1? TTIE MORXTXG OREGOXIAN, THURSDAT, JANUARY 31, 1918. DRIVE AIDED Much Railroad Equipment to Be Turned Over at Once. TONS OF RAILS ARE LOADED Ualrrlal. Morrd Away on Comple tion r Unr of Jetty Projects Alone Coa-t. Rushed to Assist Dig Work in Lumber Camps. r.HroJ qulpment. uch tel rail, froa-a. twitches and even rolling tack, formerly in use on projects of the Corps of llniclneera. U. 8. A- In the first and second I'ortland districts, will pUy a larice part in setting out spruce for the Army, as It has been arranged that such crar. for which there Is no longer a necensity by virtue of the fact the projects have been completed, can be disposed of to contractors setting out spruce. About 33 tons of rails were loaded yesterday at the government moorings, the material having been stored there on the completion of one of the Jetty projects along the coast. Other out fits there have been sold to spruce ramps In the vlrlnltv and more has been moved from The Palles-Celllo Canal, m here considerable track was In eervire during the construction of that waterway. I'suallr the Government offers such property for sale after condemnation or after specific projects bave been de clared finished, but in the present big drive to obtain spruce for aeroplane stork. Colonel Zinn. Corps of fc.ngin eers. U. S. A.. In charge of the dis tricts here, recommended to Washing ton that the railroad gear be sold to tho assisting; In spruce production, it being needed for logging camps and certain nilllyard purposes. The mat tr was so arranged and In disposing of the equipment the purchaser paya a reasonable market value and. aa all of It I available for prompt shipment. he doea not have to wait the aame as If delivery waa depended on from Eastern plants, as well aa the shipments being subject to certain changes In market Quotations. Little railroad equipment or plant machinery that had been operated in connection with Jetty projecta has been sll"wed f become useless As Jettle were under way at me mourn 01 me Columbia, property on the south Jetty n shifted across to the north side and Impressed Into service and when the north Jetty was completed almost a year ago. the equipment waa assigned to other Government work, only that discarded as no longer fit being dis posed of aa Junk. In assisting in the production of spruce, rails, locomotives and cars are hichly valuable and It la regarded most fortunate that the Government had storks on hand that could be drawn on by the contractors. wishing to Join the Navy, but first de sire such advantages aa a nautical school might offer aa a means of more rapid advancement when actually in service. COAST fcKIlVICi; IS AKIUXGKD Support I'rjted for Bandon and Yaquina I la 7 Vessels. In a circular Issued by the Chamber of Commerce, from the office of Sec retary lMdon. It la announced that the Columbia Navigation Company has es tablished a service from Portland to Bandon. using the gasoline schooner Koaraer. and from I'ortland to New- port. Waldport. Toledo and Taft with the gasoline schooner . L. Smith. The plan Is for a weekly service at present. The line. It Is said, will be permanent If patronage Is dependable, and the company will provide carriers to meet requirements above the present ton nage. The Roamer and r. L. braith will reach communities at present with out direct service with Portland, and large amount of merchandise will no doubt be carried during the com Ing season. AMrgEMZWTS. ' 1 City Mall Orders ew " HEILIG Braadiray at Taylor. Mala 1 and A 1122. ) ROT THIS WEEK, BUT NEXT I Til I RS, KM, S AT, FEB. 7, 8. ft, OLIVER MOBOSCO'S THE BIRD OF PARADISE KVrTS Floor 1.60; Balcony II. 75c, 60c; Gallery 60a peelal Price Mat. Sat. Floor $1; Balcony U. Tie, 60c; Gallery 60c. Portland, failed Steamer 'Willamette. Sao Pedro. for .Marine Noles. 8AV FRANCISCO. Jan. 80. Arrived Steamers. Celllo. from Everett: Willamette. Johan Poalsen. from Astoria; Acme, Eliza beth, from Bandon. Balled Steamer Trini dad, for Astoria. SEATTLE. Jan. SO Arrived Steamers Curacao, from Alaska: Pulton from Van There were ISO travelers aboard the liner Beaver. Caotaln Rankin, when she got away from Alnswortb dock shortly after S o'clock I couver. B. C called Steamer Skagway. for yesterday afternoon, bound lor California I eon tsiatteley. harbors. She "cleaned up all freight on iim.r Fort i.ixe is vimied Shippers Asked to Patronise Steam ers to Prevent Withdrawal. To Induce shippers to accord the Emerald line of steamers more patron ace In the way of southbound business, the Chamber of Commerce la calling attention of a number of firms to a statement from the San Francisco head quarters of the fleet, to the effect the vessels would be withdrawn unless more business was obtainable here. V. t. R. Iodsoii. secretary of the Chamber, aaid yesterday that It waa Intended to go into the altuation care fully in an endeavor to ascertain why trade which their owners expected was not given. The San Francisco A Tort land Hoe. with the steamers Beaver and Rose City, has voiced no complaint on the score of poor patronage, and. as the Kmerald line is the only other serv ire competing for southbound Califor nia patronage by water, it had been taken for granted there waa plenty of trade for both. the dork awaltlns shipment to the Bear state. Only passenger were permitted on the main dock, visitors being stopped at the office. In accordance with regulatlone now la effect. For her first voyage the new auxiliary schooner Carmen. huh la being finished at the alcCachern Ship Company's yard at Astoria, will carry lumber to Sydney and is to load a return cargo for Portland. Advires to A. O Andersen a- Co. of this city, relative to the auxiliary schooner Es peranra. which put Into Tokohama a few fiavs ago on account of piston rods being broken on the engines, and ether damage, are that most of her cargo will be dis charged and repairs effected there, after wblrti ahe proceeds to Shanghai. Two offshore lumber carriers exchanged berths yesterday, taa auxiliary schooner Pauline shifting from the North Pacific to the M. Johns mill and the schooner Lottie su Johns and Ldnnton. on the Will- ASTORIA. Or.. Jan. 80. Arrived down at T P. a!., motor schooner Mount Rainier, for Caliao. