15 TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAN. THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1918. PRICE HOLDS EVEN tittle Change in Wool Indicat ed by Auction Sale. AUSTRALIAN CLIPS MOVED CI ran Values Figured at About Same La-rel as at rrerloos Sale Cross bred Meet With Keen Demand. 3till Well Represented. The latest auction Ml at Boartoa f w trallaa wool, according la advice received B.r. Indicated llttla or a chaos la th market altuatloa. na tlw wr fir red at price varying from $1 S3 to IX Creebra met with a keen demand. Good tialf-blood eot. on th clean baata 11. SO 9 l.Si; good three-elrtitha St.Se91.S0: high iuarter-blooda, fI.SUOt.SS, and juarter-bloo't 91.23. XIII buyers wer mar aettv at thla aal thaa at th former ne, th American Woolen Company and th Amoekeag Mills being among the larger bnyera Francis TVia-y a C- and Cordlngley a Cot were fM heavy boyern Among th dealer and krak.riL Eiaemana Proa. Stodley Emery. Wheelork a Co a Sytr, F.pper are now quoted at S3 canta and to mato hav bean advanced t $2. of Loo Angela vegetable la da today containing, among other article, cauli flower, which will aall higher, at $2.73 a crata A ahlpmant of Rosebarg broccoli waa re ceived yaatarday and qootad at tl.7S01.S3 a dozen. A amall lot of from Troutdal and eold at pound. Anofhar ahlpmant of California grapefruit waa rfrtnl I MARINES ARE HRM apron., 'cm. in ng0 . American Agreement it 8 0 10 cent I a J Strengthens Shipping List. EGGS ARE 11R.MCR AND HIGHER COPPERS ARE ALSO HIGHER Co Bar Che rrfc Arm AdTmncrd. Batter Smlrs Draff. Th rff market waa firmer yesterday. Th cold tarn th weather her baa taken Is avldtnitly responsible for the holding back nf anntlllaa I fa le, . Ann -w nlna ma that iightar raipta Saiaa wr mad oa th. General Gains Are RecordeLt Close treat at 4S0 4B rents, caa count. Th buttar market waa not actlv and th. I anderton waa aaay. Tha Coo. a Curry Countlca Chees Aaao- I elation advanced triplets to 134 eenta and Toung Ameiicaa and longhorna were raised I to 26, ceeta Tha advance waa due to the! better demand and higher piicea In thej East and at Tillamook. Only two or three I of Session Meeting of Steel Di rectors Discounted Indus trial Bonds Advance. NEW YORK. Jan. 80. Technical condl- faetorte ar bow operating In tha Cooa Bay I tlon. governed today atock market. ir- ctlon. Poultry and dr.sd meats war firm. Bank Clearing. Bank elrartnge of tha Northwestern cltlea I ing been discounted. reguiar price change being largely trace able to tha comtant shifting of trade commitmenta. Overnight development, ex erted little Influence, tha outcome of the In. ted et.te. Ste.l meeting evidently hav- sheep; F. B. Smith, Sweetgraas, Mont, 1 load cattle and bogs; W. H. Wood, Wash ougal, 1 load cattle and hoga; Frank Wann, Mount Angel. 1 load cattle, calvea and hoga; M. L- Forester, Tangent, 1 load cattle, calve, hoga and aheep; H. A. . Yoakum, Brooklyn, 1 load hoga and aheep. Tha day ealea were as follows: Wt Price! 1 cow 1060 (8.25 1 cow 840 7.00 1 cow 630 1 cow 1 cow 1 cow. . . .. 1 cow 1030 1 cow. 4 cowa 1 cow 7U0 4.001 1 cow 30 6.75 1 cow. . . 2 cowa. . 2 cowa. . 1 cow . . . 1 cow. . . 1 cow... 1 cow... 14 cowa. . 1 cow. . . 1 cow. . . 1 cow... 1 cow. . . 1 cow Wt Price 1 bog 670114.50 Shore.... 863 15 20 4.60l52 hose.... 184 16.00 700 B OO 31 hoga.... 121 14 50 1 hog 830 15.60 1 hog 240 16.10 2 hog.... 250 16.25 10 hoga.... 210 16.10 2 hoga.... 130 14.50 10 hoga.... 178 15.75 4 hoga 217 16.00 5.75 3 hoga.... 243 15.00 6.75 1 hog 550 15.10 8.00 2 hoga.... 100 14.00 S.25 1 5 hoga.... 196 16.10 9.25 1 hog 870 16.25 7.50 25 ateers 8.001 1 steer. 9.10'33 steers, 810 6.00 800 4.60 8.50 1120 7.25 932 7.50 970 1023 . 940 .. 970 . 920 . 1040 . 1120 . 1130 . 770 . 10SO . 1175 1040 TIE UP IS Prospect of Railroad Blockade Sends Up Corn Prices. 8.00 8.(10 6.75 5 75 1190 9.00 1 heifer... 1 heifer... 2 calvea... 1 bufl 2 bulls.... 1 buU 1061 10.50 1010 10.21 1074 10.50 800 . 8.60 6 SO 21)5 12X0 920 1280 7.50 S.00 7.50 6.50 7.00 avarage Tmroma spokana yesterday war aa follows Clearings. Balan Portland- '..8.1214.940 ('..-2.744 i-eaiu J. ".!. 73 to"-. v.ij 4....... ;i.'i.i.:.20 lu.tU6 :i.s;t 122.SIJ Oat. No. If whit I.othre.p a Bennett. Colby , . !Ie-ht. IJebmana a Co.. C. J. -a" brewing PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, trod, floor. Ktc. Merchants' exchange, noon hmIoh. January d. livery: Tlld. Yr. Ago. ... 0 1.20 Webb a Co. and Coffin a Glllmor were I Thirty li-oe among th larger bur era. The wool were VI; ,71 dwtnbated mor widely than at the proeed- I bm-i.r- brewing larxaa'a and bidding waa lea erratic I Fas:ern oats and corn In bulk Th Argentina eiport tax an wool became I , . 'V,;i afreet!. en January SJ. Th government torn. No. 3 yellow 7. Increaeed the tax ever that Introduced: In the I Corn. No. 3 mixed anginal bill. Thus, tha tax la worked out '",r'r oaa a'tuary at aOOUt Cenia Ir r.nir. I o.tt rhnned " I. the llbanv laaue. r.rnr.I.d new minimum.. and Concordia. 4 2-3 to S cat for Buanoa I Corn. )-,! .'.. (hi I tne 3Sa declining to l-7.3. firat 4s to Ufl OO d Fanta Crua. S to 4 eenta for I Corn, mixed Sl.ou and tha aecond 4a to K'l.lltl. Old United Chabuta and Pa. to ruerto wools and about I "" oaaia r-ortiand tor No. 1 I Btatea Donaa were uncbanxed on call, balee. -. - mwwiem. r.ariy atari. I rr value, aggregaieu a4.1a,uuu, ail... u.iiiiiw, atarim Amoar. uui bolt Italia were dull and uncertain of trend and new regarding transportation condl tiona waa again mixed. 7'radera were In terested In reports that the Administration would oppose tho propoaed amendment to tne senate Din to take the railroad, out of Federal control a year after the war. A loan by bankers to tha Baltimore Ohio road pointed to the pressing need, of the railroada pending enactment of legislation by con .re... Announcement of an agreement between American and Brltiah marina lnte (61. 