attempts to lurk
Its essence, and -certainly In Its terrl- lfy all the important branches of com
torial aims, runs parallel with the I mprce bv the foundine of Indlcenou:
ALIl:S LI1D JL W. PIXJTTTaiS "Holy War"; Inwardly It Is a fanatical organizations aid the introduction of
desire for a general Turkification which reforms of more material content man
finds outlet In Dolltlcal nationalistic those language decrees. These efforts,
measures, soma of criminal barbarity, I in spite of the enormous absorptio
others partaking of the nature of mod
ern reforms, beginning with the lan
guage regulations and "Internal col
onlxatlon" and ending In the Armenian
It la worthy of note that of the two
Intellectual sources of the "Holy War,
Dangi-roas I'-nr-tnir Maxqurrado ax
Labor iirgdrrs.
PEATTI.K. Wash.. Fab. I. Clay Al
len. I'nlted States District Attorney
her, auld tonight that the I. W. W.
agitation In th Northwest was being
directed by alien, many of them dan
gerous enemies of the Nation, who are
eloatkinc pro-Germanism tinder a pre-I namely Turanlsm which one might re-
tens ot storking in th interests of I verse and call an extended form of Old-
' -W'lttl'
r -- r--- r-sr
eC men were taken nito cueloly and
a large amount of documentary evl
'- wselsJ. Mush of this evl
dene waa presented to lae grand Jury
and some of It era quntsd In the con
apiracy Indictment which was returned
tori y.
e'orty-els of the SS per-one Indicted
ted.iy. including ll.-o.! and Voelter. have
b"n In custody of the rltjr and county
ethorttle here stacv lat last Oec
tr. Two of theart Frank. Keiily and
liuie Tort are wanted on similar
charge namel in an Irjir-tment re
tarnv'd la CMca; . to Fed
eral aathertcies.
Th nm of nine f th were
plared on secret f ie because they had
net beesr lakes Into rsjel-eUr.
-M erraala ojt taw lws.
Flv of Joha W. Preston. L'alt-
4 Mtatr lu.lri t Attorny. annonnced
la cottrt. were Involved In charge of
conspiracy to vlolat th esp-tnate act.
t!mis..i r.' la San Franc!
Th e-thr fur reside In or rtrmx !n
rjicico. Federal authorities said.
Hrrat for the arrest of the nine
Were prepared tody.
Th In-lwlmtAt charged the defend
nu wiirt a general conspiracy by
-"threats, assaults and Intimidation
4 Ik ai.tributlon of alleged I. ft.
IV. literature to obstruct the artlvltl
f the Uoveranaeai In th proeeculloa
f the war.
It allseed that they were member
ef branches of the organisation known
a -militants and -r-bel.- Violation of
vartooa sections of the pnal rod and
War regulation and prw Tarnation. In-
rlud'ng th enemv alien and aelectlv
draft art, also wer IIg-d.
Ornaatsesl t eassalra. y rhargesl.
The defsndants also were accused of
an organiser! conspiracy l "Injur and
crpres certain ritisn of th Cnltad
trtst.e bv threats and Intimldatlrtn.
letter mailed to sums f th de
fndanta were reprodud In th tn
rl !. t merit rWimi of the wr from I.
-v. W. prisoner In th Cook County
J- 1 1 la Chicago. They urged men on
th outside'' to great effort In their
work, aa "lh best mean of helping
their fellows In Jail In Chicago." Two
of the letter were signed by G. A
liobert and Jamea Itowaa. among
th'-a availing trial on Indictments re
turned In Chu-ago.
Telegrams sent to P. H. Johnson, as
sistant t'ntted Stata ilatrlct Attorney,
-ah comluctcd th Investigation, by
.Vltert F and Frdrlch Ksmond. of
Kan Francts-r-o. remonstrating against
alleged Inhuman treatment of th men
tn eoatody here, tlss wer Incorpor
ated in the Indictment. Fox and K-
nioad signed their name aa members
cl th 1. W. W. defense eommltte.
. at tea r4lak-a Peesa OaeiesV.
