Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, February 02, 1918, Image 1

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    1) '
German Oppriia Bared,
la The Orefoniaa Sunday.
Dr. Stuermer's Story Starts in
The Oregonian Tomorrow.
State of Siege Drastic
at Berlin.
Indiscriminate Use of Arms
One Rilled.
Coarse of
Several Wounded I
Itlots Dlsl nrba nee
Munich Worker
Declare 3-Day Walkout.
7maader-tn-Chief of (be Braadenbur
district, which Includes Berlin. has I
oed a warning to th population
against disturbances, which, he say
will b suppressed, according to
ami-official statement from Berlin to
The warnlnc proclamation follows
Slaving now Introduced a more
drastic state of alec. I shall not bare
the population In doubt that I Intend
to suppress every attempt to distur
peace and order with all means) at my
disposal I. therefore, warn every
orderly clttaen not to take part In any
way la public meetings. Everyone
must quietly carry out bis duties and
keep away from crowds.
All Dtetlacttsaa Waived.
"If arms have to be used, no dlstiac
tlon can be made between disturbers
f order and tboeo who are not taking
aart la such disturbances."
LONDON. Feb. 1. A dispatch t
the Kschans Telegraph from Copen
baa-en. quotlna Berlin advices, saya th
Commander-in-Chief In the Brandon
burs; district, which Includes Berlin.
baa dissolved the Council of Five Hun
dred appointed by the workmen to
watch over their Interests during the
The dispatch adds that the eoca-
aaaaeWr also baa prohibited tho ir
-ointment of any organisation for d
rrtcting the strike movement.
AMSTERDAM, Feb. 1 There was
clash between strikers and the police
la the northwestern part of Berlin
Tbsrsday. One policeman was killed
and a dosen strikers Injured. There
were minor disturbances In other sec
tions and in the suburbs of Berlin.
Tbe Carman press) generally asrees
that the outbreak baa reached Its ell
mas In Berlin and Is now recedins.
Tbe demonstrations are said to show
lack of centralised control.
tappers Said e Weaken.
Reports from the chief Industrial
aecttoaa of Germany Indicated that the
trlka movement nowhere la finding
the support necessary to carry It alone.
LONDON. Feb. L A throe-day strike
has been declared In Munich, according
to a Central News dispatch from Am
terdan today.
In Berlin, the dispatch adds, the
Oreneteln and Koppel locomotive works
employes have Joined tbe strike move
Tho latest telegrams received li
Copenhagen from Berlin report the sit
nation as unchanged, says an Exchange
Telegraph dispatch from the Danish
capital. The Berliner Taseblatt reports
that the police seised tbe Trade L'nlon
building In Berlin and arrested Deputy
Jtoerstea and other leaders.
t now fall la Ball Run Reserve Good
Thine for City.
Tho big snowstorm brought a sigh
cf relief yesterday for officials of the
City Water Bureau, for It means an
abundant supply of water for seal
Up to this time the Winter had been
without snow and the water officials
were afraid that next Summer's supply
might bo seriously curtailed. Through
out the Bull Run reserve the fall of
snow yesterday ranged from a foot
to 1 feet, the larger depth, being drifts
in sheltered places.
fro-Called Occupational Tax Will Be
Levied oa Solon.
WAMIINOTON. Feb. 1 Members of
Congress, although exempt by law from
the so-called occupational tax, which
operates oa Incomes of more than $eo
In addition to the regular Income tax.
wtll have to pay It nevertheless.
A ruling to this effect was made to
day by Internal Revenue Commissioner
German- American Aseoc-tatioa
W ace War oa Kalaertam.
Drj MOIN'FA la. Feb. 1. Organisa
tion was effected hero today ef the
lerman-American Patriotic Associa
tion, with membership limited to I'nttsd
Mates el I liens of Uormaa parentage,
Tbe purpose of tho ra-eatantloa la
tho furtherance of tho Intereete of this
isjaiiy la th war oa Kaiserlera.
