Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 02, 1918, Page 13, Image 13

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tflMful KUw .! H:t A-
rut . u a ::. a "i !
In KS.fee Ma MTU. A '
A4.e"teia tw9rt-anl ... H ea A ef.i ,
OrX fKrM4ir ec Mm !
e4 KmMB A luir f i nnipanr la
""It Pre I Adwrvaa." T'e aftersee at
t it aa tnt at ec.eaa.
PlXTtOU IPreae'a'ar at AdeM TaaO-
t' . i a t a a.
MTPPODROMB (rlraedeiar el tw:l
Vauevti;e ee4 aslna pictures. 1 S:
1 Mil Ml retards,. S4a4ars. aall-
Sara, eeatiasatts. 1 1 to 11 P. M.
VTKAr fWnd'nr t t. batweee Pert
far lure. ce-atiaiaeKae.
X.TK1C ir-xirta and stars Musical easaedj.
44-7. a?traa aa4 atast.
IC at at Taaiir-rira( SB 4 atarsBallr
Affraeeas aa4 ateata
Joha Hyams and Leila Mclntyre, Who Appeared Here Some Time Ago In
"Th Quakeress," Are Readlinera of Show Opening Tomorrow Afternoon.
ant B
aaaaad at tea aWllan D1 mm as!4 f-e
A4rtlaaaees lateoaled far Ot Neeta la
fart? eota-nee la HaiMlaf'a aaeaa Moat a
kit44 la Th urniM tuelneae attica J
4 A a clack eetaar4a eveolBev
VtsarmsAatss Ileum to fira So. Dr.
and) Vra. Cwtc W. Fulton. mIMIon
arte from Japan, arrived at San r'ran
cuca lhi wnk. Mra. Fulton waa tor
merlv .vlta Amy ttaaton. daaihltr of
I0 lata rl. A. "Alton. Dr. and lira
fsltoa ara now mm roata to Camp Phert
dan. Alabama, to vlaft their aon. Willie.
ho mar bo snt Abroad toon Kivht
years bar elapsed since Dr. and Mra.
ultoo tart (balr lot In trie l'nltei
KlatM at avhool and returned to the
mission field. Mr. Fallon waa sent
at la 111 from the Kminutl Presbir
tartaa Church, of Los Anareles.
Horn. Wait a a Aaa FYvmr. Itv
Ttamar. captain of wattara at tba Motel
Multnomaa. waa fload $i la Municipal
('art yeeiterdar for permlttlns; th
al of Intolteatlnar liquors la that
boatlary tha alabt of January 1. ChrU
fenltn, a waiter, waa fined 14. Jadse
lloaaniaa said th distinction In fines
waa because af tb relative Authority
f the an a a. Tbtr and three others
were) arrested br tba police upon In
formation faralabad by tba botal maa-
J. R. Bowua to J. fL Bowles,
preeldemt af tba North waa t Kleel Com
pany, will address th mambara' council
of the Portland Oiember of Commrrn
at tb luncheon Monday ea th sub
ject f -Portland- Payroll After th
War." On of th chlaf problem wltb
which th Cham bar la daallna at pres
at la that of keeping th workman
who bar com to this city bur after
tha argvot eSamAnd for hlp ha ba
XiU-aTAM Ii Irrrrjaro. Chrl DaBoar.
I'vlnc at Lloston. aafferad tha loaa of
hla rtcht arm whlla at work oa on of
tb machlna af tb Euttra Jt Waatarn
Lumber Company ycatarday. H waa
rroord to Good amarttan MoapttAl
for ear. Hairy Rtlcknay. of Mllwao-
kla. lest hla laft hand la a machlna at
tb plant ef th Amarlcan Can Com
panr at th aam ttm and waa also
traatad at Good fiamarttAa UoapltAL
Ras CMoaa Maarmto Airauumm Th
wwakly maottac of tha Brit tan Rad
o Soelaty. will b bald la th
Knlfhta af Pythtaa Halt, toniitht at t
o clock. Th procramra thla weak will
Inclnd number by Visa Kathlean
Saaly. Mra. Daisy Walla. Mr. Glbba and
Carl Doaton. TTfta eommttta on ar
raaaaraanta hop that all lntratd
la th cama, particularly British po
pl. will tars oat to th matln.