00 (JJ.J0 I alrengthened th anipping group and nielala were responaiv to an Increaee la private 07. oo a-i.nn i consumption. l-25 I 1'oo.a relieved the monotony af tha dull Hid. I afternoon by fresh activity In a variety of speciaitlea, including fertiliser, and allied laauea. Valuable gain, ruled at th close. United . - ... I Mates bteel and a few other leadera rally. intermediate period. bale, amounted to 40.I.OU1I abarea. lionda were Irregular, a few speculative 67 SO Industrials advancing 1 to 2 Va points. All 6vini I : CJ.U0 94 cent, for Creole woola. LOAOINO OF POTATOES 19 Car aawtag Cheeks Baatao white paloiue bluest-m. forty. fot.L triiii. slur vi., Oold Coin. Hblte Kiuiiao. SUA bite club Little club, Jenkina club, white I . t-. c . - Jlt I I..1.PKI. ftijtnnr- t ' III 1: W - I 1. .j I uptaiv . " . """" "" I American can nuniu, ran oyuriu.1 jonea Kite. CODML XI UN V - rr,.l. t Vn B . I - . . .-- --' -. -' ' a---1 leaa. Other irxdes handled by aamDla - " I PLOUR Patenta. S10: Valley. 19 In .h.i. aicu:ax;y on armaca una. r-neaa ia taeiarbeat. SV ao; graham, (J..U, Uariey flour. saying ana Jeobing market ar aacnangeo. I sio per oarr.L DeatlnaUaa af tha la teat eblpm.ata train I lU.f tlD Net mill price, ear lota: xsran. per wni Mion., t-iJ per ton middlings. (39: mixed car and leaa than cartuada, 60c mora; railed barley. (Sottas roueo. mix e'lo. CORN Whole. (71; cracked. (78 par ton. HAT Buying price, r. o. t. Portland Eaatera Oregon timothy. (27 per ton: Val ley timothy. (242S: alfalfa. (22.Su; Valley grata nay. .; clover, sia; atraw, s. tha Coast follow From Oregon Shtppad Jaaoary 3S: Port Wanh, Saeramentow N'ew Orlaaaa and Stock tea 3 each; Dougiaa. El Pa, Oakland and Pan Antanlo 1 aaca. From Waahlagtoa Obrppod Jaavary 2 Thlcago S. Denver S. Bllllnga t. Kellogg. Ck .homa City. Portland and Paeca t each, (hipped January IS: Stechtoa 3, few Or- seaa 3. Hooatoa t. From Calif oral Shipped Jannary E.iles 14.0U0 6.7UO Am Car A r'dy. 2.M Am Locomotive. 1.4i0 Am bmeit a Ref lo.JUO Am sugar Itef.. Am Tel a Tel. . l.Boo Am Zinc. L a 8 4.UOO Anaconda c'op.. 9.1ou Atchison lo.uiHj All U a W I S S tf.Kiu Baltimore a O.. 11.UU0 Butte a up Cop 1 1'i'tnileum Canadian 1'ac... 2. lOO Central Leather. 7.3oO Ches a Ohio.... 1.2im Chi Mil AMP.. 1.4UU Chi a N W C K 1 a P ctfa. ran-r ana ceonirj rragiK. I Col Fuel at Iron BITTER Cubes, extraa. 49e: prima Corn Prod lief firata. 4a. Jobb na price.: Prima, extra.. I ruciuie oiec-i SStrAac; cartona. lo extra; buttorfat. No. 1, La Aofele 4. Oakiaad. Balaa aad Clovla ( ach, Sacramaota, Baratow and El Pan 3 tMo delivered. each. Raaeviiia. Baaumant. Santa Barbara.! a,ciOH Oregon ranch, curr-nt recelpta. Waea. Caiveetea aad IX RIdd.r I each. San canoiea ouc; aeiecra. o.c par nosao. . K , . . . , . I CHfcKSE Jobbera- buying pneea t- o b. ' ' - ' -. I aa b.rtl,nil. T1 1 . n-n-.W Irli.l.t. 9. aanouiona im i oouiuweei aa r- I vunr America 2o par oonad: lonahorna. aorrea oy wire: l He Coo and Curry f. a. b Myrtle Point: 2.0i )0 lO.OuO eo.ooo . 2.UU0 Cuba Cane bug lii.tlilera' Eeo... 30.400 trie B.oiMj Gen Klectrlo.... Su.ooo Cien Motor. 1.K"0 Gt Northern pfd 3. mm do ore ctra... o.OOO Illlnola Central Inspiration Cop. 1.S00 Oanver Oreoley District S. Western r.op. I Trlpieta. lisc; Toung America, 2ic per I Int ller Mar pld Sl.iv" Barbaaka, a. graded. (1.890X1 VtAL Fancy. KHftlSo par pound. rUHk rancy. iwta2c per pound. 1. Idaho 6. Utah t. Waahingtoa 1 arrived: I pound: long borne, zesa per pound. I rVleLil n ROIlal. k 1 1 4 1 ( kallaiai 'tl.l 1lL ilnaWa 4S-. - - - - ISia movam.ni aiow. marnet weak. .a.. ,-,...- n.a 2j!2So: draee1. cholca. r ... r uiaxra-x v nue. snrriaea, ll.oo. Iltfljc. 1 S3; weetern irop Red MeCture. an. railed St.S301.SS; sacked. Kouseaa-Wdaha I. Colorads 8. CaJlfamlal a Wiaimpos f arrived. Demand good. I anarket ateady. Idaho Ruaaotta and Rurnia I (2.4H93SO; Roaoetta reeorted. 12 S3: Cali fornia nurbaake, (3 4303: Oregon Burbanka.1 II loj:n. Fasblagton Burbanka. (r2SO Int Nickel 8.0u0 Int Paper 3.2iO Kennecott Cop. . S.70U L, a N Maxwell Motors. 7.000 Me-xlcan Petrol.. TO.Oi'O Vlaml Copper... 9.o0 M.s.iiurl Pac. ... 1S.OUO Montana Power Nevada Copper.. S.OiiO N T Central.... 7.0"0 VVVMAU SOiiA (3.TS418 30; I .Norfolk A W... 3,imm Northern Pac... 3.000 rralte aa4 Yrgrtablea. Loet Jobbing qootatlona: CKUtTav Oranges. navels. lemona. (O.3O0 7.5O per box: banana. 6sSSo per pound; grapefruit. (J.SOOS; apples, (ltf i Pacific Mall 2.23 I Pennsylvania VEGETABLES Tomatoes. (2.2348 per Pltt.burg Coal needing Heading Kep Iron A Steel Shattuck Art C C V, n. E- .4 .-a . I" """ i, "- Southern Ky . , ,7 . . " " ery. (4 per crata: peppers, 34c pound; I .ctudebaker Cor mow aaa orm.iw n.HBti n mux anro'jlx SU12HC per pound. I Teva. Co (X33B2.40. Vlaneaata Barbanka. (3.S0. I HACK VEGETABLKS Carrola. HIS nar Union Pac. laark; boeta, (LSO; turnips. (LwO; .aranlp. U 8 Ind Alcohol JlASTr.K APrUC MARKETS STEADY SI- roTATons Oregon Burbanks. (19 (133 per hundred: Vaktmaa. ll.e0Sl.tMi sweet potatoes, aaiHe per pound. ONIONS Oregon, buying price, (1.7S per h undred. 3 SO; Colorado Raund Whlta. some froa t ad I crate; cabban, 1 4a ej 20 per pound: let- on rant. (2.309140. Kw stock: Early I toe. 1121 per crate: cucumbera, (l.03 Jtsea atxa.'ltv road, dirty. aVekad. 11 I per ooxrn; cauiiuower, ai.iowia per crate: New Or'.aaa Waahtngton 1 arrived. Do- 4,i.iw per pound: garuo. To PrWrea Reallae aa Nert b weetern Trait at A art law rValea, Ayr sMpmenrs from th Paelfle North west at tho opening of th week amounted t 93 car, a total of 1S.4SS car for the oeasoa to data. Th deatlnatlon of th lateat shipment war. aa follow: Akroa 8, 11.000 i',200 (..'