THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX,. SATURDAY, VKRRUABT , 1918. LENINE,TROTZKY ON GERMAN PAYROLL Official Documents Declare Bolsheviki Financed With V. Teuton Money. BIG SUMS CHANGE HANDS netrlallon Bearing on Itotoluilon In Hnl Made In .Vitiating Article Appearing In Prill Farisirn. PARIS. Feb. t. The retlt I'arlslen ontlauea today publication of official Gtnua documenta. wblra It sajs wera brought to Franca y a preeminent French aclentiat w Ho obtained there from a Human revolutionary paper. Tha latest Instalment consists of a aerlea of documrnn tending" to aliow that the Bolsheviki movement In Kua aia haa been financed by Germany. Amonf these documenta la a circular dated March 2. 117. from the German Imperial Bank to all rrVreseolatlvea in avitierUnd. It Instruct them to honor all de mand for money from Nikolai Lfenine. M. Ztnovleff. Lon Trotsky. M. Kam eneff. one of the Russian representa tives at the Brest-l.itoTk. peace nrite tiattoaa; I. Zoumenson and Massta Koalovsky. who had been described a the chief German agent In Russia, all of whom have taken a prominent part In tha Bolshevik movement, a well aa to Madame Alexandra Kollontay. aupporter of Lenlne. and now in rharire af the Bolshevik Ivpirtmrnl of Public Welfare; General stivers and M. Xler aim. Tha money waa to b paid "under certain conditions." Another document I a letter dated a Ptorkholm. f'ptftntwr 2 1. 1 1 7. from T. rurtenbrg to Kaphael Srhuman at Hsparanda. reading: "Honored 1'omrade Varhurg's bank n receipt of a telegram from the pre Ident of the Ilhenlsh estphallan Syn dlrate. ha opened an account for Com rade Trolxky'a enterprise. -The lawyer ha brought arm an arranged for their conveyance aa fa aa Lulea and Varda. ""Instruct the firm of K.en Son lolea aa to whom they are to be con limed and the name of the confldn tlal person to whom the sum asked for by Comrade Trotsky Is to be paid over. Other letter announce the payment to I-enlne of sum varying from ISO. 000 to 100.000 marks. fraxcis a.xrt: ox ikhiu aiiv 4 Rumor of . (UpuNlon of IXploma From Frtrngrad HlxTrtlltcd. WASHINGTON. Feb. . Late today the Ptate ttrpartnifnt received a rou tine telegram from Ambassador Krancl la Petrocrad dated February 4. Thta was regarded a discounting further the unconfirmed report tha tha diplomatic representatlvee of tha allies have been expelled from the capital by the Holshevikl. An unconfirmed report that all the allied missions at I'etrograd had been driven out by the Bolshevik govern ment and.are on their way to the Swed tsa border was received today at the rotate lcpartment through American Minister Morri at Stockholm. Minister Morris at Stockholm re ported that two trains from IVtrograd had arrived there, one bringing the expelled Koumanlan legation. He also reported the capture of Torneo by the W hite Guards. Recently Ambassador Francis celved threats from a group of anarch ist to hold him responsible for the safety of Alexander IVrkman and Emma tioldman. entnced 1 prison for conspiring against the draft law. Recently, also, the Foreign Office re fused to permit diplomats to draw upon fund In retrograd banks. nently aa a free passage to tha ablpa of all nations. American sharpshooters on the eec tor held by the United Slates forces northwest of TouL on the western front, have matched their marksmanship and wit against the skill and experience of the German riflemen and thua far have had tha advantage. Enemy aniper have been routed from their hiding places among bushes In the hilly, wooden terrain or In shell holea by the fire of the Americana and. where the rifle proved unavailing, there was brought Into action machine guns or light artillery, which destroyed tha German shelters and caused casualties among their occupant. Dr. von Seydler. the Austrian Pre mier, haa tendered the resignation of hi Cabinet to Emperor Charles, ac cording to Vienna advice reaching Amsterdam. Parliamentary circles In the Austrian capital understand that the Cabinet's resignation Is due to tha opposition of Polish Deputies to spe cial debatea and tha provisional bud-K't- Ir. von Seydler. January