Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, January 31, 1918, Page 10, Image 10

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Inquiry Into Activities of Sus
pected Liquor Ring Is
Broad in Scope.
Ylaine4 and Professional Mm of
Portland Are Called Upon to
Trll What Tlicy May Chance
lo Know of Operation.
Ta Judc by the nnmbfr of eicuse
presented at the otic of th United
Ptates Attorney, yesterday u one of
the buxiest of busy dr a lot of prom
inent Portland mm have ever experl
rncnL Of nearly SO buslnea and pro
fessional men hotdtna- uhpena to ap
pear before the Ked-ral grand Jury. -tenlbly
to tell what they know of
certain bootlevicinir operation, (aid to
link themele- up wltn the name of
II. rt. t.dward and W. K. Hardy, ar
rested recently In Jian Kranclaoo. le
han a doirn put In an appearance.
Ttia other either were excused In ad
vance or nese.-ted the ummons.
The thine that went on behind the
door whl.-n closeted the arand Jury
nn only be inrmli'd from the attitude
of those who emer;eJ from ucn nea
mntid with the upholder or the law
and from the remark the men drorP'd
as ther qntckly slipped out or tne rca
eral building.
raer StWsr Reiser.
Almost InrarlablT tha prominent ettl
n nerformlnr In thl little drama
ram forth from the Inquisition wltb
brow mora cleared and tep mora reii
ant than when they entered. Plecln;
together uch stray cheer-rations and
overbearing now and then a nasty ex
chance of confidence between the
man who had been Inside and the friend
etill on the outside looking- In. tne on
looker reached certain well-defined
The basic conclusion wa to the ef
fect that these sundry prominent citl
i are In no Immediate dancer of
KOlng to Jail because they happened
to be In a position to tell the grand
Jury somethlns; about a supposed slant
bootlrrrtnc rinir.
It was not dlfflcnlt to encounter de
nial of the fact that any of the subpena
carrier dlvuliced cret under prom
Is of Immunity. Tha Joyoua attitude
and "all hunky-dory- whispering
howerer. Indicated stronrly that the
men had unburdened themselves, yet
that, barring accident, only the ring
leader need fear prosecution a result
of the disclosures. Thl la the econd
conclusion obtruding Itself on the man
In the hallway.
laejalry Te Caea On.
It I reliably reported that none of
the men who appeared yesterday
fused to testify because of fear of
Incrlmlnattntr themselves.
The tnYetlcmtlin continues today.
The extremely busy men who yesterday
had to perform a surirlral operation,
sit on a commission, attend to Impera
tive buslnesa at tha bank, and so on.
will hare a chance to appear today
falling to embrace this opportunity.
there will still be a chance to attend
Jurle Found lo Have Included
Many Co-turners of King.
One reason why It baa been almost
Impossible to obtain conviction In
bootleKKlnc case In the District Court
wa disclosed yesterday by District
Attorney Kvans In the announcement
that many of the Juror who have been
ittins: In these bootlegging cases are
Included In the lone list of customer
ef the San Francisco bootlegging ring
hlrh is now under Investigation by the
Krderal grand Jury.
Mr. Evan and Special Agent Geren
have been checking up the District
Court Jury list with the liquor ring's
"customer list, and they have found
that many of the Jurors have been get
tins; their reaular supply of liquor from
the south for several months past.
It is evident that a man who Is pur
chasing liquor from a California boot
leasing; rlnsr I not Koine; to convict a
Portland booteKer who Is brine pros
ecuted." said Mr. Evans yesterday.
tlecause of what he considers the
rank Injustice to the public because of
thla alleged deception and hypocrisy.
Mr. Kvans said he might be impelled
to take some further action In such
cases. He said that he recalled two
particular Instancea where Jurors havt
announced before a bootlenrlns; trial
that they would gladly convict If thej
thought the evidence sufficient. onl5
to so to the Jury room and announce
determinedly that they never would
vote for a conviction In a bootlegging
ing and attractive young bride-to-be.
was tha honor guest for
Miss Ruth Teal's luncheon yesterday.
Lovely Spring flower adorned the
daintily appointed table, covers being
marked for ten, wltb corsage bouquets
of daffodils and prtmrosea In the laven
der tones. A buga bowl of the yellow
and lavender-toned blossom adorned
the table, which wa encircled by Miss
MacMaster. Miss Malsle MacMaster,
who has come down from American
Lake for the wedding Saturday night:
Miss Ithoda Rumelln. Mr. Halla Max
ell. Mrs. Lovelle D. Winters. Mrs.
