Tnn 3I0RXIXG OREGOMAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1918." XI CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OKVCOIItX ItU-fHOIM. Kiier eie Tore. a. ejvvi n.. :. a iii r..iif i a 4linta4 Iwfr:11 .. . M .la .if'.1, A feaeerle aU4U . B4 !. aa Tula. A AsUSt-MfcXI. JfFtLn l-clir at Tr' "Tho B.rd er i'ar. . Tia mi .ll BVaKfcB: (Bene'loar e Smb. beaweee Al See a4 U-rr v AkaM ftb Co-" ea "T- I VHUUltil WeiSaa." Te- a. 1 E E -1 i xnorii iniir at mrt tm4- l a. Tttn lax! S-a. T end Kn-fornont i DrMir TemMii Ve4.ile ere aat.tse steaarea. 4 ; I U li II r. X. ee'ertlaire. uMltv bou lt rMllamlh 11 II f. M 4TT V r Mcto rtad. rr n vet r . ' vaiaUetUie aad awui 1 1-- mrw (Miami ItllC f r-rth SSM si.rkl V-ulcel ii jr. 4-.11?. atroa aad !BL !- ITTK fT-fl-ffll ead llaratiallV fmMN ens stsnte A reaas) mt Urn atelhare trill b-e mw mm4 eeavtsUeai at esu eaeM OREeDi rt Rijanrvo ra ': VnvrT t;ivca finmifrr la tart thai hherlff Horlkart 1ll have complete rhara of the in rrnnaio of hootl-ccer within lha ""' and ootewle lha city limit, lha Ceaanlv t'mnmiMion'n yeeterriay mnm nsr created a aperlal fund of Steo. whim u ts be plat-ed ai hia diipawl for iitin-t fipii monr for his deputies in irarln evirlenre asalnst those mhn inn in lha lliea-al sale ef Itqaer. Tha order state, that tba mnn-r In fines will mora than ofrt the additional sapenae la Sarin- miriirr. aJr-rBnTSxrctT Tha efrire of I. R. Alderman, superin tendent of rhoaa. la In a atata of sieve Inn Mt. wttfi as army of book lltnll aa trie invadics "ores. Because of oev ersl chart's authorised In lb school book Itet. Mr. Alderman baa granted tne book K'titi a of bt tuna In which lo ahoar their ware. Nw tail aro lo ha adopted far tha rrada schools In speltinc snualr. grammar and wrtl Inc and f,.r lha biak schools In his torjr. general science aad pedagogy. Dnjrrel, Ctiwtc Horn OtaBasD. On account of lha City Hail bain eloeed Eatardar aftarnoons haraaftar aa a war aafaaaard. lha frao dental clinic which baracoforo baa oparatd all day !atur aya win o opaa Friday niomina from I A. X until noon and on Bator T durinc tha aama hours. Tha fraa clinic Is ovarat4 by tba city for tha baaxfil of poor children who ara unable to P4it for dental work aasanilal In aaablina- them proparly lo do thalr acbool work. RaiLwar Sco rn 5' DE4TR. ramaea aacreratlnc l':o ara da mand4 frorn lha Spokane, rortland tteaitla Railroad In a personal Injury sn:t started yesterday by Carrto Ilutt man. sunlslnc mother of Lamoat Vleeher. who was killed near Llnnton. Iecemtr I. last, when a train ran Into him aa ha was upon tba nht of way. Tha Injuries and resultant death, she aaert. were due to tha Beilla-ence of tha railroad amployea. Cocar Cits OoRKa.x LiacnrT. Gor TV. Gorman, under Indictment for a ataiutory off-nae. who waa recently tried bo fore Circuit Ju!r Uaten. wa STlren bis liberty yesterday when the Uistrlcl Attorney's office announced It would not re-try him. Tha first Jury dtaaerreed. liormin recently married dusan Hay. the woman ho brought to Portland front Waihlnicton. Ilrr bus- band secured a divorco recently to r aaninuion. fraTiuzca Cttt Posi.. The problem of fertilising vacant lota osed for war (tardrna baa been raised be foro the City Council In a communica tion asking that the city donate fer tilner for tha purpose. The question was up yesterday and waa referred by Mayor luker to City Commissioner Kellaher. Whan tha Mayor referred the matter to Mr. Kellaher a laua-h went tba rounds of tha Council chamber. r.cstuj.riija Gas.xna to Msct. Kus aelWllla Orange will hold Its regular moating next Saturday eretilng. r'eb ruary . In Its ball on the Has Una road. A very Interesting meeting haa been promised, aa Lecturer Harmon Lawta has a fins programme scheduled. Aside from the local talent. Professor r J. Kraus. of