13 Just In by Express New Shipment of Children's Umbrellas Dept. on the Main Floor aoi SPECIAL NOTE On Account of February 10 Falling on Sunday DOUBLE S. g . TRADING STAMPS Will Be Given on January Charge Accounts if Paid on Monday, February 11 A rmenian Life-Saving Week Pont Fail to Lend Your Support to This Worthy Cause Send in Your Subscription to the Armenian Relief Committee Dollars Will Save Lives in Armenia D o PORTLAND AGENTS FOR COS5ARD CORSETS. A MODEL FOR EVERY FIGURE. U. S. THRIFT STAMPS AND WAR SAVINGS CER TIFICATES FOR SALE OS THE FOURTH FLOOR. TAKE . LUNCH WITH YOUR FRIENDS IN OUR TEA ROOM, 4TH FLOOR. PROMPT SERVICE. PORTLAND AGENTS FOR HOME JOURNAL PATTERNS. USE THEM FOR BEST - RESULTS. , Odd Lines 35c 65c Neckwear 225c The Standard Store of th Northwest U to $150 Drape HQ Veils, Special, Only s V Main Fir. Plain and fancy meshes, square or circular : effect, scrolls, bordered or chenille dot designs. A good range of colors. $1.00 '7Q to $1.75 Veils on sale today 't Olds, Wortman & Kini Main Floor Women' Collar. Set and venters in a Lare assortment of good practical styles. Odd lines selling formerly at 35e to OITf 6oe Saturday are priced at o D o O D o Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Saturday Will Be Another Great Day for Thrifty Shoppers to Buy and Save! TITE 3I0BXIXG OREGOXIAX. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 0, 1918. o n o o D Girls' Dresses Special Demonstration and Lecture by Mrs. Robert Berger, Food Expert Tea Room, 4th Floor, Saturday at 3 P. M. Mrs. Berrrr will demorntrat and explain how to make delicious vegetable salad and com bread at minimum coat. Erery woman is cordially invited to attend thia interesting lecture, to be riven under th u.-pxYi of the United States Government Food Administration. o D o o D o o D o o a o o D o o D o n Ol Coat Sale Extraordinary 1A JCJ4 wN i'SV $22.50-$38.50 Coats Your Choice Saturday Second Floor In many respects this is the most remarkable sal of high-grade Coats the Garment Store has ever announced cer tainly the values have not been duplicated here tofore this season. Beautiful garments taken from our regular stock Coats for street and utility wear as well as many in the more dressy models for evening. Fashionable styles, some with fur collars, cuffs and fur band around bot tom. Belted and loose effects. Lined through out. Excellent assortment of colors to select from. priced J 22-50 up to $33.50 on sale Saturday at low price of only $15 95 Sale of Waists! Second Floor Odd lines high-grade waists of Georg ette crepe, silk lace, nets, chiffons, etc Trimmed with beads or embroidery. One model shown in this lot is 'styled with roll collar and veste of satin. Excellent assortment of colors navy, brown, black, green, flesh, white. On sale Saturday on the Second Floor at $4.05 $ Coats formerly - Handkerchiefs At 19c Main Floor Women's semi-laundered pure Linen Handkerchiefs with hand-embroidered initials and 19c la-inch hem. All letters. 25c Kerchiefs, special now on Fancy Georgette Grepe Waists Odd Lines on Sale at Only Center Circle, First Floor This lot is made up of many broken lines Waists selling heretofore at aJ much higher price. Many pretty styles, trimmed with tucks, laces, etc. Also Crepe de Chine Waists. Good range of colors. . Saturday only at .$2.98 728 Makers 9 Samples at Special Prices Second Floor Special shipment of Sample Spring Dresses for girls 8, 10, 12 and 14 years, to be closed out at once. Very latest 1918 styles made up in ginghams, crepes, linens and silks. Mothers having girls to buy for should take prompt advantage of this sale. Only one of a style. Three special lots: T flT "I - Sample Dresses in $4.85 values to $7.50, special T fT Q Sample Dresses in (Pry jr A values to $13.50, only B I LQ T CVV Q Sample Dresses in IQ Of? -1 O values up to $16.60 at DVOD Toilet Needs & Drugs The following items will be on sale Saturday only at prices quoted. We reserve the right to limit quan tity of any article sold to customers. Ivory Soap 5 Cakes for OL, Mentholatum, 2 sizes, '23f, 45 Djer-Kiss Face Powder only fiOf Holmes' Frostilla, special at Woodbury's Facial Soap only Cuticura Soap, the cake only 18 Milkweed Cream, comes in two sizes, special now at 45 and 90 Orchard White, 8 - or. size at fttf Canthrox Shampoo now for 57 Euthymol Tooth Paste, tube 25 Oriental Cream, the bottle $1.25 Jergen's Violet Glycerine Soap on sale Saturday at only, the bar lOf Listerine, 3 sizes, 221, 45, 8o Mulsified Cocoanut Oil for 49 Nonspi priced at, the bottle 50 Pluto Water the quart size 35 Colgate's Tooth Paste only 23' Palmolive Face Cream, Face Pow der or Shampoo, your choice at 45 Bora dent Tooth Paste, now 25 Pebeco Tooth Paste, tube at 43 Lux Soap Flakes, 2 pkga. at 25 McNally's Olivs Oil, special 29 Odd Lines Bath, Toilet Soaps At 10c Special assortment of many dif ferent kinds and odors. While tney last special, the cake for only 10 Men's SSShoes $4.48 Tan or Black Calf Fall Range Sizes Main Floor A rousing Saturday special for men in the Shoe Department, Main Floor. Several hundred pairs men's dependable Shoes under priced. Buttoned or laced styles with cloth or leather tops. Popular English flat last or neat medium high toe shapes Some have leather soles, others with waterproof fiber soles.