Haael Blumauer Lltt. Mlsa Jean Mac
kensle. Mlsa Patsey Stewart. Misa Sara
McCulIy and the hostess.
Mrs. P. J. Cronln and her son. Father
William Cronln. pastor of AH Saint'
Chapel In Laurelhurst. will be at home
thl evening in the parish house.
Tblrty-nlntb street and East Gllsan. All
their friends and tha parishioners are
cordially Invited.
Coming as a complete surprise to her
friends In this city Is the announcement
of the marriage of Mary Carolyn Davles
to Leland E Davis, of New York City.
The wedding was an event of yester
day at noon in New York City, where
the bride has been since November.
Mrs. Davis Is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Davles. 743 Greenwood ave
nue, this city. She haa won recognition
not only In tbl country, but In Lnr
land a well, for her production o
brilliant vers, which have been pub'
llshed In the leading tnagaslne. Shi
la a graduate of Washington High
School, where she began her literary
career by editing the Lens. She at
tended the University of California twi
years and tha University of New Tork
on year. Her verses are well known
to readers of the Spectator, which
magasine published much of her first
work. Beside being a contributor to
magaalnea and periodical aha Is the
author of a book of verse soon to be
published by the Century Company,
e a
Trinity Guild met yesterday In the
parish house of Trinity Episcopal
Church and spent the morning sewing
for Ked Cross and the regular guild
work. At the conclusion of the Indus
trious morning luncheon was served by
four of the prominent member of the
guild. Mr. Ida Peter. Mr. A. W.
Clarke. Mra. T. J. Taylor and Mrs.
Parmedon. The guild meets on the last
Wednesday of each month and the
luncheons are given by a different
group of members each time, the pro
ceeds being used to take the place of
the annual baxaar, which has been
given up this past year owing to the
war and the urgent need of the time
and energy of the women who usually
or so faithfully and zealously for
their annual baxaar. In addition, these
sewing bees and luncheons furnish a
delightful diversion for the guild
G. F. Barrett entertained with a din
ner of 2a covers Tuesday night In the
grotto of the Multnomah Hotel, the
guests being members of the North
west Steel Company.
Mis Axa Genevieve Paget will pre
sent her dancing pupils In a recital
n the Little Theater this evening at
1:30 o'clock. The recital will Include
esthetic and ballet numbers and prom
ises to Da an artistic event.
Three Small French Milps Sunk.
PARIA Jan. 3". Three French ships
of lesa than 1S0O tons were sunk dur
ing the week ending January S3. Three
French vessels were unsuccessfully attacked.
Tape's Diapepsin Relieves
Stomach Distress in
Fire Minutes.
Wonder what upset your stomach
which portion of the food did tha dam
agedo youT Well, don't bother. If
your stomach Is In a revolt: if sick,
arassr and upset, and what you Juat ate
has fermented and turned sour; head
dlsxy and ache: belch gases and acid
and eructate undigested food; breath
fouL ton rue coated Just take a little
Papa's D la pepsin to help neutralise
aridity and In five minutes you wonder
what became of the Indigestion and
Millions of men and women today
know that It la needle i 'o have dys
pepsia. A little Diapepstn occasionally
keeps the stomach sweetened and they
rat their favorite food without fear.
If your stomach doesn't take cara of
jour liberal limit without rebel!!-n: If
jour food I a damage Instead of a help,
remember the quickest, surest, most
harmless relief la Pape' Dlapepain.
Khtch costs only fifty cents for a large
ase at drug stores. It's truly wonder
fulit stops fermentation and acidity
and sets thing straight, so gently and
lly that U la really astonishing.
Mrs. Harriet Bush Greer, of Walla
Walla, formerly of Peoria, 111., was the
guest of honor for a pretty bridge tea
given yesterday afternoon by her
daughter-in-law, Mrs. Joseph E. Greer.
of Portland Heights. The rooms were
prettily decked wltb a profusion of
Spring flowers and at tea time an ad
ditional number of guesta Joined the
party. Included In the bridge guests
were: Mrs. Greer. Mrs. Guy W. Talbot.
Mrs. 8. J. Cobb. Mra Frank Dooly. Mrs.
Russell B. Caswell. Mrs. Harriet Mc-
Arthur. Mr. Stanley Jewett. Mrs. Will
iam H. Wallace. Mrs. Lewis A. McAr-
thur. Mra George K. Nevins. Mra C B.
