Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 09, 1918, Image 18

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V ANTED AmbiUooi glr: who ar anxious
to bttr thaix cuauiuoo ana ar lascia-
attd With da.nclc' CAB MCUT an tOI4ff
meat la higa-caa danc production if
in- are fa: r. y sracaf ul ; bo xp rienc
wii required and no charge win b
mida tor th traiains la company. Htgh
t uaIm aro paid to start with, rapid
tdvtccraat. Studio Moailaar Mm rcL
Portland s only b;;t mtr. WbMidoa
Ajanes. (No phoneaj
I COMPETENT bookkeeper who understands
general offlco work. Must be accurate, neat
and writ a rood busiDtt hand. Per-
ir.anent rsiticn with good salary. High-
grad crr:re and mita.t firm. Ana war
In own handwriting. T 89. Oregonian.
' WA.VTED Trustworthy child s aura: mast
b tomptfl( and bav good references:
ear of oca Infant: pleasant swroundlngs.
Fhon Mar-hail 4-33. aft-r A. M
GOOD aar tnr a ' cho-o1at and bonbon
dipper. Call at Waabinstoa at.
ITEXvxjRAPHKR, muit bev sood -peri-ne,
stats all particular. I 922.
CHP.Urt GIRLS H!rhMt waid tone an-
-a-mrau, no traveling. Apply Casino
T.I "A Err.
Til K'jfiH LT experienced waitress.
after 11 A. M. Mandarin Cat. Mor
r?ann. W A NTK D Two children to car for In my
own noma: prefer children 4 to a yaara
or c; rwaann.tni pnc. Tatwr b-J.
h k . r h.-tnUrnulli. a! r-.S- hetpera
Ho'i Agency, ruum 43, -To- Whlng
too at.
WANT E f M idd l-aed woman for hous-k-pr
on Kaaterti urrfuo ranch. Main
X.X I'E :I K.Ni :KL g.ri or woman for gmrI
Itoiuraork la f:nily of two. Phone morn
Inai. Tatwir ::ol. Reference-.
A NTKl) E ipertn'l tnocraphf ad
aeneral offn c orlL Apply Francis Mo
tor far Cu.. 13th arid Hawthorn aa
aN Y airl in need of a
r1 !tion Army lie.
1j(h si. N- or phone
friend apply to th
u Home, feast
East 1...
atora on por ma-
!: hail Mfa;. Ck,
ftroadway 7.
1 and j. &
yKiVATK liontt fr
11. l- ye r' tip.
children 2 to 13 years
71 Eterett. MAr.:n.
WksUku.N tor Ha fit bouaarplns. no wash
ing, work ty. Appy tlroadway.
E I'riitir: v. l
. K l.'th N
oa iab.a. Honf iton
M rlrl la fa;iu y of . Pbono Mar
W awtrr loanawtiem.
T i A i .N r. l. prm ! s1 ri f-r gan
Auuri. aa.4ry J.i.. Appreciative err
pot ra and :na.i home. VDijr reaaonab
fciur aa1 dutiro required. n afternoon.
aavarai tnmo off wek.y. Ton ran
ms rneoey a..d en J"y your aarvtc with
u. l'lrM call at 4l Corbett bids.
CuWI'KTKM girl, not tr 3 year of as.
fr sneral housework In trvinrton and
to SmwI Irt cwro of baby 11 month old
4 in family. nail tuwUcra hou, wasa
pm r ruonta.
a. K I c. N ir.U Sir! for cooklns and sen
ni buuM irk. in roavenier.t home
s nair t- miles f-om Portland. Aar
. thna Tf-r
Competent a -i
houMwwk anl CO
er a . E U
urtl an t 8unday.
- ) uni aonua f-r
-k: n. J adu:ta. ref-r
- after 11 A. M 1
AA.(KU-EpriBcJ Sir: for sen"'
houura, imi.l f ami J. tiood wifri
Apt y nmrningi, E. TJor St.. vvr.
A fTKD Wuiuaa or strl
huyMri fur two; 1ft eat
Maraball 'ti-l. anornlnKa
Oi'tl. fui I'csi - housework la e-nai apt
un w no Sim- hum m chts preferred. 31
X ti-n-- n a pit.
U .NTKl touna airl. sle b
t car
f.r t4r-ll babv. V to a. sagea $t
M'i'tn-'CTsii. njr East rlrt.
M.AT. r 'ar; g.rl tr sneral housework.
a.: tete-n and li A. M. aallwood
Jvr.AF aii vr nomn for senerat housework
l- rMlK to H;f. two children. aces
ArKl-Aa elderly ladr lo kep hue
for 3 a'lult and ' h I l.rn. parnta work
tng. (-1 h'linr Hnadway 4".'Irt.
C1KI. tt
I tin y. tktUi housework. 4
tool tigik. SOO Knott at. East
AN T i: l a. I rI for aeneral bousesforta. mod
e'n hie. faml T of tro. Phone hellwood
,t 4.; k :m st.
H i M A N for Uaht housework, small fa ml
n furnace, call after 9 A. M.. Columbia
W -N TKT Thorwichijr experienced Cham
brmatd: an.eaM rxp riened lo Dot appi)
P;r-e Hot), 44 a.hintrn.
OiKL (or huM rk. p ain cooklns. no aaah
ma. a-! 74 Evrett.
it ri for aneral hoowork.
r; no rMMrn Mtn 1J1T.
W .NTEr-M.h a it s rl l
rnTi. hvirt and $2 Pr week.
work for
Fast ?CT:
W ANTE iv ?
h!p with
at din In -m
neral work.
m srl: on
aA Irtth at.
TV 4NTKt- -rVhol str)
wo- rTt T-rtS,
to asati
V K. I '
G1KI. fr houwrX 'n
T m-ifif h E t T .
small family. JJO
H IKKKKI'KH wanted Ea-t 43.1 St..
ne riirifn. Th K M ear.
.i ; s"
W4-. -1
;ht h-uork. cood home,
a. h tr -n. rm "?.
rt pr.
It ? Ihrtua w or k Music le
Phnn Vain S.
a fee .'. ,
-ll.uetpr. "wvi waars.
os. e rah.
no wash to a.
V. A NT f A
girl for sneral hou-work.
fK-'i'r a ' s? w-h hoiisework;
er.e- V. a".l 7 Nrh
451 R I. foe h -wrfc
.1." f t . 1 . , anti e
Sod out 4n N.
EXPFKIKN'.'Eb s'-r:
Coital was, re'erne
a: houswork.
Faaf ISt X.
rir mrrrn mie or rrnur.
a V.N"rv , numNr of yara women and
men i. pr-p f ir t-:cp?i inl at ti.-n
fn he p ft '. 4i-rn rinl by
a-uaita' ilr(.uif f ml f-r tdral l orpa.
We he rnnc--nn Wrt rat rata la
a.-u- po:r;,iLi net ju: f-,'l l-at week
w z -1 In poa.t'na gfart'r.s fonr
to pf mni'i Vasr eaa lu'iion
an 1 ttrd w M.e ernlna. I " -p- r to fie p
ur r ,fif fT . ' O" WM e Tgrpb
f-p . -1 Kai'wsy Firhango b-ds. i-i and
'a .
rTvxKR wvrrn r-w-r wnic noon
rR' x I T M 1 Ll-S.