, poem belittling American soldier
and alleged to have been written by
."iti") Theodora I'olaai. of San Fran---.
was reprodaced verbatim In the
Name of tt of th person Indicted
wer anunred by th clerk t of the
court ae follow:
Willi. HnAd. lw F VrMtler. Jeha
(;ra. 3nt-i I'arr.'l. Hertry Kvane. A In.
-ni Sata-il. hwri ( Bialn. Kdward 1.
fl arar. yrang itsi:r -lettte T -rt, JuMu
ltesra -a'. H. l.y r'slts Cta. i'rinl
J.kMs. (,' kFl J A 1-evrlee. V
II Itiel, Jmmrm Mrkeeate IC Aan.reosk
t-"ed-f'ell V..ra. JDll llsnr. Wililam
I t Milam r.iersMU. W S". Sherman.
A.--!-! II. Ii.imnml. J,in O'Tin.n. J. H.
la. I raae.r. Kiiluii T ISnagvsi. Her l-elf.
' -w - W ai!.hal. li.arss Kv.n. John
-. J-a-rfi et-pSeaa. w Ifc Mill.r. Jnhft
1 Jap', it-A K'grimr. rrark Tresis. Krlts
I-.vaK KSsH Murna. fr-sns M-rcan.
J.. . W W Auetl. I Has'l.
t."-e I c-tle lie sears. J-HS J. CuBlrl
Frank II. Utile who was lynched st
rl-itte. Mont., wa mention! among
strtrrt, a a pereon with whAin thoee
ru maxi in tb Indl.-lmer.t bad ronrplrd-
W sntx,Tt"X. Feb. . Indasttlal
fVorisrs of the World on th Pacific
f-st hi' rhrnnd wholesale deatmc-ti'-st
of la-iustne - an.i sh.ppmg and
sitaer Interferen with prosecution of
the war. It was said today at the .
g-artment of Justice.
aaawtag Ptast rviected.
The Indictment of i at Baeramento
a Feleral grand Jury Is the result
f recent Investigatlra-ie by Govrn
siieni agenta. who discovered that land
er were plotting systematic sabotage.
of all Intellectual capabilities and ener
gies ln war and the clash of arms,
were expressed with truly marvelous
directness of aim, and, from the na
tional standpoint, a truly commendabl
magnificence of conception.
This latter has indeed never been
lacking as a progressive ethnic facto
In Turkish politics. The Turks have a
wonderful understanding, too, of the
imDortance of social problems, or
least, ss a sovereign people, they feel
instinctively what In a social con
nectien will further their sovereignty.
The war. with its enormous Intellectual
.!.'.- ka AAv'.lnlv hrnil.hl all the
iwtW I U.HII T.. -1 I - V. I I ' 1 J " .
.. I L. m. J . , . J. I political and economic resources or tne
rty which finds practical outlet In Turan- Turks. including the Young Turkish
I istlo Ideals, la still th Intellectual back-1 ., ., to the hisrheat nossible
.irfKAXH Wash, Fb I. Plans for Don" " oincisi lurgey today and has stage of development, and we ought
sabotage on tha mrt r in,,.i.i I to be broken by tha present war. thel, he .MmrUrd if wa often find
Workers of th World do not extend I Young Turkish Islam policy is already that measures, whether of a beneficlent
to r.aalern nashlngton. so far as De- I completely oanarupt ana can. there- or Injurious character, are not lacking
partsnent of Jnstic official here I ,ore- studied her dispassionately lnin modern exactness, clever technical-
snow, j. t. Met iovrti. I'nlted States I m" aspects. e propose to treatlity and thoroughness or conception.
Min.'ui, declared tonight. i in matter in aome aetall.
fincar th general wood and farm I s-as.asa n....j
All New Turkish nationalistic efforts
at emancipation had as first principle
ilr. Allen, for obvious reasons, could
not say what measures were being
taken to suppres this disloyal agita
tion, but Intimated that Federal agents
wer on th alert and had th attua
lion Weil in hand so far as guarding
gains-, acmai oestr-urton or proper
a ivowFieu.