- These are not broken lines, but all sizes and widths. Don't overlook this splendid op portunity to buy high-grade (J A A Q Shoes of $5.50 and $6 grades at ureefiO Women's $6, $6.50 Boots for $4.98 Main Floor Women's 8-inch fancy and all-black boots greatly under priced for Saturday. Black kid with turn sole. Louis heel, laced or buttoned dull kid with gray cloth tops black kid with ivory or .gray cloth tops dull kid buttoned boots, patent trimmed, with Napoleon top, and many other novelty 6tyles and combinations. Standard (J i QQ $6.00 and $6.50 Boots, specially priced now at only, the pair 0tO Extra Special for Saturday Women's "Trench" Hats On Sale at $2.75 Millinery Salons, Second Floor Decidedly military are these new "Trench" Hats just in by express. They are shown in plain colors and in novelty mixtures soft crush styles trimmed with (JJO rTf buckle and strap. Don't fail to see these today. Special at 0im I J Step Ladder Stools at 79c Housewares Section, Third Floor These handy stools are well made and are extremely useful about the hou6e. Will fold into email rTQ space. Limit 1 to a customer. Friday special Jx $1.25 PUNCH MOP and 50c Bottle of Cedar Oil $1.75 Combination Outfit now priced only 51 Rummage Sale of Kitchen Utensils at Half Price. Head quarters S h erwin- Willia ms Paints Now is a good time to prepare for Spring painting. Come in and let us quote prices on S-W Painte, Enamels, Varnishes. Dept. 3d Floor. Delicatessen Specials Experienced telephone at your service 8 A. M. to OLEOMARGARINE best grade, two pounds NEW Summer Sausage, special now, the pound SPICED Dried Beef special, the pound only BOLOGNA very best grade, special the pound NEUCHATEL or Break fast Cheese at four .for ANCHOVY or Sardel len Paste, the tube at only clerks 6 P. M. 68c 55c 70c 20c 25c 25 c $3.25 Comforts At $2.85 Third Floor Full size Bed Com forters filled with white sanitary cotton. Silkoline cov- PO Of S3.25 Comforters D00 Basement Millinery Hat Shapes At 50c Basement Odd lot of Women's and Misses' Hat Shapes priced for quick clean-up. . Velvets, felts and combinations in FA. black and colors. Today w"v Trimmed Hats $1.00 Basement Formerly selling at $1.98 to $4.98. Matrons', Wom en's and Children's Hats in va rious good styles. Excellent Hats for shopping Q1 ff and for utility wear 5J-eUl o n o o D o o D o o D o o D o o a o 10 ARE ARRESTED Enemy Aliens. Minus Cards, Liable to Internment. REGISTRATION ENDS TODAY .Authorities Say Ven Thaa Half the CmniM la City Subject to Rrga lit ton Have Taken Advan tage of Chance to Enroll. irh.n Srgant B. Burs. asked Oscar A. Kinkfl If h mls-ht assist aim in fillips out Ms rerlstratlon papers as a ttermaa enemy sli.n yesterday after noon at rxxlic. headquarters. Kunk.l nnlr r.pll.d that ha coo Id do it b.t tar htm..lf. tla was vary Independent, but could at bo reason why ho left fcaattla Wednesday without Bavin rs l.tered. Netth.r did ha have a card, so Iteeutv Unit. Statas Marshal Mann placad him under arrast and bo proba blr will ba interned. lln Hansen, living at 10?$ Division stra.t. bad no card pnnltt!n hlra to ba within tha Armory or harbor son.s. althouaa for two waaka ha has workad risht In th plant ot th Northwa.t Staal Company. Ha was arrast.d by Mr. atana and facsa Intsrnmsot for th narloa of tha war R.(lstrt.os will bo Continued until o'clock tos-ht. aftar which, accord ing to tha official announcement of 1-nlt.d States Marshal Alazander. It will caas and IhOM who hav not T.il.d thamselres of tha opportunity thos to Indlcata their wttllnanass to ba Identified In tha Oorernment's way will bar to answar to th authorities for thalr o.rslhU Thar was a (terceptlbl fallinc off In tha number of applicants at pollra Eat More Corn ybo don't miss wheat vhen you eat POST fOASTIES headqusrt.rs y.at.rtlay and It will b Impossible, th authorities say. to res; l.ter all tbs Oarman an. my sllens by tonight, basins; th numbsr of thara at toot as astlmst.d by th Unltod States Marshal", offlc. l..a than half that number hsa baan racist. rad thus far. Ts.t.rdsy Captains Harms and Jen kins. In char for Chief Johnson, were unable to keep the members of their staff busy. A blc rush Is expected to day, when the