18 THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1918. PORTLAND JOBBERS AT DISADVANTAG E Higher Wholesale and Retail Prices in AH Coast Cities May Be Expected. fckJ?,Ji!TrTTT?TIr A YT1 WAP CAVTVHC CT A A1P5 flV CATT? AT HTTP A "",","YTTHYYTi A TTIXT BTTOf A TT T A OTTHlf TP-vm otvttt DrrnT?T?TMmwKM.WMi Last Day ol Before - Stock - Taking Sales in All Bepts. j .To Be Held at This Store Cat and Pet Stock Show The first annual Cat and Pet Stock Show of the Oregon Branch National Breeders and Fanciers Association will be held in our Sixth Floor Auditorium. February 14, 15, 16. For premium list and all information write the secretary, care of Meier & Frank Co. JUNE, 1917, RULING UPHELD We Make to Order Service Flags Service flags of silk, wool or cotton for private families and lodges, societies, schools, organi zations. Estimates furnished. Fifth Floor. Sixth Street Full Kffrt't of IntcrMaic Commerce r-i-lon Will Not Ite Known I'ulil Ictailcl Copy J Jtcvclvcd. Higher wholesale and retail prices In 11 Coast f-itles and surrounding terri tory l a possible result of the Inter state Commerre Commission' ruling on the famous Intermounlaln or Spokane r.ite case yei.tenl.iy. A possible conso lation for terminal cities is that mis cellaneous freight and class rate ship ments are not affected. I'ortland Jobbers are put at a distinct disadvantage In the rutins; for the rea son that the rates to all terminal cities are raised, leaving In.ertor rates the same. Instead of reducing interior r.il'S to a level which the terminal titles have operated on for years. S ri-i fit-; 1 1 v the rutins: vesterdav Is not a new rulins:. It iff. Instead, the I uphol.linc and application of the amendment to section IS of the former rulins; requiring carriers to submit for approval their new schedule of rates, ordered b the Interstate Commerce Commission ruling of June. 1M7. when water competition, owing to the block ing of the canal and scarcity of bot toms, was practically held nullified by the Commission, and the advantage Ion? held by terminal cities swept away. The ruling yesterday authorises the roads to put Into effect their sched ules In modified form. Hearings on these schedules were held In New fork October i. Chicago October II and Port land October -1 last year, when the shippers and Jobbers had an oppor tunity to protest. The shippers' and jobbers" protest. apparently, was lightly regarded. Keel laereaae Heavy. In one single rcmmclltr, steel and Iri.n products used in shipbuilding, the difference against I'ortland and other terminal cities will be as much as IV to li cents a hundred pounds, the rate tn sterl from i'lttvburg now being 73 cents a hundred and cents from Chi cago. John II. Ixthrop. secretary Portland Traffic and Transportation Association said last night that the ruling would receive attention of the association at once, but that possible action was prob lematical, in view of the fact that the Government 14 now operating the roads and that water competition has not been altered since the Commis sion's ruling last June. The Jobbers, however, will probably follow tho line of reasoning; pursued by Justice JIarlan in June, when he rendered a dissenting opinion oppos ing the discrimination against the Coast cities on the ground (nat abnor mal water competition conditions s'tould not be used to upset rate con ditions and cause abnormal confusion In business for which there would be no basis when the war Is over and bottoms are again available and the canal open to traffic ' The ruling- will also be the cue for Coast cities to redouble efforts to es tablish lines of water communication. Retails .Mast Be Awaited. The ruling' full effect will not be known until a detail copy Is received and the changes In class commodity rates Is learned. One thing aeems cer tain, however, and that is that theate on numberless commodities. Including drugs, hardware, staple goods of all kinds, dryicood and clothing and al most every article shipped in large quantities to Portland and other Coast cities are affected. The rate of the Interior or intermoun taln cities now Is the rate to terminal c tles. plus a back haul charge. The backhaul charge, or the famous "fourth section, has been the bone of conten tion for the Zj years since the famous case had Its origin In Spokane. On several occasions the Interior cities have won slight concessions and have repeatedly carried the fight forward. their lat appeal coming- when the war and Canal conditions were auspicious to their cause. The backhaul charge is now about 75 per cent of an original haul from the Coast to the inland cities. The Inland cities have in the last 1ft years won concessions in com modities handled in less-than-carload lots. Inland Jobbers, under the new ruling, will be enabled to make inroads in the minal cities, for the reason that they . "r '-"7 cnarges m Amin I Our Great t . Sjf , riff, 2 a-aa.. mmw S t'J rilfV-Ji -""-', - .' V I -W wV.WfcIS, ' - ' Xm& 0 -31". -V - Vi -If" - I ' f - I i: :aV . . . t i 1 ! K J t If H t teal ..,s5s,. 