SO. Informed labor delegations that It waa the wish of the Emperor to end the war at the earliest possible moment by an honor able peace, and thla declaration of the Premier-was Instrumental In ending the strikes In Vienna. GRAIN STOCKS TO MOVE TK SPORT ATIOX PRIORITY ORDER 11 ED BY MeADOO. HEAR. THE NEW FEBRUARY VICTOR RECORDS Seventh Floor. JupmanWofpG & Co. c "Merchandise of of Merit Only PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS HERE ONLY IN PORTLAND Second Floor. Pro rest of the War. Th latit figure available on the Iocs of Ittv In thr torm-dtilnjr of th troopship Tuvanla - Indicate that I peraona arc miiKtrtc, tf whom 117 were AmarUinii. Tha estimate waa furnhhcd by the Brit Id h Admiralty to the A ia ted Pre Frtdar nifcht. with the Informa tion that 223S pernonn hud been aved Among them were 132 officers and 191? f t h A m rta n f orf t e r . e n a t n ee r. supply train men. military police and aero unit. As the ship's company Included SI American, only 1 mlsslna remain to b apportloneti rmnc the 2 members of the Hrtttsh crew and six paen;er. Accord tnc to the Admiralty a f 1 1: urea, the total numbr of piMtni- on the Tuscanla was 2 1. American officers amonc the sur iTOrs testified to the rnuruare of their men whtle they faced the acuta emer gency of the ship slnklnic In the merit, wlfh no asaurance that the Jrrnian aubmarlne would not snd another tor pedo to hasten her d.appearance be Bjath the waves. rtrittph officlatU praise the discipline and steadfastness of the Americans, and the London press ts lavish with enco miums of their t.t lm. The Turkish Foreicn Minister. Nes ilmjr Bey. -piiklnit In the tt toman Chamber of lputte Thursday, assert ed that Turkey was In full accord with the attitude of itcrnmny and Austria aa Outlined tn the rrrent speechea of the G'rmio Chancellor. Count von Hertltcc. and the Austrian rYrelrn allntster. Count CwrMn. In reaard to the Iardanellea, Nrssimv Hey declared that the strait would "remain open In the future to International traffic as In tb past and on the same conditions." Th'S declaration Is reardl as Tur key a reply to the provision In Presi dent Wilson'a announcement of Amer Ica'a war alms which required that the H!inMa hotld be opened prma 37 More For Your Money . Get the Genuine r CASCARA R QUININE Ho adsais h pne for thi ia.yae. aid unite lie for 1 tablet Soeaa eold lableta aw 10r (or Jt tmwrrd mm eiunnttio te tablet. J " nui as Adeaaate Shlpsaeata Fill All Orders Plaaaedi (era Will Be Raabeel ta Elesatara. WASHIXGTUN'. Feb. S Transporta tion priority for grain, flour, cornmeal and other grain products In Western and Middle Western producing state waa ordered today by Director-Gen eral McAdoo to hasten to market all graina and particularly accumulated stores ot soft corn. Tb corn, full of moisture a a re sult of last year condition, composes aa much aa 40 per cent of tha stocks In many sections and la threatened with rotting In moderate weather of tha last few days unless rushed to ele vatora and dried. The order la Intended also to Insure adequate shipments of grain to fill all order. . Thousands of boxcars will be used for the grain movement and conse quently will be withheld from Indus trial shipment. lifofflclal preferential orders have been In effect throughout the Western statea for several dnys. and tha quan tity of grain hauled haa been far greater than In the corresponding1 pe riod of last year. In addition to supplying more cars and giving preferential movement, rall roada were ordered to have station agent In rural communities and their traffic agents explain to farmers the necessity of prompt loading movement of grain storka. A Sale NEW SPRING . NECKWEAR At 95c Ties Worth Doubfe and More ITALIAN. FRENCH. SWISS AND AMER- ICAN SILK AND SATIN TIESWARP PRINTS. BASKETS. BROCADES AND JACQUARDS IN LOVELY. LUSTROUS MATERIALS AND COLORING. BUY THEM BY THE HALF DOZEN THE VALUES ARE WONDERFUL Main Floor Just Inside Washington-Street Entrance See Washington-Street Window New Spring Suits for the ! -BOY Are Here From $7:50 to $20 EVERY SHIPYARD IS BUSY Iat Strike Involving Work for Gov ernment Is Settled. WASHINGTON, Ieb. 8. The last strike In any war Involving shipbuild ing tn the United Statea haa been set tled with the return to work today of 000 meial trades workers In New Orleans. 