AOTOsroatLa Ixsrsccroa rtxxn. An
tastrttctor la th art of drlrlna auto
mobllaa should not drtr hla own car
I mil as an hoar, according to a
daclalon ronderad yastsrday by Muni
cipal Judffa Roasman. H fined 8. W.
Kalms, ef th Adcoa 8chool. IS for
this violation of th city ordinance. At
th ttm of tb Arrest sereral students
of th school war In th CAr.
Sfnra to Ba CowrnttrBO. Th pe
dal mtlnra which ar belntr held at
th Frs Msthodtst Church will be con
tinued throuRh th comlnc week. I P.
Kay And hla wtfa. colored STancellsta.
ar aaalstlns;. Rst. T. B. Arnold, ef
Chlcaro. also Is asslsttnc and will
preach Sunday momtns; and n!ht The
church la oa ast i'lfty-fifth And
' Drroaca 8rrr Ftxan That her hos
asnd spends most of his time with
other women And neglects his horn
continually. Is charged by Anna
Batrhdor In a salt for dlrorc filed
yesterday acalnst Harry J. Patrhelor.
t whom sh was married In 1901. They
h at two children. Th plaintiff seeks
their custody And money for their
TATXon-STarrr Miwobiai. CHracu.
An Eastern pastor will be th preacher
tomorrow morning At Foresters Hall at
12 Kourth strat. when th pulpit will
be occupied by Ir. II. P. Illake. of Wis
ronsln. Th soloist of this serrlc will
L. If. Hansen. Dr. W. T. Kerr will
preside. A general InrltAtlon Is ex
tended. Ad.
Jilttut Casi Totai. S. Thers was
a total of 1 cases filed during Jan
uary In th District Court. According
to th monthly report of Court Clerk
Itlchmond. Th rsvenoe Amounted to
II11SIS. of which tzoii was collected
In fines. There were 1 criminal case.
small claim And civil actions.
Pnxr-on Dsltrsa Fraes 8rsoT
Kts-cixu At open forum. I'nltartan
rhApel. Hro.lwr, between Tamhlll and
Taylor. At I:ti P. SI.. Professor IHRuik
will speak on "Some of Our Child Wel
fare Problema" At 11 A. M. dedica
tion of aervlc flag. Th public Is
respectfully Invited. Adv.
AUitKA Torre ron Ct-rmTTie re
sources and Induxtrta posslMUties of
Alaska w'll b tha subject of discus
Ploa f.r th City Club, of Portland. At
Its weekly luncheon In the Itenson
Hotel toHav. W. u. Weigle. supervisor
of th National forests of Alaska, will
bo th speaker.
DAJTiTt V "liTM" PL-lItt roa To-
miiiht A dance In hanklin High
vhool will b given tonight In the
"gym" under th direction of the
Vraaktln Parent-Teacher Asaoctatlon.
The ailmlsiiton fee will b small and the
proceeds will b for th scholarship
loaa fund.
Tug !. Cusic Wall slides and
novtaaT pictures. Tyorrhoea is a subtle
and dangerous disease. IVntal caries
decay! can be absolutely prevented.
Welcom without xpeas or obligation.
1. Kroadway bliig. Main 7(1. Adv,
PntnsH Rit Caoes PoctrTT. Meeting
K. P. HalL Iraturday evening at
o'clock. Musical numbers by Mts Kath
leen Sa It. Miss Daisy Wells. Mr. Uibbs.
Carl Denton and others. Krttlshers and
other Interested kindly attend. Adv.
Totai. or CilS Osrr KiruTirrr. Ths
Public Kmployment HureA furnished
emplovment during January for Zibi
men. women and boys, according to the
monthly report of Director Jones. In
January. HIT. th number was T0.
