THE SIORXCro OREGOXIAX, SATURDATW FEBRUARY 9, 1918. 7 OREGON filAll TELLS OF life on front! SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO FITTING MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S CORSETS TODAY THIRD FLOOR Mahogany Nut Bowls $1.98 Solid mahogany a a t bowls complete) with six nickel nut picks and one nickel not cracker.- Bowls in two different styles. Main Floor, Sixth Street. New Victor Records for February now en sale In our Phono graph Shop, Sixth Floor. Coma In today we will gladly play any of the sew arriv als for you. All Kinds of Valentines We have most complete assortments of everything required for your valen tine party. Fancy valen tines in great array. Stationery Shop, Main F1 USS Cat & Pet Stock Show of the Oregon Branch National Breeders' and Fanciers' Association will be held in our Sixth Floor Auditorium next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, February 14, 15 and 16. Cats, rabbits and cavies are eligible for entry. 50 gold medals and many other prizes will be awarded. An officer of the show will be here from 10 to 5 today to furnish premium lists, entry forms and all desired information. ENTRIES CLOSE TOMORROW SIXTH FLOOR, SIXTH STREET. turn I EstakaaVfd Tut Quality" Sto C- OF- POKTLAXD War Impresses Lieutenant K. M. C. Neill as Decidedly Tiresome Affair. y 'II i 3t i.- The Quality Store's Announcement for Saturday GERMAN ATROCITIES STIR ft Sfcmbrr of Brlli-h Array Scrtit-r Corps Pe Day In Portland Kit IConte tu Ranrh Near t.rsnl Pass on Lrate of .brnce. War lmirur Uutnant K. M. C. KI!I. of tb. Brltl.h Army Srlc Corps. a du-d:y tlrom. affair that mint b worrlrd throuch sn y ow t Ttrtory. Air raids, b'wnbard jnrnt. battles and ixMn death be rorn romnonpUc to th. vers, of IJutnant Nrlll. on-ln-l of Mrs. riiil Metadata. fr tarried In Portland. jtntr aa th. ruet of Pdll J4et- haa. Jr.. at tha llrtel Imperial, while ra rout, to Ma bom at Ardenrralfr Ttascb. a-ir tirant Pa. on .ral weeks lea, of ilwncf from tha trdl of battla on tha wesiern front. For four years prior to tha ar K M. ". Noil I. naflT of S--otlsnt. resided In hottt h rn Orvfon. On February J. 151 ha went to tba front. -f waa on th north wMtrn froa will tna armorrd car, at the. first.' related Ueufenant NellL "But you don t rare about that, do you? O. very viIL I waa a -unner Thea cars are .1tiip-e1 with rapid-fire small cannon and Maxima. They ara useful for knock in down alncto-wall rottag-es and asatntt ratralry attacks. Li I ail A Mettle. Related. """Va j I aver In action with one Welt, ron understand, trench warfare rn the waatern front mad. them of little use. Rut onr-. at l-evanle. wa went on at dawn. Tha enemy waa In an estarnlnet tittla puh.' you know. Jit dkwn wa coulit eea him. lie couldn't aca ba No wa biased away, and then wa atreaked It. f lera tha lieutenant Interrupted tha In tervlew to auk If "that" waa "enough Few paopla would ba Interested, ba cob tended, with tha details of practical every-day Ufa In tha field. He had an ancaaement to apeak at Grants Pass ea Monday nirht. What tba deuce ehoold ba tell them? ' "U.t anouch? Well put thla down Bel-flan children." ha dictated. Three of 'era. One of our hospitals. Poor littla bsfcars had their arms and Ires doubled back, permanently deformed you know, twtated around Ilka this." lie crooked his elbow back acutely. "Two clrla and ona boy. about 1 years old. I asked them how It hap-r-ened. who did It. and they aald that feochea beat them with clubbed rifle. They ased to llva In T pres." L-eavtna- tha armored car detail. Lieu tenant Nelll waa assiened to tha army B-rvlca corps. His waa tha prosaic Job of brlncinc munitions up to tha British lines at tha Hcond battla of Y pre. Nlaht work, and all that sort of thins. Pld tha Germana ahell tha monition trains, and waa It ticklish business to transport hlah explosives under fireT "We hauled shells." patiently ex pounded the Lieutenant. "Certainly they shelled us. They always do. And those munition trains they blow up. yon know, tha damned things do!' Raada Blacked With Dead. Waving aaida hla exasperation at the tendencies of munition trains to "blow up" wbaa the boche -rets the range. Lieutenant Nelll waa persuaded to elu cidate, with particular reference. In just what manner tha explosion la staged. "Twenty-five motor lorries." he