TIIE 3I0RXIXG OKEGOXIAX. SATUEDAT, FEBRUAET 2, 1918. ARGENTINA TAKES STEP TOWARD WAR Military Attaches Recalled. Break With Germany and Austria Expected. POLITICAL CIRCLES ACTIVE Notra of Br as 1 1. Prra, I ragoay Kr. live la Tlwlr Itrspertlve Policies Aa.wrrrd by Thrlr Xclrbbor la Mrnlflrant Maoorr. vvrso airfs. rc. 1 The M.n- let-r of War haa reralird Ara-nllna a sntlitary iIIkIki (mm llarlia and inn. la political circ! tht action la ra a.ri4 aa elrniricaet. and connected wita the aiakinc of the Argentina i'mMp M. macro lrrl.ndu. Jan The Argentine Minister to France haa ccnrirm.d th fact that tha atsarn ah. a ll flr'" tba Arsentlne fa afiea unk. Tha cov.ram.nl Baa not anavuncMf a what authority tha f;" of flage laaa mad. aft.r leav ing thi country in. wi bavin Sailed under th. Frtrnrn f las hut lr ports lb ainkinf aa an unfnrnd;v arl. .a thouca th. n of iha bom f.ag aa unauthorised. rnalai ate R.aC Tb. a.aumplion la political circles here la tbat tJermany do not tnt.nd t ba.p h.r promisee In rgard lo Ar- nima a shipping. Tha ttuat.a h.ra la t.naa and tha authorttiee ara maintaining mora than thair usual eilenr on Iba subjcvt. but In. ij.n'a al Iha Goiimmtnl liouaa lata lortar lad to Iha ballet tbat tha gov erasaeet at laat la preparing to taha an important at. p. After an unusually lone lane of lima, tha t'oreisn oftic today replied In lha not. a of l.ru and trtufuajr. kick notified Argentina of th.ir tup t'ira of ralatlona nun ;rnanv. and that of BmaiL Informing Argentina of h.r ai.t.r country'a atate of war with tha c.ntral power. Mana Vraanathy '- Argentina. In tha tnr.a notaa aanl In raplT. epresad h.r approbation and tarm.t rtmrathy erllh tha Ihr.a olh ar eouth AmrKin rountrt.a. Tha not. la ilraail. mbirta nan th' moat atcniftranl. aara that Iha Ar grnrlne tot rnm.nl baa followed all tha e"a of Iha causa whi-h led to Ihia lust resolution"" and cloa.a with an praslon of homage to tha Bra aillaa nation. Thesa not.a and tha aimultanaotes re- rall f th. military atla. h. from Mr- l.n and Vlaana nra rardl aa ledl- catlnc that Iba country la versing on a crl.ia In Ita Intarnaliunal rWationa, It alr aa announced today that an armr offi-r. w bo haa ban artlng aa .nrr.raond.nl In FrHn for I Strton. haa alao bn rcai:d by iha Minister of War. dental, whila othars vara raaaonably cartaln Iha ftra atartaa wnan workmen. lamping from a bench on which they had been eating whan tha wblatle blew, landed oa one of the oil feed pipes. breaking It. The pipe led to a big fur nace In the "slap" and a nearby a pip led to another part of thep laat. Tha break Immediately allowed tha oil to Ignite and ahoot tha flamea to tha surroundlns walla. Tha furnace only a few feet from where tha men had been eating their lunches. Tha 'Slab" la the big room about 100 by e feet wide, where big platea for the ships are bent and worked. It ad lolna the Plata room. The "Slab struc ture was entirely burned away and the costly machinery damaged by water and the d.brla. The wall of one side ef the plats room was likewise burned out. The apparatus waa able to cneca the flames In Iba wood structure quick ly, but workmen at the plant were loath to start a stream of water on tha fire at the beginning, fearing It arose from a broken oil pipe and water would oaly t.nd to spread the flamea. The anew and allppery streets spenea trouble for enalne No. 4. a horae-drawn aehlcl. which atartad to tha fire, but which waa etallev-oa Tblrd street snd had to be pulled out by truck No. Zi. a motor apparatus. The truck hooked on to the eaalne and pulled boraea and ail to a place of aafa coins for the ant- HEATLESS DAYS IN EAST MAY WARM UP Rescinding of Monday Order Seriously Considered by Authorities. EARLY DECISION PROMISED McAdoo and Garfield Issue Joint Statement That Announcement Ilearins; on Important Mailer M ill Be Made Next Week. FIRE HITS