THE 3I0RXIXG OREGOXIAN. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 0, 1918. Thi directory im for th Information of tb public to far a po tAve airfare, Uom of butloMs whicb ID average person n&r find ccaaloa Ay information which cmnool b found bar will bo gtadly fur tush d by phoning Main 7; r A 09i. Uoun 4 iklbT ULi.A. a.Aj;.v '- rA ! I 1 144) eefeA. titK and AAA.arv. A.S A A.A I bl f I. 4hW 1J aced i - - - - A ea.ry aad u . el ttiKBLM SlPPl-lAA. sad ,r a., b.o earear eupimem -A- - J '.. M. AA. l.V.a;H IKAala-D. t Mareaa.i lA 4 HIKtJI UUIvTV -LaAV. :.tei. nj Wi..m. Jr. t, t&e .y MMAt.flc camwood. t teci.ti te lite city. rrur AW iw t.a A A3. HIKni,,r 4SU A KIM Hi t 4 IALIVT lA I as Fraacb aaa.tarf m mti. Wrd ( mt f n ':aod k.dr ataia fr4A HIK-fcl t fit rHl4AfA. Ki-"'i-. Lr aicaAa. i'wriaad. cnirrprctic Tftat war r4(af, ray a, .trlrtt. haal. I lint tn-t atbair Jaa Ntuav vtinta t ra- r aa ciai ol d.a tua.y. mmrw'W and Im (uia.y. ii y coat4.ctcc o dn Tam, SI aditaadaaaaiA $k ZZ a ' ra.i ar wrtia. tIU 4 LA A lr il KJft. . Li.SVC.ti Co. aid N W. b.J Mar. lui lt:r) ai jitigrapaC H.d. 4 )ILt.( r lo A --S c I " XITH A Wprrwi.r bid Mta I? K aharaja; atabHr;ad 1A, UAMINU. F'f-b L'n-l-r aw aiiimL Latsat aaAcaa taat. Id pri: .aott I" A- JL la AO. flrda-a J.I. I 1 A . Al K t r T -H r.A T M W HiHLUa- tauAi in atl It braAba; prlvaca, r t cia. fa aad rrt. a-iu. ffciy aXtr. AdS vvaab. Mala . ruck AUUkKY SoaiaJ m4 ca aBctB4 prttia loatrvaMoa. cia T ttrav. I Id. 2A g j& aa arark. luia 31u t.arrtrta Mtra. rR jAl.r TRADE OK KENT A. K'At.KCri LLE. THI'-AL WKk' fc ra.4x Ajr4wy r.E. rW. MwK AM TMHU 4 f. air. trwatrnftl. g i jw (ittd. m T0 r. p.jni:., ror jntfi. H lt!i. 4 : 9 . ILltr HU,i AM) K0 H14.A. ... FLUFF RUGS FfiOM OLD CARPETS tngrataa. Rrvawla HmTrna. Aiml&aiar rag Ti . mii'm mill ordcri t - m k - . CARPET CLEAjMNS, Mllim, ETC. Vau awtra aad a4 ati imJ Ht.K rU MIO CO, d-M Lni. Aa N dM. U IT, WHOLESALERS AND prrii.i. bi.,u( nvr co. via ..4 ck. L dlnxelspiel co.inrr.rrir .4 MAM .HJ. A a-.-.i rroat SC. HKt AND 4 A la, THA5fHorj; -4 HAT to. 4J vS Freat at. Mllii.. HtMiL. AH HA aVUlla. BTtlL.N HH1.. IjI Fraot at. fAlNT AN A 11 HHIi ATlNii U1LA. P ffi-UK oT tia ! ta. RLAL ETATaV THAT VACANT IAT Term a bards lata lavaae. k dauga aow bwiid aaytbia. fafaaa le aaoaey U? MaAra. fifAl yeare m Pvctlaad. A H. la.ey Cv. c-bImI U rvait-ta Nr.a etra ' .'-4-' f t" Al.E Pt.-!an;a lt jiIi in North JnMmo.' A l-tKAott. Reaenoan.a prr Ad ri 4.t l.tnc.j . Wt. ren. War.. k A P H.- City Park lC $:3. A1h aad ftijtA'r" ata owner. 211$ E. Tamn.ll. " Faa saal" Hisia. ro halc ft nr.rrr t rhm nrs. 1114 L. HAHKlAO.N ST, l l-J-.K.N. Willi .,. R AN' AND Wi vi KAN ".E. . Ti-.t ANO t.lNol Tt H. Wtt.L A.LL AT A tUHAlS t V liAliT TEHU-. r-KL . AiMUI, WAKi IMA'. RIAL FIN: i.i'-i--il' I AVE HoM. 5 i hr r -ofD. & tf. large eU-C f!I iniaa i n-1-. t. farac. .ara arara. .-m . r tot lumlua, ; ; a snu'lame of c .,(.- Irnit tr-a. roe a an 1 ar-ry of t tri an. I a iwa - b'oris ff rar- La. cty .i'Ba pru Aoa. te-maV A. Wirr ur. rixr iu. i.t y. m co. M J T t .r l ef I - 1 b.df. i ! vii. one ' a . iDCUTlUr ti h. .-in ii- i c it ' l i n re frilt a (em ea- walking d- v a Tkm art pntnu.a. ar of '-, Will tr'la t"r Sung i I e in- eom mart gage H a..r 1 rt tr.'erred A. Warrtnar. ftlTTEi:. l.oWE A CO. r-vt-". T l:. r. of Tfil b. Tiil-i IS UAR'i.Vl.V IV HkN'U IU N'iALOW rn.; a;ext dotn. bar!aod f " In art am romi. b i. : t ra auffet. fin l utr a k.i. -ta. J In aitchen and ba:b fu,. c --r - ik t baawment. bt-weter fma. eb.r n.f-M k t ar. Yt can m In ar erre J I. part man Company. ,Nj. n.nur e CxneuLi-waj B:da Mala -t'S, a :'o. U4KOA1N lr $.;. beaut. fa. 7 roo.naj hua. .my.ete y and a.cey furaed in'uucdnii',. wol aad gas rang, mod e-w in ee-y w 4y. g aaed-la perch, full rmnl Ne-ner:. wo 1nd, bearing frutt tre. 5 ! lot: H caan. ba aoce lruA 'if" rar. 1 fc.-at th st A or in. Tre b i t4:N feo'lj. FV'K 7 LA N I H Kl.h Te uprMr. llmMI new p-rm ri-i-n--. rte in. wonderful Uaat(tt ar-d hardwood floora. White enaanai and mahcaav thr-u :iout. Sleap t g purh. f .rp'.i e. J Whruiiii, plenty !. large ir-mnj, Ttn tre. imLM'Kk, iAl Vf nirv Drive, cor. pl-n u aIat haM 4,'I. A 3vl A'ail moraiuga N E I.AURELHUKST Hi'VK. Miima, lot 5usl"A, faTce. ftre 'cf hrdMd f ". o ra. fu t cmnt bsse anent and f n, a'ic:.y modara in ry raepev t. pne- $ . term. a-r:ner. R ITTKIw. I.oWS A CO.. M i 7H rd of Trad b.Jg A I 7h I N' A Dl2rRICT BARGAIN. T raoma. wall bunt heua. lot aAvltn. Vtr4 a:rea mn: w gardea and raaea ear one b'ovk both ide. city llecs ail paid, t'waaf noi aU at nce A e-rrlner FTTTVR. t.oVE A CO. o$ 7 Board of Trade bl.lg H Ht AlNS itae. rmt $t. artO; en. $A5A, take ivvw. fit. $V. tea !:.". Twc bunt ea. $.tK; od. roet $.VVU. Ia a--H very A.k Cbotca ieca ttaae. IrviBeTtea. A-H.4. we.i bu U larae. modera bung ow. ei-pt.aa- y t n crar tot, roe In. Ave at a-.te. :ret it ?memet a.i paid: a o- .u'a va.n .1 ." . wnr auth-Tiee eut ef $ lw0 fnr ea:rk aa wttn taiv bt in.-- easy terme. liart lnj C, 910 rsims ox Ceanaraa. Mars nail ROiaALOW FOR SALE. S moms and bath, eement baaernent. g'v-.ioa. aarace. eat AK- Johns car line. $HKM. S. . aj. balance -aay tern-a THK rr.KU A. JACOBS tVMFAVT. lo Fftn St. m p;o4D AT, at north weec corner of Eat 17h at., a nvodtM eavert-rertiu boaae and rAAtct wf loC ewivanlent to t we ear hnea ?W K. J. O'Neil. aw&ar. 717 maxd er Tra-le tMjL HDPRV I room barn, Pidmoot. inilt l ra and ahrabbrf : cavh onlv. rheap; tar 4 rar'tne. Owner. Columbia 112. FtR mad: sr.e v si a ear Tr-e ijV ne arm btjnaalew. 114 Ttth. Rtchmead ear. 1 V1N 7( N toira Arenm baofaloe en f-a--tioeal lo. cine If. $:oa). 5ee R. J. cVNM. 7IT Hrd ef bMg rKie mrn havea. we. k tag Marry. U ALL Oreaecuaav. A LKTILI.FK, JINK. J CMC AND lUHMAiUk. T bo urt on Junk C ex. 2 4 Freat at. Maam I:m a buy a ad junk. mtta Py big beet prices. it Dfoft yo .L FA KkAK ffcaew ef fop.r MtfiC ' ; n oW-j r.iier i-u. Cenarelery bo. of M liroe d way. tit if. TUILLUOlLN. lolt 4MCMT. pupil nrrontmhTs a?io orru iax. WtV lit MO Mai T A SAVINti fram d to Pr an 1'roanpt.jr fitted ff mm aa low J aa $ 4oww Mi.ii4 fiuitmr aitafactiaa gaaraataad. caaa. W. Oood fcAA. oparea:rt. jut ifrawa. Mii;l.'i ft-ATftrm. L U. WRIUHT-22 yaara spriaoc. U. and 8fna pat nta W1 luin b dg. i-4. K. A. UliLUri, Pvi iiroadwftjr aiag. hhba;Un, (am daordra. aaua troa- . a4oica. n r. atao a. aowi thrn(; g,ir. tct p. Mgti axd prttavra JvH. t.ot4A A. liK of omto. 7wv s W. gttra and diaaa UurnaiUa, cwf. otb sc. rLiMuixi m rrLiM. rLLalUlNO toLPr-Lltd at WAo aaaia pricaa. tara-Lav.a Co., :w Jd at. Miin Tk7. ritixTix.. 