T1TE HORNING OriEGONIAN. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1918. ROUNDUP Gin MAY BE 1RAIHIH6 GAMP Portland Team Will Probably Be Sent to Pendleton to Be Conditioned. OFFER MADE ATTRACTIVE BUSHXRS RECEXTLT OBTAINED BT JUDGE McCREDIE, WHOSE SIGNED CONTRACTS TO PLAY WITH PORTLAND NEXT SEASON HAVE BEEN RECEIVED. ! jackaroo k'aaa Agree to Pay AH Ex-pcnae-a for Privilege of Taking bale Receipts of Fn-Sfuoi Unci lo He fcca,-ed. bt jakes j. Riaixnvsos. Cola of things blw Into Ion yes terday aloaf with tho inoir And among the wm some c hole Items of b la bel; iivi which Judge McCredie djat.ty paseed out for perujal by the J ans. That a proposition to trala ths Port land loam la Pendleton bad been mad wtiea appears vary Inviting and which would la n:l probability be accepted I w as ooaflrnd by lb i'ortiaad bi ball BUB414 Hint W. Micks, former Chicago White Dos booster. Boar traveling paa-a-ecr aarent with, tha Q.-W. R. A X. Ccmpaay la Caaiara Oregon, aubmlttad a prvpoaltlon to Juug McCredie which evidently piaaaad tha Portland magnate bacauaa ba Instructed lilcka to cloeo trie deal aad forward tne papars to aim tor signing. Tha proposition to trala la tha Round-Up citjr vu ma da by four of l'ed.etoa's moat prominent citizens and Baseball fan, nbtl Judge lie Credl woo. 4 aot give out tha finan cial dickering. It la understood that tha Paadiatoa "thirty-third degress" t of farad to put up all tha money necessary to bouaa aad fd tha Port, land laxa during their sojourn In tha Bu.-karoo" city and tha quartet to take all tha sale racelpta from tha cx bibttloa lunta Tha oaly xpaa Judge MrOedla will ba put to will ba tha I ran port at ion bills of hia "recruits" from their homes to Pendleton aad tftnce to Portland. Tha Portland magnate la Indeed for tunata la harms; tha opportunity of cuaditloalRg bia team In such a city as Pendleton. 11 will have all tha Kames ba enlcht car to schedule with tha beat Hffll-prn and school teams la . . JV-J- rm vsm v A: ' ? if. 7-f CP.:' J i LEE STATES CASE Outfielder Gives His View of Three-Sided Squabble. BOYLE'S CHARGES DENIED I i Player Says He Endeavored to Place Himself, bat Received No Assist. um From Marsballtoini Max. ajer; Acted In Good Faith. 1 lltUI 1.4. k U l.T. llk..Uk J1U1I1U. o. HJbUl). J Judas McCredie yesterday recelred from Garry Herrmann, president of tha National Commission, copy of a letter written by Clifford Lee to President Herrmann, In which tha much-sought outfielder rives bis version of the three-cornered squabble which is now taklnr place between Portland, Mar shalltowa and Cleveland for Lee's services. Lee's letter shows that somebody either in Cleveland or Marshalltown Is candidate for the "Ananias" club. Cleveland contends in Its typewritten claim sent Into the National Commis sion that Lee left Marshalltown "hur riedly" after tha Central Association I disbanded, to go to work in the railroad shops at Denver. Accordlnr to Lee's letter he made every effort to hve Boyle, manager of Marshalltown and representative of I Cleveland, place him with some team and after repeated vltsts to see Boyle he disgustedly left for his home in I Denver. Lee's letter to tha National Commis sion follows: WILLIAMS IS FADING Old-Time Form. tha University of Oreg-on five. Earlier In the season the local team held O. A. C. to a 10-to-9 score, which goes to show that Coach Mathews has devel oped an excellent team. The same lineup will be used aa waa used against OreKon last week, whioh was: Nichols, center: Wapato and home of Leo Jacoby. president of the Jacoby Bros. Company, was badly beaten when she surprised a burglar in the act of robbing the Jacoby home at 691 South Westmoreland avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Jacoby were away at the time the prowler forced bis way Into the house by Jimmying the kitchen window. Cautiously feeling his way Cnrmnf DnnHm PJlomn I nepe I Sparks, forwards; DLmiok and McX.lt In the darkened lower floor, the man TOnner DaiUaill IvIldlllfJ lUJCJ (r, uapds. gradually worked toward the upstairs rooms, when Mrs. Morlyama started to Investigate the noise made by tha I burglar. Aa tha woman passed near tha door I where he waa hiding the man clutched I her by the throat and began beating I jnp her over tha head with his flats. ih told Detectives Oaks and Hurt, and told her to disclose where tha money and Jewels ware kept. Aa tha rain of blowa fell on the woman's head she LYNCH HIS NEMESIS WAR HORSES NEED AID San Francisco Will Equip Ambu lance Corps for Animal Belief. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. IS. Tha San Francisco branch of the American Bed Diowa rail on the woman a neao sne jj, THjasster'n Victory Spells Star Animal Relief Society has started screamed and. fearing help would be w,u"un L campaign to raise and equip an am camlnr. the man fled. I r A Testis I i . .... - Now Await Matcb Between Herman and New Yorker. coming, tha man fled. Some time after tha detectives went over tha grounda and made out their report Mr. Jacoby telephoned be found a suit case and several pairs of shoes, together with a watch, were missing. Department flnger-prlnt experts to day will make an effort to obtain finger prints left by tha burglar in an effort to identify him. BRITISH ROADS BLOCKED AS HALF OF ONE PER CEJiT. Stroaa; Demand Made for Operating Re- I femes That 'Hill Relieve Coo di ttos m f Traffic Coagestloa. prominent part of tha offlrial docu- mrnt aad reads to tha effect that if a league plays half of Its scheduled antra during tha season It has tha rlicbt to ree.rve Its players for the fol lowing season. a Judge MeCredle wrote Dempsey. the Rock Island firet aacker, some tlma ago. but has failed to hear from the younrster. In keeping with tha usual numtta-r of disappointing surprises the Portland magnate received from some of his future "areata," he says the next mall may bring a card dated "ome hre In Prance, and signed DtmP' sey. tnat vlrlniry. Whitman College, at Wall Walla, and Washington Stat at Pullmaa. will nndoubtediy have good aggregations which will fnrntab entertainment for tha Portlaad war rior a and Pendleton f ana A dosan or mora teams In eloae proximity to Pan d.eton caa also fuml.b opposition. Tha Hound-t'p grounds are ideall situated for pitching a Spring trala Ing camp The diamond where the Western Trt-atate League ataged Its championship games la situated In th renter of Kouad-l'p Park. A xnaanlft rent swimming pool Is located with I the park grounda. which ought to mak a bi I for popularity among the "cave men" members of the aouad. Hotel accommodation are oret-ojasa. and Jodae MrCredla la elated over the opportunity to order hia players to re port at Pendleton for prmc irainin provided nothing aaforeeeea boba up la tha meantime. And while the tudga Is about It, h might aa well name tha Portland team the "Buckarooa." The title or "Beavers which the Portland team has carried through many championship see loos Is claimed by Vancouver, aad as ao sub- atituta has baa offered up antll this tlma yea Bead aot ba surprised If Judge Mcredie abonld dctd to call tha Portlaad team tha "Buckaroos. a a e Judaa William Wallace MrOedla has baea lo communication with three play era of more thaa ordinary ability as manaaer with reference to piloting tha i'ortlaad team during the corning aa kb. Ju.t who the players are tha Port land magnate refuses to divulge at this particular time, but goes so far ss to state that two of Ibe trio era Brat base men of experience, aad both anxious to land the task of managing aaxt aaa- soevo Portlaad team. Tba remaining player la a third baaemaa whom tha Judaa says cornea hlshly recommended. The reason lor Judce Mot'redte's ra- fueal to give out the aamea of tha play era under consideration la attributed to tha fact that all three are free agents aad aslgbt bo grabbed up by soma other club, waiter lrv.redle con ferred with one of the appllcanta while la Chlraco recently, and wrote the Judge that be waa aa excellent player and poeaeaaed tha neceeaary experience to make a aueceeaful leader. Ha la said to ba one of the two players who cavort la the vlrtntty of the Initial sack. Judge McCredie seemed favorably In clined toward aendinr said player a contract, but will wait a few days longer In the hope that Paddy Slglln win send some word regarding his chance of being called In the next draft The Portland owner wsnta to give Elglln every opportunity to manage the local team, but cannot afford to wait too long for Paddy'a answer. The let ter Mct'redte aent olglln some time ago has had ample time for a reply and unU-sa one la forthcoming by the early part of next week Judge McCredie will aanounra tha name of the new Port land manager. The player recommended by Walter McVredle and who seems to have the Inalde track for tha managerial po- sition Is said to ba a developer of young bal.playere, and thla I one asset that wtll prove of unlimited value to Judge Mcv're.li. The Portland mogul plans on a bustling bunch of youngsters to represent the Roaa City thla eeaeon and wtll need a player of experience to bruxh the lads up on the fine points of tne game. Another year and.r a capable tutor will make a poe.lhle big leaguer out f Cliff Lea should the young outfielder ba awarded to Portland Lea looks very promtetng. but baa a few rough spots that must he rubbed off. Tha Portland lmprrrlo Is continual ly rerelvmg appllcatlona from experi enced plavers who want to caet their lot with Portland thla seaeon, and aays ha wtll experience no trouble getting a formidable lineup when tha proper time comes. A als-ned contract from Henrv Lav. Fan Pranclaco semi-pro pitcher, waa re- reived in yastrrtaya mall and ores- atoned a broad grin to cover the Judge's roiuna rare l.