T K I- 'N . IVi fi hoi of Pre
venrtve (Nrt'TT and lt.. ine. I7 Proa-1-wtv
Mg . w hea t a a e serv tree to the
extent of f;"H fry (lie Patients frr
he irta'.nwDt and ure ( pyorrhea ant -e.i.
Call 1-r fi-e tuittlltfflon. I p. M
t N i nvn.
b - t v ir eo
lw"i-. tl
'v In r""t;c: way by
i: , eVLert tr.trc:ors. p
in; T gph no:.
a f
j . J t nt V"-?in. Prt md
W N r I - Vft " d wfe r bands f at work
tw-lrv f r h.-tri. out of mm n . board and
r m fu-'-1 St lee aa.ary expected.
. V T r a
1 e
1 1 w
' r ma--eat
th and
it 'i
.'a, W H M M m ie A Co.. E
FH i.N. U.
r'n .1 w N the
o. eee the French
h et
I i(h a hrtnl b"t to betp ta
u aKut tea hoars each Uv.
a Eaat Ja
Tt: tt'lici . for ric now open. Tate
'r Teachers' Agrocy. sot Hroadway
I ir N H
t- y.. a
rait prw-i
---f V
yg .Tu AN .e
Karl.rg b"
f-r-t a
T HFR W" A N T F D A I kinds ef teach
ing rwoa. M. 4-S. I ik Teacher
jANTr'K. n-in, e- s"og we.-rva-. w::
eta of er w. g to h p. aa.a- $Y Ap
p e Vi(i-n e Art. 3:h aid Tmf
Jpanee Se or girl for
era. frna I eA. ii
genera nooses
k i:tn N
Kl iHT rani
r man or
HTtr mrr- Mi,rFt.uxEort.
l'.''t.r. t A l needa l atenographer.
Fnrwtl g f r short nan, typewriting.
td.tkiMF'ag MI.- I'Kl kCR'J PHIVAIE
M SiM;x Cvl.LEi'.E. A.l.ay 11S.
OKI- .t N A l7M - II L T. R B A RPER aft'H tX'Ie.
TiachsS me a and won ea barber trad In
ki tpe -al rat for short time. In
crtid d goo4 set toola diploma. 3J4 Conch.
S74 Wasc Cor L'moa Ata.
fa.:, wrtia. or paB E. "4fcl about fro
trta; rfer Pay and tgh; c-aasea.
A TKAliER ef En s w.u:J I ke to t
ehaage evening iaaeos with ha ua
deraT jf1sF-ereh. AL T1!. Oregowia.
IN AL1.FD Ft 'R ta! or-made u.:a 4 14 aaUa, avaai aapw w At Lax k.
PR ATTICA t tralnlnc In ra. alactrlral and
a tram anarinearinr, mechanical drawtuc
mach na-ahop Draetlrc. oxy-acatvlcue weld
Ins. autntnnblla and tractor opera tins "d
rpAlnns. rt for cataiosur. saattl Ln
Stnaertns bchooL. Seattle, Uaih.
Founded In 1SU3. Trade tausbt in aisht
waeaa: tuition earned durtns th course
St yoa a position, famish tools, acbol
anhip transfer card. Writ for fre cata
loSUe. .14 MumildO at.
will teach yon th barber trade In !rht
wania; toola free; ac-hoiarsiiip ana diplo
ma siven ; paid wnue learnms ; positioi
sunrantced; tuition reducad. Madison,
Lumt'rmena blda.. uth and folark.
Individual instruction. Positions wait
Inr. Tjk advantasa now, special rates.
Iay. nticht rlafi.
and eenins. i--orand it. Knat 4J.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
EXPERIENCED In all drpartmcnts of of
fice work, married man. over draft are
qualified ln every way for responsibility
and trust, deaire Dermanent Position with
a sood local concern: this city has ben
my home for th last 16 yctra A 34,
iloOK K EEi'ER. accountant, sncral office
a sat la ii I. 1J years" experience, merchan
dis. real eatate, lumber, aalmon; recom
mendationa; above lraft: medium salary
Ad1ra 141 Km! "th st. .North.
V tl"NJ man wants position in city:
per te need office and hotel clerk; exempt
from draft; at present employed, but wish
to make rhante; beat oi references lur
n'ahed. UO Oregonlan.
11 ItiT-LArf auleanian. understands book-
keepins and stenography, wants position,
ect sood salary. A. IL Nehl. Hurley,
E.FKRIENCEL accountant and bookkeeper,
employed durtns th day. has time to keep
a small set of books evenlnsa or nun days.
Phone Last sr. 14 mornhga.
IlKSl'oNSI Hl.K younx man not subject
ilrafi. now , employed aa mfht te.ier. wants
iay position, o 9ui. oregnian.
BOOKKEEPER or clerk, have a: so expa-
rience in work ins around stock takins
and fICtns orriera. etc. Call Tabor irt.
HimEI;IZE your bookkeeping- Raptd ac
ruuntant offers you part lira aerric.
It road way T'.sj.
EX PE IIT coat accountant will make your
book tell you your proflta. MITCHELL'S"
At UITS. Lta Hvury bids. Main -l.u.
E. PE Rl E.N't 'El bookkeeper and srteral ac
coiint-nt wanta poaltiua. sood relrrunccs.
atl 1313.
M aarel la ne-oaa.
1 AM 4 vcara of aae. had years' esp-
rience In merchandising, both wholeaale
Eiiit rtalL ia irie need bookkeeper.
open for a proposition from aome good.
ubatantial house In this city at a moiuer
ale aalry. with the Intention of per
manent v : hart rather an extensive ac
quaintanreahip In this rty and territory.
A -V. Oregontan.
L- PERT Itnautst speskln and wrttlnc
Eng'iah. Danish and tiermsni and typist,
employed daa In nearby town, wishes ei
trm work ernlnaa. t ran-ilatlnc. manim rtpt
or c!-ileal work. Thorough knowiedga of
S-neral business practice. Ikererwnces. AU
drea AV l'l. tre-t.mian.
EI HST-tLAS riothins and snt furnish
ing goods salesman open for position;
qu:itied to take charge, bond and bt
of reference; J J years ttptrUnce. V IS.
MAN. oer draft age. bustnsa evperienra in
East, want position with reliable firm,
advertising aaieaman e-tpeflence: wiping
to work: mo'rate salary to begin. Tele
pbon" I itl.4'...
MAX anU wife of eperlenca wou.d Ilka
management of f Irat --ia- apartment house
Marrh I: bt f referencea. John Grainger.
W tla Wil l. Wssh.
MAX with gool references wan's any kind
of work from 7 A. M. to 4 f. M. la an
experienced chauffeur and gnrdener. AL
ih. Oregontan.
WA.NTKU Work on ranch or dairy farm
hv boy 14 Have ha t experience. riea
state wages and particular In first let
ter. V V3. Oregonlan.
WtHK wanted by colored man. vry handy
as porter or janitor; ran patni ani aaiso.
mine. lrHna Broadway jwl. room 1I.
eorge. SA l.E Complete set of I-edy drums
and traps, best quality, la.i aiaurice nue.
Vain ;i7l. before noon.
MAN wanta work In garage; la a goot auto
waaher; can drive ana ao some repair
A L 7'i t'regonian.