4i)rv.b rHt;. J. U uantenbaln. Mgr. rnoling and iootyping. AtHft Jr'roaA u ornr atarfc. Main ar A 141V TU IVY k H Jl ftirk st. Broauay A 404. PRINTING rtr, . BALTii A COiifANV, d Oil ata Main Id. A U'd REAL fciTATK DF.AI.KKPl. C A HI H. JvNlb, 44 WI.cok b.dg. huKTUWkMT FjrU CO. eatabllahad IMl riuff raga and rag ruga woen an i"a. Et ttn two Tay jr. h:.t 4t". B 1mi UTORAOK A1 TRANFKR. ALWATl F1CK TUa BElfT Moaaahold gsada apatAaiiata; ataraga. packing, amp si ng and moving: boraa and aula vaaa; apactal tratgnt racea to all polnta. C. O. FICK THA.S.-KKH STuKAGB CO 2d and lflna ata Broadway 5ld. A 1A OKEvioS TaA,mLH CO.. 414 G.laan at.. corner lath. Teiepaone H road a-ay or A lla Wa aw a and pa rata two iarga ciaaa "A" warebouaea aa terminal tracAa. low at Insurance ra:ea in tha city. CUT fratgot ratea to ail painia on bouaaboid goada Maoaing nirDnu at a raaaAar Co. th aad Hurt BroJy 703. MADlaON-KT. DcmJK AND WAREHOUSE. Office 1M) Madiaoa. Uenaral arcbaoan and foraard.i.g aganta Phone Main mJl. PAi'KINil. MoVlNiJ. MOHAOK. IRCL Kin aTOHAHE TKAaSnFl. 3 CO lus Psrk at. Main iliAlWL national fuel cu. ai :wi. k. ad aad Crr a era: a.aewooj. li iA oanverea. OHEEN AND DRY ItLABWoOD. blorkwe Psnarna Fii :o.. tn; .x u MANUFACTURERS FAINTH. 01U AND 4.LAH4V FASMt5A, Co.. 2d aad I II':. I ll's IIITINOi AND ALLA. M. L. KLlN,. b-vi Froal at. FLlMliINU AND rrtAM 1 lTTlNti. X. L. Kl.i.Nav. 9 ffl Front at. flMiDUL i.O MIhION M4.MC HANTS. E ihll.Ni A KAKHI.1.U lv rroni at. Hof B AND B1NDINO TWINaU Portland Cord C.. 14: a and Northnjp. I HAAII. UOukH AMI 4 LA AM. W. F. Fn-i-alH c o Uim and Darts eta HALUAILk. Mlt.LEft Wall Paoar A Pi. CO.. IT! 1st St. I HyH'iA WALL PAPER CQ , 30 2-t SI REAL 1TATIL "Ver Hade Has . $17. Modem (.room wuncatew: flrap?aca. fu!l Amii. earrnt t.oof. laundry travs. aaat4 pumtmg. out.i-m iaturae. ir- airy rami. ea hardurtared tie:a ' i 1 'V .oa A f.rst-c.ass dtairtct, en.y i. s."V raan. ba-asc assy larma It weu.d te bu..d the bouae today. If joi want a bom, lake advantage of in.'a epportun:ty W. C. HEPA.". T?3 C. OT C. BLDG. CilEAP BUY IN ALU IN A. Geed t-rg baae. lot oxl.i. cement eaarnnt. roea buans and ama.l aa. paved a treat and cw.ueal wa.k. en bie kl t-i car ea botb M-a, clear ali Incum baaeee. Own? must have men at ea:. I rut -vaa, term. :. A. Warrlaer. ftTTTEH. Luttii A CO.. lJ-A-7 U-rd of Trade b.Jg. $iJ. ECLHKS i&odari 4-roeoa bungalow. aaiaace. s.a.. ua rani; near ear axtope; fntlt. rose, garden. cMckeo run; rente are gia( aay b. la a law weak. Be wla: buy . ree today. $ la:h. aad : t tea cl 0Taer. Ma.n 9.9 LAUREL! iUit!T. Before buying e.swwaer ebtala ear list et enjuialte buie lor e.e a easy term la laur.huril. the aha ptace t Port- lead. LA U it ELli L'Kiir CO.. 27tS btark St. Still liAi. A 1-IA SiRl'Ti.1 onOarn. a beeut.ful home, II br:bt. ntri rome. rx;pLln hl. will mm., tor Aioo. $.oo under artuat value. $14 cash, baiance Ilk rent. P. ease dea l dletura leoaat y. llwA C Union. I At'.n. Owner. Mata evenings. ' "i Hoo MS. S U N N' V S I tEl I T RICT. Furnace, e'ectrie 1 Shi, larae basement. I bathroom and a dandy bat a yard: fori avt oa aa.e a law. oea. x. Moor Co.. Ab- I laa on b.dg. "HHIFaiikKtHS. ATTENTIOnT" Vederii bvuae. $vw; inUl payment do n, emay mentniy payments, vail MAIN liw7. Mt'DKKN room furtilehed bungalow. frOl w ana. pecaeoa e 110 ton aad Uittaton. V. K. car owner at no use x to o F. m. daily. $a2 NaW 4 room bunsa.ow. 2 aire loie.1 tl c&an, a.u pr mniu. 1mi-j bpalding I " ; . ynonaj t r.i. IH l.NTON Modern l-rooin resldeara. hot- i:r ca, a.eeuios porca ana garag. at I a Oirca'fi. t'a.! ta.n 7H'J. I Fot ..... -mom bue. ( n MAI . ca.l eveninga and hunday. I N. Cll Howntan. WooJ.awn 3-17. I E. ;h i-HiOM bungalow, anodern. going to leave I city; iduu c aoia at once; cloae to. Call liL XVJ JlAinjnn. Owner. Hi HHKLL A -V. 142t Sandy. l !et firm HUM. CITT PAH K. ran sail you a good house cheap, eee us Ttrat. Tabor 2101. SMALL hou and lot m ML fecott car for $3-- Phont Tabor WJV Far bale Baal aeaa Pre party. FOR SALE cheap, by owner, good Wat 81U to com property. Marshall 9JC. aVubwrbata llecae Frwoerty. AlL.r AvLL a suburban horn of four acres. uuab,e for poultry and tru k. on acre or- I chard ef appiee. pr. prune, cherries. 1 som imt! Iruit. giod bungalow bouse. 24 large earn, four chicken houa: p. are ail fenced. ehiika tight; all under cui;iation, g.d rurmiur. 1'5 bent, hand toe.s. nr pavement, northeast of Wood land; price $100, $o'd down. bet. ft years ai per ceni; a.eo my s-paangr Over land, In g-Hd shane, $40. W. M. Iavi- eon. dok ti. MoAdand. wash., owner. V H U KBAN HOME AND ACKEALE. atodrn 7-roern bungaiow and 5 arm fer aale at a reasons b. a price and terms large living room, etira fine bathroom. 8 Aot.eia, iirepace. hu;i Kun water, city g ja. fruit d flowers, garage, haxd-eur- tacea roaa. JoHJf W. ALEXANDER. 13wi ,orthwt:rn Bank ii.dg. Pbon Main 3tH. FOR SALE g'-RLHHAV HDVF On acre. 4-oaiauta rid rrom Portland. 8-miaut walk from ear, 1 block from river. md era bungalow. Including . tn? lights, hardwood floors, bathroom aad telephone Must be Seen to b eppreci- sua bk cms o nanaie. A 40 L OR v GO MAN. Factory Btteav H ACRS with doub trackage, eN-e In; "M w won cneap. rnont TI Dor ACRES, well Improved, all kind fruit, house, large bars, ail la cultivation: Um! I cw. machinery and sard potato. 10 acres aajo.oing can o rented VTO pr year. 4 mi ea l ar g?d su Pne $J$oo: terma I A.ur- a. ftUMa, afUwaokie. Rout Ll FOR SALS. Three anllee this side ef Oram a Ct'r. arr with modem beeew. abort dis tance ir-um canine. ill trad lor mad era wuaa property. A 4mA, URRaOMIAJC R E. L!TA TE. Ft Sale Art-rag. FIX Acri, right at station on Carver Rail road: new 3-room bungalow, with pan try and 1 porches; well at back porch; iixxl barn, viion. hark and garden tools; acre la whMi, acre la vetcb and oat a. 1 acre In pasiare. family orchard; good cow. tarrna. 8 OrifonUn. 