Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 06, 1918, Image 1

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    VOL. LVIII. NO. I7,8oO.
U.S. Handicapped Now,
Says Senator.
Thomas Gordon Displays Letters
From Mother Substantiating Ilia
Claim for S13S.O0O.
BEND. Or, Feb. 5. (Special.) When
Thomas Cordon advertised for a wife
and announced that he would some day
fall beir to Hit. 000. It was only a few
days, before a wllllnr bride appeared
and they were married. It waa Mrs.
Bella Morris who answered the ad
vertlsemant and she Is now Airs.
Present System Declared to
r I i- I ' suDsianiiate ma Claim ui cumin
DC OOngiOrneraiiOn, wealth. Gordon displayed a letter pur
porting to be from his mother In
Queeastown. Ireland, telling him of his
Inheritance and urging him to got a
good wife who would put a check on
his spendthrift habits. "Tou spent
t'tOt in one week at the Chicago Fair
and fSOO la two days at Frisco." his
mother wrote, r
That the family bad plenty of money
la evident from am offer made by the
mother to buy Gordon's "farm" In Ban
Francisco fur $00,000. and another in
Texas for COO.OOO. Ills brother also
proposed to "buy him a young heifer
fox fiOO." According to Gordon, his
mother is now In Faris and he waa to
Tr.5H!Xr.TON. Feb. 5. Develop-1 receive his money as soon as he wsi
Pleats today Prora led indefinite exfen. I married.
ion of the controversy la the Senate
"r war cmcieacy and the n ft KlPr U ft I I milMCDC UIM
ViSoroa Arguments Pretested 1
. fcepport of Changes la Army
.Machinery First Championed
p by Chamberlain,
jnimary committee a Mil for a war
cabinet and munition director.
Seaator Maoswortb. a Kepublican I Order Revoking Licenses of Tacoma
eorommittee member, delivered a pre-
Pared speech la behalf of the proposed
legislation, criticisms; what he de
clared as alter lark of system and com
prehensive planning la tbe Govern
ment a war activities.
There were no replies to-lay by Ad.
ministration spokesmen, but several ex
pect to speak tomorrow.
vteve. mf tarbete Ahead.'
In spile of effort to curtail the srl-
tat ion. so many Senators have Indi
cated their Intention to prepare ad
dressee ea one aide or the other that
the dtacusaioa will probably continue
Into next week at least.
5 n a tor Mi I -Me. Democrat, and Sen
ator Ktrby. a Democratic committee
Bember. plan to speak tomorrow, the
former to attack the constitutionality
i taa committee measures and tbe lat
ter to defend the Army's operations In
review of the committee's evidence.
senator McKellar. Democrat, and
republican, both committee
members, are framing addresses in sup
port or the .legislation.
Beber to Rtsssnr.
Further disclosure of the Gortrn-
tnem't military programme are ex-
reeled tomorrow when Secretary Baker
Resorts Declared Illegal.
TACOMA. Wash, Feb. I. (Special.)
Daacehalls of the city which were
ordered cloaed for altered Infractions
of the amended dancehall ordinance
won their fight today when revocation
of their licenses was rescinded by Com
missioner of Public Safety Pettlt. The
order was signed by Judge Csrd In the
test case of R R Kchrlbner. proprietor
of the Liberty dance pavilion.
The license was revoked January IS
to take effect January 21. and an in
junction waa obtained to prevent the
closing of the dancehall until a bear
ing waa held. .
There will be no further attempt to
enforce the amended ordinance," ssys
the order, signed by Mr. Pettlu
- i
Climax Is Violent in
German Strikes.
Fever Contracted in Cuban Camp
During Spanish War Results in
Abscess, Sow Removed.
OYSTER BAT, N. Y, Feb. 5. Colonel
Theodore Roosevelt underwent an op
eration for abscess a few days ago, it
became known tonight after, his re
moval from his home here to New York
City. It is understood that the opera
tion was minor in character. Tonight
it was eaid. his condition was "excel-
AtiaCk On Imperial AbOde IS Ient" nd that. In a week or ten days
. luc win uavo recovered.