Turklsm and Pan-lalamlsm, th men)
of the "eommltte for unity and
progress" hav only mad logical!
though unsuccessful use of the former.
although, theoretically speaking, they
recognize the valu of th latter as
strike callrd for last August, and which
was blua-ked by the arrest of more than
a sa-or of alleged members of the or
ganisation here, some disturbances
hav been planned by the I. W. "TV.,
but none of them wer put Into execu
tion, h said.
Without anticipating. I should just like
to note here how this change appears
to affect the war. Ka one can doubt
that it will enormously intensify zeal
in the fight for existence of the Turkey
s?-,: v -.0.uC!.P,i,, .'L0"- Jht of the future, freed from Its jingoistic
- '-' "- - nave outgrowths, once more come to it
n.r. unoer review i ineretor to be ,enses and confined to its own proper
dated from that day. shortly before Bphere of activity, Anatolia, the core
- war, wnen inai or the empire. But. on the other nana.
MONTANA TO FK.HT I. r. tr "Junction was flung overboard which iron might and determined warfare
"" or inc i against tnis misguiaea state are neeueu
Druiiciiua os ina inicrmi or p.itmn rm . - . . . . r i Kmr,,i . . i u
I - , I LVJ rtlUl UU L all u , 1 u . ... . ,ub.
.-.ess s-aw a iu ne r.sinra at -special I on a Hill out. loo Illtl civilized. It I (. Eamaaeloafloa Alaa.
i waa lunir naraeir that ,1 1 th . . . I r -
. . i . i . I .
' ws sisisisrr. i having curtly refused th entente off
11 F.LK.SA. Moot., r.b. I. It I Urgaly lo Tm.ovJt' P'-l-ons ss a
lo deal with th 1. W. W. aituation In w Turkey a remaining neu
If. after this slight digression, we
glanc for a moment at the practical
measures for a complete Turklllcatlon
I rtf Turkev. the economic efforts at
Montana that the Legislature, which I. " " "..r"" J 'q"a' '"ted emancipation and the civic reforms car
lo met her. on -.bru.ry 14 In special h "' nc" " "n:",,,"c' ' rled through, we find first of all that
- br Oov.rnor ""l""'' Tn , M th" new Turkey, when she had thrown
S.n V. ..w.rt. In hi call for th. Jn,f" b?l , 0 21 I", ' T'rT the capitulations overboard, then pro
extra session, to pass a .edition and L0" V"" "n- 11 w 1914 before she -.rf,i , -mnclote herself comDlete-
s botgg get.
Th Governor, in recent utterances.
ba dealt In a spirit of apprehension
with the possibility of trouble from I.
. r. sources in tn Stat next
Head of Trading Cuui parry Held In
Conner-lion Wllh Munitions Plot.
formally recognized th abolition of
capitulations, long after she had lost
all bold on Turkey In that direction.
as eariy as summer of 1915 there
wer clear outward Indications In the
streets of Constantinople of a smolder
ing nationalism ready to break out at
any moment. Turkey, under the lead
ership or ialaat Bey. pursued her
ly from Kuropean supervision in the
realm of trade and commerce.
A very considerable step in advance
In the wav of Turkish sovereignty and
Turkish economic patriotism was the
organization and since September,
1916 execution of the neo-Turklsh au
tonomic customs tariff, which with one
blow gives Turkish finances what the
course along th wall-trodden paths, government formerly managed to ex-
FRANCr.SCO. Feb. t. P. O.
president of the Mexican Na
tal Trading Company, wa arrested F!r",,Ch "n1 Kn'1--,IJ Inscriptions, shop
the I nlted fttate Marshal her to-1 '''n9- '-. ven In th middle of
day In connection with an alleged plot
11 munition stored In the Basel
ment of th Los An gyles Federal build
ing. .
