14 TTTE MOttXIXG OKEGOXIAX, "WFDVESDAY". FEBRUARY G, 1918. SHIPYARD WORKERS ASKED 10 REGISTER Multnomah and Portland Cam paign for Volunteers in . Full Swing Today. INTEREST IS WIDESPREAD Enrollment Doe Not Compel Mao to Acre pi Any SMpard Position Offered, bnl Afford Oppor tanlir to Serve Country. V:th tha np-.t.le campaign for tha Vnnt states shipyard volunteer well organised and enrollment agent, ready to register rvcrulta In sawn of tha li autM ronnctcs. the Multnomah County and I'oriiand -drive" will be. In full same b-for night. The In titrations are that there will ba heavy regl.tration on the opening of theUucai nrollme'it agencies this tnormrg. fta'.a lire. tor 5rlfMo will b. -stated be the Federal Employment Bureau, tha Central Labor Council and by all to war wurk agencies of the Federal Government, including the Hale Council of Defense. Tbe Kour-linute ln have been at on the firing Una delivering speech tn the Interest of the new drive for several days. They report ld. spread Interest on the part of men employed in skilled trade who are RMe to quality tor active mil Itarv service, either on account of age r disabilities. r.aroltsBewt Se rspalar. Tbe Heeret.ry cf l--r at Wa.hlng ton ha notified all stale directors to Imprcse emphelically on the pontic that the" enrollment In the shipyard Volun Wrs does not compel a man to ac cept any shipyard position that is of f-red him. It merely gives him an epportejmt v to accept patriotic war service under the shipbuilding pro gramme. AIo sallla men employed la other productive Industries are not to be drafted Into shipyard service. The drive is to be put over with the least poeetbl disturbance to otber war Industries. "cat Director Griffith said last igM. "It is time for every man, woman, fe-oy and girl In America to learn that the fAta of otir country hangs In the bal.n-e and turns on the question of shipbuilding. It should come borne to be now thai all our military prepara tion, our draft, our food aavtng, our fcxind buying, our knitting, our Red Cross and other work, that mil thesa are to no purpose unless oar ship building plans succeeds There are things bettsr than money contributions that each individual of u. can do to kelp- and rtcht now it la the npper Bxoet duty of an American to do them. 1 Barley all I Its skilled lea VAaateeV -Hull-ling most be speeded: 3I4.0O men will be needed within tha ear to supply our shipyards. This drive calls for tie rnrollmert of jo.000 aaiiled men throughout the Nation, of which number Oregon must furnish the minimum quota of 3?ut. fiut we will not succeed as Oregon haa auc eeedeit la ail other patriotic drives nirss we go over the top with a much greater showing than that to our stat-'s credit." The following enrollment agencies for registration of skilled mn who deslra to enlist are now open for busi ness. Any man who ran nse. tool. I. qualified for enrollment In this all important was work: Harry Anderson, l.ullding Trade, office. Labor Temple. iecond street: J. . Wilson, TV oilmen of tha World office. Kast Msth. Bnd Alder streets: A. W. Jones. I'ublic Kmplovment Pure ail. n 7 Davis street, and F.ugene K. Smith, county enrollment aicent. .17 rittork Mock. DETAILS ARE HELD BACK eerral Nut Seaplane Vndcr C'on slrui tlon In Philadelphia. rirtLADKt.PIMA. Keh. 1 Details of tj new Nery seaplanes being built for t re tetiverament at the rhlladelphta yard have nut been mad public. Tha machine are said, however, to repre sent a distinct advance oter type pre viously used In this country, combining Carrying povrr. speed and other quali ties essential In aerial warfare. The nw factory atftha Philadelphia yard for the production of the e. rdane was completed in record-breaking time, and the building Is being quickly filt-d with espert mechanics. When operating at fail capacity tha iMrtorr wtll employ . men. ' Every thing that goea Into the manufacture of the eeaplanee t being made In the Philadelphia dl.trlct, from the motor to the s.lk and line, for tbe machine. s . w, , POTATO YIELD SURPRISES t.pcland Tam Crop In Valr and Oat llrtlrr Tlian ClpenrJ. ll5Xnr.V. h. J. TV. pAtato rropa of F.rant and W.ies. on which the li no us fnet controllers bete pl.a-ed so mu-h renanc In th matter ol censer. In brel anJ flour, .re turning out r throuah tu-h better than eipeeta-f and ar estl- after peace) mst.d at l lil.JJJ ton, a si per cent tiod." Inere.se oer ll sml th largest crops recerde. sm- lte. The ylrld p-r acre is JI tons, which l ffhree-iusrt''r of a ton srewt.r than tsst year and t wo-f : f th. of a ton bet ter loss the arcras of th