Made Saturday. I T1e Colonel has cancelled his West
ern trip ana me aaaress ne was to oe
Iiver in Boston before the Chamber of
Commerce tomorrow night. He had
planned to leave Saturday to make
addresses in Detroit, Des Moines and
Colonel Roosevelt has suffered at
Intervals from a fever contracted In
Labor Troubles of Empire Reported lone of the camps In Cuba during the
ic . l II O Yalta Already Taken Red Guards,
:o ueiedi u. o.
Control Charged.
to Have Resulted In Disaffection
of German Troops Stationed
' on . Flanders Front.
I Spanish war and on his Brazilian trip
four years ago it took a malgnant form
land an abscess developed which has
troubled him at various times. ..
Official Resigns and Town Now
Seeking Someone to Take Job.
FAKER, Or, Feb. ..(Special.) Mc
Karen, near Baker, Is probably the only
town In the country that la hunting
reappears before the military commit-I for a postmaster. A. B. May, who has
tre tor rros-exanitnat!on. I been poetmaster at McEwen. bas re-
The Secretary's statement to the com-I signed, and no one there can be In-
vnlttee last week that & men would duced to take the Job.
be In Franc early this year and an-1 Today the citlsens of McEwen held
tHer l.eoe.ftat In readlneea to go, hav-I a masa meeting to consider the propo-
Inc been attacked yeeterdat by Senator I aitlon. but were unable to accomplish
.Hitchcock as -absolutely preposterous" I anything. They now propose to try to
1 "wildly exagserated" because of I Induce Uncle Sam to establish a rural
lark of shipping. Mr. Baker may give I mall route for the district and have the
the committee the Information on which I mailman act aa postmaster also.
ae baaed his assertion.
Details to Be DesaaeeV-L
He will be questioned about various
phases of his statement and will be
asked to go Into details concerning bis
reorganisation of the War Ipartment.
the manufacture of ordnance, the avia
tion programme and other subjects.
la anticipation of a crowd of spec-
ator at the hearing the committee
48-Yrar-Old Wand Brings $130 for
Benefit Baseball Fund.
CHICAGO. Feb. 5. Lieutenant John
Philip Souss, director of music at the
. ... . . . VHr r r a u . i . training iuii, qi
. v ervw,v nv l.iftV rt-om I
his baton at auction for the ben
efit of tbe fund that Is being raised to
obtain baseball equipment for the
Jackles at the station, and it was sold
for fi:0. It became known today.
The prised wand bas been In the
possession of the bandmaster for 4J
years, having been presented to him
I. -. V V. - - V. .. J - . .Wt.
and various official organlxa- ' "f """" " " -" "
nstltuttng a "conglomeration" I '"der.
In the Senate office building where Mr.
F.eker appeared lat week.
Senator Wadxworth. In his address
today, declared that the system and not
Individual Is responsible for present
conditions, which, he said, "cruelly
liandlcap" the Government and preclude
businesslike tram work on the part of
tloos con
of ambitious and scattered agencies.
Teak Tee Large foe v lies a.
war cabinet, or
He insisted that a
Similar bo-ly under some other name. I Three-Year-Old
essential becauee It Is physically impos
sible for the President to co-ordinate
tb Government's functions.
yenater Wadswerth denied tbat the
legislation was designed to. or would.
result la interference with the Presi
dent's authority.
"That great things have been done
Companion Saved
From Drowning.
FENPLETON. Or, Feb. 5. SpeciaL)
Glen Snyder, aged S, son of Mr. and
Mrs Frank Snyder, la in the hero class.
despite his youth. Yesterday be and
1-year-old companion. Bobby Bol-
u).uo. no, . A bomb was
thrown at tbe imperial palace In Ber-
in by strikers Saturday evening, ac
cording to Berlin advices received by
lbs Times by way of Berne.
Twenty-five persons were arrested.
AMSTERDAM. Feb. S The Tele-
graafs frontier correspondent says that
he measures taken by the German of-
i-lale against the strike leaders in
Germany evoked great discontent
among the German soldiers In Flan-
ers. The correspondent adds that in
many cases the soldiers have Incited
Belgian laborer, who have been
forced by the Germans to work, to go
on strike.
A semi-official telegram dated Mon
day, received here today from Berlin.
"The number of strikers in Greater
Berlin declined today. A large num
ber of works again are operating. In
other big armament works the num
ber of those at work -varies from 75
Teuton Air Raids Continuous; Aerial
Battles Fierce.
the Associated Press.) Padua was
again terrorized . last night by con
tinuous air raids. Several houses were
damaged, but there were few casual
Italian aviators brought down four
enemy machines, and the British got
eight at various points where aerial
battles are being fought without ces
Move to . Discredit Eight-Hour
Law Alleged.