8hobt 9roaT Class Mebts. Th short
story class conducted by Professor
Mabl Holmes PArsons. of th Univer
sity ef Oregon, will met at T:4S this
vntng tn room II of th library.
Ilav your roof repaired. McDonald
Wynkoop. MAln :1S. Adv.
Castoxiax s OrucxTAi. It CO sal con
t nuea for a tew days: per cent off
oa th entire stock. Adv.
Foa Wllhoit Spring's mineral water.
Ihon Marshall ::. Adv.
j-.o Know McMahon, Chiropractor.
l'ortUnd. Adv.
A SHOW that has baen praised gen
erally as having th excellence ef
an especially-arranged road show
will open at the Orpheum tomorrow
afternoW The new bill Is calculated
Ka r areat Interest In Portland, as
Ihree of the four stars are favorites
in this city. These are John Hyam
and llla Mclntyre. Harry Beresford
n.i Kmart Rarnes. It Is reported that
thla show brok words In cVsttle and
on account of that reputation as a
drawlnsr card, special efforts wsre
mad by th Orpheum management
her to estaad It Portland engagement
to Includ an extra performance next
Wednesday night.
John Hvams and 1I1 Mclntyre ar
the head! mere of tha new Orpheum
show. They ar remembered her for
tneir appearanc "in a vaudeville act
called 'The Quakeress;- which In
spired New Tork reviewers to laud
Miss Mclntyre as -the daintiest actress
en the American stage." The Orpheum
vehicle of Hyams and Mclntyre affords
Mies Mclntyre tha opportunity to sing
songs of tb type thst have made her
famous In vaudeville.
Harry Beresford. character artor. Is
th second star. H and his company
present -Mtnd Tour Own Business."
which was written by Wlnchell Smith
and John L Ootdea, author of "Turn
to tha Right." I'nder Ilia handling of
Mr. Bervs'ord this act la said to rank
as ens ef the cleverest sketches.
Stuart Barnes, the third star, has a
Registration of German En
emy Aliens Begins Monday.
Rath Ray. lager, mm ext Week's Or
aheasa Rill.
Portland record of "stopping th show.
He Is unique as a monologlst an
singer arid his material Is down to
Th fourth star la Ruth Roye, var4
villa's youngest singing comedienne,
whos selections ar all new and ex
clusive. Seattle accepted Miss Roye as
the best singing comedienne of the
R P. PASsg-engas Aid Toacw Pfxix
From Ashland, through the courtesy of
E. V. Carter, president of the rlrst na
tional Bank, ef Ashland, comes a draft
for ll.Sa. drawn In favor of The Ore
gontan'e tobacco fund for soldiers. Mr.
Carter writ that th amount w
handed to C O. Porter. Southern Pa-
eifia conductor, oa hla run Into Ashland,
by three passenger, who asked that
h see thai th money was applied to
th tobacco fund.
Caks) ajto Bbxad full ScaxrxruOv
Th Portland auxiliary to th ith
Coast Artillery Regiment wtll have
rake and bread sale today la Upman.
Wolfe 4 Co.' stor on th ground floor.
Th proceed will be used to provlds
for th wanta of th soldiers. All th
cakss and bread and all services In
connection with the sale will b
Waucab Lbavw fob Sotrrn. I-eRoy
D. Walker, cashier of the rUate Bank.
of Portland, will leave this morning.
accompanied by Mrs. Walker, for a ten
days' visit In California.
Mea Drasa to Prtlaa4 hy 5 red of
Work anew Have Ezasalaatlaaa Traaa
f erred t Thla City.
Physicians acting aa medical exsm
Iners for All th divisional boards In
Portland war "up to their ara In
work" yesterdsy because of th demand
for examinations by reartstranta who
have com to thta city from all parts ot
Oregon, Washington, Montana and
Idaho. Th men hv been drawn here
by the need of workmen in the Indus
trial plsnts. pArtlcularly In the ship
building, end have had their examina
tions transferred to ' this city by ths
divisional boards of the towns In which
thev reerlatered.