W. F. Holeka was arrested today and
oraerea interned on a Presidential war
na tn first sphere In which there
waa evidence of an attempt at forcibl
Turkification was the language. Pome
wher toward th and of 115 Talaa
euaaenly or acred th removal of all
curopean I'era. In tramcars and
at stopping - places the French
txt waa blocked out: boards with
public police warnings In French were
enner removed altogether or replaced
oy unreadable Turkish scrawls: the
rant, which charged him with being l'" .impiy aoonsnea
.,, . ... lne authorities apparently
thought - it
preferable that the Levantine public
snouiu get into the wrong tramcar,
snouid break their legs getting out
pick flowers In th parka and wander
round helplessly In a mass of unnamed
streets rather than that tha spirit of
forcible Turkification should make
even the leaat sacrifice to comfort.
Of the thousand inhabitants of Pera,
not ten can read Turkish: but under the
pressure of th official order and for
fear of "-ratal assault or some kind of
underhand treatment ln case of non
compliance, th Inhabitants really sur
passed themselves and before one could
turn, all tha names over the shops had
been painted over r.nd replaced by
wonaeriui Turkish -characters that
looked like decorative shields or some
thing of th kind painted In tha red
and whit of the national colors. If
one had not noted th entrance to the
"TED" PREBLE MAKES GOOD t"t '?ll1llnZ"'r
a dangerous enemy alien. Hnleka was
a possession of mysterious blueprints
soma time ago. Federal officials said..
Leader of I. W. IV. Indicted la East
on Seditious Charge.
CHICAGO, Feb. I William I. Hay
wnod. with whom th IS members of
the 1. W. W. indicted today at Sacra
mento Cal.. are rhargrd with conspir
ing. Is in Jail here on a similar charge.
Haywood waa Indicted by a Federal
grand Jury some time ago and has been
confined since. Application for his re
leas on ball has been prepared by his
attorney, George V. Vanderveer, It was
ar.nounced yesterday.
Th Indictments wer a direct result
et I- recent attempt to blow np th
Governor rest lenre at fiacramento.
1,-r-itj c:coTertd rest of plotter!
rortland Yoong Man Pa see. Exam
for Aviation Section.-
Edward W (Ted) Preble, son of Mr.
ar.d Mr. E. B. Preble. ISSf Harrison
street, who I a Nrst-.las prlvat in
the .Kith Field Hospital. 31. th Sani
tary Train, atauoaod al American Lake,
has Just notified his parents that h
ha passed the examination for the
aviation section, and Is likely to be
Mr. PreM xpct ta b sent to on
Of tie eviction tratntriff schools ss a
candidate for a commission.- It IS un
derstood his superior officers hav rec-
omsjea-dd hiaa tor the candidacy.
tl.eoO.0 Corporation Eaters.
KALl:. Or.. Fb. 1 Barton Co. a
Weshtnirton stati corporation, capital
ly. mt it ADA So araa . m m lMued a
permit to do bu.iness in th stat of-n, from Stamboul. by th obligatory
Oregon. The huslness of th firm Is Turkish language or lat quit sup-
up and down th Grand Rue de Pera
if one wanted to buy something in a
particular shop.
Aersaaas Mightily Pleased.
But the German, as elmple-mlnrled as
ever where political matters were con
cerned, was highly delighted In spite
of the extraordinary difficulty of com
munal Ufa. "Away with French and
English. h would shout. "God punish
England: hurrah, our Turkish broth
er ar helping us and favoring the
extension of the German language '."
Th answer to theea pan-German ex
pansion politicians and language
fanatics, whose spiritual . home was
round the beer-tables of the "Teutonia."
was provided by a second decree of
Talaat's soma weeka Later when all
German notices had tn disappear. A
few. who would not believe th order,
held out obattnataly and the signs re
mained in German, till they wer either
supplemented In-lsle. on a very clear
tract painfully from the great powers
bit by bit. by fair means or foul, at In
tervals of many years, and which, with
Its hard-and-fast scale of taxes which
there appears to be no Inclination in
political circles at the moment to mod
ify by trade treaties! means an ex
ceedingly adequate protection of Tur
key's national productions, without any
reference whatever to the export In
terest of her allies, and Is a very strong
Inducement to the renaissance of at any
rate the most Important national in-
m mi
;irtv3f of
SaoUjalC- in-J'ir-k-ll I
IIY" ' l
Cbf Extra S. & H. Stamps
With This Coupon
Bring This Coupon
20 Extra 20
"S. & H." Tradlnp
Stamps on your
first $1 cash pur
chase and double
on the balance.
first floor and in
Feb. 9.
