Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 02, 1918, Page 14, Image 14

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When your glasses
feel like ,
a branding iron
Portland Organization Wi
Dr. William A. Waldo Arrives
From East to Take.Charge
of White Temple.
dx entertained witb An Infor
mal knittlnir-tea honoring Mrs.
Extend Activities to
Entire State.
lUrrjr Key Brook, of Fend, and Ml
Norma llauvrr. of 8t. Taul. two charm
Ins and popular vldtora In town. About
a doien of the younger maid and your.;
-V.. ,
matron were Included In the Invita
tional lit. The tea wax clven at th
home of the hote" mother. Sir. J
I". O'Brien.
e .
Asportation Through CommUlw
ft PvoUh Violator of Agreement
W ith Food Adnilnl-lrallon and
cttdio ir: ok rw
Frt Portland Cmt rr' A
cUtlnn. orcaniid VMirdy. will
a win ir Sx tln r1 In Port
land and thrnuvrtiitit Orfn
Into ltn In ro-nprnllon with
KcxxJ AdratnlMtration.
Second Victory brd. for
wbeatlrs day, muni contain 20
pr cent ubtitut for whtt
flour and Victory product mul
rontatn 33 1-J pr cm ulst.-tui--
Thtrd No pork from S P. M. to
13 mtdnlcht anr iv. and no pork
on TuJy or turdayn.
Fourth The Association un
dertake to work through com
ml it e to prevent violation of
crrrmcnt with Food Adminis
tration. Violator will bo pro
rtttad for their failure to obverva
With a representation of every
branch of the eatinc-hoiiee trad of
Portland present, and with th
prd approval of Kd AdmlntMra
tor W. R Ayer. th Portland Caterer
Anaoctatlon, an organisation formed to
meet th demand of tn time upon
th trade, wa Inaugurated ye-rterday
afternoon at th HalwooJ with th
lection of officer and th adoption of
resolution for tb advancement of food
K. W. t'tiiM. reprewntina the local
commute of hot men and restau
rateur. appointed by and worklnc
with Food Administrator Ayer. out
lined th purpoe of th meettne.
"Th Food Administration must bav
th co-ope rat ton of the hotel and
reataurant.s. eatd Mr. Child. Th
administration ha siren us it confi
dence, and w will be belter off If w
co-operat voluntarily than If w com
ply under pressure. There I no doubt
that w all wtnh to aid. but delay and
half 'measure ar v idence of criro
. Inal Reelect.
Oatralled rti-rt sfcf.
nolutlon for th formation of the
Bew orcaft nation wer unanimously
adopted a read. Th resolution,
which wr prepared by F. K. Urach.
II. W. Kent and J. II. Joy re. provided
for th Institution of a co-ordinated
unit of tradesmen who. by combining
aad centralism their efforts, can In
sure uree In the application of food
conservation ovulations.
"It Is unfair that the men who arm
pulously obr rve food rricuiationa
should lo their trade, or vn a part
mf their trade, to other who refus to
comply with or dodc th Issue. If
th association take upon Itself tb
task of brtnctnc Into line th violators
of th aare-ment mad and th un
witlins; ones, it will relieve th Foo
Administration of a srt burden. Tb
pi a vutttnsd today uul remain ten
tatlv unttt after the meeting of th
Pacific Coast Food Administrator her
oa Monday. February . There I lilt
doubt, however, mat ary measure
passed upon that met th require
meat of th National recusation will
remain In fore.
Keotuttun adopted unanimous!
ptedce the association and It members
to a pru-rrnm of aavtnff far la ad
vr of that till bow considered adr
a oat. ictory bread must contain 3
P-r cent of wheat f lour substitute
K-tory products such a cake, pie.
cracker and th I: he. must contain
full third of substitutes: pork is taboo
on Tue-uSaya and Saturdays and from
ft P. M. to midniaht. and iuxir mus
be consvrvsd according to rule to be
mad later.
l.ea DouabaaU Morw Hale.
Tb doachnut may be wholly hoi
aoon. unles a substitut for th s;ra
aow used ran be found for frying. Mr.