Robber Raid Blacksmith fchop and
W ith Tools Procured There Bore
Ifolo Through Brick Wall.
TAMHILU Or, Feb. 1. (Special.)
One of the moat daring robberies In
the history of Tamhlll County poatof
fleea was that which netted the thieves
close to SllO In currency and supplies
here some time between midnight and
t o'clock yesterday morning.
Postmaster Culst saya be figures
now that the robbers got away with
lie in currency after blowing the
safe with nltro-glycerln. and he esti
mates that postal supplies carried
away total between 0 and f TOO.
Tbe men raided the blacksmith shop
of Theodore Johnson, which is located
near the postoffice. and with the tools
there procured bored a hole In the brlrk
wall of tbe station. They left by the
same rout.
No trace of tbe robbers has been
found, but It Is expected that when
they attempt to dlsposs of some of the
postal supplies they will be apprehend
ed. All Coast cities have been notified
to keep a close watch for the men. It
Is not known how many were In the
party, but from the work done they
are believed to be experienced In their
line of endeavor.
Montana Legislature to Consider
Several Important Matter.
HELENA. Mont.. Feb. 1. Wttbln the
next it hours Governor S. V. Stewart
will call a special session of the Leg
islature to amend the seed grain law.
to meet the requirements of a state Su
preme Court decision banded down to
day, nnlesa word comes from tbe East
that trader the Federal seed plan, every
condition will bo met to provide Mon
tant farmers with seed for Spring sow
Ing. It was announced tonight.
Other matters which the Governor In
dicated he would ask the Legislature to
consider Include amendment of the ab
sent voters act to permit soldiers In
Franca to vote, providing funds for the
state council of defense, sedition and
sabotag acta, organisation of a state
guard and ratification of the Federal
prohibition amendment.
Raw. R. 8. Morton. Spokane. Says
Wife Refugee to Live W ith Him.
SPOKANE. Wash, Feb. 1. (Special.)
Florence Morton, wife of the Rev. R.
8. Morton, refused to come to Spokane
from Salem. Or, he testified today la
bis divorce suit before Judge Oswald.
The Rev. Mr. Morton, mho has been
pastor In the vicinity- of Spokane.
aald his wife wrote him after he came
here that she did not rare to live with
him and would not come to Spokane.
Judge Oswald Instructed Deputy Prose
cutor Robinson to write to Mrs. llor
ton for further particulars.
orporal Pre ton C. Slyer, of Spo
kane, Dlea in France.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 1. General
Pershing today reported the following
death: Corporal Preston C. Myers.
bronchitis, lilt Bridge avenue. Spc
ane. Wash.
LONDON. Feb. 1. Roy O. Garver. a
oung American cadet attached to tbe
Royal Flying Corps, died In a hospital
of Injuries, according to the Central
News. He was hurt In a fall of lio
feet while flying on tha south coast of
7 Injured When Huns Attack
Paris and Suburbs.
PARIS. Feb. 1. Forty-five persons
were killed and SO? Injured In the Ger-
i air raid of Wednesday night, ac
cording to the latest revised figures
today. Of these. 31 persons were killed
nd 111 Injured In Paris, while M were
tiled and Injured In the suburbs.
Tbe killed include 11 women and five
The funeral of the victims of the raid
will probably be held Sunday. All ex
pense will be defrayed by the govern
Vaudeville Performer la Charted
With Flcelns Army.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 1 Sarafftno
Fruytler. a vaudeville actor appearing
a theater here, was arrested today
by Federal authorities as he was about
to ga on the stage for bis performance
on a charge of desertion from the Si-
lonal Army. He will be sent to Camp
Lewis. American Lake, tomorrow. Fed
eral officials aald.
Laymen' Convention Indorsed.