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 29 Sailed at P. M. steamer F. A. Kllburn, for Portland. SAN PEDRO, Jan. 29. Arrived Steamer Klamath, from Portland for San Diego. Ar rived steamer Rose City, from Portland. PORT BAN LUIS. Jan. 29. Arrived Steamer J. A. Chanslor. from Portland. AMUSEMENTS. John HTAMfl McIN'TYRE LellarVal- anova Troupe; Felix Bernard A Eddie Janls KITH ROVE: Apdale's Zoological Cirrus IIARRT BEBE8FOKD CO.! STUABT BARNES. " 1 -urn. ! Si 1. - 1. 3 BAKER ALCAZAR PLAYERS Tonight, All 'Week. Mat. Sat. "IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE" Greatest comedy hit In years. Evenings. 25c. 60c. 75c. Mats.. 25c, SOo Next Week. The Cachastened Woaaaa TTJANTAGEi 1 MAT. DAILY 2:30 HARBOR JLIXES ARE EXTENDED War Department Approves Those Proposed on Lower River. Establishment of harbor lines below Bennett hauled up from the St. Johns plant te the North Panfic. The ateamer Daley Putnam, after die charging her cargo of asphalt yesterday. amette. is provided for through action of the War Department in approving proposed extensions, aa recommended went to Vest port te load lumber for ban I by the district officer. Lines adopted as announced from the office of Col onel Zinn. Corps of Engineers. U. 8. A., as follows: Beginning on the east bank, in front of St. Johns, at a point where the Una approved June 6. 1900, terminates, and extending northerly along the river front, to a point nearly opposite Willamette Slough. Beginning on the west bank opposite sL Johns, at a point where the line approved June 6. 1900. terminates, and extending northerly along the river front to the head of Willamette Slough Maps showing the lines as approved can be seen at this office. KranrlM-o. While easterly weather yesterday chilled Inlanders, report from the mouth or thi Columbia River were of favorable weather for mariners, an east wind being on at 5 o'clock In the afternoon, having a velocity ef enly eight miles an hour and accom panied by a smooth sea. Bound here from San Francisco, the steamer Santa Monica reported In the river yesterday with boiler trouble. Repairs de. talned her at Astoria during the day. She win lead a part cargo at bulla en the way upstream. Pacific Coast Shipping Notes. "THE BRIDE SHOP " Wltk Eddie V ogt and His Own Company. A Aevr lork Beauty Chorus. Six Other Blar Acta. Three Performances Daily. Night Cur tain at and 9. CSICAL STOCK LYRIC' Hat. Dally at t:S0: Nights at 7:80 All this Week. DILLON FRANKS. In a bowling new musical comedy success. IN WRONG" Tonight, Valuable Souvenir Spoon to All FrMsv- Ladies. rhoni fllrN Contest. STATE CCARD REMEMBERED Men on 'lgli Duly irt Warm Quar ters at Some Plants. In appreciation of the fact that the system of using military guards on the waterfront may become permanent for the period of the war. most plants are providing quarters for the men. so that those off post during the night may have a place to keep warm, and during rainy conditions dry their unl forms. Some have even added to the welcome of the guards by having hot coffee during the night. As the Oregon State Guard force Is operating under the general plan of the police department for protecting the waterfront. Harbormaster Speier has Interested himself In the welfare of the men and obtained concessions In the way of quarters. As the placing ef military guards has eliminated the necessity of shipyards, lumber mills and such establishment having to put n a number of private watchmen, they have readily taken steps to make the duty of the state troops more pleasant. SAXTA MOXICA IS TROUBLE Johan Poolen Stays Alongside Cntil Repairs Are Made. MARSH FT K L.D. Or, Jan. JO (Spe cial.) The vessel atanding off.hor Monday In tow of a steam schooner was gone Tuesday when daylight appeared, and the schooner with the rarco had passed on southward. It was believed that the northbound craft sopposed to have been the Santa Monica, had her encines rigged up by seven o'clock and was able to navigate. The G. C. Linduuer. Captain Michel- sen, met the st -am schooner Johan I'oulsen nine miles south of Cape Blanco at 10:30. and It was de termlned she had the Santa Montci la charge until the letters repairs were made. The tug Klihyam. of the Port of Bandon. searched about the roast from II Monday night until 4 o'clock Tueslay morning, and then came in to Coo Bay. finding nothing of the Santa Monica. NAUTICAL SCHOOL IS PLANNED Students Denied Admittance Else where to Hate Chanor. Navigation and seamanship are to be taught by Nautical Kxpert Sen wars and Chief Teoman Gibbons, attached to the Portland branch of the L'nlte.l states llydrographtc Office, according to an nouncement made yesterday. Mr. Schwars says pupils will be enrolled who have had no experience at sea. as well as those) who have not had suffi cient time on shipboard to admit them to the I'nlted States Shipping Board's nautical school, which is maintained at the Oregon building. The latter nta men for examination as deck officers. Students are to be started on the fundamentals of navigation, the course to begin with arithmetic and