Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 06, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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Ask for This
With the New
New Bread
will use the domestfc science room for
her address and demonstration. She
will give the recipes as told by Miss
Council's Complaint Complet
ed and Filed in Circuit Court.
Early Decision Is Sought.
Johnson, of the Oregon Agricultural
College, on Monday night in the Pres
byterian Church house. All women of
the district are invited. This means
Mrs. K. W. Charles will speak at I
Beaumont School at 1 o'clock today and
will exhibit bread made according; to
food conservation regulations and
aitima titan inillinT f TCV-" ;T'lPOff,'ge'''''''CSWe89ee9Be9af?(f gewaeoeeeooeoeoognyt
" FAREJS OB ijifflM
Attorneys Believe They Have Strong
la Against Order of Commlj
ion la Rtrrctmr Ce and Are
Hopeful of Winning Battle.
Mi City Council" flht against tha
l-crnt streetcar far order o( tb Pub
lic jervic CoromiMion is on. Th.
complaint In th ras wu finally com
tleted v-terday and waa filed In th
Circuit Court. An effort will be made
to et ib early decision.
Attorneys In the cam ar strong!
hopeful, of winning tb. battle. In
their complaint they set forth flv
special point, two of wbkb arc con
itlfrtd particularly strong. Th.y b,
uncovered a mass of argument, d
cisions and law which, they say. la fa
vorable to their side of the lnu. Th
attorneys In the rasa are city Attor
ney LaKocbe. Chief Deputy City At
tomey Tomlinson. Martin ripea. atlor
rev .elected by Mayor Baker, and W
T. Hume, attorney representing Com
ani.ionee Kellaher.
The flr.t point made In tha complain
la based vn tba technicality taat tn
s'ate was not a party to the order o
the Public Service Commission selling
aid the 1-cent fare: that It was not
an act of the state by any of Ita law
afit-ere or by ita law.
The second contention, and one of
tie strunaest. la tbat the people
Portland In lU enacted the tonal
aioa charter In which are minute pro
visions pertaintns; to tha regulitlon of
nubile service companies, including; ma'
chtnery for the fixing of fares. Thl
charter with these provision waa
acted under th Initiative and It la con
faded tbat this liven th city contra
over th straetcar company Instead
that control being In tbe hands of th
Public Service Commission. It Is con
tended tbat th Public riervlre Commis
sion art exempts from Jurisdiction of
the Public lervlc Commission laws
and refutations enacted by the voters
In communities under th Initiative.
T.i third contention I that the
Public riervlc Commission order vio
lates tbe constitution of th .tat
linini and of the Cnlted States by
lmr.lnnr the obligation of t h coo
Ira.t. whK-n In this case U th Iran
The fourth point Is based on a tech
mtenlity it is contended that there was
no allegation In the complaint of
sirvttr.r rompony and nothing In the
Kroteedin. in the ca to silow that
the city's regulation of rates has be
come unreasonable. In this respect It
Is claimed that th complaint of th
company should have mentioned sr-riri-atly
th city ordinances providing
for th S-reol far, claiming that tneee
ordinance were unreasonable and
bouUl be set aside.
TH fifth contention In th cas I
that the order of tha Public Servl
Commliston violate th horn rul
amendment of th state constitution.
An effort will b made to net an
earlv heannar In the case In th Cir
cuit Court and to appeal to the Stat
Sunrein Court. The attorneys hava
hopes of getting a decision from the
Supreme Court in a short tin:.
Commercial Organisation Ix-cidrs to
Help Iertrlup Community.
P.EAVERTON. Or, Feb. S. (Special.)
A rousing meeting of th Beaverton
Commercial Club was held Monday
nieht at Cady HalL Utto Eric son was
elected president for th year. J. Prank
Mruud vice-president. K. U Tucker
Secretary and I. liray treasurer.
With thes boosters In control, sun
ported by all th businesa men. Heaver
ton -will do things" tn 11. Tlgard.
lieedvtlle and Aloha-Huber. other live
or(anixa:lons. are co-operating wltn
The great resource of th east end
ef Washington County will b devel
oped and on of th greatest and rich
t sections of the Willamette. Valley
will be put on th map.