past tea Jears. S200.000 DAMAGES ASKED Ansele-a 4 armaa Sited leced AllrnatKin. for Al lans ANV.rtK. KeV I TThen At. torney Wllird-1 Andrews moved to hare et for trial th Si. alienation suit betuaht be Arthur J. Htcae. ? Meet Fiftieth street, scale. t H. Lewi Claela. a ccrd"tr wll.i the 1 An ael. Railway Compary. he cleared th -. f.r icMMi !. w-.t it l. b itev.d 5 .Make Your lieserrationa Now S CHAMPIONSHIP s HOCKEY VANCOUVER VS. P0RTL.VND Friday, Feb. 8, 8 :30 P. 31. Sharp ICE PALACE 21st and Marshall IIIIIIII1U11IIUI1II1III1I will b on of th most rrmarkabla n4 sensational triala erer held In tfa history of tha local courts. Mr. Hirka ert tbat Conductor Garl atola tba affertlona of his wife, Itiur Harmana Hick, a leading f:aure la tha Norsreetan colony of Southern California. Conductor Gay la denies the charge. Mr. Hicks assert that ha left hi v-lfa In December. !!. and that she ad a child In November. 1I7. He stale that the .child is not bis. and alleges that Gayla la the father. Con ducror Gal denlea the charge. Mr. Hicks charges that Gayla took Mr. Hick, to tha Methodist Hospital on November 14, last, and aecured the service, of Dr. Benjamin V. Frees. Mating that Mrs. Hicks wag hit wife. and giving tbe names of Mr. and Mrs. D. H- oisen. The railway man denlea the charge. Mr. Hicks allege that Conductor Gayle and Mrs. Hicka have been living as man and wife at' No. 4I10S South Wall street, with tha baby, which. rordiag to Mr. Hicks, has been named Olsen. Conductor Gayle makes awecpina; denial of tha charge. VISIT 10 GRAVES TOLD mCXCH SOVKLIST PATS TRIBCTB TO AMERICA.'" DEAD. Writer Declares Last Beet lag Maet af Idler la Wsaaasest fa Self aetiff sad GUrr. TAIUS. Feb. 1. fCorre.pondenea of the Associated Fr.ss.) Henry Bor deaux, tbe French novelist, giving In tha Kevue Hebdomodalr an account of hi recent visit to the grave, of tha first three soldiers of lb American expeditionary fore to fall on tha French front, says: "Lsrter on a monu ment will rise there: later on tha nam of that obscure village tbat I cannot reveal now will bo known and will re sound across tha ocean. Vlsitora will coma In throngs, even from over the ae.. to contemplate tha horlson and breathe tbe air impregnated with th atmosphere of sarrlflc and glory that make peoples strong and Individuals auOarioua and persevering.- Those grave are situated along the stone wall of a lltt!e Lorraine village. he says, "a tiny viHage right up next to the front. It is nearly Intact and some of the Inhabitants are still stick ing to their fireside, there. The church clock) marks . the hour though th church bell rings no more. A phrll Bursts In the neighborhood from time to time and tha peasants oause to listrn to the explosion, then m on with their work. There are roar, in tbe sheds and poultry scratch ing about the barnyard with a.sur ance 'The church I. built on a hillside near a cluster of farm buildings tbat seem to have been built upon the site of an ancient stronghold, ritretchtng .way from the buitdinsa ther Is high stone wall alongside which Is line of amvea marked with wooden crosses from which fly th French tri color. Tpefsjire the limbs of French soldier ki.fl. most of them, at the snd of Autu.ii. 114. when the Germans. after tbe battle of Morh.nge. tried to invade this part of Lorraine, bur were repulsed. -There ara three mor grave. Iso lated from tha real. In front of tha wall. where it rises before the buildings, freehly dug. with chrysanthemums not yet faded scattered over them. These are the tombs of the first American soldiers killed during the war on this front for the liberation of the world. -Corporal Gresham and Soldiers En- right and Hay were burled on the 4th of November in the ItitSe village cloae to the scene of th fight. After recalling the funeral oration delivered by the French General com mandlng In the sector. M. Bordeaux saya: "The road to tbla new cemetery is known. Offlcera and soldiers pass ing to their poets In th sector leave their route to seek out those three graves, but. why should I not my It They are visited more by tbe French than by the Americans. It would seem that the latter have not for the dead the attention and the rare, the slgnlfi ranee of which ha been transmitted to us by older past: their gaze seems to bo more riveted upon tna living. hr n the first American battery was on day In Oclotier brought to our front and not Into action. It was a real ceremony. A General, himself, prised tbe Honor of firing the firet projectile and th shell of thai projectile waa carefully packed up and sent to the White House. Was It not the first at testation of the fore of the Called States? . -In another village, quite as near-the front, where some . Inhabltanta still remained, a girl was born the other d.v. Tbe same American General claimed the honor of being godfather to the child and made tbe mother a handsome gift. "Our allies celebrate force and life. Bordeaux conclude from the Inci dent, and adds: -Death has bo hold upon Ibem " 'SOLEMN OATH" IS MSVJERtTt" '7 tZal Engl1-1 "" Adlsc te-rtnan DojccMi Ieirrmina tloa, of IjOVPOS. Jan. A firm at !