Good on
basement today
Cedar Oil
poured on a cloth before wiping over the furniture
not only removes the dust and dirt, but gives a
new finish, removing all mars and scratches.
Trial bottle, 25; quarts, 000; gallons, $2.00
Satisfaction or money back.
Get a Wood-Lark Yard Stick FREE
a '
Extra Special in
$1.75 2-qt Red Rubber Hot
Water Bottle, to I- ff
close at each wl.UU
$2.00 Metal Hot t?-J C(
Water Bottle tDXJU
$1.50 Ladies' Douche OQ
Syringe, glass tube Oai
Good, durable Steel
with any order of
$1.00 or more, in our Faint
$2.25 Bath Sponge
Special $1.67
1 dz. "Snow White"rrrT
Toilet Par-er ' C
1 dozen "Skyline
Toilet Paper
4 rolls "Bonafid" Toilet
Paper, 2000 sheets,
$1.25 Toilet Water, as-GO,.
sorted odors aOL-
50c Lavender Smelling QQ
Salts, fancy bottle OOL
25c Cuticura Soap, three PJg
50c Dr. Charles' Flesh
50c Zona Face Pomade atJ-
50c Kosmeo Toilet Ce
rate -
50c Daggett & RamsdellO
Cold Cream
Wanous Shampoo Bag, OfT
three for AOL
$2 Pyralin Ivory Hair fl- JQ
Brush, 11-row bristle DAr
$1.50 Hair Brush, eolid QQ
back, 11-row bristle OaC
$1 Vulcanoid Hair Brush, CtOf
specially priced at Ui
50c Pyralin Ivory Photo QO
Frame OOt
Klean-Rite Clothes
"Flossy" Dental Floss
$5.00 pair of Military Brushes,
leather backs g?J
50c Clothes Brush 390
50c Sempre Giovine 4-50
25c Woodbury's Soap 320
Antiseptic Hair Cleaning Combs
for 250 and 500
Selling regularly at f Q
WLL $1.50; today...:., 0X.X7
. BB
. aa
ii r ff ' ff 1 1 lair's- a t r m-
Alwars "S. A H." Stamps First Three Floors
m ' ' : -'
, t - V , 4j
l-uyin and sUtni-r lrvrstock. P. Burns,
o t'alairy. Is prsldnt. and O. I. C
Harton. of Srattlr. is Tlc-pridrnt.
d Man Oors to Franr.
plantrd. It was not till soma time
aftr th Grman had disappeared and
this Is'-a-orthjr of note-that th Greek
alcn ceased to exist. Greek had been
up to that tim th most used tongue
and was tha commercial lans-uase of
the Armniana, -
Thn cam th ffamoas lansiss;
rsa-alatlona, which Ten went so far
PALLAS'. Tax.. F. I J. IIF.lllott,
Knral manacrr of h Texaa sV Pa
cific I'allroad. haa accepted an appoint
ment as assistant (nral manasar of I with a year of irrar rranted owing to
th railway ot the Americas forces ln I the extraordinary difficulties of the
Franc. 1 Turkish script to dscre that In
Mis, Marjrai-et A. Moatelth.
ALBAXT. Or., Feb. 8. (Spe
claLr In the city which her hus
band founded more than three
ai-ore years aco and in which
she has resided ever since, Mrs.
Mare-aret Alonteith will celebrate
her tsUth birthday at her home
ln Albany next Monday. She is
the only person residing: h'ere
who has seen the arrowth of Al
bany from Its be-rinnina -to the
present time and, ln addition.
haa the distinction of beinK one
of Linn County's oldest residents
Sand one of its earliest living: pio
neers. Despite her years, Mrs. Mon
J telth is strong and vigorous and
4 devotes much time to knitting:
: sucks, wristlets arrd mufflers for
the boys "o-er there." particu-
lariy her srrandson. First Lleu
I tenant Charles Duncan Monteith.
who Is in France with the Signal
dustrles. The far-flung net of the
DJemiet" (whose acquaintance we
have already made In another connec
tion), that purely Turkish commercial
undertaking wit-h Talaat Bey at its
head, regulating everything as It did.
taking everything Into its own hands.
from the realizing of the products of
the Anatolian farmers (and inciden
tally bringing It about that their ally.