SHIP PLANT r-rs Pret rHea plate room, where plate ateel IS pre pared for boltinc to Ihe ahlps. The hUe started on Ihe walk Juat ersr aa air-eowipreeae-l P'P aa 'en ,,, ,rom' had ba Utd to prevent Us rraesmc The air la uaed to run drills and other machinery In Ins room. - Tha plant had Jtit atrted up afte o'clock lunch. The men we're all I their placea. The hum of machinery tha clank of drllla and Ihe rumble of Ihe but cranes perTaded Ihe auao- (phera The waa a au-M.n cry of "Fire! Tirer In an Instant the hulMInc was In turmoiL SinM f.w of the 1 workmen In near the Maie Inat th.ir heada and ran for their street clohins. ba he malorty. uader orders from Iha fore man. stood by lo man Ihe fire boees. Mreaeaa Ara feeble. A faw etreama of water wars turntd an Iha flamea. but they made email headway. Frank Rbcock. formerly fireman for the city, waa one of Ihe ftrl to man a ho. but he dropped I when Ihe heat of the fire Icnlted hi can. Meantime an alarm had been mmed la to tire head'iuartera. and practically ail tha West hide apparatua waa or dered lo the wane. ITocreae of Ihe aataeaoMIe racines w a alow oa ac count of Ihe slippery etrrela. and aome af Ihe fcorae apparatus from the oal lyirc dlatruis waa caiUd In and aent to combat the blaae. (me .1 Ihe worhmen who aaw the fire atari, said It waa ao auddan aa to bant. b tha belt.f Ihjl l . mvrt J. Went worth, district officer for OrifDD of the United blat.a t-hipplnc Hoard, and K- B Fsbert. repneaeniinc I'aptain blain. or Peattle. district ot fleer In rharce of ateel ship construe lloa In the Xorlhweat. cot la touch immediately with Iha plant, and thorough investigation will be made. Sheriff liurlbuvt alao started an In vestigation lo be conducted by officers of the Multnomah Mtats liuarda. who are among Iha guards at Iha plant. The "slab" and plate-room are In the renter of the plant, but about luO to ISa feet from the nearest ways. Work at the plant will not be Im pedrd to any considerable degree by Ihe fire. A number of Ihe workmen lost their street clothing, which they had left In Ihe lockers and did not have lima to remove. A unique use and occupancy Insur anre policy laaued by 1-ondon IJoyds waa Juat delivered to ths Northweat ateel Company yesterday. It covera any loaa for delay In work due to firs or other causes or any loas from non- operation. Ths policy was delivered by Pettle-Oroaamayer Company. The damage Is alao covered by regular fire Insurance. The damage will not cause any appreciable delay la Iha work at tha plant. IOI.VMIJI A CITY HOTEL Bl'IlXED Efforts lo Save Shipbuilding firm's Hostelry Are (."navalllng. KT. HELENS. Or.. Feb. 1. (Special.) ne man waa hurt and from liooo to ! B damage was done about o'clock tonight when the three-atory frame hotel, recently conatructed by tha Sommaratrom Shipbuilding Com pany al Columbia City, two and one half mllea from here, was completely destroyed by firs. Axel Petersen was Iha Injured man. Two hundred volunteer flre-flghters. with wet blankets, hoaa and by meana of a bucket brigade fought valiantly and saved two other and smaller hotela near by. both of which caught nrs two or t h ree times, but were only badly scorched. Ths fact that a few days ago Ed Sommaratrom. one of the owners and manager of tha plant, had been told tbat something waa going to happen" to hla plant, leads to the belief on the part of some persons that Iha firs waa act. aa iha blase started I three placer, the front of ths note center and rear, all on ths first floor. WASHINGTON-. Feb. 1 Abandon ment of the heatless Monday pro gramme after its enforcemen Monday waa predicted tonight cloas of a prolonged confer. tween Fuel Administrator Garfield and Director-General McAdoo. At the conclusion of the conference tonight the following statement was Issued jointly by Dr. Garfield and Mr. McAdoo: "We have had under consideration