the rudi ments of seamanship, and carried through the technical features. Mr. Schwars says a number of men have indicated their desire to take up such studies, being Interested either la fol lowing the sea ia merchant ships or ASTORIA. Or Jan. 80. (Special. ) The auxiliary schooner Mount .Rainier, lumber laden for Caliao. shifted during the night from Wauna to the local harbor. Today 15 men to complete her crew were signed on. Tne vessel t under the command of Cap aln Mlddleton. wha Is the seventh master the schooner hss hsd since she went Into commlsMlon last November. The Mo'jsl Ral nier will sail tomorrow for Caliao. via San Kranclsco and at the latter port Captain Mlddleton will turn ber ever to her eighth master. The tank steamer Oleum, after dlscharg Ing fuel oil In Astoria and Portland, sailed toty for 1 ailforole. The fishing schooner Decorab left this morning for the halibat banks off the mouth of the Columbia River. The steam schooner Plavel la due from San Pedro via San Kraneiace te load lum ber at the Hammond mllL The steam schooner Santlara la doe from San Francisco, and after taking en eOO.000 fet of lumber at Knappton. will ge te WMlport to finish. The steam schooner Ernest "- Meyers la doe from San r raaclsce and will load lum ber at St. Helena The Hammond Lumber Company's new steam schooner Trinidad will be due to morrow or Friday te load lumber at the coinpaay'a mill. The steam schooler Sants Monica ar rived this morning from Saa Kranclsco and will load lumber at Stella and Rainier. She was the mysterious revel that was reported In distress off Cooe Bay on Monday night. The Santa Monica blew out one of her boiler tue and was taken In tow by the steam fe-himner Johan Foulsea for a few hours. while temporary repairs were being made. The craft then proceeded under her own steam to this port. A new tube Is being pat In here. Columbia River Bar Report. NORTH HEAD. Jan. ao. Condition of the bar at & P. M.l bea, smooth; wind, east 8 miles. Tides at Afterla Thursday. High. Low. 3:24 A. M 8.1 feet :51 A. M 2 1 fret 3:2U P. M....7.8 feet I :4.". P. M l.S feet ALL SWISSARE EXEMPTED Naiives of Little Republic Not Sub ject to American Laws. CAMP LEWIS. Tseoma, Jan. SO. Brigadier-General Frederick S. Koltz Issued an order today that all natives of Switzerland be exempted from serv ice In the National Army at Camp Lewis, whether they bave claimed ex emption or not, aa tinder treaties be tween the United States and Switzer land they are not subject to American laws. Announcement was made at Camp Lewis today that this cantonment leads all others in the number of applica tions for war risk insurance under the Federal act giving special protection to soldiers families. Of the totsl of $5,000,000,000 In insurance applied for at all Army and Navy establlnhmen ts, IPPODROME 'it . .... .n. li r tlHt lrfU THURSDAY. FRIDAY, SATIRDAY'. m m a Royal Italian Sextette "Court Entertainers." Downes and Gomez "Hawaiian Duo." Dell Vecchio & Co. "Fired From lale." Jess & Dell "Mankln Novelty." Billy K'elgarde Sharp and Flats." Three Alex Equilibrists. Ann Murdock In "THE IMPOSTOR." 10c Week-Day Mats, 10c Camp Lewis men have asked for $253, SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 80. (Special.) I 000.000 ; Camp Cpton, second, with $223,- 000.000; Camp Devens, third, .$199,000.- 000; Camp Dix, f 111,000,000, and Camp Bowie. 1S9.000.000. The Toyo Kalnen Kalsha'a Siberia Maru ar rived today from Oriental porta by way of Honolulu with a passenger list of 400 and a heavy cargo. The big liner was delayed by the heavy weather that has been keeping back ail deep-water craft In the last few weeks. The Siberia Mara sighted the Dutch steam ship t.rutlus Tuesday afternoon a couple hundred miles off port. The Grotlus Is coming here from the Dutch' East Indlei The Russian ateamship Toula arrived here Tate last night with oriental cargo from KobA. The Siberia Maru la the first ef the Toyo Katsen Kaisha liners to take advantage of the permission nv the t nlted Ststes l,or. ernment to foreign vessels to transport pas- sera-era and freight In the coaatwise trade, THREE I. W. W.S ARRESTED Trio In Jail at Yakima Are Believed to Be Spies. ley, nad there is some reason for be lieving, the officers say, that they are connected with plans for the poisoning of stock. . YAKIMA. 'Wash., Jan. 20. Fred Bonn James H. Bowling and W. K. Coatello, Industrial Workers of the World, were arrested here last niarht by DeDartment Bringing jo p.ssenaers irom nonoiuiu. in. c( JuBtlce and state secret service ofli company a .aid to have decided It cers. They are held In the county jail worth whl to gft ml! th buttoevs possible I . . . , . ... m ,h M.w.n.ni.i.-di 'or Invest!! on. and officers Bay will Cmptftin Live. td. of th -rtw.rn.hlo Johan prooaDiy d cnargea wun violation or Pauln. reported on arrivlnc today from I tne espionage act. Astertm that on Monday, from 7 o'clock in I In their possession were found pic iho mommc nntll 6 o'clock In tho ovenln turea of Government dams, irrigation Iho PlUn bad hold Of thO Steam achOOner I unri fartnriaa in tha TaWmu Vol. "mi ouonica. wniin tno rtiDiB jaomca. was having rvpalro made to two tube in the. main boiler, which bad Mown out Tho newa arrived hero today that whlto pun-ra on J a pane oteamablp will not bo removed from thetr posit. ona, a way having; ben found to modify tn this cam tho Jap aneso Imperial edict requiring all officers on Japanese vessels to bo Japanese. SKATTlaK. Wash.. Feb. .10 f Social. Arrivals at this port todsv Included tho steamer Nippon, from IShatiictial. at 1 P. M.; steamer Curacao, from Sout h eastern Alaska. t 1 1 A. M. ; steamer Kulton. from