, 9 . , . , '
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The Glencoe Bed Cross auxiliary will
be represented by Mrs. Mildred Powers I
at the course of lectures' on food
economy being- given under the auspices
of the United States food administra
tion. Mrs. Powers will read her notes I
and recipes to the women of the aux
iliary at their regular weekly meeting.
Thursday from 10 A. M. to 4:30 P. M.
in the Glencoe School sewing room.
All members should take notebooks
and pencils.
This auxiliary is taking a lead in I
doing good, efficient war work and its j
Red Cross articles have been com
mended highly for the excellence of I
the workmanship.
. a
The Unitarian Woman's Alliance will
have a Red Cross meeting today in-1
stead of any literary programme. There I
will be a business session at 3 o clock. 1
On every Monday and Wednesday ofl
every week these good women meet I
and do Red Cross work.
. . .
First Presbyterian Red Cross unit I
will meet today for an all-day session
and work in the church house.
The auxiliary to Company G. 16!d
Infantry, will meet at 2:30 o'clock to
day in the Library. The auxiliary is
planning a dance for February 12. bast I
aide woodmen s Hall.
The Red Cross unit of the Woman's
Catholic Order of Foresters will meet
this afternoon in the hall, 617 Ganten-
bein avenue.
. .
Kennedy Parent-Teacher Association
will meet at 3 o clock In tbe school
house and will be addressed by Mrs.
P. Ii. Cook, who will give "The Lesson
Authorized by the" Food Administra
tion on "What and How to Save."
The Metzger Woman's Club will hear
an address today by Donald Skene.
who will tell of his experiences at
Sumner Relief Corns wants more
P.ed Cross workers. Tomorrow, begin'
ning at 10 o'clock, the corps will have
an all-day meeting in the headquarters
in the Courthouse. New rules for
knitting will be given out.
Conforms With Hoover's Victory Bread Regulations
Contains Barley, Oatmeal and Rye Flours
Try It Today Your Grocer Has It
results of their lessons and thereby
pass on valuable information to the
housewives of Portland to grasp the
problem of food conservation by cook
ing with "substitutes."
The weekly Red Cross sewing will
be held as usual at 10 A. M. in the
sewing room of the Hawthorne build
ing, second floor. It is the desire of
the circle for all women in the vicinity
who can donate an hour or so of their
time to do their bit in the interest of
their country. Bring your lunch. Tea
will be served.
e e
Chapter M, P. B. O. Sisterhood, will
meet at 1 o'clock today with Mrs. B. E.
Haney. 483 East Fifteenth street North,
for sewing.
Trinity Episcopal Guild will meet at
2:30 o'clock today in the parish house.
nim of $t.e Nretlrtl for Mr
OMrll llaild. n at t nlrrlly.
r"b. 4 iMWfUt.. To r:- fJ.'tf tor
tor mn M-mori. butMinc. for
r.rn-4. tn t--k wttirtt a
? lh Stt fVl-TAlton of VVomn'
lnt. appointed at tft Ut nnu1
n(irf. r- t f.r .tlf. Mr. Kojr T.
Hi -bop. t( rrd!--'on. b th torn-
A rt of n tcfturrs by Llc-u
tr oti'ouonr John lmdrr. Dr. Corc
n-t and I-r. K W. tfHuk. of lh
t'r! faculty, to fc tv in Pori-
n4 nr1r I rv, ionorr..p of Mr.
Mitr parrt1 aiH 3Ur. W. D. WhtfN
wrtKbt op?n tb cantaif n. which
l tnf-rdvd to rch f-ry corner of
tn sat
IfK utmoat aimpllcltr marked the
arrtace of ilti Evelyn Carey
od Lieutenant Charles T. Don-
worth which waa ajlemniid Ut niht
at the home of th bride's parents.
tiiiK nd Mrs. Charles H. Carey. River-
dale. His Grace. Archbtuhop Christie,
read the Impressive service at 8:30
'clock, before a. iratherins; of relatives
nd a few close frleuds of the bride.
lr. Eusn Hockey acted as best man.
romlni from American Itke for the oc
casion. The bride waa unattended and
smartly gowned In a dark blue
a.lleur. worn with a chic Spring hat
f the same tones and a cor aire of or
hide and bride rosebuds. Mlxs Kath
rln Holhrook played the weddlnar
march and folIo'lnc the ceremony, a
buffet wcddlns; supper was nerved
udsre and Mrs. George Lon worth, of
Semttle. parents of the bridegroom, and
Mis Kuth Gazzam. a cloie friend of the
ride, also a resident of .Seattle, came
own for the ceremony. The bouse was
decked prettily with a profusion of
Spring bloautom and ferns.