."HI 4.700 " V.000 2.000 6.7IM) l.Sno 2.700 1.700 U 8 Eteel 101. 4i0 do old j.ihmi I't.h Copper 2 2"0 1ahash pfd -D" s.oou Western Union.. Yle.tlnghousa El l.atKi Closing High. Low. Hid. 7SV 77 771, Sit S7', 8j 72-. 7IH 71"4 67 -a 56". 61i' bui. bla 105 105", 104 V. 1U4V. 14X 14 V, Us. 62 V I 2 a ki 1-4 . b4 ia 1u.1l. luff, 104 61 Si 61 60X 194a 15 143 142'i 14.1H 6ti.V e.is 65 63 1 611X 63 43 43 S 43 4 b2ia 20 2o i i'u 43 421a 43 37 SSVs 42 "4 32 -i 67 66 5'1 'a 80 40 V 40 154. 15 l.m 131 ht lso Vi l:io 123 121V, 124 v P0 Sll's b'.iVi 27 37 27 4 4.1 Ta 4.1 4.1 92 Ml", 91 ' 21 21 4 2S 24 27. 33 V. 2h 82 4 113 27 26 2 91 BUS 90 - 82 82V. 82V, 22-,, 2 Ha 21V, S IS, lSTi l.tt, 70S, 70 OH -Si JO 2S4 2S) 1034 103 lull 64 v. 64 Vj bll':, 24 46 . 46 44 4rt 23 23 H 23 H 74'- 73 V, 73', 76! 701, 7v, v 17V, 83 V, 82'4 82 V, 2.1-4 23 V, 22 v, 52 5" Ta 51a, 1511, 148V, 150 115 114 114 121 '4 120 H 120 v; US', 92 a, 93 V, 110V, 110 110', f2' M M t, 22. 22 22 V, '' v 404 4(iv, 40 1 cow 740 8.601 1 hull 1310 6.00 Quotation, at the yard, follow: etna Price. Medium to choice steers (10 31 1( 11.00 Good to medium steer 9.33 10.3.1 rnmmnn to aood steers i.i.l'ir 9.1 Choice cows and heifer. 7.7513 9.00 Com to good cow. ana neitere. onu" 7.73 Cannsra 8.00' 6 011 ti,.ii. 5.0Oia 7.5 Calves 7.00911.00 stocker. and feeder e.00y 9.00 Hons Prime light 18.10916. Prime heavy It). 20 '11 16.35 figs 13.75a 13.00 t-heeo Western lamb. 1500915.50 Vailey lamb. .-- 14.5015.00 Tearllnga 1S.0O4H3.50 AV.1h.r1 12 50W13.00 Ewe 1 .0011.00 DESTINATION'S OF STOCK LOADED Shipment. Ea Root ta Leading 1.1 restock Market of Country. Destination, of livestock loaded January 23. (Carloads reported west of Allegheny Mountains; double decks counted a. two cars). Reported by the Bureau of Market, North Portland: Cattle Horses. Mxd. Atlanta 10 1 Austin 22 B.itlmore 2 19 4 ..... .... Boston 22 50 2 Buffalo 11 25 3 Cedar Rapida. . 4 35 .... 1 Chicago 880 194 114 1 T Cincinnati .... 26 40 5 Cleveland 7 16 1 .... 15 Denver 18 12 12 1 .... Detroit 3 4S 6 F.. St. Louis ... 132 121 6 41 28 Port Worth.... 68 15 .... .... Indianapolis .. 84 72 24 Jersey City.... 8 38 4 .... 1 Kansas City... 416 274 65 t 59 Los Angeles. ... 6 8 16 1 .... Mason City.... .... 27 .... Milwaukee .... 4 9 .... 1 10 New Orleans... 11 .... .... 2 .... New York 84 90 89 .... 5 Omaha 178 ISO 107 8 80 Ottumwa ...... 8 9 .... .... 1 Peoria 1 24 1 Pittsliurg 8 81 4 St. Louie 92 ' 178 12 1 29 San Antonio ... 8 1 .... 8 .... SU Paul 89 89 2 4 82 San Kranclsco. 27 9 10 . . 1 Seattle 2 1 1 Sioux City 63 160 12 1 S Sioux Falls 6 13 1 Tacoma ....... 1 ... .... .... Wheeling 2 8 1 Wlcluta 2 18 1 7 Various 2tl 79 53 145 7 Total. 204S 1931 436 240 8.10 One week ago. 2340 2.150 656 184 4H2 Four w'ka ago. 1927 1284 407 158 33a Htate origin. t livestock loaded Janu ary 29: For Portland Washington 1 Total 1 One week ago. 8 .... .... .... Four w'ka ago. 1 .... .... .... .... For Seattle Oregon . ...... 2 .... .... .... .... Washington 1 1 Totals Seattle 2 1 1 One week ago. 12 1 8 .... StapU loeal Jobbing quotattona: 6LGAR sack baale: Krult and harry. Alexandria. La 1. Boston 2. Charleston 1. (7.90; boot. (7 90; extra C. (7.60; powdered. Total aa.ea for the day, 460,000 sharea BONDS. U S ref 2a ree..,97iN P 4a do coupon Cheyenne S. Chicago 17, Cincinnati 2. Cleve land t. Denver 2, Dongla 1. Dubois 1. mi'uth 1. Unid X Grand Forks 1. Houston 1, Kansas City 2. Lamongua 1. Lack port I, 11 Angela 4. Milwaukee I, M.aneapolta 11. in barrel. (9.40; cube, la barrela. (9.63. NL'Ta n alnuta 2 Ac. Brazil nuts. lS621o: filbert.. 22 23c; aimomla, lvb2uc; peanuts. 10i12c; cecoanuta 41.10 par doaen: pocana. l?S19e: cheetnuta. 20t-. BkJxN.1 California Jobsing price: Small 97V,iV P 8s O S 8s reg 9 ,Pac TAT 5a. do coupon ....-vw 'r-a con .., U 8 4s r.g M04VU P 4s do coupon ,,.-l'if iJ nteei oa. . Atrh aen 4a ... H S P cv 5s..., n a R t r.f B.M lAnrlo-Kr 6. ... M) NYC deb 6a.. 93ilU S Lib 3,S...S7.33 61 V. 1"2 H74 88 99 81 v. Mantpelier 1. Neeoaarl 1. New Trk City T, I white, ISVjC; larg white. 13c; bayou. 10c; pin a. aw- vrtiuu ' . ewllif price Bid. I White. sOlOe: colored. Sc COITiK Roasted, la drama. 17 0 25c SALT Granulated. (10.73 per ton: half- grounda. 100a, (IS par ton; 80a (IS ps ton; dairy. (1A7S per ton. RICE Southern bead. SOH per pound: I Blua Row. ".: japaaaea style. Ta7Vo. DRIED FRUITS Applea. lSo; peachaa HO 12c; prunaa, Italian. llVsalSe; ralalnn IsScOM Pea- boa: data, fard. (xsoos par North Platte 1. Omaha S. Philadelphia t. Phoenix S. Pleasantoa L 81 Loots 2. Sc Paul 2. Sao A mania S. Saa Dlege 1. Seat. tl L WhltaT.h 1. Eastern aactlaa prlaa aa r. parted by talegrapk: Paltliueie tatna faaey SHaj uiaaa. larx. (2 2302.80". faaey Spluaabea-gs. bxrg (2.K 2 23. medlnni 1123. .mall (I TS 0 10S. BufTa-Washias-taa. t ar frsea oald I baa; curraata. ISo; tiga (2Q264) par box, at a rax a. npa. aaoa waste, extra fancy Jama lass, all sixes (LSS9X,2a. fnaey SLSSol Haas. Lard aavd Bacaa. 103; extra fancy Dalleleaa. (X 13 OS-44. I Laoal Jobbing ootatIona: Pitta bars Car antra faaoy Ramaa. aa. HAMS All elaea. cholo. 13o : standard. d!a:a t larg (.S02., aaarag (240; o0! ahinned. 27 ISo; picnics. 23o; oettage - - 1 mpona, -e o. eaenblnatloa sack, medruns la large. aragl jjacO.N Cancy. 46048c; standard. 419 smaii average xiao: extra (aaey I so; caoic. asoeio. tlaao (1.939204, avsraxe (I S, oamblna-1 CRY SALT short clear back. 2H 0 34c; ax porta. 