Van- rouvof at s P. M. and tho steamer Uma tilla, from Slnrapore. at P. M. The drpsrtuns toay lnrTudd the steam er Pro teste la us. for Hons; Ron via Com ax. and tho steamer Austral Glen, for Nanairao, t 9 I'. J. With a view of reTlevlna tho frelrht con gestion hero tho Swedish steamship Nip pon. under charter to Robert Dollar, ar rived hero this afternoon. Tho Nippon ts the first Robert Dollar vessel to csll hero In two years. She will take 5O00 tona of carco to tho Orient. The Overseas Shipping Companv will cem- mnco loading tho new auxiliary schooner Balestrand. a -ton ahtn recent Ir com. pleted at Aberile-n. and the French steam ship Rowlsr. formrly the Collier Zaflro, of Admiral Dewey'a f eet at Manila, next St. Incidentally another member of Dewev'a famous flet. and a No In the merchant serv ice, tho former cruiser Boston, was given trts.1 trip about tho bay this afternoon. Tho Bootoo was recently reconstructed by tho Peattie Construction A Drydoek Com pany, and will soon Join tho Shipping uoaru s service. DAILY METEOR LOCICAL REPORT. P"RTT,ANT. Jan. 30. Maximum temper ature. 40 dgreen; minimum. .12 degrees. Kiver reading. 8 A. M.. K4 feet; cliatniee in last 1M hours. O.'Z foot fall. Total raln- I f All i.l K M. to 5 I M. . 0 01 Inch. Total ruin fa 11 slnre .splmter 1, Ho. 14 fnche ; normal. I' 5.6.1 inrhes; deficiency, 0.49 Inches. ;sinrlse. 7:3 A. M. : sunset. f:14 p. M. Total sunshine, 7 hours 40 minutes: pos sible. 9 hours SS minutes. Moon rise, tt:-0 P. M.: moonsot. S:4 A. M. Barometer (re duced to sea level) 5 P. M . 30.30 Inches. He. alive humidity at noon. s per cent. THE WEATHER. SEAT SALE OPENS TOMORROW at Sherman, Clay & Co. for LEOPOLD , GODOWSKY Piano Recital MONDAY, FEBRUARY 4, AUDITORIUM Popular Prices: .." and 85f This directory Is for the Information of the public, to give as far as pos sible the different lines of business which the average person may find occasion to use. Any Information which cannot be found here will be gladly furnished oy pnoning Main 7070 or A 6095, House 40. ACCOKDlON rLEATIG. INSURANCE. HiiAliiTlTCHI.NU. 6c A YARD. PLEATING. ALL. LATEST ST1LEB. EASTEKN NOV ELTY CO.. 85 6 Til ST.. BETWEEN OAK AND STAKK STS. BKOADWAY l-UOO K. STEPHAN. hemstltchlns. scalloplni. ac cordion Has pleat, bullous covered: mall oroers. zi Pillock blk. Broadway lutftf. IF YOU are Interested in the best Life In- aurance, telephone .Marshall Sols. JINK. ASSAVEKS A1 ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second vjoiu. silver and platinum bought. AGATE CLTTEK.1 AM MrXi. JEWELER, AOATiS cut and polished: Jewelry and repairing, sillier' s. Wash, it. ATTORNEYS. ATTOKN-EYS-AT-LAW. 618 Pittoclc block. " cnarge ior consultation. UAKBEK SLPPLLES. OKEGON BAHBEH SUPPLY CO. We buy " sen an kinds barber suppllea 50 BOAT Bl'ILXIERg. o. p. GRAHAM, commercial and deepsea flshboats. building and In stock. Foot x.oweu St. CANCER. L. M. JONES. M. D. CANCER TREATED, ij Morgan Bldg. Marshall 6143. CELLlLOlD BUTTONS. THE IRVVIN-HODSON COMPANY. 8S7 Washington. Bdwy. 434. A 1254. CHIROPODISTS. William. Eslelle and William. Jr.. Devenv. me oniy scientific chiropodists In the city. i-anors, aus oeriinger Dldg., southwest cor rerjfd and Alder. Phone Main 1301. H1KOPOD1ST AND ARCH SPECIALIST, DK. W. E. LA MONTE, French sanitary (painless) method. Wizard system of arch fitting. 307-8 Swetland bldg. Main 5466. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. SICK PEOPLE: Dr. .Mc.Ma.hon. Portland, 100 chiropractic specialist. That's why I never nave to employ drugs, operations, vibrators, violet rays, electricity, heat, light and other Joss House stunts. I re move the causes of disease quickly, surely and less expensively. Dally convincing tne counting i nomas, si adjustments lo. gp.en o. r-none. call or write. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 610 N. W. bids Mar. B82J. loo letters multlgraphed. $1.50. COLLECTION AGENCIES. JETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1706. ..w routvuum, no cuarge; esiaDiisnea lwuu. DANCING. MANCHESTER DANCING ACADEMY. 85 rum unaer new management. Latest dances taught, 10 private lessons $5. Hours - 10 A. M. to :30. Broadway 237. THE BECKETT-HEATH SCHOOL Dan cing taught In all Its branches, private, day or eve. classes. Tues. and Frl., 8-10. assembly after. 386H Wash. Main 3205. MRS. FLECK'S ACADEMY Social and stage dancing, private Instruction: classes Mon.. Thurs.. 8 to 10. 10!l 2d St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. Main 2100. Electric Motors. FOR SALE. TRADE OR RENT. L. A. WALKER ELECTRICAL WORKS. 413 Burnside. Broadway 5674. EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Dr. F. F. Casseday, treatment: glasses fitted. TOO E. Burnside. cor. 20th. B. 1393. E. 4734. FLUFF HUGH AND RAG RIGS. LUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Ingrains. Brussels, Smyrna, Axmlnster ra urs. all sizes: mail orders prompt: booklpt CARPET CLEANING, REFITTING, ETC. 9xl rugs rleanrfl and steamed $1. WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO.. R4-56 Union Ave. N. East 6fll6. B 1475. JUNK AND HARDWARE. The Oregon Junk Co., 274 Front at. Main 5236. We buy all kinds Junk, metals, pay highest pries. See us belore you sell. MUSICAL. PIANO LESSONS, 50c Adults or children competent teacher. TELEPHONE EAST 1530. PARKER School of Popular Music Term. 5 to 20 lessons. 401-2 Ellers bldg. OREGON Conservatory (School) of Music. 845 H Washington St., at Broadway, clly. EM1L THIELHORN. violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 207 Fliedner bldg. Bdwy. 162a. OPTOMETRISTS AD OPTICIASS. WHY PAY MORE? A SAVING from 30 to 50 per cent Promptly fitted glasses as low as si r,i) anno satiat'ied customers Satisfaction guaranteed. Chas. W. Good nian. optometrist. 