Lieutenant lHnworth and his bride
rt for a brief wedding trip and upon
their return they will make their home
the Country Club adjoining Camp
The engagement of this popular
oung couple wa announced only a
few weeka ago. Mrs. Roderick Macleay
Ihng the news to a few friends of the
ride at an Informal tea, the brid.
Mr?. Lon worth, acting in a similar
apaclty last yar for Mr. Macleay.!
ho was then Miss Barbara Mackensie. i
The bride Is a charming and lovable
girl and is one of the mot popular of
the young girls In Portland society
Site 1 a devoted war-worker, a member
of the Junior League and aeveral other
organisations of a patriotic and philan
thropic nature.
Lieutenant Ionworth Is a Tale man
and well-known young attorney of Se
attle, where be practiced law prior to
entering the Army. He is stationed
with the llftt Iepot Brigade at Camp
Lewi, receiving his commission as
r'irt Lieutenant In the first training
camp at the Presidio. He Is a popular
clubman a well as being a social
favorite In the Pound city and be is a
member of the Psi I'peilon.
Mirhnr CUc Men.
AP.KRPKKN. Wash . Feb J . ?
ct( -Trnl enlistments hre t
month bruutiil i;r. iUrhor rontrl
itTn In ni ! of whir, number
m r vo'anfra t th- S enlist
Birntt -cured. 1 wer for the Army
and lour tor the N.
r-one our ant as to The Orego
r ' ; .
o Trouble to Keep
Skin Free From Hairs
The Modern fteaaty.)
There i. Ft a need f,r any woman Is
cejunteraore superfluMU hairs, because
with pat made tv miiin some pow.
dered drtatnne iih water it Is easy to
a.t rid of them. The paste i arpiled
for two to three minutes, then rubbd
f and the skin wa.heal This treat
ment will rt4 the sktn cf n ir without
leaving a blemish, hut rar shnM be
taken to that yon (el real
ton. Adv.
Valthful followers of the lenten re
quirements are cettinK ready fur their
la-t flinif at calety.
At th llultnumab Hotel women, lirls
rd younc men from lurelhurst and
other seniors of th rity will rl busy
this niornina' In preparina for the
bazaar whlh All Saints I'hnrrrt will
-haperon and whlrh will becln Thurs
day, ronlinulnr through Friday and
Th booths will be open each after
noon, but It will b In the evening thst
.cK-ietr will have Its Innlncs. Musics I
procrammea and dsnclna will b
scheduled and Into th three days will
be crowded enouah of Joy to last the
participants throush the weeks that
are set aside fr sackcloth and ashea
Mr. Paul Morrht. Mrs. Koer Sln-
nolt. Mrs. tJeorre entworth. Mr. J,
Vaten'ine. Mrs. t'harles Parenstarker
anil Mr. Iltrmonj Sulhvsn will head
the list of matrons who will b in
t-harae of th sellina of merchandise
rd the entertainment of visitors.
Th committee of men who are aiding
Father . R Cronin Is rnmposed of
Jack Valentine. J. Krsll.h. Joseph
Kotenhofer. i:a mond Sullivan and
Prank Healr.
The baaa-r la given for th benefit
of the newly dedicated All Saints
Nii'tiurrk. th third edifice erected
through the efforts of th young Port
land priest. Palher t'mnin. It is ex
pected that th revenues will mak a
ronslderabl dent In th rhurch debt
and that th basaar will be patronised
Port lander, of all religious beliefs.
Th a.semblv hsll and tea garden
will r used for th. purposes of th
family this evening. Father Edwin V
O'Hara will officiate and the couple
will be attended by Miss Anita Smyth,
sister of th bride-elect, and Mr. Pen
field, a brother soldier of the bridegroom-to-be.