Oregon Agricultural College, will give an Interesting talk a "Tree Pruning." M:sa Aura Jorcg to Am Oregon Agricultural College haa loaned Xls A I Ico Joyce, assistant club leader In tha colleges extension department, to lha 1'ortund ilosrd of Education for two weeks, from February 11 to 11. Is is Joyce will speak at tha schools of tha city and at parent-teacher circles la a campaign for school war gardens. iJsvTBSsif Pircn OTBRsxaa A cable gram waa received In rortland yester day announcing the arrival ovarseaa of Kdgar Piper. Jr.. Plrst lieutenant In tho equipment division of tho aviation section of tho Army. Tho message did not say whether lieutenant piper had landed In England or Prance, but It 1 presumed that It was In Prance. M'M-jrr Taeoa BcitooL Posus fsnr. Tho pupils of Mount Tabor rv-hool have each subscribed Zi cants and have or. ganUed a Junior Ited Cross unit with a Biembershlo ef more than 40. W. M Miller Is principal and he reports ar enthusiastic Interest In the Junior movement. Toe children are new awaiting their tied Crosa buttons. TtBwxrTT to Pa Civet. All Campfire Otrls are arged to attend the practice for the Evening ef Indian Legends to be given as a benefit for the hospital fund for Oregon boys, at the Municipal Ada'ioniun. en the evening of Friday. February II. 1'Ieese meet at the T. W C A. ThursJay. February T. at 4 P. M. Rio ravi to axui. rUaaaiica The Wed loee Shop, leg Fifth street, will have a harcem sale on Friday, when hata w.H be aoij at ridiculously low prices. A few men's hsts are going two for I eeata Hprtng bats for women are marked at reasonable rate. The gaoney all goes to the Red Cross. Pinion or IJ0 Wo or jutt. Per- eoaal injuries received by her In resent aatetriohlla accident for w h I r h JT1. E. MrConaell was at fault won Alma Vlargens a verdict for from a Jury yesterday la Circuit Jodsa Ganten beln s court. 5he recovered the full auaount sought la her suit. Auii Lmarx Assxstvd. Victor ferseronik. liermsn alien, waa yesterday arreated by the I'nlted Mtates Marshal s office and Is being held for Investtga lien, ncseponik Is a transient logger and baa been In the I'nlted States since ! without undertaking to become a citizen. Over fM Rnarti r Roao PVttd There la now .;.!: : In Iho county's general fund and only ISS remain ing In the road fund, according to the monthly report of County Auditor Mania. whU-h was sabmlttad yesterday to the County Co mm las Son era O A. R lnT to Osaanva Lnrcour"! wnsrritoaT. The L4aeola-arfiald Post. rand Army of tha Republic, of this ty. will oneerve LJncoln'a birthday JTridav at 1 P. M. In Ita hall. Addresses will be made by Chaplain Hoadley and tkera Ptjno l.BT-rrTi' Prr ana TonaT Tr. H. Schwarts wl'l deliver the third lecture ef his series on proper selection r food at Central Library, room E. at l is clock this afternoon. Hia topic will ee The Nutritive Salts of Vegetablea." LaaasI Laaaa! Laaas! Pave yea roof repaired. MeDoaald a Wynkeep. Mala IJle- AdT. IvTonxaTxo gtvaa) yvsMcUahoavCaJr- Mtu. "WsTt-Has v AanxvTxo Henry Iwt. a Oarman alien and an employe of the Portland Flouring Mllla Com pany, waa yesterday placed under ar rest by Deputy I'nlted States Marshal Mann and la being held for Invrstlga lion and Interment. 