CENTRAL! A. Wash, Feb. 1. (Spe
cial.) At a meeting held last night by
be directors of th Commercial Club
th convention of laymen, which It la
proposed to hold In Centralis In March.
was Indorsed. Th proposition will be
placed before th business men of th
dty at meeting to b held In th near
future. A committee composed of Dr.
K. pay. R. W. Edinger and J. H.
Ttowsrt was appointed to bring th
nnnal doer breeder field meat to Con
trail ai Fail.
Odeff vrenburg Fall
v' to Bolsheviki.
Russians Seize Forty Vessels
in Black Sea Ports.
Entente Fleet at Vladivostok Re
inforced by Five Vessels to Pro
tect Allied Subjects From Dis
orders That May Arise.
JASST, Roumania. Sunday. Jan. 27.
Odessa was captured by tbe Bolshe
viki Saturday night. The Bolshevik
troops are now In full control of that
Odessa .la tbe roost Important city
and seaport of Southern Russia and
the fourth city of the empire in pop
ulation. It is situated In tha govtrn
tnent of Kherson, a short distance east
of the mouth of the Dnieper River. SO
miles southwest of Kherson and about
40 miles northeast of Constantinople.
Tbe city is of moderp. growth and
well laid out and wears a West-European
rather than a Russian aspect. The
Imperial New Russian University,
founded In 1S65. Is located here and
bad before the war more than 2000
Grain Experts Isasseaae.
Immense quantities of (rain are ex
ported from thia port, as it Is the nat
ural outlet for tba southwestern prov
inces of the empire. The last available
census, that of. 101. gave the popula
tion aa approximately 130.000 persons,
of whom one-third were Jews.
PETROGRAD. Feb. . L The Bolshe
viki have captured Orenburg, capital
of the government of Orenburg-.
Orenburg is situated on th right
bank of the Cral River in European
Russia, a short distance west of the
Aslatlo frontier. It is a railroad Junc
tion of considerable Importance and
also a manufacturing center.
Oses Objective of Kaledlaea.
When General Kaledlnes, hetman of
th Don Cossacks, aided by General
Kornlloff. started a revolution against
the Bolsheviki. General Dutoff was
given command of that branch of the
counter revolutionary army which was
to proceed northeaetward through Or
enburg;, capture Orenburg; city and
thence go northward and endeavor to
Isolate European Russia from the food
supplies of Asiatic Russia, especially
JASST. Roumania. Sunday, Jan. 27.
Kishinev, capital of Bessarabia and the
scene of Jewish massacres la years
mo. was taken today by Roumanian
(Concluded on I'ase 2. Column 3.1
Jf-voir L"a-oo I , ,S M cVv""
V VtT tr"V ( -S''"G- QrS
A - vv I who's e orr ir
Luxurious Gamins Establishments
In Xew York for Women Will Be
Exposed, It Is Asserted.
NEW TORK, Feb. 1. Luxurious
gambling establishments known to be
frequented by wealthy women and lo
cated in fashionable residential sec
tions of the city are to be investigated
through taking- of testimony In open
court sessions, it was announced today
by the District Attorney's office.
Information in the prosecutor's pos
session, according- to an Assistant Dis
trict Attorney, shows that the wife of
a prominent New Torker lost $10,000
within two hours In one of the places.
On the upper West Side there are
more than 30 splendidly appointed gam
bling; places to which women motor
every afternoon, taking- their pedigreed
dogs with them as mascots, and are
served with tea and often stronger
beverages while they engage in games
of chance, according to the District At
torney's Information. Evidence that
the proprietors of these houses are
guilty of crooked practices in dealing
with the patrons will be adduced at
the Inquiry, it was said.
"Pedigreed dogs." Assistant District
Attorney Smith declared, "are said to
be regarded as mascots by th fern!
nine gamblers. The story reaching me
today is that the women often bet their
heads off If they think their pet Pom
meranlan Is roascotting successfully
against the mascottlng of another
woman's pet Pekinese or perhaps an
other's more formidable English bull
Ex-Convict Tells of Being In Soli
tary Confinement for Years.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 1. Edward
MorrelL who told the House labor com
mittee he had been for 1 years' a con
vict, for years In solitary confinement
in the San Quentin Prison dungeon
and once held in a straightjacket for
10$ consecutive hours, all for holding
up Southern Pacific trains, testified
today In support of the Booher bill to
employ convict labor in production of
war supplies.