13 Ai'RKS. 4 mil- (rota Vancouver, on rlvar road. od ft-rwom bungalow, 3 ftrplara, (r pipad In booaav otbar oatbuiidrnga For aJ Farroa. CHL'AP land, big crop, high prtcaa hava put tha farmer a of Vaim Canada on a proaporlty footing that waa undraaraad of bfor tha world war. Mora Weatarn aaada farnaara bava big bank balances than avar batora; mora Vatara Canada farmara ara a pending this Wlntar la Cali fornia and Florida than avar bafora: mora utumnblltfl war bought taat aar by lanadicn farmars than aar blora. Writ am Canada ha struck I La atrlda. and lha n,aa who gaia la tbara now is going to mka aionvj for yaara to coma. Alcng tha Unaa of tha Canadian Noribara Rail way la mt cf tba boat land la tha coun try pri a 115 to 4 -a par acra aaay term! and UH.O-d lwi-acr FKKaS farms. Lat ua tall you all about Wastarn CanaJa and why mora land was aold to Ameri can farm ara In 117 than In any ona pra vioua yaar. fiand for FRCB llluairatad bvoas and fodra Call on or addreaa A. Itroatrdl. U. K. P. A., dept. 1. agant. Canadian Northern Hallway. 6oi Hittmn at.. VtnfQui'fr. B. C. Bai.NTOS CuCNTI, OKEoON. OFKEHS EX-CKI.LE-NT wpport unity for tba DAIRY MAN. th TlA'KIAN, tha FHIMT (.KuWFK. and. beat of all. to tha GKN KHAI. FAKUER.' TELL US WHAT YoC WANT. KIN N KT A TRACT, tba Heal Katata Man. at roKVAIXIS, OR., tha borne town ot lHEtiU.V AOKiaXTURAL COl-LEU U1- ACHh'S. Ioo. eajy trma. near Eagia rrk; good a:. ha.f In cultivation, all plowabla. new 5-rm. house, ood hm Lowing aprlnics; a pisltiv barealr.. Hurt Land Cx, ltf lit. tC Com. Fbuna Alar. i;vi. on A i Kfc.i in fout hwestern WishiiRtun for aa.a. to sttTers oniy. upon aaay trrma ana low prices. o par acra and up. rita .r m.ip snowing io-ation, terms, etc, WEYKKMAE IS E 11 TI M HER C M PAN V, Taeoma Hldg , Tacoma. Wash. ACRES. .tuv.s Island ranh. IT0.0OO only Is miles from city. A great dairying or c-attl propoaitlon. All or half; no iraooe. wtt l.uaxnber at tommtrca Tti. lrhati 1645. FARM for aaia. 1 acres, S pilla from sta tion, xyro. on . P. Fenced and cross-fn-ed. haua. bam and well. V. o. linwH. Oiympla. Wash. H, F. D. No. 2. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland: $7.1 to 4-' hi par acra; easy iwrms, wbi sou. urmi ior ail SIZeA McKarland, OOJ Yeon bldg., Portland. AN la. and containing -'d acres, on Pui.f Found, charming surroundings. Particulars rrom v m. neyar. nerron P. U., Wash. 3d ACHtS for sale, la cleared, with Impla- mvnia, sruji. nut a . leaving- ior naaiia; no trade. AV J4C. Oregonian. MI'sT AELL. 700-acra stock ranch In Lac ouniy. trregon. sia per acra. H. a. filattary. Eugena, Or. 489 ACKF.H fine wheat land In North D. aoa v inuf iwr amprwea iarm in Wll lametta Valley. A. E. Htewart, Hllvarton. Or. vR SALE Small farm. S miles from city mir imiMuttu. -rira avu. pnon Tibor 4IM. I R HAI.K SO acrs what land cheap. In i antral Oregon ; will take part trad or g!ve terms. Hot .71. Tillamook, or. FOR HA LE 10-scr Clarke County farm. acres prunes, house, barn, windmill. s lt M lo to no cre, $100 acr. 1 mil from romana limits, j. j. rlavilk. ficappooae. WAVTF.D WEAL ESTATE. 1 CL.L. houaea niy. LAat w.tli mm. C. A. Wmrrtn.r. RITTEH. I.UHK CO.. iO-S-T Ho.M of Tr.df Bid. WANTED 5 -room bouse. Sell wood district must be atrlctlv mo.lm nn n-mw a .-..m pay $5'H down. The Fred A. Jacob Com- " ant to leas a lot to move a house on. noi rar from North 10th and Johnson. t i:oni nroa-iway .Ull. WANTED 6 r B-mnra bungalow en paved straet. About $2mio raati ; a ll! not go '' xs oregonian. FOR RENT FARMS. y ACRE.. miles from Portland. 6-roore nuu. oarn. orrnarn. pianty or water; $A-u per year. Owner. 12H lih at. FARMS WANTED. TO PELL OR TRAD E YOUR FARM ! with KtNNEY A TRACY. Corvaliia. Or. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. FlU'W owner, about 50 acrea veetah! lnl must hav good buildings; within 15 mile of Portland; ata t location and rant wan tea, a oregonian. WANT to rent sheep pasture, fcO to 1'0 acre. ofTi i .-tnn. irnc. clover and tame gra preferred. K. II. Myers. 1137 sv. nonn'iwri 4 WANTED To rnt fully equipped dairy farm on ha res, experienced, above draft. on "lrr'd. u 4i. Oregonian. FOR SALE TIMBER I.AND1. ACRES tlmbar. 9000.000 feet: Lam ouniy. nar lottag Orove. good aw tim ber. a:o tie, piling and h)p knee propo- iclen. reasonable price, $500 cash, bal ance term or trad for good Portland proparty. Addc itoom 9. Pag b.dg , Aaion. Or. FOR AIK One sawmill complete, rapacity 11 thousand, with edger and planer, oo ft. aid'trark. dep water on Yaiutna Hay. 14 mile Newport, where the Government I building Jetty; million feet atond grnwth fir near, atumpag reasonable; all $ooa Elk City Lumber Co.. Elk City. Or. WANTED Party to take contract falling and burning 1 million feet timber, only i. niuv-a irr-m roruano. vail sis jty. Kfhiritt bldg. 4.'.uv.'A F!:ET pme and fir stum pa fa. T. o. v. i v asnir.gron. near it. h. inquire Oatman ae.. Portland. E. jtf. peiton. TIM PER LANDS ( n 'i wt a.i mi .u C X sfrCRACK EN. S4 McKAT BLDG. W4VTFD- TIMBER LANDS. SHIP KN EES wanted. Cambl-Rlg 6hlD Knee Co.. Gerlinger Bldg. TO EXCHANGE BEAL ESTATE, FOR fiAl.K OR TRADE. A one-half interest la meat market and Parking p. ant in a live valley town with a monthly payroll of $27,40. For trade for gooi s:o4.k ranch or farm property; a bar g.n for cash or good trad; above doin? an average nonth.y buglneAs of $3500. AV FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Beaverton Income nroduclnr a or ear a. rorfiwting of- 11 acrea, in apples, lieauti ful suburban bomealte. clo.e to alotrir lines; owner non-reaidont. will sell cheap, or trad for California property. G. Pause, umvi ire, 1 a 1. lo7 ACRES finest eoil and water on earth for clover, spuds, wheat, etc.; Southern Ids ho: every foot tillable: house, brn. lencea, n mi es comity seat and H. H only ."KM) cash: East Hide home: rash a.uation. ycott. "7 E. nth st. Tabor 6070. TO evchange. large two-tory bouse, ail mod ern plumbing, city water, electric lights, frame bam. 1H acres ground; nice hum; trail equity for farm land near Van- rouvrr. Wash..-or Washougal. White A to., .-vewoeig. or. . r..LriA.ut 1 acre of improved land. clear of all Incumbrance. 