Kequeata by oul-ot-town registrant
for examination Are nrsi aeni to in
medical advlsorr board, consisting of
rrs w. T. Williamson. 6. E. Josephl
and U H. Hamilton. And Are distributed
by thla board .among the divisional
medical examiners.
A fine spirit of cheerful acceptance
of the situation la manifested by prac
tically all the men called for examina
tion and found fit for service, accord
ing to Dr. J. Hunter Wells, examiner
for District J. which has a larger num
ber ot registrants than any other division.
Jack Horner'. Plum Wa Put
Up in Bottles.
Beeflegger eateaeed te 3 Daya la
rewatr Jail Cell.
I J corner "
And there Is Another Jack Horner
who may sit In the corner of a County
jAil cell for 30 dys by reason of his
ronvlction In District Judg Bell's court
on A charge of bootlegging. This Jack
Horner la said to have "put his foot in
It" a variation of th old nursery
rhyme and Instead of pulling out
plum, thla Jack Horner Is said to bars
drawn forth 11 quart bottles of alcohol.
He waa arrested eome time ago by
Deputy Sheriffs Chrtstoffenson and
Beckman. The jury found him guilty
as charged after deliberating but a
hort time. He was fined l!30 and
sentenced to 30 days In JaiL He filed
notice of appeal.
lavewter Clalaas Oa Maeata Caa De
Work of Mra With Wedges.
May Cat Cwt AreUbly.
Hoping to aid the Government and to
reduce the enormous money losses In
cident to war preparations, A. G.
De.S'orthall. of Hood River County, has
announced the perfection of a machine
for splitting spruce logs In the making
of airplane lumber. It la claimed that
the machine and two men will accom
pllah as much In on day as will to
men with wedges.
Instead of paying $110 per thousand
feel for airplane material. Mr. De.N'or
thall believes thst his machine will en
able the Government to purchase that
sort, of lumber at not more than US
per thousand feet.
The machlna'ls operated by hydraulic
power and can be set up wherever
there la water enough to supply the
pump. If necessary, tanks of water can
be used. A small gas engine operates
the hydraulic pump, and the pump
furnishes the power to split the log.
Th first machine Is now being put to
gether In the logging camp operated
by Mr. DeXorthall near Hood River and
will b In operation by February 15.
It has cost Its inventor and builder
I3S0O. but It la believed the machines
can b constructed now for 12500 each.
The Inventor la willing to furnish
his patterns to the Government. At the
Multnomah Hotel yesterday Mr. DeXor
thalls said the Government now offers
saO per thousand for splitting the air
plane material out of the spruce log.
"I do not know what the cost will
be when my machine gets to work, but
It will probably not over one-tenth of
what th Government offers." he said.
Salt Brought to Nullify Transfer of
Real Estate.
That he and his wife are victims of
a real estate fraud perpetrated by
Nathan Gage and wife, realty brokers.
Is ehArged by J. F. Lyle In a Circuit
Court complaint filed yesterday. The !
plaHntlff asserts that he traded a hard-1
ware store at Turner. Or., for a house
and lot on the East Side.
He asserts that Gage and his wife
showed him a house and lot at 1138
Glenn avenue, telling him It was the
property to be deeded to him In the
transfer. Eight days after he had
signed the transfer, Jie alleges, he
found the property given to him was at
least three blocks distant from that at
1138 Glenn avenue. He asks for a can
cellation of the transfer and deed and
also an Injunction restraining tha de
fendanta from disposing of the prop
erty pending the litigation.
Interpreter Will Be on Hand to
Make Everything Clear to Regis
trants Photographs and Fin
ger Prints Are Required.
Registration of German enemy alien
will begin at police headquarters. Sec
ond and Oak streets, at ( o'clock Mon
day morning. Plans for this work have
been completed and yesterday a portion
of the staff which will handle the work
assembled In the clubroom and received
Instructions from Chief of Police John
son and Captain Harms, .who ar d
recting the Job.