Mr. Jeffcott is stationed
In the base hospital at Camp lewis,
where Mr. Penfleld alo is stationed.
The wedding will be most Informal and
simple, only relatives, with a few close
friends, to be In attendance.
Mrs. L. L. Hill and her small son.
Russelll. from Portlsnd. are enjoying
a delightful visit in Los Angeles with
Mrs. Hill's mother. Mrs. A. Paulsen.
They will remain in Southern Califor
nia Indefinitely.
An informal dancing party will be
given by the Kose City Park Com
munity Club on Friday evening, be
ginning at 8:30 o'clock. Good orches
tra music will be furnished and re
freshments served. The reception com
mittee will be composed of Mr. and
Mrs. A- fcl Manner. Mr. and Mrs. K. K.
Dennison. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Pool. Mr.
and Mrs. H. J. Blaesing, Mr. and Mrs.
A. R. Ritter and Mr. and Mrs. A. Laid
law. e
Mr. and Mrs P. H. Farrell and daugh
ter Helen, of Billings. Mont., are in
Portland visiting relatives. They will
visit at the home of his mother and
brothers. John and Will, 73 East Tenth
street North; Mrs. William Hoss. 170
Hast Second street North: Mrs. J. Dela
hunty, Aetna Apartments, and Thomas
Kartell. Mississippi avenue and Knutt
Mr. and Mrs. Farrell have three sons
in the Army. Leonard T- who is with
the engineers In Maryland, and Cor
poral Dewey, who recently went to
France, and James H.. who ii at Ameri
can Lake. They visited with him be
fore coming here and be also came to
Portland to visit with his parents and
relatives. The boys' grandfather Far
rell was a Civil War veteran.
Owing to the rush of other musical
events, the Kose City Park Club has
postponed Its Palaclos Spanish String
Quartet party, m'hich was scheduled for
this evening, until a week from to
night. ...
A dinner and a card parly are the
diversions for which Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
P.osenthal. of the Multnomnh Hotel,
will be hosts tomorrow night. Dinner
will be served in the Arcadian Oardens
for 30 and later the half hundred guests
will go to the royal suite where tables
will be arranged for cards. They also
will have music and probably dancing
before tbe close of the gaiety.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Tgan have
returned from a delightful and Inter
esting trip to California. They have
been away for about a fortnight and
participated In a number of charming
festivities while in the south.
A number of society folk attended
the Orpheum vaudeville Monday night,
on of the box parties having Dr. and
! Mrs. Samuel C. Slocum as hosts, the
affair being given In honor of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank jtansom. Later they joined
the supper-dancers at the Multnomah
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sewnll. Mr and
Mrs. Kdward H. Khrman. Miss Kmliy
The auxiliary to Company C. lS2d
Infantry, will have a social meeting
The Coterie will meet at 11 o'clock
this morning in the Young Women's
this afternoon at the home of Mrs. K. I Christian Association.
A. Halloway. 6 East Eleventh street
North. Members and friends are asked
to meet and take an interest in the pa
triotic work. (Montavllis. car.)
Auxillarv to Batteries A and B, 147th
Field Artillery, will give a Valentine.
dancing and card party at Myrtle Park
hall. February 14. All friends of these
units invited. The committee is com
posed oi Mis Jennie Loughlin. Mrs.
M Holcomb. Mrs. C. W. Michael. J. S.
Whitney and C. M. Alden.
A series of lectures will be given at
the St. Johns Library on food conserva
tion and practical recipes for wartime
cookery. The lectures have been ar
ranged by Mr. Ayer, the food adminis
trator, and will be given on Wednes-
days at 2 P. M. during the regular
meeting of the Red Cross auxiliary,
which begins at 1 A. M. Women are
invited to attend and be prepared to
Auxiliary to Batteries A and B, 147th
Field Artillery, will give a silver tea
at the residence of the president. Mrs.
J. S. Whitney. 3730 Sixty-third street
Southeast, today at 2 P. M. Mount Scott
car to Laurelwood Station; walk IV2
blocks north.
The women of Lincoln-Garfield Corps,
No. 19, will meet In the hall, 525 Court
house, all day Friday to make gun-
cleaners. Those attending are asked
to take suitable material, as stockings
or old outing flannel. Members and
all workers will take their lunches.