Germany, had to pay heavily and al
ways in cash, even although the gov
ernment Itself owed millions to Ger
many and got everything on credit
from flour out of Roumanla to paper
for their Journals) to the most difficult
rationing of towns, forms a foundation
for the nationalizing of economic life
of the very greatest Importance.
The establishment of purely Turkish
trade and transport companies, often
with pensioned ministers as directors
and principal shareholders, and the
new language regulations and other1
privileges will soon cut the ground
away from under the feet of European
concerns. Able assistance Is given in
this direction by the Tanin and the
Hilal (the "Crescent"), the newly
founded "committee" paper in the
French language (when it Is a ques'
tion of the official influencing of pub
He opinion In European and Levantine
quarters, exceptions can be made even
language fanaticism!) in which
series of articles Invariably appear at
the founding of each new compan
praising the patriotic zeal of the
"Deutsche Bank" Hated.
Then again there are the Increasing
thinly veiled efforts to establish
urely Turkish national banking sys
era. Quite lately there has been
movement in favor of founding a Turk
ish national bank with the object of
supplanting the much-hated "Deutsche
Bank in spite of the credit It always
elves, and that international and pre
ponderatingly French institution, tn
Banque Imperial Ottomane, which
ad already simply been sequestrated
without more ado.
The Turks have decided, too, that the
mines are to be nationalized, and Turk
sh companies have already been
formed, without capital, it is true, to
work the mines after the war. The
same applies to the railways tn spite
of the fine German plans lor the liag
ad railway.
All these wonderful efforts at eman
cipation are perfectly justified from
the patriotic point of view, and are so
any blows dealt at Germany, who,
uite apart from Rohrbach's Weltpoli-
tik, had at least hoped to find a lucra
tive field of privileged commercial ac
tivity ln the country of her close and
devoted allies., the Turks. It is of su
preme significance that while the war
is still at Its height, while the empire
of the Sultan Is defending its very ex
istence at the gates of the capital with
German arms and German money, there
is manifested wih the most startling
clearness the failure of Germany policy
the endangering of all these German
"vital interests" In Turkey, which, ac
cording to Pan-German and imperial
istic views, were one of the most im
portant stakes to be won by wantonly
letting loose this criminal war on Eu
(To be continued tomorrow.)
George Huffenmiller Leaves
.Training School.
sick and he did not like the kind of
work at which he was placed."
The boy personally gave the board
assurance that if paroled he would
conduct himself properly.
Oregon Food Administrator Com
ments Adversely on 12 Plants.
License applications of 17 salmon
canneries on the Facifio Coast were rec
ommended, and 12 received adverse
comment in a report to Washington
made yesterday by W. B. Ayer, Federal
food administrator for Oregon. Federal
food administrators of Oregon. Wash
ington and Alaska, who met here last
week, acted on the applications.
Those to receive recommendation
were: Kenal Packing & Trading Com
pany. Liasianske Packing Company.
Deep Sea Salmon Company, Pyramid
Packing Company, Ocean Food Packing
Company. Sitka. Packing Company,
Alaska Sanitary Packing Company.
Columbia Salmon Company, Hidden
Inlet Cannina: Company, Pybus Bay
Fish &' Packing Company, Franklin
Packing. Company (herring - only),
Aberdeen Packing Company. Elmer
Beyer, Thistsd & Ross. Umpqua Co
operative Packing Company, North
western Fisheries Company. Behring
Sea: Carlisle Packing Company, Yukon.