Ayr pointed out at th meettne tba
lre:oa Imports too many fata and ex
porta none. There I no doubt tha
tbi fact will com up for con id era
A fin spirit of co-operation wa ap
parent at the meet ins;, it being widen
that thoa present welcomed a chance
to s;e I n Instsrht Into conditions and
secure advtc which would help them
to help the Nation. The officer chon
wer elected unanimously, th voters
reoicnlilnr previous effort a Indt
v at In; f itnea to cof with th prob
Jem predentin; themselve. J. II,
Joyc. of the Haa-lwood Kestaurant. I
president: 1L vV. Owlda. of th Portland
Hotel, first W-e-prctdcnt: C R Jamea.
of siaettand. evond vice-president
If. W. Kent, secretary, and U L Hcan
treasurer. A committer of seven, to
be chosen, will draw up rule and res;
ulatlons by whth the club will act.
Th next meettne of th Portland
Caterers Association will he hedd In
the Tyrolean mom of the Henson Ho
tel, when further sna In organisation
vi l be taken. Membership In th as-
! (ion Is automatical) v arrived at.
every tradesman being eligible and In
duty bound t enter Into th agree'
titent expressed.
"It I aratifytnc to see th spirit of
ro-operatton so clearlv apparent. said
Food Administrator Aver at th con
clue lota of th tneet In a "Much food
ba been dne tn Portland and in Or
gn, but more ran bo accomplished. The
new unit will be a potent factor la th
Twantr of th. rounc folk wer I
cue, la of Mr. and Mn. William Mar-I
Master lat nlKht at a rharmtna In
formal dinner at the Multnomah Hotel.
pre. edm tlie rehearnal for the wd-1
llric. whli h wa held at Trinity Church.
ine Army of fit era who are to a-t as I
uglier, the beet man. taptaln Olrien-
bora. L.lrutroantx ArmtronK. Sullivan. I
rnmpton and Moore, accompanied the I
oriaeicroom-to-be yeeterday to I'ort-
laod. and tna dinner party was in their I
honor. Other guest at the dinner In
cluded Mrs. llaxrl H. IJtt. Mies Malsle
MarMa.iter. the brlde-elert. Mies Allsal
MarMamer. Ml Paiey Siewart. Mis
(tilth T-al. Mm tllady Pitt. Philip
. . try. Harold and (ierald Xooy-
smith and Donald J. Merlin.
All ooriely will attend .the wedding I
lonll.t. and there also will be a large I
contirgent of Army men both from I
Camp lewls and Vancouver Barracks
In attendance, a well aa several prom- I
Inem out-of-town folk.
" e
One of the first social compliment I
paid to Mrs. Walter Taylor Sumner Is I
ine luncheon planned for tli ie noon
t the t'nlverslty Club by a group of I
the wive of the clergy of the diocese.
The piano recital by the students of I
Avis Kenton has been postponed on
account of th. storm until 11 o'clock
Saturday. February . at Cll Ellen I
e e
Honorlnc Miss Martha Hanley. of I
Astoria, who la visiting- In Portland fori
several week. Mrs. Karl Herbrlng I
Mary Corcoran) was a bridge-tea ho-
less yesterday. Two tablea were ar-1
ranged for card and at tea time
number of additional guests called. The
moms were prettily decked with a pro
fusion of pussy willow and daffodils.
The guest Included Miss Hanley. Misses
Marjorle McCollotn. IHirothy Bile. Non-
earle Bolton. Kvelyn McClusker. Ann
Healy. Mr. K. A. Ryder. Mr. Wayne
Burke and Mr. Allen Emory.
In honor of Bishop Walter Taylor
Sumner and hi bride, who was Miss
Myrtle Mitchell, of Negaunee. Mich.
th wives of the clergy will entertain
with a luncheon at the University Club
his noon.
