THE jrOKXIXG OREGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 191S. MONTANA EX-CHIEF during tha coming and succeeding sea' -1 pivw PACIFIC PHONE : JMARSHALL. 4600 ; HOME PHONE: A 6101 "s" sons. I His Itinerary henceforth will be as follows: Thrift S tarn p s and - War ' Savings Stamps on sale at our A c c o m m odation Bu reau, Basement, Sixth Street. Skirts Cut F B 17 T? To Your XV III lit Measure if materials purchased "here; '"We baste, fit and make ready to finish for $1 upwards. .. ... ... A'econd Floor. Fiffh Street. February C. 7,' 8, and 10 Chicago, LaSalla HoteL February 11 Battle Creek. Mich., and Camp Custer, care George B. Uolliver, The Gat & Pet Stock Show FOUND IN PORTLAND editor Moon Journal. February 13 and 13 University of , Michigan. Ann Arbor. Mich.. Zeta Psi will be held in oar Sixth Floor Auditorium, February 14, 15, 16. Cats, rabbits and cavies .are eligible. Many valuable prizes. An officer of the show will be here from 10 to 5 daily to furnish premium lists, entry forms, and all desired information. Entries close February 10. , . Sixth' FloorySbcth Street. House. February 11. 14 and IS Detroit, alien.. Hotel Statler. February IS Toronto. Canada. February 29 and 21 Buffalo. N. T. February I -r- Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y Zeta Psl House. February 2i, Z7 and 28: March 1. !, Tut QjjalitV Store- of- Portland rwiv.30eMV-rtiiiliaviaaTls " Granite County Sheriff Traces r Fugitive to Hotel Here and . . Makes Arrest. More New Arrivals-More Good SavingsJ I and 4 Pbiladttphla. Pa, care Will iam A. Law, First National Bank. CITY -TOO BIG FOR DEPUTY EXTENSION SERVICE LONG 18 Officer First Sent for Law-Breaking - J'ollcemaa Gets Homesick Among j, fajfbo and Sound of Jletrop ' voll a ad Betarat Uome. Oii a Montana rx-poty fhartfr a Bona antl a pair of cnapa. aend him after a daaparado over sweeping praJ rtaa or tfcrouca toarerln ttllla and frawntnv mountain, let him havo no anonar for eapenaea and forco him to at hla food aa brat ho can. and bo will continue the lona. lontr- puratnt for mix moatha and return with hla quarry. But aead the aaraa officer to f'ortland r aomo other cur. on a atmilar chaao, arhera ho haa to para hard-pared street and walks, let him fall to Bad tha furl tire within 4 hours, and ha will return to the hills and prairies of Montana, aoaieslek and atlerlr dlscuatsd. aa admittedly defeated man. Such hae been the experience that ftharilt f. Harks, of Oranlte County. Uoruiu. has had with hla ftepatles "Yoa mltfht as well try to transplant Montana tuestiuico to Waahlnstoa treat and I pact It to crow aa to - peet-a' kuk-csualrr Montana Deputy tiherttt to perform hi duty aa well here aa ho would on tbe prairies In chaps a-ul oa borMbaca said Sheriff Burks. Ieaaity la seat aa C aa. "A month ao 1 sent Deputy Sheriff Jfetralf hero to find r. J. Wniht. Chief of Pot tea of Fhilipsburjr. Mont-, and wanted there for assault and robbery. Two days of pacing; Portland streets and mlnallna- with I'ortlanil crowds and fceartna: Fortland nolsea made him a tenderfoot. Ho wired mo that bo waa la homesick and dlnvusted that ho venM reeisa unless 1 hlra per Bitseioo to come back. Yet bo Is on f the most capable men ander me. In tana 1 would true him for a year on a I t avau chas. and I know ha would come back wilb bla aiaa or neer com back Important .Trips of Collego Leaders Are Announced. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. Corvallla, Feb. S. i Special.) A long list of appointments for extension- serv- OXK OF T4.K"H l IRT V .fW AT PTA.K THKATER. . , auv. "That's tba Montana back-country Twputy Sheriff from A to Z. and you simply rant make htm IT row In a city.' fherirt Burks came to Portland and concluded successfully Lno man bunt on which b sent Metcalf. F. C. Wrtchl. a dashinr youns; ath lete of to years, welcome Sli pounds and standlnc six feet tail, prepossess- Ins of manner and handsoma In appear an.