Morrell told the committee 200,000
prisoners were available to labor in
the production of war supplies.
California Railroad to" Replace Six
teen Men With Girls.
SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 1. The Oak-
and. Antioch at Eastern Railroad, run
ning on the east side of San Francisco
Bay. will replace It male "peanut
butchers" with girls. It was announced
Major Allen Specifies That
Must Be "Adventurous."
CHICAGO. Feb. 1. Fifty adventur-
us young men to operate four "tanks'
are wanted by Major W. H. Allen, of
the Sixty-fifth Infantry, who opened a
recruiting office here today.
Night Fire Discovered
at-Lunch Time.
Loss in Machinery and Shops
. May Be $25,000.
Incendiarism Theory Not Substan
tiated by Developments in Early
Stages of Investigation by Fed
eral Government Agents.
The Northwest Steel Company's
plant in Portland, where several
Government steel vessels are
building, was hit by fire at 9
o'clock last night. Just three
hours after a fire threatened the
wooden shipyard of Sommarstrom
Bros, at Columbia City, two and
a half miles from St. Helens,
where Government wooden ves
sels are building.
The fire at the Northwest plant
started from causes not definite
ly determined, but probably a
broken oil pipe. The damage Is
320,000 to 325,000.
Tho fire at Columbia City
started in the rooming-house and
was checked before it spread to
the ways. Estimates of loss were
35000 to 36000. Executives of
tbe company had been warned
that "something would happen."
The Northwest Steel Company's big
plant at the foot of Sheridan street was
threatened last night by a fire which
broke out in a plate room in the center
of the yards at 9:10 P. M, and did dam
age estimated at from 320,000 to 325,000
to the building and the machinery.
The cause of the fire has not been
definitely determined, although the po
lice, at a late hour last night, had found
no reason to suspect incendiarism. Fed
eral officials, representatives from the
United States Shipping Board, and
horde of police and special agents
rushed to the fire and began an inves
tia-ation before the flames had been
Second Fire la Two Days.
The authorities were especially- on
the alert because of another blaz
which started in the plant last Thurs
day night and of the fire which last
night threatened the shipyards at Co
lumbia City, near St. Helens.
The fire last night broke out in the
(Concluded on Pas. 4. Column l.
Programmes for Soldiers to Include
Legitimate Plays and Variety
With Frequent Changes.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 1. Jasper J.
Mayer, general manager of the Army
camp theaters, announced tonight that
eight of the 16 companies which will
present performances at National Army
cantonments will be on the road by
February 15 and that the entire mira-
i ber will be playing March 1. Thirteen
of the 16 camp theaters have been com
pleted and the others are expected to
be ready by the end of this month.
Twelve of the theatrical companies
will carry a personnel of 14 players
and present legitimate plays only. The
other four will give variety entertain
ments. The companies will play each
cantonment one week with nightly per.
formances and matinees Wednesdays
and Saturdays. The bills will be
changed every two days.
Managers of the 13 completed the
aters were announced tonight. They
include: E. A. Braden, Camp Lewis,
American Lake, Wash, and Julian An
halt. Camp Dodge, Des Moines, Iowa.
"Smileage books" will he accepted
for admission at all of the theaters and
though the campaign for the sale of
the books has been in progress only
short time, more than 3500,060 worth
of them have been sold. Sales agencies
are being established in every city and
town in the country and purchasers
are expeeted to give the books to their
friends among the soldiers in the
When Solon Protests, General Orders-All
Troops to Practice.
T A COMA, Wash., Feb. 1. (Special.)