- bury rereleeit a postcard from a tier- ,n p""" '-- " 'orlk,r1Pv lists and pattema of flannela, silk and aatina suitable for pajamas. Tne nrni tm TrptT .nl him a copr of th follow. Ine "folrmo oath, which ther have awont: To mark onr horror and dlsitusl at the method of iermanr since July. 114. w swear that will not ( knowingly purchase anythlna mad In Germany: (b transact business with 1 German for fit years 1 declared. o help us rrlnm l ined a Hoarder. C.rVEVA. Feb. 1. Tne Princess M'rode. wif of a chamberlain In th rntuur.it of th King of Havarla. has been condemned by a court at Vvy to par a (tn of llo nd cost for buy ing up and atorinc larg quantitle of fuudstu(f in her villa at T-rrttet. con trary to Hwls law. Th Princess some, time accompanied by tli Prince, la aM lo ba scoured tha country around Montereu In an automobile, purcbaaina food, which ha been con fiscated by th authorities. r-sorg if. Scribner. of Queen City Tara, Vt, went to Hurlirtgton recently on his 4'Mh weddlnr aniversary. He was wearing, tbe same .ult and shoe, which be wore oo lb day was niar-rt-d. ' ADMISSION: $1.00. Toe, 60c. Re erred 4a t oo sa le at Spalding's, comer Broadway and Alder Ptione Manhall 215. ICE SKATING. Instroctors for Fancy Skaters and Begin ners. Open erery aft ernoon and eYeninf. : BIG CONTRACTS LET Local Steel Plants Receive Large Orders From Outside. RIVETS TO BE FURNISHED ,u,-,w ,w I uiiiiiwiibv Seattle Shipbuilding Firm to Get 2500 Tons of Material From 'jiorttmest Steel Willamette Iron Works Making Boilers. Rivets. iOOO tons of them, eruffirfent 5 fastening the plates ,of 10 ships. each of MOO tons, deadweight, which Erlckeon Engineering; Company, of Seattle, baa contracted to build for the Shipping Board, will be furnished from Portland by the Northwest Steel Com pany. Besides being engaged In the con struction of aleel ships of 8900 tons, the Northwest Steel Company has managed to maintain a large business in the manufacture of rivets, and in addition turna out much material used in fast ening wooden ahlps that are now being assembled along the Pacific Coast. It is estimate J that the total num ber of rivets used in one of tbe 00 ton steamers building here la close to 50.000 and on 400-lon veasela a con siderable number more Is necessary Tbe order accepted for Seattle delivery represents almost as much in weight as tha ateel In one of the SS00-ton hulls, which la said to approximate 2500 tons. Rivets of various sizes and weight are used, depending on the part of the ship being put together, and the manufac ture of them alone has given Portland highly Importsnt Industry. Other Portland planta have built deck machinery and aucb auxiliary frir for vesaela In Washington snd California, and more orders are held for the same classes .of business, while the making of sails, lifeboats, ltferafl and kindred necessities In the maritime trade has added much to the business of the port. In the way of big contracts, the Wil lamette Iron Steel Worka holda one for 24 Scotch marine boilers, purchased by the Emergency Fleet Corporation to be ahlpped elsewhere for Installation In snips, while there are 30 larger boiler, to be turned out under the same arrangement, which will go Into is steamers, each of S500 tons, dead weight, to be built at the Vancouver yard of the O. M. Standifer Consiruc Uoa Company. GIlORCrVA HAS QL117T TRIP vczttcis ot Sighted on Run From Svdner I'ntU Off Coast. On th run from Svdnee to ih. Co lumbia Klver the -conditions were "too good." according to the master and of ficers of th barkentine Georgina, there being considerable calm weatner on the way that accounted for her beine- 80 aaya making the run. The vessel did not eight other shins until off the California coast, and did not pick ud any trac of raiders, about which sne was warned before leaving the Aus tralian port. The Georgina berthed at North Rank aoca to aiscnarge her coDra. which is destined for the East and will be shipped via the Great Northern Rail road, nut as ahe has a deckload of iron bark she was hauled back Mcnd-v