Soldiers and Sailors Receive)
Ruthless Treatment.
PETROGRAD," Saturday, Feb. 2.
Tartar forces have occupied Yalta, In
the government of Taurida and are
advancing on Sebastopol, Russia's chief
fortress arid naval base on the Black
Sea, according to a dispatch received by
the Petrograd Evening Post from Se
The dispatch adds that the Tartars
are dealing mercilessly with Bed
Guards, sailors and soldiers.
AMSTERDAM, Feb. 5. A wireless
dispatch received at Berlin from Kiev
says that the Poles have occupied
Mohilev, the Russian main headquarters
and have arrested Ensign Krylenko,
the commander in. chief of the Rus
sian Bolshevik forces and his entire
Canned Salmon' Under
Direct Control. ;
Brotherhood Leaders at Hearing I staff.
Make Vigorous Statement of
Charges Tbat Inefficient Oper
ation Is Deliberately Aimed.
The message adds that the Bolshevik
uprising at Kiev has been suppressed
1 by the Ukrainians.
Columbia County Judge Fills Va
cancy In Important Office.
ST. HELENS, Or.. Feb. 5. (Special)
Miss Bessie Hat tun, daughter of the
late Jildge R- S. Hattan, was appointed
to SO per cent of their full complement. I Treasurer of Columbia County today
A further abatement la expected to- I by County Judge 8. C Morton..
morrow, so that the strike now may I Miss Hattan, who for the past' seven
be regarded at an end." i years has been employed ,n the County
Clerk's office, is the first woman of-
LONDON, Feb. G. According to a I flee bolder In the county.- She sue-
Wireless Press dispatch from Berne a ceeds J. W. Hunt, who ha been ap
series of conferences took place at Ber-I pointed chief deputy in the County
Un TMnl. The Oerm.n Rmnernr t-lerK S OII1CC
and Crown Prince received separately 1
Vaseil Radoslavoff, the Bulgarian
Premier; Count Csernln, the Austro-
Hungarlan Foreign Minister, and
Talaat Pasha, .the Turkish Grand
Vizier, after which the Kmperor p:e-
slded'at a crown council. Various con
ferences continued throughout the day.
Members .of Federal Reserve Board
Frown on Measure.
WISIIIVRTflV V, K K Sen.tni-
The. Austrian food controller. Herr Dwen today gave President Wilson a
Hoefer, has arrived at Berlin to make
urgent representations to Germany re
garding the necessity of helping Aus
tria In her food difficulties.
Rome Reports Give Him Rank of I
Ambassador at Washington.
ROME. Feb. S. It Is reported here
that William Marconi will replace
Count Macchi dl Cellere. Italian Am
bassador at Washington, who will like
ly be sent to Petrograd.
copy of a bill which he proposes soon
to Introduce In the Senate, providing
for the establishment abroad of a for
eign exchange branch of the Federal
reserve system.
It Is understood that members of the
Federal Reserve Board do not look with
favor on the measure.
Establishment ' of ; New Can
neries Discussed,
Rules Adopted by Oregon and Wash
ington Hotel Associations for
Public Dining-rooms Ap- .
proved by Administrators.
PETROGRAD, Feb. 5. Troops of the
revolutionary army at Minsk have cap
tured the town of Niejin, according to a
headquarters dispatch.- . They are now
WASHINGTON, Feb. b. inefficient advanCinK on Kiev.
operation of tbe railroads, resulting in
tendant evils, was charged by union DEFICIENCY BILL IS HUGE
labor leaders at a hearing today be
fore the railroad wage commission tojxno Billion Measure Is Largest Ap
A rietilre nn the narr nf Mi . . manage- 1
ment. of th- svstema to discredit the proprlation Ever Asked.
eight-hour law and to make a failure
of Government control. WASHINGTON, Feb. 5. The largest
This situation the commission was deficiency appropriation bill in the his
toid of by W. O. Lee, head of the train- tory.of the United States, carrying be
men. A. B. Garretson, head of the con- tween - $1,500,000,000 and $2,000,000,000,
ductors, and other witnesses 'old the including huge sums for aviation and
commission why they thought the I for the Army and Navy, was completed
transportation system of the country, today. by the House appropriations sub
including such roads of splendid record I committee.