'Not a man Is Idle in any shipyard In America.' Assistant Secretary Post, of the Ie part ment of Labor, announced. "Thia is the bent answer to charges I that labor Is not doing Its part." impossible llvtns; conditions at many shipyards are believed to have been responsible for much of the labor trouble. BOY. 16, SENTENCED TO DIE Paul Chapman. Slayer of Two, Hoars Jury Verdict Mtolt-ally NKW YORK. Feb. S. It took a jury only : minutes today to decide that Paul Chapman, a 16-year-old youth should pay the death penalty for hav- ng participated In the robbery of Brooklyn store last October, during which Harry Reglnsburg. the proprl etor. and his brother were shot to death and his wife badly Injured. Chapman, a former choir boy. a feet ,11 and looking older than he Is. re celved the Jury'a verdict of guilty stolc- lly. BISBEE, ARIZ..QUARANTINED Smallpox F.nldrmit' tn Town Calls for Summary Action. BISBKK. Aria.. Feb. I Dr. O. W. Swrek. State Health Officer, after In- rutiKating the smallpox epidemic in his dlMrn t. today placed the entire community under quarantine. I'nder the regulations prescribed by Tr. Swcek. anyone desiring to leave he ity muat obtain a bill of health rom the County Health Officer. Four- een cases of smallpox are Deing treat- d In the detention hospital. tabteta cm par wa yoa buy AaeyDwgassa HOOVER &VICT0RY. Do you sometimes get hungry for ouahnu's and coffee, or a big slice of ake? IH you sometimes put your and In your pocket, for tha money to pay for something like this -and tnen pull It out again, empty thinking that Is not patriotic to ouy aucn luxuries these times? Do you know that here ta another Hoover in Portland A. A. Hoover, the Doughnut King who engaged In the manufacture of oughnuta and rakes, with the full sanction and approval or tha Food Ad ministration? Its a fact, all of bis products are In tha Victory class and can be eaten on wneatiesa days with a lear conscience, because they are trlctly within the requirements of the ood Administration, one-third or more substitute flour being used In their manufacture. io take boma that Hoover cake. Ask your grocer for oovere Victory products. Order them your restaurant, with your meals, buy them at his retail store. 145 Third street, between Morrison and Alder. Adv. Ko or BATTLE TO LIES TOLD OF lOeM'noed From Fliwt Psre which she paid about W. K. Co- man, a membar of tha board, brought out tha fact that. Incladlng clothing and other necesaary allowances, the weekly expenditures ot thia girl would reach 110 a week. Mrs. T. T. Munger. president of the Consumers' League, reported having made a thorough survey of the city and found that tha minimum rent charged for a room waa tl.lo a week. Thla figure, she explained, waa for a room containing only a bed. stova and chair: tha room being without plumb ing, heat or electric lights, tha tenant being required to furnish his own lamp and kerosene. Ts runes M Ortp raids eaase Or1l LAXATIVE BROMO QU1STXK Tablets remeve the eaase. There la only eae "tfroma wuiaioe. s- w. OROVa' aaatara aa box, M.i-Alr Suits for the red-blooded Amer ican boy who gives his clothes real wear and tear! These are in the very newest styles and colors trench and belters, lined with serge or alpaca; TWEEDS. HOME SPUNS, SERGES AND CHEVIOTS FOR SPRING. Sizes for boys 6 to 18. BOYS' LEATHERETTE GAUNTLET JERSEY GLOVES At 69c Good, stout gloves that will withstand hard boy wear! The kind that the fellows like so much! FOR THE YOUNGER YOUNG MEN We have new Spring arrivals in the famous Langham-High Suits that are so snappy and becoming. Some mighty smart, fancy plaids and stripes, as well as solid blues suits that will satisfy the most discriminating. Come in and see them! PRICED $18.00 to $25.00 Portland Representatives for Boy Scouts of America. Fourth Floor Lip man, Wolfe & Co. Bought at a Great Price Concession The Leather Goods Department Shows NEW SPRING- BAGS