FIRST-CLASS gardener and florict. flrt-
cla references, wanta position, ut-
rr gon la n.
JAPANESE boy wants pltion i
a janitor
or any kind of housework. v
7i, Ore
EX PE RIENt'ED Japanea porter wants tob
n.' itcii i a V Kinrlinred. middle at
married, will look arter your property. t
e!end ave m
WANTED Position In garage, hav worked
around machines lota, want to team mora
Referentes furnished. 1. oregonlan
rRACTICAla rook wants poaltlon In hotel
or ramp: good on botn iiour ana mrai
fconnm iral. rt S.n. rrfBnnian.
Vl Nti man wlib a years" eperieni' in ma
hme shop want post t ion. tt o
M I lDLE-At;ED man wants position aa Clark
In pi ore. hotel, anything rcasonaoie.
( orearonlvn,
CtlAI FFEI'R wants private place; Is also
an all-around srdener; bent or retrrencea,
A I. 7VI. orcsonian.
CHEF. ftrt-cl
a. all-around cook: can fll
ny poelMon.
Chaa. Dyblrk. Tabor 7P4S.
JAPANE.-E boy wants p:a
-e. any kind work,
ftm a A. M to 1
n. Off gnn'an.
M. P 4PER4ToR winia peiliin. out of
to n prf.-rprd. S inetconin.
I.A.-S Jionii- hauffeur wants PO
in prlv;e fanil'y. Sl. Oregon'an.
MAN wiehe work any kttid. nlsbl Janitor
peeferre1. Phone B.
Book keepers and Stenographer.
r n v. i woman wiahea oonitlon In store, of
flee or aa eaehler; uea to meeting punuc.
handling rash: qutck and acurate; not a
tenoa-rapher : goo-l reference. Main 74a
RELIABLE young woman demre oiitloii ;
aven eara experience in atenorapny,
iintnc dii-taohone, billing, cashiering- A
'v t regnn lan.
arKNiM-, HA I' HER. yeara' eaperienc In
law roiiectmn and wholesale work, knowl.
e.1c of bokkeeping. d cures position. East
Yot'V'5 LADV wi'h s-me knfti!c of
ihnihin-1. bTMng and tvpewri'tng. d s'rvs
p'Tt ni ps.tion. Wd'n. rt. .a.
Tot' Nil Isdy with good references WIsTee- po
s'ttoB I" tor r off mm cashier.
s I a"er P. M. Main 1 '-40
k.XPKKlFNi'KW boakeper and el
Per i!i bt r-t rf-rnee M n
TENiIlAPHKR deetre p.ettion, some x-
p. rtn.. t.a.1 W o"!.awn e .
ait ion. ". l"-t 7
rap her wiahe po-
TOl'N'il girl wl-hea poeitlon as bookkeeper
or of f --e aselstant AP 3a. regonian.
SMART gowna sure and htone mad to or
der ; dtettneti reroodeltns- Broadway Pyw
i leanir.s W ktu. W ash, bet. W.
Park and l"th sta Oowa dept.. Tdwy,
. de and cleanlns dept East ja.
FASHI' NABfE dreeemakins doc at horn
or by d v. V 1. Phone Mam
ari p ata sewing at 1.75 par day.
t'NI'EK-iTAND the drugee methyls of
t r-at man-s; wou d travel with and car
for t"e .d H t"4. 'rgnian.
pHAi'TICAL Bursa by day or week, ofeelet-
r - a speela'ty Mania:;
ekes per.
EXPERIENCED hotel woman wtehe poel
tina. management or housekeeper; refer-
r.ri; bond if reouired. 43 K. Union .
X Eaet Wart. Apt 7
LA1Y wrttp a position as housekeeper In
wtt!ow-r'e home have own . furnitur If It
s ne'ied. 32. oregnman.
W'ANTF.l to take car of children
eventnar w Ve mother 1 ava; refer
ence. Wod:awn 111.
W ANTED By widow, to act aa housekeeper
for aa honest widower. Ar there any such
in Oregon ? AP 37. Oregonlan.
EXPERIENCED gtrl wanta position a cook
In private house; beet of reference. B
"J. Oregon la a.
car of chl.drsa
la away; refer-
Wood awn I'll.
DAT work. 13 a day and carfare: from 6.30
ta 4. or evenings after e P. M. Pbon B
WOMAN want housework by th hoar. Tel
ephone Main 4 WI.
YOCNQ lady wanta positloi
a runnhns :vm-
tor. D v w. (roiian.
jAi'ANt.-K gtrl want position, housework.
in rami y. u oregor.ian.
WANTED Hour work r kitchen work
a aoarLns-hu by a oak. alam
srrrATioxs wanted female.
M lsccUaneoua.
LAD V going to California will cars for chil
dren. Invalid or elderly person for part
expenses; references gla. F Orego
nlan. Gl RL, pianist, will car for children few
hours daily; can teach them music 7o
Mi-uomppt ave
COLORED WOMAN wanta Tuesday. Monday
and Friday for cleaning- or laundry work.
East 314 S.
Position In doctor's or dentist's
Phone, mornings. East 0940. room
WANTED Position as apartment-house
manager, with room and small salary, by
wl'low. Y 4;(. Oregonlan
DAY work or housework
Broadway 4ti20.
by hour, only.
YOL'NG Japanese woman wants Job, short
hour work. AL 794, Oregonian.
GIRL wUhes cooking. Main 3M.
PERMANENT and reliable man and wife
wUh a sood furnished or unfurnished 5
or tt-room house or bungalow, with sleep
Ins porch upstairs; muat be on nice street;
prefer home lo car for during owner's
absence, with reasonable rent; references
given. Woodtawn i577, mornings.
WANT to rent 4 or fi-room furnished flat or
hous or 4 -room apartment; must be close
In and reasonable; adults. Main 754$.
WANTED To rent - or 7-room house near
carliue, clos ln. Address W Orego
nmn. FURNISHED house. 7 rooms, with garage;
prefer Irvington. near carluie. A 33ii, Ore
WANTED To rent 6 or 7-room moder
house, with cement basement, ctose in, near
carline. Address A JiS. oregonian.
VVAXT Small furnished houa-e or apt.,
near Foundation to. snipyaru. i none aiur-
shsil 31.
PiUTUIJ.V furniahed flat. Multnomah ClU
district: 3 adults; Deal reierences. n t.
WANTED To rent a 5-room house. fur
nisbed; win take gooa car oi same.
215. Oresonlnn
Apart men t a.
w anted A small furnished apt. with
sleeping- porcn. on tvasi tiue. a r
ivVTkTwTo rent 5 -room anartment. heat,
hot and cold water, out oi tne congvsieu
district. Address A. urfgonian.
SINGLE room wanted by young man near
Grand ava. ana vrr". f-
Rooma With Board.
Yol'NG man wanta to room and board in
private family; no oojecuon to congenm
roommate; no boarding house waniea
glv particulars, raferencea, 1" 4-4. Or
VOI'XH ladv. employed, wants room ana
board In good, private nome. uie oi pmno,
In vicinity or tn ana- .oruiruy, rci'
ence. F l4. Oresonlan.
BOARD la home of refinement where there
Is piano, lor mgn ICnooi gin; nuerenww
given and raqulred. Marshall Main
Furniahed Rooms.
A Moderate Priced Hotel of Merit.
rit Mr.rrtaon it. and East Flxth.