20 Morrison. Main 2124. PATENTS. R. G. WRIGHT 22 years' experience. U. S. and foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. NEW TODAY. Wanted, approximately 2 acres low-priced industrial land, on railroad, with good foundation. Water frontage not required. 506 Concord Bldg. Main 1373 MDDTH A fTT T " A 7N.TC iiiviiiunui) x.vv.ril. 1 kj nFuda ea kaaa see areoa farm aad 1 1 city loans at close latereat rates. 1 1 Prompt, Reliable Service. A. H. IKKELL GO. Z17-2ia NorthTreatern Baak Baildlaat. alarskall 4114. A 4118. MORTGAGE LOANS OS FARM AJsD HKS1DENCK PROPERTY. Io COMMISSION. Wm. MacMaster 701 CORBK1T BLDG.. PORTLAND, OB. Potatoes Bur- CI or O 1 bank. .px.o a oacK PHO.VE BROADWAY 225. SO WEST PARK. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A PHILLIPS,' 000 Broadway bldg. Rheumatism, female disorders, skin trou bles, stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, throat; goitre, scalp, high blood pressure. DK. FLORA A BROWN, goitre and diseases or women. 700 E. Burnside. cor. am u PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co., 212 3d st. Main IV i. LAURELHURST LOT SACRIFICE. k. !"t,,V"r? moQey Quickly, will sell lot S. block 101, Laurelhurst, near the park, for ti), a cash; value lb00; fres of all incum brances. A. MOORE. MAIN 6073. THAT VACANT LOT Turn a burden Into Income. We design and build anything furnish the money If desired; eight years In Portland. L. R. Ballev Co nm... Ing architects. Northweatern Bank bldg. 1 CORNER lot 60x100. suitahla for K.i. ncss lot, at station. 6c carfare, at Capitol 7491 A barealn; 550 cash. Phono Jiast PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS J. E. Gantenbeln. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. 100 irom si. corner Stark. Main or A 1418. THE IVY PRESS. 882 Stark st. Broadway 408. A 4088. DDItlTllir F. W. BALTES & COMPANY rmllllllU it and Oak sts. Main 165. A 1105 REAL ESTATE DEALERS. CARL R. JONES, 404 Wilcox bldg. PYORRHEA PATIENTS WANTED. THE LONG Post Graduate bchool or Preventive Dentistry ana Aieaicine. on Broadway bldg., wishes to give services to the extent of $2000 to the public. Patients for the treatment and cure of pyorrhea wanted. Call for free examination 1 P. M, RUGS. NORTHWEST RUG CO.. established 1903. Fluff rugs and rag rugs woven an n East 8th and Taylor. East 11580. B lJbO. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST Household goods specialists: storage, pacaing. snip ping ana moving, uuidc .u.v n..l.l freight rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO.. 2d and Pine sts. Hroadway ot'o. a npEfiOK TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gllsan St.. corner 12tn. xeiepnone jsroauway i.oi A 1169. "We own and operate two large class ' A" warehouses on terminal tracks. lowest Insurance rates in tn city. CUT freight rates to all points on household irnnds. Manninir warenoutse oc ii"Dic Co.. !th and Hoyt. Broadway 703. uinism'JlT DOCK AND WAREHOUSE. Office ISO .MadlSOn. Uenrrai meiiimiiuiDg and forwarding agents. Phone Main 16 STORAGE. piru-ivr. MOVING. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. lor Park st. Main 5105. A 10iU. KERTIl.I7.KRS. ROTTED cow and horse manure.- C 2274. East 181 i:nno ,lrv 4-foot wood; can be seen at 376 Yamhill, on West Park; Immediate de livery. May. Phone Main p-v.i. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. East2041. K. 2d and Oregon sts.: sianwonu. g... c.i.fv.. GRFEN AND DRY SLABWOOD. blockwood. Panama Fuel Co.. East 72. B 28S9. WHOLESALERS AND 1MANUFACTURERS ACTO AND BUGGY TOPS. DUBRUILLF. BUGGY TOP CO.. 8th and Oak. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PACIFIC GRAIN CO., Board of Trade bldg. DRY GOODS. . DINKELSPIEL CO.ii1. (rs. Notions. erlock bide. .ROC KKIES. WADHAMS & CO.. Front st. HATS AND CAPS. THANHOIIPKR HAT CO.. 5J-a5 Front st. ACCTION SATES TODAY. At Baker's Auction Housf. TamhlM and West Park its. Furniture, etc. Sal at 10 A. M. Rft ftoise Una ton C..cary ChiiilO 1 nv I Mfslnasa nunartxi ininmnii ktlld mechanics Iu!uth detlne4 for service la the Ftile ship- I Kurrkt rsrxls rrlrM her frm Hf. Paul. Kansas City and Fait L-ak City. Thy will b as alcned to tha various plants tomorrow. 1 i n s ? 3 3 i S TATIONS. 5 S I g ? wlatiV 2 I!-: ' COOS BAT. Or. Jan. SO. (Sp.ctat.1 Th steam srbooner Yellowstons arrived from San Franrlsra at :40 this morning. roc K.inyam sai.ed (or Bandon at I this form on. Neire le Marinera. The following Information has been re .tv.. from the Agency of 3Jarln. and Fisheries at Ylrtorla. B. C : Mariners ar. advised that th. gas and bell buoy maintained at tb. northern en - tranr. of Active Pass. Golf of Georgia, die appar.1 during th. night ef January 23. This buoy wilt b. replaced at th. earliest opportunity. K. K. ECKHARDT. Commander. I - H. retired, per Oscar W. bebwart, nautical expert. V. 8. N. Motrmrnli of VcuseN. PORTLAND. Jan. 30. failed Steadier Detsr Putnam, for 8an Pedro, la W'eatport. ASTORIA. Or, Jan. 30 Sailed at 6:30 A. M.. steamer Oleum, for Han Pranrisro. Ar rived Meam.r riania ilomra. rrom Sao Francisco: had boiler trouble; will be at As toria all todajr. SAN" FRANCISCO. Jan. 0. Arrived at 3 A. M.. steamer Willamette, from Portland; t T A. 31.. tmer Johan Toulsen. from Port'and. Called at S A. M . steamer Trin idad, for Columbia Rlv.r. Arrived Schoon er Monterey, la tew ef lag Navigator, Irom ive.ton ll.-lena Jacksonvlll. , Junrau t . . . . Kansas City. l.o Angeles., ilsrshflrld ., Mrriford 30 I Minneapolis . ew ;rl.ana. New York ... North Head North Yakima. l'hoenlx ..... Pocatell. ... Cortland .... Kopehurg .... Sacramento . St. Louis ... Salt Lake .. Kan Tieso San Francisco Seattle Spokane .... Taroma Tatoonh Island Valdest Walla Walla Washington Winnipeg ... 