2.1 minutes rid from the heart of Portland, at Metzgers station: will trade for auto. Address J. J. Chrlstner, Hood River. Or. FOR SALE or exchange, nice Income prop erty in une country town, income $to per month, long lease; want farm or gen. mdae. Price $12.00; thta la good. C M. Crittenden. Hubbard. Or. RICH California alfalfa lands, 20. 40. 80 or iw-ecr tract, easy terma; eeml-monthly excursions. See u for reduced rstee. Cali fomia ColonUatioo Co., l'H8 Spalding bldg. UPT your property with u for raaults; x- cnange or merit: atablihed 10 yeera. The Ernest Younger Co.. 105-107 Park at., between Washington and Stark streets. HIOHVfRADE business site, unincumbered. even exensnge xnr rortiana sumisnea apt. honae: $lovK to $S00O value. AV 15. Ore gonian. WH EAT land. Saskatchewan, near U. S. una. 4W acres, assessed value 18120: wm sell er trade. Main 8199. 1014 Chamber 01 commerce EXCHANGE 2ii acre of clear land at Ad- meen. N. t.. ror a 0-K. house in Portland. Phon East Tabor 16;u. J. S. Prrv. 114 H Grand av. WANT STOCK RANCH TO $70,000. nave improved income citv property to trade for earn. P. O. box 673. CITY lot wanted. If clear. In part er full ex change for $750 player piano, music and bench. Security Storag Co.. 18 4th St. CASH and Irvlnston or Rose city lot to s- iant ror or ft -no. aouse; owners oviy. V IMa. Oregonian. WANT residence ; give unimproved, unin cumbered 40 acres. Owner. 141 East Wtta North 191 KLAMATH FALLS lots for Portland Im proved, wm assume, 8 Oregoaias, TO KXfHAXCB MlSCCIXAVFOrS, FoA SALE or exchange, confectionery, card and pool ball; good town, location; prica $i.ho: wji take 4500 trade, balanca cash. A -11, Oregon lan. FOR SALE. Honea, Veh lr lea, Ktc TEAM roan and bay mare, weigh SOW), and good workera. 417&: bay gelding. we'ght 1BOO. 9rt; black gUing. aeic)it livi. gr.n- frown aeldma. welrnt 1-'hi ho: 2 aets double work harnewt; norrel gelding. wtgnt tha beat or woritera, aiuu. 1"1 North 11th au. West Side, corner Flanders. BUACK team, mare and -dinar, ft and T y-arw old, free of blemishaa, good workers, g. ?in of mtrtt, A and 8 years old. wt 3b., found and true to work. 3 good louut; mule: also several well- mated draft teams at Model Stables. 5th arvi Pa via. All'HT aell at once ft head of mares and I g-ldlnc. weight 1100 to 1400 pounds, from I .. to ; 4 sets of naroaaa. Zarin wag ona. 3 1-3-ln. lumber wagon, 1 spring wadEcins. Call Ruaaeil-st. TraAsfar atUxo. J -o Kiiaall st. NuTi' t We hare several good youd horses that we will aell or trade for an I auto trut k. Anderson Bros. Stable. 2d indjri'iion ais Ft'R AI-E. cheip 4 head of horaea. weitrh I tnc 1hj pounds each: one team of horas I weighing IM' to pound; one team of horaes I wr-Khing pounrti. Russell st. FOR &ALE Hix head heavy work horses. with or without harness, Portland Van A I Morge ( o irth and Kearney at. Dr. A D HUHSK8 and animals bauied away I iree, roniiDH xiauaenng to. call W ood -iswn 1'0. FOR isALE On gray workhorse. 10 hands. true to pull. Standard Brick A Tile Co., I ONE pair at well-matched bay geidlngs, S I and yars old, mu 4O0 lbs. Inquire of I ntwn, . j. -i. i o. Dim, tin and Davis. H'UH ht-A good farm work horses, 1000 to I litHi. i, each; also --year-old colt, lOo, I tun -- Aider si. DEAD stock and old horsea bought. Call u lor service and best cash results. Mil wak:e, 0-J. RI DiXG horse; will work single or double; win sc:r reasons nie. Mr. Darnell, room 3, avoa Hotel. 131 11th at. DELIVERY wagons and horaes for sale cner. t E. 7th at. North. FOR SALE One team horaea, weight 3O00 ir-i inquire aim rirst at. DEAD stock taken quickly; we pay the most ior una ana cnppiea hock. UDoriiUJ. Vienna, Orgnns and Mualrml Inatrumenta. $7.50 CASH, $7.50 next pay day, then $7 1 monthly buys J-3. mil model upright planoa at $290 during Green berg Music I io. s Kansas iiquiaation sale in progress I at Schwan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth at. Last oyortunity before raise in prices. Your I p.irenta or grandparents paid $000 to I ji'KX rnr aticn quality planoa during and I i:sr our livii war. HENRY 8. O. Llndemann piano, perfectly I l.auu, mho uniau, manogany. JUll llg I new. tiara j y use a at an. will sail at vmry low price. 149 tlth st. MiLIu.N upright piano, lata etyle, the moat expensive aesign, practically new, S235. Wni consider term. 149 6th U Telephone AM leaving town and want to loan my cab- I met ictroia to responsible party; li 1 I don't return will sell cheap. 944, Ore- I go man. ISahj BUI'S $12.50 Wonder with alx records; ouya a camnet v ictroia witn iu rec ori's. Schwan Piano Co.. Ill Fourth at. $3o OA K WeHtern Cottage organ, $30. Kimball piano, rosewood, $115. HAROLD 6. GILBERT. 3h4 Yamhill at. S3 CASH a -K! urea a $325 mahogany, modern I upright piano now cloned out by Security I storage o., i Fourth at., at wash av KiM a .piano, moat reasonable terma In I Portland; no squares or thump boxes. Maroid on Pert, am ismniii st. 1-45 CASH closes out $550. 88-not, ma hogany player piano, bench and music, at I frecumy b to rage to.. io Fourth L A REAL standard upright piano, nice ma-hos-iny case, sweet tone; will sell very cheap. 149 Oth st. PIANOS TUNED. $3. George T. Peck. Tabor 8574. Grad. New Eng. Conservatory. FULL CASH VALUE PAID For Records, Phonographs, Musical Xnstrn- f-n:s. Newman. .Main 449... 12S First. I PAY CASH for used pianos. Gilbert. :ts4 Yamhill st. Harold 8. I Dog. Bird and Pet Stock FOR SALE Red cocker spaniel. 1 year old. female, w;i trained, affectionate pat. Tabor Boll. PEDIGREED LwItyn setter, 3 yra., thor- pn.y urnne. registareu. -d. Auor 71 or S 376. Oregonian. Foit SALE Mexican toy dog, 2 year, male. 5 l&a.. trained. $4. 1232 Itorthwlck at. Furniture for Sale. MAGNIFICENT golden oak buffet, French r.aie ivieu mirror i.xas, a arawera. erfert condition; coat $120, aell $o0. Fit to adurn a mansion. See 1L Main 1310. FoR SALE Used office furniture, oak and mahogany or ail Kind. KIl.HAM'S. Fifth and Oak Sts. PRIVATE party wants furniture for 6 rooms; a so 2-bhy bed. Wdln. 859. NEAT furnishings 4-room heated Xlat, al most good as new; snap. Tabor lsL FOR SALE Fuel gaa stove, $-V 704 E. 42 J. Poultry. EARLY chix make early layers. We guar-1 an:e as re arrival or unite Leghorn baby I cn.x irom neavy-iaying (Moganixeaj stock. I Write for prices, eic The Pioneer Hatch- ery. prtaiuma, l al. Liveetersu 85 ANGORA goats. 