The military salute has been assailed
by a Representative in Congress, who
wants the salute abolished in the Army
and Navy. The answer comes from
Camp Lewis in an order issued today
by Brigadier-General F. S. Foltz, of the
91st Division, that every man shall
have four hours' salute drill next week.
It will be served in two portions of
two hours on each of two days.
The Commander intends that each
officer and man shall know the correct
method before he knocks off training.
Ex-Indian. Fighter Killed When He
Intervenes in Quarrel.
SALT LAKE CITY. Utah. Feb. 1.
John Wilkinson, 70 years old, ex-Indian
fighter, was killed yesterday at Anna
bella, Utah, when he intervened in an
altercation between his sons, George
and James Wilkinson, according to
word received here today.
George Wilkinson was held by the
police. He asserted the shooting was
The Weather.
TODAY'S Rain or snow; moderate westerly
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 32
decrees; minimum, 22 decrees.
Three Russian cities fall In course of Bol
sheviki and Roumanian military opera
tions. Page 1.
Argentina believed to be on verge of war
with Germany and Austria. Page 4.
Berlin strike reaches stage of violence and
Diooasnea. rage 1.
British labor urged to unite for honorable
democratic peace, Page 2.
Premier Wekerle proclaims Hungary's de
sire lor peace, .page 3.
Forces lining up for fight on war cabinet
bills. Page 3.
Gambling establishments in New York for
women to be exposed. Pago 1.
Sixteen theatrical companies to tour Army
camps, .rage a.
Bergman and Emma Goldman ordered to
surrender and serve prison terms.
Page 3.
Ford to make submarine chaser every day.
r-age li.
Heat I ess Mondays In East may soon be
abandoned. Page 4.
Flood danger great In Middle West. Pago 4.
Ex-Governor West blames delay In spruce
output on lumber barons of Northwest.
Pago 11.
Pacifies Northwest.
YarohlU Postoffice robbed of $1100. Paget
United States Senatorial candidates may run
for long and short terms. Page o.
State Superintendent Churchill candidate for
re-election. Page 8.
Governor Wlthycombe expects to run for re-
election on past recora. .rsge 11.
Sports. .
Outfielder Iee gives his side of three-cor
nered squabble. Page 10.
Columbia defeats Franklin In In terse hoLa tic
Lreague. Page 10.
Former Bantam Champion Williams losing
old-time form. Pago 10.
Portland team may pitch training camp in
Pendleton. Page 10.
Commercial and Marine.
Federal control of hide market Is expected
by dealers. Page 19.
All classes of livestock In Northwest de
creasing. Page 19.
Advance in call money rates unsettles New
York securities market. Page 10.
Lumber and labor survey to determine Ore
gon s shipping contracts. Page 16.
Portland and Vicinity.
Portland has five inches of snow. Page 8.
Interest In coming liberty loan steadily
growing. Page 20.
Road master Yeon and Commissioner Holman
come to showdown. Page 8.
Dr. William A. Waldo arrives to take
charge of White Temple. Page 14.
Portland caterers organize to aid Food Ad
ministration. Page 14.
City Council orders appraisal of car com
pany s property, rage o.
Floyd Ramp, Roseburg Socialist, convicted
on charges ox sea. u on. rage i.
Call for facts on 6-ceat carfare brings little
new light. Page 6.
Registration of German enemy aliens will
start Mon aay. rage u.
William Tyler charges he is victim of "bad
ger game. Page 5.
Community church plan gains favor at
Forest Grove, page 15.
Northwest Steel Company plant damaged by
big fire. Page i.
WesAber report, data and forecast Paf e 15. 1
Jury, Deliberates Only
45 Minutes.
Socialist Has Ten Days to Ask
for New Trial.
Convicted Man Makes Rabid Argu
ment in Defense of Charges
Against Him, and Preaches
Typical Socialist Sermon.