-v wae rerommrnded to MrCredle av -Rwef" ilenneeeer, who 1 acting as tie I rrtlar.1 oan.-r. representative In t ai.fomla In gath.rtng up likely look ing material for the team. Itenaaasry writes that Lay is 21 year mt x. ataade feat in bis etock. Ing feat, w.irha ! poaade and throws rroca the right side. Lay baa won if rana and lost five for the Sparry Hoot tm this season. Ha Is a slde aew ptteh.r aad works and re.rmMes a-a Henl-r. the former K.n Krin.'lvo and Vernon pirhlrg tar. ... J id fa M-Credle received the TeclM. Caaat International League entirracts tardar rrona President Robert Blew. Byron llouck wishes It understood that, while be Is d-elroua of seeing a few mora dollars added to hie contract, be doea not wlh to be classed aa be ing a "holdout." The Portland burler, who waa drafted by the Su Louis Browns, has his contract safely tucked away la a cigar box. e a Sacramento papers mention that If Judge McCredie wants to purchase Gus Planer from the oanators ba will have to kick through with a much larger amount than Sacramento paid the Judge for Klshrr. All of which goes to show that riacramento waa prac tically "donated" a eouple of the play ers. Judge MrCredle. while he baa the hlgheet regards for Gus Flaher. has never considered asking Sacramento to place a fisrure on Pihers services. Mr. Aurust Herrmann. National Commission, Cincinnati, y. : Dear Blr Acknowldrtna reeeiot of Tonr letter of the 14th and 18th Inat bg to ad viee that on th day th Central Association diabanded Mr. Boyl told me that he had turned over to the Cleveland club two other p.ayera and myself, but was unabl to ua tne. About a weak prior to th data of dis banding of the Central Aaaoclatlon. th Dea afoine club wired Mr. Boris aaklng my eervlces. H would not. part with me at that tlm. a we would have had to secure permlsalon from the Cleveland club In order that I might Join tha Dea Molnea club. Alter a lap of two days I sought Mr. Borl and asked him what disposition he sirolng to make of me. H auggeated that 1 wire eeveral cluba and endeavor to place znraelf, which 1 did, but received no reply. WORK OF VICTORS STELLAR "hereby unpaid or unplaced players became tha termination of the playing season. Act- Ing upon this Information. 1 Immediately wired several cluba for a Job, including Port- land sr. tin. Ilia I I we. fr.e m.ent. and t nsmpioniDip torm anovm Dy licit I using your above ruling aa my authority I waa instructed oy ui fortiana ciud to PREP SCHOOL WINS Columbia Defeats Franklin by Fast Team Work. Malarkey's Basketball Quintet and Qnakers Cnable to Get Started Until Too Late. ENTEBoCHOLAHTIO lAIIITBAll League A. CHAWIMOX stKCETTES MA.TT -: rao appiraxt. Pae-llaaVv to Meet JgeJCay, Iaterssaaa- tala THIabaUar. la Betas, Idaho. Pebrmary g. Joa Planlgaa closed for his middle weight champion of the Northwest. AI So mm ere. to meat Gordoa McKay. I n- tar-mountaln middleweight champion. In a IP-round bout at Boise. Idaho, on Friday night. February (. bomrner left this morning for Ilolae and will start training at ones upon hia arrival la that city, for his match with McKay. McKay fought a IS-round draw with Frank Harrleaa In Boise several week ago and has won IS bouts In a row throughout the Middle West, most of them In bait Lake City aad Ogden. Flanlgaa has been deluged with of fers for So miners' services sines the latter fought "Battling- Ortega, the Oakland marvel, to a standstill here last week. Seattle promoters want Al to meet Mirk King, Tacoroa wants him for Chet Mc In tyre and several Port land promoters are after feommers to box the mala event on their card. Sommers bas struck bis stride at last and there le no telling how far be will go, now that be has got off to a flying start. Flanlgaa will not leave for Boise until next Thursday, as he has to re main bare to second Muff Bronsoa In bis battle with Frankls Farren In the main event of the Northwest Athletic Club show bers oa Wednesday night. Jimmy Dunn, the man who discov ered and made a champion of Johnny Kllbane. ana thinks that he has a coming champion In Johnny "Kid" Wolfe, the Cleveland bantamweight, who defeated Johnny Ertle In Cleve land last weak, tells a story In regard w. L Pet. Columbia 2 0 1hu Chr!a:taa Brother L 0 1mh Prank. la 1 1 .A"0 vShingtoa 0 1 i"" Buaia 0 X .uuu League B. Jefferaaa S 0 100 l.lnco.a L 0 Iihh) Commerce ........ 