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Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Dickinson, of
Irvington. with their small son .a-e
now domiciled In their new borne In
los Angeles.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Chalmers, of Forest Grove. Or., announce the engage
ment of their daughter. Clare K. Chalmers, to Captain Iavid E. Wiley, of
the Canadian Medical Reserve Corps.
eon at the Portland Hotel. The Co
Operative League will entertain in com
An event of Interest to a number of P"m.tnt to lu .r'llr,nS President, who
Portland men and women Is the dance
nd rard party to be given thi even-
In In the assembly of Multnomah
Hotel by the local employes of the
Western, t'nlon Company. About 300
111 attend and rard tablea will be
rranged in the tea garden for the
on-dancers. J. W. Cudahy Is in charge
the committee and a delightful and
Interesting programme haa been ar
ranged for the evening. Vocal and In
rumantal numbers are Included In
he festivity and the manager of the
company at Portland. W. A. Kobb. will
make an ad. Ires to th assemblage.
This event Is the first of a recent
movement eetabllshed In the Eastern
cities to hold two meetings of employes
each year, one In the Hummer and one
midwinter gaiety, with
establishing a social club among the
mployes of the organisation. The Port
land branch la arranging to have the
has been named for a larger office, the
presidency of the City Federation of
nomrni Clubs. Mrs. u. J. Frankel
rill be honor guest und Mrs. George
McMath will preside.
Mr. Sadie Orr Punbar will address
the Mayflower Club on Monday nljtht
In the I'ortlnnd Hotel. Mrs. Helen
Jackson Bangh.irt. the president. Is
taking a course of study In social serv
ice and the topic Mrs. Dunbar will
choose will be along lines of public
Chanre- Offered for KnllMmcnt
Arnard (.aaril Sci-rice.
Captain E- V. Kckhardt. of th local
Navy recruiting etjtion. ha received
a telegram anaoqn.nnc that Navy en
listment fir armed guard service la
row .open- M-n are enlisted as seamen
Instead of apprentice seamen aa tn the
t'lulsr Navy. If they have bad sea ex
perteare on fishing or merchant veaeela
they can be enlisted as petty officer.
Men are sent to Puget Sound Navy.
ard for training to Qualify for sea
seme aboard merchant vessels. Army
ad Navy transports.
Demand for this ratine Is great, and
unusual opportunity for advancement
! offered. Men are to be enrolled In
Kaval reserve forces for the duration of
the war.
Pa on e your want ads to The Oref o
glaa. Mala ;:. A .
The executive committee of the Y.
W. C. A. Joint campaign has asked the
local association to collect the pledges
made during the campaign, and It will
aDnrrclate it greatly If such pledges
T,ew of I can be sent In to the local association.
thereby saving much time and the ex
Dense of clerical work, as well as
postage. It has been the aim of the
In this recipe. This will have the char
acteristic flavor of buckwheat. If it is
too strong use only one cup of buck
wheat and one and a half cups of white
flour. Two and a half cups of equally
mixed rye and white flour may also
be substituted. In using the rye and
white flour a larger quantity is neces
sary because these flours absorb less
liquid than do the yrornmea! and buckwheat.
'Doing My Bit
By Albert Bennett Sayres
ball an annual event and the Summer! committee to keep down all expenses
festivity will
be an outing of some
a much as possible, so that all the
money may be used fur the work.
Following are the secretaries of the
T. W. C A. and the departments they
Miss Althea Lee. day office; Mis Penfleld. night office; Miss
Helena Saxton, business office; Miss
Willie Hatch, membership office; Miss
Kthel Mitchell, girls' clubs: Mrs, Non
Hettinger, lunch department director;
Mrs. C. C. Callahan, employment secre
this evening, when their benefit dance Itary: Mlsa Hallle Moorehouse. assistant
will be held at Eagles' HalL Tha dance I employment: Miss Jessie K. uunon,
is being given under the auspices of I religious work; Miss Mary B. Jacobs,
Kegma Margherlta V. A. O. D-. and thel physical director; Miss Myrtle Walker,
proceeds will be sent to the homeless! extension: Miss Alice Luagite. swim
famille In th war-stricken districts I mlng Instructor; Miss Genevieve
of Italy. Committee for the event ln-Chapln. desk swimming pool; Miss Sei
cludes Mrs. D. U. Cap pa. Mr. F. Ruttol ma Flodlne. housekeeper: Miss Bertha
and Mrs. A. Cererlno. All thnu in- Bralnerd. commercial Instructor: Miss
Mabel e raiey. assistant commercial in
Mr. and Mr. Miacha Pels entertained
with an Informal musical at their home
In th Glenn Court Apartments Thurs
day night. This was followed by sup
per and dancing at the Multnomah
Hotel, covers being arranged for ten.