tha Question of suspending after Mon day next the Monday closing order. We have not reached a final conclusion about It. Ws shall have another con fere nee Tuesday next when the results of ths Mondsy closings and of the rail road embargo up to that time can be fully considered and shall be able to make an announcement next week as to whether or not a suspension of the Monday closing order may be made." Tha Monday closing has brought ths most vigorous opposition from com mercial Interests, particularly the big department stores. The small stores, too. have opposed It, as have the own ers of office buildings. Theaters suc ceeded in having the day as applied to them changed to Tneaday. iloth Mr. McAdoo and Dr. Oarfield are of the opinion that since the coal problem Is largely one of transporta tion, embargoes , will bring results without continuance of the Monday closings. The Fuel Administrations pref.ren tial order calling for the distribution of coal first to householders, ships, public Inatitutlons and favored war in dustries will stand, ss well ss will the railroad administration's order giving preferential rail movement to coal and food. Officials make no secret of the fact that had rail embargoes been declared In the first place tha Industrial closing order would not have been Issued Officials of the railroad adrainistra linn believe a return of good weather will speedily restore the transportation system and that this will solve the fuel problem. Fuel Administrator Garfield has not been ready to revoke the closing order, despite tha great amount of pressure brought to bear by commercial inter ests, until assured that the embargoes would ba continued. rltneases In her behalf in her suit against her uncle. A. C. Fosdlck. for the recovery of her piano she alleged ha waa wrongfully and unlawfully keep- Ins; from her. t "I loved my piano and would give up anything to save it," she told Judge Gantcnbeln. Facts brought out at the hearing; dis closed that after her husband had died at Los Angeles about four years ago she brought her small daughter to Portland to keep house for her uncle. Mr. Fosdlck. In payment for her work he made payments on a piano for her, while she did housework outside and sewing work In order to buy necessities for herself and daughter and to help keep op payments on her piano. Several months ago she had ilffer- enoes with her uncle and left the home. He refused to permit her to take the piano, alleging that he had been mak ing the paymenta on it with hie own money. I pitied the poor thing, testified one witness for Mrs. Duffy. "She did not have enough clothing and I know how she would go to bed and stay while I washed some of her clothing for her." After "he case had been submitted to the court. Judge Kavanaugh announced that it was a shame that relatives were compelled to take their differences into court. After a conference with the at torneys, ha announced that Fosdick had agreed to give his niece the piano and had agreed to pay X20 toward her costs in bringing the suit. "S RATE AUTHORITY WAIVED COMMERCE tOMMISSlO.V WILL RE. TAIX RAILROAD POWERS. Peadlag Meaaare LI as! fa Adssialstra- tiaa Centrol Over Liaea to 18 Months After War. WASHINGTON. Feb. 1. Prospects of an early agreement In Congress on the Administration railroad bill brightened today when members of the Senate in terstate commerce committee returned from a White House conference with word that the President did not desire to have the Interstate Commerce Com mission deprived of Its rate - making powers nnder Government operation of the carriers. Soon after the conference the com mittee wrote into the bill provisions limiting Government control of rail roads to 18 months after the war and authorising the President to initiate ratea subject to appeal to the Inter state Commerce Commission. This proposal, which