as the Pennsylvania, suddenly col-1 Secretary Baker today asked Con-
lapsed. . Igrcss - for $13,211,180 more for con-
offers of Proof Made. Istruction of Army quartermaster store
The brotherhood leaders used such houses in the Panama Canal zone dur
vigorous expression as 'rotten rail- I ins the next fiscal year.
roadlng" to convey their opinion of the
" t'"! I iriiixTimrv nr-onnn nnnirn
since the Government took charge, and rlil I I IliU nLbUnU OnUrXCIs
they offered to produce scores of in
stances 'of delayed crews, changes in Mrs. C B. Davis, Albany, Makes
personnel and misuse of rolling stocK
to prove their statements.
The ordinarily quiet course of si ch a
hearing was ruffled from the very out- I ALBANY, Or., Feb. 5. (Special.)
set.' Lee and Garretson, appearing to Members of the local chapter of the Red 1 aDDlications for licenses to operate
present tne claims oi ineir orgiuor- vruaa ucuave iui .nr u.. xia, ui i canneries, or which were preseniea
hoods foe wage increases, found several I 715 Madison street, Albany, has broken
railroad representatives present, and I the state record. lor fast -knitting.
Sock in S Hours and 5 Minutes.
When the salmon 'comes : pranking
up from the sea, to be lured and netted,
he comes as the ward of Herbert
Hoover and the Federal Food Admin
istration, and official solicitude will
follow his progress to the cannery and
the consumer..
This announcement, made yesterday
at the closing session of the food ad
ministrators' conference for . Oregon,
Washington, California, Idaho and
Alaska, is rivaled in local interest by
the ruling of the administrators that
bakers may return to former whole. .
sale prices for bread, which does not
necessarily imply a retail advance.
' Prices : Will Be Regulated.
Concerning the fishing Industdy, com
plete control ot which has been delegat
td to the food administrators of Oregon,
Washington, Alaska and California by
the Federal Food Administration, prices
of fish will be . established and regu
lated, particularly with regard to the
production of canned salmon.
At yesterday forenoon's session the
five food administrators discussed the
industry with cannery operators and
fishermen from Oregon,- Alaska and
Puget Sound, giving close attention to
entered an immediate protest, declar
ing they did not propose to deal with
two sets of employers, ; "
Karl y Clash Settled. '
The commission explained that the
railroad men were there by special in
vitation, to supplement, not to an
tagonize, the information presented by
the employes.
She recently knit a sock in three
hours' and five minutes. The best record
heretofore was three hours and 16 mln.
utes, this time having been made by a
Portland woman.
Ayer Issue Btatemeat.
" Administrator ,'Ayer . issued a state
ment covering the attitude of the con
ference and. outlining, the policy to be
followed with regard to salmon can
neries under Federal supervision as
follows: . . ' :
It should be known and recognlred
by all interested parties that the Gov-
Ilea rings on Leasing Begin
WASHINGTON. Feb. 5. The House ernment- regards as a wasteful prac-
Dublic lands committee today began tice the establishment of new salmon
This question hardly had been hearings on leasing oil and gas lands canneries In locations where present
ridock Found in Bed, Dead.
John Pender Pidock. 45 years old,
was found dead in his bed at his resi
dence, 272 Montgomery street, yester
day when K. K. Rockwell,- a fireman,
and his intimate friend, called to see
him. Mr. Rockwell notified Coroner
Karl Smith. Deputy Coroner Loynes
took the body in charge last night.
smoothed over before discussion of I fn the West. Large delegations of oil
the working of the eight-hour law and men from California and Wyoming at-
the effect of Government supervision tended.
of the roads precipitated charges by
Lee that the managements were doing
their utmost to discredit both.
He said overtime had been doubled
and tripled to make the effect of the
Adamson law more expensive and rep
resent that the workers were obtain
ing large wage increases.
Reference Made to Banka.
Furthermore, he declared that every
effort was being used to handicap
transportation to create" dissatisfac-
. CO
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature,
degrees; minimum, 46 degrees.
TODAY'S Rain; southerly winds.