Member of the Italian colony and all
those interested In war-strlckea Italy
ar eagerly anticipating the arrival of
terested In the event are cordially In
vited to attend.
c A. Hraxen. or this city, while a
visitor In Ims Angeles, recently, stopped
at ine ttotei unkershlm. I
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Gorman. Dr.
f- K. Bolcom. Mr. and Mr. Harry Lang.t cashier.
Mr. and Mr. A. Conn. Mr. and Mr. I
John F. Cordray. residents of thla city.
wer visitors recently. In los Angeles.
They registered at th well-known
Hotel Clark.
e e
W. P. Barrett was a dinner host
Thursday night In the Arcadian Gardens
(tractor: Mrs. A. B. Kinsey. travelers'
aid. Jefferson street; Miss Mercy Flint.
travelers aid. I nlon station: Mrs. c
Bullock, travelers' aid. North Bank
station: Mrs. Thompson, travelers' aid.
substitute: Miss Ruth Blair, domestic
science Instructor; Miss Inez Coughey
Domestic Science
By Lilian Tinglb.
II. Hamlin and Mr. C. Pope, of Bos
ton, who were guests of Mrs. Hamlin's
brother. Ralph Hamlin, of I'nderwood.
VI v Tkaar Mimm Tlnsle: Will vou olesse tell
of th Multnomah Hotel, honoring Mrs. I me If the Inclosed sample Is a leaf of the
gtnrer root rrotn wmcn preserves are rcimuo :
It crows abundantly near mv home. Want
to thank you for th many sood things I've
learned In your column, ne&ae answer in
Dally Oregonlaa. MRS. M. K. B.
THINK th plant Is sometimes
called "wild ginger." but it Is not
the kind of plant from which pre
serves are made. I do not know of any
use that you can make of It. I am
glad you find this column useful.
Pear Miss Tingle: Will you please give
In The Dally Oregonlsn. at your earliest
convenience, a recipe for oatmeal bread?
Also for corn meal gingerbread. I tasted
some recently and found It delicious. Thank
ing you for help received. MKS. 1 1L C.
Of course, I cannot be sure that the
following la the recipe for the ginger
bread that you found so delicious, but
it Is a good "war cake" and the flavor
ing may be changed If necessary to
suit personal taste. A few raisins or
cut-up black figs are a good addition.
Oatmeal Bread. One cup liquid, IK
teaspoons salt, 1 cup rolled oats, H to
yeast cake softened In 's cup luke
warm water, m cups flour (may be
graham or half rye and half white).
Long process Scald the liquid, add
salt and pour It over the rolled oats In
bread mixer or mixing bowL Cool.
add th yeast and the one cup flour.
Cover and allow the sponge to rise.
When light add the remainder of the
flour, knead, cover and let rise until
double In bulk. Shape into a loaf,
cover. let rise again until it doubles
in bulk, and bake.
Fhort process Follow the directions
as given above, but add the flour at one
Cornmeal Gmgerhread. One cup
cornmesl. 1 cup wheat flour, I tea
spoon soda. S teaspoon salt. 2 tea
spoon ginger. 1 teaspoon cinnamon. H
teaspoon cloves. 1 cup sour milk. 1 cup
molasses or molasses and glucose,
tablespoons shortening. Sift together
the dry Ingredient, Combine th,e
milk, molasses, melted shortening and
beaten egg. Add the liquid ingredi
ents to the dry. Stir well. Bake In
moderate oven.
Two cups of buckwheat flour may be
substituted tot the cornmeal and lour
P. CHAPMAN presided at a
attended meeting of the Port
land Parent-Teacher Council In the
Library yesterday. The business meet-
na brought out reports from a wide
field of activities. The council la con-
tnulng to do constructive work, pre
senting good programmes and accom
plishing the fine things for which it
is organised. Perhaps the circles will
arrange some more community meet
ings about April. Those held recently
were so successful and Blsop Sumner's
addresses were so well liked that It 1
robable there will be a plea for a
imilar series. This was discussed at
esterday's meeting.
