TUT. 'MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1918. 13 Bu:ai ewoi p-i cBr to ..- port It4 u4 e:ri:..- bt ho-m. tu ly fur aieae. rM4j la ;- int. To furnltur aw o 1 c-xl. T:. buno.o i mol cw. Ut3-fooni with flrvp -; dining- room wtta u.,t-la uf?t. Dutch kitm-a, 1 .eeat klroomi vita fcetb tec ween, f. toMmaot, large a'tlc. Jut th p ar Ic A bom. On.j ealt itmoi, cash, fca.efir $: a nth. Mclnnl, ('Tia b.-J g ('hoc proadwey I.. fLl.LT ro.MM;i ft- R OO U M"pEK liU.ViAl.OW. 6tw:nM eo:n o w nr to ieav Fort -land aad rcr..'.c b horn, f u ;y fur- iaai. rt.ay to at in:. Tn furniture lai Th bunri.u ml- r . ir , n r m w . : n r , re ; . ac ; d ! n i n g - room Wit bu.tla buff? batch ktlrn p.eaaant b4.oo-n !ttk bath b(wn. fall b4inBt. :r Attic. Just the p r for horn. On y l..,.W a it stan.ia. li' tws, m ne vontn. Macinn, 10 Tt-a b.jg. rnoQ Hro4)r FOR REXT- FARMS. SO ACRES With 21 la cultivation, about 1 acre of rood bottom land, mall orchard, ono mile from a mall at at too. about 10 mile from Portland.; ftno spring and ere a. Mvtn-roooi Iiouh largo barn and ether utbuildinga. Hill roni this farm for a tarns of yaaxa at $2Z per year, boo . Ja. Xaloney. RlTTfcR, LOWE A CO.. W-H Board of Trado Bid. WAITED TO RfyT-rARMW, 1 HAVE Juat arrived in Portland and want io rtnt a ood improved farm, suitable r nnni lartning. Mutt ho Boar a rail roou. on a good road, naax school and soom unx win pay oithor aharo or caah rent Would liko to bujr tho stock and WANTKD TO KfcNT Wheat farm, or will "' large acres a- on paiarr or or- rentage. C K. Caudio, gen. ooi. tea Fran- ctaro. H aides IiMtmtnt Company. owar af ter it modera i - room buait.ow, ' , 24 A.oorta at real. wot of M.aaiaalppt g-xxi as aw. east y wart a for -fcta.i par m-n i sow an pr month. Fu.i lot. fruit trooa. sewer, paved strt and furnace Porrtiaaor raa a. 4 at big i vac tf li'jnmii. Appro. mate y f :. fa. jr pa ! s.reei aad sewer aaseasaieaca. $Jo down, us month. ItOSe; CITY PA hK BL. NO ALOW: rooms and at tie. f uii baaomnt, f uraaeo. hmr&w4 r.oora ta ma. a rooms, and n iraaco bait. Dutch k'tcha and broafcrast hooa. an bui.t-ln fcta, rirvplaco ate. t-r iMd trs. aoitn and oajt front, cor prtco Taj la a Uruin. J. L. It ART t AN OjMfAWV T C ismbor of Oomnrtt bide. l:n :! A 2'C to root rarm of about 2 acra. w it a t oea nouit, ot nor oultdioff; ci to chr.tao. J i Orssonlaa. FOR KALE TTMBKR LAXDd. i.irXl.C) Faliir at $1 por thousand, quickly arraaatt;a, rail or watar. 3V ml.ti from or;,ni. aivam ana octne. mora avali- ab.o la ooisbborhood. A. . fihaaa, Scot ts i 1 s. or. TlttBSR LANDS pOfilHT AM SOLD. MfCKACKKN. 3'M HcKAT BLXKI. -o AC K timber. aar railroad, choan. AH T74 Or-onlao. W4.XTF.D TIMBFB LAN DA. HAWTH'iKNB llTrtlCT. Broom burnio, tnMra, furnUhod. lot 3 l-Sxloo. wo; oO cash, baianco moathiy ANOTItKR PACRinrn Cornor t. dO. bunca ow, hard- nrJaio str-t. 1 pa d. prtco -HK; $.v0 rwa. oa.anr f.i pr month, latoroat. Call lOT Hawthorn avo. W1L.L buy small tract of tlmbr an or caar railroad, olth or without mill: will deal with ontn ony or brokers bavlnc con traria or options. An B . Orvgonlaa. FOB BALE. Ptaa Orgsaa aad Mtialral Instrument. 6KTKlff CTORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. si.v quart piano. U cash ; 9-73 up- right. 40 casl. J-5 upricht. cub; oprtcht. II I cash; nearly now mod ora pianos. 93.76 upright. im cash; $4-3 uprtfQt. 10 cash; 0 playar piano, J-Ht casn; s.oo piar. ana parlor orcan. $14 cash. Ptanoa atorod. AOo monthly, iud rounh au. at tashtnton at. IF you want a plana yau awa It to four If to aoo our special valua nw piano at -i5. W j uars n too it aootutaly... P. JuHNSo.V PlAJsO CO laW Sixth si.. near itorriaoa. KRAN1CH A BACH Bros.. lo 10th at. piano, 173. fioula PEERLESS PIANO. Harold H. tillbert. a4 130. oasy tarma. amhlll at. 1 PA X CAbH ior used pianoa. Glibon. amhlll at TALKING machlno and 14 rocorda, rocords almost new, J 1.50. I4w th. Alain BlUo. Purnltar for Haia. BIO PNAPS IN CSED 8EWINO MACHINES Sou drop-head Wheeler m Wilson ma china with rotary ahuttla aad almost new for onl 3&. T-drawer P1nrr machlna, to splendid condition. machlno for 27.fi0. On Domestic sow ins; machlno, la ;ood runninc order, for $7.0. All jtuaranteed. Lasy term a. MliH FUR. CO.. 164 laT ST. FOR SALE Completa blrdseya mapit bed room aet, plain mi ion a mine-room, set, a leather-seated mission rockers ana se too. llbrarr table. 9x13 Axmlnster mahoiaoy cabinet Vlctrola: suitable for S-room apt.; cheap for cash. No dealers. AO 673. Oreionlan. FOR SALE. Automobile BARGAIN DAT TODAY and ovary day for first -class second-hand ora caxa at our piaco. TOTTRINO ROADSTER DELIVERY. Look ovor oor larra stock aad aare tlma and money. 117 Ford towrina? ear. 116 Ford tourlns car, with shock ab sorber a 1914 Ford tourinr. with aztraa. 1914 Ford touring;, like new. 1915 Ford touring-, with extras. 1V14 Kord touring;, with starter. 1V17 Ford roadster. Ilka now. Iwl4 Ford roadster, with extras. 1014 Ford road alar, with extras. 1&I6 Ford roadster, with extras, iwirt Ford roadster, like new. 1H 15 Ford delivery, with panel top. 114 Ford delivery and Incloeed body, AND A WW OTHERS. Tarma Given. OPEN HALF DAT STODAT. PALACE OARAGE CO., Authorised Ford Dealer. 12th and Stark Streets. Broadway 1673 Phonos A S44X FOR BALE. Miscellaneous, SEWING machines, new and second-hand, of all makes, sold for less; no agents em ployed; machines repaired and rented. S3 per month. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 3d, near Yamhill V A Main 1M3L STORAGE Reasonable rates on non-perlsh able goods; over-head water system throughout; trackage. Apply 330 E. Alor riBon. East PL SCHOOL BOOKS, and supplies, new and second-hand. Johnson's Book Store, 210 4th et., near Salmon. DRAGS AW wood cutting outfit complete ll'j cash. Apply at Gibson store. Bar- HELP WANTED MALE. FOR SALE Slightly used tailor's 20-lb. electric goose. Address 253 Wash. sL, room 15. NO. 1 Burbank potatoes delivered. $1.60; medium and small ones, $1; also apples. Call bellwood 273. fore ooons. HARDWOOD slabs and edgings, also bard wood sawdust. C H, Webber, Lumber men 1 bidg. bHIP KNEES wanted. Gamble-Rleg Shlp- Kneo 1 o.. tieriinger B!dg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE, l-ROvil COTTAGE. 