3u u X3c: plate, :4026c HldVe aad Felts. HfDES rValted hldea, 23 lb, and an. 14e: sailed st axa, ov ins. ana up, uc; eaited and sreea kiu. la 1 u 10a, 10c; aalted and greaa calf Id to 13 Iba.. 21c: green hides. assn tnediam t largo tt S3 9103. average It 94. Car extra fancy Jonnthana. all aises (2.13 920. aaarag (2(1. fancy small t snediotn (J. 09 0 2.29. average (21. St. Louia Idaha. quality aad adlttoa aaod. extra faacy Romea. large (l.SO 0 2.13. mail ta medium. II ioi.;j. t.ncy largs I lue. and up. 11c; green 'ataga. 60 Iba and (1.73 0 l.so. mediim (I TO, lap, loc; dry flint hldea, zoo; dry Tint calf. no ta T Iba.. 20c; dry aalt hldsa. 21c: dry ALL COARSE GRAINS ABJE minXI bora Bid. Ldi.H; aau.d Bora hide. . I 13 O A Wa siai i a.i.....j rve. rw.. ..'I PELTS Dry long-wool pelts. (Sc- dry Oat Bias Ar Armm4 TVXt Cewta t I .h.wool peita 23oj aalted pelta. January -a I takeoff. (Z.&O03BO. Th eoars grain markata wara flrm.e I peeteray. tA tho Merchants' Exchange. I Dope. Woal. Ft. bid. for Nor- hw.et.rn eats were (4 cant a I HOPS 1917 crop. 17 913 per pound; aisner ana c.n.ra oaia eiaa were np 23 I ISIS cron, normal. cent. 10 i. xarewing aariey waa a quarter I WOOL slaetern Oregon. BOOSO par hisher thaa on Toeeday. wbll feed barley I pound: vauey. ovTia per pound; valley Kl.l . w.m lafhatHd Often f K.. ' W Mn I lamb, 4SV3UC mtera r.iMa aa eenta ta 11 a Ian I avinxin ul -!'. buii rw, ovo; aix ' KAn.Ka l.lMRilr- . rr- unilbt iiwiaw uu, . iu 1 u an aiftfll. n ail a wired from Chicago: "Minneapolis clear. IS belaw, Winnipeg clear. (9 below. Chi cago clear, cold, 5 above, peorta clear. S abov, St. Louie clear. IS abov. Xanana City cloudy. abv. St. Joaeph clear. 1 below. Hotchiaoa cloudy. below. Topeka cloudy. 4 abov. Davenport clear. S abov Omaha cloudy. 12 below, asm snow. Ohio CASCAHA BAR. New and old. SSaOSo nar pound. TALLOW na 1. io par pound; is a. x 12 per pound. Oils. OOSOLINE Bulk. 20e: caae. 29c: naph tha. drums, lv,c; caaea. 2 He: engine d la- til Ut a. drum. lOVac: caaea, 10c LINSLEO OIL Raw. barrela. (1.41: c.aea. ail.y cloudy, cold. T below at Tiffin, ta Ml (161: boiled, barrels. (1.43: case. (1.B3. aaaraal Dattax Dultata I..r 10 - TCRPtNTIN K In taaka,S3c;ln C.S.S, wheat d -crease at 8 733.000 bush. la th corn Increaee at 770.000 busheia aad th aa la deeraae at 1.03S.O0O buahela Terminal recelpta la car, wars reported by tho Merchants' Exchange aa follow: Wb-at Barley Floor O. ta Bay Portland. Wed. 1 T.ar sate T Saaeoa to data. 8414 Tear ago 3rt-4 Tacoma. Tue. 24 Tear a S reasoa to aat.2T5a 1 ear ago 4.417 te.rtle. Tuea.. .... vear ago. .... S feaua date Hear age 124 1 I 211 14S 4 ! 4 1 (IS 1021 4 1T2S 1091 T 10 SIT 167 .... 2"! 243 .... 5 J 1013 Mohair Market Inactive. Buatn In th Boston market for mo hair haa bean aa dlecouraglng aa ever, aaya the Commercial Bulletin, borne effort to ntiilxo tho mohair ataplo are being made, but aa yet nothing appear, to have brought tho etapa. Into demand, at least a demand worthy of tbe name. In Kngland there 11.9 I ha boon no change In th situation a. ra- 1347 I garda mohair of lata At the capo tner haa been some bualnesa put mroucn. saiea I I during Detain her ar reported at 450 bale l-4Cf average atalned firsts at 20 pence; 150 14-1" I bale, of Winter hair at 16-,d; 2M bale of Winter klda at IS to 2tM. In addition there bnve been further Inqulrlea mo that It would boyer are looking forward to a bet ter demand tor th finished goods In th near future 8 2343 2719 ntOST LIFTS VP GET A BLR TRICES larls Daaaag Doaa ta Saertbora CaBforala Trarfc Crop. I-etar eenorta an tha Sooth.rn California I 59 v a 0e; ordinary flrsta 6405. vc: at fre-t indicate th damage waa mor severe I mr- "". 1d 5c. rafrtgerntor. thaa first Indicated, particularly ta th vegetabl dlatncta la aom of th araag I Metal Market a. aactiaaa s uk.o ami. oa an. use. mat I YORK. Jan. (0 Th Metal Eg. atxesapt waa asu xa g out I ch.nre Quotes lead quiet. Spot. TOT 26c ntadg seta All vegetable price ar lead I bpelter. quiet; East St. Laula delivery. 1st as ward a a ssqoacs at tA frost. I spol. 1:73 0 'SSc Chicago Dairy Prod oca. CTTICAOO. Jan SO. Butter, unchanged. Egrs. higher. Recelpta 833 ease.-, firsts. Mining Mocks at Itoeton. BOSTON, Jan. SO Closing quotations: Alloues 60 Mohawk 59 H Aria Com 1ZMP Mine s - r. .. A Arte MA Varth Butta 13 Calu a Heda...440 oid Dotn 42V entenniai -" .ve-wia v- Cop Rangs .... 48v,;Qulncy 73 R Butte cop js vispnannon o1 Franklin 4 j-tuperlor 4 Granby Con .... 74 Sup A Boston... Sv I.le Koyall ... 21 H Winona 1 Karr Lake 8 Wolverlo S4Vs Lake Cop 1 Money, Kirhanga. Eta, ITffw TORE, Jan. 80. Mercantile paper, 8196 Per cent. Sterling. SO -day bllla. (4 T2: aommerclal 60-day bllla on banks. 14.71 Va: commercial SO-day bllla (4.71V.: demnnd. (4.76 6-16: cable. (4.76 7-16. Franca, dsmand. 9.72; cables 6.70. Guilders, aismaad. 43 4 ; cables. 431,. Lire, demand. 8.53 V, ; cable. 8.64. Rubles, demand, 13; cablea 13 V4. Bar sliv.r. 86 H canta. Mexican dollars, 6SV4 canta. Government bond, heavy; railroad bonds. Irregular. Time loans, easier: 60 days, 5 HO 3 per rent,: 90 daya. 6 V, 0 34 per cent; alx months, 5 tl 6 per cent. Call money, ateady: high, 4 per cent; low. 84 per cent; ruling rate, 4 per cent; closing bid, (4 per eant; offered at 4 par cant; last loan. 4 par cent. LONDON, Jan. SO. Bar silver. .4814 per ounce. Money. (Vk per cent. Discount rate, abort bills. 