Miss Harriet Wood reported on plans
for tormina; a traveling library of
book that parent should read. She
mentioned with approval "The School
master of the Great City" (Patri) as
I Ideal volume.
Mrs. C C Thomason, of th pro
gramme committee, aald that a cam
paign would be made for home and
school gardening on a larger scale. Last
ear there were sooe home and IJ
school gardens. A new garden super
Isor will be announced soon. h aald.
Miss Alice Joyce will speak to many of
ine circle .tola montn. on gardens.
Mrs-U A. Qulgley. tie 1 1 wood 101
was appointed on a committee to take
p the subject of addresses on social
The Mothers' Club of the Neighbor
hood House will meet today at S o'clock
to hear D. Soils Cohen, who will give
n Interesting address. Another attrac-
lon will be the solos of Mrs. Herman
Polltx. Th club has done well In pa-
rlotlc service and Its members are ail
loyal and Industrious women.
This U the day (or the big lunch-
Serving Novelties That Save.
"N"E of the ways some housewives
V are adopting these days to make
food savin; seem lesB of a problem is
to servce novelties in food. Placing
the emphasis upon the novelty and not
upon the saving value of a dish some
times does away with the rather crit
ical tasting of the food, supplying an
open-minded attitude in its place. Try
the suggestion if one of your difficul
ties Is the perhaps JokinK attitude of
the family to any new dish.
Just a little thought and careful at
tention to the recipes you have' col
lected from time to time will place at
your command dishes new toe the fam
ily. Sometimes the very darlngness of
the departure from established custom
wins, where but a slight variation
might cause the family to be most
critical. Here is a recipe that explains
In itself what I mean:
Forearm With Cheese.
Grind a cupful of popcorn and soak
It in a cupful of warm water over
night, or boil in a double boiler for 30
minutes. Add to this three-quarters of
a cupful of cheese and half a cupful of
crumbs with three tablespoonfuls of
cornstarch dissolved in & little water.
Season this with onion, pepper and
salt, then place in a greased baking
dish and bake in a quick oven until
browned. Serve with tomato sauce.
Cnnri Soaffle. '
Here is another dish unusual in most
homes outside of some sections of the
Southern states. While this recipe Isn't
as attention-arresting In its odd name
or ingredients, the dish is delicious and
will prove a welcome addition to any
Melt two tablespoonfuls of butter.
add to half a cupful of milk, stir tn two
tablespoonfuls of cornmeal with a quar
ter of a teaspoonful of salt and cook
over boiling water for 46 minutes, stir
ring occasionally. Then add the yolks
of two eggs, beaten light, one-half cup
ful of grated cheese, one-eighth of
teaspoonful of paprika and fold in the
stiffly beaten whites of the two eggs.
Now pour the mixture into a buttered
dish and bake for about 20 minutes.
Serve from the baking dish as soon as
Hosalay spoon Bread.
To three cupfuls of cooked hominy
grits add. while still warm, one-half
cupful of cornmeal, a cupful and
third of skimmed milk, half a cupful of
butter or Its equivalent In butter sub
stitute or fats, one teaspoonful of bak-
ng powder and a teaspoonsful of salt.
Pour the mixture Into a shallow
greased pan and bake nntil brown.
Served hot this is a most delicious
bread that will save white flour wher
ever used when correctly made.
These are only a few ways of saving
by serving novelties. Search your cook
book for other recipes that do tnese
things, and serve the new dishes to
your family on saving days. These
meals will then attain a most pleasing
sest the xest that always attaches to,
things that are new.
New Leader In JOcai Cliuicli Work
Conies Heralded as Man of Abil
ity, Organizer and Bearer
of Message of Cheer.
Dr. William A. Waldo, the new pastor
of the White Temple or First Baptist
Church, is human. He is delightful.
He arrived in Portland early yesterday
morning, was met by a commKtee from
the church, went to the Cornelius Hotel
from the depot, was entertained at
utftneon by some of the proninent
churchnen and received visitors all
afternoon. He came here heralded as
pastor of ability, an organizer, a
leader, a bearer of a message of cheer
and helpfulness.