was adopted by a vote of 11 to 4, was a compromise of the committees differences and elimin ates the most serious obstacle to prompt enactment of the measure. Before the agreement was submitted to the committee it was taken -o the hlte House by Chairman Smith and Senator I'nderwood. I As finally approved the bill will pro vide that Government control of trans portation shall continue for 18 months after the war terminates. Instead of "until Congress shall thereafter order otherwise," as originally drawn, or for one year, as provided by Senator Wat son's amendment adopted earlier in the week. It gives the President authoritv dur Ing the period of control to initiate rates, as the railroads are empowered to do under the existing laws, but If ettner the carriers or shippers object, an appeal can be taken to the com mission, which will make the final de cision. I iff ill i-f ftS JB. U N Of r M 13' BRING COUPON g: It Entitles You to 20 EXTRA STAMPS Today n nnl f DTU1S IMS LOUDOn A7VD GET 20-Extra-20 "S. H. Trading jl oiuiiipD u it y u : first 91 cash pur- J chase and double on the b a I a n c e. 1 ia 1 t. UUUU UI1 HI HI ilUUl a.IIU ! . basement today, February z. mm GENUINE STROPS AT $2 When under pres ent conditions you can buy a genuine horsehide (Shell) strop for t-, you have found a bar gain. We are fea turing our best atrops, S2.2a to $4.50, today. :$2 ELECTRIC TABLE LAMPS Mahogany base and stand, with silk shades of assorted colors. At Very Special Price g2 CJg ART SPECIALS Stouffer's Hand-Painted China At y4 off . Statuary Off Remnants of Moulding at HALF PRICE RUBBER GOODS FLANNEL WATER BOTTLE COVER FREE With each Hot-Water Bottle or Combination at $1.50 and over. 3-quart red molded Fountain Syringe, 1-year guar- QQf antee special 25c Rubber Gloves - Q to close at MCKEL-PLATKD I.G THAY FOR... -.49c I 25c $1.50 Hair Brush, solid OQ back, 11 rows bristles.. 07l 10c Almond Oil Soap or three for eiiJC 10c Jergen'; Rose Glyc erine Soap 3 for... One case 20-Mule-Team Borax Soap 100 bars $2.00 Pyralin Ivory Hair Brush, 11 rows of bristles, Geisha Scalp Cleaner One case Ivory Soap 100 bars... 25c Colgate's Dental Ribbon 50c Java Riz Powder ONE CAKE CREME OIL SOAP FREE with every pur chase of three cakes for 25c. Good quality, flexible steel '. NAIL FILE, Reg 15c six inches long. 25c value now ...... .$5.65 230 39 25c Listerated Antiseptic Tooth Powder 3 for 65j 35c bar Mt. Hood Castile Soap -AC . 4711 Eau de Cologne OP Bath Soap aiifjlv' 50c Pepsodent 45 50c Cameline .......400 Princess Cream, 50, 75, $1 25c Cuticura Soap 180 25c Woodbury's Soap 220 Cucumber and Elderflower Cream at 500 and 750. .100 Westinghouse TURNOVER ELECTRIC TOASTER The only Toaster that turns 'XT!: $5.50 as whose sensitive nerves often yield to coffee's harmful stimulation, eppre date the change resulting from o ten days trial of INSTANT PosTori INSTEAD f COFFEE. Such a delicious drink makes the change easy and better nerves make it a permanent one. "There's a Reason FIKKHOAT IS SK.T TO SCKX Condition of Itoads Precludes Offer of 1-and Apparatus. Portland waa appealed to for fire fiahtinf apparatus at 6 o'clock las nigh!. Tbe fire boat Iavld Campbell vraa sent Immediately, and althoush St. Helena had asked for land apparatus alau. Iha condition of the roads, due Ihe snow, made a run of tha 10 or 36 mil Impracticable and the land ap' pararua a as withhold pendlns; further ad v leva of tha proaresa of tha ftra. 0. H C. BEATS IOI.Lt:or. AM KHKH1F. CAITtRK tOTKTS. a Mata Gaate la S fa M first ear (lash. SUM aeriee. ta r. Tad a v. a aaaaaaaa v o RTH It MT (OMl:m:fK e KrTB I.U Westers Dlvtetea. W. I. Prt. nrrtnn Aaslrs 1 10rt oreaon. . . . 1 .SO Washlna-ton S .00 t'-aefer IMvlalaa. Idaho 4 10 Washlnatan ftate. . . . 