Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 02, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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'We Are Sincere and Earnest
in Our Wish to End War,
- Declares Wekerle.
he will suppress every attempt at
breach of tba peace with all means
at his disposal, He warna orderly citl
attna to take no part In public meetings
and to avoid crowds and concludes by
saying that If arma have to be used
no distinction can be made between
the disturbers of order and those who
are not taking part In such dis
turbance a."
Artlon Krpeated That Count
Carrnln )fa Krpralrdly Srnl Mcf
a:n to PTrlJrnr VUon Pro-
AMiTERPAif. FbL 1. Hr. AUxan-
dr lVkrl. liunvarian Fremitr to
d'trrMlnc tin ltt lodvjr drrvJ
"'iuf rdtar for pmc atneer
mni rnt. VV nvr atrov nor do
w ptrt for coniu3t.
-V art radjr to lc a Juat on)r
ftniiti wbliB will lad to latin
w nd lb rurtt)r of that p
and of intaarnational atrntH." Pre
' ntr Hkr.- dJ-d. accordinc to U
,, aiitit-r rachln hr frvm liudr
The Kunaartan lTmlr n,rtd tha
tha only conditions required wr tha
a tha int-'crltr of bia country trrltor
ahould remain onirnpirtd and that It
nould h liberty to rKtilat Ita In
tvrnal affair. II continued:
-'m will oppNus attrmpta to aow dia
nirn mna u. but whether th
ttar tutor brims urn pac or unavotd
.bU bailie, it im certain we deatro to
maintain our alUant with trmanjr a
on of tha moat cffctiv aafefaard
m to peare. -
I'rtmirf W'ekerl aiJ that h hoped
that the arrangement which llunaarjr
waa about to make with Ormanjr
would mah aeruro hla country'a
nomio Itr. "That lara fteld of ac
t tivtty whtrh w need for our derelop-
i RMnt and our ffort to create cloao
' conomio relation with Germany.
. aot directed aainat other a tat a." ha
' concluded.
IIOV. FK. 1 It I known po1
tlveiy. accMtna: to dupatch from
i Heme to th Imily Malt that Coun
aernta. the Auatro-IIunarartan Korttin
t linUlr. Ihrouf h private in termed.
arie ha ant m after
to Fridnt Wtlon a urine him of
the alnerlty and tfuiielexaneaa of Aoa
inan diptomaxr-
Auatria. la absolutely dependent vpow
Jfuncaxjr and Koumani fur sratn. 1 1 err
iloefcr. tha Austrian rood .Minister,
aatd In an Interview So ua Wiener
Hln last Aaiuit only 151.0 tons
( wheat hart been raelved from Hou
nanta. whiie ahipmenta) from lluncary
wer quit lnadgaai to meat prca
nt nda.
In TCussta tha Bolshevlkl have cap-
tnred tho Important Black Sea port of
Udeeaa and also tha railroad Junction
of Orenburg, which lira near tha Ami
atle frontier.
In addition, tha Bolshevlkl la con
tinuing Ita programme i" hostilities
acalnst Roumania. the revolutionary
committee of the black Sea fleet hav
ing confiscated a large number of mer
chant and other vessels In the Black
Sa in order to hamper Roumaaia's
On the other hand the Roumanians
have taken the town of Kishinev, cap
ital of Besaarrbla.
In Finland the Red Guard every
mher . being defeated by the White
Guard or is voluntarily surrendering
and laying down arms. The revolu
tionists, homever. still hold Ilelaing-
II Chrnalls flair New Company Old
One Will Reduce Price.
niEHAU.J. Wash. Feb.' 1 .pe-
. clal.1 The North Coast Power Com
? penv "passed the buck" to the Chehalla
City Commission today In the matter ef
accepting: a reduction of what amounts
. to fully - per cent In tha electric llsbt
rare In this city.
. If the commission accepts the offr
of the power company It will vol down
a the pending franchise ordinance) asked
' for by O. K. Anderson, of I'ortland.
blch haa paaeed first and second read
v toe.