1-ews w as em ployed on the night shift In the flour Irg mills wnliu ara located within lbs prohibited area along lbs waterfront. In addition, he did not have the re quired permit allowing him to come within one-half mile of the Armory. tlaxsna t'noxD TO Go Past. P. 11. Ransom, treasurer and manager of the Lastera A Western Lumbar Company, Is being arged lo go lo Washington, I. C . to represent the lKuglaa fir In dustry of the Pacific Northwest aa an adviser to K. II. I'ownman. director of lumber, raw materials division, of the ar munitions board. Mr. Ransom said last night he had the matter under consideration. He may yield to the re quest of Ma frisnds and davote a month to the work. lunrtwos J. P. mini to LacTT-aa. Professor J. P. O Man w ill give the firs! lecture In the second semesters series la his course on "Recent urn pes n History" this svenlng at o'clock la the north gallery of Central Library. The subject will he "Uegln- nlngs of German Industrial Expansion Students may enter this claas who did not lake the course during the first semester. firsTBBHono Fat.vaqa "iut The sisterhood of ths First Christian Church will hold a -salvage sale" to day, tomorrow and Saturday at -til First street, where the use of the store baa been donated br the Gevurtx Fur niture Company. Donations will be re ceived and gooda sold at a bargain. WonpsmrK HHoni, Rxwarrr Per. Woodstock School Parent-Teacher Aa aociatlon. In planning to furnish the restroom of the new school, has planned a dance for Saturday night In the audi toriura of the school. Thsre will be a small admission rhsrged. Eljl P0BM1D FIGHT MECCA OXERS Or ALL WEIGHT ARE AT TRACT CO TO C1TT. awa PI ere Coadaeveel ow Strong; Baals ael Date BrerytsJaa' la Baa alas; ta Coed Shape. Portland Is slowly but surely becom ing the fight mecca of the Pacific Coast, and la attracting boxers of ail weighla from every city In this part of the country who have heard that th game Is good bare. Among the arnv ale wtihla the last few daye are "Hat tiing" Rudy, of Le Angeles: Will Hunrfeld. of Los Angeles; Joe Gornia of Oakland: Steve Krtrhell. of Sa Francisco: Frank le Sullivan, of Los Angelas: Lee Johnson, of Oakland, an within the last several weeks, Iat tllng" Ortega, of Oakland: Jtmm Duffy, of Oakland: Frankle Ferrer). San Francisco; Young Sam Langford. of San Francisco: Jsck LaUell. of Mm neapolls: Jimmy Lewis, of Seattle Danny F.d wards, of Oakland: Pat Hrad ley. of St. Paul: Romeo Hagen. of Seat tie. and. combined with the local col ony. Muff Uronson. Joe Ilenjamln. Jac Wagner. Jack Allen. George Itrandon. Jack Clifford. AI Sommer. Alex Tram bit as. Rete Mltchle. Iewey Smith. Fran Kendall. Kllly Williams. Joe McCarty, RUly Ryan. Joe Hoff. Wrldon Wing, Ted Hoke. Fred Gilbert. Abe Gordon, Sammy Gordon, itllly Mascott and number of others of more or less I portance. along with a couple of dozen boy who are preparing to make comeback. Portland haa quite a fistic population- The game la being conducted on itronr basis here and up to date every thing has bsen running shipshspe. Th houses of Iste have been phenomenal. NO HURRY, thou eh, to get one, for we've got your favor ite pattern and color, we are u re, and hi recoirnized brands, $1.30 and $2. If you've never seen those new Spring; Shirts in the rich pastel shades, then it will brighten you op, not only to see them, but to wear them, too. Their price $1.50. NECKWEAR SPECIAL 63c flaring ends, snd lib eral range of patterns and colors. Regularly they would readily command $L The Kupuenhelmer House In Portland I MORRISON at FOURTH ST. Gas Kuhn. Pre. 8. A 11. Ftsmps Given. that Dr. William A. Waldo, rece-itly from Toronto, Canada, now paator of the White Temple, would be the guest of the day. but the minister Is suf fer ns from an attack of tonsintl and his talk necessarily had to be postponed to a later date. VI INSURANCE URGED red cross nrxn rctatttes SORTint EST SOLDIERS. Move THaa 30 Cablearaaae Seat e Fraarw AsaJag Authorisation to Make Application. Portland chapter of the American Red Cross haa dispatched over 100 cablegrams to soldiers In France, ask ing authorisation that rslativea may take out war Insurance. From all over Oregon and Washing ton relatives have telegraphed the Red Crosa asking similar action on their behalf. Although this Is outside the province of the Portland chapter, the motto haa been: "Do