1 1 .T&o Montana I 1 .!H hitman . .a OUKCON Atlimfl-Tl'ltAL COLI-EGK rorvallts. Keb. 1. "Special.) Oregon Acrlraltural College won a dnuhla vlc- orv hare tonlsht from the I. nlveraltv of iirraon. when the colleae baakethall earn defeated the varsity five from Kusene by a s-ore of it to (. and Ihe Asate freshmen quintet nost-d out ths university first-year team.x73 lo 20. The first teams and the freshmen teama will meat again tomorrow for he deciding contests of tha eerlee. Tha lrgoa 'varsity five waa wholly unable to cope with the .Aggies' five, but Iha Kageae f rash men gave th for- vallia rooks a hard fight and the game undecided until the laat minute f Play Captain Ray scored I points and urley I! points for Corvallis. while omfort. Oregon's captain, with 4 points hon for hla team. The lineup: X A. C CSt. Orsson . csa R-MlO 131 re-lr Krm.r .. 121 alamsoa Villi C....HI CL Comlnrl hsarrtna l O WHsae B-att Stsars O. A. KoMnsoa. ItuKBaro. ta- kla. Orssoa. Madlay. fatace. (inbe. reshmea lineup: o. A. c. ik Orsgoa ISO), .maids ...r... Hume 12 U-i:iams 13) K Jaoabbera-ar lil Mr-l art (Si ....... ..i". ..... rllar :) rgsr 2i .....a ' Caapia til Klacald Cl a.. iirmadou WOOPni-R.V. Or . Feb. 1. (StpeclsL) The Woodburn High th-hool basket ball team defrated the fast elilverton uintet her this evening by a scors f SS to 17. Th Woodburn tesm hss ot lost, a same this saaaoa, winning II eight gamea played. Slrrhrr Irfrats SwetlNln ( hanspion. SlOfX CITT. la.. Keb. 1 Jo Stech- r. "Nebraska mat champion, won In tralght talla over Otto Kreberg. the wad-sh champion. In their match here onlght. It look, the Nebraakaa 1 minutes to win the first fall lie took tha next In Z minuiea. Both were scissor bold. FINN OUTLOOK BETTER Cl ARD SI nRKM)t'.RIG OVKR COl'XTRl. ALL HeUlagfars Mill la llaada af Rrvola- tsaalata Atteaapta testisae ta Ko- saeat Traable la Several Districts. RELATIVES MAY INSURE Soldiers Must Make Application Be fore February 12. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash nston, Jreb. 1. Representative Haw. ley, in conference with the war risk insurance bureau, today was advised that where relatives of a soldier now franc do not know that the sol dier has applied for war lnsuranc-e they may make application for such in surance, and it will be allowed, sub- Jeot to subsequent application by the soiaier nimseir. The applicant, however, must Day the premium and all such applications from prospective beneficiaries must be filed IXi.N'DON". Keb. 1.' The situation In Finland Is more reassuring, according to the latest reports received at the Finnish legation at Stockholm and transmitted by th correspondent of the Times. Th Red Guards have been disarmed wlth tne board before February 12 on or are willingly surrendering their which date the automatic insurance arm. an or ma touo.u. i ..o ir.inu- covering all soldiers ceases. uonisis aim noia fieisingiora, toe cap. Hal. d.Vaan.. HOME IS SOLD mate srovernment are being prevented by th revolutionists from exercising I Charles K. Danr Purchases Property ineir amies. Th foreign governments which recognised Ihe Independence of Finland are said to have been notified by the revolutionists of the change in govern ment brought about by the revolution. The Whit Guard. It Is announced. haa taken the town of Tavaatehus, SO miles northwest of Helslngfors. Strikes continue In Helsingfors and the revolutionary government Is said to he fomenting similar outbresks In sev eral other districts. EXPERTS TO' BE CALLED HUUTHY AD AURIt'l I.TI RE TO AID 1 MILITARY SKH Vlt K. at Cost of 935,000. The 125.00 three-story home of tha late E. Z. Ferguson, at 825 Alameda drive, has been purchased by Charles E. Pant, ot Dant & Russell, according to an announcement yesterday by R. T. Street. Irving-ton realty dealer. through whose agency the sale was transacted. The cash consideration is said to he around $25,000. The Ferguson house is situated on quarter-block of level land on ths crext above