4 1-32 per cent; thr months bllla 4 1-16 per cent. Eastern Meat Trade Condition. Reports on Eastern meat trade condition. January 80 (8:30 A. M., Eastern time): Boston Beef, fresh: Receipts liberal, most cars arriving from two to six days late, some houses holding for a full (1 advance over yesterday', prices, market very quiet, demand light. Koaher beef: Supply moder ate, market strong, demnnd good. New York Beef, fresh: This week's re ceipts ample to take care of tho limited de mand, market quiet, prlcea slightly lower than Monday, demand limited. Kosher chucks and plates: Supply adequate, market weakening, demand fair. Hind, and ribs: Supply adequate, market steady, demand fair. Philadelphia Beef, fresh: Receipt mod erate, market about steady at yesterday's prices, demand fair. Kosher beef: Supply light, market firm, demand good. Washington Beef, fresh: Receipt, heavy, market weak and draggy, buyer, holding off, demand alow. Pork. Boston Supply liberal, some surplus ac cumulating, market a .had easier, demand fair. New Tork Receipts increasing, market a little draggy at yesterday, prices, demand fair. Philadelphia Reoeipts moderate, market weakening on loins, prices In soma place, tl lower than yesterday. Other cuts fairly steady, demand slow. Washington Receipt, adequate, market unsettled, demand light. COLDER WEATHER ON WAY Oats Advance Sharply at Chicago Owing to Shortage of Supplies and Chance of Reduced Movement. Inquiry From Exporters. CHICAGO, Jan. 80. Prospect, of a new tie-up of tho raliroad. west of Chicago hardened the corn market today after temporary sag, due to better weather here than had been looked for. Price, closed firm at the same as yesterday's finish to l'.c higher, with Starch (1.27 and May (1.254 et 1.25 H. Oats gained He to lVa and provisions 20 to 45c. At first sunny skle. and the compara- tlvely mild temperature In Chicago gave slight advantage to tho hears in corn. Forecasts, however, soon appeared which made more anow and cold a virtual cer talnty. Beside, complaints of car scarcity continued. Nevertheless the market re mained easy until detailed reports be--an to be circulated telling of severe low tern peraturea In Iowa and of snow there drift Ing badly. Then the prospect that eastward progrosa of the storm would, bring about more or less complete traffic blockades all tho way to thl city turned prices in favor of the bulla. Shortage of Immediate supplies, together with chance, of further tightening of con dltlons. had much to do with hoisting the value of oats. There was aom seaboard Inauiry. A big failing on in nog arrivals niteo provisions. In addition, it wa. .aid, there had been liberal buying for export. Leading future, ranged as follow.: CORN. Open. High. (1.27 .. 1.25 1.234 OATS. .. .834 .844 .. .80Va .SlVs MESS PORK. ..47.50 47.60 47.50 ..46.63 4 6.90 LARD. ..25.22 25.45 ..23.35 25.52 SHORT RIBS. ..23.93 23.05 28.80 ..24.60 24.72 24.67 Cash orlcea were: Corn Nos. 2 and 8 yellow, nominal; No. 4 yellow. (1.63. Oats No. 8 white, 864 9S74c: stanaaro. S6. &SSc. Rye No. s, sz.is. Barley (1.40 1.78. Timothy (5 8.25. Clover (2130. Pork Nominal. Lard (25.30. Ribs (23.45 24.20. Msrch May .. March May .. Jan. May Jan. May Jan. May ' Low. (1.26T4 1.25 .824 .70 . 46.65 25.22 25.33 Close. (1.2 1.25 .84 .814 47.60 46.85 25.45 25.60 23.85 24.70 Eastern Cash Grain Markets. ST. LOUIS. Jan. 29. Cash corn: No. S, 1.6691.67; No. 4. (1.5201.60; No. S yel low. (1.72: oats. No. 3 white, 87 687vlC No. 8 mixed, 85c OMAHA. Jan. 29. Cash corn: No. 4 yel- ow. (1.5891.62: No. 4 yellow, (1.5391.53; No. 4 mixed, (1.50 1.52. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 29. Cash corn: No. white, (1.7191.76; No. 4 white, (1.61 65: No. 2 yellow, (1.80; No. 8 mixed. (1.60; oats. No. 2 white, 87Vjc; No. 9 white. 87c; No. 2 mixed, 844 9 S5c WINNIPEG. Jan. 29. Oat., No. S white, 83T4o; extra feed, 834c; No. 1 feed, SOvic; flax. (3.22 Vi. MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 29. Cash corn: No. yellow. (1.6691.71: oats. No. 2 white Mon tana, 87988c: standard white, S3 Vj j 84 Vi c ; No. 3 white. 83V4j84V4c: No. 4 white, 81 984c; rye, (1.12: arrive, (1.12. Grnin nl San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 29. Spot quota tlona Feed barley, (2.07H3: white oats. 3.1093.15; bran, (35; middlings, (42.30; shorts. (37. Call board Barley, May, (2.96 bid, (3 asked. Lamb. Boston rRecetpt. liberal, markst barely steady at yesterdays prices, demand fair. New Tork Rscelpt. adequate, market lowly declining, demand light. Philadelphia Receipt moderate, market contlnuea dull and draggy, demand slow. Washington Receipt very heavy, narrow range In prices, buyer, holding off, demand alow. PRICES AT YARDS STEADY FAIR SUPPLY OP STOCK RECEIVED AT NORTH PORTLAND. Federal Statistic Compiled Show Largrer Moveaneat of All Classes Feed Lata. There was a fair ran of nock at the yard yesterday. Prlcea wera generally firm at tho previous rang of quotations. Tbe number of animate put on feed this season, aa revealed by figure submitted to the Bureau of Markets by the leading stock yarda, .how very significant Increase In stocker and feeder cattle and aheep ship ment for 1917 lncread over 1916 In all but two month and bog shipments In every month, Thlrty-flvo market enow an In crease of 22 per cent In feeder cattle ship ment for 191T, whlls 24 reporting feeder sheep shipment .how a gain of 80 per rent. Three and one-half time as many noirs were sent out In 1917 In 1916 by the 16 arket reporting atocker and feeder hog ahiDment during those yeara An analysis of .th flguroa submitted mphxlxe that th big feeder montn ar oeptemDer, Octo ber and November. Approximately 44 per cent of tho feeder cattle, 69 per cent of the feeder hep and 69 per cent of the feeder hoge went back to tbe farma and feed lot during the month. Cattle and aheep shipment reached their maximum In October, hogs In November. Receipt at North Portland yesterday were 158 cattle, alx calvea 630 hog and 97 beep. Shipper, were: C. G Miller Brooklyn. I loaa nogs: a. Price n, Rlchvale, CaL, 1 load hoga; H, Ber- kavltch, Htaaon. Cel.. 1 load cattle; 1-ee Millar, Albany, 1 load cnttia, hog. and Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Jan. 8a Hog Receipt Is. 000. etrong. 