-eQ disappeared about Ore weeks aso after brutally assaulting a well-known doctor, it Is chanced. I, Traeew to Wriitt, While Wright waa being soucbt. says flierut Burke, miners complained that they bad been fleeced when taken Into ruftoajr. At tbe same time S. L. ile Oowan. Mayor of t'hilipsburs;. who ap pointed Wncht Chief of l'olice and In tha rear of whoso Jewelry store VI right waa roomlnc discovered that several hundred dollars worth of bla jewelry was niisaeinc- The loss waa traced to t r.tht. It la said. The fugitive s pecu latloaa. all told, arrordtns; to hhertft Burks, amounts to Iltoo or more. Wrljht went to I'hllipsbura1 from aomo point on the Coast about II months a so and ha and hia youns; wife, asserts MierlfT Burks, were unusually popular In Granite County. Since then Wnht and bin wife separated and VTrta-ht beaan to keep bachelor apart aneais la Mctlowan's Jewelry store, a ten which bed to bis undoing. Wrlsrht waa arretted at the point of a tan Monday night while operating a swltcbhoard for pastime at tbe Nether lands Hotel. Thirteenth and Washing' tun streets, where ho waa stopping on' aWr another name. Sheriff Burka says he covered Wright with a gun because he has a reputation for being fearless and la Inclined to o.e a revolver it caucht In a tight place. Sheriff Burka declares that the people of Granite County know nothing about M'rLnt or Ms past. THRIFT HITS THEATER time rvrioTct rt "chase K33 v ukiu of wta TAr. A. R. Clark'e Feer-VlaBle" Talk; Held v ' Steaawawlbla for Moveeaeat la D Owveraaaewt Baby Jlewda." Attrlbnteel as a dlreet reult of a "four-minute" talk at the Lyric Theater jr A- G Clark some davs ago. pur ahssea of war savins etRipe to the value of have been traced. Tbe aatnpa were bought from the postman w rv deliver avail to the theater. Ten T. inllnn. director and comedian, and Thomas Castte. stage director. In vested tlMH each In tbe popular little -hakv bonds." kl Kblan.ier. property director, purrhaeod the lltcier stickers V the valae of 91'e. At Krenka. come illan. and l o.-a Orchard Invested to the evtent of !' apiece, and alias IHIve Klnnev bouahl te worth of tbe stamps. - Tudav at noon the I'ortiand Ad Cio will kave lbs lurid campaitca up for dactAla and rontderelin at Us wifklT luncheon at the tlne.n llotei. tfrector Jackson. AeM-late IHrvctor WM4cvil and Jbn H. Stevenson will detail aim and m-tho.!s of tbe W. t. IV sruade. The Ad Cluo wuartel wl. aiag. f , THKATER. . d u i: 2 i -... j ' j : 5 : v . -. 5 i , i : ' j: ? ! -"l'i. :? Reaw 1-aesaea. With two brothers already In tha service and a third about to leave. Huso Langdon is one of tha busiest of stage women those days. 111." Langdon la with Harry Langdon. the noted comedian. In the successful farce, "Johnny's New Car." featured at I'antagea this week. One brother Is sta tioned at Fort Knelling, where tbe temperature waa recently It degrees below xero. and the other ,1s in the suhmarlne-chaeer service.- on the other side of the At lantic. Miss Langdon devotes all the time she can find to knitting and otherwise constructing arti cles that will make her brothers mora comfortable. Ice work this week Is Issued and rovers many branches of tbe department work. Among the most -Important trips will bo that of H. C Seymour, state club leader and Miss Helen Cow rill, assis tant, who wilt go to Washington. IX C. Saturday to attend the conference of workers called by O. JL Benson. Fed eral club leader. L. J. Allen, state nig club agent, and Philip Kortner. assistant, will spend the week in Marion County. C. I. Lewis, of the horticultural department. wi:i speak before a gathering of The lalles orchardlsts Saturday, on the ue of agricultural lime in orchards. W. tf. Brown, alo of the horticulture de partment, wilt do orchard demonstra tion work In Douglas County. Home makers will organ Iso for food conservation campaigns 'In Coos County under tbe direction of Mrs. Jessie .VI 'j -Comb.