2J0 Rambou.ette ewes. bred. Dm choice Cotswold , now dropping laini-, I'm good grade ewes, bred. 3-i choire Shrop. yearling ewes. l"ft choice Cotswold ewe lamoa. Will sail any of abov stock. All sow at North Portland btockyards. Address 1 Hi 7 Cleveland ave.. Portland. Phjne Wood lawn 4202. E. H. Myera, I. L. .Myets WANTLD To buy 30 bead of Holsiein cons or heiters. John Back. Gen Delivery, Port land. Oregon. I HAVE on hand 41 bead of high-grade H"jt"in milk atock. all tubercular tested. AN 319. Oregonian. Launrbe aad Boats. HOUSEBOAT wanted; want to rent by 15th, three or four-room furnished .houseboat. Phone Broad aay 3245 or 4929. NEW boat. 26x4 ft. 8 In., ready for en gine. 6109 BHth ave. Tabor 4991. Typewriters. NEW Rf-mlngion rental plan, rent applies 1 5 to purr has. Visible mouels. Hem. Typewriter Co., 88 Broadway. Phone lirpsaway 2I. Fi'H 6ALK 2 small cash registers, $40 and COZY DAIRY LUNCH. Sixth and Washington sts. WE ran save from fiO to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriter; send for our nrlce It?: Retail Department. WHOLESALE nftwiuinK 00., 8Ji wasn. Ft. REBUILT typewriters snd supplies. Corona uea.era. rJ. v. pease Co.. 110 utn. Niirt, rebuilt, aecond-band rentals at cut nc. P. p. Co.. 231 Stwrk st. Mnln 14 A u t oniobilr. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. 1917 Saxon six touring, new, $595. 1916 Hupmoblle touring, finest condition, $750. 1912 Overland touring, newly painted, tires good, $190. 1813 Studebaker 23 roadster. $125. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR Co.. j East 3770. East 13th and Hawthorne ave. I 1917 MAXWELL, like new. has been run I very little on pavement: has been used as I a demonstrator and will sell at a bar- I gain for cash. Broadway Garage, East 24th I and itroauway. pnone tiaat 2556. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles: we w re on ail mastes 01 cars and aell their pans at half price. Auto Wrecking Co 89-91-93 North Broadway. HAVE an 8-cyL Cadlllao touring. In first ciass condition: will sell chean for cash or will trade for lighter car. Call Rich. I uroadway iV. 1 1916 FORD touring car. with shock h,nrh. ers and other extras, very reasonable; I Valium iivrn. -7 i A 1917 HUPP, special Job. 2 Iods. virr-.. I ana regular, corn ures wire wheels; a bargain. Call Marshall 2454. I FOR SALE Complete $105 g en em o tor eleo- trie tartln; 'OILrd : 'xcellent con- d:tion. only $38.40. Broadway 3304. FoKD form-a-tmck. in fine condition; hard ware sneiving; o.mpson ,-sp. o scale, etc for ai pheap. Call Woodlawn 8902. ' FOR SALE New 1918 four-cylinder Bulck. never used, $100 ! than regular price, E M3. oregonian. lviti FoKD roadster, shock absorbers, other extras: terms. Broadway 1572. SACRIFICE latest model 1918 Studebaker, 6-cyL 80 Alder st. 1917 FORD touring car, Hroadway 1572. like new; trma SLIGHTLY uaed tires. $3 to $15 each; vul canised. 25c; tire repairing. 2o7 Aladlson. 5-PASSENGKR White, good ooadlUon. Tei phone Tabor 5O04. SIX-CYLINDER Stutx, wire wfaaala, good tire; win aacriric. Broadway 1572. SMALL delivery body cheap. 394 E. 44th sL FOB SALE. I I I Automobile. "WE ARE OFFERING MANY EXCEPTION Afc BARGAINS. FOR AUTOMOBILE SHOW WEEK. fat I Wa hara eatly tha largest stock of used jrora cars in tna city: TOURING. ROADSTERS, DELIVERT. ATI priced for this occasion. These ara but a few; our stock Includes: 1Q17 Ford t oaring car. Ilk new. . liM7 Ford tourlne car, with extras. 1W14 Ford touring car, like new. jyid Ford touring car, Al condition. 1115 Ford touring car, with extra. 3 :1 7 Ford roadster, with extras. 1018 Ford roadster, Al condition. 1H13 Ford delivery, panel top. 1914 Ford delivery, with metal body. AND A FEW OTHERS. TERMS IF DESIRED. OPKN DAY SUNDAY. I I PALACE GARAGE CO.. 12th and Stark sts. Phones: Broadway 1072, A 2442. A BIO SAlVB Is now going on In our used car dept. and you can got your choice of any car you want. 1!17 Bufck Six. Just like new $ 9."H) 1113 Dodge, almost new 9.0 If Id Dodge, late model 673 3917 Chevrolet, roadster 4o 3II13 Cadlllao wonderful buy.. 1-T0 I!14 Cadillac like now.. ....... l-'-'.O JU14 Cola Big Klx -... l.nn Chalmers Six. first class 0J5 1917 Studebaker blx 1050 Itii:! Cadillac i 400 l!t!3 Cadillac I 1013 Rt-o. first-class condition 275 11M7 Maxwell, like new ' 585 1913 Packard, good condition 7.V 1013 Studebaker Sedan 47 j We also have Ford touring car, road sters, deliveries and trucks from 1914 to 1917. Mall or wire your deposits and w will hold car for you. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Main 6244. Washington st. at '2lU FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. 1I17 Ford touring.. DU7 Ford roadster. 1H17 Ford touring. l'.17 Ford chassis. 1916 Ford touring. 1910 Ford touring. 1916 Ford roadster. 1916 Ford delivery, panel body. 1916 Ford delivery express. 1914 Ford delivery, panel body. 1915 Ford touring. 1915 Ford touring. 1914 Ford touring. 1913 Ford touring. 1916 Ford chassis. A number of these cars are practically new. Terms If desired. You will be sur prised when you see them, for they are real bargain FKANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. E. 3770. East 13th and Hawthorne ave. 1917 BUICK. llffht 6. extra equipment. .$950 191" Scrippa-Booth, anappy bus; 750 Mi tcli ell 0, touring, refinished 8"0 11117 Studebaker. 7-Dass.. cord tlrOfl.... 725 101O Cadillac. Tiruken bearings....... 250 1913 Dodee. looks like new 050 3916 Dodge, aee It 060 Liaht Mitchell, electric lights and Starter, refinished 450 OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON. Broadway and Couch Street. Broadway 1270. LONG & SILVA'S Auto Wrecking Dept. We have parts for the following cars at no per cent to 7d per cent oir tne ust; Studebakers, Chalmers, Michigan. Hudson.. w Overland. E. M. F. Wlnton, Pope-Hartford. KncltiM. Radiators. Windshields. Masr- netos. Carburetors, Lamps, etc., for less than one-nail price. 462 Hawthorne ave. Phone E. 6R40. 