It first and talk about It afterwards." Wherever possible, relatives should take up the matter with their nearest chapter. There la a chapter In elmo every Oregon county, although the Portland chapter has Jurisdiction over the counties of Tillamook. Washing ton. Multnomah. TamhilL Columbia and Clackamas. The first replies are expected today. Cablegrams, In case where the oppor tunitles for Insursnce expire February I), aa la the ease with practically all Oregon boys In Prance at this time. will not be dispatched after Saturday morning, as repliee must be In hand In Portland not later than Tuesday morn log. Soldier, sailors and nnrsae who have enrolled alnra October IS have 10 days la which thev may apply for Insurance. MANSLAUGHTER IS CHARGE Irl B. Lyons. Caano of Hotel Doe Ac cident, Held In Default of Ball Trt B. Lyon, th Flrrerton plumber whoee automobile collided with a Ho tel Oregon bus at Sixth and Everett streets at s 1 o'clock Tuesday after- Boon and killed Ertna Louise Graham, aged 4 years, and Injured her sister. I'soltna. IS. and also Miss Margaret Graham, stands charged with man slaughter and Ib held under ball of llioo. He haa been unable to furnish this and la tn JalL Coroner Smith will hold an Inquest tonight. The children, who are daugh ter of W. A. Uraham. of Dallas, whoee wife disappeared September last, were being taken to Hood River by their aunt. MILITARY TODAY IS HERE Prorre-sslvo Basincev Sfen's Organ isation Programme Interests. Th atmosphere at the Progressive Business Men's Club meeting today will be moat military, for Canadian, Rritlsh and Amsrican offlcera will mingle with the business men and break; bread with them. Among thoee who will be guesta of the day are Lieutenant L J. Stmpeon. of the Can adian recruiting office, and Lieutenant R. Rumet. ef the British army, who ia atatloned hare temporarily: then there will be Captain Lou la Levy. Cap tain Joseph McCooL Lieutenant Frank M. Cordner. Lieutenant Norman Pease snd Private Flret-Claea Earl M. Sum mer, all connected here with the re- eruttlng and examining United btate Aviatloa Board, n. C Barntrager will be chairman of the day. BUSINESS M INCREASE Guarantor of Oregon Elect Officers I for Ensuing Year. The llrh annual meeting of tha Ouar- I antors of Oregon Life was held at the I company's offices In th Corbett build ing Tuesday. The following alreotora were elected: A. L. Mills. Adolphe Wolfe. Louis O. Clarke. William Pollman. C F. Adams, W. P. Olcla Jefferson Myers. A. 1L Dev- ers, H. U Corbett. J. T. feiers, j. TeaX Leo Frlede. J. H. Booth. 8. B. Bar ker and W. L. Thompson. Th officers elected for th ensuing year were: U Mllla president: Adolphe Wolfe, nrst vice-president: Louis O. Clarke, second vice-president; William Pollman. third vice-president: C F. Adams, trea urer: Sanford Smith, secretary; C. 8. SamucL general manager, and E. N, Strong, assistant manager. President Mills submitted his an nual report to the guarantor showing a total of J1.622.0S7 insurance Issued and revived during the year ltlT. He said this waa the largest amount of business ever produced In Oregon by any life Insurance company In a single year. The total Insurance In force now amounts to I12.t40.s21. Admitted assets I are l.407,7SS. with a surplus of f20,- 117. GUY CHARGED WITH MURDER Man Who Killed Twice-Wed-Wlfe Is Indicted by Grand Jury. Clarence Gay, who shot and killed (3 lady Morden, alia Gladys Guy, In her apartment January Ze laat wa formally charged with second-degree murder in an open Indictment returned yesterday morning by the Multnomah County grand Jury. Guy la now held at the County Jail without bonds. The killing of the young woman Is the result of her alleged bigamous marriage to Morden a few months after she Is said to have married Guy, who ts a native of Dallaa. Or. Former