Soon after his arrival the chairman
of the pulpit committee, F. E. Hilton,
announced to a group of members:
"He's all right. We're going to like
him. I feel that his call was provi
dential. He's a real man, a fine fellow."
Dr. Waldo, though a Canadian by
birth. Is an American. He has the
polish of an Eastern man of eminent
standing, the heartiness and sincerity
of manner of tho Westerner."
Family Still In East.
'T alwavs Raid if I had a chance to
go to the Pacific Coast "I'd do it," he
said, "and here 1 am. My family will
remain at the home, Englewood, N. J.,
on the Hudson across from New York
City, probably until April, as the three
boys are In school. Meantime I shall
look about me and find a suitable rest
dence." Dr. Waldo is interested in foot
ball and owns to being a fairly good
Dr. Waldo is keenly interested in the
young people. He served in Toronto in
Walmer Road Church and from that
congregation there arrived yesterday
a letter to the White Temple bespeak-
ng the regret felt at losing him and
enumerating his many splendid quail
flcations. Toronto is a university
own and it was there that Dr. Waldo
fully realized the importance of having
strong churches in college towns. He
affirmed that no class is so sadly ne
glected by the churches as are the col
lege students and believes, he says, that
a closer relation between churches and
universities should be established.
Shrlner Pin I Seen.
A Shrlner pin attracted the attention
of the interviewer. "Are you a Mason.
Doctor?" "Yes. of course," he admitted.
He is a fraternity man and on both
sides of Masonry Scottish and York
rite, and a Shrlner. Had he traveled
much? No need to ask: his very man
ner tells it. He has crossed the At'
lantic 32 times and traveled with his
family in England and on the conti
nent. Had he written books, too? He
confessed to two, "The Absolution of
the Cross." a series of addresses given
In the Assembly Hall of the East End
London, now in its second edition, and
a volume of sermons. "Echoes From the
Great Assembly HalL"
Dr. Waldo speaks without notes or
manuscripts, he says.. He masters his
subject first, carefully, and then "just
talks." Sunday morning he will speak
on "Now Ready," and Sunday night on
"God's Love to the World."
A letter from Dr. W. B. Riley, a noted
Baptist, now holding meetings in
Waterloo, Iowa, speaking highly of Dr.
Waldo was received late yesterday by
Mr. Hilton and was the source of much
pleasure to Dr. Waldo, who is one or
Dr. Riley's close friends.
Toronto City of Sorrow.
Of course Dr. Waldo touched upon the
war. "Toronto," he said, "is a city of sor
row. One sees crippled and blind and
helpless men, returned from the front.
The American people do not realize
fully the awfulness of the war aa do
the Canadians because they have not
suffered so seriously."
Dr. Waldo is going to make his
church a homelike place for every sol
dier boy, he says. He will have a glad
hand for the man in uniform and for
everyone else, too, unless 1 miss my
Hospital Inmate Held Xot Respon
sible for Frank Hamlin's Death.
Rudolph Walters, an inmate of the
tubercular ward -of the County Hospi
tal, will not be held accountable for the
death Wednesday night of Frank Ham
lin, another inmate, according to ad
vices given to. Sheriff Hurlburt yester
day by Coroner Smith. Mr. Smith told
Sheriff Hurlburt that Hamlin had been
In auch critical physical condition that
the least nervous shock might have
caused his death. The fight which he
is reported to have had with Walters
is not sufficient In ttselt to cauee the
death. Mr. Smith said.
Walters has been held under detention
at th County Jail since the death of
Hamlin, but Sheriff Hurlburt an
nounced yesterday that he would be re
turned to th County Hospital. I
Sergeant to Command War Emer
gency Squad, Succeeding Harms.
Chief of Police Johnson yesterday an
nounced the selection of Sergeant
Thatcher as the new leader of the war
emergency squad, which has charge of
the enforcement of the prohibition,
gambling, hotel and vice ordinances. He
will assume command today, succeeding
Captain Harms, who is transferred to
the traffic squad. Thatcher has for
years been property clerk in the main
office at headquarters.