A programme
of interest will be presented. Among
those contributing special numbers will
be Miss Hilda Faust, Mrs. D. A. Waters,
Mrs. W. H. Markell. Mrs. F. O. Miller
and Mrs. Newton McCoy,
The Lipman-Wolfe Richet Sewing
Club will meet as usual today.
Miss Alice Cason will be hostess at
the regular meeting of the Self-Culture
Club at the home of her sister, Mrs. C.
W. Wakefield, 1221 East Thirtieth
street North, on Friday evening at 8
o'clock. A number of enlisted men
from Vancouver will be guests of the
club. Alberta-street car; get off at
Jarrett street; third house on south
side of street.
The Hawthorne Unit of the Re
Cross will meet Friday at the home
Mrs. Robert L. Ball, 288 East Forty
sixth street.
The educational department of the
Portland Woman's Club will be in
charge of the programme on Friday in
the regular clubrooms. Mrs. M. Baruh
is chairman and Mrs. Frederick" H.
Whitfield, vice-chairman. Mrs. J. I).
Spencer will speak.
Miss George Weister will entertain
the Irvington Art Class today. The
meeting will be at 2:30 P. M. in Mrs.
Weister's home, East Fifteenth and Sis
kiyou streets.
yve.iaiir Imperial Cuai fry mf e.v
r-4. SMisiast I weeiS-reaevr..
t.rk.r. l.e"o Aor. I w. c,cila.
vi.ia .'. la t'M.a.4 .1 a-a .wain
F''.-. Hil ttns PHene. Atle
v . '. yt i.r v. -
Demonstration of war bread
making Ainsworth School. 4 P.
M. ; Mrs. J. F. Ewing. speaker.
First Presbyterian Unit All
day, church house.
Calvary Unit All day.
Beaumont to have war bread
demonstration Beaumont
School. 3 P. M. ; Mrs. Charles,
Unitarian Alliance Unitarian
chapel, all afternoon.
Co-operative League East
Tenth and Weidler, this after
noon. Kennedy Parent-Teachers
War cooking lecture, 3 P. M.;
Mrs. F. 11. Cook. Kennedy School.
Anabel Presbyterian Unit
Church basement, 10 to 5 o'clock.
Coterie T. W. C. A.. 11 A. M.
Auxiliary to Company G Li
brary, 3:30 P. M.
W. C. T. U. Conference In T.
W. C. A. auditorium. 10 A. M.
Hawthorne Association Alice
Joyce to speak. 3:30 P. M.
Auxiliary to Batteries A and B,
Silver tea. with Mrs. J. S. Whit
ney. Irvington Art Class With Mrs.
George Weister;
UFUS HOLM AN will speak at the
League this afternoon at the East Side
Clubhouse on East Tenth and Weidler
and Mason Ehrman. Mr. and Mrs. Will- i streets.
Um Sybil Brown, of this rity. a
charming and popular girl, I visiting
n !eatile with Mr. and Mr. W. V.
K:nehart. Jr. Mis Frowns brother.
Lieutenant I.vl F. Brown, t. stationed
at Camp Lewis.
An event of Interest to lowans r
Mm I. Pnpttinil la the monthly meet .
I lee which will be held thla evenlna In
the Multnomah lloteL Aa Interesting
programme, has been arranged for the
ent. Imludmg vocal and Instrumental
selections, reading and dancing.
M'ss Ijiclll. Smyth, daughter of Mm.
P J Smyth, will became the bride of
. j - foot t chr i-.e -f . ' Srtixin
lam House. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Conant.
Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Page and daughter.
Mis Helen. Mr. and Mrs. Guy W.
Standlfer and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Selling
made tip various line parties.
A number of folk who changed their
nsual Monday-night Orpheum party on
account of the Godowsky concert at
the Auditorium plan on giving them
this evening.
Mr. and Un. Holt W. Cooklngham
ar domiciled In their new residence.
72 Johnson street.
He will speak on
Can Do to Assist in
By Edith Knight Holmes
All presidents of club, and organisa
tions are asked to be present.
A social hour will follow tha meet
ing. .
Professor Joseph K. Hart will ad
dress the Portland Kindergarten Coun
cil at Us luncheon in the T. W. C. A.