1 1 .6txj Jamea Jaba 0 1 Ulll 0 X -OuO report to them at Salt Lake City, which did. and sla-ned a contract. Regarding my difference a stated In one of Mr. Boyle's let. ter in not finishing tha playing season. please b advised that I apent In th neigh borhe of 920 In telegrams alone in trying to secure a Job. beatdea being idle nearly month. I, therefore, demanded that If the commission rules that I errea in signing Portland contract that I b reimbursed by She Cleveland club for tlm loat from th termination of th Central Association to th closing date, which Is th amount stated their letter. Trusting this is th desired In- formation. ttlgned CLIFFORD LEE. 24ZO California street. Denver, Colo. avs the same name. "One day down at Louisville. Just beore I resigned as boxing Instructor. said Dunn to i party of friends la Cleveland, "an of fleer cams to me and said: "Mr. Dunn, boxing surely must psy tremendoualy. now ao you snake that outr I aeked him. 'Well, take your own case.' replied the officer. Ton never were a cham pion and have made moat of your money managing Johnny Kllbane. the eatberwelght champion. I under- you made enough money to buy the laveiand baseball club. " Colonel James Dunn, of Chicago. wna tha Cleveland team. Tba Columbia Prep School basketball Charged for Ked Cross. team took tha lead In League A yes- CHICAGO. Feb. 1. More than 1100. terday afternoon by banding tha I noo probably will be turned over to the Franklin High hoopers a S-to-l beat- I American Red Cross by ths two major ing before one of the largest crowds I leagues this season, if plans now under of basketball fans of the year at the consideration are earned out. rresi Washington High School gymnasium. I dent Ban Johnson, of the American The Columbia team started off like a League, announced tonight. It Is squad of champions aad piled up 24 1 planned to Increase the cost of 'all ad- polnts to Franklin s two in tha first missions 6 or lo cents ana turn over half, before the Quakers could recover I the difference between tne regular ree from the whlnlwlnd attack of the two I plus war tax and the Increased price Columbia guards. Allen and Jacob- to the Red Cross. Club owners In both berxer. and Hhlpley. center. In this I leagues favor the plan, ana all tnat re- fatal period Shipley scored 10 points. I mains la official permission from Wash while Allen and Jacobbarger tallied six I In art on officials, Mr. Johnson said. apiece. Never before In Inlerscnotae-1 "This plan, sal a Mr. jonnson. ni be lie basketball circles have the fans Ins; considered by ths Internal Reve- ever glimpsed any mors brilliant nue Department, and I understand has passing and teamwork - than the I met with their approval. The man Columbia quintet displayed yesterday, paying the extra cents would not miss Coach Tick Malarkey a blus and I it. but In a season it would mean quite white basket toaaens were In every I a bit of help for the Red Cross.' position on ths floor and had an al most uncanny faculty of Just grasp ing the ball out of the bands of ths Franklin players. Tha poor passing of Franklin In the first half was their chief undoing, and time after time a player would pass tha ball any place Just to get It out of bis hands, every lima two willing mitts of. on of the Portland folks will Dlease "Hoover- Columbia team being where a Frank- X- on the word "slush" when the lin playera ought to nave been. snow starts melting. as la tne game against vtasnington last week. Alias and JacoDOerger. tne I Tj,y Stege wants to know If money two ununaia guaras, provea xo oe an talks, would a diamond ring? unoeataoie oomoiuaiion ana wene Iiock of Gibraltar In Columbia s line . representative, cltlxen of Alder- of defense. Shipley started at center brook. Clatsop County, asks 'If they jvsteruay wr v-oiurooia in piace ot trid to Ty Cobb to the bases, where acaiernan, onnmp- i-nunps stepping would thev chain llehtnlnxT" into caitttvT a snwa at ivrwaia bhipleys unerring . eye registered a Charlie Tobln tried to locate Pete basket avery time he came within Muldoon yMterday. Ail the boys play " . " """' hide-and-seek when snow via Its town. t nutips. woo piarea oia xirai game st forward for coiumoia, made good. Paddy 61lin continues to remain In sad n fmrm m im. .aoiumvH vi i oljy urity. Vle i fasj r is.iis.iiu i-rssviri (j not ri i i started and wars all at sea without ""'S" the presence of "Pudp-e Brown and HOOD RIVER. Or.. Feb. 1 (Spe- Squirrel Food. a lot or strange laces blew into XX tovrn with the snow. o the fact that be and ths owner of Harry Thomas In the Uneup. Brown. LlaL) Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Skinner be Cleveland American baseball club who is captain of ths team and one have received a letter from their son. of the best players In ths league, and Horace former! v a student of the TJni Thomas, one of Franklin's best basket yerslty of California, who states that shooters, were both notified that they ha haa been ,ent to Washington, D. C had been posted in their studies st to make a special study of chemistry. Franklin and would not be allowed to Toung Skinner, well known here and play until they bad mada up their at tne Southern university for bis ten work. Ths news was received at the nl9 playing, enlisted several months Allen . . Refer. Good a SCHOOLS 3IAY RESUME GAMES Stanford Proposes That California and Cardinal Play Football. 