25 to 80 cent above yfesterday average. Bulk of sales. (16.10918.40; light. (13.03016.85; mixed. (15.90016.45; heavy. (1.V8516.45; rough, (15.85916; pig. (12.75 913. Cattle Receipt 7000. stronr. Native steers, (8.75914.15; stockers and feeders. (7.5091O.T5: cowa and heifers, (6.50 9 12; calves. (9 915.23. Sheep Recelpta 12.000. firm. Wethers, (10 913.50; lambs, (14.73ift 17.83. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Jan. 30 Hog Receipt 15.000. market 10 cent higher. Heavy, (13.80W 16.16; mixed. (15 85 9 16; light, (13.759 16 15; plga, (10915; bulk of sales, (15.85 916. Cattle Receipts 4700, market actlv. 10 cent hlghr. Native steers, (8. 75 9 13.S5; cows and helfera (79 10.50; Western steers, (8.509 11.60; Texas steers. (7.609 10.50: cows and belters. (799.25; canners, (6.50 9 7.60; stockers and feeders, (6.50911; calvea, (99 13: bulls, st res. etc. (7910. Sheep Receipt 11.700. market ateady to strong Yearllnga. (12.25915.25; wethers, (11913.50; ewes, (10.73 9 12.25; laraba. (16.25 917.25. COFFEE FCTTRES STILL DECLINING Selling I. Lea Actlv Thaa oa Pre ceding Day. NEW YORK. Jan, 80. There was further realizing or liquidation In tne market for coffee future today, gut trading was less actlv than yesterday and early declines were partly recovered. Th market opened at a decline of 9 to 10 points, with active months selling about 13 to 14 polnta net lower during the middle of the day, or at 8 esc for May and 9.11c for September. This made a decline of about 89 to 40 points from th recent high level, which seemed to bring In a little coveting or fresh buying, causing rallies of 8 or 10 points from the lowest. The close showed a net loss of 1 to 7 polnta January. 8.30c; March, 8.48c: May, 8.7Sc; July, 8.98c; September, 9.20c; October, 9.2oc; December. 9.43c. Spot coffee quiet- Rio 7s. 8e: Santos 4s, 104 c. No fresh offers were reported In the cost and freight market, but It was said that Brazilian ahlppera have given names to do mestic buyers of eight steamers and four ssllor. for shipment during February and March. Including tho name, of three of the lntemd German eteamer recently .elxed from Brnxil. Clearance, from Brazil to th United States sine January hav amounted to shout 6115.000 bags, but no changea were reported In ocean freight rates. The official cables showed nn unchanged market at Rio. San tos wss 60 re I. lower for spots and 25 to 100 rels lower for futurea Rio reported clear ances of 8000 bag. for New York and 24.000 for N'ew Orleans. Brazilian port, receipts, 65,000 sacka New Tork Sugar Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 80. Raw sugar, steady. Centrifugal. 6.0O5c; molasses, nomlntl Re fined, steady; fin granulated. 7.45s. SAN FRANCISCO TRODCCE MARKET Prices Current on Eggs, Vegetables, Fresh Fruit. Etc.. at Bay City. 6 AN FRANCISCO, Jan. 30. Butter Ex tras, 61953c; prime firsts, not quoted. Eggs Fresh extras, 58 c; fresh firsts. 56c; fresh extra pullets. 54c. Cheese New firsts not quoted. Young Americas, 27V4c Poultry Hens. 29 9 31c; roosters. 16918c: fryers. 23932c; broilers. SOta 35c: sauabs. (3.5094; pigeon., (1.5091.75; geese. 18'u20c; turkeys, mixed and oil stock, 29932c Vegetables squash, cream, 75c9(l: hub- bard, (1.2591.50: eggplant, 8910c; peppers, bell, 10915c; Mexican green chiles, 1015c; peas, 799c; tomatoes, (l. 2591. 50; lettuce, (1.25 91.75; celery, (1.75 92.50; potatoes, Sa linas (2.5092.75, sweet (3.75; onions, Au stralian brown (292.25, green 90c9(l; garlic. S94c; cucumbera, (393.25; pump kins, (1; carrots, 85c 9(1: beets, (l.SO; tur nips, 75985c; rhubarb, (J 9 2.25. Fruit Pears, Winter Nellls, (2.50; straw berries, 67o; lemona, (5.5096; grapefruit, (2.75'a3.50; oranges, (5 9 3.50: tangerines, (2.2593.25; bananas. 595Vc; Pineapples, (4 95; apples, Bellefleur (191.25, Newtown Plpplna, (191.25; olives, 7911o. Hay Wheat and wheat and oat. (26 9 28; tame oat, (27927.50; barley, (24 9 26; al falfa, (24927. Millfeed Cracked corn and feed corn meal. (77980; rolled barley, (58 9 60; alfalfa meal, (37938: cocoanut meal, (44.50. Flour (10.80 per barreL Receipts Flour, 8950 quarters; barley, 8702 centals: beans, 1102 sack.; potatoes, 12, 936 sacks; onions, 1050 sacks; hay, 211 tons; hides, 220; wine, 37,000 gallons Government to Sell Nitrate of Soda. Under the food control act the United States Department of Agriculture la to use (10.000.000 for the purchase of nitrate of soda to be sold to xarmers tor casti at cost. About 100,000 tons have been purchased by the Government and will be sold to farm ers at (75.50 per ton f. o. b. cars at porta The whole coat to larmers will be sm.ou plus tho freight charge and the state fertilizer tar fee. All communications on this aut- Ject should be forwarded to the chief of the bureau 01 mantels, cnitea states -de partment of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. Bean Grower. Seek Aid. YAKIMA. Wash.. Jan. SO. (Special.) Appeal ha been made to W. H. Paulha- us. of Puyauup. tor assistance in solving to problem of Yakima bean growers, who find themselvee unable to dispose of their product at fair prlcea though Coast mar ket r reported to be Importing large quantities of bean, from Japan. Duluth linseed Market. 70TTLTTTIL Jan. 80. Linseed. (3.8693.66: January, (3.54 asked; Slay, (3.54 asked; July, (3.49 asked; October, 13.13 Did. Hops, Etc., at New York. NEW YORK. Jan. 30. Hop., hide and wool, unchanged. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, Jan. SO. Evaporated ap ples, dull. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Jan 80. Spot cotton, quiet. Middling. 31. Sic. MORRIS BROTHERS, INC. Established 25 Years Railway Exchange Building, Portland, Oregon. OREGON MUNICIPAL BONDS Tax Exempt YIELDING FROM 5 TO 64. barrels; shipments, 104 barrels; stock, 25,- 668 barrela Rosin firm. Sales, 634 barrels; receipts, 437 barrels; shipments, none; stock. 