Sector held by Americans In Prance ooa
esses nign strategic importance. Page 4. California, . Oregon, -. Washington and
canneries are adequate to take care of
the normal 6upply of fish. ,
'Labor, material and supplies should
not be used unless it is manifestly go
ing to increase the output of a food
- Salmoa Indaatry Most Important.
"The salmon industry is one of the
most important food problems on the
Pacific Coast, and ' the Food Adminis
tration In Washington has delegated
the control to the administrators.' of
Concluded on Page 2. Column 1.)
Turks attempt to Justify massacres. Pajfe 3.
Tartar forces advance on Russian city of
seoastopol. x.
Documentary proof found that shows Gee
Alaska, and the many Interests in
volved will be handled under their full
supervision and Jurisdiction:
This will include the .location of
many plotted destruction of property in ( new canneries, the regulating and es-
cannot be denied." he declared. That dock, were p.aylng near the Byers mfll- j
other great things have been left on- race. Bobby lost bis balance' and fell ,
done must be admitted. The credit for I 'n the water.
things accomplished can be assigned to I Without waiting for aid Glen reached
set era Individuals. The blame for lout, grasped his playmate, by aa arm!
akorteomlncs ought not to be laid I and pulled hlra out alone.
upon any Individual. Criticism, should
directed against oar system, or I
ratber the lack of cohesive system."
Xs la4lfMssl Bias, .4.
Recounting difficulties arising
through Indiscriminate priority orders
President Wllwn May Decide Ques
tion of Secretary's Candidacy.
aid competition la the porchass of
ls. J'tjjs on ft-ennl of depart- I WASHINGTON". Feb. S. Secretary I
anental Tni tape and th absence of Tumulty returned to tbe capital today
per la the Council of National De- after a vialt to New Jersey, where thai
iis. the fenator continued: I possibility of bis becoming a Demo-
"Mind you. I do not attempt to lay I crallc candidate for Senator Is being
Ike Diasve upon any on man or any I discussed among political leadera.
department. I Insist that this pain-I Mr. Tumulty still declined to outline I
rul situation has resulted from an utter I his intentions.
iaea or pisnninr from a lark cf vision. I There ere Indications that If Presl-
Tbe plain fact Is that w have no dent Wilson wants him ta eater the
agency In - oar Covernment today contest he will do so.
rlitrrM with the duty of projecting!
Its vision far Into the future, aatlci-
sw,tlBg the emergencies which may
arise sad laying the plans by which
wo can meet and overcome t hem.
Oa-ere tested Crater Lerklag.
"No one la bis senses would propose
tlat any other office be created to
takeaway from tbe President the pow
ers tbe Constitution confides to bin.
It raanet be done. It Is unthinkable.
"But there la do place In Washing-
tea where tbe needs of the situation
Laker lew Mother I'ndergoes Second I
Operation in IS Months.
LAKEVIEW.- Or, Feb. (.f Special.)
For the aecond time within IS months I
Mrs. Henry Sherman, of Paisley. Or.,
today underwent a Caesarian operation
at the Lakevtew Hospital and as a re-
and ptarta to meet them can be brought ',t ,s ,n "ether of a six-pound glrL
toe-ether, re-ordlnalee aad set tied upon. I 'Irs- enerman la only 40 Inches tall
"I realise that some may contend I and weighs but ? pounds. The baby's
! rXM.(it cn mske all theee father la almoat alx feet tail and
tiaa. iirJct ea 1'a.a e. belwua 1 weight I'i pounds
I ,
iH Mn AAUCAT ritm77 111 oi'j I I
WNM 1 1-Cs.Xl J I C ' r ' f I V
i n ci mbMmr&y
. a l$ss FA ft . U WvVvtX
- m us-, ii i i
I rW I 1 1 rt X- I
vleSJ.- 55 srZlS WLZ I i
i . .... -1
neutral countries. Page 4.
I Norway rejects commercial agreement of
fered bv Lnited States. Page 4.
Germans send to allied countries false re- I varieties) on canned salmon, all regula
tablishing of prices and spreads (the
difference in value between different
port of Czernln's speech. Page
I Bolo Pasha weakens when confronted by
bis own contradictory statements. Page 3.
tions connected In any way with the
production and prices, also the proper
allocation of the catch to. the fresh
salmon distribution, the regulation of
.u ,,,.u uisn ct...... i.yuramy , 1, , rfiff.r.
on war cabinet and munitions dirpctnr I f L .. i"--'
bills. Page 1. I ent districts, regulations in regard tc
Domestic I independent trap operators, seiners and
Railroad heads accused of trying to make fishwheel operators.