- assistant of home demonstrations. Edwin T. Tteesl will addresa the Parent Teacher association of Lebanon, Saturday, on educational work. 1'r. K. J. Kreua will deliver a lecture on pruning to the fiuselvt!le Grange, inrinani, on ine eaine u , . uurae i Itvsiop win continue ine ngrx 01 ine bulk handling of grain campaign by trip to The Dalies, where he will aicet (rain men of tha community. Labor Leader to Pendleton. PEXI'LETOX. Or- Feb. 5. (Special) 1. j.- Msrs. organixea laoor leaarr. i will be nere tomorrow nignt to meet wtth laboring men and women here. As a result of his visit. It Is expected hat a new union or two will come Into existence, and possibly a branch of he Mat Kedera.ton formed. Several of he t-at h -re r alrenriv orrsnised. ADVANTAGES ARE TOLD rvRTLtXD tmw BOOST PArtriC . (OtlT TIIROlfcHUlT CltT. Osrgwu) Peple Are Asked to Write . Tketr Esrtm Frteaaw ta Attead Talks by Taak Braaek Rliey. - Frank Branch Rltey. premier word weaver of Portland, la now in tba East, bearing hla mesaage of Pacific Coast acewery and climate to tba public of many large cities. The travel tale that Mr. R:ley tells, and which la to direct f e attention of vacationists this way. Is termed Taa International North weft" The complete Itinerary of tha speaker was been revolved, and It la suggested est I'ortlaad people having friends or ria:lvea la tha various cities to be viited writ to them and srga their actendance. 34 r. Riley Is commissioned by tha Pa ilitf Northwest Tourist Association to carry word of our scenlo and climatic advaatagea ta tha East In tbe general casaaisa tor Increased tourist .travel ill? My oral-curved (patented) double-vision Lenses are best hav tto rainbow colors. Eye - Strain Defective eyes very often give clear vision by atraining. In such cases glasses are needed not to increase the vision, but to remove the strain, which causes headache and other ner vous troubles. My 20 years' experience, and the proper application of that ex perience in using the latest scientific instruments for eye testing, assure you of perfect fitting glasses, DR. WHEAT Eyeolakt apeeiallet. swr worc.a nmnixfi. ' Waeblagtea at Urea Sway. . Faeaseriy la tba Cerbett Blag. P If. yd i W. I d i I 1 xA'jjr1 ' V Just Received! New Spring Styles in Women's andMisses' wool jersey suits : k New Street and Sports Models "We are gratified to announce the arrival of a large and finely selected assortment of the very newest models in. the much wanted wool jersey sports and street suits for women, and misses. You are invited to come in and see these latest addi tions to our Spring stocks. - Belted and Norfolk models. Notch or tuxedo col lars. Tan, green, gray, plum, Copen, rose, taupe and a fine selection of beautif ul heather mixtures. This collection is representative of the best in Spring suit modes. Women who like the new things first will lose no time in seeing these. The prices are very moderate, ranging from ?27.50 to $35. Apparel Shop, fourth Floor. The Public Is Invited-to a Free- - Lecture on War Bread In Our Sixth Floor Auditorium-Today at 3:3 , Auspices U. S. Food Administration ' This, the first in a series of Food Conservation lecture demonstrations, will be given at this store at 3:30 today by Miss Elizabeth Reed, director of Dwelling Halls, Reed College. Practical baker in attendance.. -Everybody is welcome there is no charge for admission. NEW! Tailored Stocks 75c-$l Smart new tailored stocks made of organdy and pique. Prettily trimmed with lace and embroidery. These are com bined with smart Windsor polka-dot foulards; NEW! Windsor and MiddyTies A full assortment of handsome light and' dark shades in new Windsor ties, 25c to 65c. ' ' . . Middy Windsor ties, 50c to 75c Three-cornered middy ties, 65c to $1.25. Large square army ties, $1.75 to $2.50. , Neckwear Shop, Main Floor. Today's Notion Specials 30c 18c Marshall's Linen Thread, two spools. 