Circuit Judge Llttlefleia has been retained by Guy and it baa been intimated that he will plead hereditary Insanity In his efforts to escape punish ment. How Many Lives Will You Save This Week? Here is a little 'Armenian boy. He was a cheerful, happy youngster, all day playing, or helping his father to tend sheep. Then war came. Like a tempest, it swept aside all home life all Happi ness. Father and mother disappeared in the maelstrom. Thousands were massacred. Scenes are almost indescribable 100,000 women and children were deported from one district alone. Today two million orphans, women, and men are starving to 'deatH Iff .Western Asia the Holy Lands! They cry for bread A MERE CRUST! Thousands are dropping by the wayside every month dead starved to death. WHO, CAN SAY NO TO THE CALL FOR BREAD WHEN IT COMES FROM THE LIPS OF TWO MILLION PEOPLE, MOSTLY WOMEN! AND CHILDREN? Certainly not any red-blooded American. Portland, you MUST help now during Armenian Life Saving Week a , We can't let these Christian people starve. Seventeen cents a day will feed one of these little starving orphans, or poor, heartsick mother $5. a month will avoid starvation. Every cent you give goes to the Armenians nothing for expenses or, "overhead" in raising this money. i This appeal through the advertising columns of Portland newspapers is paid for by private contributions, SO YOU MAY KNOW ALL ABOUT THESE HORRIBLE CONDITIONS, believing that if you fully under stand the great need of these starving men, women, boys and girls you will immediately respond, as you always have done, to the call for help. SAY TO YOURSELF TODAY: "I WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ONE LIFE AT LEAST; I WILL GIVE EVERY MONTH THE MONEY NECESSARY TO BUY FOOD IN ORDER TO SAVE ONE LIFE; IT IS THE LEASX I CAN DO." ARMENIAN RELIEF COMMITTEE. Ben Selling, Treasurer, Portland Hotel ANNUAL OREGON IAN LIKED Tennessee Railroad Man Apprecia tive of Brother's New Tear's Gift. He la the father of Ray and Roy For dyoe. twin brothers, now somewhere In France. A number of distinguished visitors assembled at the meeting In his honor. Those who contributed to the pro gramme were Miss Minnie Alexandria, Mrs. Alice hlcXaught, Mrs. Lena West brook. Mrs. A. Hall, Miss Edith Ander son and others. j. TL Murohy. superintendent of the Municipal Auditorium. Is In receipt of a etter from his brother. J. a. Murpny, of Jackson. Tenn, who Is division superintendent of the Mobile Ohio Ordinance Before City Council to CHARITY TO BE PROTECTED Kallroad. telling his appreciation of I The Annual Oregonian aent to him. "The paper you sent me," say the I etter, "is the most complste thin; of I ts kind I have ever aeon. The Army I Curb Fraudulent Solicitation. Solicitation of funds for war charity camp cut Is wonderful. Ths manager I or other purposes Is to be regulated, must be endowed with energy, ability I An ordlnanoe was presented to the City and tha world's goods to pull off an I Council yesterday by Commissioner enterprise of the kind. But the West Is noted for big doings." Blgelow at the request of the law en forcement committee of toe Portland War Emergency Council. The measure would require orery or ganisation or Individual eeeklng funds to obtain a permit from the city and to wear a badge after obtaining this permit. The measure would regulate In this way all solicitation of funds In public buildings, on streets or from house to bouse. The Council took the proposal under advisement. Ths meas ure's purpose ia to curb fraudulent solicitations. nation soon, as It affects a large num ber of men here. Kld-efirld Mills Close Down. RIDGEFIKLD, Wash-, Feb. . (Spe cial.) The Potter sawmill and Bratlle- McClelland shingle mill at this place are closed down on account of shortage of cars. It Is hoped to relieve the nit- WERRENRATH COMING The creat Baritone to sing here Sat urday, February 16, at Helllg. Mail orders to Steers A Coman, Columbia Bid?., accompanied by check and self addressed envelope. Floor, $2.20, 11.65; Balcony. $3.20, 1.SS, $110, S3c; Gallery reserved. 