aald. "going up to the front alter dark. I waa in charge, with "i men. The enemr got our range. They located v They placed a barrage before us. serosa the road and a barrage behind us. Then they closed In on u.i. !ot 11 af ns and eight lorries. Devilish un comfortable business! "Put thla In often find the road Blocked wtth men and horses, all blown to smithereens. Often do. when you're tiaullng munitions." Pressed for other details of strife and raited wtth the assurance that his tirants Pass audience would welcome Just such banalities of battle, the Lieu tenant proceeded with reluctance. "Say that the gas got persistently worse.' ha re.iueste.1. "and that our gaa hetmets are Jut one stage In advance. t;s Is more efficient than It was. so ra the helmets- You have to make Jiaste to fasten your helmet- Six scc nds. no hurry, you know. Just no lost motion. "And tear ins. Tear gas Is used to atop the movements of troops and the bringing up of reinforcements. It In flames the eye. I got It. Painful .Very LaaeVaa Raids I Wis red Mild. Lieutenant Nelll depreciates the In c!on air raids. They are mild events compared to the raids that occur be hind the lines In France, he asserts, lie waa la London when one of these vain and vexing demonstrations of tier man hate was in progress. -Just having a drink at the time." was his naive uttmissai. itau anomrr. ; t iMun't bother tith the blooming bust- j A aess. o Yesterday afternoon Lieutenant Nelll tour was taken by Mr. M- tschan on f the Portland shipyards lie stood on the deck of a vessel butldlng at the Columbia yards and saw the War PearL Tbuitt at the Northwest yards, swoop from the ways to the water. "1 had tha luck to get a pass to the yard, you know." exclaimed Lieutenant Nelll. In great glee. "When I ret back to England I II I'll them all about It. r-hlps. lots of ships. that's what we Tfleed" lie concluded the Interview by fish ing a scrap of p. per from hla tunic, evplatntng that ha copied It from a copy In possession of a soldier, one-time pro-les-rr of Cambridge. "Vow don t understand It. do you aolirttously Inquired the Lieutenant. "Thought It might be Just the thing (or a story. "But you don't understand It. do you" Do you? Hare It la tha British sol dier's opinion rf Field Marshal ilaig: "Aig, a don't say much, 'a don't. K don't say nothln. But what 'e don't aay. don't mean nothln. not 'alf- And when 'e do aar anything' my Uawd: PATRIOTS Cat potatoes. Send the flour to the l.os I will send to your home two serke of my potatoes for II. SO. Frank L. tcnlth. :$ Aider lit. Main i:. Adv. Lad Sawmill Sold. VANfOCVBR. Wash.. Feb. . Spe ciaL The Lucia aawmllL near Lucia spur, baa been taken over by Frank l Xettenrtnr and N". F Allen, who will perata It. Both are experienced saw mill men sad there la a fair-aiaed body of timber near the mill A Wonderful Sale Hat Pins 2Jc-50c VALUES 10f 50c-$l VALUES 23 One of the greatest hat pin sales we've ever held. Included are hat pins with sterling silver heads, solid gold heads, sterling silver enameled tops, stone set heads in a multitude of styles. All hat pins are of hardened eteeL Very special at 10c and 25c for a pair or single pin. welry Shop. Main Floor. $2 Pullman Slippers 98c A limited quantity of the popu lar Pullman slippers at less than half price today. Pullman slip pers of soft pliable leather in handy leather case. Excellent bargains at, pair 98c Leather Goods Shop, Main Floor. There's a Satisfying Bigness About This Sale of Stout Men's Suits $14.85 Sizes for Stouts and Extra Stouts The Meier & Frank $14.85 suit sales are famous. Portland men take eager advantage of the won- derful clothing; values these sales offer. This sale has been especially arranged for stout men it brings 175 fine suits in Sizes 38 to 48 inclusive. Broken lines v of suits taken from our regular fine stocks. Made of excellent fabrics, such as finished and unfinished worsteds, heavy-weight cheviots and fancy mixtures. Included are AlKWbol Blue Serge suits, finely tailored, with heavy alpaca linings. Shape - retaining suits for business and general wear at the verv SDecial Drice of SI 4.85. NEW SPRING SUITS for young men Sa are here in new styles, designs and col orings. The military note is strongly in evidence. Men's Clothing; Sbop, Third Floor. iff I ill W ) Women's 75c-95c Collars 59c Women's crepe Georgette col lars neat embroidered designs and lace trimmed sailor models. With long front lines. 