....... r Mn.rnl nf Tin., f-ll T.. , 1
Heney raids vault of packers' attorney in I r" """"
search of evidence. Page 4. I "Frank M. Warren has been ap-
Von Rintelen bomb gang convicted and sen- I nointed by the Food Administration at
tan.ail ot WJAU, v -ir Va aval V I "
'" I IIV el.lne-nn t a Hnsoesnlerlua tka
Six minion tons shipping output In 1918 " "K .
promised for United fctates. lJag T. inausiry on wiio -uabu an. rrou
Another cold wave sweeps Eastern states. I possesses the confidence of the men
Paje 2.
engaged in the industry and is thor-
E"otfeTue'l.tatpage' ?esperate p"Bht trom Iack oughly familiar with all the phases of
I Fans eagerly anticipate boxing carnival at
Northwest fub tonight. Page- S.
I Lincoln and Jeerson tied for first place In
League B. page
I Rosebuds determined to -. defeat Seattle.
Page 8.
the many intricate problems that will
be presented ' to the food administra
tors." '
Mr. Warren took the lead at the
morning conference, and directed the
investigation into: prices for; salmon
1 Speas may manage Portland ball team If I and wages paid to cannery employes.
Siglin Is drafted. Page 8.
Pacific Northwest.
Typical of the problems presented by
applications for licenses was that of
Bend man marries and cinches inheritance tne prjnce William Sound district, the
. of SISlS.OOO. . Page L
Commercial and Marine.
Only one-fifth' of Northwestern apple crop
yet to move. Page 17.
I Standard stocks are heavy, but specialties
advance briskly. Page 17.
Corn higher at Chicago on reduced receipts.
Page 17.
I Local steel plants receive' large orders from
outside sources. Page 14.
Portland and Vicinity.
Baby Is slain, and two injured, when autos
crash. Page 6.
declaration being made by W. H. James,
vice-president - of the Kenai Packing
Company, that the 1918 run had been
so heavy that the loss in fish was
great. The applicant asserted that the
surplus salmon would have supplied
several more canneries-
Canneries Enough. Says Hanley.
The statement was ..hotly contested
by A. P. Hanley, of the Copper Kiver
Armenian drive totals J7114.1S in two hours' Pacaing company, wuu ueciaieu uui
work. Page i. ' - I the Prince William Sound salmon never
Roadmaater Yeon charged with mlsrepre-1 ra.nied in numbers so excessive that
EeniaLion. mg . . . . . ..
Thlrrf llHrv Inan nl!a earHflre itri nfcalr. I lnc esiaoiiancu vnvuilcnjr -.uu.u umi. ia,iv-
man Emery uimstead. page 9. . . I care ot tnem.
I Workers in drive for relief of Jewish suf-1 Uncertainty in the ioperation of sal-
JV,L"iimeet- """"" . canneries was presented by. sev-
ICity files complaint In fight against six-cent rai eannerymen as argument againi
fare. Page li I the -granting of applications lor new
Exemption boards closely investigate claims canneries in their districts. They de-
Oi appealing regwLrauis.- .rage -
(Campaign for shipyard workers in full swing
today, rtfe is. -
I Montana ex-chlef of police arrested in Port
laud, page 18.
if. C. Parsons, who has had mania for steal
ing autoa. again la )aii. page 7.
I Germans who violate president's proclama
tion to be interned, page 13.
Woman's Christian Temperance Union opens
dared that the run of fish could not
be depended upon, that it varied from
year to year, and that 10 years" oper
ation was ordinarily necessary to re
turn the amount , invested in a cannery.
Five Big Packers Represented.
Among the salmon packers at 'the
mid-year conference In Portland. Page 8. 1 conference were M. G. Munly, .of the
Food administrators discuss salmon and I Thllnket Packing company; P. McCue,
bread at yesterday's session. Page 1. f tn Nortnwestern Fisheries and An-
Qregon Highway Commission to confine Ifij,,, .
giteauoa to main roads thls year. Page 13, iConcluaca on Page u uiuiia J-i