3 LOTS. At Lnts, near school, park, hard-sur- I BAD LET. 404 N. VT. BANK. Marsnall 5J10. NOTICE. If your property, either etty. farm ar acreage, has merit and la for exchange 01 saia. can or write run particulars; no in f a:ed values considered, have first-class ;it to se.ee t from. Geo P. Henry. Henry buig. Ref. Portland Realty Board OK SAL& A-roorri modern bunia.o. good location. pr;c $ J ca 1 Taour twbarhaia) llotno Property. A KAHK BARGAIN. aere. modem bunxa.ow. chlrkea- Run water, gas. iectrla lights. Iiu;( 1 kwa city scnoot. c:ty phone, oc carfaro. 6 mln- teo- wa a rrom station. rorty bearing fruit tri t l fctntla ima't fruit. Located at alJ.tnomah, Uregoa. 13 minutes' ride rvm rjrt.ana rrice vu. terms. First time advertised: ao ageol Phono awaar. 1 Oit frALE A gent.e.-naaa home, a bautl- I tul unga.ow. erae'ed Cy areMtect. and of I aw iibhi sgBJimciion; x:no easement, a.l I w...tuj, water, caan oe.iera. r;rep.ace. etc; three u minutes I . mr- on rtfOB & ectric close to go f llaka at Caraea Home: f'n view. . vry Choice acre. Improved, for . r avDt Jiaid S4o. KLAMATH FALLS Clear lota for Improved Portland, will assume. There ts a good chance to get rid of your mortgage for near in a booming city, of 2 railroads. banks, with approximate payroll of 6150. v per month, a ecnooie. I did tt ana will tell yoq how. X 016. Ore r on lan. OvuD paring ful business, consisting of H oioca with largo, earn, wood shed, store. al ways rented, and other buildings. 10 horses. 12 wagoaa. bameea. aaw and every thing complete, clear of Incumbrance, val uation 610. uoo; will take farm la exchange. vine b- sum ana urn si a e- FARM FOR KOt'SE. 4 acre, clear, on Pacific Highway. Bot of buildings: part In cultivation. Near Astoria. Price 61500. W aata Part land property. fiAOLZT. 404 N. W. BANJC ' Marshall 5610. Fee Hal -Baals Property. HuaEWOOD HOTEL anewfiver. Wash.; opaite Poatafftca: et exlv. 2 riomf . immediate poeaee ;oa or can leaeo ac 6 76 per month. ecy ow prt- ror t"W da). lEl'RICK. PTARK. ROSE CITT PARK. Bop this one; southeast corner 60th ana Maajr Douievard: b-room new bunga low, jupt completed. Bee this for your- se.i. iiurry, or 11 wi.i do gone; easy terms. unr, Taoor siu. iivIU'AKIi a 'K bALE chae. by own-r. gooi West hide I Per (Mle I'AR CHAM'B S lands aod bualae y Arrt In" 640 ACRES wheat land. Eastern Washing ton, Including I5OU0 worth of personal property; prue complete 630.000 ; 60OO caxn, oai. crop pay men ta to suits; xnignt trade for clear property la Portland or near. 0 8J4. Oregon lao. CANADA Rich ODDorttlltltlM mtr Independence, term laoda. 611 ta SJd acre; lrrir-d Unrta. 65 to 630. 20 years to pay; ."'Jv loan tn Improvements, or ready -mado- firm aw Loans of livestock. Tax average under 2t cents an acre; no taxea on Improvements, personal property r livestock- t,ood market, churcheo. e-nwwa. ro4bis. letepnone Excoiient cii nato crop ari livestock prove it. p c al honieeeekere fare certilicatea. Write for free booklets. A.iaa Cameron. General up-natnUn: Land Brancn. Can ad ten Pa. if to Ry.. 4o3 Ninth aa Calgary. Al b it a. BARGAIN 2-6 ACTUAl VALUE. 749 acre high state of cu!t!vation. new SBouero tuiiaiug. level rich SOIL 3VW wi:r hand s 27 S acres, with mod ern euiiatngs and equipment, aa paved ro4. Choicest stck. dfry or hay ranch an Co- ro-no a Klver; eaaily cleared, low price. W it. I. trjtle 7-room bouse, centraiiy lo cated, on East bide, for smeller house or bungalow, and accept easy terms for dirierenve In va.ua. cal on n . s. P. .-.; Broadway bouth. .0 ACRES near Portland, well Improved, stocked and equipped ; small mtg. Want city property. Beat chance to get a val uable farm, R. F. Bryan, fi09 Cham, of WHEAT land. Saskatchewan, near U. ft. Una 40 acrea, aaeeoeed value 6?0; will sell or trade. Msia 619ft, 1014 Chamber of Commerce bldg. EXCHANGE 20 acres of cleer land at Ad-d-son. N. Y.. for a 5-K. house In Portland. Pnnno East 129, Tabor 167m. J. . Perry, IMS Grand ave. trmav AIU.KTA LAND CO 4 04-a Cham, of Com. Kf.jilj4r eeaer must I acr and 4 room tio-jee. c to Iu::nomah s:a- t'on. a den tv bar at tlJrt. rfiioRau a ferma to re?oas;u.e part. Call 44 l .att b IX- FOR SALS From 10 to o acre. 6100 per a mttv irwra roruana utnlta. J. J. Havtfk. S p poie. Or. lar Cvate FarsJia. F Ft b LE PALM eetiais-lnf of a cr-a .;h are unei p ow nd the verv it atoll, eaual to bea- er-ia.n. the b,ance ta covered more or lea wi n choice tir.-r. baa smetl stream, the b; id.oc eo it of n o.d house, g-od Ur barn, tu p..r a mi.e from gx4 ri,rr.iil i:'ioa on main uae of roamera i'-.r:- in 1 Mux as Counry, and! can b houdt or bn muet be so d wunia je , abiut flifo in must be D d. ba.ani-e tin be rrnJ r larierr to eu.: purt-har OTTO A MAFU.v .N RE W.TT CO.. 4 1 "it a nibr rf t ty :nr e. EXCHANGE 40 seres unimproved land In JosephlitO County for a imaJ house and lot or acreage. 471 East Ciay. Phono East g'.PJ. FA K MS and tlmberland ta exchange for any thing of va.ua. What have you to offer? i,;u Morgan bidg . city. WI1ET land for city property. Phono E. 4. , I IMPROVED l". mortgage 62200; equity for residence. uwner, 11 un wtn a. TO EXCH ANfiF HltCEl.I.ANEOUR. WILL trade new Grmfonoia. I'.sted at 616. 610. 94 I .5. $:.. 9S and 6110. for aec. end -hand furniture, rugs, range, organs, piano or anything of value. E. li. Bot terminer. Tl Thurmaa at Pheno Broad war 74) on week d) a MUST HAVE USED FURNITURE Spoi cash for your second-hand furniture, ca pta, stoves, rugs, etc Call us for one ar ticle or a house full. Phone and a court ous buyer will call. Main 4 X FuR SALE: Used office furniture, oak an mahogany or ail k.nds. KILHAM'S. Fifth and Oak Sts. FURNITURE of 6 rooms for sale. 650; bargain if taken at once; good common furniture. Ibj b.ast otn st. FOR SALE Office furniture. Al condition. Call East 227V. COAL and wood range for sale. Tabor o- No dealers. Doc. Birds and Pet Stock. BEAUTIFUL canary singera, with or with out cases: females for mating. Mail or dero promptly filled. C 2217. 