Hotel Clifford 1 th principal Eaat
tide botel and Is a hotel of dignity and
refinement, weekly rate. ana up.
tSuHiU.V 1A HOTEL. Portland's downtown.
tilths an laml v noti: rooms en auna or
single, wltb or without board, for families
ad business men ana women. v a give
you ail th comfort of a bom. Heaaoa-
aut rata.
14 laih at., at Washington.
Flrepioof. largo. attractive. spotless
rooms. tnd'ldual phones, continuous htat
Sr hot water serv. 7&c aay up; u ju w a. up.
UtU U'uhmeton St.. Cor. 17th.
Modern, ateam-heuied rooms. $1.50 to 13
per week;; free phone and bath.
HOTEL BROADWAY. N. Tlroadway. Low
rat" to permanent guests, oieam ne
A I. A ' V. HOTEL - Waah. St.; downtown
lox-atlon: respectaoi ana einruy mouara
eteam heat; rooma large, clean.
HuTKL OCKLEY, Morrison sireet at 10th
Rates 6IK- per day up; weeaiy. ao up,
runnlns water; free phone and bath
HOTEL CORDOVA. tt9 lllh st. Strictly
modem, private baths en suite; rooms $3
up. Main 14 7 A A 4.4:
FoK KENT Furnished rooms and housa
keepins rooma; 92 weak up. The Mel in.
aa " amhlll. Marshall Ioh,
NI'"E warm, modem room, transient or per
manenu Commercial Hotel. 10th and
12 WEEK. up. 00c and 7Ao day; comfortable,
clean rooma: bath free. Th Cadillac, ad
n-ar Jefferson. -
HOTEL NORK1S. 6-13 W Alder st. Strictly
modem. $1.6i. $2 and 1.60 week.
liil.LCKEST JIOTEU bsth. phone. 16 mo.
up; without bath. $12 up. 733 Washington.
STKAM heated rooma, close In on W est Side,
for gentlemen. month Marshall 1 7 M.
Furniahed Rooma In private Family.
LA RGK airy rooms well furnished, with
hot-water hcsL family of adults, ront rea
sonable; gentleman preferred. Woodiawn
LARGE front room, aultable for two men.
two block from Broadway bridge. 373
Kom. corner of Broadway. I 'hone feast
74:.. .
FURNISHED rooms with modern conven
iences for gentlemen only; reference ex
changed. 443 l'tth. cor. College. Matn 1447.
261 14TH.
NEAR Jrfferson. cnuica
distance. Main oM3.
D I'BLE par.'or, suitable fur 2 C'-ntlemen.
Tori Everett st.. cor. Main 4M1.
ONB"or two rooms In beautiful home, nm-
ninar w ater. shower bath. no 5 Everett.
ON car line. In prlvat home, reasonaoia
Eaat 1 17 . m
TWO front rMiiis. $in a mouth, not modern.
working rwopl-. .Montgomery t.
ULTSIDE uteain-heated room, modern, rea-
eonabie. w Hiking nimanrr, .iain -iy.
lltVINtlTo.N room, new Iromc. one block to
I or H car ; breakiasu r,.-t. ny.
Room With Board.
Ri KiM and board for business gir a; all
modern conveiilencea: waiKing miance,
$.1 i per week. E. 47 J'-V 12 E. 7th st.
HOT Kl VWWONMN Board and roni. $
week: good maais. aoc. t ntiou ai. ucaa
SJM Tenth st. For businevs giris and stu
dents Iteseonahle ratea Marshall 12.M.
I AHKVltW Family hotel. 3i Montcomery
M.. In Eolith Para way; wa.King omanre;
eve:'ent table; reasonsble rati. M. 37k3.
j,iri WHITEHALL Su!ts oi rooms witn
prfvat bain ana ooara, lor or a. jnain
Morrison, cor. choir
and board: mode rat convenience;
Irg distance.
REASON A ULK Room and board, cos In.
sRoocas WUh Board m Private FasnUy.
WOMAN of education, skilled In ao.ence of
hotnemaktng and art or cooking, desires
to keep home for several m'n:mtn of
means and refinement; homey at moaphern.
r. tent. tabtS assured ; referencea. BD
7c7. ireonlan
LAKi'E. comforran.e room. and s'eeping
porrh. with oi mea.a, nice, quiet sur-
roundtng. suitable for two pep e, e
p;oed. a-so single room. Marina. 1 17
NI'E t-ornrr room, good board, good heat
and hot water, suitaoie tor or win
swrv meals without room. oM Glian.
Mar-hall 1-'4S.
N EATLY furnished rooms. bath, fin
vl. w. walking dlstanca. W est Side, adults,
references; $18- 4o4 Hall st.
RooM and board li
l private family. $fl.r
walking dis:ance, at
per week, for .
CiV st
LAH'i E front room with fireplace, modern
conveniences: boara 11 uesirtu. a t-. jih
St !outh
NIE. worm room and
boa rd. between
l. $a per week.
Union and William a av
3,13 Beech St.
kRGK. cheerful front room. xciuslv
neighborhood; rererence. c 14.
CHI Ll'HtS to board in nic prtvat horn.
E. .44,
LITTLE girt to board. s hoot age pre
ferred, good home. Eunt 32Js.
ON car line.
tn prlvat horn, reasonable.
East l -. tv
Kurnb thed A pa rtmenta.
KINGSBURY APTS.. 1 s Vista sve.. near
33d and Washington; 3-room xurnished
and 17th;
modern, waiKing aistance.
FURNISHED apartment. $13; concret bldg.
v ood.awn
oDERN 3-room furnished
d otance. Gnrnd ave.
a king
ROOM apartment, newly furniahed, 143 N.
Dt h. Broadway 22 H4.
FOR SA LFT Furniture of 4-room heated
flat, bariraln: rnt $?n. Tabor 131.
447 TAYLOU a T. a-room aparuncnu
Your want ad for The Sunday Oregonian must be
in The Oregonian office not later than 6 o'clock
P. M. today to insure classification under the
proper heading.
Ads taken later than 6 o'clock will be run under the
8 o'clock P. M. is the closing hour on other days.
Advertisements are accepted by telephone from sub
scribers to either company's service.
Bell, Main 7070.
Ask for
Better Be Early
Send in or telephone your
Oregonian NOW.
Ftirnfohed Apartments.
Fifth and Columbia Sts.
Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's
tor: good surroundings; strictly modern
2 and 3-room furnished apartments, all
outside, with French doors and balconies.
Twelfth and Taylor.
Most modern apartment on th Pacific
Coast; furnished complete.
Roof harden ln Connection.
Walking distance. References.
rnfurnished Apartment.
ROSE-FRIEND. Broadway, comer Jef
ferson; modem unrurn. apts., wanting dis
tance, best service, Marshall 1410.
COLLEOE 4 -room front, rolling bed, SJ6;
close in. steam heat, hot water, modern.
3d and College. Marshall 5535.
BRUCE APTS.. 25th and Northrup streets
Modem 6 rooms and sleeping porch, steam
heat. Main 49!. Referencea.
THE MARLBOROUGH. 21 st and Flanders;
5 and ((-room, reasonable. Main ion.
Furntnhed or rnfurnUhed Apartment.