75c to 95c values 59c?. S5-S14.50 STOCKS, JABOTS LESS , Stocks and jabots of net com bined with real Filet and Irish lace. Regularly $5.00 to $14.50 today at one-third off. $6.50-$7.50 FILET COLLARS AT $4.95 Real Filet collars in roll style. Some are combined with Irish lace. $6.50 to $7.50 values $4.95. Neckwear Shop, Main Floor. New Veils MOTOR VEILS 1.35 Just received. New motor veils made of standaf quality chiffon with satin borders. In 25 of the most popular shades. SLIP-ON VEILS 25d Just received. New slip-on veils in plain and chenille dotted effects. Black, brown, taupe and purple. Veiling Shop, Main Floor. Mo'thers! Fathers! Boys! You Want THE BEST in Boys' Clothing You Want WW 99 Sampeck Suits "Standard of America" ' In point of service, style and all around desirability our boys' Sampeck suits far outdistance all rivals. Suits that are wonderfully well made of highest quality fabrics, tailored in the newest and smartest styles, at tractive mixtures, stripes, checks and novelty weaves. Finely serviceable garments in sizes to fit all boys from 7 to 18 years. We have never shown a larger or finer stock of these famous suits at this time come in today and see them. Moderately priced $10 to $22.50. Here exclusively in Portland. Boys' Clothing Shop, Third Floor A Great Final Disposal of Our Entire Remaining Stocks Women & Misses i Winter Suits The Assortment Divided Into 4 Lots Regardless of Former Selling Prices $15-$20-$25-$35 Every one of the suits at any of the above sale prices is the most phenomenal kind of a bargain. Your unre stricted choice of our entire remaining stocks of women's Winter suits regardless of former selling prices, original cost or present worth Misses' and women's suits of such fashionable mate rials as serges, gabardines, tweeds and worsteds. All the best styles and colors. Many suitable for Spring wear. A good assortment of EXTRA SIZE suits. Special at $15, $20, $25 and $35. Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor. 12 Spools of "Charter Oak" Thread 50c Charter Oak sewing thread in black and white. All sizes. 200 yard spools. In dozen lots only. Notion Shop, Mai J Floor. A New Shipment Golf Hose For Men and Women Splendidly serviceable golf hose of finest imported wool and silk in a wide range of beautiful patterns and colorings. Men and women will appreciate the quality, appear ance and service features of these excellent hose. IMPORTED WOOL HOSE $20 SILK HOSE $50. $6 Sporting Goods, Sixth Floor. Our Skilled Optometrist Can Help You if there is anything the matter with your eyes. An examination costs nothing. Today is a good time to have your eyes seen to if they require expert attention. Service of the highest order is our constant aim and care. Come in and let us show you. Broken Lenses quickly and accurately duplicated from the pieces. Mezzanlna. Sixth Streat. in Nearly Every Day's Express Brings Us More New Arrivals in Girls' Wearables From A mong Many New Arrivals We Select Especially for Today New Coats New Spring coats made of such desirable materials as serges, gabardines and velours. Made in the new high waist line style with small shawl and sailor collars. Also plain and fancy styles with plain and shirred backs, full belts. Sewed on and fancy inset pockets. Fancy button trim ming, sizes b to 14 years. $10 to $30. New Coats These for the younger sis ters from 2 to 6 years. Made of checks, covert cloths, gabar dines and poplins Fancy styles. Moderately priced $6.50 to $12. Limited Number Girls' - Coats at Special Prices A limited number of children's coats in broken sizes and styles at' very special prices. Made of velour, velvet, broadcloth, golfine and cheviot. With large or small plush collars. Many have fur trim mings. Broken sizes 4 to 14 years. Very specially priced irom $ to jou. The above illustration was made from some of the new arrivals. Children's Shop, Second Floor. New Dresses New gingham, cham- bray and linen dresses plain colors, stripes, checks and plaids. Many different styles. Effectively trimmed with white collars, feather stitching, belts, colored ma chine embroidery and but tons. Sizes for girls, 6 to 16 years of age. These new arrivals are very moderate ly priced $3.50 to $20. New Dresses An assortment of chil dren's dresses made of plaid and checked ginghams. Many styles and colors to choose from. Sizes 6 to 14 years. $1.59 to $3.95. New Smocks We have just received the latest styles in misses' and women's smocks. Beach cloth and Japanese crepe in white, rose, green, blue and yellow. Some combination trimmed. Large round and sailor collars. V-neck style. Trimming of smocking, buttonhole edge and embroidery in fancy colored wool. Sizes 14 to 16 years and 36 to 42. Priced $4 to $12. New Dresses New "Dorothy" dresses in the latest styles and most de sirable colors. Imported Jap anese crepe and linen dresses in sizes 2 to 14. Here only. $6.50 to $18.50. New in Our Men's Furnishings Shop Spring Shirts $1.15 New shirts in Spring patterns and colorings from one of our depend able manufacturers at a price that is extraordinarily low. A couple of these new shirts will prove a refreshing addition to your chiffonier. Many popu lar weaves, attractive designs and bright colorings. Soft and stiff cuff styles. A big vari ety to choose from at $1.15. Chalmers Union Suits at $1.69 Ideal garments for present wear. You know the Chalmers reputation for quality. These are heavy fleece lined union suits made from finest Egyptian cotton on Cooper Spring Needle machines. Excellently made garments with closed crotch. All sizes 36 to 46 in these comfortable perfect fitting union suits at the special price, of $1.69. Trooper Felt Hats $2 No raise in price no lowering of quality at Meier & Frank's we still continue to sell GOOD felt hats at the very low price of $2. . Trooper and staple shapes. Blue, brown, gray, green, tan and black. Main FIoob, Fifth Street I 1 Hp& Men's Good Work Shoes At Extremely Low Prices Wonderful values are offered today in men's heavy work shoes the kind that will stand the very roughest kind of wear. We feature today the following: High Tops $6.65 Men's very serviceable high top shoes with double stitched heavy chrome leather 12-inch uppers and double Goodyear welt sewed soles. Full bellows tongues. All sizes. Work Shoes $4.45 ' Another great special men's regular work shoes in tan and black. With solid leather soles and heavy uppers. All sizes. One of each of the above shoes illustrated. Shoe Shop, Third Floor. Women's and Children's Cood Hosiery at Low Prices Children's fine heavy ribbed black cotton hose in sizes 6 to 8. Pair only 250. Infants' mercerized lisle hose in black and white. All sizes. Fair at 250. Infants' cashmere hose in black and white. With silk heel and toe. All sizes. 3 pairs $1, or pair 850. Children's extra heavy "Cadet" hose in black only. Made for the hardest kind of service. All sizes. Pair 450. Children's fine ribbed black cot ton hose, "seconds." Three pairs 550, or pair 200. 9 Women's fine lisle hose in black, white and tan. Full fashioned hose with reinforced heels and toes. All sizes. Pair 500. Women's fine mercerized lisle hose in black only. Full fashioned stockings in all sizes. Pair 600. Women's good lisle hose in black and white. Full fashioned hose in all sizes. 2 pairs 750, or pair 400. Women's silk boot hose in black only. Seamless, comfortable and very serviceable stockings in all sizes. Pair 750. Hosiery Shop, Main Floor. In Our Toilet Goods Shop Abonita Liquid Powder 39c Abonita Benzoin and Almond Lo tion 15c Abonita Liquid Green Soap 39c Abonita Lilac Vegetol 39c. Abonita Tooth .Paste 15c Jergen's Dutch Sandal Soap, box 30c, cake 10c - Jergen's Old-Fashioned Soap, Jtwo cakes 25c 7, Jergen's Bath Tablets, 2 cakes of soap for 25c Conti Castile Soap, bar $1.25. California Medicated Soap, box 60c, cake 10c Bed Ribbon Toilet Paper, dozen rolls 49c ' f-i One cake of Creme Oil soap r lf"f with each purchase of 3 - A cakes at 25C Lux Soap flakes laundering- 2 package for for all fine packages 25c, 15c Toilet Goods Shop, Main Floor. $36 Wardrobe Trunks : $26.75 Luggage Shop, Sixth Floor. Just 15 at this price. Ward robe trunks that have all round edges, sides, top and bot tom. Good heavy corners. Trunks measure 18x22 inches. With pull out trolleys, waxed hangers. Cretonne linings. Pat ented locking device that does away with all outside catches. Serviceable trunks that are not too large and are light enough to meet baggage requirements- ;IIELP ARMENIA NOW DURING ARMENIAN LIFE-SAVING WEEK-, ! ! !