The present llcht rate to Chehalts Is
; IS rents per kilowatt hoar the first
2 hoars. 1 cents the next ten kilo
watt hours and S renta tha neat 10
. kilowatt hours. The new rate Is 9 cents
a aer kilowatt hour for the first hours
o nd all over 4 kilowatt hours ft cents
per kilowatt hour.. Kstabltshment of
the rut rate Is conditioned that the
ChbAlts Commission turn down the
'l ordinanca for a complete aystem.
j llootl Rlsrr Tropic Korral Out at
M5I1I la Icy Air.
1IOOD RIVFR. Or.. Keb. 1. (Special I
. nlsbl. Juat aa the family of I '.
. tirnith. ert-hrl supertntendtfnt. were
prrparina to retire Ihey were attracted
t by a roerlnc. and discovered the second
. story of the home at Hrlnkhavea or
o chorda In damea. Mr. Umlih. who la a
widower, and hia four children were
trieen froea tha huildlna; Into the Icy
I air. Only a few household articlea were
e saved. One son. Impressed by the value
. of tbe product, directed all of hla ener
. alee to savins? a le.arallon ran of home-
rendered lard. Ktrept for what they
wore tha family loot all f their doth-
Z Mr. Smith had no Insurance en hi
property. The orchard place la the
't property ef the itealey.f ressr Com
panr. of I'ortland. It la not known
whether the house, the value of which
1e eatlisated at iao. waa laaured or
J not.
On tha Hat'lefronls tha most Impor
tant fighting baa taken place In tha
Northern Italian theater. Here the
Auetrians endeavored to evict tha
Italians from new positions on Monte
dl Valbella. lu the Alago plateau sec
tor, hut were repulsed before they
Honorable, 'Democratic Pact
Defined in- Address by
Arthur Henderson.
Appeal Made to Corcrnmcnt to Meet
Amalgamated Engineers In
Separate Conference and
Avoid Strike.
LONDON". Feb. 1. Arthur Henderson.
labor leader and former -member of the
War Cabinet, who as a member of the
Exchange Telegraph dispatch from
About 40 steamships and several war
ships have been seized in Black Sea
LONDON. Feb. 1. Five more entente
warships have arrived at Vladivostok,
according to special dispatches from
Petrograd. It Is added that China, act
in? on allied advices, haa forbidden ex
portation of foodstuffs to Kussia.
It is reported in Moscow that th
Turks have proposed a separate peace
to the trans-Caucasian council of work
men s' and soldiers' delegates. It is
said that negotiations are in progress
looklnic to the restoration of steamship
service between Odessa and constant)
nople and Odessa and Galatz.
The Mussulmans in South Russia, in
cludine; the Crimea, are reported to
have formed a government in opposi
tion to the Bolabeviki and are co-oper-
atinr with the Ukraine. More- than
0.000 Mussulman troops are said to be
acting against the Bolshevlkl in the
Tho British Embassy in Petrograd
January 26 informed the Bolshevik
government that British warsWps were
at Vladivostok to protect allied auD
Jects against possible disorder.
Congress of All Russia Will Take
Place of Constituent Assembly.
BERNE. Switzerland. Feb. 1. (British
Admiralty by Wireless Press.) A dis-
-r;- w' a rrtttr - -z '
" -. - i.-.". .z 'J:.' ."1- C-t"r-j
1 -Ii."- T i.t.. . J.L.".J., .VtM''i -m i eiCTaliiaiftsiia.-''ias-
could reach the line of the defenders.
Previously the Italians by a quick-
stroke masterfully carried out had
pushed further forward their line In
thla region to tha bead of Telago
Tba Austrian losses In tha past few
days' flahtlng. not Including tbe men
made prisoner, are estimated at be-
ween 6000 and tooo.
On tha other fronts the fighting eon-
Inues to be carried out by small par-
lia of Infantry In raiding operatlona
and by the big guns of both sides.
Profrcs of thm War.
With tho military operations oca all
the wiajur battle fronts continuing far
' below normal the Internal political sit.
. nations In 'rmany. Kusaia and Fin
--land are still to the fore in general
. lat.reet.
a In all three of theeo eountrlea the
' turbulence of past days. Involving coa
stituted and de facto governmeota oo
the one hand ana divaatlsned popula
tlona on the other, still prevails.
In i.ermanv. althoucb. apparently.
numeroiaa etri'r lhrahout the em
ep:re thus far have failed to return to
week, there seemingly haa been a lea-
sentng In the tensity of the situation.