6TA..VFORD CXI VEitglTT. f.L Fab. The athletlo board of control of Stanford University has drawn up a efmite proposal which It will submit to representatives of ths University of J-ebberger lallfornla at a meeting to be held In alcKi.rnan t Fan Francisco Saturday, which. If adopted, will mean the resumption of football contests between the two col ges. It was announced here tonight. i oner tne proposal drawn up by Stanford's representatives. It was said. not a styles or tooibaU. Kugby and American, would bo played Rugby In the FprtnT of tba year and American In the Fall. Fmbodled ta tha proposal. It was said, was aa offer to abolish highly paid coaches, to bo substituted by smaller salaried athletlo Instructor, and a suggestion that freshmen ba barred from vsrsity trams by a "gen tlemen's acreement." Th nipttir between Ftanford and the I nlvfr.ity of California wae caused by tha latter Institution's Insistence that fre.h ma b sot piajrad ta vsunlty last moment, and two new players that have never played In the league before were sent in. Borelll. the Quaker's most dependable sub. was unavailable becsuse of a bad attack of bolls. After Brown, who also coaches the team, bad taken OIlIIs. the substitute renter, out of the game and put In Johnson, things went a little better. Johnson went Into Dudley's place at guard, while the latter went back to his rtrolar position at center. The Franklin quintet got under way In the last half and managed to run up 12 points, but had started too late to win the game. Tucken, Amburn and Thompson started for Franklin. The lineup: Columbia (SS). Franklin (14 Phillip l2 r 2 Thompson Sweeney ...... .F. ....... . LB I Amburn Shipley (13) C Glllls C. .. .... ...a.. ... Dudlev (6) Tucker .,. Johnson Yakima Fixes Bird Limit. TAKIMA. Wash.. Feh. 1. (Special.) Tha Yakima County Game Commission has fixed It birds In any one week and 10 birds in ths season aa the bag limit on Chine pheasants this season. Ths limit on Hungarian partridges was fixed at 10 In one week and 10 for the season and on mixed baga a limit of seven birds In ons day was placed, not mors than five birds to be of one kind. The commission haa about $4000 on hand and expects to Increase the game resources of the county materially dur ing the season. ago. lie had been making a specialty of the study of chemistry. Centralis Wins and Loses. CENTRALIA, Wash., Feb. L (Spe cial.) The Junior basketball team of the Centralis High School Wednesday night defeated the Chehalls juniors by a score of 12 to 4, while ths local sophomore five met defeat at the bands of the Chehalts sophomores by a score of 18 to 1. Tuesday night the local eighth-grade team was beaten by the Cascade School ef Chehalis by a score of 1 to . Crack Bowlers Sleet Today. Carl De Haven, crack Portland bowl er, will roll R. V. Jones a 10-game series, total number of pins scored to decide the winner, on ths Oregon Alleys this afternoon, starting at I P. M. Both bowlers are leaders in local bowling circles and a live matcb is expected. the battlefields of France. The society estimates that such a unit will cost J15.000 and It already has a consider able sum of money on hand as a "starter." The Red Star was organized last vear at the sucrirestion of Newton D. It looks as if another great little Baker. Secretary of War. It performs battler bas gone his route and is a work similar to that performed for through as far as boxing In tne Dig- . soldier by the Red Cross. The na- tlma circles is concerned. "Kid" Will- tional headauarters are at Albany. N. lams, former bantamweight champion I y. a membership costs $1 a year and of ths world, met his Waterloo in a a i)fe membership .100. Philadelphia ring Wednesday, being Tne gan Francisco horse ambulance knocked out in tha fourth round of a nni, exnects to co to France as soon scheduled six-round bout by Jos Lynch, I aa it Is formed. The Government has RAILWAY EFFICIENCY DISCLOSED 0f New York. asked the society to furnish 1 such Williams is billed to meet Jei-sey units throughout the