1151 Ejs$ 2:h a. Ts GRAND AIREDALE CHILDREN li PALS. PUPPIES. TABOR 6024. CANARIES for sale. Call Main 8816, Poultry. EARLY ohlx make early layers. Wo guar- ante safe arrival of White Leghorn baby chiM from heavy-laying trtoganixedi stock. Write for prices, eta. The Pioneer Hatchery. Petaluma. Cal THOROUGHBRED White Wyandottes: hav two pens of excellent Dims at oargain price, rtea umeiui pigeons xoc eaco. Phono Tabor 6174. Livestock. AITCTION SALE. Pleasant Hill Farm Dairy. Joha Stetger estate, owner, one-half mile east of Lents Junction, on Foster road; rlday, frebruary l. 11 A. iL: 60 cows, some xrcsn. soin coming fresh, tubercular tested, all dairy OMUipuient, 000 bottles, dairy wagon, auto true, two noises. Harness, wagon, ouck, top buKKy. suney, mower, rake, plows and all necessary farming tools., household furniture and bedding. Terms, gums under 6-0. caan. sums ovtr SJ0, 0 uays lime. Lunch will bo served. JNO. H. GIBSON, Auctioneer. FoR SALE 12 large Shropshire ewes, all bred . 2 good nrooa sows, roiana enma 1 Berkshire, will farrow March 1. A. Dim bat. Oswego. Phone Main 10 S3. OR SALE or trade for farm, 40 head good milch cows and route; will assume. X -4. Oregonlnn. Ty p writers. WE can aav from 50 to 75 per cent on ail makes of tyewriters; seoa lor our illus trated foldT. Retail Department WHOLE SALE TTPEWR1TER CO.. 321 Wash, si E W Remington rental plan, rent applies to purchase. Visible models. Remington Typewriter Co 8a Broadway. Phone Broadway 6-1. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona Dealers. E. W Pease Co., 110 0th. ! NEW. rebuill second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. IX to.. X3l ftarn st. slain 1407. Aotomobile. FOR RALE. esj Reg let era. N l NTT wheat ranch. 7j0 acre. 1 in outn.nxa. p'nty or wcr. 30 - -. aninr aj-t faseu. and acres I rimmer rat now on tnt. ready to see rrir. i pr acre: . i tarma L. K. I CU.tl- - A' Kl: a: od rami lay i. l'.'i vat;on hoi. barn. a fen.-d. 10 irr w and buncn gress ra ngr. J r i.ne-v. t'r:. e g.-nti c.h. Frank r-ewn ng'en. nt Ror a. IT.. I -ah- County. We make ana sell onlp NATIONAL CASH RFtOlKTCRo AND CREDIT rilSs. Loweet pfioee: small mewthry peymeats, e taterest charges; written guaraateo. Cd reguatera repaired, rebuill. beuOl aoi4 aad Acaaageo. J. R. MUM MA, Agent. The National Cash Regietor Cev. 6-yJ Mark st. Phone Broadway lSia I HERE Is your opportunity. Get your car oerore tne good weather sets in. iit-a cars are going to cost more then. For real va.uca Investigate these; Ford roadster t--"u rora roaaier .h j t ord. 5-passenger ' Ford delivery 1 Ford delivery .. 0 Ford chassis 17- Ford worm-drive truck b4o Overland roadster. IWltf 4 Overland. 5-passenger, d-cyllnder huo Abbott-Detroit. 5-paaaenger 2 Cadillac. 7-passenater, ltU 4..o Caciii.ac, 3-pasenser, 1UI I -J Ve.ie. a-passenger !oo Plerce-A rrow. lull 4-pasaenger O.Vt Briscoe. -pasaengt.r iT.". W hite gas. tf-pasaenger. 1011 4(0 All tneae cars are guaranteed to be in yood mechanical condition. Terms If de sired. W. U. WALLING FORD. Main 24VtJ. 5JJ-5J4 Alder Ft. 1-38 PACKARD ....... M . . H ... . 650 ISO Packard 650 1017 Jeffery. 4-cyI. f 800 1017 Nash. 6-cyL dam. 1000 1017 Briscoe 650 3018 Maxwell , 425 1918 Cadillac . 1913 Cadillac roadster 1915 Hudson VACUUM cleaners gold, repaired, rented, ex- cnangea. Dougnu $entiey Co. Main 8582. YOUNG man's suit and overcoat, practically new, tuq 00. main onw. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. MACHINIST AND LATHE MAN. lum her company, $4; mill fireman, 6100 month; donkey sled Duiiaer, so; knee holier, city. 65.25: resawyer. 64.50: mi loreman, experienced In Coast mills, 6150 ip; planer feeder. 54. oO; mill ana yara men. so.ou to xj.ta. etc. 8 bolt splitters, 63.50 up, 9 hours: 4 11. borers, factory, city, $3 up, 9 hours; U borers, R. R. - bridge decking, close to Part land. $3.50, company work; iarm hands, milkers, wood cutters. 500 cords ol first-ciasa oak wood to cut at 6L per cord. tt young men for large manufacturing plant, good chance for advancement, $40 ano board to 600 and board to start; fart advanced. jobs too SHOWCASE, office fixtures, furnace, boxes. DIAMOND Tiffany ring. 75-100 carat, cash aim; worth 62QQ. ol Worcester bldg. 40 QUARTS of canned fruit with sugar. 741 n.asi euin, w a car. FURNITURE WANTED. 550 COO 750 TERMS. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 10th and Burns Ida. Broadway 02L STOPt LOOK I UBTENt READ THIS LIST BEFOR1 TOU BUT: 3 BIT Dod, Broa. tour. cr, ilk. n.w.f 800 191T Dads. Bro. aedan c.r, Ilk. n.w. 1130 1014 Iod(. Brc. cr. flnt-clau 650 1915 Dod,. Brc car. flr.t-.lau S2S 1K17 Cbavrol.t road.ter, rirat-olaa. . . 2i 1117 Maxw.ll tourinr. Ilk. n.w 5K3 lwa Cadillac 8, lik. n.w 1630 1016 Hupmobll.. almost now SoO 1&17 Hudson speedster, run .ry ltttl. 1730 ivi ncK&ra o. llrst-ciass. 1015 Chalmers 6 600 1913 Cadillac, firat-ctaas 600 1016 Ford roadster, electrlo starter... -o Ittltf fxrd touring car 830 lyli i'ord touring car, first-class.... 2UU MANT OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM. COVET MOTOR CAR CO. 21 st and Washlntton. Main 6244. MAIN 809. " We need furniture, carpet, and other household roods, also office furniture. We must have rood, at once. Call us and our buyer will be there with the cash, riving- you the hlrest prices ever paid in this C'ty'KLIN'E'S FURNITURE STORE, lUli First St.. Near Taylor. Main 301. BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED FURNITURE. Stoves, ranges, rugs, store fixtures, res taurant outfits, hotels, roomlnr-houses, of fice furniture, furniture stocks. Nothing too big or too small to handle. Prompt attention and courteous treatment. fliUMiS 11AKM1ALL 'Mb I. A GEVUKIZ FUKNITUKE CO.. 183 to 1U1 First St., near 1 amhlll. Hundred, of miscellaneous numerous to mention here. CALL BARLT. LOGGERS OF ALL KINDS FOR FIR. SPRUCE AND CEDAR CAMPS, at from $4 to J.1.30 per day. Fare advanced when necessary. PACIFIC EMPLOTMENT COMPANT. Largest on th. Coast. 