After deliberating only 45 minutes,
a jury in the United States Court yes
terday found Floyd Ramp, active So
cialist of Roseburg, guilty on each of
two counts in an indictment charging
him with a violation of the espionage
act. The specific charge was that of
striving by seditious speech and lan
guage to incite insubordination, dis
loyalty and mutiny among the military
forces of the United States.
On the recommendation of Assistant
United States Attorney Rankin. Judge
Wolverton increased Ramp's bond from
$5000 to 515,000 and remanded him to
the custody of the United States Mar
shal until the additional bond is fur
nished. Ramp was granted 10 days in
which to file a motion for a new trial.
He will not be sentenced until after
the expiration of that time. The of
fense of which Ramp was convicted is
punishable by a fine of not exceeding
510,000 and 20 years' imprisonment in
a Federal penitentiary. The statute
makes no provision for a minimum
Ramp Preaches Socialism.
Closing arguments were concluded
and the case submitted to the jury at
3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, follow
ing exhaustive instructions by Judge
Wolverton. Forty-five minutes later
the Jurors, through their foreman, M.
M. Burtner, returned their verdict into
court. The other members of the jury
were: J. T. Adkisson, George W. Bibee,
Otto Brandes, Elmer E. Burton, W. H.
Aldridge, Albert L. Estes, J. M. Toom-
ey, Aden Keen. H. B. Stout, Xj. Berland
and E. L. Barnett.
In his address to the jury Ramp made
rabid argument in defense of the
charge against him and preached a
typical Socialist sermon. He vigor
ously denied that he ever had sought
to discourage men from enlisting for
military service or to incite insubor
dination among the armed forces of the
country. He attempted to justify his
various seditious utterances on tho
grounds of freedom of speech, a right
which he affirmed was conceded to
every citizen by the Federal Consti
tution. '
Rankin Flays Defendant.
Mr. Rankin refused to permit him
self to be drawn into a discussion of
the principles of Socialism in his clos
ing argument, which bristled with
patriotic oratory. In a masterful way,
he flayed Ramp and severely denounced
his disloyal and un-American conduct,
as well as his manifest insincerity aa
It was reflected In his demeanor during
the trial of the serious charges.
The instructions to the jury by Judge
Wolverton were lengthy. In view of
the fact that Ramp had relied mainly .
on the right of free speech to justify
the seditious utterances with which be
was charged, the court gave a clear
exposition of the freedom of speech and
the limitations imposed on the privilege
by the law. On this subject he said:
Free Speech Is Limited.
"Reliance is had by the defendant oa
the right of freedom of speech under th
Federal Constitution for justification
of his acta. That instrument declares
that Congress shall make no law abridg
ing freedom of speech. The guarantee is
a blessing to the people of this Govern
ment and great latitude is - preserved
to them in the exercise of that right.
But a citizen may not use his tongue
or his pen in such a way as to inflict
legal Injury upon his neighbor or an
other. This is akin to the principle
that no person has a right to use his
own to the detriment or injury of As
other. "Nor has any person the iignt, under
the guarantee of freedom of speech, to
shape his language in such a way aa -
to incite disorder, riot or rebellion,
beoause such action leads to a breach
of the peace and distarbs good order
and quietude in the community. Nor
is he privileged to utter such language
and sentiment as will lead to infrac
tion of law, for the laws of the land
are designed to be observed and not to
be discouraged and overridden.
Reasonable Liberty Allowed.
"Much less has he the privilege, no
matter upon what claim or pretense, so
to express himself, with willful purpose,
to lead to the obstruction and re
sistance of the due execution of the
laws of the country, or as will indue
others to do so. A citizen is entitled
to fairly criticise men and measures;
that is, men in public office, whether
of high or low degree, and laws and
ordinances Intended for the government
of the people, even the Constitution of
the State or of the United States; thi3
with a view, by the use of lawful means.
to Improve the public service, or to
amend the laws by which he is gov
erned, or to which he is subjected.
'But when his criticism extends, or
(Concluded on Page 6, Column 1.1
lim 107.0