1917 HUDSON Super Six, 7 -pass., 5 wire wheela and extras, ruity insured and nrst class condition; run less than SOuO miles. Must leave. Call at 314 First st,, or phona Main 80S5. Automobile Wanted. I HAVE cosy little 4 -400m cottage situated In desirable residence -district, half block from car, near school and business dis trict, with lbx20 garage or shop, that 1 want to trad for Jate model five-passen ger car and eom casn. what nave you? Drive your car around and we'll talk tur key. 22S second st., near .Main. WiLL trade 6-cyilnder Chalmers in perfect condition for 1917 or 1918 slx-cy Under Bulck touring car in similar condition and pay cash difference, A 888. Oregonian. ! WANTED Late model touring car in ex change for timber land. Box 23, Divide, Oregon. WE PAY spot cash for late model cars. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 527 Wash. Where ashingion ana uurnsiae meet TWO lots, near Mississippi carllne, to trad for light o-psss car, a auj. oregonian. Auto Tires and Accessories. USED TIRE3. REAL BARGAINS. Wa supply anr also and fill orders promptly, d"X.t ........ S3 up 3x3H 4 UD 82x3 Vi 6 up 1x4 6 up 32x4 7 Up 33x4 7 up 34x4 7 up 36x4 . .. 34x4 Mi.., 3.-.X4H... 3x4 Uf. ., 37x4... 8 up 8 up 8 up 9 up 9 UP 10 up SOXO 37x5 .10 up MVntlon your order Q. D., clincher or straight size. NEW WAT TIRE COMPANY. 620 Golden Gate ave.. San Francisco. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVER FOR HIRE 7-pass. car with driver. LONG A SILVA, 463 HAWTHORNE AVE. Phone Ew 684a NEW AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVER. fcEE U. N. SMITH. 121 NUK'lh THIRD ST. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO THIRD AND GLISAN STS. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Garage, 86 loth sl Broadway 840. NEW SAXON 6, highway, depots, funerals, calling, shopping, reasonable. East 4582. AUTOS without driver for hire. Fashion Garage. 10th and YamhllL Mar. 232, A 1236 COLUMBIA HIGHWAY SIGHTSEEING. Autos fur hire. Main 355. - PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling. shopping, highway. Broadway 3547. HUDSON super-six. Inclosed car, day o night. Geo. Turney. Main 5065. A 1405. Motorcycles. ONE single Indian motorcycle, Al condi tion, $40. Call Woodlawn 3633. ' Machinery. FOR SALE One horizontal tubular high pressure boiler; 150-horsepower; as good as new ; n lees ioiik. o iwi i umiuvri, 70 4-inch flues; 50-foot smokestack, all In first-class condition. The H, M. Gilbert Co., To p p e n i s h . Wash. A SMALL PLANT FOR SALE, GOOD FiR LAUNDRY OR CLEANING KSTABUSH MENT. APPLY 241 EVERETT ST, BROADWAY 3170. FARMERS, ATTENTION 8-16 Mogul farm tractor, good as new, (575, complete; must sen quick. Address auod waanington su( Hlllsboro, Or. FOR SALE Reynolds-Corliss engine, 20x42, In good condition. Fairbanks, Jaorae co., o 1st su FOR SALE Reynolda-Corliss engine, 20x42, In good condition, Fairbanks, Morse A Co., Ha 1st SL Miscellaneous. ! FOR SALE 8 dox. 20 -Inch everwear altunl num cafeteria trays, practically sew. A 4ii3, Oregonian. BILLIARD and pocket billiard tables, show cases and wall case, fixtures; cany terms. W. J. Qulgley. 227 1st. Main MAHOGANY legal letter file, $25; roll-top desk- chair. $2LiT0; safe, $20. 329 Mo- hawk bldg. FOR SALE or rent, logging and hoistinr engines, all Kinds macninery, rails, cars Railway r-iquipment co.. 2.1a gtaric St. OAK cordwood for sale. Apply J. A! Pattlamj Lumber Co., 824-5 Morgan bldg. Main 8024 FOR SALE Grocery atore; fixtures, ecale cheese-cutter, etc; other fixtures. Eai FOR SALE; 400 cords wood at $2.50 pel cord, s bum page, level land, one mile from Portland. J. J. Havllk. Sea p poos. Or. VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought. Bent ley Co. Main 85S2. FOR SALE An A. B. Dick Co. rotary mim eograph No. 77. Main 2675. ONE Queen Incubator, 125-egg. hot water, reason a ble. Call Woodlawn 3633. FOR SALE Addressing machine. A 898, Oregonian. - SEVERAL good second-hand safes at the right, price. 46 Front st. Biajadway 1966. WANTED Anyone who has a Tog gen berg buck for service call Woodlawn 2102. A PAIR of mapie bowling alleys complete. Cheap Call 920 E. Main. Tabor 1882. TWO pael tables for sal. 00 Xortb. 3d su FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, of all makes, sold for less; no agent em ployed; machines repaired and rented, (3 par montn. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 3d. near Yamhill. A 3016. Main 9431. 200 BOXES extra good cooking apples. Bpitz.. Ortieya. Jonathans. is ew towns also 50 boxes extra fancy large baking apples; boxes lined, all jumble pack; good sizes. 75c. b . O. B. Hood River. ti. 15. Dudley, Hood River. Or., route 4. ENTIRE fixtures and tables for pool and billiard parlor formerly the Lotus; also Imported glaasware in different styles, suitable for homes. Weiohard Flant. 13th tnd Kumside sis. WANTED Ice machine, not over two tons. with meter and piping: also meat slicer in good condition; state price, au OreRonian. PIA-ri'05. organs, talking machines accepted as nrst payment on. new pianos ana player pianos. Schwan Piano. Co 111 Fourth st. N. MECHANICAL man would like to nego tiate with commercial man or inventor desiring to manufacture any mechanical apparatus. A 33:', oregonian. MUST raise money. Will sell my 3 cash registers, showcases, fixtures. aacrifice 30 Wah- Come today. Don't miss it. Inst on at. SHOWCASE, office fixtures, furniture, boxes, - etc. F. P. Keenan Co., 190 4th at. furniture wanted, GEVTJRTZ FURNIT0RE COMPANY, 185 to 191 First 6t. BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED FURNITURE. StoTes, ranges, tost, store fixtures, res taurant outfits, hotels, rooming-bouses, office furniture, furniture- stocks: nothing too big or too small for us. Prompt at tention and courteous treatment. MARSHALL 5081. A 3224. MAIN 309. We need furniture, carpets and other household goods, also office furniture. We must have goods at once. Call ua and our buyer will be there with the cash, giv ing you the highest prices ever paid In this city. KLINE'S FURNITURE STORE. 192 First St., Near Taylor. 'Main 3oJ. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of used household roods, ho tel and restaurant outfits, trunks, bags ana suitcases. Dicycies, iisning tacKie and firearms; ariso hardware and tools of all description. CASH OR EXCHANGE. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221 Front st.. cor. balm on. MAIN 9072, A 7174. WE NEED all kind of old furniture, car pets, stoves, ranges, oiiice furniture and H. H. goods generally and will pay top price ror same. uan Aiaranan ooi ana our buyer will call at once. GiaVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, 2U5-207 First St. RING UP the Greater Portland Furniture Store, Marshall o32i. and you win get the highest price paid ror your used lurm ture; yea will also get good bargaina in buying or exchanging, itememoer, itki-i First, art. WANTED Ail kinds of second-hand furni ture; If you have anything to aeu can a reliable house and get what your goods are worth. Wilson Auction House. Main 1626. WANTED Larae oak double desk, flat top, with drawers, size about 6x5 ft. Where is It and how much? Cash. AP 395, Ore gonian. WANT TO BUY SET OF DOUBLE HAR NESS SUITABLE FOR FARM WORK. PHONH MR, HEMPHILL, BROADWAY PAY hlGHEST PRICES FOR USED FUKNI TURK, CLOTHING. ETC. PORTLAND CLEARING HOUSE. MARSHALL 4.83. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. WILL pay best prices. Marshall 2682. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WK pay CASH for diamonds, old gold, platinum, silver, high-grade ore. Turn the things you don't need into money; bring or mall. We are reliable and in Port land 8 year. We make and repair Jewelry; diamonds aet while you wait. Pickering A Co., manufacturing Jewelers and diamond setters. 937 Northwestern Bank bldg. Phone Main 955. $7.50 AND UP $7.50. Call Marshall 1229, or 229 Madison St. to sell your cast off clothing. J. Meyer, The Tailor, pays $7.50 and up for second-hand suits. He pays more for shoes and other clothing. e call any where in the city day or evening. Call Marshall 1229. or 229 Madison. PHONE MAIN 477ft 2D-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. GOLDSTEIN, THE TAILOR, PAYS HIGHEST PRICES FOR MEN'S AND LADIES' CLOTHING. SHOES, ETC. WE CALL ANY PART OF THK CITY. PHONE MAIN 4776. 246 FIRST STREET. BETWEEN MAIN AND MADISON. SECOND-HAND clothing" wanted. J. Meyer, the tailor, pays $7.50 and up for suits; he pays more for shoes and clothing. We call anywhere in the city, day or evening. Mar shall 1229. or 229 Madison. OUR specialty is buying ladies' and gents cast-off clothing. Highest cash price paid. Will call day or night. ' PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE, Marshall 3223, or 209 Madison St. WANTED An electric generator with low voltage and high ampere: must be in good condition. Apply to W. J. Sullivan, 20 Grand ave. THE GLOBE PAYS HIGHEST PRICES FOR MEN'S AND LADIES' 2D-H AND CLOTHING, SHOES. ETC. 2S5 FIRST. MAIN 2080. WANTED Typewriter, Remington No. 10; condition immaterial. vu xieimonu a. Fenwick. ' BEST cash prices paid for used office fur niture. Desks, chairs, ines ior saie or rent. Pacific Stat'y & Ptg. Co., 107 2d st. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have tne reaay casn. Phone today. Main 4627. or 204 First sL JUNK, rage, bottles, materials, carpets, clothing and furniture; good prices. East 8054. CASH for furniture, musical Instruments and records. Main 7008. $1 WILL repair your watch at Reingold's, Jewelers, 124 Fifth, near Washington. BICYCLE wanted, spot cash paid. 4495. 128 First, near Alder. WINCHESTER and Remington automatic & pump Bhotguns wanted. Hochfeld. 85 3d. OLD gold, silver and platinum bought at 218 Oregonian bldg. FULL value paid for second-hand goods and Junk. Call Main 4627. HELP WANTED MALE. CANDY-MAKER, experienced in wholesale work; state salary expected and where Jaat employed. Address L 980. Oregon J a n. MEN wanted to work on river steamboats"; $50 a month and board. Apply Washing ton -st. dock. MAN who understands the office end of lumber business; good salary to right man; mfg. plant. G 848. Oregonian. MAN to sell clothing and assist in office work; state age, references and salary ex pected. B 241, Oregonian. WANTED A responsible married man for farm work. Must understand milking. Call 241 Front St., eaturaay or Monday. CITY salesman, specialty or otherwise, for Portland; permanent place. 119, Ore gonian. WANTED at the Idaho Steam Laundrv. Boise. Idaho, a thorough, competent wash man. Apply at once. J. ti. uray, prop. EXPERIENCED Ford repairman: perma nent employment; good wages. Ford Agency, u rants paaa. or. AN all-around automoone mechanic; on who la used to all classes 01 cars, Cha. F. Pankow, jyiarsnrieia. or. YOUNG man to fill position of stook clerk In drug store; high school education pre ferred. Call Owl Drug Store. WANTED A .first-class house man. Menlo Hotel. BOY wanted, all day work. Apply Public Library, lOtn anaiamniii. WASHER wanted for automobiles. Mi 250. BOY wanted for office work and as mes senger, o b, oregonian. WANTED Fireman capable of running steam engine. 1256 Halsey. BARBERS wanted to sell our new Electric tiair uumug jidcuiuc. 00 otn. OLD gentleman to do chorea and other work on sman piiit-a. xj vot oregonian. WANTED First-class hotel Janitor. engineer at nainier iiotei. ARCHITECT want young man. 18 years old or over, vu. oregoni n. BARBER wanted. Morgan Building Barber WANTED Experienced levator operator. Cail ol2 Panama blag. WILL MR. TOM BOWES CALL AT J.OV 6..IU X M WANTED A boy to deliver horses. 80 North inn, su HELP WANTED MALE. BOYS. If you are 16 or over and etw get a wheel. I can give you steady employment w-lth a chance to earn from $00 te $100 per month. ELMER L. BAILEY, 203 Oak Street. THERE ARE POSITIONS OPEN FOR YOU. The calls for high-class men far exceed the supply. We know how to put the richt man and the right job together. Member ship costing $5 guarantees employment or a refund fee. It costs nothing to investi gate this modern, systematic position-securing institution. Advisory and F.mplov . ment Department Y. M. C. A. Main S700, A 6561. LABORERS WANTED. Permanent positions assured steady men, wages $3.10 9 hours; strike not yet de clared off but 1300 men working- general papermill work; no experience necessary. Apply 509 Oregon bldg., cor. Oth and Oak; streets. THE McCLOUD RIVER LUMBER COM PANY, McCLOUD. CAL., Will start their logging operations on ot about February 15. Men wanted for these logging crews. Good wages, good board, good country. Apply In person or write. THE McCLOUD RIVER LUMBER COM PANY. McCLOUD. CAL. EXPERIENCED shade maker. Apply be tween w and 11 A. M Superintendent s of fice. Basement Balcony, Meier A Franlc Company. YOUNG man who can talk to the public. keep books and write letters and invoices on the typewriter, can find and create for himself a promising future in a growing retail and wholesale commercial house. 