New bids-, choice location, elevator, pri
vate phones, hardwood floors, dressing
rooms, tiled bathe and all necessary built
in effects. Janitor service and ateam heat
furnished. Rate popular. Come now and
make your reservation before they are all
Comer 11th and Montgomery Kta.
High-class, perfect in all details.
Lucretla st. Marshall l.il3. A S637.
THE KINtl-DAVIS One 4 -room unfurnished
340. Hffs. Main o5S.
315 SMALL, cosy fiat for 2. furnished; pri
vate oatn. steeping porcn, warning ois
tance; block to S. S. car. Eaat 5043.
FLAT of 6 rooms and bath 781 Hoyt si
Inquire 130 Sixth. Phone Main oiis.
t-RM. flat, 173 E. 15th. nr. Tamhlll. E. 2154.
Furnished Flat.
4-ROOM, bath, sleeping porch, front porch.
fine view, walking distance, west &iae;
adults, references. $25. 4o4 Hall sL
FURNISHED 4-room flat, with piano. 86 E.
th . C 1K1H.
Housekeeping Rooms.
ONE room with kitchenette, completely fur
nished, steam heat, running hot and coid
water, phone ln every room. 7 blocks from
Fifth and Morrison sts., $14 up. 21 Co
lumbia st., near rntn.
Convenient housekeeping rooms, recent
ly furnished, reason an le.
34 1st St.
41 E. MORRISON, cor. E. 8th.. neatly fur
nished on ana two-room n. rv. pm.
FOR RENT Steam-heated housekeepms
rooms. olO ri ana ers, comer ioin.
Housekeeping Rooms In Prlvat Family.
NIJE front room with largo kitchen, reas
unable. 207 Union ave. rs.
NICE front room and kitchen, walking dis
tance. 207 union ave. .
COSY housekeeping rooms, $12 per month.
588 Pettysrove! roadway
THREE clean, light furnished housekenplns
rooms, ground noor, eis montn. r rum.
TWO neat housekeeping.
708 Everett St.,
corner 2 Id.
Use. NORTH WESTtRK fcLttlKiu iignt
Broadway RR0. A 6747.
rf.vta I. lernia w III buv a modern house,
cioae in Small f rat Davment. fnce i"ou.
Value $11,000. Edward E. Goudey, North
western Bank bidg.
PORTLAND HEIGHTS, 73 Patton road, fi-
room modem house, grounds witn garage,
trees, flowers. Broadway 40.1.
-ROOM modem house, 112
Lovejoy. near
22d. Inquire 130 th st.
Main 6278.
:;OOD modem A-room house. In good con
dittnn. two Taggart, near ltfth; "KM" car.
7-ROOM modern house, with or without
garage, 31st and Marshall sts. Main 6015.
1H ACRES at Risley stat.. 4-room house.
fruit. Phone w oodiswn 1 i
Furnished Honse.
SWISS CHALET. rooms snd bath. Port
land Heights, nicely furnished. rustic
grounds, fish pond, beautiful view, large
living room with big flrepiace. tiled bath
and kitchen, extra oatn ana maia s room;
10 minute from Postofflce. 4311 Ford st.
drive. Marsha!) 4012.
Modern home, furnished complete. 11
rooms, sun room and sleeping porch. $40
per month. Call U. S. Laundry Co.. at
orand av. and E. Tarn hill. Phon Eaat
8-ROOM molem horn (completely fur
nished), every convenience; will rent at
once to reliable party: references required.
2-"i3 N. 21st St.. cor. Northrup st.
24 HEIGHTS Terrace. 16th and Hall st.
Sea 2 and 4-room cottages, large porcnes.
cheap rent, close to shipyards, fins view
of city and mountains
CLEAN. East Side. 5-room modem bun
galow, completely furnished. 4525 ("th,
$25; particular-. Main 44!'.'. Tabor W7l8.
PORTLAND Hts.. exclusive 7-rm. hou
( all Marshall 277 or Main 3319.
MODERN 6 -room furniahed, with piano.
E. 42d. Phon Main 70tg.
Of floe.
OFFICES, storerooms and hall, also rooms
suitable for light manufacturing : oriice
building accommodatlona: rent reasonable.
Sweeney Investment Co.. 315 Dekum bldg.
Third and Washington sts,
FURNISHED private offic. $10; also desk
room and phon service. 209 Stock Ex
change bldg.
GREAT bargain In rooma five. Called Eaat;
p.nd rent to May 2. ti wetland bldg.. room
344. Marshall 492.
FOR RENT Furnished office and desks,
cheap. 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
BARBER SHOP, best location city. 2 chairs
doing $50 a Week; will sell half interest to
A-l barber. L M. Oregonian.
ON account of sirkness, will sell the well-
known Oregon Electric Depot Restaurant.
See owner. 2S8 Front st.
FOR PALE Cafeteria, good business, long
estannsnea. near anipyard. ooa su h
car. Main 4509.
FOR RENT Space In Liberty Market, Fifth
and laxnnui. gaa company s present lo
cation. Apply -07 Stock Exchange bids.
FOR SALE Cigar fixtures, show cases.
cash register, iron gates. 429 Alder, aft
ernoon. 34-ROOM hotel and leas for sal; doing
good business. L. C. Be vena Rainier, Or.
FOR SALE Restaurant and small Iln of
srooaria. $000, AM Orsgooiaa.
Home, A 6095
"Want Ads."
Than Disappointed
want ad for The Sunday
WANTED By a well-established specialty
manufacturing concern, a live man to take
charge of city distribution; must invest
3100U; great opimrtunity for the right
man. Call at oM East Stark St.. corner
Untn ave. (third floor), 11 to 12 A. M.
or 3 to 4 P. M.
FOR SALE Furniture, hardware, paints and
undertaking, in Joseph, Or., invoicing
about SooOU, located ln one of the most
prosperous valleys In Eastern Oregon;
owner compelled to go back East by
.March 1. Address J. T. Kesch, Joseph,
GROCERY and meat market for sale, 50
miles from Portland; 33000 will handle;
will take city or country property and
some cash. This place does an average
dally business of $U0 per day. I have
other business. J. W. Love. Vancouver,
wasn., oox 44-.
GROCERY One of the best locations ln
city; steady family trade; pay sure; long
established; present owner 9 years; will
reduce to $2.h for stock and fixtures if
desired; no trades. D 810. Oregonian.
FOR SALE A commercial hotel, situated
on the Column.. i Highway; best location
for a country hotel in the state. For In
formation write E. C. Maddock, Arlington,
Before closing deal of so-called Inter
est in established real estate business set
aavice oi fortiana rteaity oara.
PAUL COWGILL, Secretary.
To Buy, Sell or Exchange a
Business of any kind, anywhere, set
2f3-205-207 Board of Trade Bldg.
FOR SALE Grocery and delicatessen ; $30
day cash business: no delivery; West Side;
good location ; stock and fixtures, $2500.
By owner, G 850, Oregonlan.
FOR SALE Confectionery, pool, card, lunch
counter; good town, building, low rent;
nice business. Price $750. C. M. Critten
den, Hubbard. Or.
BEST buy In city for restaurant, well
equipped, coin? gooa pusmess; low rent;
partners cannot agree, wfil sell place for
what It cost. yrjOo. X 934. Oregonian.