83c. Adv. jiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiniiiirnuiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirniiininiinuiiiiiiiimiiiiiiii PORTLAND OUT FOR RECORD First Honor Desired In Northwest I 3111k Purity Contest. Portland will go out ' once more for first honors In the Northwest milk purity contest. Dr. D. W. Mack, chief milk Inspector at the city health bureau, aald yesterday that local dairy men are anxloua to compete mis year again. The contest will be held at North Taklma under the direction of he Northwest Dairy Instructors' Asso ciation. lst year Portland won six out of seven medals for purity of the general milk supply. Milk dealers feel they will be able to make a similar showing this year. ODDFELLOWS GIVE JEWEL William A. Fordjrce, Member for 25 Tears, Jm Honored. William A. Fordyee. of North Port land Lodge. Independent Order of Odd fellows, waa honored Monday night t the lodge meeting with a 26-year wel. Tast Grand Mastsr Henry 8. West brook made the presentation ad- rees. Mr. Fordyee was bom In Michigan m l4 and Joined the order In 113. He elr! orranlve North Portland Tflr. 1 PIT. , .. z- asegi ; v ; vr r iiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimim School Eyes above all others, should he tn good condition. See that yonr chtld'e eves do not smart, burn or cauee headache. All theee are symptoms of eye strain. Let ue examine the child's eye before S school start. Z A consultation coats yon noth- ; Ing. Call and talk It over. I yHELER OPTICAL fOLj E SO FLOOR. ORBOOMIAW BLDO, a,.--.. " -s -i .:,- t.-Vata?' v. t ... :. NIGHT SCHOOL Second Term JUST BEGINNING BUSINESS COLLEGE ENROLL NOW Good position as soon -as competent. gfifeliSllPllll ASK TO SEE THE FAMOUS STYLE Id Bush & Lane Piano And three others that are slightly used, but in such fine condition they would readily sell for new. We have put prices and terms on these three pianos that will . Sell Them This Week The Cheapest Being Only $175.00 We Do as We Advertise Bring This Ad With Yoq Bush & Lane Piano Co. Cor. Twelfth and Washington Sts. 2 CVKetrTHIMO) rOM tMt OWC Offke furniture ft Appliances PUffTINO sENQHAVINQ 3 BOQK8INDINQ HwBiai oo S'A a-Sr" . h amaauaMra fenuaaaaasi cowutt una o amt. snUNS OEVKX3 eWWD f r7XM9 Wanted Chairs to Cane, by School for Blind, POB PARTI CTJLlA&S CWkUa Mr. J.1T. Myers . -. .-, " : The SEWARD Is a new, modern aad elesantlj appointed hotel, possessing ana ef the moat beautiful ooraer lob bies in the Northwest. Located at 10th and Alder sts, opposite Olds, Wartman King's bis: department store, In heart ef retail and theater district. Rates. 1 and up. Bus meats an trains, "w car alee runs from Union Depot direct to Hotel BBWARO. W. 14. BBWARD. Proa. o Visiting Buyers in Portland Should First Find Their Way to Hotel Cornelius BATES 1 A DAT AND CP C W. Caeaellns. Prealdeat. H. E. Iletrher, Mauaaser. Park aad Alder, rortland. Or, Special rates mr the week or naaatal v linn Pi Home of the Famous BONORA Fhonegraph Palace Hotel M WABHT?rt3T0T STREET FREE BOS Rates From 75 e ta V3.00 Per Dar. ITear Shopptns; anal Theater IHstrteC Absolute CleasUlaeaa Threaarhoat. A Moderate - Prleeel Betel ef Merit HOTEL CLIFFORD Esest M orrleos) St. aad Eaet Sixth. flUW Per Dmr, S440 m Week aad 17b. V- a C; a? - --f 3T I Zha ola jvrevlouaiy aaA aanonpood I lUWW iiiiiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiii itiiiimiiiriiiiiiiniiinnnitTiiii.tiiTiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiniiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiii-