TIIK 3IORMNG OKEGOXIAX, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1918. SURVEY IS FINAL Timber Resources of Coast Will Be Checked. SHIP CONTRACTS FOLLOW vmw Milpplng Hoard That 11 Ha Lanibrr and l-abor for All mare Ircnuands. m upportiaa conrvtia eatimalas that ta trn with the tmr- irocjr Klt forporatioo at Washing ton, bearing on lha amount of ablp construction timber that ran ba manu f tur.d la tha Orison district during 1914, a aurv.y of the resources of the f-i.'ic Cm-i will b In full swine In another week. When !' S'irv.jr date. mentM have boon digested at Washins; ton all contrarti for wooden ships that ran bo guaranteed for delivery thi J.ar are expected to b rlosed. Manacer I'te. of the Shipping Board. Ia arranged ftr the survey and tbv h-h ! to be made in surh a manner that dependable Information will b placed at hi. disposal. Though ti tTegon illstrl.t has pledged i:J.CO ton of wooden hlp thi year, which would b I0v vessels of Jjt ton each. It has been estimated that MS carrier vt the wooden typa ran ba delivered while Iher are some Interest that fiaura pteamera should be the nark to shoot at. rartlaae) Mas Mark t Oa. Concarnlng the situation at Wash ington, aa It relatea to efforts of back- era of new wooden yards and anme of those, In established plant to obtain contracts now. Oswald West. i-Osr ernor of tregon. who 1 -In the Kant. telegraphed yesterday "that the fu lure of 4overnment order for ship building on this Coa.t depend, largely on a survey now being made a to IB lumber and the labor supply. and he adds that "I'ortUnd should get busy and shoot in linea." The lumber survey has been ar ranged for. after preliminaries cov ering two or threa week, and aa to the labor situation. K. P. Uonham. L'nlted tate Immigration Inspector here, ha been sending offli-tal report Kast for some tim. showing that the shipyard f Oregon are not In need of men other tftaa a certain number of highly skilled, who could be utilised. Their a.a--e. however. Is not Interfering with progre.a. according to yard own era In addition. dr. Hon!. am has sent ut a plain statement to all f ederal employment agencies In the l'nlted state, explaining the trua conditions aad advising against men being sent here for shipyard work. If there are skilled men in the Kast with shipyard ipertenca who wish to come here. jar. Honharn suggested that they first com- nuBit-ait with M offica or some yard Tha shipment her, last month were about H . barrel. Tha tank steamer Atlas arrived yes terday from the south and barge II la due in the harbor thla morning with a full load of the liquid fuel. Until mora tankers are requisitioned, they will ba kept bus jr between tha California oil station and porta in Oregon and V ash- In c Ton. stocking up atoraga tanka for the future. A decrease la looked for In tha amount of oil consumed at ahor plants, except on railroad system, but owners of deep-water vessel and In land steamers do not anticipate tba Government will leave them without fueL . UKSTBROVK WIIX tiET BOILERS Hall Gors to Willamette1 to Be fitted Oat for tiovcrnmcnl. To receive her boilers and machinery the hull of the new steamer Went brook wa ahlfted yesterday from, the yard of the Northwest Uteel Company to the dock of the Willamette Iron A Steel Works. Her bollera have been ready some time and much of tbe auxiliary gear ia In shape to go Into the hull. The steamer Westwind will leave for sea tonight to undergo her official trial, fhe will have a ballast cargo I PIMWELL UNDER WAY STAXDlFFR . OHIPVABDS TO READY IX FEW MOTHS. BE rsasssy Haw Ceatraete far sixteen vAeeelea 9hlaa aad Tea More Steel Veeeela. Of t( Scotch marine boilers ordered of tha Willamette Iron A Steel Works by the Kmergency' Fleet Corporation during less tban a month, 30 of them are for 1 steel steamers, each of 3500 tons deadweight, which the ti. M. Standifer Construction Corporation will buna at Vancouver. J. A. Sim, for a Ion period con nected with the Bun Shipbuilding; Com pany, of Philadelphia. I'a.. 1 to be man ager of the new plant and he arrived here yesterday, with uuy M. Standifer, head of the corporation, to assume chargeat once of the early work. Mr. Standifer also brought with htm ?nd.U "un'ed .n to nle. mak.n 1- In .U of to? cli.Th. . . J" ! "JIZ : ,romlnd his asaociatea are to deliver. 10 of to ttuodajr mornlnf nd spend v ral hours outside. Captain "Buck Bail--jr. well-known Puget Hound pilot. win be skipper of tha We.itwind on the run. representing the owners, though Captain Charles MacGregor. who Is to be her roaster, will be aboard, ready to take command as soon aa she la ac cepted by the United Slates Shipping Board. , SO ICE OX CPPKIt COLUMBIA Start of Vancouver Fill Will Not lie Delated by Winter. fn a special report from Kennewlck yesterday Kred Pap, superintendent of the Port of Portland, was Informed that there had not been any formation of let to the river there, so he feels that the dredge Tualatin, which has been sent to the Standifer yard at Van couTer. will not experience any trouble throuach floating Ice. In some seasons February has been featured by running Ice In the Colum bia and. with such conditions. It would be Impossible to maintain a floating pipaita- from a dredge. The Tualatin startMhe work there Monday and will be held at the task until the last of the fill Is placed, unleaa an emergency i: e dop along these I arises that compel her wlthtrrawaJ for a time. Marine Note. Towed by the steamer Catacadra barge No ! W. of lh Hfandard Oil l'umn;'i lino, la doe at wmbritlf e lb La mornlnf. from (be I ioida it. Oa unloading the laat of her asphalt cargo at the North Hnfc dock today, the itumtr taiay Mathews ablfta to tho Pvnlnaula mill to atart hr lombr carco. taking oa more Si. Johna ana Unnio. The atoamoi liejr rrvwmon aio arrived in the river ya trday aim a toad of asphalt from Can forma. To fake on more lumber, tho steamer Era ol H. MTr shifted --rdiT from ft. HIne to Kaiaur aad lil finish at West Captain rowilne. of the s-'hoonep Toreot Mom. hM-h Imm ami a to atari hr rarfo or lumbvr oa the lor Hvr. pot ho brth for two young snea bavina a -nina toward the sea. Ho aaya he to will fn la aifrn t bxsaa. ho aro anaJtataai la mt eaowine (.hair esporlenco and partlru I firot knowide w a ahip and hr worklnca ir line ok worn, ao inj idiriii no l bit a win pove id T ir mom ottlntt pla-od. but not to make tho trip with- I '- f c-nod offlcera latr. Cap ut advatv-e information, expecting to I 1ow,1" caoo anipo obtain employ meat. .baoid rt-d m both cooat. to irmia . . . . . , w yean mn. hut la tho aboenro of ouch ho the attitude of builders .In the fm9m h tmm d. him 9hmr9 in m mU. Oregon d.-trht la that they aro not wailing on either the lumber output r tabor auppty to do thlr work or take on mora contracts. The lumber purvey a eTVo-d to show what amount of lumber ran bo assigned to shipbuilding, providing for tho needs f th Army aad aeroplane service as well. king ed Bomber 10 ea each trip. After a vunt of more than two weka dur In a which time he compt4 the aale of the orhoonor Fttroft Home to waiter tk-ammel. f r4.n rraarta, and attendod to other buolnMS for the firm of Fair tt Moran. -Audi' Moran left yeotertlay for the Ooidea uoie. CltU'S HARBOK FIRM STARTS Mocomhtp Corporntloa Taken Over 9 and Work luj;ln at Once. ABKRDKKX. Wash.. Peb. 1. 5pe- OiaL) The Urats Harbor lthtpbullding Company, which Kaa lain tdlo for six months, has been taken over by the (rays Harbor Motorohip Corporation. an adjoining yard, and will be started bp Immediately. Throe keels will be laid there during tha present month, the firat of them going down Saturday. on the main plant of tho rav Harbor Motorshlp I ard Ava Oovernment ships are now I left wt at 3a P. M.. ateamrr Delay alath- Movetnenta of - eaaels. f0 RTt-A Vt. , Feb. 1 Arrirod Steamoro F A. K 11 bum. from baa Franrtaeo: LaUy Froomaa. from m Fraactaco; loiay Math , ewa from Mn Kraartaeo. Atlaa and barge WJ. from eaa r raacie-. ASTORIA. Feb. I lfi up at S A. M. barse b-k from laa Franclaca. Arrived i and left op at So A. M . starar liay rmm.n, from San Frnnrloco. Arrived 3 aad left up at lO A. M atoomer F. A. Iwilbara. from naa Franclaco. 9 AS FRAN'rl3ro. Feb. 1 Arrtvod at aooa. steamer iteaver. from Poniatad. VoiNT RET ITS. rob. 1 Paao-4 at A. U . atoamer O.eum. from fort la ad for Oitom. ASTORIA. Jan. SI. Arrived at B:S and butldtng. so that before the end of aVtarrh eight veseeta will be under con struction at thea yards, beside four which are la the water receiving en gines. Tbe engine Installation plant of this company, now being built, will ba par tially In operation by the end of the we. from Han Franelsro. Arrived at a P. M- etoamer ttantlam. from 8an Frmnrloco. Amvd at I. -!.. oteomer Allan, towlna bargo No. M, from Hon Franclaco. JkX PEDRO. Jan. 31 Hailed at f P. M.. ateamer bhasta. for Portland. RATTLE. Waah.. Feb. Arrived fteamr Admiral FarracuU from Kan Fi month and In full operation within lUiro. Portland and Jffereon. from Aiaaka. day a. Hjr May 1 It Is expected that this )ard will be uyng :ooe men. making It aa of the largest wooden yards on the Pacific Coast. 1' I KT SHIP LA C1I KD SOO Two Yartl tlipe-rted to R Iteady I With Hull Abont Same Time. Healld (tamer Skagwajr and Victoria, for A.aha. aagtnatt. for hta Franclaco. PAX FRAN'CISTO. reb. 1. Arrived tarnera Havr and Olrum, from Astoria. Departed ateamer Admiral Schley, for Se at i.e. DAILY wETEROI.Oi.ICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Feb. 1. Maximum temper ature. 3. dfrvf: minimum. d For the honor of launching the first Kivor readme, s a. M. To feet: chanxe in wooden steamer for tha Emergency I 24 hur- frtl fa. Total preclpt- i . r . m.$t .oiincn; local 1 aiace i-ptomb-r 1. 1117. 2i.75 inchee. normal rainfall alnre beptember 1, Vlaaaat I'npnArallnn tj. iia-K aianl l.u.h.H I lat IOO . them being already under construction and the first will be afloat early in March. The six additional contracts had been agreed to some time ago. It hav ing been understood between Mr. Stan di fer and the Shipping Board officials when the 10 were ordered that the oth er r would be allot ed as soon as the first were under way. It was after receiving the 10 orders that the wooden plant at Vancouver was laid out, as previous to that time the builders had only the Standifer Clarkson plant, on North Portland har bor. The latter Tiaa fourVays and the Vancouver wooden plant has six. ao 10 ships are building' at a time. Of the six vessels added to the list, two are for delivery in November, two In De cember and two In January.. The new steel yard will have live ways, and It Is already under way. pile- drivers having made a good start on foundations for the ways, and by Mon day the 20-Inch pipeline dredge Tuala tin will start on a big fit! there that will require about three months to com- plete. Mr. Standifer, while In tha East, com pleted negotiations for machinery for the plant, some of which he had ar ranged for before he left here. The contract was not finally executed until January 8, yet fu. y agreed to by both the Government and the corporation be fore then. Men are to be brought from the Kast to accept responsible positions In the yard, which will be going In full blast In a few months. - With a total of 26 ships on Its books. the corporation holds more orders at the present time than any in the Ore gon district. The Northwest Steel Com pany and Columbia River Shipbuilding Corporation both have more steel ships to deliver, each having about double the number of that kind the Standifer yard la to build, and In wooden steam ers alone the Standifer Interests lead In this district, among the yards build ing ships of timber. Pacific Coast Shipping Notes. ASTORIA. Or.. Feb. 1. Special.) The sew at earn schooner Trinidad la due from San Franrloro to load at the Hammond mill. Tho etam achoonr Daley J-'reman ar rlvd thla morning from Kan Francisco en route to Portland with frelcht. Hrmglng rroijtht and ponaengera for At torla and Portland. Ih aiamr K. A. Kit bum arrived thla moraine from nan Fran- ClaVTO. Tho steam schooner Fantiam arrived thla mor n 1 n g f rom Pa n Ped ro. via Han a n -cteco. and went to Knappton, wherwehe will load wnj.000 feet of lumber, she will flnlah at W oat port. The motor schooner StC Rainier, carry! n a a caria of lumber from Wauna for Callao. thla afternoon for San Franclaco. After dis charging hrr lumbtr cargo at the Houth American port, the craft will load nltratea for tho Atlantic Coast and will remain In tha Atlantic trade. In the month of January 6A veeselo In tho eoasiwiee trade enterod at the local Cuetom-bouae. 43 with cargo and rj& in bai lat. in tbe same period T3 vaaela cleared In tho eoaatwiae trade. 44 with cargo and 2-1 la ballast. Two enterod from foreign porta and two cleared foreign. In addi tion to those, four veeeela cleared forelan direct from Portland. i no aioam tc noonr iaiay aiunivi ar rived during the night from Pan Francisco with freight en route to Portland. Bringing cargoes of fuel oil for Astoria and Portland. Xhe tank steamer Attaa, with oarge iu tn tow. arriven during the night from California. COOS BAT, Or.. Feb. 1. (Special.) The steamer O. C Llndauer sailed thla afternoon at 3:30. carrying lumber and paaaengers for ban Franclaco. Tha steam schooner Kouth Coaet arrived this forenoon at 10 from Pan Franclaco and will ahlp a lumber cargo and tiea. The gasoline schooner Tramp was pre vented from salting Mr Rogue River by a storm whlcb arose last night. SAN" FRANCISCO, Feb. 1. Special.) In addition to the t love rn men t diverting sati ng vessels from New Zealand and Austral- Ian voyages to the Philippines, the Ship ping Board plans to employ available motor ahlps In carrying ship lumber to Atlantic porta. On account of the retrenchment in railroading there Is a shortage In Kastern hipyarda of material for the wooden ships under course of construction. Wanhlngton has iMued Instructions to the Pan Fran- ward ahlp timber to the Atlantic aa fast aa poeeib;e. The master of a sailing vessel In port Is reported to have resigned because two cadets are to go on the off-ahore voyage. He ap pealed to tbe owner of the ship not to send the boya, aa he said he did not want to be bothered answering questions about navlga tion. The owner was unwilling to call off the arrang-ment for the young men to ship and to id the master aa much. The boys are graduates of the navigation school. The lanlsh aieamsblp Rbodeaia arrived todatr from Calcutta with 4 ICS tons of cunnvaarke, tea. hemp and other Oriental products The Dutch warship Zeeland left the Hunter's Point drydock today after having a new blade put on the propeller. After almost foundering In Northwest gales that carried away her aalls and port bul warks last November south of the Hawaiian I-lands and with only a scanty supply of ha ni ark to keep the crew from dying from starvation, the bar ken tine Tsabel arrived today from Suva. FIJI Islands. The small craft waa In tha storm that sent the big Norwegian steamship Thor to tho bottom tM miles north of Honolulu. Tho Yaabel brought a cargo of copra. SEATTLE. Feb. 1. (Special.) A heavy snowstorm which at times resembled a bltz- avrd interfered with shipping on Puget Sound today, but so far no accidents were reported. Aside from delaying the arrival of esse I a. the atorm did no damage. The Pacific Pteamshlp Company's liner Admiral Farragut reached port three hours lata and with her decks covered with snow as the result of encountering the storm aa she en tered the Straits. Storm warnings are being displayed at the various weather bureau sta tions. W. T. Isted today purchased tho steamer Washington, a Puget Sound craxt. wnicn had been operated by the Washington Steamship Company, but declined to an nounce his Plans regarding; the veaselT When the international r isn commissions conclude their Joint meetings on the Atlan tic Coast they will come to Seattle to con elude their hearing on matters pertaining to the deep-sea fishing Industry, and will en deavor to form a definite policy to be con cluded lolntlv. tne hundred and thirty thousana tons OI freight destined for the Orient waa shipped out of this port during January, thereby re- tatvinsr the congestion to a marsea aegree. The placing in commission of a number or new ships within the next rw oays win fertualiv relieve the existing congestion. Six new craft will be ready for cargo next week. C S. Naval Radio Reports. .All re porta are foV ft P. M. yeaterday, on lea, alherwlao Indicated.) WAPAMA. Kan Francisco- for Everett, 33 mll.a aart nt I'aM KlatteiY. RAINIKR. Pan Francisco for Seattle, 280 miles from Pan Franclaco. O. A. SMITH. In tow of tug Samson. San Francisco for Coos Bay, 20 miles south of Coos Hay. YOSEMITE. Port Gamble for Pan Fran cisco. 3." miles north of Blunts Reef. CORDOVA, southbound. TS miles east of Cap Hlnchlnbrooke on January 31. KKTWH1KAN, arrived at Unalaska Jan uary 31. Notice to Mariners. Information has been received from an American vessel that when In latitude t9:34 north, longitude 144:00 west. January 17. she passed a log about 40 feet long and two feet la diameter. E. F. ECKHARDT, Commander U. S. Navy. Retired. Per Oscar W. Schwa its. Nautical Expert. U.S.N. Tides at Astoria Saturday. High. Low. 4 ?7 A. M 8 1 feet' 1 1:16 M M 2.0 feet 4.31 P. M 6.1 feet lOi'-H P. M 2.6 feet AMUSEMKXTS. John HYAMS McINTYRE Leila; Val auieva Troupe: Felix Bernard eft Eddie Jan is; R I TH BOY K ; Apdale's Zooloaical Ircu ; IIARKV BL RES FORD A CO.; ST I ART BARNES. s T A VCD ALCAZAR JjA1LK .-layers list. Today; Last Time Tonlpht. "IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE" Greatest comedy hit In years. Evenlnjrs. 5c. SOc. T5c Mats.. 25c. 50o xt Week, Starting Tomorrow Mat., The t nc hastened Woman." AM CSEXEMTS, r: P ANTAGEi MAT. DAILY 2:30 THE BRIDE SHOP Wlia Eddie Voat and His Own Campany. A Aiew York Beanl? Chora s. Six Other Bis Acta. Three Performances Dally. Night Cur tain at 7 and 9. SICAL STOCK L, Y R I C Ml Mat. DaSXr at t:S0; Nlchta at 7:10 Today aad TonJaht. DILLON FRANKS. In a howllnc new musical comfdy success, "IN WRONG1 Next Week, Starting; Tomorrow Mat., -THE PRINCE OF PILSNER." Columbia River Bar Report. NORTH HEAD. Fb. I. Condition of the bar at 5 P. M.. smooth: wind. west. IM mll.s. Seagull, Caught on Bridge, Ia Liberated After Battle. tlridar Tender Blttea hy Frlsrfcteaed "Submarine Detector." rnHERE is one seagull In the harbor 1 who owes hia life to the friendly aid of humane In releasing- him from the west wall of the Morrlaon-street bridge drawreat Thursday, where he had become fast through a string, tied tightly on one foot, having caught on an old cable. The plight of the gull was discovered by H. T. Grist, of the Kellogg Trans portation Company's force, on Wash Ington-street dock, who telephoned to Harry Richmond, superintendent of tha Morrison-street bridge. Mr. Richmond could barely see the gull flopping about from his station In the tower. He at once climbed down to the drawrest. which was no pleasant trip, In view of the chilling east wind, and found the gull had flopped about so the string was then bound about its wings. Ho cut that loose, and then the gull. evidently mistaking him for theone who had tied the string on his foot, gave battle. In spite of being bitten and scratched by the frantic bird. Mr. Richmond held him until he had cut the string from the limb and tossed the gull into the air. He sailed to the surface of the river, flopped his wings a number of times as though testing them, and headed for the dock line. In view of dispatches from Bos ton that seagulls have been proven the best submarine detectors known and requesting that they be protected in every way, the finding of the help less bird here waa declared to be evi dence of most unpatriotic tendency on the part of some person. Gulls are pro tected by law. and now, more than nfir. of the Mhirrmr Ho.rd to fnr- ever, they are doing their bit with the SEAT SALE NOW OPEX at Sherman, Clay & Co. for LEOPOLD GODOWSKY Piano Recital MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, at . AUDITORIUM Popular Prices: 5o and 85 f TONIGHT f at the AUDITORIUM CHARLES KAIMANA DIMOND Preaenta "A NIGHT IN HAWAII" 100 Dancrm, Slngera, Maslcians. Prices, 30c, 55c, S5c, fl.10. Scats Kow on Sale at McDonftal! Manic Store, Oirgonlan Bids. .MU'p.WJaWiJ H'SKRAL PinECTORS. Edward Holman. Pres. W. J. Hoiman, Sec. J. E. Werloin. Tras. THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Established 1ST7. THIRD ST.. CORNER OF SALMON.- A Modern, Spacious Family Room With Private Entrance. LADY ASSISTANT. Phones Main 5U7. A 1511. La3 CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally and Sunday. Per line. One time 12c bailie ad two consecutive times. ......... 22c feanic ad three consecutive times 30c bit me ad etx or eevea consecutive times.. Me Joe above rales itpply to advertisements onuer .fw today and ail oilier ciaHstlica- uons, except the following: .Situation Wanted .Male. Situations Wanted Female. For Kent Rooms Private Families. Board and Kooms Private Families. Housekeeping- Kooms Private 1-amiiies. Kates on the above classifications are cents a line each insertion. serious errors in advertisements will be rectified by republication without additional charge, but such republication will not be made where tbe error does not materially aiiet-t, tn value of tne advertisement. Tbe Oreaonian will acceot c.assitied ad vertisements over the telephone, provided the advertiser Is a subscriber to cither nil one. No price will be quoted over the pnone, dui mil win oe renaereo me ioiiow jjg day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depends upon tne promptness or payment; or teie- nhone advertisements. "Situations Wanted' and Personal" advertisements will not be accepted .tver the telephone. Orders for one insertion only will be accepted tor "furni ture for Male," "Business Opportunities, "Kooming-houses" and "Wanted to Kent." Perfect Funeral Service for Less. MILLER & TRACE Y Independent Funeral IJ rectors. Wash. St.. bet. -JOtti and L'lst, West Side. Main 2011. Ldy Assistant. A "SbA. J. P. KIN LEY &. SOS. Progressive Funeral 1I rectors. " Private Drive Women Attendants. iiONTGUilEKi' AT F1FT1L Main . A 159t. laat uL Lady Assistant. C 316 WILSON tat ItOHS. Funeral Directors. Inc. Multnomah at Seventh Streef. ER1CSON Residence Undertaking Parior 12th and Morrison sts. Alain til 33. A 223d. DUNNING & McE.NTEB. funeral direct ors. Broadway and Pine street. Phone Broadway 430, A 4558. Lady attendant. F. S. DUNNING, INC. THE GOLDEN RULE UNDERTAKERS. 414 East Aider street. East 52. B 2520. BREEZE & SNOOK BTe.'S! ai ha MR. AND AIRS. W. II. HAMILTON Fu neral service. 1973 E. Glisan. Tabor 4313. P. L. LERCH, East 11th ana Clay streets. Lady attendant. East 781. B 13S8. . Xi. ZifciJJer VvO. B91 Williams Ave. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. Sd and Clay. Maiii4152. A 2321. Lady assistant. DANCING! TOMUHT Cotillion Mall Fourteenth Off WsshiKton. Portland's Finest Amusement Palace. Ball-Bearing; Spring; Floor. Severn-Piece Orchestra. boys of the Navy- in following the un dersea fighters. COOS BAY TO PAY BONUSES Shipbuilding Company Ready to Hand Over 1 0 Per Cent to Men. MARSHFIELD. Or.. Feb. 2. (Spe cial.) Tbe Coos Bay Shipbuilding Com pany. of Marsbfleld. will be among tbe first in Oregon to pay tbe Government bonus of 10 per cent, according: to ar rangements now being carried out by Manager James Polhemus, who has for warded his list of men eititled to bo nuses to the San Francisco offices. Manager Polhemus expects the Pills- bury offices to designate the exact pay ments due bis men and the employes of tha Coos Bay Shipbuilding Company are practically guaranteed the deferred bo nuses Saturday. February 9. John 1. Goss and President A. E. Adelsperger are in Washington, con ferring with the Shipping Board over contracts in addition to the ships build ing. Phone your wane ads to The Orego- nlan. Main 7070, A 6095. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. YOUNG lady office assistant; state expe rience, age and apply In own nanawrltlng: salary 940 per month; give phone number. D 626. Oregon lan. IOI 1 001 for durlna tha month. It Is sauii the wraini orYino-r vrirfnjuinni II I afc IBcn.S; flellclvocy of rainfa;! since John, ana the I'rninsula rihipbuildtng I plemtr I. lull. .30 Inch. Sun r i.e. 7:3J rompsnr. at Peninsula, ara ronnlna I - sunset. &:la P.. M. Total auttshlne. about e.en. Tha former la ronatruct. " PoaslDI. sunshine. hours 4.1 minutes , , . . . . t , . ... . . NowriM. 1 r. . moonsei. a. M .... w. .Mw . I Baafmetrr rdoced a level . 4 p. M.. 2 I toe bra Ks.attvo Humidity at boob. 9 pr latter viaht hulls of tho Kerr la model. Tha 'osi htpbulidinc Company. locou fouth Portland, w here etffht contracts aro held (or Fvrrta ships, is well to the f with Its work and will ba close to tha winners with the first ship. Also tha uppto-BAllln .hipbulMlna Corpo- ratotn will not be far behind the lead era. from the ttme tha first Federal shtpa aro floated until tha end of the mmob lannchlnas will bo frequent aad mtnjr ways will he desired twice before THE WEATHER. TATlO.Ha. TAfOM.I DRY DOCK IS Bl'SY Man j Shlpe Wmil for IWth In "Biff Ulir: Todd Plant Brine FnUrfrd T AOW A. XV a h . Keb. 1. ?p-ial ) tavins "flic Hi t.' the dryJr of the T4d Lr y itr h 4k Const met Ion Com ranv's plant, tbe Alaska Hteamhlp uwtrnrT's northern freighter shtftd tl of Taroma last ntaht after under- tnc repairs requirtnc two weeks work. As soon as the V sides went out the motor p htf.ner Tpres. Captain K K thaw. wnt into tho dM.k. A o umber of esls are on the way or in the stream awaiting a berth in the dryd-M-k- As soon as the Ypres mi off. tha motor Khoontr Weras' read tl io on, to be followed hf I ttvemment steamer now tn the stream. The worktnc force at the Todd plant ts bMna eni-araed steadily, approxi mately ltt mn paw beinc employed ta the various departments. K T S 2? I I? s : 9 3 ! : . f: State af Weethet two Mo.aes...Hl4t I'u.ata , Eurrhi , s rtoa . . . .' 3 H .mrxm r-lt. J, ksonvuie ..i 44 Jynnl - 4 "'11 (U I tit- 1 I 14 o.no so our1r ta 1 i .i.t .oo . ... ,iIr f ry I a :io.w..' iir """ I li Vf 12 SW ll'lr.r lrfXrr I -i 4i O.w . . NE lta.r O.0U IS .-"W k'lear !.. i Pt. cloudy r O. 4 ?W I'laudx O.io IS N W Cloudy u.Osi . . 1 w .i:esr H o n NK ft'ioudv so o.ii 4 w ,1'iuiitiv K C!tT.. J Mow . ..jW !r.r Ie4 Ani'.M. . 4H mo on,. jivV )lt- cleady m- u ... H.v . 4J a ittl B JJ-tf..-d f'; 4.0 M 4 V Ksin H nn7.Lolte S O 0- lo av N lr V 44 o KT 24 W ,:ea.r t4- ri A do . . H ;P1. rloady 3ii rt.oi . . w ; -:r -4 O.OO . . 3t5 i'loudT Ta Jio.si 3N it. cloudy 0 44 M.44, 4 iK ltn. C.outiy &O0.01 4 N H Rsln s Ho n., H c:4r a .' o.o-. . xw risudy ,-.i.is.,t . . v rr id North Wkim f'h.ssanlv "-:: PM.sl Sjrs; 44rrTaa.e LaVtiS. n ItSv rrci-ro.l 44 ya.it. ISK ,Hia -!! J 30 3.-0.44 4 K !no tII. 1KM KIKs AKK KM Hit T .-m .1 r Ttn.l I: Ad Jsaaary Llshlrr Month Than IHI?" 1 Tl'l w rftnbrr Mllh I4qnid Karl Flt-c. . t J: 4 N K ,sno J . J 4 4 K 'Coudv 4 ' i Id N W i' oud; . U ... .. . Mno 4 jW 'Sraw w 1 1 N W ' r I-e-ember f I I T stands as tha ree-lv. ard month la mora than a year la the mvatter of ful 04 1 deUvertea at Tort Ufi4 from 4'ahfornia. eis.eea barrls bavins; b-n) diecbaraed durlna that periMi, thoush it waa ibootht January woald froft a busier period because of ail corpora t ion prepartn to ap their taak staa4ts la tba tiot ernmeau A- M. (tvWe P. st. report ef prscedtaa !rt, aad ViriniiT: Suresy. ra:a or Sa a4 t MniaffM ; tarday. rat mmw : mdormi tr.y in da. e: aoeo. mc , I WRl.lJt. Me teoroioaaS L. A.uction Sale Horses and Mules Ogden, Utah February 11, 12, 13, 1918 Our first sale of the 1918 season will be held at Ogden, Utah, on the above dates, and a lot of good stock will be sold at that time and place. No belter lot of farm mares many of them with foal and geldings has ever been brought together in the West for sale at one time than those we will sell at this sale. They are big boned, sound and fat, have been on feed for four months and are just the kind that are in special demand in every market. At this sale we will also sell the following: A lot of Eastern chunks, weighing from 1200 to the biggest horse that grows; all in good condition, sound and fat. st A limited number of good work mules and a few choice cotton mules; many of them broke, and all good buys. A few loads of mares and geldings of the .Southern type; all good specimens of that par ticular class. --' No one need fear any sickness among the tock kept at this place, as in this exceptionally healthful and invigorating climate there are no sick horses among those that have been here for any considerable time. If you are selling or buying horses or mules, be sure and attend this sale, for the prices will be right for all, and a lot of good stuff will be sold. You will be assured of a good deal, a real deal and a square deal at this and all subsequent sales held by this company throughout the year. No rejects will be sold here. All fresh, good stuff that is just what is demanded by all good buyers. . Those bringing in stock will please notify us of dates of loading, number head and car num 'bers. Further information will be gladly furnished on application. SALES EVERY TWO WEEKS FOR THE BALANCE OF THE YEAR. ' . Ogden Horse Sale and Commission Company OTTO MEEK, Manager. MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON CHAPTER. NO. 18, R. A. M. Called convocation this (Saturday) evening. East Eighth and Burnslde streets, at 7:;in o clock. r. and ti. .M degrees. Visitors welcome. By order E. H. P. BOY QUACKENBUSH. Sec. WASHINGTON LODGE NO. 46. A. P. AND A. M. Special communication this (Saturday) and Burnmde. A. degree. Visitors welcome. Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, secretary. OREGON LODGE, NO. 101 A. F. AND A. M. Stated com munication this (Saturday) evening at . 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially invited. By order of the W. M. LESLIE s. A Ulve.it., oec. OREGON SHRINE NO. 1. WHITE SHRINE OP JERUSALEM KeBU lar meeting tonight (Saturday) ai , h P. 31.. Jdasonic lemiiio. sojourners welcome. .M Worthy Scribe. EMBLEM Jswelry. buttons, eharma, pins. Maw daalana Jaeger Bros., 181-S Sin St. FRIEDLANDER'S lor lodge emblems. ,lu Bins and medala aio nununiuu - DIED. KIMBALL In San Francisco, January o, Hat tie f oster n.iinutti. J r land. " FCNERAL NOTICES. DUNBAR In Salem. Or.. Jan. 29, George William Liunoar, useu -i" .. ,. of Mrs. J. W. Dunuar, lamer ui xia. i, ... a nri ftln Dunbar, of St. Johns, this city. The funeral services will be held at the St. Johns Lnruiian i-nuren .i 2 PM. Sunday, February J. irlenus in ..i. int.rm.nt Columbia Cemetery. Re main, it. at the oarlors of F. S. Dun ning. Inc., 41 East Alder SU GREENE At the family residence. 335 East 11th North., reo. x. ueoiso y- j 5 years. 7 mos.. 2 days, beloved husband of Cvnthia E. Greene. Friends invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman-s funeral parlors. Third and Salmon sts.. at 2 P. M. Monday, ieb. 4. Interment Rlvervlew Cemetery. KRUMPF In this city. Feb. 1. at his late residence, xouo r.. -" Krumpf. aged B7 years. The funeral serv ices will be held tomorrow (Sunday), ieb. 3 at 2 o'clock P. M. at the residence es tablishment of J. P. Flnley & Son. Mont gomery at 5th. Friends invited. Incin eration, at Portland Crematorium. BURNS In this city. Feb. 1. Leo Burns, in fant SOn OI -1 J . u alio. ' ' " - neral services will be held today (Satur day) Feb. 2, at 2 o'clock P. M- at res idence 446 Liberty st. Interment Mult nomah Park Cemetery. Arrangements In care of Miller & Tracey. Wash and Ella sts. DESTOL At Metzger station, Jan. 31, Ed- . - - . . (, . . ,, .... h.l.n. H hi,B ward nestoi, aseu J "' " , band of Freda Destol. Funeral services will be held today (Saturday). Feb. 2. at " P M at residential parlors of Miller & Tracey.' Washington and Ella sts. McCALLISTER At Ltnnton, Or.. Feb. 1. Martna -HCV auin ir-i, i ft " - - J .... , loved wife of Miles McCalllster. NoUce of funeral later. Arrangements In care of Miller & Tracey. Washington at El'.a St. CEMETEK1K8. i BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY Lowest Prices Best Service. No expense after interment. Prices lower than other cemeteries. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office, Room 153 Courthouse, 5th St, jbntranoe. Phone from 8 to 5 Main 378, Home Phon A 25-i5. Night call after office hours Main 270. Report all cases of cruelty to the above address. Electric lethal chamber for email animals. Horse ambulance for sick and disabled animals at a moment's notice. Any one desiring a dog or other pets communi cate with us. Call for all lost or strayed stock, as we look after all impounding. There is no more city pound, just Oregon Humane Society. .Vew today. Wanted, approximately 2 acres low-priced industrial land, on railroad, with good foundation; Water frontage not required. 506 Concord BIdg. Main 1373 MORTGAGE LOANS 1 1 Fnada oa ksai iar sjoo (arm anal 1 1 1 1 city loan at close lateral ratea. I I 1 1 Prompt. Reliable Service. . 1 1 A. Jrl. JilKKHLL CO. Z17-219 Northwester usa Balldla-fe Marshall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS OK BUSINESS AND RKslUGNCas FaOVEUTY. ROBERTSON at SWING. H07-H Nortkwestera Bask Bldf JNO.B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOANS Insurance, Surety Bonds 301 WILCOX BLDG. Mala 702, A S703 MORTGAGE LOANS ON FARM A .NO RESIDENCE! PROPERTY. NO 0,HU1SS10N. Wm. MacMaster 701 CORBBTT BLDG,, POHTLAXD, OR. banks PliW U OUCn. PHOXE BROADWAY S25, SO WEST PARK. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. LAURELHURST LOT SACRIFICB. Must have money quickly, will sell lot 9, block 101, Laurel hurst, near the park, for $970 cash; value $1300; free of all incuxu brancea A. MOORE. MAIN 5073. THAT VACANT LOT Turn a burden Into Income. V e design and build anything, furnish the money If desired; eight years In Portland. L R. Bailey Co., contract-Ing- architects. Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR SALE or trade for California prop erty, .OL diock Westmoreland, Port land. Henry A. Woodard, Motel Morgan, Los Angeles, Cal. CORNER lot 60x100, suitable for busi ness lot, at station, 6c carfare, at Capitol Hill. A bargain; $550 cash. Phone iSaat 7491. For Sale Houses. DISTINCTION AND REFINEMENT are the keynote of this five-room bunga low in Rose City Park; built less tban a year ago, it is modern, up to the minute and H block from the carline. The owner has been called to an important position in San Francisco is tbe only reason for Belling. If you want a beautiful and at tractive home, where you will get more than 100 cents to the dollar, investigate this property at $3750, Including the fur niture. Terms to the right party. You will need to act quickly. Phone Mac Innes, Broadway 1058, for full particulars. CLOSE-IN HOME HALF-PRICE. Fine 9-room house, one of best loca tions In city, walking distance, corner lot. all street improvements in and paid, at sacrifice price of $4000. Neither house nor lot can be duplicated for price we are asking. Out-of-town owner must have money at once. C. A. "Warrlner, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bidg. $300 DOWN. $25 MONTH. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW: 6 rooms and attic, full basement, furnace, hardwood floors in main rooms, and en trance halt. Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook, all built-in effects, fireplace, etc., fir shade trees, south and east front, cor ner; price $3250. This is a bargain. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 20S, A 2000. MAUSOLEUM. 301 IC01 RIVER VIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM Taylor's Ferry Road. End Rirerriew Carline. The only civilised method of. burial. Snow-white, always dry. sanitary tombs. Permanent title and endowment; t'J50 up. 636 Plttock Block. Phone Broadway 301. FLORISTS. MARTIN FORBES CO.. Florists. 354 Washington. Main Z69. A 1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS.. Florists. 287 Morrison st. alain or A 1805. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 285 Washington St.. bet. '4th and 6th. Main 5102. A 1161. KAX at. SMITH. Main 7215. A 121. Selling bldg.. 6th and Alder sts. PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP. 245 Alder. Flowers and designs. Phone Marshall 5922. MOMMENT8. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 264-266 4th St.. opposite City HalL Main 8664. Philip Kea A Sons for memorials. BE BLAEZ51N& GRANITE CO. Third at hadison 3TREETI Phone your want ads to The Orego- nUzu AUia 7070, A PORTLAND HEIGHTS Superior 9-room residence, close in, wonderful location and view; hardwood floors, white enamel and mahogany throughout; sleeping porch, fireplace, 2 bathrooms, plenty of closets, alt modern conveniences, large grounds, fine trees. BKOOKE, S41 Montgomery Drive, cor. Elm st. Mar. 4827. A atWtf. Call mornings. INCOME property joining University of Ore gon, Eugene; house with four 4-roomed apartments, bathroom complete with each, cabinet kitchens, gas ranges installed, sleeping porches, woodshed, double garage, fruit and shade trees; one house with 2, 3 and o-roomed apartments; large lots. Owner, J. W. Jenkins. 156 IS. tfOta St.. Portland. ONLY $1600, about one-half Us value; a good 7-room house, with a full cement basement, on a corner lot, close In to the center of the city, close to carline, with all kinds of small fruits, flowers, etc. The lot is 50x100 feet. This property can be handled for $800 cash, balance can stand. M. J. CLOHESSY, 415 Abington Bldg. BROADWAY at northwest corner of East 17 th st. A modern 7-room house and choice corner lot, convenient to two car lines. See R. J. G'Neit, owner, 717 Board of Trade bldg. LAURELHURST. Before buying- elsewhere obtain our list of exquisite home for sale on easy terms 1 n Lau rel h uri t, the she w p lace of Fort land. LAURELHURST CO., 2701, Stark St. Main 1700. A IS 15. SACRIFICE sale. West Side, $3000; fine . 0-room nouse, in - gooa aistnct, cement basement, nice yard; owner leaving town. 1307 Yeon bldg. HAVE 4 1 ) 00 equity in beautiful $6000 home In Alberta dintrlct. will take $L'0O0 cash or $1000 caah and good used car for equity. Address lock box 332, Eugene, Or. PENINSULAR PARK bungalow, restricted. 4 rooms, bath, large attic, cement base ment; sacrifice cash; trade Chicago resi dence. 187 E. Buffalo. $1200 NEW 4-room bungalow, J nice lots. eiuu casn, 9-u tier muiiiu. iw. opajuina bldg. Evening phone. Tabor 8349. "BEAUTIFUL 7 and 8-roomed bungalow homes, modern in every way; a sacrifice. 8e owner at 1207 E. Yamhill st. FOR SALE Modern 8 -room bungalow with furnace. iu ivon st.. near, ti. amn. Richmond car. f AND 7-room modem houses, walking dis tance; oargams; terms, rnone .cast ni owner. CITY property, farm acreage for sale and exchange. Aoranam. zeofe waanangton it.