siiemoon to me r uteentn-atreet mu nicipai terminal to unload. At the lat ter a OCX there is spare for tbe hard wood as well as the copra. The Georg in loads a lumber cargo outward ' Pacific Coat Shipping Notes. ASTORIA. Or.. Feb, . (Rneclal.) Th. lasni srnooner nnasta arrived today from n rrancisc and will load s ium her Wauna. Kalnler and Portland The steam schooner Klsniath arrived thl. auernooo srom esa rrsncisce and went bt. Helens to losd lumber. After discharging fuel oil In Portland th. tank steamer J. A, Chanslor sslied for Cali- lornis. Carrying a cargo of lumber from Knsnn ton ana est port, the steam schooner ban- Ham sailed lor .n Pedro. The steam schooner Johan Psulsn irrlvMl aunng xn nignt and want to VYestport to loei lumMr. The steam schooner Tiverton arrived from ban r rancisco to load lumber at Westporu SA FRANVMSCO. Fb 3. Sd-c1s1 1 n nouiin si earns nip isntnev arrive, to 9 from 1 okohama by m-sj- of Unurortn wun a cargo or sawyne bout andeiaol mtth a cargo lor &iwn, Hout A Co. She is owna Dy tbe hum tan volunteer F.t rr poratton which cnt tbe nteamship N.inl Nnvirorod and Toula hera from Koine. The Nljnl Novgorod has gone to Kh Sound to 10 4 ror Vladivostok and the Tools is d!i- rharvtng. A Navy guar! w p;aced on the Mniov ana an persona prevented from boarding the v!. The British motomhlp Hula, arririnr to day from Auckland. N. Z.. by wsy of Prca- mantl. will iak on carro for th South tho 20 tons of canra rarso. Hind. Ralph lc Ce. and handling the htp. Th iportailnn of buthllnr papr Is frowinc last art. aoout Tfxxi tons ha vie ( bs shlpp4 la Australia and New Zealand lairt jrir. "apialn John C. Tlbbitts. who wt n- poinidsd saalsiant Ptsamshlp Inspect r it ratil saversJ months mo, has brrn calied htr tor duty oo a rfvmmot ship aa a mmbr mi the Nasl RMrv. Tha arhtvmor Commfriw, Oaptala iVnthr sai;d tisr tr tb Coiumbla Hirer t load fur Aniortsicasia. Th s-hxnr Irmssrd. which put Into a Knrmtaa sftsr betn almost sunk In irphon last August, sallsd todajr fur this port Th bsrkmrtna C. r. Crock xr sriivd to ai(ht from Ton a with a carco of copra. Movement of Vessels. PORTI.AXD. Fra. 8. Arrived P'nmfi. Brtik.ttev, from 8aa FrancliM-o; Klamath, from . Francloro. Mailed Slamer lmir Slatthawa for Han Pedro; Rosa City, for ttaa rancisco and Saa Ptdro, APTRIA. Febi Arrived at 2 and left Bp at S A. M. steamer Johan Pou'aeo. from ; Kaa FraacTtM-o. Kalled ix A a. M.. ataam- I or J. A- tTiaualor. for man Frandseo. at $ A. M.. ateamer Pant lam. fr Saa Pedro; arrived at 1 and left up at V P. M . ktosm- er Klamath, from Fan Pedro. Arrived at S and left up at A P. H., steamer Tl vert on. from Pa a padra. PAN FTl A NC I (TO, Feh. S. 5a tied at mid maht. stodunor fehlo. for Portland, trailed ekaooaf Comimaree. for Portland. PAX rftr.RO. Feh. 5l Arrived Steamer Pama Barbara, from t'otumhia Rtver. rUl9d ecoauaer Braver .for Portland. APTORIA. reb. 4. Arrived at 4 and left up at T 4j P. M steamer Breakwater, from Pas FransHeco. palled at 4.40 P. M . steam er F. A. Kl'bqrn. for baa Fran-trv Ar rived at S and left op it I P. at., steamer c hast a. from 8aa Pedro. HoroLrLtr. Feb. 4. Arrived Ttsrlten traoa Levuka. lor Portiand. tin. Ksin..rr. for fnweutloeia TleV at Assart WedaesdsiT. High. I lxw. T M A. M 8 0 feet 1:11 A. M 4.0 feet 0.32 P. M tt-T fe-i g 41 r. M . toot Notice to Mariners. A PH. oa en, to feet out of water, and large Ire trunk. tav been reported 10 mile, south by est ( mag ) from Destruc tion Is'.snd. .1 3 P. st. January Jl. IW K. r. ECKIIARDT, Com. C 8. N Ferd. Per Oscar W. 8cliwars. Nautical Expert. U. a. n. 4 Woman. Loyal, Sef-k Dlrorcev. FTOrX CTTT. la, Teb. I. Eeeaiiee her husband. Andrew Hupp, retired farmer, la, h cays. aatt-Ajncrieu and AMrSEMESTS. TICKET OFFirr ALE AOW OI'K. HEILIG Broadway at Taylor. Maia I and A 11x2. 3S Tomorrow SPECIAL- PRICE MAT. SAT. Oliver Morocco Presents FAMOUS AND FAVORITE DRAMA. INI BIRD OF PARADISE I v 1 Tbe Play of a VVomaa'e Bool. Eves.. Floor. S1.M); BaL. fl. Tic. SOe; CaL. Sue Sat. Xlau. Floor. (1; BaL, U 75c. 60c: Uai GOu. LISTEN! IF YOU INTEND GOING TTT7TT T Broadway at Taylor Mala 1 aid A. 11 Next Wed. S.'E Feb. 13 Harry Lauder A ad y Vaudeville Stars Com pa ORDER TICKETS BY MAIL TODAY Price Both Mat. and Eve, Iaclod Insj War Tax, Arei e Floor. 2.20. Balcony. 