2.r 2 0.12 12 N" 3'(l 34 O.IH1 t. NW 14? 22 O.oo . . N -24;-12 ll.Oil ...SW 12, 22 0.01 . . N 0l 4 0.021 S V -21 0 0.01 HO N -201-10 O.Ottl. . W 31. 4S 0.02.14 N 3 0.12I 4,E -m-10 0.001 s w B2 7 O.IO 10 SW IK '24 O.OOi. .!XB Clear t loudy Cloudy clear Pt. cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear ICiear (Clear i.lear Cloudy PL cloudy oi --.... i.s clear ll S" O.oo!. . sw Clear 3il' 52 0.201 4 NW Clear 3.i 4 4 NE IPt. eloudv l-lo -S 0.OS 12 NWjCloudy H4! Sti O.utl, . . iNE Clear IS! 2l o.noi. .(NE ISnow 3 40 O.Ool I E 2H 2 0. 0O.19 NE U2J - O.Ool. .iSE 22j 2S 0.26 1R SW 3-'l 4' O.pi 22 K I 3S 41I 0.01, 4 E 34 54 O.OOI. . NW 14. 311 0.0O IB N 24! an ... .1 use 4i- .'. O.OOl. .W 4f 0.00 . . 'nw 2-l 34 0.00 IO N lj IS 0.0OM2 NE 82 32 0.00 20 XB . . I 34 0.02 2!E 1 ! e.0: O' SO' SO O.oel 8 NE 22 2 .4 NK Clear ICiear ICiear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Snow Clear Snow 3d -US. 0.0OI SW ICiear 'A. M. today: P. M. report ef preceding day. FORECASTS. Tortland and vicinity Fair and colder; fresh northeasterly winds. Oregon snd Washington Fair and colder; fresh northeasterly winds. EDWARD L. WKMiS, Meteorologist. Phone your want ads to The Oresjo nian. Main 7070, 6096. MEETING NOTICES. B. P. O. ELKS. NO. 142 Regular meeting this Thurs day evening. Elks Temple, S o'clock. Visiting brothers Invited to attend. By order of the E. R. M. R. S PAULDTNO, Secretary. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. 2. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Thursday) afternoon at l:lr P. L for the purpose of conducting the fu neral services over the remains of our deceased brother. Warren K. Mc Cord. Interment Portland Mausoleum. Full attendance desired. Members please bring autos. visitors Invited. w. s. wt r.h.i. Secretary. THE MASTERS', WARDENS' AND PAST MASTERS' ASSO CIATION OF PORTLAND will lioiu ii. irui 1110111111; uicci- Ing at the Acacia Club, this (Thursday) evening at 8 o clock. E!ection of officers and other matters of importance. By order or tne president. LESLIE 8. PARKER. Sec HIDES. WOOL. CASCARA BARK. KAHN BROS.. lHl Front st. PAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. KL'Ll.KR CO.. 12th and Davis sts. PAINTS. OILS AND CLASS. RASMUSSKN & CO., 2d and Taylor. PIPE. PIPE FITTIN'liS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. S4-MH Front st. PLUMBING AND STEAM FITTING, KLINE. 84-ti rront st. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVKKDISU & FARREI.L. 14i Front st. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Cix. 14th and Northrup. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davis sts. WALLPAPER. MILLER Wall Paper & Tt. Co.. 172 1st St. MORUAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d St. DIED. HATSER-In this city. Jan. 29. Allen G. Havner. late of 4S31 E. 60th St. S. i. aged 68 "years. 5 months. 14 days, beloved hus band of Phllena M, Hayner. beloved father of George C, Allen G. Hayner. Mrs. Emma Hankin and Mrs. Lena A. .McFadden. Re mains at the residential funeral home ot Wilson Ross. Multnomah at i th st. No tice of funeral later. , LEIGHTON In this city. Jan. 29, Mary A. Lelghton, late of 329 East 2d St.. N.. aged . h-tm-A wife of Eueene years, ii ' , A Lelghton and mother of Clarence Ar thur, of San Francisco, and Edward 1... ot j Portland, or. Kemains at iuo rnneml home of Wilson A Ross. Multno mah at 7th St. Notice of funeral later. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Edward Holman, Pres. W. J. Holman. Sec. .1 K. Werlein. Treas. THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. Established 1877. THIRD ST.. CORNER OK SALMON. A Modern, Spacious Family Room With Private Entrance. LADY ASSISTANT. Phones Main 007. A 1.111. RUNNYSIDE LODGE. NO. 103. A. F. AND A. ,M. Special rommunlcatton tonlcht (Thurs day . Work In F. C. decree. VlHltors welcome. By order of the W. M. E. M. LANCE. Secretary. THE MACCABEES. PORTLAND TENT. pO. 1. Kegular review thla Thunday) evenlnc at ilall 409 Alder. All members urged to be prenent. The tent will dedicate a service flac to the members who have been called to the colors. O. D. BAKER, Rec Keeper. HIGH COST OF LIVING CLUB of the Fraternal Brotherhood. 'V00" card party. Modern Woodmen Hall. Burnside and Stark. February 1. 50-pound sack flour, other gro ceries prizes. Admission 15 cents. I11BLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, plna. New designs. J aeger Bros.. 131- 6th st FRIEDLAN'DER'8 for lodes emblem a class pins and medal. S10 Washington st CEMETEK1ES. BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY Lowest Prices Best Service. No expense after interment. Prices lower than other ceme teries. FCN"ERAI- NOTICES. ,trxT h ii .nee. 857 Johnson street. January 2U. Mra. Meta Cohn. a;ei 74 vears 9 months 4 days. Beloved mother of S. Morton Cohn, Mrs. Ben bchwartz, n.tm u.tr.r of Portland: Mrs. P. Uevnrtz, of Los Angeles, and Mra. Grace Cohen, of New York. Friends Invited to attend funeral services which will bo held i unimAn. funeral Darlors. Third and Salmon streets, at 10:30 A. M. tomorrow (K-riday). February 1. Interment Beth Israel Cemetery. nu-rviTT in ThiisdelThia. January zi Henry C. JBecket, agea Jl years, son oi Mr. and Mrs. J. w. ukhk, oroinor oi jh. Theodore Anderson. Mary. Ralph, Waller, John and Charles Socket, all of this city. Funeral services will De nein i ins c ...rainru nhunel of F. E. Dunning, Inc. 414 East Alder and corner East Sixth, at -2 P. M. today IThursaay), January oi. Friends Invited. Interment Rose City Cemetery. LEISURE: At ths late residence. 