Captain Circle yesterday took charge
of the Inspectors' office, succeeding th
late C. E. Batr, whfle Captain Jenkin
took his place in command of the sec
ond night relief. Jenkins formerly had
supervision of traffic and registration
of German aliens, now taken over by
Captain Harms.
it isn't the fault of your nose or your
sensitive skin. It's the fault of the ad
justment. Either you were given the
wrong kind of a bridge to begin with, or
you've twisted it out of shape. "The
Columbian can cure any such nose sores
very quickly and lastingly. No' man or
woman need ever have any such trouble
a single minute longer than it takes to get
to our store. Never bother with a poor
adjustment; come in and have us correct
it at once. No charge, no matter where
you got the glasses.
Floyd F. Brower, Mgr.
145 Sixth Street
tonight to address the Fire
writers' Association of the
Coast at San Francisco Wednesday
evening, yesterday accepted a tele
graphic invitation to address the Los
Angeles Rotary Club January 8 on
fire prevention and the prosecution of
arson cases. The invitation came from
Jay W. Stevens, former Portland fire
marshal, who is now manager of the
Western Fire Prevention Bureau at San
Under- Vancouver and had been married by a
Pacific I Justice of the Peace on January 18. Mr.
Ray Clarke and Mrs. Katheryn
Rodby, 3farried January 18.
Quite by accident friends learned
yesterday that Ray "W. Clarke and Mrs.
Katheryn Rodby had stolen away to
Clarke, who is employed at the Mult
nomah, is one of the best-known hotel
clerks in the Northwest. He chose his
bride from the ranks of hotel people,
the lady having formerly been em
ployed at the Imperial,
Neither the bride nor bridegroom
would admit they were married at first
although for several weeks the romance
had been watched with interest. Yester
day Mr. Clarke tipped it off when fellow-employes
heard him telephone to
his home advising his worried spouse
of his safe arrival at the hotel. No
one but a bride would worry about a
big man in a little snow storm like
that. So Mr. Clarke went into his safe
deposit box and exhibited the signed
and official document sifnifying that
he was benedict.
Phone your want ads to The Orego-
nian. Main 7070, A 6095.
Evans to Gitc Addresses.
District Attorney Evans, who leaves
to every rule and
regulation of the
United States
Food Administra
tion, the
Bakery and Confectionery
has already taken steps toward the making of
This is the bread that Uncle Sam has decreed shall
be. made by every baker in the United States.
ROYAL Bakery Products will be found up to the re
quired standard in every way. You'll find the best
"VICTORY" Bread that it is possible to make pro
duced in our modern and sanitary plant and sold by
all leading grocers. Watch for later announcement.
Makers of
Wool Hat Cords
Silk 35
Officers Hat
Portland, Oregon
Army and Navy Goods and War Curios of Known
Quality Nothing Misrepresented
Olive Drab Macklnaws $20.00
Sheepskin-lined Army Coats
at. $20.00
Sheepskln-lined Corduroy
Coats, waterproof. $10.50
All-Wool Overcoats, nothing:
to compare, special at
only S3.50, S7.50. $10.00
All-Wool Blankets, priced
from S6.00 to Sll.OO
Auto Robes, all wool and
will turn rain $6.00
Rain Coats, trench style.
at $17.50 and $21.00
Wool Sweaters... $3.50 to $6.00
Wool Sweaters, sleeveless,
at $2.30 to $5.50
3torm Hoods $1.00
O. D. Wool Helmets 81.50
Wool Gloves $1.25 to $1.65
Army Shoes, Munson last,
at S5.50, 86.50. $7.50
Tan Shoes S5.00 and $6.00
Barrack Shoes. ............ . $1.00
Bed Rolls $12. OO
Duffle Bag's, waterproof, at
from $4.25 to $6.75
Clothing Bags .75t to $3.00
Officers' Belts.... $4. SO to S8.SO
Army Hats $1.75 to $2.75
Officers' Hats.. $5. OO and $6.00
leather Puttees up to $8.50
O. D. Spiral Puttees $4.50
Folding- Lanterns priced at
only $2.50 and $3.35
Belt Lamps $1.75
Collar aad Shirt Emblems, Saber Knots, Sword Frogrs, Chevrons, Whistle.
Stocks, Ties, Etc., Etc.
Write for
M A I V 4215.
i J