PARTNER with some cash for the best per
manent money-maning opportunity in tn
Un i ted States and Ca nada. B 235, Ore
gontan. LIVE merchandise business in country town
on S. P. Ry., doing $2000 rash business per
month; will Invoice about $3000; sood
clean stock. AV 302. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Restaurant at 33 N. 2d St.,
good location. Inquire at premises. Place
very reasonable; center of employment of
fices. PICTURE and vaudeville theater, modem
and complete, for sale at a bargain; splen
did opportunity; examine or inquire
promptly. Liberty Theater. Roseburg, Or.
WANTED Partner In chicken business. BO
701. Oregonian.
BARBER chairs and fixtures at a bis saeri- I
iice. Kemp Barbers supply (jo., zri wasn.
WANTING to lease sheep. I have hay and
range, know the business; will give grood
security and interest. P. A. Mattson. 1257
24th st.. Ogden. Utah.
WANTED Grocery, confec, or cigar store;
must be cheap for cash. Broadway 1024.
65-room hotel, located tn the heart of
Tacoma, Wash., completely furnished,
strictly modern, house full, rent $350 per
mo., including neat, owner rorcea to sell
on account of sickness. $5000 cash will
handle. Write 757 Broadway, room 3,
Tacoma, Wash.
Good brick hotel. West Side, near ship
yards, steam heat, hot and cold water,
reasonable rent; on sale at a bargain, ac
count sickness. Geo. T. Moore Co., Ab
Ington bldg.
To buy, sell or exchange a hotel,
rooming or apt.-house, see
203-nS-2O7 Board of Trade bldg.
BA RBER shop, 3 chair. In small town,
with big payroll, clearing $50 week: fine
opportunity for right man. Inquire Kemp
Barber Supply. 271 Wash.
sells hotels, rooming: and apartment
houses at the best prices and terms. 524
N. W. Bank bldg. MaJn 8560.
Modern hotel, on Washington St.; steam
heat, hot and cold water, $1250 cash will
handle. Geo. T. Moore Co., Abington bldg.
Close to shipyards, always full, steam
heat, a money-maker. Geo. T. Moore Co.,
-Abington bldg.
WANTED Industrious man to work in
greenhouse. Can clear $10 month. Expe
rience not necessary if willing to learn.
$.VKt required, secured. Call 3fi4 Oak st.
AUTOMOBILE garage Have opening for
active man satisiied to mane -uu month.
Can be Increased. Call 304 u Oak st.
FOR SALE Rooming-house, 55 rooms, good
location, close to shipyards; good bargain.
Call Main 3222.
32 ROOMS, large hall, steam heat, brick
bldg.. a bargain account sickness. Joe
Gentemann. 230 Yamhill st.
WANTED A steady man as partner In a
good little cash business. Pay good wages.
Only $150 required. Call 304 Oak st.
FOR best bargain In rooming or apartment-
nouses see memoers 01 me rteaity uoara.
ates Realty Co 249 4th st.
HOTEL for rent. 321 Vt Water sL, cor. Clay.
B 232, Oregonlan.
Proposals Invited.
SEALED proposals will be received at office
of undersigned, 401 Courthouse, until 8:00
P. M., Thursday. February 21. 1918, for
general work, heating and ventilating and
plumbing of Hawthorae-Buckman school.
Bids will be opened ln room 304. Court
house. 4:00 P. M., same date. Deposit of
$25 Is required for plans and specifications
for general work, and $15 for each set of
plans and specifications for heating and
ventilating and plumbing, which may be
obtained at office of F. A. Narramore,
Supt. of Properties, 303 Courthouse.
Certified check for ten per cent of
amount of proposal, payable to R. H.
Thomas. Sen oof Clerk, must accompany
each proposal. . Board of Directors re
serves the right to reject any and all pro
posals. This notice Is to cover extension of time
from that given In notices of January 25
and January 29, respectively.
Dated February T. 1918. School Clerk.
SEALED proposals will be received at office
of undersigned. i courthouse, until 3:00
P. M.. Thursday, February 21. 1918. for
electrical work of Hawthorae-Buckman
school. Bids will be opened ln room 304,
Courthouse, 4:00 P. M.. same date. De
posit of $15 Is required for plans and spe
cifications, which may be obtained at of.
. fice of F. A. Narramore, Supt, of Proper-
X 1 JOO ii h A.i-a
Certified check for ten per cent of
amount of proposal, payable to R. H.
Thomas. School Clerk, must accompany
each proposal. Board of Directors re
serves the right to reject any and all pro
posal a R. H. THOMAS.
Dated Fbruax J. ldla chool Clerk,
Proposals Invite4L.
NOTICE In at-KEBY G1VEM Uiat sealed
bid will re received until February 12,
ItUo, at 9 o'clock A. M.. at the offlc of
the Board of Directors of the Talent Irri
gation District at Talent, Oregon, for the
purchase oi six hundred thousand t$600.
0O0. 0U dollars in bonds of th Talent irri
gation District a municipal corporation!.
Said bonds ar numbered consecutively,
commencing with number 1 ana following
in numerical order, mature serially in an
nua! amounts, so a to b approximately
equal principal and interest, and shall b
payable in gold coin 01 the Umtd States
of the present standard of weight and
fineness or it equivalent.
Th said bonds be dated January L
1918, and shall bear interest at six (6)
per centum per annum, payable Semi-annually
on the first day 01 January and
July of each year, and the pnucipal and
interest snail b payable at tha onlc of
the County Treasurer of Jackson County.
Oregon, or at the fiscal agency ol the state
of Oregon, ln New York City, state of New
York, the places designated respectively in
the bonds and coupons. Bonus shall b
each of the denomination of not lesa than
$100 nor more than luoo, and snail be
signed by the president and secretary.
The seal of the Board oi Directors will be
a nixed thereto, and each bond will bear
on the back thereof the registered cer
tificate of the County Treasurer, who shall
sign as Treasurer and as ex-oiiicio Treas
urer of the district. Coupons lor interest
will be attached to each bond, an, will
be signed with the engraved lacsimile
signature of the secretary. Th County
Treasurer, who is ex-ouicio treasurer of
the district and the secretary of the dis
trict, will register the saia bonus ln boo
in their respective oifices tor that purpose,
and therein will b stated th number,
date, amount bond. ue and piacs of
payment, rate of interest, number ol cou
pons attached, and other description for
luture identification of each bond; the
foregoing shall not be construed 10 pro
vide that any bond of tne district will
bear the registered certificate by Ui sec
rstary. Each bid must o accompanied by a
certificate payable t the County Treasurer
of Jackson County, Oregon, tor $12.UUU, to
secure th district agams. any joss result
ing from the failure of the bidder to com
ply with the terms of his bia. No inter
est will be allowed on said certified check,
but if bid is accepted, said check will be
credited a a first payment. The balance
of the amount due will be payable and
aelivery made as follows: $2SS,uuu within
thirty 3U days from acceptance of bid,
and $3U0,u00 on July 1, ItUtt. Failure to
make the payment of $265, U00 as above
provided, will forfeit said certified check
to said district.
These bouds, .based on a full examina
tion of the district by the Oregon irrlga- ,
tion Securities commission, win oe certi
fied by the Secretary of State of the state
of Oregon, as a legal investment for sav
ings and commercial banks, trust and in
surance companies, trust funds and state
school funds, and are legally acceptable to
secure deposits 01 state, county and city
funds in Oregon Dan.