407 Sum ner street, January 2S, Caroline M. Leis ure ared 67 vears: beloved wife of T. A. Leisure, mother of Nellie. Mary. Margaret and Essa. Funeral -services win uo ucm today (Thursday), January 31, at 2 P. M.. at the Wood lawn Christian Church. East Sixth and Liberty. Take Woodlawa car. Friends Invited. Interment Rose City Cemetery. Arrangements In caro of Miller it. Tracey. DUNBAR In Salem. Or.,' January 29. George William Dunbar, aged 45 years, husband of Mra J. W. Dunbar, father of Mrs. B. H. Uage and Helen Dunbar, of St. Johns, this city. The funeral service will be held at the St. Johns Christian Church at 2 P. M., Sunday. February 3. Friends Invited. Interment Columbia Cemetery. Remains are at the parlors of F S. Dunning, Inc., 414 East Alder. TERRY In this city. January 80. at tha family resiaence, uio bhij-uuiu 11 Southeast. Umatilla Terry, aged oO years, wife of Oliver B. Terry. The funeral serv ices will be held tomorrow (Friday), Feb ruary 1. at 3 o'clock P. M., at the resi dence establishment of J. P. Flnley c Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends in vited. Interment at Rlverview Cemetery. 6EELY The funeral services of the late Mrs. Cora beeiy, who wi -Seely. will bo held today (Thursday), at 1V1-30 o'clock noon, at the Wilsonvlllo M. E Ctuirch, Wllsonvllle. Or. Friends in vited. Interment at Pleasant Hill Ceme tery. Tho remains are at tlia residence establishment of J. P. Flnley & Son, Montgomery at Fifth. SHORES The funeral services of ths late James snores win os neiu . day), at 2:30 o'clock P. M., at tho resi dence establishment of J. P. Flnley & Son. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends In vited. Interment at Rlverview Cemetery. BARBERIS At 650 East 25th St.. Luols Barberls, agea 'r- .l : will be held at St. Philip Neri church at 3 P. M. today (Thursday). Jan. SL Re mains In charge of P. L. Lerch. E. 11th and Clay ats. FLORISTS. HONCHEVrg. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. l4-26 4th St.. opposite city nan. Main som. rnmp Kn A Sons for memorial 'cJViBLtSiNG G&ANITECO.I UZr''JP ,T" rJ--0'c"s' 3"rwETI MARTIN FORBES CO., Florists, 854 Washington. aiio vi., a j. . for ail occasions artlstlcslly arranged. rcrfect Funeral Service for Less. MILLER & TRACEY Independent Funeral Directors. Wash. St.. bet. 20th and 21st. West Side. Main 26111. Lady Assistant. A 8o00 FINE. Improved West Side property, 224-2'tl lsth, between Lovejoy-ilarab.aH. Terms. Phone owner, East 3SD9. For Sale Houses. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Superior 9-room residence, close in, wonderful location and view; hardwood floors, white enamel and mahogany throughout; sleeping porch, fireplace, 2 bathrooms, plenty of closets, ar modern conveniences, large grounds, fine trees. BROOKE, 541 Montgomery Drive, cor. Elm st. Mar. 4827. A M. call mornings. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW GA11AGR. Classy, nearly new bungalow with ga rage, near car, 4 bedrooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, best furnace, full cement basement, finished in five coats white en amel. Price $4500. Including al! street improvements. Worth JUiouu. Term.s. J. DELAHUNTY, Main 1700. Evenings, E. 2086. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOME. New Old English stylo house on beauti ful view lot, 17th and Laurel, 8 rooms, 2 bathrooms, finished attic, mahogany and white enamel finish, 2 fircplares. view porches, fine heuting plant, laundry, ga rage. F. E. Bowman Co., 213 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 3021. $3750 TILLAMOOK ST B E TWE E N IRVINGTON AND ROSE CITY PARK 6 rooms, sleeping porch and garage, hardwood floors in main rooms, paved street, sewer in and paid in full (Fern wood School District), terms. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 20S. A 20r.iX LAURELHURS T Hi: N GAL b W BAR GAIN. Owner moved East, advises tne to sell-his fi-rpom, l'.s-story Laurelhurst home with garage. Including $1700worth of line ma hogany furniture, at a big sacrifice. Fur niture separate If desired. J. Delahunty, Main 170O, NEAR HAWTHORN K AND 3.1D. Strictly modern 5-room bungalow, with attic, furnace, fireplace, some hardwood floors fine plumbing and light fixtures; Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms; living room 14xlH. Paving paid except fiiO. Pries $;tH0O. It's a bargain. GODDARD & WIKDRU'K. 2411 STARK. CLOSE IN. 5 rooms and bath. 1st floor. 1 room In attic; lot 611x60; deep cellar; ne;ir llaight and Graham avenues; price, $2000. Terms $.i00 cash and $2 month. This is walking distance of shipbuilding plants. GODDARD & WIE1JR1CK, 213 STARK. FAR BELOW ITS WORTH. New, modern 7-room house in Rose City Park, largo looms, fireplace, 4 .nice bed rooms and sleeping porch, piped for fur nace, largo front porch. 50x100 lot. Prlca only $2r;o. Easy terms. J. W. Crosaley. Main 1700. MOST BEAUTIFUL VIKW. Modern 6-rooni house on H. rrth St.. Mt. Tabor. Asphalt street, all rooms larg beet home environment, lull cement base, inent. Prleo only $:'0U0. It's worth mucU more. J. W. Crossley. -Main 1700. TO SAVB FORECLOSURE. Will sell Va block and 7-room house with basement and bath; fronts on three streets; with cement walks on two paid for. Full-bearing fruit trees; priee $2000. GODDARD i W 1 KDRIOK, 243 STARK. WHO WANTS A BARGAIN? $2900 buvs 6-room house, furnace, fire place, pavement paid; lot Mvloo; excel lent neighborhood, near Hawthorne and East 2!)th street. GODDARD & WIEDP.ICK. 213 STARK. LAURELHURST. Before buying elsewhere obtain our list of exquisite homes lor sale un easy terms in Laurelhurst, the show place of Port land. LAI'RELHL'RST CO., 270!, Stark st. Main 1700, 1 ISIS. STRICTLY MODERN. .'