country. The Frankls Burns in a lz-round bout in horses will need drugs, blankets, tar- hls home town, Baltimore, on February paulins. large tents and millions of 8. but It is doubtful whether be will bandages. The work of the society is go through with the match. Joe Lynch, given an added Impetus through ths the New York bantamweight who jact that most of the horses now doing handed Williams the sleeping potion, ..rvicn st tha front are said to nave has been coming along with leaps ana come from this country. bounds of late and has become recog- I Monev for the San Francisoo asnbu- LONDON. Dec. 15. Higher efficiency nlzed as ons of the best bantams In jance unit is being raised through in the operation of railroads Is de- luo uuum.u. uuu ogres snows ana omr iumlo t tuner- manded hera aa well ax in America. looKea upon merely aa a or 1 talnment. A recent corse snow nere Centralised operations of the British oul a waiiop. railways under government control has I Williams on Down Grade. revealed the weaknesses of the decen- I Then he suddenly cams to lite with trallxed system of pre-war days. I knockout victories over Willie Astey. The most insistent demand at present Eddie O'Keefe. Andy Burns and Dick Is for the establishment of a central Load man. He has been after a title jfettje g wbeeler Accused of Using bicai lUB-uvuDO anil 111.15.1 biauuh iut m&icn Willi rvio xivruiuu wm uv " I the congested traffic of Greater Lon- I considered to have a chance of defeat- don. I ing1 Herman In a 20-round bout. There are LSOO.OOO freight cars in Williams, like Johnny Coulon. Great Britain. A renot-t lust nuhllahed fhnnrrht that ha Was Still the tough shows that, at any given moment, 97 I boy he was when he was champion, that Nettle S. Wheeler forged the name per cent of them are standing still, 2 I It has been quite eviaent me past i aa aira. juna ocmi, iuimor c.v.. nor ront a rm. mnvino- hut ,mr.rr wkiiivmr that tha onca ruira;ed little battler aeneral of the Daughters oi the ajner- only one-half of 1 per cent represent I has lost his tigerish offensive that en- lean Revolution, and of Mrs. Frank P. fab i .rrir-ianr-v "Tha mil. ora rhniaii ahl'il him to beat down maor of the Mitchell, of Hamilton. Mass- to letters. with cars, mostly empty, which cannot greatest bantamweights In tha busl- the grand Jury recently returned an in move forward owing mainly to conges- ness, but he has insisted that it was dlctment against Mrs. Wheeler for for- tlon of terminals." says the report, merely a laca oi training tnat. was gery. VT ii f S th ..TYi. thine 1. nnt.H in o.n- resDonslbls for his recent poor show- Mrs. Wheeler, the Indictment charges. nectlon with locomotives. I ings. was negotiating last April a sale of ExDerts flz-ura that the establishment soon after ne lost nts tine to i-eie premises 1815 street wortnwesi in of a central scheme for handling Herman, W llllama met "K-ia" ixuisi- MrS. Scott from the husband or Mrs. freight in London would abolish 25,000 I ana. a Philadelphia bantam, who had Mitchell, the purchase price being miles of track and sidings, would f ree nt s"' repuuuuu iu . uhi, ibu,uuu. Mrs. ocoii msisiea mi rolling stock worth 1, 250.000. 000. would I Williams twice was floored and was tain house furnishing articles should th,'. mnnii hin. lucky to stick the distance. After a he Included in the purchase price and layoff ho came back and fought Johnny it is alleged that Mrs. Wheeler signed and automobiles to do the work bow Mrs. Mitcnen s name to a letter aisree- requlrlng 120,000. I 'bough beaten all over the ring, he inB. to the conditions proposed by Mrs. ici.tri.cu a. u i (. U0.UIU11. " I scotu A letter purporting to DBH.i but knocked out in the battle. Mrs. Scott's signature was received by MIIRQIMR CPRVIPF MPCnPn Herman May Meet Lynch. Mrs. Mitchell. In which Mrs. Scott is " wa-lisivfc. a.a.at.br . ., . I . .. ha w.. wllllno- o ntlr- 1118 inenas nave Deen alter nim xo i vic iu ..i. .t., . i A.... ki. t chase the articles in Question at cer- ai .. .. ti j x t e" "-" - . tu,,u'vu "'" -""" other lines, but he has insisted that tain prices. he would regain bis title lost to Her- tiia.il. aiiw luoauay iiisitL vetiiio A , n m m,-w- minttrn Williams may take his friends' advice tLhU I KIU f LA a I O WAnl.DU WAStil.MiTO., Jan. zt. Kural ais- ana quit tne ring ror gooa. . . I , ,i I mi . 