I tea room Saturday at 13 o'clock. Pro
i fessor Hart, who I. head of the depart-
ment of education. Reed College, will
I speak on "Discipline and Freedom." As
I this topic i. of interest to mother, and
! teachers a large attendance is expected.
Young Anilior Seeks Service.
Feb. 5. (Special.) Edison Marshall,
former student of the university from
Medford. whose short-story contribu
tions to a number of the leading maga
sines of the country have won him rec
ognition in that field, has made appli
cation for. admission into the fourth
class in ordnance stores accounting,
which Is to open on the campus March
11. Eager to get to the front in some
g ' "-sesesseessaaejeSJer-.. ' HIWSm...,, y
ill fK "ain ,- M" i II
jyifiiik i5i
ijlfefe 1 O vS II
. to rigjhit living "by '"'rt " II
I atirt'l, Bran in "---'Jr .J II
tKis Delicious anl 'jr A i II
I Palatable form. j-m, X II
I Cer,S jjs II
capacity or other, Marshall has applied
for enlistment in several other branches
of the service, but has been rejected
on physical grounds.
Mayor says the soldiers should not be
required to help maintain the bridge
owned jointly by Oregon and Wash-incton.
Bridge Toll Declared Unfair.
Mayor Baker wants soldiers allowed
to cross over the Interstate bridge be
tween Portland and Vancouver without
having to pay the customary toll. He
has sent a letter to the Interstate
Bridge Commission asking that consid
eration he given the subject. The
t v,..iwr
The Hawthorne Parent-Teacher Cir
cle will hold Its regular monthly busi
ness meeting today at 1:30 o'clock in
room A in the Hawthorne school build-
THERE Is no excuse In the world forilng. Miss Alice Joyce, of the Oregon
women who are Interested in ' Agricultural College, will speak on
. . , . . I "School and Home Gardens" to em-
making war bread, not knowing ho!,,,,,,,,,, ,he ln1p0ru,nce of a large food
to mak. them and bow to use th. whit.,puf)p,T th. yMr A spx.iai invitation
flour substitutes. In all parts of the j ts extended to the children of the upper
city lectures ar. being given on the, grades who are contemplating making
topic and It is the auty or everv nouse- gsraen ana wno wisn mruirr inior
kepr and cook to get th. recipes and j mation along this line to attend this
try them. i lecture at 3:30 P. M. The delegates
Today at 4 o'clock Mrs. J. F. F.wing who are taking the lecture course on
. Ill sp.-ak In th. Am -rth S-lo-l snd f. d 1' ;-.i::.Uon v. 1 13 demon, i rite the
IUUK tot ine miner
Notice how easily he prepares those de
licious flapjacks. Hotcakes that are so
simple to make require no eggs, but
i ter, baking powder, salt nor yeast. So
inexpensive that they help you save as
well as conserve.
Albers Flapjack Flour
will make the perfect hotcake. Big. golden
brown, enticing hotcakes, light and savory;
o welcomed by all the family; you will be
enthusiastic for an Albers Flapjack morning
every day in the year.
Acquire th cereal habit
It's a patriotic one.
Riberr cerealr
1 M
"look for tha firmer
Your Grocer can supply you
in neat air-tight package
Albers Bros. Milling C A Member of the V. S Pood Administration
When it comes to shorten
ings, Cottolene is Queen of
the Kitchen. Butter does
some things well; other short
enings do other things.
Wholesome Cottolene takes
the place of all shortenings.
It combines true economy
with better cooking.
Notice the flavor and crisp
ness in these baking powder
Baking Powder Biscuits
Into two cups of sifted pastry flour sift
and mix one level teaspoon salt and two
rounded teaspoons baking powder; chop
in one level tablespoon chilled Cottolene.
Wet to stiff dough with 3i cup of half
water and half milk. Roll. Cut.
Rolled ?4'-inch thick and cut with 2
inch biscuit cutter this recipe will mak
13 biscuits. , .
'Mak Goo4 Cooking Bttfr'
At grocers in tins
of convenient sizes
Mattresses and Pillows
We do Wool Carding
135 Tenth, Near Alder
MAIN ZA74. .