The following received adverse com
ment: J. Jeldness Sons, Kinikilik
Packing Company. William N. Arm
strong. Alaska Packing A Navigation
Company. Pearl Straits Packing Com
pany. Hugh C. Todd. Columbia Red
Metal Mining Company, Hood's Canal
Csnnlng Company, O. S. Aune, F. B.
Thompson. A. H. Johanson, Ualasplna
Packing; Company.
Boy, Frequent Offender in Past,
Promises to Make Good if Given
Another Chance Regular
Reports Are Required.
SALEM, Or., Feb . 8. (Special.)
George Huffenmiller, a 15-year-old boy
sent to the State Training School by
Judge Tazwell in Portland, was pa
roled by the State Board of Control
after a hearing today. The boy was
paroled to the Rev. Father Daly of
Portland with the condition that he re
port monthly through Father Daly and
that upon any failure to report, or
upon any infraction of the law, he will
be returned to the school forthwith to
serve out his sentence, with no hope of
future leniency.
The board made It plain that there
was no intention of overruling Judge
Tazwell in the matter, nor any inten
tion to reflect upon his action. Judge
Tazwell, in a letter to the board, placed
the facts of the case before its mem
bers and stated that, after submitting
the facts, he had no recommendation
to make and would cheerfully accept
tne decision or the board.
Judge Tazwell ln his statement to
the board, said the boy had assisted in
stealing automobiles; that after his case
had been heard there was no question
as to his guilt, but he was paroled on
urgent request. After being once pa
roled, Judge Tazwell said, he was
brought up again for violating a state
law, but was given another chance.
Finally violations of his parole resulted
in his being sent to the State Training
The boy's mother, who was at the
hearing today, with his sister, resented
statement in Judge Tazwell's letter
to the effect that the boy was unreli
"He is not unreliable," she said.
When the boy had difficulty with his
employer after being paroled, he was
Senator Able to Get Commitee to See
Xeed of $500,000 Fund for Cattle.
KLAMATH ' FALLS, Or., Feb. 8.
(Special.) More favorable action at
Washington in getting: the half-million-dollar
appropriation for the Indians
on the Klamath Reservation is Indi
cated in a message received from Sen
ator Charles McNary by the : Kiamath
Commercial Club of this city as fol
lows: "Succeeded in getting thronf?h
Senate Indian affairs committee tfie
increase of appropriation to $500,000
for the Klamath Indians to encourage
industry, and with directions to sell
a quantity of the timber to reimburse
the Government within five years."
This appropriation, if finally allowed,
will be used to purchase stock cattle
for the Indians. The Indians are nat
urally fine stockmen, and it Is believed
that with this start they will be able
in most cases to get on their feet
Lifting of Fruit Embargo Followed
by Hood River Shipments.
HOOD RIVER, Or..- Feb. 8. (Spe
cial.) The embargo that has been in
effect on Eastern apples since Decem
ber 25 was lifted, today and two car
loads fif 'fruit were shipped by the
Apple Growers' . Association. .
The sales agency, which ha3 at pres
ent approximately 175,000 boxes of
fruit in its warehouses, expects to move
the stocks out rapidly.
Of the amount stored here approxi
mately 75,000 boxes have already been
sold and are being held for purchasers.
Astoria Barred Zone Extended.
ASTORIA, Or., Feb. 8. (Special.)
To provide better protection for the .
plants which are manufacturing prod
ucts for the Government's war activi
ties, the limits of the barred zone were
extended today to include the entire
waterfront from Tongue Point, on the
Columbia, around the entire Peninsula
to the paper mill on Young's Bay. Ger
man enemy aliens are forbidden within
300 feet of the waterfront within that
Phone your want ads to The Orego-
nlan. Main 7070, A 6095.
1 ,
from "the mothers of Portland it has
been decided to place S mileage Books
on sale in time to be sent to Soldiers
as Valentines. Both $1.00 and $5.00
books may be purchased today, tomor
row and Monday at Rotary Club Head
quarters, 614 Oregon Building1. As only
a limited number are available, the of
fer in for relatives only. . It will in no
way affect the campaign to take place
February 18 to 21.
(Advertisement paid for by Kotary, Club.)