reaistratlon room will be open as usual from A. M. to S P. M. Th United Statee District Attorneys of floe announced last alaht that whole sale arrests will be made after the closing- hours of registration tonight, unless thos concerned are registered. Gensaaa III Are Visited. foilceman W.IIbrook. of the regis tration staff, accompanied' by a pho toaraphsr, ysstarday made th rounds of various hospitals and homes of sick Carman aliens and took their registra tions, finger prints and photographs. Chief Johnson last night said that It requires not less than four hours to obtain prop.r photographs and unlass thos wuhmg to register today hav these arranged for In advance. User la no uee going to headquarters, as th Government demanda th photographs four from each person. TEACHERS AID BOARDS TOCATIOJtAI, CARDS TO BE FILLED OCT TODAT. City Council Issued aa order today that all dors running at large must be muzzled. AFFIDAVIT FALSE. CHARGE Charlrs Bayley to Ba Investigated by Federal Authorities. Becaus h mad an affidavit In bis draft questionnaire that he la paying $10 a month for th support of thre of bis children, when. It la alleged, be baa not contributed one crnx toward their support. Charles Bayley. divorced husband of Kate Bayley. Is to b In vestigated by Federal authorities. It wss averted yesterday In Presiding Judge Karanaugh's court by Bradley bwers. attorney lor Sirs Bayl.y. In addition to his F.d.rsi Invastlga. tlon, a warrant was Issued charging him, with contempt of oourt for alleged Lfailur to pay his divorced wife all mony as cjemanoea in ner aivorc ue- cree of September. 1917. SALMON PRICE REDUCED City Fish Market Has Big Supply on Band From Oregon Cannery. Canned salmon at cut prices baa, been added to th city's fish market. Ar rangements hav been mad for the pure has of K00 cases, or (7.100 half- pound cans, which will be sold at IS cents a can or ll.Ts a dosen cana It was put on sal at th mark.t yesterday. Th salmon la from th plant of B. TVelner A Thompson Bros, at Salmon Bay, near Newport. Or. It consists of both chrnook and sllverslde salmon and waa packed during last season. Tha city has contracted for th supply at from 11 1 to ll.se a case. Salmon Is selling a th market at 1 eenta a can. t Physical Eaasalaatloaa Resumed Physician Wne Ara Working Fully 180 patriot schoolteachers of Portland will davote their time today to the fllllns- out of registrants" voca tional cards for th Government's files. Th teachers will report In groups to the various local boards, which supply the cards and the questionnaires from which the data Is to be transcribed. Instructors of the Hawthorne School hara been aaslaned to board No. Z. those of th Irvlngton School to board No 7 and definite assignments havs been mad for most of th other schools and boar-da. Physicians who have been making tha DhTslcal examinations of Class men were much Interested yesterday In scrutinizing their decisions and not ing to what extent they bad missed the requirements aa outlined In the newly-tssusd regulations. Most of the examiners were surprised to find that comparatlvslT few men need be l called to go before the medical ad visory boards. One physician, who has examined and passed, upon loo men. found but two registrants his board will be obliged to recall and send to the higher medical authorities. All boards got busy at once sending out notices for .laminations to be turned at the expiration of five days. As most of th examining boards havs been worktnr to about the. limit of time and ability, passing on from 20 to SO men each time, few find It possible to speed up by calling greater numbers for each day s worK. Board No. 1. la th Teon building, has become almost a clearing house for miscellaneous Inductions. Chief Clerk J. Thorburn Boss haa been de voting no end of time and enerry to ferreting out th exact processes neces sary In order to Induct registrants Into branches of the service about which most boarda and even, military officials of the city know little. Seven Induc tions. Including Russell Taylor, sent to Camp Sevier. X. C a A bricklayer, and Charles Westlaka. sent to Wash ington. O. C. for the road and bridge regiment, were accomplished Thursday. Board No. 3, In th Corbstt building, baa been cutting no little red tape in the procedure of getting the papers which sailors and mariners who are registrants must hare. But for the good work of this board along this particular line, on draft official stated, the sailing and manning of several ves sels would hav been seriously delayed in recant weeks. Rabid Dog Is Killed. BAKER. Or, Feb. (. (Special.) Chief of Police E. Jackson today killed another dog said to fee affected with rabies. This la th third case of able reported ber