5 rows, 11.65: In rear 5 rows, Jl 10. .Gallery, first 7 rows, reserved, 83c. Do SOT Order $1.65 Kve. Tickets. They have all been sold. HOW TO ORDKR BY MAIL I Address letters, checks. Postoffloe Moey Orders to W. T. Pangle, Marr., Hellig Theater. Inclose self-addressed, stamped envelope to help Insure safe return of tickets. BAKER ALCAZAR Bar (a Id ZVJatin- Today. Mat. Sat. Tontrht, all wfek. Btaxtiln motional dram in 4 acta. THE UNCHASTENED WOMAN FTmllsr Rtffveni art?at tarrlnr uuccw. ZuJ times la New York. Just riaied xor ecock. t enlngj. zc. 50c. oc Maia,, z.rc, aOc .vext week: "Ilia MJ-tj Busker Bean. DANTAGEi 23, MAT. DAILY 2:30 HARRT LAXGDON X COM In "Johnaj's New Car. U Other Dla Act. Thre Performance. Dally. Mgjt Cur- LYRIC "SIS Mat. Dally at !:30 Night at 1:S. This Week Dillon a Franks In THE FKINC'E OF PIIJNER." With the Koerbud Olrls. All'. Song Hits. Ths Hig lauflilnf hhow. Special Fe.ture Nights I Than.. Free Souvenir spoons All Ladles.. Frl.. Cburus Girls' Conisst. TODAY THURS, FBL AND SAT. WM. FOX PRESENTS Virginia Pearson in STOLEN HONOR A gripping photoplay of society intrigue in Washington, D. C. ALMI ' TRANSCONTINENTAL VAUDEVILLE ROAD SHOW NO. 27 ALLEN, MOORE & McCOURT "The Paramount Trio" HELMS and EVANS The Girl from Zuyder Zee SEYMOUR and DUPREE The Jumping' Chinaman and Paintv Soubrette. KOSCOE and BURKE Mueiral Novelty ADELE STURDEVANT Dainty Son trs tress WEEK-DAY MAT&, 10 rages wbf never xhe a?ert America is right in the war. Mrs. Fanny F. Hupp, Sioux City woman, has asked for a divorce. Suit was filed in tbe State Court here. Woman - Pray!-, Wants Commission. NEW YORK. Feb. 1. Grace M. Trankla wants $12,500 for having suc cessfully prayed for Clarence C. Bur ner, who, she says, put over a $1,000,000 mining; deal with the aid of her suppli cations. he now prays that a court collect for her. Phone your want ads to Tha Orego nlao. Main 7070, 0Sfc, I I AMI SKMFNTS. M3mm I-..,.-! P sisairjy. Jeha HTAMS McINTVRE Leila; Val- anova Troope; Felix Bernard A Eddie Jaoia; KITH BOIK:, Apdale's Zoological Clreos; HARRY BE&EafoIlD CO. I 6TUAJtI BAKXES. Manchester Dancing Academy ' 85 FIFTH STREET ARE TOTJ GOIXGf WHERE? To Manchester Hall, Thursday, Feb. 7. Opening dance, good floor, union music Come and bring your friends. We solicit the patronage of refined people. Broadway 2327. . Regular Inee Every Saturday Eve. DANCING! TONIGHT Cotillion Hall Fourteenth Off Wasalngtoa. Portland's Finest Amusement Palace. Ball-Braring Spring Floor. Seven-Piece Orckeatra. 1 DANCIHG TONIGHT Some Jazz Orchestra ARBOR GARDEN , Second at Morrison Gents 35c, Ladies 25c MEETING NOTICES. - AL KADER TEMPLE. A. A. O. N. M. trt., will give a formal dancing and card party at the Multnomah Hotel on Thursday evening, February li, at S:o0 o'clock. All Shriners and their ladies are cordially invited. Nobles will be admitted upon presen tation of 1118 membership card only. There will be no admission char ire. Wear your fez. By order of the potentate. HUGH J. BOYD, Recorder. FRIENDSHIP LODGE NO. 1A0. A. F. & A. M. E. 43rd & bandy bvd. Stated communica tion this eve. 7:K0. Lecture by Bro. W. W. YounKson. Refresh ments. Visiting brethren always welcome. H. F. CHAPIN". Becy. i MULTNOMAH COUNCIL. NO. II. R. AND S. M., will hold a short business meeting tonight (Wednesday), at 7 P. M. L. L. SCOTT. Rec afOUNT TABOR LODGE. No. 42. A. F. and A. M. Special communications this (Wed.es. day) evening. West Side Temple. F. C. degree, 8 o'clock. M. M. degree, 7:.t0 o'clock. Visiting brethren welcome. K. L. CLI.NK. w. M. WASHINGTON LODGE. , No. it, A. F. and A. M. Stated communication this (Wedne. day) evening, 7:30, East Eighth and Burnslde. Visitors welcome. J. H. RICHMOND, Sec. PALESTINE LODGE, No. 141, A. F. and A. M. stated com munication this Wednsdav) evening, February 7, 7:.1l). Ar Jet Station, Mount Scott car. W. S. TOWNSEND. Sec. PORTLAND CHAPTER, NO. 3. R. A. M. Special convocation this (Wednesday) evening. Feb ruary 6, 7:30 o'clock. R. A. de gree. Visitors welcome. W. P. ANDRUS, Sec MANCHESTER DANCING ACADEMY; SOVi 51 b St. Are you going? Where? To MancheMer Hall, Thursday, Feb. 7. Opening Uarre. Good floor, union music. Come and bring your friends, fte solicit the patronage of refined people. Broadway 2327. Regular dances every Sat, eve. PORTLAND LODGE, NO. 291. L. O. O. M. Regular meeting Moo Temple, 4th and Taylor, at 8 o'clock every Wednesday evening. Visitors welcome. J. F. KENNEDY, Secretary. SAMARITAN LODGE. NO. 2, 1. O. O. F. Regular meeting this tWedncsday) at S P. M., at I. O. O. Temple. 226 Alder st. Initiation. Visitora always welcome. R. OSV'OLD. Sec JESSE T. JONES. N. G. REGULAR (Wednesday) meetintr this evening. E. Sixth and Alder gitreets. ViHitori welcome. Second decret. C. C. STARR. N. i w. w. TKKRY, Sec The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Peoples Amusement Company will be id at the office of the company. Peonies 1 neater Duliainif. .Portland, oreson. N eanes- da-, February 1. 