90,536 barrels. Quote: B, D. E, F, G. H. (6.05; I. (8.10; K. (6.50: M. (6.87496.90: N, (7.20 97.22-4; WG, (7. 4097.4214 ; WW, (7.50. PERSONAL MENTION. A. M. Hubbard, of Monroe, Is at the Ritz. E. J. Dean, of San Jose, Cal., Is at the Carlton. S. Mclin, of Yakima, Wash., is at the Carlton. O. Erickson, of Astoria, la at the Carlton. William T. Cook, of Albany, Is at the Seward. A. N. Holman, of Eugene, is at the Seward. 1L B. Craft, of Albany, is at the Seward. J. Robinson, of Astoria, is at the Perkins. A. L. Paine, of Pendleton, is at the Benson. M. B. Frants, of Salem, is at the Perkins. J. L. Vosburg, of Wheeler, Is at the Perkins. John H. McNary, of Salem, is at the Portland. S. H. Ellis, of Wheeler, la at the Cornelius. J. A. Fields, of Burke, Idaho, is at the Multnomah. T. G. Bligh. of Salem, is registered at the Benson. W. D. Hode-son, of Ashland, is at the Washington. William Locke, of Burke, Idaho, is at the .Portland. J. B. Olmstead, of Enterprise, is at the Imperial. H. P. Mattoon, of Chehalls, Wash., Is at the Oregon. A. B. Camp, of Anchorage, Alaska, is at the Oregon. T? W finronl nf SeATtle, Waah . In at the Multnomah. E. I., Swartzlander, of Pendleton, is at the Imperial. N. A. Gilbertson, of Scappoose, is at the Washington. C. E. Bunn, of Suntex, is registered at the Cornelius. P. J. Shallenberger, of Chicago, 111., s at the Benson. W. A. Irvine, of Bremerton, Wash., is at the Multnomah. Miss H. Parrlsh, of Gladstone, is reg istered at the Ritz. F. M. Barton, of Buffalo, N. T., is reg istered at the Portland. C. P. Wilson, of Pendleton, is regis tered at the Multnomah. C. P. DeReamer, of Walla Walla, Wash., is at the Oregon. R. R. Failhurst, of Albany, N. T.. is registered at the Eaton. C. K. Marshall, of Hood River, is registered at the Perkins. E. J. Van Duyn, of Tygh Valley, is registered at the Carlton. R. W. Matthews, of Kennewick, Wash., is at the Portland. W. N. Johnson and Mrs. Johnson, of Salem, are at the Cornelius. T. T. Barton, of Schenectady, N. T., is registered at the Seward. E. Ij. Allen and Mrs. ' Allen, of La Grande, are at the Cornelius. I. R. Edelstern and Mrs. Edelstern, of Oakland, Cal., are at the Ritz. W. M. Blakeley and Mrs. Blakeley, of Pendleton, are at the Washington. E. B. Fitts, of the Oregon Agricul tural College, CorvaUls, is at the Im perial. A. C. Welcome, a saddle and harness dealer and manufacturer of Burns, is at the Oregon. ; . W. G. Weightman and Mrs. Weight-1 man, of Oswego, are registered at the Washington. Dr. J. F. Reddy, promoter, miner and capitalist of Grants Pass, is registered at the Imperial. S. G. Sargent, late superintendent of anks for Oregon, but lately appointed nspector of Federal reserve banks for the Western district, is at the Benson. Five Opportunities in Public Utility Bonds Pablk Utilities stud third is tie ceil priority order f it Fad AdsiinJstrstw PUBLIC UTILITIES are a powerful factor, both directly and indirectly, in the prosecution of the war. Their efficiency and pros perity are indispensable to communities at all times. They i are the arteries which feed our present-day development There are five public utility bond issues of unusual attrac tiveness, yielding from 6.00 to 6.83, to which we invite your special attention. Send ftr Cwetimr Or-161 The National City Company National City Bank Bldf.. N. Y. PORTIaAND OFFICE Railway Cxcbanse Build Lug. Bon4 . Short Term Notts Acceptance 1121 Kast Market streeL between Kant Thir ty -seventh ana Jat lhirty-elgiitli ; C. 'avml Store. SAVANNAH, Ga., Jan. SO. Turpentine firm, 43Ue. Sales, 52 barrela; recelpta, B-4 DAILY CITY STATISTICS Births. ARCHIBALD To Mr. and Mrs Charles Archibald. 1003 East Sixth street North, January 20. a son. McDOUGALD To Mr. and Mrs. John Mo- Oougald, January 20, a daughter. BLE1D To Mr. and Mrs. David Bleld, 637 East Fifty-second street North, January 25, a eon. RASMUSSEN To Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Archie Haamussen, 106S East Eleventh street North, a son. LOVE To Mr. and Mrs. Otla Earl Lov, Goldendale. Wash., January 24. a daughter. NEEL To Mr. and Mrs. Lennuel M. Neel. 2026 East Yamhill street. January 7. a daughter. SASAKI To Mr. and Mrs. Tokuichl Sa saki, box 256, Llnnton, Or., a daughter. HUBER To Mr. and Mrs. Ca9per Huber, Hillsdale. Or., January 25, a daughter. STEPHENSON To Mr. and Mrs. David Harry Stephenson. 812 Overton street, Jan uary 21, a son. Marriage License. RYDMAN-FERNQUIST Oscar S. Ryd man, 27. 368 Knott street, and Hulda Fern quist. 27. 7U5 Davis street. NEUSER-WELLS Louis E. Neuser, 22, 145 East Seventy-third street North, and Maude E. Wells. 17, 84 East Sixty-eighth street. ALEXANDER-ALBIN Charles F. Alex ander, 22, 680 H Lombard street, and Cecil Albln, 20, same address. MATT HEWS-KL ATT L. W. Matthews, legal, 561 Third street, and Martha M. Klatt, Seventeenth street, between Columbia and Clay. SPtTRRELL-PIGGOTT Stanley Bpurrell. 21, San Francisco, and Chrlstel Plggott, IS, 5 East Seventy-fourth street. ANDERSON-GRISCHOW Albeen Ander son, legal. 613 Gould street, and Amelia urls- chow, legal. Sis uuna street. Vancouver Marriage Licenses. MARDIS-WIEMANN George L. Mardl., 29, of Portland, and Lillian C. Wlemann, 21, nf Pnrtland. FOUTS-FERRIS William Fouto, legal, of Portland, and Virginia K. errls, legal, ol Hnnd River. Or. GANDY-SPICER Frank L. Oandy. 25, of Portland, and Anita E. Splcer, 25. of Port land. JORGENSEN-NEWMAN Harry Jorgen sen. 21, of Portland, and Anna S. Newman, 19, of Portland. Building Permit.. DR. E. PIERCE! Repair two-story frame tnr. and rooma. 8o5-7 North Seventeenth street, between Savler and Thurman; build er, same; li.". . , s n. SMITH Repair one and one-half- story frame residence. 