AND PURSES At $'1.95 Plain and pleated atyles In bags with safety lock fastening. Daintily lined and fitted with mirror and coin purse. Purses are in tailored atyle with top or back strap. Main Floor. Llpman, Wolfe Co. SHEET MUSIC 9c Send Me Away With a Smile. In the Land of Wedding Bella. Darktown Strutters Ball. Along the Way to Walkikl. While the Incense Is Burning , and many others. SPECIAL AT 30c Keep the Home Fires Burning. Carrie Jacobs Bond Music Special at 20c Seventh Floor. TOILETRIES - Powder Pnffa ia aanitary eavel- New Spring Tub Frocks I For Little Tots- All Dresses for Children of Ages fat Last Season's Prices 'TUB FROCKS AT 79c Pretty little gingham or chambray frocks of plain colored, striped or checked . materials. Many attractive" styles. Sizes I to 5. BLOOMER DRESSES $1.19 For children 2 to 5 years ; in waisted or straight styles; pretty quaint models. Also some without bloomers. Other dresses, 6 to 14 years, at $1.49, $1.79 and $2.49. LINGERIE DRESSES $2,49 White lawn dresses, with embroid ery tab in front and dainty lace edging. For girls 6 to 14 years. NEW SPRING WASH DRESSES, $3.50 to Dresses of very fine ginghams, in plaids, stripes and plain colors. These are the very newest models for flappers, and, oh, but they're pretty old-fashioned and just as youthful ! Sizes for girls 1 4 to 16. Fourth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. $60 New Spring Neckwear Special $1.25 A ONE-DAY SALE Pretty collars in good styles pointed, round and square. Made of good Georgette daintily lace edged or hemstitched. Some with cuffs to match Today only at $1.25. NEW HAIRBOW RIBBONS Special at 17 c Yard Moire and plain taffeta ribbons, in all desirable shades pink, gold, blue, black, brown and yellow. Widths from AYz to 5Yi inches. Special at I 7c. Main Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Rubber S pong Co 7 Hand and Nail Brnsara 12 Hair Brashes 1b Kboay and Rose wood $1.25 Freaeh Ivory Hair Brwheo $2.49 Manicure Sdmora In beat quality ateel 85. 1. $1.25 Nail Klles 7a Cream Oil Soap 3 for 25i Mala Floor. Hosiery and Underwear STOCKINGS WOMEN'S silk fiber stockings heavy grade with silk lisle top. White, silver, gray, tan, pink and other shades 75e WOMEN'S seamless lisle stock ings fast black or white. With high spliced heels, double soles and garter tops. Out sizes. 3 pairs $1. Pair 35 CHILDREN'S medium weight cot ton ribbed stockings for boys or girls. Fast black or white. with linen heels and toes, 25 UNDERWEAR' WOMEN'S kait union suits made of fine combed Egyptian yarn in lisle finish. White, in sizes 36 to 44. 69 "or 3 suits for 2 WOMEN'S Swiss ribbed fine lisle thread vests. . Low. neck and sleeveless. Sizes 36 to 44. With ' plain or crochet yokes. 35 CHILDREN'S union suits! Heavy ribbed, part wool suits in white or gray. Size 2 to 6 $1.25. Sizes S to 12 51.40. sizes 14 and 16 S1.S0. Main Floor Lipman. Wolfe & Co. t MAYTAG Electric Washing Machine Makes Washday a Playday. Basement Lipman, Wolfe & Co CLASH IS IMMINENT Parties in Russia Prepare for Struggle. by the idea that their revolution is forcing one in Germany. If it were not for their exultation the idea of a world revolution would be more possible. SHARP RIVALRY DISCLOSED Kolhevlkl Accused of Trying to Pre vent Decision at Polls Parly , of Trotzky and Lcnlne Feels Secure. BT ARNO DOSCH-FLEUROT. rETROGRAD. Feb. 1,. via London. Feb. 7. (Special.) The question or power, which has noi oeen raieea in Russia aince tha Bolsheviki consolidat ed their position two months aa-o, haa nin been brouaht forward by the Minshevlkl. who ara asking the re election of delegates to the Workmen's and Soldiers' Councils. They evidently hope to gain votes. Tha Minshevlkl hava atarted the ru mor that tha Bolsheviki are preventing re-election, which tha Bolsheviki officially deny. Some factories are now re-electing delegate. But were la no chanca of tha Bolsheviki losing many votea. . FUNERAL RITES OBSERVED Services for Miss Annie Chamber lain Held at Fin Icy Chapel. The funeral of Annie L. Chamberlain, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cham berlain, of 442 East