!000. Brooklyn, near East 3ist M., 6-room., furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors; call and sec photo. Goddard & Wiedriek, 2-13 Stark. WALNUT FA UK, 7-ronm bungalow, furnace, fireplace; lot 100x100. on corner; both strceia leaved and included, price f.-SOO. GODDARD & WiEUKICK, 21.1 STARK. lHWTHOR.N'K BUNGALOW BARGAIN. S-rooni, modern, 50x100 lot, worth $3500, will let go for $2000. BADLEY. 404 N. W. BANK. Marshall 5510. J. P. FIN LEY & SON. Progressive Funeral Directors. Private Drive Women Attendants. MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. Main U. A. 1598. East 54. Lady Assistant. C 8165. WILSON & ROSS. Funeral Directors. Inc. Multnomah at Seventh Street. ER1CSON Residence Undertaking Parlors, 12th and Morrison sts.. Main 6133. A 2235. DUNNING & McENTEE. funeral direct ors, Broadway and Pine street. Phons Broadway 430, A 4558. Lady attendant. F. S. DUNNING, INC. THE GOLDEN RULE UNDERTAKERS. 414 East Alder street. East 52. B 2525. BREEZE & SNOOK 6 2 HOUSES. $2100. 4 rooms and bath each: Income, $21 mouth. Ivy street, near Uniou; lot BOX 3 08, pavement paid. GODDARD &. WIEDRICK. 243 ETARK. WEST SIDE TWO-FLAT BARGAIN. Two flats of 6 rooms and bath each, cement basement, near 14th and Columbia. Former price $6000: now $42f.0. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark. RESIDENCE of IS rooms. In Nob Hill dis trict, suitable lor furnished rooms, board ing or private sanitarium; In first-class condition and good neighborhood, must be sold. Address u X31. Oregonlan. MR. AND MRS. W. H. HAMILTON Fu neral service. 1973 E. GItsan. Tabor 4313. P. L. LERCH, East 11th and Clay streets. Lady attendant. East 781. B 1388. East 108S. C 108S 5B2 Williams Ave. A. R. Zeller Co. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. Main 4152, A 2321. Lady assistant. MAUSOLEUM. RIVER VIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM Taylor's Ferry Road. End Kiverview Carllne. The only civilized method of burial. Snow-white, always dry, sanitary tombs. Permanent title and endowment; $250 up 636 Pittock Block. Phone Broadway 3S1. FOR SALE BARGAIN. Newly furnished 3-room house, cement basement, 50x100 lot, tsuil; $400 cash. bal. ance to suit. By owner, 6!)0 E. 78th sL N. Rose Ci'y car. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW CHEAP. S rooms, modern, near lialsey. Great bargain. $3500. BADLEV, 404 N. W. BANK. Marshall 5510. WILL sacrifice for $2500, easy terms, my five-room bungalow in Westmoreland, one block from car; strictly up to date; ranges Included. Write A. E. Shank. Scotts Mills. Oregom Sl.-.DU MODERN 4-room house, 2 blocks from Multnomah Station, on choice cor ner lot; owner leaving city. Tins Is an exceptional bargain. Call for particulars. 404 Piatt bldg. $13.-.0 69TH ST. SNAP $1350. 5-rm. mod., Just off car, terms. Owner FRANK UaMcGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDQ. PENINSULAR PARK bungalow, restricted. 4 rooms, -bath, large attic, cement basement- sacrifice cash; trade Chicago resi dence. 187 E. Buffalo. HAVE $4000 equity in beautiful $8000 noma in Alberta district. Will take $2000 cash or S1000 cash and good used car for equity. Address lock box 332, Eugene, Or. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Office, Koom 153 Courthouse, 5th St. Entrance. Phone from 8 to 5 Main 378, Home Phone A ,Q4a. iMrut call alter orr.ee hours Main 270. He port all cases of cruelty to the abovn address. Electric lethal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick and oisaDiea animals at a moment s notice. Any one desiring & dog or other pets communi cate with us. Call for all lost or strayed stock, as we look after all impounding-. 1 here is no more city pound, Juat Oregon Humane Society. NEW TOIAY. CLARKE BROS.. Florists, 287 Morrison st. Wain or A 1S05. Fine flowera and floral designs. No branch stores. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 2S5 Washington St., bet, 4th and 5th. Main 5102, A 1161. MAX M. SMITH, Main 7216. A 2121. Selling bldg.. 6th and Alder sta. PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP, 245 Alder, iflowarg and design. Phone Marahall fi&22. MORTGAGE LOANS ON BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE PROPERTY. ROBERTSON Jt 207-8 Northwestern EWIH6, Bank Blda JNO.B. COFFEY MORTGAGE LOANS Insurance, Surety Bonds S01 WILCOX BLDG. tfalm 703, 3703 IRVINGTON GREAT BARGAIN. See this. Owner' leaving Portland, will sacrifice home for 4SjO: worth J7250. Main 1S07S, East 34. FOR SALE By owner, 3 modern 6-room houses on 10U feet of ftround; all rented to good tenants; will sell reasonable, as I have to move. Woodlawn 2ti34. NEAR ALBERTA CAR. 6-room bungalow and large garage with lot 84x100. on corner; price only J3000. GODDARD - WIEDRICK, 243 Starlt. NEAR WALNUT PARK. Modern 6 rooms, furnace, large bath . room, garage; price. $2.8.10. CODDA RD & WIEDRICK. 243 STABK. BUNOAI.OW, 4 rooms and bath, H block from R. C. car. Call Tabor O'll 1 mornings and evenings. ji 00 NEW 4-room bungHlow. 2 nice lots, J100 cash, $20 per month. 1002 Spalding bldg. Evening phone. Ta-bor 83411. HUBBELI. A SON. 1421 Sandy, oldest firm ROSE CITY PARK, can sell you a good house cheap. See us first. Tabor 2161. NEAR EAST 52D STREET. C-room bungalow, basement, bath: prlo. $1900. Goddard & Wledrlck. 243 Stark. a AND 7-room modern houses, walking dis tance; bargains; terms. Phone East 1922, owner. FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, garage, 4fl9 E. 45th N. For particulars phone xanor 7732. CITT property, farm acreage for sal and axenanga. a oranarn. .so-. wasningxon ai.