231-285 Burnsld. St. J. P. COXON. Mgr. HELP WANTED -MALE. EXPERIENCED Janitor for day work; no firing; good wages. Hotel Arthur, 170 lltu street. iu ooy to assist window trimmer and help In grocery dept. tiimon's. First and Alder. MEN wanted to handle slabwood. Jones Mill, Help Wanted Agents. YOU can make ,50 to S100 per week soil ing the new automatic knife and scissors sharpener; sharpener sells tor 81.75 ; agent's profit, $1 on each machln.. B. independent. Previous experience not re quired for success- Sample sharpener by parcel post prepaid $1. Address Charles Braun, 313 Panama bldg., Portland, Or. AGENTS Sell honest accident policy; sat- lsiiea policy noiuers your Dest asset: well- ' known company; liberal commissions: part or full time men. See Mr. Lyman, 814 Ry. Exchange. GAHAUK men. writ, to R. & F. Mfg. Co. for the agency and an attractive price on the No Equal Soaps, Auto Cleaner and Pol ish. Address R. ec F. Manufacturing Com pany, S4 11th St., Portland. AGENTS WANTED Ford owners, demon strate i3ear crank Release: no more, broken arms. Alta Company, 417 Market street. San Francisco. SOLICITOR and crew manager for Simplex juvwit. i.a ojsioiu. van at room 23 ure gon Hotel or ask for Mr. Benson. THERE ARE POSITIONS OPEN FOR YOU. The calls for high-class men far exceed the supply. W. snow how to put the right raan ana tne rigin jod togemer. Aiemu rfhio costlne S3 guarantees employment a refund fee. It costs nothing to Invest! gate this modern systematic position-se-piiHnr In.titntlmi. dvlaorv and EmDloy' nient Department T. M. C. A. Main 8700, A 636L TUPRR ATtV. pnfllTTflN.V OPEN FOR TOU, The calls for high-clans men tar exceea the supply. We know how to put the right man and tne rignt joo lotemcr. ww"""' ship costing .5 guarantees employment o, a refund fee. It costs not.ilng to lnvestl rate this modern, systematic position-se .nrinp inntitntinn. Advisorv and Employ, ment Derartment T. M. C. A. Main S700, A 6561. WANTED SAWMILL SUPERINTENDEN tnrn-hnnd nine mill ODeri ting nig mwA Hv ahirr want Ihnrnurh'V exoerl- enced man; must be good mechanic; good living accommodations, cenu mi. ulars regarding salary expected, recom mendatlona etc Address AV 271, Ore gonlan. HIGHEST PRICE PAID for all kinds of used household roods, ho tel and restaurant outfits, trunks, bags and suitcasea, bicycles, flshlnr tackle and firearms; also hardware and tools of all description. CASH OR EXCHANGE. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. 221 Front St., cor. Salmon. MAIN 9072. A 7174. MISH FURNITURE CO. wilt pay highest caan price ever paia lor usea rurnuur., carpets, rugs, stoves, ranges, office fur niture and fixtures. It will pay you to can us. lou win do money auetd. MISH FURNITURE CO, 184 FIRST. Main 5708. USED AUTOMOBILES. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. 20 CARS 20 of various makes 2, 4. 5 and 7-pasenrer. W. ar. going to move them within th. next sixty days. See our stock of used cars before 70a buy. will save you money. USED OAR DEPT. MITCHELL, LEWIS STAVER CO. East First at Morrison st. East 7272 Phones B 1216. t'OKUs WHICH HAVE BEEN TAKEN IN TRADE. 1917 rhassis. In perfect condition, with tires thai ar. brand new; for a ulck turnover $230 ir.' CHASSIS. With Atwater-Kent Ignition system. n.w tires and wheel. 8150 1114 KEI.IVEHT CAR. Recently overhauled. Reasons for dis posal, want larger job $230 A ROADSTER WITH A KICK. 1113 VINTAGE. CALL MAIN 1100 AND GET LARSEN. 1916 OVERLAND. 6-passenger. all-Winter top Included. Just overhauled and re painted; 8600, terms. PORTLANQ MOTOR CAR CO.. 10th and Burnslda, Broadway 621. 8 CAIt.S. FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. On. 1117 Studebaker. 4 cylinder. On. 1116 Studebaker. 4 cylinder. On. 1U17 Super-Six Hudsun. 4 cord tires snd one extra tire. ROSE CITY PARK GARAGE. Tabor 3002. WE NEED all kinds of old furniture, car pets, stoves, rangea, oxtlce lurnlture and H. H. good, generally and will pay top price for same. Call Marshall 6a7 and our buyer will call at one GEVURTZ FURNITURB STORK, 203-207 First St. WANTED 15 TRUCK LOADS OF USED FURNITURE. Pay cash and a price that will Any quantity. Phono East 6417. buy. RING UP the Greater Portland Furnltur. Store. Marshall 5321, and you will get the lilgnest price paia lor your used furni ture; you will also get good bargains in buying or exchanging. Remember, 163-7 First street. I MUST HAVE USED FURNITURE Spot cash for your second-hand furniture, car pets, stoves, rug., etc Call us for on. ar ticle or a house full. Phon. and a uour teous buyer will call. Main 4773. BEFORE selling your furniture, call up Ffc.LDSTi.l-N FU.NITLKE CO.. 166-16S "Irt St. Miln 4633. It will surely b. to .your -advantage. Beat prices paid. PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR USED FURNI TURE, CLOTHING, ETC. PORTLAND CLEARING HOUSE. MARSHALL 4783. WILL trade $150 diamond for second-hand furniture. L. 11. Bottermiller. Phon. Broadway 7H0 on week days. PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR USED FURNI TURE. CLOTH1NU. ETC. PORTLAND CLEARING HOUSE. MARSHALL 47S8. $1 IN thrift stamps will be given to each ox several scnooi Doys wu ... copies of the Curtis publications U cus . ... - iphiwti hnvii. clean, cintle. manly 'and ambitious need apply. Tne $1 is in addition to liberal cash prof Its and many other advantages. Apply . . tay, 270 4th St. HAVE opening for 8 more experienced he use to-house canvassers, selllnr teas and col- . .Hmrlv. .I.n nlan to t'ffel to consumer, liberal ruaranteed salary and wunmtaton- both in city and country routes open. Apply at once In person only. Mr. Baker, sales manarer. is. uranu WANTED LATH MILL CONTRACTOR i. nu .hir. i.th bv contract at . l. , .. , Mn. ratine- night an .v.t. u.nri full Darticulars regard ing salary expected, recommendations, etc Address AV zio, uregmnay. 1 Tn-,i an.hi. vnnn. married men f c r pay- In food product route; no experience n..ur 1ut willing workers: liberal compensation to start, rapid advancement. outside work, no capita ..::,.-... - bond asked. AL urefumu. AUTOMOBILE mechanics wanted. Joo-d pay and steady employment. ur . I,. men AI.O & fW aCCOUnt- 1 n.n. m.n Avncrlencec. in Over land cars. Address Overland-Pi.cific Inc., Seattle. Wash. GROCERY SALESMAN One who thorough ber. industrious and be able to furnish best of neierencea. Apply. '10.A- Superintendent's office. Olds, Wortman & Kins. . TRAVELING salesman, must bs well posted on office system anu u.., .... nr aee. salary expected. AB 8.8, Ore gonlan. COUPLE for llrht Janitor work In apt. house, where man nua u ","F,i 7' free apt., light, water, etc., and small sal .rv Phonf Home A 1355 O 835, Ore- gonian. WANTED Competent boot keeper to take rharee of set Ol aouuie iuj . narn hnndwrit ne. riving rei- erencei and salary expected. V r" gonian, HiGHKST price paid for second-hand furni ture; we must nave the good. Michigan Furniture Co. Mar. lb'22, 1G4 1st St. WiLL pay Dest prices. Marshall 1682. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. USKD CARS. One Cadillac bug, 1173. One Overland. -pas., $173. One Overland. 5-pass., $1:10. One Cole tt. $.100. LONO SILVA. 4tt- Hawthorne ave. $T.o0 AND UP $7.50. Can Marshall ll'-'V). or -Ja Madison st. to acll your castoff clothing;. J. Meyer, The Tailor, pays $7.50 and up for second-hand suits, lie pays more for shoes and other clothing. We call any where In the city day or evening. Call Ala rah all lull, or Madison. -( .f-v.i man npat aDDean nee, muat be sin- per'ience required; ateadv work, good pay; chance of advancement. Call to 1J. Mr. Uilhuui. Carlton Jlole . . . v man Inr receivina i-teii. VVxempt from ura f .-wl-,o is looking for a future, oy iocai vinv . ufacturers; give references, past expert ence. D UU7, uresomi j. LAbuHEKS wanted for inside and outside work; good wages, permanent employ- menu For intormaticu 08 Oregon ll.rtM. ehlrlea, Alle. ACI'.t.S In Southwestern Waoblngtoa "E ARK rloelng out our .ntire .cork, con nr mi., to Mttl.r. oniy. Ilu.ll ... v t.rm. and h pnctn tl pr .. r. and up. Writ. I-jr n'.p siin.ir.c iora-iun. t.rtis etc n.iLHi;i :;ii Tiviitin imiPASr, T.com. BMg . T..-oma. Waaa. ;h und.r hih .rat. of cuitiv.tlnn .r e-v api.: . be. ring fruit trees, .t-rtne. .il. Tm-.H. on n-.aln Co. road- 4- h "i-. bam. oulb'UMlrga A s-nuln. lv. t.fm ilou. k. lit litb st. r.o r r.-t i in. .i.ratpt land In Clark. . . nine, iro.-n Vancouver. S mil. from .t.ttun, .n eloctric iin.. on ceoJ roaj can 11 l 2 tra-t 10 and 11 acre.- aaay .(. i..u Buy lnter...t In a .13 uoo " ot tn. Dei.1 .o.i and gral n li-.e :: owner isnnot h.n- M'""t 11 .on- put ron.tuer soin. trau. .. ,,-r-nip. . ,. i n.moer or Umn.m.. -. MRU. T rals from Gsston. r.in.titt;i. a pruu... a. app. :c ; f. r bulitiinga. I'riC. Iiwl B.tea i.AS'.on. -r. -0 a a P.r J. a. lillCkEV. Nr I'or? .rni. ilci'irllnd. FRUIT. UARDEV UlSVIln in.l; IT to 1- k -i.. bet ii. farm, for sale, .ii'tu... 'J Teon k.ia... i-ortiand. AN lln.l rnnt. nlnr : a. rea on Pug.t -aa i-artiruiars . .. . ,-..r. n-r.-on. o.. a-a. ,'.t:u-i,n' water, good i term.. l.nJa Io arr. uD. running S t.a.bl.. .moloym.oi Je.. R. Sharp, ajv, U .t. VTri KKtL TT.TE. AM In th. mark.t f..r a good mo.lern and lot. niuj.1 b. w.Uun r.a-on.b.. di.tane. fror-i bu.meM ....tion of ray '"O l-..'-I on p.e. .tree. What hav. rer Inr ca..h. Ad.lrm f O b" 5-l. Pertlan.l I WANT a S or tt-roora bursal. with rarac In I-.ur,hurl or Ro.. illy P.rk; client -1. in ci.ymr.. il. Tine. Ur.IOll b.J. Hrn..wy ltk'.V Pr,.i aiK c'l.it wa-lHnr Iioim. A..me.ta Park. Him 4'tfjf Park or aov other real. lent d,. trl aroin.l joo. About S.Iimi ra.h " njorm.y. J. c Cor bin Company. oJ Di.lS. Le. In IKVKV or 1 iht-room monern hoiu. or bun IH sar.se- n f .. - - . v " " ' nr. tn r r.t ,-,r. Otst K.-H, lrr(oillaa CI-IrT will buy 1-roorn tuniilo. near B..t :.th and A'Kerta etrt., pri.- ori'ter l.-'MMt Par t;. or fv t..n h.L mnih!T, iMj.l.rJ Wlrarlrli. Ptar letuig of 1 span marea, 6 ..r. old. S'uO it,. : t .pan of marea, d and year. old. w.igblng 40 II.; I .p.n marea. a ears viu. .i. jiw o. span mare and year. old. wt. Ida; 1 span marea, wt. -.m lba; 1 .pan registered Percb.ron mare 4 and 5 year. eld. wt. 700; 1 .pan oa.a. .i. -kjii id.; 1 span, gray mare. h"A L'tiO" in.; on. .pan dappl. iron a anu o year. old. wt. 3CJOI lba.; 1 .pan, mar. and bar... 4 and year. ohl. wi. i .pan matcne! gray.. 6 year. oio: t .pan marea. a ami a years eld; l brown mar.. 7 year. old. wt. 11 JO; 1 brown gelding, S year old. wt. UjO; 2 et. uouti. ii narnesa. 1 farm waron. AU stork guarantd. Call and e. iheM Mndjwin. mare, befor. buying. 10 Laat oi n ana .Main. SPAN of b.ark mar. .nil gelding. and 7 je.r. o.d. wt. ll.xl lb... good worker, and ounn ; s.'iu. bpan or m.rea -tt'0 lba. and ears old. free of blemishes, tru. to work: SJ..J. Also som. well-msled youog teams weighing from 14oo lo liUO ids., st Mortal yt.ble.. atn inq Davis. au HHbL team, welcht 3-'u0. good lit. and good workers. -l-J. Hay team, welaht ;..'Hi. at to C. th. best of worker, or I rror.ey r.iunded. IJOO. K ick horse, weight 1 jr.u. Jul 11th at. No., corner F.an- I cers TWO good work horses, sound, about 1200-1 1 11" .bs.. property of stat. of Oregon, tee I i .jit. i op. .n, r.rt.soa Kiaing Academy. n. Jolinsun. BAT flllr. B year. old. Orar. McKlnn.r. daughter of th. great MrKlnn.v. band- "mi. brok.n for lady or child; price lluo. s.e AlllfT .t. Bl'A. or young mar. L ZteOO lba. .oun.L ahort-h.ired. fat and working eiery day. C.tta; ain farm wagon and harnea. cheap. "wHjirti. r- inn rinqy. Kult ALfc: Sis head heavy work ho me a. with or w ithout h.rnreji. Portland au A pifini i o.. inrn and Kearney .ts. DFAD HOPSF.S and animals hauled awaw free. Cortland Kend.rtng Co. Call Wood- iswn -u. KOl'R head good farm work h.rsea loon to ilia. ,. eai-h; sim z-y.ar-o.d colt, 120a. i'e a I Aider .u StuVeitAL good horses snd mini, will sell rrt.-ip. Anlersoa llros. Stables, 2d and jeueraon .ts. UbAl stock .nd od horses bought. Ca.l us tor s.rvir. .od beat cash resulta all;- IIIKIH 9-J. DRMTEKT wagons ani horses for" cheap. a K. 7lh .t. North. TA.. JEM lew car; 7-paMenger. an al most new car: aootllaht. bumper and par. tiro Included, ov.rythlng In perfect condition; .MM), i.rma. PKACTICALLY brand new Kord. with I s'.artcr arid Mllier brakes; snap; terms. I'hone laln lloi. Iii7 liHA.NT, In perfect condition, looks and I runa like nea: will sacrifice for cash. I tianer. .Main s). SLIGHTLY used tires. 13 to $15 each: vul canized. 25c: tire repairing. 207 Madison. PHONE MAIN 4"7ti. 2D-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOU. PATS HIUHKST PHICES FOR MEN'S AXU LADIES' CLOTHING. SHOES. ETC. WE CALL ANY PART OK THE CITY. PHONE MAIN 477. 2411 FIRST STREET. BETWEEN MAIN' AND MADISON. WANTED Auto tire repairman; must be able to give best of reference as to abll fty and honesty; Kate .alary P;ted. Idaho Tlre& Bubbei Co., Boise. Idaho YOUNG man for off I .