'A ft : V ... . :it,v. I 5 tn-r- rA - i S Tnsr Quality' Storjj OfPOKTLAMD All Charge Purchases today will go on the February accounts which are made Payable March 1 Continuing Our Great Annual Sale of "Hurt" Goods Cut glass, chinaware, glassware, nickelware, aluminumware, tinware, graniteware, brass ware, ironware, woodenware, etc., at a fraction of cost. Slightly marred and imperfect ar ticles.. No phone orders no deliveries on les than dollar purchases. Basement. 4fT SI (ul C Of For Men and Youn SUITS gMen BEGINS TODAY PROMPTLY AT 9 A. M. IT BRINGS I 'I I 500 High-Grade All- Wool In All Styles and Sizes at This is the famous Meier & Frank annual sale of suits for men. It is a sale which never fails to draw the crowds weather, previous engagements or other things notwithstanding, our big daylight Clothing Section on the Third Floor has always been thronged from opening till closing time the first day and the interest has been steadily maintained up to the very last day of the sale. And, everything considered, this year The Sale Is Bigger and Better Than Ever An opportunity like this may not present itself again for months, for years to come. Men who buy now can do so with the certain knowledge that they are purchasing the world's best clothes at Unprecedented Savings and the values are all the more remarkable -when you consider what price advances are sure to come within the year. Wise men will buy two or more suits at this most exceptional sale price. Materials include finely serviceable unfinished worsteds in novelty weaves, stripes and checks and plain brown cheviots and cassimeres in handsome patterns. These garments are ALL WOOL and tailoring is of the finest, many being hand tailored throughout. Famous Makes of Clothing are included such as Adler-Rochester, Hickey-Freeman and "Society Brand" clothes. There are suits to please men of all ages and tastes young men's belted models and form-fitting English garments as "well as suits of conservative cut for business men and men of more mature years. A wonderful assortment for long, short, stout, thin men and those of regular build. Single and double-breasted styles. These suits are finely designed and tailored to hold their shape and I Most of Them Are Taken From Our Regular Stock The others were obtained in a special purchase from the same reliable manufacturers who make up garments for our regular stock. Many of these suits are on advance Spring models they will be in the height of fashion months from now. bizes 33 to 50 in cluded, but the number in some sizes is limited. It's the chance of a lifetime to purchase these excellent to $35.00 suits at $23.85. Come as early as you can. . Men's Clothing Shop, Third Floor. A Sale of Broken Lines Men's andkerchief s The following specials in men's handkerchiefs have been taken from our regular stocks and reduced for today only: 25c-35c Handkerchiefs, .3 for 50c Two kinds of handkerchiefs at this low price. Men's white Jap silk handkerchiefs with colored striped borders. White Jap silk initialed handkerchiefs with white embroidered block initials not every initial but a good variety. Full size. Men's Handkerchiefs for 33c Three kinds of handkerchiefs at this low price. Men's hand-embroidered linen initialed kerchiefs with cord borders and turned hems. Cheney white silk, colored border handkerchiefs. White Jap silk initialed handkerchiefs with large or small block initials not every initial. Full size. 3 for 90f?. Men's Furnishings Shop. Main Floor. A Sale of Dresses For Women and Misses $290435 Values 19.85 An extraordinarily good sale of women's and misses' street and afternoon dresses. In serge, taffeta, satin and velvet, satin and serge, satin and Georgette combinations. Fashionable shades of black, navy, brown, green, tan, plum and taupe. The season's most popular models in sizes 16 years to 44 bust. Regularly $29.50 to $35.00 for quick disposal only $19.85. Apparel Shop, Fourth Floor. fell iney cave paid lor vears. while ter minal cities will not only have to pay the higher rate, but readjust their busi ness to absorb it. It will be revolu tionary In effect on the Jobbing busi ness here, as well as extending down to the consumer. Trade territory built up at irreat expense and trouble will be menaced. The steel and shipbuilding Industry will especially be hard hit as the 1J rer cent Increase will run Into thou sands of dollars