These bonds are free, from Federal in
come tax and declaration thereunder and
exempt from all Oregon taxation. The
aDDralsed valuation of the irrigable acre
age of the district is $l,0tf5,7&u, and the
assessable valuation $681,940. Purchasers
must pay accrued interest to the date of
delivery. The right la reserved to reject
any and all blda.
By R. E. ROBISON. President.
W. J. HARTZELL, Director.
O. A. MANNING, Director.
First publication, Jan, 11, 1018.
Last publication, Feb. 10. 1918.
In the matter of Oregon Piling & Tim
ber to., a corporation, bankrupt:
I will receive sealed bids for the fol
lowing property formerly belonging to the
bankrupt corporation, situated as follows:
L Stock of lumber, piling and
mine timber, located at Woods
Station on C. & C. R, R. of the
lnventorlal value of $3974.70
2. Stocks of lumber and slab wood,
located at Lone Oak Siding, C.
& C. R. R., of the lnventorlal
value of 572.70
3. Stocks of lumber, piling, mine
timber, slabwood and standing
timber at Elliott Mill, on
Hutchcroft Farm, of the inven-
torial value of 1248.86
4. Stock of lumber, sawlogs, slab
wood and mine timber located
at Blanchard Mill, on Mrs. C. L.
Wood's farm, of tho inventorial
value of 255.70
5. Car loading machinery set up at
Woods Station, of the inven
torial value of 465.00
6. Logging and mill tools and
equipment, located at the C. S.
Trullinger farm 298.75
At the Wardle Bldg., Carlton,
Oregon 17.45
7. Office furniture and supplies,
located in , the Wardle Bldg.,
Carlton. Oregon, of the lnven
torlal value of 206.82
8. Equity In 12 cords or 4-ft,
slabwood, corded up at Carlton.
Oregon, jof the inventorial
value of . 20.68
9. Stock of lumber, slabwood and
equity In oak and fir logs on C.
L. Trullinger farm, of the in
ventorial value of 270.78
Total $7331.44
Bids will be received upon said prop
erty up to and until 12:00 o'clock noon
of Monday, February 18th, 1018, at my of
fice, and same should be made upon par
cels as above set forth numbered 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, or any combination of
them, or for the property as a whole.
Should the 'total of the highest bids for
each of the parcels as above set forth, or
should the total of the highest bids for
any combination of parcels above set
forth, be 'greater than the highest bid
for the whole, the said bids will be ac
cepted, subject to the approval of the
court for said parcels or combination of
parcels; but should the highest bid for
the whole be greater than the total of the
bids for each of the parcels or combina
tion of parcels, the highest bid for the
whole will be accepted, subject to the ap
proval of tho court.
All bids must be accompanied by certi
fied check for ten per cent (10) of the
amount offered.
Inventory of the above property may be
seen at the office of the undersigned ana
the property may be Inspected upon ap
plication. R. L. SABIN, Trustee,
740-747 Morgan Bidg.. Portland, Oregon.
Sealed bide will be received by the
undersigned. Town Clerk of the Town of
Woodland. Cowlitz County. State of Wash
ington, until Saturday, February 9, 1918,
at 5 o'clock P. M.. for the purchase of
refunding bonds of said town to the
amount of $5000, bearing interest at the
rate of r per cent per annum irom oe
cember 15. 1917.
The Council reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated at Woodland, Washing-ton. tals
4th day of February, 1918.
Town Clerk.
LOST Strayed from Rose City fair grounds.
1 sorrel gelding, 6 years old. wt. 950 lbs.,
and 1 bay gelding, 5 years old, wt. 900
lbs. Upon finding, notify G. K. Howltt,
r Davis st.
LOST Between Broadway and Killings
worth, on Williams ave., a black and ma
room heavy auto robe. East 4112 after
6:30 P. M.
LOST Oregon gold ring, men's comfort
station at P. o.. Kriday P. M. Finder re
turn to Oregonian Cigar Stand. Main
5879. Reward.
GOOD reward for return of leather wallet
containing bills and checks payable to
Willamette Dairy to, .Phone any lnzorma
tion to East 845.
LOST Black fox fur. Thursday at the Elite
Theater. Sandy bivd. Liberal reward. Ta
bor IIS.
LOST Purse containing about $S0 ln checks
and cash, near Jefferson High School; $5
rewara. ji.hsi s-o.
LOST On Yamhill Market Wednesday even
ing, luncn pan wttn thermos Dottle. Mam
LOST My Al Kader Shrine pin, diamond
setting. Reward. Main 6509. 408 Ch. of
Com. a. L. Chapin.
CORAL earring, pear pendant, bet. 16th and
otn on wash., tea. 1. rteward. East 5905.
FOUND Lady's lodge pin.
Levitt's, 144 3d st.
Owner call at
MORTGAGE LOANS Rates right; prompt
- service. (jreo. rt. 1 nomas, -b Oa st
room x, Aimworin oiag.
LOANS, notes, contracts, mtgs. purchased.
Lewis & t;o 4 Lewis bidg. Mam 688.
Money to Loan on Real Estate.
5 e 79c
Corbett Bldg.
$500, $1000 AND upward on improved real
estate, lavomcie terms; no aetay; no Dro
kerage. John Bain, 50 1 Spalding bldg.
$2"0,000 TO LOAN ln sums to suit; building
loans, lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 216-216
Falling bldg. Phone 3407.
$300, $400, $500, $750, $1000 and up at low
est rates, quick action. Fred W. German
Co.. 732 Ch. of Com. Main 6445.
HAVE client with money to loan. Oliver M.
Hlckey, attorney, o-ts ivortnwestern Bank
PLENTY of money at 6 and 7 per cent, on
good real eaiaie security. " oiarK St.
SMALL family desire maid for general
housework. Call Main 2925. morninga.
LOUIS SALOMON A CO.. 408 Selling bldg.
SEFj US today; loans any amount, C-7r-c.
CELLARS-MURTON CO.. 825 Yeon bid g.
MONET to loan on farm and improved city
property. K, K. Baxter, 704 Spalding bids.
Money to Loan on Beal Estate.
OUR installment plan is the best and surest
method of paying a loan.
$32.26 per month for 36 months, or
$21.24 per month for 60 months, or
$15.17 for 96 months pays a $1000.
loan and interest.
Other amounts in proportion.
We loan on improved city property.
Or for building purposes.
No commissions charged.
242 Stark St., Portland, Or.
RATES. WM. Mac MASTER, 701 COlt-
Any amount, low rates, promptly closed.
Attractive repaying privileges.
217 Northwestern Bank Bldg.
Marshall 4114, A 4118.
on real estate security at going rata of
413 Chamber of Commerce.
2d Floor United States Bank Bldg.
Mortgage loans and bond issues, espe
cially 111 large amounts, oj per cent up.
LOANS on city and farm property, 5 per
cent up. . aniens. 4u en am. or torn.
$1000 TO $40,000 TO LOAN, farm or city
propeny; nu coiuuubbiuu. . j. ma, 010.
Money to Loan Chattels and Salarlea.
to salaried people on their own notes:
easy payments, Btrictly confidential.
We also loan on household furnlturA,
pianos, etc., without removal.
Call and see us.
317 Falling Bldg. .
Loans made to persona on salary or fix til
Income ; on household furniture, plan,
diamonds and other personal property;
legal rates.