-e and outside work ; mus T operate typew iter and turnlslt good referencea. Ad.ires. stating balary ea pected, A 4S, uregjnian. MAN who thoroughly understand. Khnd milker; kooc wages; steady jou. nea? Portland. Kobert Athon. Bit Hotel. Id tr 12 A. M. Automobiles H anted. Ford PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. Broadway i-l. 10ia and Burnslde. USED CAR SPKCIALA 1917 Butrk. light tt. extra equip $ Or.0 Oldsinoblle a io;o 1V17 bcrlpps-Booth r Mltchetl tt. touring 6(0 1H1T studebaker, I-passenger 12 lrlO 'alli:ac 200 Aubufn touring 1 Kurd with ettra equipment. OLDb.MOBIl.E CO.. OK OREGON, Broadway and Couch, Broadway 1H4i. YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO PUT IT OFF Buy that uned car now before the law of supply and demand forces you to pay more lor leas vaiue. look uiese over: Chalmers, model VA Ilka new S 7 Willys-Knight, a dandy 8 50 Dodc roadster, they are scarce.... A. Chalmers 6-30. a great buy l0o Chalmers tt-30. Winter top attach ment 1030 WfcoTERN MOTOR CAR SALES CO., Broadway at Burnwlde Street. LONG A RlLVA'S Auto Wrecking Dent. We hare parts for the following cars at bo per cent to Id per cent ozt me list: Vtudebakera, - Chalmera Xllchigao. Hudson, Ovenaud. E. at. F. Wtnton. Pope-Hartford. Knaaiea. Radiators, Windshields. Uag neioa. Carburetors. Lamps, etc. for leas thin one-hair price. 462 Hawthorne ave. Phone E. 6840. FORDS. FOHD&. lt14 Roadster, newly painted. 191. Roadster. 1H13 Touring. 1U14 Touring. Touring bodies, painting, trimming. KOBINSON-riMlTH CO.. Authorized Ford Dealers. Sixth at Madison. BRAND-NEW tax on roadster, never been uel. electric lights, starter and de mountable rims, at discount of $H0 down will buy this. Used Car Exchange, 111 Washington, where Wash, and Bum side meet. Cl-Jr'.T want 5-room bungalow. St John iitri4-t or-frr-., $-J cah a4, f3 monthly. t.o-!4-rd Wl-drtk 4 J Qfark. 1.I AT y.ur i.l.j buyers CoM Jr?l it W F. g -v-l U, Mae W.n Ik ANT h--n run u larra L i f vyxdtiK-k, for house equity r P M. not over ; Tabor 22i4. svAi. H A.r. -od arrears eMlty In hoUe. pref-r .aorihofnt. A M 7T . Orefonlan. Cr-NTKAL apirtmmt UP to far my V A NT to btiv bo 9 f.v STmi si"ur-in rnme: musl cin. a r; Sit, ortcnniin. ?k ANTrirW-Srrn" rRM rvrrn. .nl. must Or. be bargain. MK RrT-MRM. f.fRK trat and 4-rm brTIe. cht-kn house. Sv-i Ablngtoa b;dg. hous-. f "ilt and U r. Thtboau. bKAU stock taken quickly; we pay the most for tfeaj and crippled stock. Tabor 42v&. POR PAt.K or trad, team, wagoa and har- na-i. l I V.mmt Tioga st. pTtT-r-e, Organs and Muatrml I oat rsi meat a. 11 tt;.iH home a piant. $! a player pi sno. balance or $10 monthly; suhiact io eacnanae wimin on rear, alio win full amount paid. Mchwaa ptaae Ca, 111 Fourth st. PIANOS TUNED. X Ceorge T peck. Tabor A374. raL New lung. Conservatory. FULL CASHVALUK PAID Tr Records. Phonographs, Musical Inatrn men Newman. Main 44V l.'t First. Vl'TROLA and records, Thor washing ma chine f.r sal cheap. Call Bdwy. J7o. Christopher apt. IL RENT a plana, moet reasonable terms In I I'ortianc ; no squares or thump boiea. Haro'd S Cii Kert. 4 Ttmh!!! st. WILL exefcenge n w 10S electric Orafoneia for plsno. H H. Pottermlller. Phane Broad -way T' on we a daya WILL evrhange new. atl-areund Brunswlrk phonnenpo for plane, bou-e BrosL. lttS kwToKtj, gears, bearings, wheels, axles: we wreck ill makes of cars and sll their parta at half price. Auto Wrecking Co.. s'J-Pl-SS North Broadway. 1V17 CHEVROLET touring. In excellent me chanical condition, only been driven few 10O mites. Used Car Exchange. 17 Well ington, where ah. and Burimlde meeL TO trade for Ford or used 5-pasaenger, property consisting or a-story house, wood shed, garage and barn, bricked well. Jot to x 100, an free Incumbrance, located aiout 2 blocks from depot, Salem Klec tne and facing mail, county road. Phone Main tlhJT. WANTED Opportunity to learn the auto mobile Dullness from a selling standpoint; am willing to start at the bottom; will b real asset to firm willing to teach. A l) 47, Oregonjan. SECOND-HAND clotbiaa wants. 4. Meyer, the tailor, pays $. 50 and up for suits; he pays more for shoes and clothing. We call anywhere In the city, day or evening. Mar shall 1229 or L'.'O Madison. OUR speciaity Is buying ladles' and gents' cast-oil clothing. Highest cash price paia. Will call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 325 or 1!00 Madison St. WE PAY soot cash for late model cars. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 527 Wash. Where Washington and Burnslde meet. WANTED An electric generator with low voltage and high ampere; must be In good condition. App.y to W. J. tSullivan. '20 Urand ave. " ' THE GLOBE PATS HIGHEST PRICES' FOR MEN'S AND LADIES' 2D-HAND CLOTHING. I HOES, ETC. 285 FIRST. MAIN 2080. tl- . v-.-fc-ri Hov toT arn trade; Gay work. tuVKoVnigh i iool; must be 16 yean iu" see S. D. Dowoy. basement OrefioniaL TWO coupon solicitors of good appearance. afviiK vhp oiuuio, oponane, w asn. AGENTS at once. Sell 50c per month hos pitaltlckef. 206 Corbett bldg. Help Wantted Salesmen. WANTED Experienced nursery salesman ; get out of the old commission rut and. make more money; four times aa much; brand-new proposition; cash weekly. Klra berly Nurseries, Kimberly, Idaho. SALESMAN Rustler can make $40 to $60 per week by selling popular souvenir to enlisted men ; permit secured ; personal bond required. Ask lor Mr. iloerber, St. Elmo. Vancou v e r. WANTED A salesman for men's tailoring; one who understands window-dressing ; permanent position, good saiary. Answer will be confidential. N 75, Oregon 1 an. WANTED All-around city salesman, on who can sell. AE 275, Oregonian. HELP WANTED-FEMALE. TTPISTS and girl wanted for addressing en velopes by hand. Apply at once. 222 Stark street. TEACHERS. We need your services during the Sum mer, secure position now, state education, age, phone No. AV lOtt, Oregonian. YOUNG lady, of neat appearance, for city work ; one with magazine or newspaper subscription preferred. Apply 904 Spald ing bidg. . BRIGHT, neat girl, good at mathematics, for statistical wont in uptown on ice or large corporation; $75 per month; no beginners. A SB9, Oregonian. WANTED Good, strong woman to do hand washing; must understand good washing; good pay, steady work. Apply In person. Crystal Laundry Co. WANTED A young lady for office work; accurate with figures; apply in own hand writing, givlnjr phone number; salary $7 a week to start. P 742, Oregonian. GROCERY SALESWOMAN Must be thor oughly competent. Best or reierenees re quired. Apply Superintendent's office, 9 to 10 A. M., olds, Wortman &. King. WANTED Bookkeeper and stenographer, for ship supply lirm. Fosition open reb. 1. State wages and experience. P 7U1, Oregonian. WANTED Girl answer phone and do type writing invoices and some corresponaence. Position open Feb. 1. BO 775, Oregonian. CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en- 1 gagementa, no traveling. Apply casino T he ater GIRL wanted to take care of children $25 per month. Call 00 u iiti bl, uear tner-man. WANTED Washington Hlph School girl to assist in exchange lor room, ooara ana small compensation. Call Tabor 12U7. ONE law stenographer, $75; one stenogra pher, $S5; one bookkeeper, o; one dook keeper. $100. 