6c Queen City Spool Silk, black and white, 3 spools 10c Damascus Safety Pins, 2 cards..... Celluloid Hair Pins, crimped and straight, pkg. Knobby Hair Curlers, set of four 10c Ideal Face Veil Hair Nets, 3 for 10c Middy Laces, special at 2 for Stickerie Edging, white "J fj and rnlnrs. niece Ivv 10c Koh-i-Xoor Snap Fas teners, large size, card... 5c Collar Bands, 3 special at only 10c 15c 10c 10c 20c 15c LOc 5c 10c 10c Charter Oak Crochet Cotton, white, linen and dark ecru, JFJg Brass Pins, 160 count paper, fT UV Steel Pins, at. priced Dreadnaught U-lb. box... Elastic Corset So-On Sup porters, pair Children's Columbia Waist and Hose Supporters. Sanitary Napkins, box of 6 for only 10c Crimped Invisible Hair Pins, jet or bronze, assorted 1 f? sizes, 2 packages J. til 35c Braid Covered Folding Suit Hangers. Notion Shop, Main Floor. 25c 19c 25c 25c 25c Vision Good vision, is a priceless posses sion. It can be preserved and strength ened by wearing the right kind of glasses, properly fitted. ; If your eyes trouble you in any way, you should consult our graduate : Optometrist who will carefully examine your eyes and prescribe glasses (if needed) to your individual requirements.. . Lenses duplicated from the pieces. Optical Shop, Mezzanine, Sixth Street. We Have Just Received a New Shipment of Coats for Little Tots : Suitable for Spring Wear : We have ready for selection today a good assortment of coats for the little tots' from 2 to 6 years for Spring wear. Checks, covert cloths and , poplins. Many have high waist lines with loose belts. Others have belts across vthe back. Still others have side Belt effects. Large round or shawl collars. With pockets. Medium and small checks in a variety of desirable colors. These new arrivals are very moderately Priced $6.50-$12 We also have a fine assortment of new Spring styles in children's dresses, including the famous "Dorothy" dresses, for which we are ex clusive agents. Children's Shop, Second Floor. Learn to Knit We Teach You Free Every woman should know how to knit. It is our desire to assist those who wish to learn. We have three competent instructors who will gladly teach you free of charge. Our Stock of Yarns Is Most Complete Every wanted yarn is here in the best qualities obtainable. Dainty Shetland flosses for the popular slip-over sweaters so much in vogue. Sturdy yarns in KHAKI and GRAY for our soldier boys. Fourfold Germantown yarns in peacock blue, rose, green, etc., for caps, scarfs and sweaters. Silkanwool in handsome heather effects most desirable for men's sweater vests, golf stockings, etc Special Today -Extra Heavy Khaki Wool Skein 89c Suitable for soldiers' sweaters. Three skeins will make a sweater. Art Needlework Shop, Second Floor. No More Bobbins Use The Eldredge Two-Spool The Kldredote Two-Spool no bobbin rotary sewing machine has solved the old-time bobbin problem in sewing machines. There is no longer any need to stop in the middle of a eeam to "wind the bob bin." Sold on easy payment plan $1.00 Week Dress Forms Join our dress form club and pay for your new dress form while using it. We carry at all times a. complete stock of Model, Hall Borchert and Acme Dress Forms, ranging in price from $1.75 up. Any dress form in our stock U purchasable on the easy payment plan oX 50c Week Second Floor, Fifth Street. mm Tliis Aluminum Percolator $1-49 5-cup coffee percolators, one as il lustrated above, made from, heavy sheet aluminum. Only a limited quantity to be sold , today at the ex ceptionally low price of 51.49. Housewares Section, Basement. Andirons and Fire Sets, Portable Basket Grates At Very Special Prices We are offering exceptional values in a varied assortment of desirable fireplace acces sories. For instance: ANDIRONS - Andirons in plain black, Flemish iron and ' colonial brass effects. Pair special at J 2.45, $4.10. $4.95, $6.75, $7.25, $3 and $9.85. FIRE SETS - Fire sets in plain black and Flemish iron effects. Special at 12.45, JS.50, '$1.75. $5.25 and J6.25. GRATES Portable basket grates in several sires three styles. Special $3.65, $5.25, $5.75, $6.50 and $7.25. - Heaters Wood, coal,' gas,' oil," Combination wood' and coal heaters for ei'ery- requirement Lowest prices. MAEE YOUK OWN TERMS IN KEASON . - ... SlxtJ Floor, Fifth Street. vHELE AIWIENIA NOW PURING ARMENIAN UFE-SAYING WEEK i 5 ! u