111S. at J:30 P. M. UX UHUbKUKThB JJiKKCTORS. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms. nLna New designs. Jaeger Bro.. 1S1-S 6th at. PRIEDLIN'DER'B for lodn emblama cLsm pina and medala. S10 Wasbington at. FX IS' ERA L NOTICES. KREBS At Valltr. Mont.. January 2. Frank J. Krebp, aped o2 years, husband of lena Ktvbn and brother of Mrs. Pauline Tillel. oi Seattle. Wash.; Mrs. Margaxet M. Mat son. Mrs. Cordelia Keppinner, Mrs. Josephine Hoi ton. Mrs. A. B. Gil Us and Mirhael W. Krebs, of this city, and John Krehs. of Talbot. Or. The funeral serv ice will be held tomorrow iThursday, February 7, at f:..0 o'clock A. M. at the CaDiedral. corner of Fifteenth and Davis streets. Friendw Invited. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. The remains are at the residence establishmnt of J. P. Fin ley fc Son. Montgomery at Fifth street. SHANK In this city. February 4. John ?. , Shane, aged 30 years, beloved brother of Mary Z., Nan C. Frances A. and Robert . Shane, all of thin city. Funeral wtll leav the residential parlors of Miller & Trarpy. Wasbinrton at Ella street, at 8:30 A. Ai. today (Wednesday) for tho Cathe dral. 15th and Davit streets, where mass will be offered at 8 o'clock. Interment , Mt. Calvary Cemetery. Please omit flow ers. SMITH At the "family residence, lfll Ivy M . Feb. 5. 10 1. Richard Lecll Smith. aRed years, ft month. A days, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Smith. The fu neral services will be held at th home. ltl Ivy tn., today (Wednesday). Feb. 6. at 2 P. M., with interment In Columbian Cemetery. Friends invited. ArranKements la care of F. S. Xunnins;. Inc. funeral di rectors. BUTLER In this city. January 2. at bis late residence, 407 Couch street. David L. Butler, need 47 years. Deceased survived by widow and one son. The funeral serv ices wtll b held tomorrow (Thursday). February 7, at 2:30 o'clock P. M-. at the residence establishment of J. P. Finiey fe Pon. Montgomery at. Fifth. Friends in Tited. Interment at. Mount Scott Park Cemetery. TRAINED, experience, girl for general housework, salary f3.V Appreciative em ployers and small home. Only reasonable hours and duties required, une aiternoon. several evenlnpts off weekly. Vou can save money and enjoy your service with us. Please call at 41S Corbett bids. McGOWAN February 5. Mrs. Mary Mc Gowan aired 85 years, beloved mother of John M. McGowan. of Barlow, Or.; Dan J. McGowan. of Tar o ma. Wash., and Mrs. J. P Hayes, of Auburn, Wash. Remains at Dunning & McEntee's parlors, from where ther will be shipped to Tacoma, Wash. HECKIXGER At 5720 Seventieth street Southeast, February 6, Selma Heckinger, aged 20 years, beloved wife of A. F. Heck Inger. Funeral services will be held to morrow (Thursday), at 10 A. M.t at the residential parlors of Miller & Tracey, Washington at Ella streeL DOR-EMITS At 5 Florida street. February 6. Fred Dutemui. aped 85 years, beloved son of Mary Doremus. Funeral services wil! be held tomorrow (Thursday), at 2:30 ' P. M at the residential parlors of Miller 4 Tracey, Washington at Ella street. HAMLIN The funeral services of tbe late Frank Hamlin, aged 45 years, will be held at Holman'a funeral parlors at 10 A. M. today (Wednesday), January Inter ment Xultnomab Cemstary. 4 This directory Is for the information of the public, to give as tar as poa-i alble the different lines of business which tne average person may find occasiosj to use. Any Information which cannot be found here will be gladly furnished by phoning Main 0i0 or A 609o. House 40". ACtOKUlON 1-Li.Ail.SO. faEAlSTlTClllAli. 5c A 1AK1. l-ATUti. . '-a- 4 A. X U A SllliLa. fiAAlbn.1 V - Ei-TY CO.. 85 Vt il'U ST.. BaiTWSHiN OAK AXU STARK ai'S. BUOAmVAl' 2U0U K. IjTlifHAiV. hemsillchinv. scailoDina. tc- coraion side pleat, ouitons covered; man orders. 21 Pluoek bit Broadway louti A&S.lt fcJtS AM) AAlei5TS. MUiSTAiNA A&SAX OsTiUCli. 142 tsecond oojtt. sliver vuq plauauni bo 11 ht. AGATE Cfll'fcitS A.NU 5UO. JtnLLEHH. AiAXKsS cut and polished; jewelry and watch repMirlpg. IVHiler'a. Xih Wash, st. ATTOisLNtla. ATTOiUNEYS-AT-LAW. 618 Pittoclt block. No ciikiga ior consultauon. ORisGON BAlUiiiK b(JFPll' CO. We buy ana sell ail kinds barber supplies. -i0 CANCER. JONES. Al . Morgan blg. CANCER TREATED. Marshall til- 3. CfcLLLLOLD BITTONS. THE iKWiN-HOJJisON COMPANY. 887 Washington. Bdwy. 43-4, A 164. CHIKOPOU1STS. WIL1.IAM, Estelle and William, Jr., De veny, the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists in the city, i1 -triors 30-i Uerllnger biug, southwest corner d and Aiaer. Phones, Main 13U1. A 33U2. CHIKOPOOIST AM) AKCH SPECIALIST. UK. W: E. LA aloNTii. French sanltarv '.painless) method. Wizard syntem of arch lilting. 