301 N. W. bauk bldg. WANTED Two children to care for In my own home; prerer cniiarun 4 to years of age; reasonable price. Tabor 8537. ANTED Experienced waitress, G-hour shift. Apply Multnomah Athletic Club dining-room, 5S1 Salmon at. Mar. 51S0. ANTED Woman to do Janitor work 3 hours each morning. Apply 435 Washing- ' ton st. ' NY girl in need of a friend apply to the Salvation Army itescue no me, ouj n.aaL . 15th st. N., or phone East 123. XPEKlEaVCKD chocolate dipper, steady work, good wages; no phones, can at ol Grand ave. URSE State age, experience, references and other particulars, cottage urove n- pital. Cottage prove, ur. ANTED Experienced cook for family 2 adults, 3 children; no washing or nursing; references. Tabor 1207. . PRIVATE home for children 3 to 12 years old; IB years exp. ii laveren- .uar. iq- ANTED Trimmers and makers. Register Muller & Ross Co. RL.S In confectionery, experience unneces sary. 555 hoou street. ANTED Errand girl. Call o'clock. 0051 Northwest bldg. before lo WSDSo2lS Snrrarlose iA Varline: also 2 bolt splineis, hours, can Omen st. WANTED at once, sn experiences tP ADpHcSuon. confidentially trea.ed. rTi-QAUTi." -PRINTER who Is printer RfP.iI .1 : idi and make up; $1S to cuwue. i" - . i aj,itVi R.nH flash. a N'TKD Wai tress for short -hour work. Apply at once. Union Depot lunch counter. ANTED Experienced millinery makers. nquire Wonder Millinery, otn ana Aiaer. WANTED -209 H 1st - Chambermaid for hotel, st. Call WANTED Young, first-class manicurist. Board of Trad Barber Shop. 4th and Oak. imrt with. ...ira vsrv hi eh ace Co., Astoria, or. PANY, KV.l.l,lNt-. rtovJx ''J-- TURN your machine Into money. I have 8 acres potatoes not dug that I win give for a good car. labor 3Ut. BEST cash prices paid for used oil ice fur niture. DesKs, chairs, riles for sale or rent. Pacific Stafy & Ptg. Co., 107 2d st. WILL pay cash for best lata model Dodge, Bulck or Oakland. Main 1903. 60o-9 Chamber of Co mm ere. $50 MAHOGANY Kimball plan player and music case zor auioinooue. x td, ore gonian. 5 ' WANTED A kitchen cabinet; must be In good, condition and cheap. Phon East 7.142. EQUITY and furniture for sale; I will trade xor -anytning useiui. rial xor renu raone Main 2001). WANTED jFord roadster; must b in good condition and cheap for cash. BF 08. Oregonian. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4627, or 204 First st. i-. !7lCi.iftn li ii. Laundry Co., 180 sieauy pus. - 4rand ave. WANTED-Drlvar for wet wash lundry jrora. ow -" . . . . ..ulna n 1f ror ABIUU. week ApVy In person at Auto Keconstruc tlon Co.. 3d and Gils in Bts. man. between 40 and 60 yrs. of (, housa- :ui hot montli. Doaro. anu . . Call 12 M.. 24 Couch streeu WANTED Ford delivery body. Tabor 7700. Automobiles for Hire. WANTED Oak, ash and black locust bolts. C. H. Webber, Lumbermeai bldg., Port land. Or. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVER FOR HIRI 7-pass. car with driver. LONG SILVA. 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. Phon. E. 6840. FULL, vaius paid for second-hand goods and junk. CMll Slam .BJ. CASH for furniture. and rer-ords. Main musical lOHfl. Instrument. NFW AUTOS FOR HIRfiS WITHOUT BATHTKB Full valua paid for second-hand batntun. jiain ouon. DRIVER. SEE G. X. SMITH, 121 NORTH i WILL repair your watch at Reingold s. TU1RI) ST. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO., THIRD AND GLISAN 8TS. Jewelers. 1-4 Fifth, near Washington. NEW SAXON 6, highway, depots, funerals. railing, shopping. reasonaPI.. r.ast io?- CASH for furniture, musical instruments and fKUIUB. iMHlll IUITC7. AUTOS without driver for hire. rashlon G a rag., 10th and Yam hill. War. 233, A 12-yO. 5-PAHS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling. shopping, highway. Broadway 3.-4 i. HUDSON super-sll. Inclosed car. day ( night. Ceo. Turney. Main 50B5. A iua. JUNK. rags, sacks, bottles, metals, old fur- niture, clothing; good prices. East 8054. STICKPIN; glv. price, draw design and send description to T 2i0, Oregonian. GOOD piano wanted; half trade and half casn. Marsnan mou. ask lor rmncis. WANTErSalesmen to .ak. J,"7."""v ,V..rv Company. Salem. Or. WANTED Good boy for newspaper office must be wiHllng. Apply bth floor Orego after 10 A. M aTl'-"aROUXD blacksmith wanted, married man- giv. Place last worked Good Job K? right man. J. K. Xel.on. Dayton. Or. LAWYER to take established Plce only iimii to Income tir.0 to start. B 202, Oregonian. YOUNG man to tmvgtton j(llJB KrrVZ Can'ow. Drug" Store, Ti a oovbH wnnteri for Stanileid, uregon. and Chehalls. Wash. Apply Lewis-Steng er Barhers' Supply Co. HUDSON super-six. inclosed caj nicht. Geo. Turney. Main riOOft, , day o A 1409. WANT to buy chair and oriole. 1710. Phone B NEW S-paB. Dodge for hir. touring, call ing, shopping, highway. Main 74. WINCHESTER and Remington automatl A pump shotguns wanted. Hochfeld, S5 3d. Machlarry. HELP WANTED MALK. 0 MILES G0-lh. steel rails. 4'.t sets Russell logging truens. 17 other car. 4 I,ocomotlves. Seattle donkeys anfV other equipment, Now available lor a s.nv.e and ortgina logging operation. A a hOX Uregonian. n.-SAf ivi4 t ora touring car, newly painted and overhauled: good tires; $22$ casi itH'i ii. i it i a moo a si. FoK SALK Studebaker touring car, model. In good condition. This is a bur fa in. D W2. Oregonian. lfU real 11)14 FoRD roadster, with ehock absorbers. u'firr firi-. a& conatiion, terms given. H roadway 137 FORD delivery, with panel top. car llke new; term If desired. Broadway BL iCK light 6 roadster for sale very reason ao.e. 0S N. tito st. Ol.DPMOBIIaE. 