About 25 men and women wilt assls
in the registration of the aliens, which
Includes the filling of blanks, th filing
of photographs and the recording of
flnger-printa In each ease. The photo
graphs are to be furnished by the
aliens themselves, but th police have
to arrange them on the blanks and
must place one on a registration card
to be given each alien when the blanks
Are completed.
There will be two shifts, working
from A. M. to I P. M. An Interpreter
will be constsntly on hAnd. Sergean
E. Burke and Policemen Grlsim and
Wellbrook, being assigned for this
Federal Regwlatlaa Give.
At th request of Chief of Police
Johnson the following from the Federal
regulations la published for the infor
mation oi tho concerned, who are
unnaturallxed Germans above 14 years
or age:
Persons required to register srieuld under
stand that la so doing they are slvlng proof
of their peaceful dispositions and ef their
intention te conform to the laws of the
United States.
Every registrant should read carefully ths
form of registration affidavit handed to
him and aak tha registration officer for ex
planation on all points not elear to htm be
fore attempting to fill out the blank.
Kach registrant is required to furnish four
unmounted photographs of himself, not
larger than 3x8 Inches in slxe, on thin paper,
wltb llsnt background. All four photo
graphs ehould be alsned by the registrant
across the face of the photographa, so aa
not to obscure the fektures. If the applicant
abls to write.
Three blank forms of registration affidavit
must be completely filled out by the regis
trant or his representative (with the ex
ception of the blanks Indicated to be filled
out by the registration officer snd the de
scription of tha registrant and the placing
of finger prints on the blank), and must be
produced by the registrant personally to the
registration officer and be signed and sworn
to by the registrant In the presence of and
before the registration officer, who will fill
In the descrlntlon of the registrant and su
pervlse tha fixing of tha finger prints snd
the attaching of the photographs. If the
reglatrant cannot writs hs must make his
mark in the signature space and affix his
left thumb print in the apacs provided oppo
site tha signature space.
Ths finger printing la a method of Identi
fication and follows the practice observed in
ths military and naval service ot the United
States. N
The registrant Is Informed that he must
again present himself before the registra
tion officer who took nis oatn alter iu a aye,
but before 15 days from ths last day fixed
for registration In his registration district,
to obtain a registration card, upon which he
must sign hla name, or make his roarK. ana
place his left thumb print in tns presence
ot ths registration officer.
Reglstraata Are Provided With Dis
ability Certificates Which Are of
If Ea to These.
Despite warnings that have been Is
sued, physicians ot the city continue to
embarrass draft boards and examiners
by providing registrants quite freely
with affidavits telling of purported
ailments of the men or of some de
pendent, yesterday declared Dr. J. P.
Tamiesle, of local board No. T.
"Loosely worded and generalized
statements which physicians ar malt
ing out for registrants or some de
pendent," said the examiner, "are not
only Interfering with our work, but
are raising false Impressions in the
minds of the registrants. There is no
good purpose such statements can ac-
Oregon Creamery Answers Com
plaint of t)alrj men's League.
A complete denial of all charges con
tained tn the recent complaint of the
Oregon Dairymen's League la made In
an answer filed yesterday by tne Ore
gon Creamery tn on of a series of Cir
cuit Court complaints filed recently aa
th climax to a ccntroversy of some
months' standing between the dairy
men and the several creameries of Port
land. The answer asserts that the dairy
men, who ar members of th league,
were tendered all money due them In
full for milk delivered from January 1
to 15, Inclusive, and alleges that the
plaintiffs refused to accept payment.
In the rase w herein the league repre
sent Carnensld Brothers, league mem
bers, the defndants seek recovery of
fill IS, which Is alleged to be du for
rental of milk cans, sale of Si milk
cans, the balance due on a promissory
nots held by the defendants and at
torneys' fees.