3Ui-s .'iwetl&r4a bids, slain S4ti. CHIKOPKACT1C I'H VS1C1AN8. SICK FEOtLE: Dr. , Uc.Yla.hon. Portland. lW)7o chlropr.ctlc slKcialist. That's why I never have to employ drugs, operations, vibrators, violet rays, electricity, heat. Jlgnt ana other Josu itouse stunts. 1 move the causes ot disease quickly, surely and less expensively. Daily convincing he doubting- Thomas. 31 adjustments $16, seven a. I'hone. call or write. CKA.VE LET7EK Co., -CIO N. W. bldg. alar. B8l'2. lot) letters multlgraphed. sl.60. COLLECTION AGKNCIKS. NETH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 17HU. No col.ectiens, no charge; established 1DU0. DANCING. MANCHESTER DANCING ACADEMY, 85 Vi Fitth Under new management. Latest dances taught, 10 private leusons 95. Hours 10 A. M. to :M. Broadway 2321. UKS. FLECK'S ACADEMY Social and slag, dancing, private instruction; claaees Mon.. Thurs., 8 to 10. 10U id mu. bet. Wash, and Stark. Main 2100. Electric Motors. FOR SALE, TRADE OR RENT. L. A. WALKER ELECTRICAL WORKS. 413 Burnaide.- Broadway S674. EVE, EAJK, NOSK ANU TH KOAT. Dr. F. F. Caaseday, treatment; glasses fitted. TOO E. Burngide. cor. 2Qth. B. 131a. E. 4784. FLl'FF KIGS AND RAG BIGS. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS IngraJns, Brussels, Smyrna, Axminster rag niKs. all aizea: nail orders prompt: booklet. CARPET CLEANING, REFITTING, ETC. BxLS rugs cleaned and steamed, .f. ... .$1.00 WESTERN HXH- Kl.fi CO.. 64-86 Union Ave. N. East 0516. B 1475. WHOLESALERS AND ALTO AND BUGGY TOPS. DUB RUILLE BUGGY TOP CO., 8th and Oak. GitAIN MEKt'HANTS. PACIFIC GitAIN CO.. Board of Trade bldg. DKV GOODS. L.DINKELSPIEL CO. Furnishings. Notions. Ill Sherlock bldg. GROCERIES. WADHAMS st CO.. 65-75 Front at. HAT6 AND CAPS. thaVHOUSEK HAT CO.. 5S-55 Front HIDES, WOOL, CASCABA Sims. KAHN BKOS.. 101 Front St. ivn I I RKII ATING OILS. W. P. FULLER A CO.. ll'ta andaisjjtx ACCTION SALES TODAY. ' rrd Auction House, 11 M at. Furniture, carpets, etc. Bale at 2 P. M. At Wilson'. Auction Hoium, at IS A. su furniture, lee-171 Second mt. DIED. SEAMAN In tWs city, February s, trrio Infant daugnter oi jar. aim sji.. . man, of 5SS Union aiiue North, age 1 year 8 months and 4 ,. Remains are ai. the parlors ot the Skewes Lnacrtaklng Company, corner of Third and Clay. 1 u nerul notice later. JORDAN In this city. February 4. orm C. Jordan, aged 48 years, beloved husband ol Mrs. Lorin C. Jordan. Notice of funeral later. Arrangemenis in wic Tracey. ilREBS AtValier. Mont., January 25. ran J. Krebs. aged-4j years i no Finlev & ijrSn, Montttomery at Fifth, tlce of funeral hereafter. No- JUNERAX PIRECTORa.. Krlw.nl HolmaiL Pres. W. J. Hoi man. Sec J. E. Werlein. Treaa. THE EDWARD H0OIAN UNDERTAKING CO. Established 1ST7. THIRD ST.. CORNER OF SALMON. A Modern, Spacious Family Room With Private Entrance. LADY, ASSISTANT. Phones Mala 607, A 1511. Perfect Funeral Service for Less. MILLER & TRACEY Independent- Funeral Directors. Wash. St.. bet. 20th and 21st. West Side. Main 26UL Lady Assistant. J. P. FUSaltlCaf & SOS. Progressive Funeral 1. rectors. Prtvaie urive Women Attenua(a. MONTUO-llii-KH: AX Flij'Xll. Main It. A 153 b. lady Aasiatant. C WILstiON A RU&&, Funeral Ui rectors, inc. Multnomah at (seventh Street. EEUCSON Residence Undertaking Pariora, 2ih and Morrison sta Alain tilUd. A 'IMS. DUNNING ic McENTKE. funeral direct or- iiroauway uu , - Uroadway eau. A 4jj& Lady attendant. Fi S. DUNNING, INC. THK GOLDKN KULi. UNDtSKTAKERS. 414 East Alder street. Kast 52. B BREEZE & SNOOK Belmont at S5th T. i25B, B 254 MB. AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu neral service. 1U73 B. Glisan. Tabor 4318. P. L. LEKCH. Bast 11th ana CUy LadV attendant. East 781. B 13&8. A.R.Zeller Co. 692 Williams Av. " SKEW&S UNDERTAKING COMPANY, Sd nd Clay. Main 4152, A 221. Lady aaniatanl. CKMETKKUwS. BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY Lowest Prices Best Service. No expense after interment. Prices lower than other ceme teries. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 2M-2 4th opposit. City Hall. Mala S604. PtaiUp Ned j Sons for meiaoiial IcTVBlCSINS CRaKiiTC CO. I ltKTH.IZh.KS. KOTXED cow and horse xuacur. Kast ltl C A.'it4. , JINK. a JUNK A,U EAHDWARK. The Oreson Junk Co.. 21 Front ati Main 623o. We bu all kinds junk, inetaiaj pay highest prices. te us before you ail) Ml SIC Ala. f AKKEIl tichool ol Popular IVlualc. to -'U leasons. 