Alameda drive. It is ons of tha most conspicuously attractive homes in that neighborhood, with a brick exterior and the interior finished In oak and mahogany. The sale of the Ferguson house Is ths largest all rash deal to take place on the Fast Side sine th outbreak of th war. Adsaiatairaflaa' BUI Approved by Sea- ate CeatBS It tre l Nea-Kaaeatial Factories ta U War Work. The semaphores of the traffic colics in some of the large cities are supplied with a system or mirrors by which tha operators ar enabled to see in ail di rections sbotit them. MABSHAU. TPO-MOME A SI7I J mm sraxrtf wtaTPABK Always S- A H." Stamps First Three Floor FLOOD DANGER NEAR Warm Weather in Middle West Sends Rivers Up Fast. FOOD WILL BE REMOVED Railway Administration Takes Ac tion to Transport Corn and Cot ton to Elevators for Ship ment by Sea Routes. WASHINGTON, Feb. 1. For fear of serious floods In the Middle West and South within a few days, the Govern ment Railroad Administration today rushed empty cars Westward from the Eastern congestion area to provide for an emergency movement of corn to elevators and cotton to Southern sea ports for trans-shipment to New Eng land mills engaged on Government or ders. Owing to the absence of new snow and the steady work of clearing tracks of accumulated ice piles, the move ment of coal was slightly better today and officiala predicted slight improve ment for the next few days. The danger of floods loomed large ly, however, with forecasts of warmer weather tomorrow for the Middle West, and the gradual Eastward movement of the thawing area. The Ohio River is nearing a serious flood stage and other streams in the Middle est and bouth already have overflowed and are still rising. Cora to Be Moved. Special efforts are to be made to transport corn, much of which this year is soft and must reach elevators quickly. After conferring today with a delegation of grain merchants from Ohio. Indiana and Illinois, Railroad Administration officials arranged to dispatch a number of empty cars to these states tomorrow to carry corn to St. Louis, Chicago and other terminals. From the corn territory west of the Mississippi the movement of corn East ward continued. From St. Louis. Memphis and other points where there ar large accumula tions of cotton, waiting shipment to market, between 60.000 and 100.000 bales will move to South Atlantic and Gulf ports within the next week on order of Director-General McAdoo, Is sued today to C. H. Markham, regional director for the South. Arrangements have bden made for ships to carry the cotton to New England mills, some of which have been forced to close for lack of material. Goods Moved Sooth. Satisfactory progress was reported today in the movement of export ship ments of food for the allies to Southern ports, to which they were diverted sev eral days ago to avoid the Eastern rail and harbor congestion. To New England the flow of coal was better than yesterday and promised to improve further tomorrow. Transpor. tation conditions generally were re ported Improved. CINCINNATI, Feb. 1. The Ohio River went over the 60-foot mark here dur ing the night, or more than ten feet above the danger line, and it is bring ing privation and hardship to hundreds of families living in the lowianas. River experts agree that no relief from the present flood can be expected until the ice gorge breaks. CHICAGO, Feb. 1. February started out in Chicago as though It Intended to follow the example of the most wintry January the city has ever known. The mercury reached five below, but slowly worked back to zero. Forecaster Mitchell said tomorrow would be warmer. RIVER IS GORGED WITH ICE Low Temperature Halls Flow in Mississippi. MEMPHIS, Tenn., Feb. 1. Reports tonight from Richardson's Landing, about 60 miles above this city, on the Mississippi River, indicated that low temperatures last