Special sal of gym suits. II. It, In
cludes shirt, pants and supporter. Ten
per cent off on all rubber-soled ahoea
Hudson Arms Co., Fourth at Morrison
trest. Adv.
Portland Suburban Coal Co.
Phones Broadway lit or A 315s.
Wyoming and domeatlo lump coals.
Government prices. Prompt d silvery.
Ave wish to thank our many kind
friends for thstr loving sympathy and
tiel and ths many floral offerings st th
burial of our beloved eon and brother.
Sec. Win. G. McAdoo telegraphs this company
asking- that our trained agency force deliver this mes
sage far and wide :
"Soldiers and sailors MUST take their Gov
ernment insurance BEFORE FEBRUARY 12TH or it
will be too late to protect loved ones left behind."
(A - purely patriotic spirit prompts New
World in this good work. We do not sell, but
plead with the fighters to BUY, Government insur
ance.) Tell your man who is fighting for you NOT
TO DELAY! Where possible, telegraph him. Every
lighting man should take $10,
000 insurance.
Has TOUR man heeded his Gov
ernment's voice? He will LISTEN
to yau HELP HIM new. Tell him
he must act before February 12th.
Stevens Bldg., Portland
z( f .)o
HURRAH! Today our boys'
department offers some in
teresting SPECIALS
in things thst the boy needs
right now. Mothers and
fathers, too, ' will welcome
this opportunity to march
him in.
in various "boyish" colors
and effects worth up to
$8.50 NOW $6.83.
Heavy quality; ideal for this
cold, snappy weather; wide
range of colors to choose
from. Worth to $3.50. NOW
TOQUES he youngster's
delight these days. Many at
tractive colors and patterns.
25t to $1.
Morrison at Fourth St.
Gus Kuhn. Pres. S. H. Stamps Given.
Wanted Chairs to Cane
by School for Blind
Mr. I. F. Myers
Mar. SOSO o
Kaaf SOOa.
Telephones Marshall 1, Home A-6231
Jones SUPERIOR Quality
MEATS are the juicy young and tender kind that you want
You cannot, maybe, get them at every market, but you can
here. Come and see our splendid assortment of every kind.
YouH lose nothing, but gain much. Our aim is to supply
the best meat obtainable at the lowest possible price.
This Saturday we offer at specially reduced prices
Primo T??h Rnnsf. lh ' .TA
Rolled Roast (boneless), lb..22
Shoulder Pot Roasts, lb 20d
Plate, Brisket, Short Ribs, lb.. 16d
Choice Cut Round Steak, lb.. .24
complish. We can ao little but Ignore
Some excellent reports on physical
fitness of Class I men now being called
before the various boards of the city
for examination are being announced.
An unusually high record was set in
division No. 2, according to Examiner
J. Hunter Wells, when 15 out of 25 reg
istrants tested were found fit for ac
tive military service.
Of 11 men examined Wednesday for
board No. 7 none was found entirely
disqualified for service. These six sub
jects were assigned for active mili
tary duties: Thomas Franklin Funk,
James Alton Kintrea, Oren Osborn Lo
gan, Frank Leslie Condon, Fred L. C
P. Knelling and George Lollock. Five
wefe placed In the limited service class,
as follows: C H. Desky, Lester Chap
man, Charles W. Goodrich, Herbert L,
Strong and John A. Jenz.
Officials Promise Assistance In
Suppressing Bootlegging.
District Attorney Evans, Sheriff Hurl-
burt and Chief of Police Johnson were
assured of tha strongest co-operation
of the officials and employes of the
Northern Pacific Terminal Company in
the suppression of illegal liquor traffic
yesterday when C. G. Sutherland, as-
Loin or Rib Roasts, lb..30
Shoulder R'sts, lb..23-25d
Leg Roasts, lb 273
Choicest Pork Chops, lb.32d
Pork Tenderloins, lb...40J
Fresh Pork Feet, lb.. . .10&
Loins, Legs or Rack Roasts, lb
Shoulder Roasts, 5 to 6 lbs. average, lb
Lamb Cutlets, lb 28d Breasts, lb
Wholesomeness and Health in Every Pound
Hams, half or whole, lb .- 30d
Bacon, half or whole strips, lb 38-40d
Tenderloin Backs, half or whole strip, lb.. .:. 35d
Cottages, lb 30 Picnics, lb 22d
Special .Bacon, lb '. 302
These prices hold good for today only. Be here early, when
selections are the best. Take your pick then.
elstant to President O'Brien, of the com
pany, announced this pronerea assist
ance at a conference with Mr. Evans.