In this commodity lone. RallrMda la Sealral Poaltlost. Portland, among the terminal cities, nas taken an especially active part in the firht In behalf of water competi tion advantages. The dissenting vote of Commissioner Attchison is of especial Interest in Oregon for the reason that he is an Oregon man and formerly was Rail road Commissioner and Public Service Cnmrnliwioefr. lor the flmt time In the history of the long fight the railroads are in a tisanctly "neutral" position on the tilling, for the reason that under the (invernment order taking over the lines and proposing to guarantee rnlngs on a three-year-average basis, the roads themselves are. temporarily at least, only theoretically concerned. Their final attitude will depend on what action Congress finally takes In fixing the earnings. J. D- Karrell. president of the O.-W. R & X. Company, last night said that not only most he reserve opinion until he bad read the detailed ruling, but that any opinion the roada might offer aww would be contingent on Congres sional action on the earnings. Officials of the P. 4 S. qualified to apeak for the roads were out of town last night or unavailable. One of the road's traffic men said that vihlie present conditions obtain there eems to be little chance for any action one way or the other by the roada. Tax list Contracts Awarded. With bids of 30 cents anC 40 cents per column Inch, respectively, the Ore gon Journal and the Portland Sewm were awardd contracts yesterday for publishing the Multnomah County de linquent tax list for the current year. Commissioners Holman and Muck agreed on these two bids with but little dis vuaaion. i $3.75 to$5.50 Neckwear $2.59, Separate crepe and voile col lars. Collar and cuff sets. Imi tation Filet collars. Net vestees. Colored satin collars. Most of the models in this lot are hand embroidered, a few are lace trimmed. $3.75 to $5.50 values on sale at $2.59. Sale Ostrich Boas 130 . $5.00 Values $1.98 $650 -$9.50 Values $2.98 Included are ostrich boas in white and combinations of black and white. Very specially priced at $1.98 and $2.98. Neckwear Shop, Main Floor. Short Lengths of Laces, Etc. 5c -15c 1000 pieces. Short lengths of lace and embroidery edges and insertions. Lengths range from to 3 yards. EACH 5c, 10c, 15c. Short Lengths of Laces, Etc., Ea. 98c 300 pieces. Short lengths of embroideries, cotton and silk laces, metal laces, novelties, cotton and silk nets and chiffons. Lengths range from i to IV2 yards. Each 98c. S2.00-82.50 Edges and Flouncings, $1.69 Novelty metal and net top edges and flouncings in gold, silver, white, cream and black. 9 to 24 inches wide. Main Floor, Fifth StAet. Office Chair Pads 75 c No more shiny garments if you use one of these comfort able chair pads. Made of felt. Various shapes and sizes. These are the most exceptional kind of values at 75c each. Seventh Floor. Sixth Street. Welworth' Blouses $2' The blouse illus trated here is a Wel worth one of two models just received on sale today for the first time. Wel worth blouses, as you know, are the peer of all $2.00 blouses in America. Sold here only in Portland. " Blouse Shop, Fourth Floor. Robes Our Entire Main Floor Center Aisle Bargain Squares Have Been Given Over to This Sale Today for This Is A Never-Before-Equaled Sale of Fine Wool Auto A Special Purchase of Famous Genuine "Oregon City" Robes at Two Prices $10.50-$15 Robes $7.35 200 fine wool robes for auto, bed, sleeping porch, steamer use, etc. The regular prices range from $10.50 to $15.00, most of them are the higher-priced kinds as you can see, on some this sale price is LESS THAN HALF ! All are the most exceptional values. Many ALL WOOL, some with cotton warp. A good assortment of handsome plain shades in fast colors. Beauti fully made and finished, with turned edges. $15 Robes Only $9.75 iBfrt.i-:BiW, rati isaas&M essrt fmsti' see Fail lesecuB essws fsssat t tti mM mm ili Cms e&&&:3 tL&ma tmM bst. f?l! IJf PBSW. Sf mmrn pal fammi Ussiaspssaisa vs. A small lot of fringed ALL WOOL robes at this greatly reduced price, slightly damaged but nothing to impair the wearing quality. Some :fl Hvfes&ra H J N II We Also Offer BLANKETS at Sensational Underprices 200 Pairs at $4.75 Easily worth $6.00 today. 200 pairs fine double bed blankets in size 66x80. Heavy wool mixed blankets in plain white, tan and gray with colored borders, also good looking plaid effects. 300 Pairs at $2.19 This sale price is close to present wholesale cost. Heavy cotton double bed blankets and a number of single wool finish blankets in generous sizes. Plain colors and plaids. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY OF ROBES IN THIS SALE. i Center Aisle Bargain Squares, Slain Floor. 'A I I I hi I r4 I