night and today nad tightened the gorge there and prac tically stopped the passage southward of the heavy ice. Silver Lake Firm Gets 3 Contracts. CASTLE ROCK. Wash., Feb. 1. (Spe cial.) J. A. Byerly, of the Silver Lake Lumber Company, and who also is con nected with the Wilson Shipyards at Astoria, has just returned from Wash ington, D. C where he received the contract for three wooden ships to be built for the Government as soon as men and material can be procured. They have now three vessels for the Government on the ways, making six that this company has furnished. Phone your want ads to The Orego- nian. Main 7070, A 6095. WASHINGTON. Feb. 1. The Admin istration bill authorising the President o rail skilled expert in industry or ricultur Into th military service Irrespective of classification under th draft, waa approved today by tha Sen- ta military committee. Arrangements alao were mad for final action tomorrow on another bill requiring youths reaching 21 years of ge to rerlgter for service and chang- ng th quota basis from state popu- latlone to th number of men in class on a. Conversion of so-called non-essential Industries to war work, rather than he establishment of new factories. was Jndoraed today by a conference of tat directors of th public service reserve, which is recruiting voluntary I workers for Industrial wVr advice. By I th use of existing plants, they said, I distribution of labor will be facilitated and confusion leasened. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiffrfiiiiiiiiiirit iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii(iiiiiiii!f 10 CAUSE OF SUIT I MRS. DIFFT SACRIFICES TO GIVE HER DAl'GHTKR EDICATIO.V Lower Prices on Good Shoes THIS sale has brought prices down on many lines of foot wear which we are unable to replace. Unquestionably, you will save some money if you buy before the sale ends. You will be certain, too, of owning; some good shoes, for this store carries nothing mediocre. Note these specials for today: oaag W ldaw Tratisre That Vaele Rt. faaed to Relraac Isitrsarat Need ed by Little Girl. A pitiful story of how a young widow ad deprived herself of sufficient cloth ing and of other necessities of life, and of bow she has "scrimped" and "mad over ner own areaes ana coats tor ar small daughter In order ta further er musical education, was related in ircuit Judge Gantenbeln s court yes terday by airs. Urao Duffy aad other Laird, Schober & Co.'a Women's Cocoa Brown and Domino Calf Lace Shoes, with gray or fawn buck tops and military heels. Nor mally priced at $12 and PQ QC $12.50. Special, pair... D7J Hanan & Son's Women's Gunmetal Button Shoes, with gray cloth tops, PQ QC reduced to D7eJ Women's Lace or But ton Shoes, with gun metal or patent colt vamps and cloth tops. In small sizes only. Values up to PO QP pair l?aWetS MEN Boyden's Cres co Calf and Brown Cordo van Shoes, lace or bluch er. Regular $12.50 to $15 values. Pair, $10.95 i - 3 lu? ZZ Sole Portland Agents Hanan Shoes ROSENTHAL'S 129 Tenth Street,' Bet. Washington and Alder ' ?.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIttIIIIIIIIlltlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlIIIIIIllllIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIlIIIIllllIlllIllIlIIIIsIlIlIIItlIIllIIllIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Saturday 2 to 8 P. M. 6 Decorated China Cups and Saucers Regular Price $1.80 For Only 4c 1 set to a customer. None to dealers. Sold for cash only. No deliveries. Special Sale on Comforts and Blankets Large assortment from which to select. Come early and look them over. home 'FURNISHERS 6B-70-FIFTH ST. 2Vi Blocks North of Wash- ington Street CHILBLAINS Or Frost Bttea Juat Bathe and nab Them With BLAININE fjnerg sayi "If nat dandyf No grease. Will not stain. Ther Is nothlns" like It. Your druggist baa It, or will gladly get It.