1408 Wisteria avenue. APEX LAND PLASTER MIXED and MANUFACTURED in the NORTHWEST Endorsed by the Oregon Agricultural College. Place your order now, while quick delivery is possible and before advance in freight rates becomes effective. UNION MEAT CO. - DISTRIBUTORS, NORTH PORTLAAU, OR. between Fifty-first and Fifty-second street; W. J. Dunlap, Jr., builder; 75. GOOD SAaVlAKlTAN HoStiTAli Repair brick ordinary hospital, 774 Marshall street, between Twenty-Mcond and Twenty-third; Walter R. Thorn, builder; 10u. V. J. McUUaNALD Alter three-story frame apartments, 475 Schuyler utreet, be tween Kast Kighth and lasl iN'iuth; A. F. Velguth. builder; afliuoo. GKuKGE A. PEKKKT Erect frame ga rage, 04! Kast Thirty-sixth street, between Clinton and Woodward; builder, same; Sit). ALBINA ENOlJN'li & AlACHINfci WOKKS Krect two-story trame machine shop, 3 Alblna avenue, between river and Liorintc street; builders, same; $3800. H. WIKTH Erect concrete retaining wall and walk, ttdl Kast Seventh street, bet. ween Stephens and Harrison; K. 1. Trautow, builder; $SU. COLUMBIA RIVER SHIPBUILDING COM PANY Krect one-story duck, Muody street, between Woods and Meade; builders, same; 5-0,000. WAKEFIELD MUSIC COMPANY Erect frame garage, lllail Kast Thirtieth street North, between Jarrett and Ains worth ; builder, same; $90. K. 1 (j. bCHWAB Erect frame garage, Th Harris, builder: $150. S. L. BKOW'N Repair one-story frama sawmill, 2110 East Water street, between Hawthorne avenue and Madison street; Air plane Shipbuilding Lumber Company, build ers; $25. GEoKGE P. HOPKINS. JR. Repair one- story frame residence, 1040 EuHt .Morrison street,' between Eant Setenty-sixth and East beventy-aeventh; Richard Morris, builder: $200. E. W. KREUTLEHN Erect frame garage. 861 Upshur street, between Twenly-flfth and Twenty-sixth; builder, same; $3.ri. ii. BUKG1S Kepair one-story frame resi dence. 708 East Tliirty-thlrd street, corner Francis avenue; J. O. Jones, builder; $020. A1KS. L'LKV1SUAM Hepair two-story frame residence, 1065 Broadway, between Thirty-fourth and Thirty-f iith street; build er, same; $75. MK. OHMS Erect frame garace, ihit Hancock street, between East Forty-first and East Forty-second : B. F. Pond, builder; $2.0. i-t. BiiTMAWfi itepair one ana one-half-story frame residence, 811 Vancouver avenue, between Failing and Shaver streets; Bill Huget, builder; $100. LLOYD BATES Repair one-Btory frame garage, 10S0 East Burnnlde street, between Thirty-eighth and Thirty-ninth btreeta; it. B. Bfat. builder; $115. FRANK a. r RAfcSKK Erect frame ga rage, 1210 Haight street, between Jarrett and Jessup: builder. Robert B. Beat; $220. H. B. OBERMKYER Repair one and one-half-story frame residence, 440 Kaat Thirty- seventh street, between Sherman and Lin coln: F. S. Crynes. builder: $175. ERIC OLSON Repair one-alory frame barn. 1132 East Forty-first street North, be tween Killlngsworth avenue and Emerson street; builder, same: $n0. A. SPELLMAN Repair two-story frame stores and apartments, 1389 Sandy boule vard, between East Fiftieth and East Fifty-first streets: builder, same: $25. MARTIN JOHNSON Repair one-stonr frame stable. 11 East Thirty-fifth street North, between Jessup and Simpson; build er, same; $25. JAMES JOHNSON Repair two-story mill warehouse. 41-43 East Third street, between Oak and Pine; builder, same; $95. J. D. KENNEDY Erect frame shack, 1241 East Forty-second street North, corner Simpson; M. Fujimoto, builder; $80. A. G. SHEPARD Repair one and one half story frame residence, 1009 Second street, between Miller and Nevada; builder, same; $200. M. PALLAY Repair two-story brick or dinary store and rooms, 201 Everett, be tween Third and F'ourth; T. Haglnaka, builder; $200. C G. WAGNER Repair three-story frame apartments, 185 Caruthers street, between Front and Hood; J. Los 1 1, builder; $25. W. A. HENNINGER Erect frame garage. 611 East Forty-seventh street North, be tween Thompson and Bra7.ee: Mill-Made Construction Company, builders; $50. WILHELM EST Wreck one-story frame residence, 4 North Thirteenth street, be tween Couch and Davis; O. K. & R. C. Wrecking Company, wreckers: $50. DR. MONTGOMERY Wreck two-story frame shed. 2(17 Sixteenth street, between Madison and Jefferson: O. K. & it. C Wrecking Company, wreckers; $0. HARTMAN & THOMPSON Wreck two story frame residence. 1798 Matheson ave nue, on Mount Tabor; O. K. 4. R. C. Wreck ing Company, wreckers; $500, Albany to Dance for Red Cross. ALBANY. Or.. Jan. 30. (Special.) To provide additional funds for Red Cross work here a dance will be -riven in the Elks' Temple next Friday evening. It is beinfr arranged by the finance promotion committee of tho local chapter, which consists of Mrs. J. J. Lindgren, Mrs. R. E. Mason and Mrs. Charles H. Wleder. Several weeks ago a similar dance was given for tbe benefit of the Red Cross and It was a successful event. Guns Taken From Aliens. SHERWOOD, Or., Jan. 30. (Special.) The authorities here have taken suns and ammunition from several enemy aliens. Others are being watched and their suns will be taken as soon as the fact of their possession is established. TRAVELERS GUIDE. 'ieamship Gt II 12 Third St. main o. B Ll ALASKA ot It 1 nnuu II T"VI IT -fl ft a Kt'SrswaT Cordov Valdai Eeward and Anchoraga CALIFORNIA via Seattle or San Francisco to Los Angele and Saa Diego direct- Largest sbipa unequaled service, low ratea in cluding berth and meala Make reaer vatlona AUSTRALIA Honolulu, Suva, Nw Zaalait,! Regular .a 1 1 ing. from Vancouver. 13. J nj th Palatial Passenger Steamer nf tti Canadian-Australian Koyai mail a-ine. For full Information apply Can. Pan. Rail way. 65 Third St.; Portland, or (ienernl Agent, 440 be nour bt nucouver, 11. C