In Ruaata the Internecine strife be-
- Iwitn the HoTrievtkl aed counter rrvo.
lattoetary factions again haa helght
X od In Finland tSo etruggle between
- tho White liaard. representing the new
government, and the Ked tiuard. which
4 is opposing 1U goes on,
Meanwhile, from Hungary comes a
reiteration of the sincere and earnest
m eVtre of that country for pence, made
before tha Diet -by tha 1'rtoie Minuter.
The failure of 0rwtan newspapera to
7 arrive at the usual neutral polrtia from
which aewa ef conditions In Ueraaany
is disseminated, leavee a veil of un
certainty over the esact status of at-
fairs there. 9uch advices as have come
, through, however, tend to Indicate that
.The strike moement haa rea-hed Ita
ogreatal height and now is la the proo
a ea of dwindling. Thla fact is ascribed
to the seeming lukewarmacse of the
I labor leaders toward the movement
and a lea. and In great pert, to the
'strong rtreeslve measurea adopted by
the government.
Koilowiag cloeety upon th action of
the military commander In Hamburg
declaring martial law. the commander-in-chief
in Brandenburg province, in
which Berlin la situated, has placed the
hard hand of tho military upon tho
.strikers ander his Jurisdiction.
L'nder "a more drastic stata of siege.1
ehc commander informs the public that
lireu Attack Mad Menle dl TaM
Brlla Arrlllery Ar-tlea Cautlauea
Asssic Eaatcrs Freat-
ROME. Fen. t. Ths Austrlans ye'
lerday attacked the Aslago Tlateau In
an attempt to drive the Italians from
heir newly won position on Monti del
11a. the War Office, announced to
day. The enemv. however, was on
ble to reach tha Italian line.
The text of tne communication says
"After repeated unsuccessful at
rmots lo regain lost ground In the
rra of Saaso Rosso, the enemy mill
ted yesterday morning a stronger ac
Ion with th. object of driving ua off
i tho Monte dl Val Bella, from wnere
our troops had reached, by a audden
thrust at dawn, tbe head of tha Telago
-Tha attack, however, waa Broken
before It reached our Una by tba ef
fective co-ope ration of our artillery.
which met the assailants with a sow
rrful barrage fire and compelled them
to retire to their starting position.
"On the remainder of tba front there
waa moderate artillery activity. In
iiiudicnna we repulsed by our hand
grenade fir enemy detachment which
wrra attempting to- approach our line.
"Activity bv our patrola la reported
between tbe foetna and Astlco.
-lava I night enemy aircraft dropped
bombs on Bassaao. A few persons
were wounded. Only alight material
damage wss done."
Loul W. Hill Announce Corning
tireat Northern Election.
8T. PALI. Minn, Feb. 1 William P.
Kenney will be elected president and
Ralph Budd executive vice-president of
the tirrat Northern Railroad nest week
according to an announcement made
tontrht bv Louis . HilL president and
chairman of the board of directors ot
the Ureal Northern Railway.
Mr. iltll will remain chairman. These
rhangea will bo made to give tbe rail
road more executives In order that It
may co-operate with tha uovernment
la the fullest way possible.
Crntralla 1'ut on Water Rations.
CFNTRAL1A. Wash, Feb. 1. (Spe
cial The break In tba pipeline of
Centralla'a gravity water system had
not been repaired today. Laat night
the city waa put en water rations.
service being given ten minutes every
hour. By this means It Is thought
possible that the supply la the reset,
voir will hold out until tha repair work
completed. Tbe break occurred In
swamp, which makes tha work diffi
Cot Ion Shortage to He Rellered.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 1. To relieve
shortage of cotton at New England
mills. Director-General McAdoo In
structed C H. Markham. regional rail
road director for tha Houih. to ahip Im
mediately between ee.oea and leo.eoa
bales of cotton to Brunswick. Savannah,
Charleston and other Southern ports
for trans-shipment by water to New
Tork and to New England.
To Pleieaa ttss Ortp
CM- reuse Oris LAX ATI VSJ
QL I XTN K TaMere remove tae earn
It eae -Breaao Qmlanva.''
a There
UKUt art sisaatars ea bwa. eOc Adv
Cabinet signed an agreement with the
Amalgamated Society of Engineers, em
bracing the engineers' trade, in which
the government agreed to meet the
engineers In separate conference when
ever necessary, tonight Issued a lengthy
statement appealing to the government
to adhere to this promise and avoid a
strike, which he said would seriously
Imperil the output of munitions and
other war necessities.
Mr. Henderson strongly advised the
workers In the Interest of tha war not
to lay down their tools.
"We are all weary of war," he said.
"Immediate peace Is the greatest need
of the world, but peace cannot be
achieved by one section of labor acting
by 'itself. Peace will come when the
working class movement as a whole
haa discovered by conference the con
ditions of an honorable and democratic
peace worthy of the unimaginaDie
sacrifices the people have made.
Separata Conference Desired.
After reviewing the question at issue
tha opposition of the engineers to the
manpower bill, which Mr. Henderson
desired them to abandon and declar
ing that the engineers were merely
asking a continuation of the procedure
Instituted by Premier Lloyd George
himself. Mr. Henderson said:
"I earnestly appeal to tha govern
ment that they ahould at once agree
to a separata conference. Their prea
ent attitude Is leading rapidly to
trouble. They are risking the national
causa for a point of procedure."
Mr. Henderson added that hla knowl
edge of the history of the controversy
convinced him that labor waa Justified
In Its stand.
Peace) Poller Defined.
Reverting to his declaration that an
Immediate peace waa the greatest need
of tha world, but an honorable and
democratic peace. Mr. Henderson con
Peace must be made en theae terms
and on no other. That Is our policy. Jt
will be presented aa a moral ultimatum
to the government from an organized
democracy la all the belligerent gov
"I appeal In all earnestness to the
workers not to wreck this great
triumph of the International working
class movement In the field of diplo
macy by a precipitate action which
ran only end In discrediting and de
feating tha democratic cause."
patch received from Moscow by way of
Kiev and Vienna aaya the antl-Bolshe-viki
have called the congress of all
Russia to meet in Moscow February 3
to replace the constituent assembly.
The dispatch adds that invitations
have been sent to 105 representatives
of the army and navy, 100 to the rep
resentatives of urban workingmen, 420
to peasants. 32 to village Zemstvos. 62
to tho boroughs and 52 to co-operative
The congress is to elect a govern
ment which Is to hold office until the
new constituent assembly can definite
ly decide on the future of the country.
It also is proposed to enact an electoral
law for the constituent assembly.
Correct fashion lines may be achiaved by stout and medium f igures,
without selecting- sizes smaller than the figure demands, if Rengo
Belt Corsets are worn. Here are scientifically designed corsets, ap
parently no different than any ordinary corsets, yet tailored in such
a manner as to reduce positively, comfortably and in accord with
fashion's latest lines. All Rengo Belt models have the strength to
hold and mould the figure absolutely to their designed lines they
will not break or bulge under the most severe strain that the very
stoutest figure may put upon them. For that reason the size your
figure demands will satisfy you absolutely and you will not suffer
the discomfort of attempting to force the figure, as is usual when
medium and stout women wear ordinary corsets. There are models
for all figures some with "steelastic" webbing where extra free
dom is desired and all are boned with double watch-spring steels.
$2.50 and $3.50 Pair
Men's Snow Shoes
At $2.95
A timely sale of Men's 4-Buckle Snow
Excluder and 4-Buckle Railroad Wal
rus Snow Shoes Goodyear Glove
and U. S. brand the best makes, in
all sizes, at $2.95
Men 's Arctics
At $1.45
Men's 1-Buckle Arctics in Goodyear
and Para brand, all sizes, most excep
tional values at $1.45
Men's Red Rubber Boots at. . .$4.95
Stor Opens
at S :30 A.M.
at 9 A.M.
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
Store Closes
at 5:30 P.M.
at 6 P. M.
draft law.
to obstruct the selective
Workers Federation Issues ritlnia-
turn lo Federal Council.
PARIS. Feb. 1. A dispatch from
Geneva. Switzerland, to tha Temps.
Paris, aays the" Swiss Federal council
at aa extraordinary meeting at which
Oenera L'lrich Wllle, commander of
tha army and hia chief mf ataff were
present, considered the ultimatum that
baa been Issued to tha federal council
by the labor federation demanding de
mobilization of the Swlsa army, begin
ning Immediately and terminating not
later than May 1.