1017. same new, 6-pass 6-cyi. : baTKntn. Tabor ;.4n. WHITE aV-iaa.. Tabor 50O in good conuition. I'hun DELIVERY hour small) at your oan pricr. SfcH K. 44:h St. NEW F o r 1 t o u rl r cheap. Tabor m car body. J17 FORD touring rr, given. Broadway 1572. FOR HALE 40 H. P. Foos gas engln. 30 K. W . D. C. generator and 111) celis, 1000 amD. hour storase battery, good aa new, cheap. 220 volt apparatus. AV 296. Ore gonian. FULL complete set of machinery for laun dry on foreclosure, for reasonable price for F.e. vin.in o.v.i. ii otoos st. FOR SALE Kcynolds-forhss engine, 20x42, in good condition. Fairbanks. Morse ft Co., h. 1st st. SEVERAL boilers, etc. cheap. W 71s, Ore gonian. Miacelianeoun. 5 POOL tables and 1 billiard table, with the complete outrun, win sucririce for quick le. Cull at 2'iO Flanders, near 3d North. iKVKKAL good terond-hand safes at the r:ht price 4(1 Front st. Broadway 1106. SA LE Second-hand safes, all K M . 1 1 A M S, F in h and u k St s. . P. General Electric motor for sale or I M A K h ihe pur whole-wheat flour. Cail Wo0ian 3tiTi; will toll you all about it. ."Ei '('.NT)-1 1 A NI gAsollne pumps and tank n" :iir rninprrffotf, cheap. 471 Wash. GAhDbA manure for aaie. Sell wood 206. BOTS. If you are 76 or over and can ret wheel, I can give you steady employment with a chance to earn from 100 to $100 per m on in. ELMER I. BAILET, 203 Oak Street. RuDilAX, su-rvey party, 965 and board. Ap p!y 21 N. 2d St.. 8 A. M. WANTED Night clerk for small hotel; perlenced. O 843, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED elevator boy wanted; give piioue nuinoer. i oregonian. JANITOR for morning work. Euclid Hotel, WANTED Boy for delivery car. 709 Haw- tnorne or cast , a 114S. BARBERS wanted, to sell our new Electrlo Hair cutting Machine. 86 6th. BOY wanted. Bowman Bros., 3d and Burn- sine, . WANTED Collector. Give phon number and address. BF 6."i, Oregonian. THE Hotel Arthur. 170 11th St., desires serv- l-ps or an experienced clerk: good wages. SALESMAN for stationery and stamp good. YOUNG man for general helper In printing .nf fl- I W Rearer Oft TTI.-1. . U11' BAKUEii wanted, steady job, 234 Firat st. MAN with gardening experience to help on farmT Call Broadway o7. between 11 and 12. or write AD 400, Oregonian. CLERK Capable ottlce ciera.; gouu penman; C ir eorooratioii. Apply room 502, Park and Oak sts. SADDLE! and harness makers, "t.ciaw Z chanlcs. Apply the P. J. Cronln Co., 1.9 First st. WANTED Experienced marker and sorter; steady work, good pay. Apply in person- Crystal Laundry Co. GOOD quick shoemaker wanted at once ; steady work year round. Jim, the Shoo WANTED First-class ad writer and sales man for department store. AD 771, Ore- gonian. WANTED An advertising solicitor for for eign-language wceMj. vjww-j y-j-experience and phone. O Sa9, Oregonian. MEN wanted to work, on river sieamooais. $50 a mourn ana ouwu. aw. ton-st. dok. seat girl for dining-room. iiSO GIRL wanted, confectionery and cigar store. 4f514 Wash, st. . LAUNDRESS wanted at SMlwood Hospital, 575 Harney ave. Phone Sellwood 347. Wanted Domestics. WANTED Woman for general house work for two. Phone mornings. Mar shall 763. RELIABLE girl lor general housework; must be good plain cook: Rood home and kind treatment; no washing: $25, Call in store from 1 1 until 2 or 4 lo 6. Mrs. Hert, lolO Sandy blvd. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework In convenient home In mall town, 100 miles from Portland; wages $45. AV 323. Oregonlnn. WANTED Woman for general housework , for 2; phone evenings, Marshall 703. WANTED Woman to come In and do do mestic work In small family; hours 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. K. E. Boswurth, 208 Cor bett bldg. Marshall 635 GIRL, or woman, wanted. AH electrical conveniences, email iamny, kuuu no inc. Tabor 3170. . WANTED Competent second maid ; must speak French. Call mornings. ooJ jonnson st. References required. GIRL for general housework. 734 Main St., near St. Clair. Appiy mornings, runno Main 0070. WANTED Ctrl for general housework; must be good plain cook; no wasning. ocw. GGfl. WANTED A girl for general housework in family or 2 annua; reierenees. r-none mornings. Tabor 3(2l. W A NTE D E 1 de rl y 1 ad y id lady; room ana apes. 04 Thurman. to take care of board and small WANTED A Competent girl for general housework; smMtl irtmiiy. rnone - ii.a.'u 2005. 621 East 10th North. WANTED Good nurpe gir! or woman for 2 children; no housework; gooa wages. 850 Marshall st. GIRL for housework; eood wages. 40S -V 32d St., Willamette it eights. Main WANTED Girl for general housework. Call 647 Marguerite ave. rtienmona car. ( GIRL wanted lor light housework. Apply 29 K. 33d. WANTED Girl for general housework. Cail HS9 Alder for Information. COMPETENT cook to do some general housework, iio ivearney. 3iain ;tjn. SALESMAN, Kood salary. Apply In person. 203 Washington st. WANTED Experienced man for piano mov ing truck. Sherman, ciay ae o. MACHINE man wanted. Freeland Furniture Co., 070 Macaaam st. GIHL for general housework ; no washing; good wages. Fnone i-.ast GIRL for general housework, cooking. 317 Cornell rd. Mar. 4787. WANTED Girl for general housework; only 3 adults in family. Phone Main 4801. WANTED Office boy In architect's office; give telephone. ai sow, oregonian. PRESSFEEDER wanted. ery, 3d and Taylor. Rose City Print- EXPERIENCED window cleaners wanted. Apply 201 Henry omg. WANTED A bell boy. Call Broadway 3413. ark for manager. WANTED Young man for general work around store, hnerraan, ciay A Co. WANTED A N. 11th st. boy to deliver horses. BOY for office and 375, Oregonian. messenger work. AP EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework. 704 Irving. Main 8235. LADY for general housework; no washing. B car. 483 East 25th st. North. STRONG girl for ho usework. M ain M04. HELP WANTED MATE OR FEMALE. U. S. GOVERNMENT. STENOGRAPHERS WANTED. Uncle Sam will employ every gra-duate of our Civil Service course at salaries of from $1000 to $2000 a year. Positions guaranteed all graduates. Enroll now. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 10th and Morrison, Portland, Or. Phones: Main 50S3. A 3465. TEACHER WANTED AU kinds of teach ing positions. M. 4835. Flsk Teachers' Agency.