Forty-ninth street North, was held yesterday afternoon at the chapel of J. P. Flnley Son, Rev. Mllligan officiating. Misses Marlam Bennett and Marguer ite Cook sang "Beautiful Isle of Some where," and "No Night There." The pallbearers were: Forest Ester day. Harold Schmeer, Halmer Edlund, John Palmer.N Robert McKenneth and Lyle Oakes. Incineration took place at the Portland Crematorium. PollMral Rivalry DlaHsard. This move by the Minshevikl la Im portant only aa ahowing political riv alry. The Bolsheviki Know tnetr lianas. but do not Intend that It shall rorm tha basis for the passing of their con trol. In fact, they feel mora aona than aver. Tha aoviet form of government per mits quick re-elections, thus showing the pulsa of popular sentiment. No government can remain In power once it losea tha confidence of the people. except by force of arms. No a-uch pos sibility la Imminent. Acrartaa Coassstttee Meeta. Tha only body outside the Soviets is tha assembly of the agrarian commit tee, which la now meeting here. It Is composed of civilian peasants largely, tn contrast to - the peasant assembly, which is made up mostly of peasants from the armies. The agrarian commute tnus nas a somewhat different attitude, and Is Interesting Itself only with the division of lands. It ts not greatly Interested la tha rest of tha Socialist programme. Sals leva Ret ara to Villages. The construction of a Socialist state la more tha affair of tha soldiers and workmen, many of whom, however, are returning to the villagea for the divis ion of lands and othera waiting the re opening of the factories. The Kuaaiaa massea ara captivate Crowd at Lyons Fair Promised. WASHINGTON. Feb. 8. More than 700 mercantile and manufacturing con cerns from allied and neutral countries will participate this year In the inter national samples fair at Lyons, ac cording to an official despatch received from Paris today. The total number of participants. Including the French, will exceed 2SO0. E BILL IS URGED MeADOO. HARDING AND WARBURG MAKE AGREEMENTS. Senate Committee Assured That Pro posed Legislation Will Not Re sult In Inflation. WASHINGTON. Feb. . Enactment of the war finance corporation bill to strengthen the country's financial and industrial conditions for war was urged before the Senate finance committee today by Secretary M'cAdoo, with the support of W. P. G. Harding, governor, and Paul M. Warburg, vice-governor of the Federal Reserve Board. Secretary McAdoo said the legisla tion not only would not cause infla tion but would serve to prevent it. He outlined in detail the plan under which, with a capital of $500,000,000 and au thority to issue 4, 000, 000. 000 in bonds to finance essential .dustries, the Government would control all security issues during the war. He will be re called Monday when he will be ques tioned by the committee regarding the bill. A similar measure has already been introduced in the House and hearings on it will open Monday before the ways and means committee. Secretary McAdoo declared the pro posed measure -should be regarded pri marily as legislation to enable banks and trust companies to continue to fur- nish essential credits for industries and enterprises which are necessary or con tributory to the war.. . A Phone your want ads to The Orego nkan. Main 7070, A B095. f mmmammmmJ 1 animism 1, 4, .yvj; U vLQ r ) 1 r Extraordinary Savings on Women's Black Boots These boots will appeal particularly to the woman who wears shoes in sta ple styles. There are all the favored models : " .. - a j 1687 PAIRS OF WICHERT & CARD ENER HUDSON AND RED CROSS SHOES IN PATENT COLT AND DULL CALFSKIN. VICI KIDS WITH LEATH ER LOUIS HEELS ON SALE AT . $3.80, $4.80 $5.80, $6.80 . Second Floor lirt2itactxc 1 c I J 1 The ,Car of Unexpected Values" Grace, Style,' Comfort and Completeness " ; D. C WARREN MOTOR CAR CO, Distributers. 58-60 North 23d Street, VELIE MOTORS CORPORATION, Mouse, I1L Pianos Phonographs HOLTON BAND INSTRUMENTS LUDWIG DRUMS LEEDY DRUMS . V DEAGAN XYLOPHONES VIOLINS W; V . BANJOS G UI TA RS UKULELES 1 Seiberling-Lucas Music Co. a 125-127 Fourth Street, Near Washington i i j