recently. Th ATTORNEYS JOIN FORCES J. F. logan and E. E. Heckbert, Op ponents In Fallng Case, Together. Opposed to each other In the bitterly-fought Fallng win contest. John F. Logan and E. E. Heckbert. who re turned last night from California, where they hav been taking testimony In the Kallng case, stopped off long enough at McMlnnvtll to secure the acquittal of H. E. Leonard and W. C Van Derail, of Portland, who were on trial charged with embezzlement of 11160 from their creditors. In the Mc Mlnnvllle case th two attorneys joined forces and won a clean-cut victory, ac cording to advices from McMinnville. The two defendants formerly owned th Yamhill Mercantile Company which became Insolvent in October, 1910, when It went through bankruptcy proceed ings. 2871 SOCIETIES WANTED War Savings Clubs Throughout State Are to Be Organized. Organisation of 2871 war-savings so cieties in th ejate, each with a mem bership of ten members or more, before March 15, s the newest task cut out for the local war savings stamp or ganization. There are at present but three war-savings societies in the state. They are the Prudential Life Insurance Society, the Baker City Society and the McAdoo war-Savings Society of Anuty. The Treasury Department haa sent notification that fjO.OOO of these socie ties are to be organized throughout the United States, the basis of organization being one lor every 200 persons, and that working on this basis Oregon's quota is ZS7. DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY PRO. DUCIXG MORE EVIDENCE. . Hawaiian Musician Gets Verbal Drub bing by Mr. Deich, Who Brands ' Him as "Scoundrel." Charles K. DImond, Hawaiian musi cian, known throughout the city, was arraigned in the Municipal Court yes terday on a statutory complaint and waa given an unmerciful verbal drub bing by Deputy City Attorney Deich, who branded him as "a acoundrel," and "a public nuisance who has been ruining; young girls ever since he came to town." A recent attempt of Dolores Baker to commit suicide, this taking place In Dlmond's room In the Central Hotel, brought about his arrest, Mr. Deich himself signing the complaint. Miss Baker, who was unconscious for 43 hours after swallowing poison last Sunday, was unable to be present, aa she is still In the hospital. The case therefore waa continued until next Sat urday morning, at the request of Mr. Deich, as he told Judge Rossman he wishes to produce further testimony. W. A. Carter represented Dimond, and declared that the testimony of Captain Circle, consisting of admissions made to him and Clerk of Inspectors Niles by Dimond. did not constitute suffi cient evidence to hold the accused, and Judge Rossman said he agreed with this view, but would continue the case so as to afford the city an opportunity to make out its case. Captain Circle testified that Dimond had admitted to him the night of his arrest that he and the woman had been living together as man and wife for a year. Mr. Carter held that this was not admissible, but the court al lowed it to go In. Dimond is out on ball. Bootlegger Is Recaptured. BAKER, Or., Feb. 8 (Special.) Deputy Sheriff Nelson returned from Enterprise today with Shorty Alexan der, who forfeited his ball after plead ing guilty to a charge of bootlegging. The arrest was made by Deputy Sheriff Rhlnehart at Enterprise on information furnished by the Baker County officers. Read The Oreyonian classified ads. FAMILY AFFAIRS PATCHED Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Baker Find Tem porary Divorce Sufficient. 'Judge, we hav patched up our affairs and are now living tjipplly to gether, saia rf. ju. DaKflr, w nun ue entered the Municipal Court yesterday and confided to Judge Rossman this fact 'That suits me fine," . replied the judge. . And Mn, and Mrs. Baker filed out of th room, arm in arm. They figured In a seen ot domestic turbulence two weeks ago. when the husband was accused of striking his wife. Judge Rossman granted what be called a temporary "divorce" for SO days and told them to think it over and let him know the result. Phone your want ads to Th Orego- nlan. Main 7070. A 6095. Klean Maid Bread Table Queen Bread Royal Rapt Bread all united for victory. These three leading brands of qual ity bread are being made in accordance with the rules and regulations of the United States Food Administration for the making of "VICTORY-' Bread and will, before many days, be "doing their slice" as full "VICTORY" Bread. All three are a "victory" in bread mak ingthe "ROYAL way" of doing it. Announcement of the Appearance of Our Full "Victory" Bread Will Be Made Later. ROYAL RYE BREAD is a full "VICTORY" Bread At Your Grocer's. ROYAL Bakery and Confectionery "Working With Uncle Sam for Victory" o D o n o o n o