4)l-2 filers bid. Term ; OHi-JUuiS' Conservatory tbchool) o Wubicj 34 5-i Witaliiniiion st.. ai Broadway, city iiAlIL THltLHUK.N", aevclk, .'Ui !' lifeline violin teacher, pupl VIOLIN lessons ouc. Fhono aat ootlV ven4 OflO.UJitKlslS AND OPTICIANS. Will FA MORE 7 A SAVING from SO to iu per cenl Promptly titled glasses a. losl as SI. do. 4000 satislied customer satisfaction guaranteed. Chas. W. GoodJ man, optoinetrmt. 20tf Morrison. Main 21-4 4-ATENTS. R. G. WRIGHT 22 years' experience. U. Sa and foreign pateuts. bol Dekum bldg. IHlslCIANS. DK. R. A. PHlLLli'S, WJ4 Broadway bldg Rheumatism, female disorders, skin trou bles. siomach. liver, kidneys, bowel) throat; goitre, scalp, high Dloud presuurei DR. iLUUA A. BROWN, goitre and disease of women. TOO E. Burnttue, cor. .tun iu PLl'MBING Htl'PLIE.S. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prlcesi StarK-Duvis Co.. 212 3d st. Alain 797. PRINTING. KEVSTONE PRES E. Gantenbein. Mgra Println. and lnotyplng. 1004 .'rout sLj corner Stark. Main or A 141&. THE IVY PRESS. 382 Stark st. Broadway eQg, A 40S. rKlNHNG b W. BAl-TliS & COMPANY 1st and Oak sts. Main 165. A llt3 CAKL R. JUNKS. M Wilcox bldg. RIGS. NORTHWEST RUG CO., ealabl.ahMi 10- Flutl ruga ana rag ruga woven a.u i--w Kai.t Stb. and Taylor. Kat 35i0. B STORAGE AND TKANS1ER. ALWA PICK THE BEST llouaenoia goods peciaiiau; siortige, p-ciu, .iv ping and moving; horse and auto vans; .special freight ratea to all pointa. J O. PICK TRANSFER tfc STORAGE CO lid ar.d Tine ats. Broadway 56. A 196. OREGON TKaiiXbl-ER CO.. 4.4 Ullian SU' corner latn. Teiepnone uroauwuj -oi A lltid. We own and. opera-te two larg claaa "A" warehouaea on terminal tracks loweat insurance rates in the- city.' CUT freight rates to all points on household. goods. Manning warenuuec tx j. i-u-iw Co., tth and Hoyt. Broadway 703. MADIriON-ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE. Office leu maaison. ueiicrm iiirauftuuirw an d forwarding agents. Phone Main 76HI. PACKING, MOVING. STORAOG. SECURirV STORAGB-& TRANSFER CO !u5 Park at. Main 5t5. A 1001. MOOD. NATIONAL FUEL Ci., East' U041. E. 2d and Oregon sts.; siapwoou. f-'" U1;""""'' NATIONAL FUEL CO.. East 2041. E. 2d 1 ao4 Oregon sis.; sia"". ' GREEN AND DRY SLABWOOD. blockwood. 'anama ruei c. - " BIANUFACTURERS PAINTS, OU-S ANU GLASS. RASMUSSEN & CO.. ad and Taylor. PIPE. PIPE FITTINGS ANU VALVES. M. L.. KLINE, H4-b0 Front at. PLl'MBING AND bTEA.M FITTING. M. L. KLINE. 84-jSil Front at. PRODl'CE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVEKD1.NG & KAKKELU 140 Front at. HOPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. FULLER A CO.. llilh and Davis sts. WALLPAPER. MILLER Wall Paper Pt. Co.. 172 1st St. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d SU MAtSOLKCK. RIVER VIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM Taylor ft'errj Road, lintl Ktrerrlew Car line. The only civilized method of burial. Snow-white, always dry, sanitary toraba. Permanent title and endowment; $250 up tJ3ti littock Block. Phone Broadway oX. FLORISTS. MARTIN & FORBES CO., Florists, 3M Washington. Maiir 269. A 1269. Flower for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS.. Florita. 287 Morrison au Main or A 1805. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. -85 Washington St.. bet. 4th and 5th. Main G102. A 1161. MAX M. SMITH. Main 7215. A 2121. billing bldg., 6th and Alder sts. PEOPLES FLORAL. SHOP. 245 Alder. Flowers and designs. Phone Marshall 5922. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office, Room 153 Courthouse. Stb bt. Entrance. Phone from 8 to 6 Mam 38, Home Phone A. tb'b. iRht call after office hours Main 270. Report all cases of cruelty to the abova address. Electric lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick and disabled animals at a moment's notice. Any one desiring a dog or other pets communi cate with u. Call for all lost or strayed siock. aa we look after all impounding-. There Is no mora" city pound, just Orecon Humane Society. NEW TODAY. RESTAURANT LOCATION Old established restaurant location on WASHINGTON ST. Near Fifth will be vacant March 1. If interested inquire . Room 701 Rothchild Bldg. Fourth and Washington Garages Call for Illustrated Price List, 354 Ankeny St. Phone Broadway 148. SamonnellLumberGoj MORTGAGE LOANS F.d. hand lor rd far a 1 1 elty loan at close Interest rate. 1 1 Prompt. Rellslile Herrtes. II A. H. BIRRELL CO. tl731 Northwester Marshall 4114. slaah HuUdlath A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS ON BUSINESS AND RESIUBMCfl PJsOPKHTT. , t . ROBERTS01 si BWIHO. I a0T-e) artliwatcra Jsaais t?14aU J i