498. Oregonian. FURNITURE MAN WANTED Live, active man, with experience, wanted to taKe charge of and manage furniture business in Eugene, Or. ; state salary ; references required. Address Joseph Fellmau, Eu gene, Or. BoY wanted for messenger work from 8 to 10 A. M. daily and from 8 to 12 Sundays. Call at circulation desk In the business office of The Oregonian and for Mr. Slocum. WANTED Boy. IS or 16. work on dairy farm, where milking machine is us"d ; light work, good position for the right boy; state wages In first letter. It. F. D., box 23A, Beaverton, Or. HERDSMAN for Ayrshire herd; must be good milker and feeder: state wags ex pected and references first letter; also it subject to draft. L. G. Smith, Warren, Or., R. F. D. No. 48. u . WANTED Collector with wheel or motor cycle for a permanent position in the cltyJ salary or commission; reterence and bond required. Apply 904 Spalding bldg.. Mon day morning. LIVE proposition for experienced solicitor aelling tea and coffee; must be a business getter; highest salary and commission paid man who can show returns. Ideal Tea. Co., 711 Union North. EXPERIENCED JANITORS; must be cap able and furnish best of references; none other need apply. Apply 9 to 10 A, M.. superintendent's office. Olds, ortman As King. WANTED Man experienced in accounting practice for office position; give age, aa. ary expected, references and phone num ber. Unless fully stated application will not be considered. S 380. Oregonian. WANTED Assistant packer. Apply Lowen gart & Co., between 8 and 8:3a Saturday morning; also good boy over IS. to- learn the business. SHOEMAKERS for men's heavy hand-made loggers' and miners' shoes; good pay and ateudy work. Currin-Greene Shoe Mfg. Co., 225 East lake ave., Seattle. . WANTED For out of town, man with good references with street runway camc. , state age, experience, phone. C 2.16, ore gonian. . WANTED Young man over 18; hours P. M. tO 2 A. -V.; Balmy """- y to commence. Splendid opponuuiij- advance. AH bui, oregonian. "WANTED At once, first-class fxPT-ene4 knee poiterman 10 woi a, yi -- machine. Apply Western Cooperage Mill nice, r-uuiie ui""1"' BENCH hand who is iamnmr wk in mouldings ana iimsmuis "r-- employment; nine hours; stock factory. Nicola! Door Mfg. Co., Portland, Or. WANT a first-clasa auto repair man w uw can take charge 01 man vh "- derstand ignition and carburetion give references. B 222, Oregonian LABORERS wanted for inside and outside tmod w Hires, permanent employ ment For Information apply 009 Oregon bldg. WANTED Party to -.ase cuuwv If? f?oV?orTlaod. Call 318 Railway Exchange bldg. . EXPERIENCED under-presser on men" coats ana vests can 14"" "-" rh and the Brownsville Woolen Mills. 8d and Morrison BOY wanted to rivVeta!il.mllkdW waa 'to penencea man iwwsu, ,,..t nai right man. Klver View Dairy, 1003 Bel- mont. WANTED Man, 25 to 40, gooa reierenuee. not arraia manua - meet public; state age. experience, phone. G 853, Oregonian. WANTED Competent electrician ior out- of-town worn; give us, C 287, Oregonian. GOOD, quick shoemaker wanted at once; steady worm year - Doctor, Eugene. Or. . . , MECHANICS A new Shipyard b" mJlX with us. J 432. Oregonian, LADY atenographer by wholesale house. An dreas. In handwriting and phone ntdlu- dreas, ber, F 92: ENERGETIC, Christian high school boy to work Saturdays: state wages, references. K 503, Oregonian. BUSHELMAN wanted at once. Apply Won der Clothes snop. X ou - MAN' and wife to take charge of 80-auie farm. No. F 921. Oregonian. J WANTED Bright -young man for day janl tor. Apply Liberty Theater, 11 A. M. WANTED Carpet layers. D 845, Orego nian. YOUNG men wanted lor beiiooya. Apply Perkina Hotel. WANTED A first-class shipping clerk ana packer by Mullen & Raas Co.. Royal bids. Help Wanted Agents. DISTRIBUTORS WANTED. State and county agents wanted for best auto accessory on American market. Biff profits, sella on light, $150 per week if you are the man for the job. Give tele phone and factory representative will call. N 104, oregonmu. YOU can make $50 to $100 a week selling the new automatic knlte and scissor sharp ener. Be IndependenL Previous experi ence not required ior success. Atif Charles Braun, 313 Panama bldg., Port land, Or. AGENTS Sell honest accident policy, sat isfied policy holders your best asset; well known company; liberal commissions: part or full time men. See Mr. Lyman. dl4 Ry. Exchange. - AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month hos pltal tickets. 206 Corbett bldg. Help Wantteti Salesmen. m RHODES BROTHERS, Tacoma, Wash., have a permanent position for a real live, aggressive drapery aaleeman. Must be a salesman In every sense of the word; one iA able to suggest and plan all sorts of in- .. M terior decoration, figure work and give estimates, as well as work on the flc or during the busy hours of the day. Apply at once in person or by letter to super Intendent's office. Rhodes Brothers, Ta coma. A good position for the right man. WANTED Experienced nursery salesman; aet out of the old commission rut and make more money; four time, aa much ; brand-new proposition; cash weekly. Atlm berly Nurseries, Klmberly. Idaho. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WOMAN dishwasher, kitchen helper, room. board, nuapana aim w. MIDDLE-AGED woman as all-around kitch en helper. 288 Front et. WANTED Cook and graduate nurae at Ore- gon City Hospital. WANTED Waitress for restauranL 384 E. Burnaide. WE'RE giving opportunity for you to learn business course. biunwimc"" wb. GIRL, 17 or 18. for model. B 229, Orego nian. WOMAN to do cooking In small restaurant; some pastry wmn. tz -ji "w WAITRESS wanted. 52 3d st. Marathon Restaurant. WANTED Maid for second work. Alain 6313. WAITRESS wanted. .102 6th St., near Stark. Columbia Restaurant. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. 09 Alder, at New pans itestauranu WANTED 2 girl waitresses. 23 2d, Inter national Restaurant. A WOR KINGMAN of middle age wants a housekeeper, x prngonian. WANTED Kitchen porter. 4 hours' work. Campbell Hotel. WANTED Waitress. Campbell Hotel. GOOD diuing-room girl. 261 13 In sL