Tha labor ultimatum also demanded
that deserters and recalcltranta, aa well
aa men In tho auxiliary service shall be
mustered out Immediately and given
their unpaid salaries.
Tha federation of labor unions
adopted tha resolution by a vote of
IZ to 71. but tha minority declares that
action waa Irregular.
fConlloud From First Page.)
Russian Colonial Congress Begins
Sessions at New York.
NEW TORK, Feb. 1. The Bolshe
vlkl are In full control of the Russian
colonial congress, which opened here
tonight with delegates present from
all parts of the United States.
Alexander Berkman. who must go to
prison tomorrow, for opposing the se
lective service law, waa one of tha
leading figures.
The test of strength came with the
election of officers. Gregory Weln
stein. editor of Novy Mir, a radical
socialist publication, upon which Leon
Trotzky was employed as an editorial
writer when he was in this city, was
elected president by -v. large majority.
A Bolshevik also waa elected vice-president.
The second clash between the radicals
and conservatives came with the in
troduction by Natin Berkus. of the
Cleeland group of anarchists, of a res
olution which declared:
"The Russian colonial congress, rep
resenting the Russian people in Amer
ica, protests against the unjust verdict
In the cases of Alexander Berkman,
Kmma Goldman, Baker and Kramer
and demands that they be freed and
returned to Russia."
N. Horwits. one of the editors of Novy
Mir declared the resolution was too
mild. He insisted that Berkman and
the others should be freed without de
portation. He said 4hey had a right to
live where they pleaaed.
Brielo I'ho, of San Francisco, de
manded that the conference seek the
immediate liberation of Berkman and
Emma Goldman, who will begin to
morrow to serve two-yesr terms for
forces who were sent there In response
to appeals for aid from tha local Bess-
arabian government-
Kishinev, with a population In 189?
of about 109.000, la the chief center of
Bessarabia for trade In grain, wool.
tallow, bides and tobacco. It is situ
ated on the Byk River, S miles north
west of Odessa and 20 miles from tha
Roumanian border.
rsssUllaa Greatly Mixed.
Tha city presents little of Interest
outside of tha motley composition of ita
population, which consists of Rouma-
lana. Russians. Jews. Bulgarians. Ger
mans. Tartars and gypsies. Wine cul-
ura and tha growing of tobacco axe
tha chief Industries.
LONDON. Feb. 1. Owing to the break
between the Bolahevik government and
Roumania. tha revolutionary committee
of the Black Sea fleet haa resolved to
confiscate tha meana ef transport be
longing to Roumania, according to an
"Over There"
American Quartet.
"Carry Me Back
to Old 3
By Alma Oluck and
"Long-, Long; Trail"1
By John McCormaek.
Cssaa Early tf Tea Waat Oao, aa Oug
Sappty la Ltsnltea.
14 Blxth Brree. Xesr Morrlaoa.
Lieutenant Is Promoted.
LONDON, Dec 21. Acting Lieuten
ant Prince Albert, who, owing to a re
cent Illness, has been Invalided from
the Grand fleet, has been appointed to
the Cranwell air station for executive
88th Dlvlsioncrs Are 'Hun-lmskers.'
CAMP DODGE. la.. Feb. 1. "Hun-
huskers" is the sobriquet of the SSth
Division of the National Army selected
by Brigadier-General R. N. Getty, com
mandant, from a list of 360 presented
by the camp publication, which held a
contest for that purpose. It was an
nounced today. ;
War Y
Dr. Harry Stuermer
A distinguished German journalist, whose conscience has forced him
to bear witness to German injustice and atrocities in Turkey.
A sensational serial dealing with Constantinople and German-Turkish
relations and giving a German's view of Germany's blunders.
This great feature is to appear serially in
Beginning Tomorrow (Sunday), February 3, and continuing daily
and Sunday for several weeks.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. Druggists
refund money fails. 25c
EUl Dandruff
and Itching
with Cuticura
Sas 2St Ointment 2Se 1 58c
As correspondent in Constantinople of the "Kolnische Zeitung"
Cologne Gazette), Dr. Stuermer had access to information that none
,.,jf a German could have obtained. The massacre of the Armenians
and the innermost workings of the Turkish "system" will be laid before
the readers of The Oregonian. His confessions are an amazing revelation.
Wt)i regoman
Phones Main 7070, A 6095