1 w.. .1 . . inuta must nave nursing aervicea, mo i o-ito hbuu ikw mi uueuvui. iiib tvuu- . t-iM.jrt t ......... Children's Bureau finds, if infant mor- try now will sit back and see whether Mnst Increase Electric Power or netted $1471 for the society. WOMAN HELD FOR FORGERY Name of Mrs. Julia Scott. WASHINGTON, Dec 28. Charging Death Rate High. Lose Valuable Contracts. PITTSBURG. Dec. 28. Robert J. tality in remote regions is to be re- Pete Herman, bantamweight champion duced and human lite conserved at this of the world, will take on Lynch in a time when the Nation's human re- 20-round decision bout for the cham- sourcea are. helnor wanted hv war. Re- Pionship of the world. Without a suits of the bureau's first detailed I doubt Lynch Is entitled to a match I Bulkley, of the priorities committee of study of the care available for babies I with Herman and should be given a the Council of National Defense, sent and mothers in rural communities were craca at tne crown at an eariy aate. here from Washington to investigate msrie nnhllo rnriav. showing that one I It Is a matter of conjecture whether the electric Dower situation with infant In .voi-v JS of tha .action oh- I Herman will meet Lynch or not. view to Increasing the production of served failed to survive, or that 4 per I """'J xntruian uu oetn Bias-stepping munitions in tne .rmsDurg austnet, hji oent of ail children die before they anyone who looked like he had a nounced that the situation is acute and reach the age of 12 months. i cutmuo wna mm auo. moat oi ma oat- must be remeaiea at once. The bureau's first survey was com- tles w1tn second-raters of late have He said the domestic consumption of .i.t.j i . , . c,v I been no-decision affairs. For a while electric nower must be curtailed and It i. o m. . .rin. - ni,i.hnn,. I it looaea as tnougn tne country naa a mleht be necessarv to lessen ths street Similar studies are In progress in Wis- f61 ampion ,1.n "erman- f,ttrte'J lighting. Mr. Bulkley Is being assist consln and North Carolina. The popu- n J,ag "".'i1 comrB but It did not ed by committees from the Chamber of latlon in the Kansas county Is widely , J"r "V" commerce, the Manuracturers- Associa- .. i v.... i i .i oa I .o wecu ,oi j. r n, ant t n a fimm ovarsr Aasociation. BUBUMCU, ULll UU QU11JO IS IUU1Q tllltll CU I .1 ITlla - I " w" " ' mile, from rinotnr and t.ienhonea n I ' 7 particular. ..je the manufacturers cannot get to- good roads minimize ths disadvantages w( e,t, v... J gether and adjust the situaUon." said of great distancea LdZ 'u,.h.u J"5? Mr. Bulkier, "they vlll lose further In spite of these favorable elrcum- ,,T 't ... - Vi uovernmenl war coiitrauio. .r . "Z '"'r In the contest with Matt Brock in thirds of the mothers had no medical Cleveland, Fowler will get mors for ""'"- the 10-round no-declston bout than he and more than one-third had no visit did tor two j.6.round bouU ,n Denver irom a pursiuiaii attior tne uay ot tne i wjth Brock and Fanning. Dirtn. rour-riiuis or the wives or There is more interest being taken farmers had to work for large farm i tha Brock-Fowler bout In Cleva- crews at the time when they specially land, according to reports, than any 11CCUCU ID CUUBMVQ .11 IDCir B LI CHS 111. I nthUP hAIlt thAPB In month. Tn mA,,A I While the existing death rata Is com- l.nd th.tr looir. on Rr.v th. WASHINGTON, Dec 21. Sufferings paratlvely low for this county, the re- featherweight champion and were sur- of folJc nnable to Dny coal have ha port says: ine existing rale snouia prised when they received the news of loucn 01 numor. tuousn it was oumtr- not DS regaraea with complacency, lor, tho trouncing that he bad received at I wnat grim, 11 report 10 m ium ou as Sir Arthur Newholme says. 'If babies the hands of Fowler. ministration show. Here are two speo- were well born and well cared for. their I nnitinnirt Tnrtntlnh th. v.w ri- I lmens: mortality would be negllarible.' In other I leans nromoter. la trvintr to Indno. A Newark, 1. J., man, whose coal words, there is no Inherent reason why Johnny Dundee to meet Fowler in a I dealer refused to supply fuel except in babies should die in a community which 20-round bout in New Orleans dnrintr case of dire distress, pleaded a sick has all the advantages possessed by this j the month of February. Winsor has baby and tfl prove it wheeled a delicate- county country life, healthful climate, accepted his terms for ths match, and lOOKing. peevisn iniant arouna to me high standards of living, a high level I is ready to sign articles as soon as coal otlice. He got toe coal, out ln- of Intelligence about matters of health they reach him. The bout will be vestigation developed that he borrowed and means wherewith to provide for its I staged either February 14 or 15 if the baby from his neighbor. mothers and babies." I Dundee accepts. I In the same city a retail jeweler took In other states where surveys are in a Job as a coal wagon driver. To start COAL LACK SURMOUNTED Sick Baby Is Bororwed to Show Dealer Proof of Needed Fuel. progress, it has been found that pov erty and remoteness, with the attend ant evils of which maternal and Infant deaths are a striking index, press with severity unknown in this Kansas county. Nurses, doctors, hospitals and confer- WILLAMETTE TJ TO PLAY CLUB ed out with two tons of coal, which ha dumped in bis own cellar, ana taen re- Close Contest Expected Tonieht When Multnomah Meets) Salem. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. Salem, ence centers, making available to all Or.. Feb. 1. (Special.) The university mothers and babies In rural counties quintet is scneauiea to meet tne casket adequate medical and nursing care, are ball five from Multnomah Amateur Ath- eclared essential by the bureau. The letie ciud nere tomorrow night, coacn Kansas county has mads progress car- I Matnews naa been putting his men ryiner out certain of the susrsresttons. tnrougn strenuous practices tnis week but the next step, says the report, "may in order to present the best possible well ba establishment of a nursing opposition to the clubmen. service for the rural parts of the I From ail Indications the game should county.' be close, as each team easily defeated signed, saying the work was too hard. Women Conductors, Please. KENOSHA, Wis., Dec 28. The Wis consin Gas & Electric Company has an nounced' that women conductors will be featured In a reorganization of tha operation of the street railway cars here. The company has asked for more than a score of women to take places as conductors. They must be between the ages of 20 and 35 years, and will receive the same wages as are paid to men conductors. ESCAPES WAR PERILS; DIES We Are No Stronger Than Our Fighting Blood Physical Fitness Our Sole Re' liance. Albert Crorae Swallows False Teeth While en Route Home. LONDON, Dec 28. An amazing in stance of what chance may do to a man Is afforded by the case of Albert Crome. who enlisted two years ago, The great world struggle will be won by stamina. Courage without Golf Finals Tomorrow. PINEHURST. N. C. Feb. 1. H. O. Phillips, of Plnehurst, and J. D. Stand ish. Jr.. of Detroit, came through the semi-finals here today and will meet tomorrow to decide ths wlnnsr of ths annual St. Valentine golf tournament. Phone your want ads to Tha Orosro- aisav JjUla MflA, aa, . MAID FIGHTS OFF BURGLAR Screams of Japanese Woman Send Aevsailant Away, LOS ANGELES, Jan, it, Air a, Frank Xirllyama. tb Japs. no mniA is JJm was trained and sent to France, where .physical fitness is absolutely worth he spent IS months, participating in a less. That is why our great army is continuous series of desperate fights made tip only of men who are wlth- and military adventures. I out the slightest physical defect. He never was wounded, but became t But there Is a constant warfare 111 and was sent home on leave to re- closer home, that you are vitally ln- cuperate. On his first night In England terested in. It is ths warfare of dis bs was awakened suddenly, swallowed I ease against your health, a struggle his false teeth and died. GERMAN HONORS FRANCE Mime. Hempel, Singer, Cheered as She Kisses French Flag. NEW YORK. Dec. 24. Note for the Kaiser: A German subject kissed the French flag here recently. It was only "play acting." but Just the same Mme. Hempel. the German opera singer, took the flag In both hands and pressed it to her lips In the presentation of "Daughter of ths Regl- mene." The audience cheered. that is always going on, and one for which you must always keep your system prepared. And your blood supply is the fort ress upon which you must depend. If It Is kept purs and free from any weakening Influence, the germs of disease cannot find lodgement, but are promptly expelled, and good health is assured. But you should take no chances with this mainstay of defense. Im purities are liable to creep Into your blood and so weaken your system, that It Is unable to resist even the most ordinary ailments. This means the be ginning of the attack, which will re sult In the undermining of your health. S. S. 8., the world's most renowned blood remedy, will keep the blood ab solutely pure and free of every trace of impurity. This great old remedy, which has been in constant use for more than 60 years, keeps the system in perfect condition by purifying tha blood and ' cleansing It thoroughly. Write for valuable booklet about ths blood supply, sent free by Swift Spe cific Co, A 206. Swift Laboratory. At lanta, Ga. Adv. WANTED Machinist, Die and Tool- makers Permanent Work. Good Working: Condi tions. COIN MACIUVR MA" I F AOTX RI G fcOM PA V, L ATTENTION, SCHOOL GYM CLASSES Special Sale of Gym Suits $1.15 INCLUDES SHIRT, PANTS AND SUPPORTER 10 Off on All RUBBER-SOLED SHOES HUDSON ARMS CO. FOURTH AT MORRISON ST. ft