Business confidential: private office.
3O6-307 Dekum Bldg
lished by Portland business men to protect
borrower. Carrie Myers Herman, Mgr.,
3t4 Stark st. Money loaned on diamonds,
J ewelry. pianos, .household furniture.
MONEY to ioan on anything of value, legal
rates; all articles held 1 year. Panama,
84 Third, near Oak.
MONEY to loan on diamond. JwIry legal
rates; ail articles held 1 year; established
since 18S8. Dan Marx, 2S3 Washington.
Loans Wanted.
ALL or part of $5000, first mortgage guar
anteed bonds for sale In denominations of
$500. Bonds bear 7 per cent, run for five
year. McClure A Schmauch, 515 Gerllnger
WANTED $1000 and $550, 3 years; security
first mortgage on two Rose City resi
dences; 7 per cent, no brokerage. AL 793,
$1400 WANTED on high-class moral and
first mortgage security; no brokerage. E
H41. Oregonian.
LOANS WANTED High interest, best se
curity. East 2533. Write Lans, 114 B.
28 th st., Portland.
WANTED $3500, 3 to 5 years, on 70 acres
of farm land all In cultivation, close to
Portland on the R. R. AM 817, Oregonian.
WANT $30,000, 3 years at 6 per cent, first
class security; no brokers. V 949, Ore
gonian. $10,000 WANTED on business property,
value $30,000. 615Cham. of Com, bldg.
WANTED A loan of $200 from private par
ty; farm security. B 236, Oregonlan.
30-inch wavy switch. 2 sop $1.50
24-inch wavy switch. 3 sep 1.00
All-around transformation 1-40
Halrdressing, shampooing, face massage,
hair bobbing, manicuring, 25c. Hair re
moved by electric needle, switch made of
combings, 95c. We buy your combings.
Sanitary Parlors, 4U0-412 Dekum bldg., 3d
and Washington. Marshall 1762.
Is a soothing, cooling, cleansing antiseptic
wash. Teaspoonful dissolved in quart of
water for catarrhal troubles, female dis
orders, and is essential to personal . hy
giene; is Indorsed by physicians; 50c aua
$1 packages.
Sold by Portland Hop
Manufacturers of the famous Mackia
Cancer Remedy. It removes cancers with
out surgical instruments or poisonous
drugs, with little or no pain. A new dis
covery. For sale at 106 N. 6th St., Port
land, Or.
LOUISE NETZEL Trained nurse and mas
seuse, gives treatments ror rneumauBin.
lumbago, neuralgia, etc., tub butliH. mas
sage and electric blankets; lady assistant.
Marshall 5U33. 288 13th. near Jefterson.
A CABINET bath ana massage energizes
and vitalizes me wnoie ajficm, 1 "u'
youth and vigor, cures rheumatism. Why
delay? Painlesa chiropoay. Mrs. Carvel,
2"4 Koth-hlld bldg., 2s7'- Washington et.
ADVANCE Thought Spiritualist meetings at
the new Mooae nan ounuu-y a.,.-
P. M. and at 105 10th st every evening
except Sunday and Monday. 8 P. M. Lec
ture and messages. Admission free.
FACE and scalp treatments, dandruff, itch
ing scalp, superiiuous nair, uiuhb, na.11
removed. 230 Fleidner bldg. Broadway
5th St., cor. Main, teacnes pmnisuj -.4.
card reading; also lessons in science of
health and success. .
SWEDISH massage, magnetic blanket sweat
given by graduate masseuse, con
sun St.. room 204; open Sundays and even
ings. 10 A. M. to 10 P. M.
327-29 PittOCK OlOCa. iNUrae mmiuaui
Electric cabinet and mineral baths. Scien
tific massage. Open V to . aunuay "
FEBVET & HANEBUT. leading wig and
toupee makers, finest biocr nuirmu um
goods; hairdresslng, manicuring, face and
m'HiD treatment, oiu aiubi. .nam
SCIENTIFIC scalp treatment, facial mas
sage. French packs, wrinkles removed and
permanent bleaching. Electrolysis Co.,
504 Swetland bldg
truth, readings daily; circle Tues., Thuri.
406 Jefferson st. Main 5175. Sunday lec
ture W. O. W. Temple. 128 11th st.. 8 P. M.
FACE and scalp treatments, dandruff, itch
ing scalp, superfluous hair, moles, warts,
removed. 2S0 Flledner bldg. Broadway
1685. -
ELECTRIC treatments for poor circulation,
rheumatism, lumbago, face, scalp sulphur,
steam and salt baths. 426 Clay. Main 83..P.
WANTED For adoption, a dark-complexioned
baby under three weeks; girl pre
ferred. AV 246. Oregonian.
WANTED To hear from, or the whereabouts
of, Pearl Lyon. Homer H. Lyon, 381 Yam
hill st.
MILDRED CLARK, massage, baths
electric treatment. Rothchild bldg., -87
Wash. Office 211. Open Sundays and eves.
SOPHIA B. SEIPT mental, spiritual science.
niiv. 405 Tourney bldg.. 2d and Taylor
sts. Circles Wednesdays 8 P. M. Mar. 1704.
BODY MASSAGE, stomach and Intestinal
trouble, chronic constipation, treated by
trained nurse. M 1049. Flat 0. 308 Sd
SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, w V.tVin?Ve.d
by ten-needle 'method; trial $1.00. Josle
Finley. 614 uers uma.
W ANTED A girl between ana 1
company; will board and clothe. Will
adopt. AJ 312. "Oregonlan.
BEST steam bath and massage in city, chiro-
n untie vibration aim oieun " -ret
Haynte, 517 Swetland bidg. M. 1765.
1-.-. tA a rtr JOHNSON, chiropody, sweats.
hath and masseuse. 513 N. W. bldg. Open
Sundays and evenings. Main B04,
MRS. STEVENS, 25 years Portland's ra
nowned palmist and spiritual reader. 875
Taylor St., cor. West Park.
SALESMAN selling Spring sample ladies
coats ana ureases, or -r m, -. .
Telephone DiQg.
Y-ES Dirty bum write to other dirty bum.
P- SOX lif.
LADY barbers. Shave. 15c; haircut, ifioo;
lace massage, aoc. 0-0 ui-'-
MARIE NEVINS. massage and electric treat
ments. 4U4 jsortnweat mug. Jiam -vw.
3504 MOKrtlSOJS. or r ir,
ED. Mother very ill, we need you. Please
come or write. vtuoj.
MAY ANDREWS teaches phrenology and
card reading. mn qq.
MOLES, suprefluous hair removed. Mrs. M.
D. Hill, 4H r Meaner umg. juw y. otio.
WALTER J. COSGROV. write to V. Dot
Florence, learn someimng your a.u vantage.
SUPERFLUOUS HAIR destroyed forever by
Multiple jSeeaie JWCtimu. ov owemmw
PRIMED A BALM, fermerly called Balm of
Figs. 44 iti. -q- --en. ' """iniiyi.
MARIE DE BARR. medicated steam bath;
graduate masseUBe. w, -pi .rim wrn.
ALMA S. JOHNSON, racial, scalp. franco-
American toilet articles. main nat.
MAY IRWIN, electric and vibratory
fka Van AW"4uu V a"v Jt