Mr. Sutherland assured the officials
that the terminal company would do
everything within Its power legltimate
iv tn assist the Deace officers in run
ning down bootleggers, and he Invited
the officials to call upon them at any
time for assistance in this respect.
ij 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 n i mj-i r 1 1 -.X f -q.
East Seventeenth and Schuyler
Edward H. Pence, D. Minister.
Hear Those Sunday Sermons :
Morning,' 10:30: "A Theory Versus an Experience of God"
Evening, 7 :30 : Donald Hankey's Book, "The Student in Arms"
"A Study of War's Greatest Critic'
ue au pes
ija wi urrM 1
.V 9
50 Cent Dinner
Served 5 to 8:30
Menu Chan4ed Daily
Puree of Split Pea
Vegetable Soup
Baked Halibut, or Roast Beef or "
Curried Tenderloin Tips, With Rice
Succotash Stringless Beans
Mashed or Boiled Potatoes
Bread and Butter
Pie, Pudding or Ice Cream
Coffee Tea Milk
Special Steak Dinners
No. 10 Small Steak, Country Gravy, Potatoes,
Bread, Butter and Coffee .45c
No. 11 Hazelwood Old-Fashioned Stenk, Pota
toes, Bread, Butter and Coffee . .50c
No. 12 Special Sirloin Steak, Potatoes, Bread,
Butter and Coffee 75c
Hazelwood Sunday Dinners
Are a Real Pleasure
We Serve a Generous
i Table d'Hote Dinner
12 to 8:30 P. M. $1.00 Per Plate
Also a Complete a la Carte Menu.
The Hazelwood
388 Washington St
Broadway Hazelwood
127 Broadway.
Instant Service in the Coffee Shop, 12G Park St.
First Presbyterian Church
Twelfth and Alder Streets
Rev. John H. Boyd, D. D Pastor.
Rer. John Mackay.D.D.
President Westmin
ster .Hall. Vancouver,
B. C.
"Christ Our
7il5 P. M.
"Love's Watchfulness"
Come early In the
evening and hear an
organ recital by
Edgar E. Coursen
and a contralto solo j
by Mrs. Virginia
spencer xiutcninson.
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There Was Nothing So Good
for Congestion and colds
as Mustard
But the old-fashioned mustard-plaster
burned and blistered while it acted. Get
the relief and help that mustard
plasters gave, without the plaster and
without the blister
Musterole does it. It is a clean, white
ointment, made with oil of mustard. It is
scientifically prepared, so that it works
wonders, and yet does not blister the
tenderest skin.
Just massage Musterole in with the finger-tips
gently. See how quickly it brings
relief how speedily the pain disappears.
Use Musterole for sore throat, bron
chitis, tonsilitis. croup, stiff neck, asthma,
neuralgia, headache, congestion, pleurisy, .
rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of
the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles,
bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of
the chest (it often prevents pneumonia).
30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50.
Heal Skin Diseases
It is unnecessary for you to suffer with
eczema, blotches, ringworm, rashes and
similar skin troubles. A little zemo,
obtained at any drug store for 35c, or
$1.00 for extra large bottle, and promptly
applied will usually give instant relief
from itching torture. It cleanses and
soothes the skin and heals quickly and
effectively most skin diseases.
Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating, dis
appearing liquid and is soothing to the
most delicate skin. It is not greasy, is
easily applied and costs little. Get it
today and save all further distress.
TneE. W.Koss Co, Cleveland, a