Raker. Miss Gertrude Talbot. Mr. Fred
Spoerl. Mr. E. E. Shaw. Mrs. Frank W.
Camp. Mrs. George X. West. Mr. J. A.
Halltday. Mrs. George Wright. Mrs. F.
H Newton. Mrs. C N. Muggins. Mrs.
Robert Kwlng. Mrs. R. D. Greer, Mra
Clinton Brown. Mrs. Anderson M. Can
non. Mrs. F. Proctor and Mrs. Emery
Mrs. T. H. Drake and Mrs. J. C.
Mauck were hostesses at the Laurel
hurst Clubhouse on Tuesday afternoon.
he occasion being the semimonthly
meeting of the Laurelhurst Club "La-'
dies' Afternoon Card Club." Five hun
dred and bridge were played, the prises
being taken by Mrs. Max Smith and
Mrs. J. M. Letter In bridge and In 600
by Mrs. K. F. Gerth and Mrs. F. D.
Weber. Tomorrow evening the mem
bers of the Laurelhurst Club will en-
Joy an Informal dancing party at Cotil
lion Hall, and two weeks from that
date comes the annual masquerade at
otllllon Hall, promising to be among
he most enjoyable affair of the year.
The drill team. Captain Lea M. Clark
commanding, la making great prepa
rations for their "military ball. to take
place at the clubhouse on the evening
of February 7, and a merry time la anticipated.
Right Rer. Walter Taylor Sumner
and hi bride, who was Miss Myrtl
Mitchell, of Negaunee. Mich., will ar
rive In Portland this morning from
California and will be met at the depot
by a delegation of the clergy and their
wives, who will extend a welcome to
the couple. The wives of the clergy are
planning a luncheon for Saturday at
the University Club, and on Monday
evening a large and Informal recep
tion will be given by a number of the
clergy of the Episcopal diocese to honor
Bishop and Mrs. Sumner at St. Helen's
Hall. All members of the various par
ishes, missions In and around Portland,
with their friends, are Invited to attend
this reception and meet tha bishop and
his bride. Tha committee of arrange
ments Includes Rev. J. O. Hatton. Rev.
O. W. Taylor and Rev. W. A. M. Breck
and Mrs. E. H. MeColIister and Mrs.
Chambers. A gerreral committee will be
made up by the clergy and their wives,
and assisting on the other committees
will be trs. F. C. Malpas. Mrs. W. R.
Powell. Mrs. James Muekle, Mra J. D.
Rjre. Mrs. Barker and Mrs. Whiteford.
The bride will be entertained exten
sively within the next few weeks, a
he Is a charming young woman and
will be a decided acquisition to Port
land's social set.
THE Sunday School Workers' Union
will meet for the regular monthly
luncheon and business session at the
homo of Mrs. C. A. Morden. S73 East
Fifteenth street North. Friday, Feb
ruary 1. All members of tha union
are invited to attend. The union is
planning for a Sunday school institnte
to b held In tha city In the near fu
ture. This union long has maintained
a high standard for Sunday school
teachers and haa accomplished a vast
amount of good constructive work tn
educating teachers and In Inspiring In
terest among children.
Mrs. John Vert, of Pendleton, a mem
ber of tha executive board of the Ore
gon Federation of Women's Club, will
arrive In Portland today to ba tha guest
of Mrs. J. Francis Drake. Mra Charles
U. Castner. state president of the Fed
eration, also la entertained by 'Mrs.'
: x m " L Vr
Drake. Both distinguished women
planned the visit here to be present at
the state board meeting tomorrow. In
vitations for the state convention will
be received.
Club women of the city are evi
dencing interest in the luncheon to be
given Saturday at 12 o clock at Hotel
Portland by the Woman's Co-operative
League In honor of Its retiring presi
dent, Mrs. G. J. Frankel, the new presi
dent of the City Federation of Wom
en s Organizations, ana the other of
ficers of the federation. Mrs. George
V. McMath, the new president of the
league, will preside and there will be
a programme of musio and addresses of
a progressive type along lines of work
In which women are Interested. The
speakers will be Mrs. Charles H. Cast
ner. Mrs. Alexander Thompson, of The
Dalles: Mrs. Fred G. Schllke. president
of the Oregon Congress of Mothers and
Parent-Teacher Associations, and Mrs.
Frankel, the honor guest.
The pleasure of the occasion will be
heightened by violin numbers by Master
Louis Kaufmann, Portland s boy won
der violinist, and vocal selections by
he Ad Club quartet, J. Ross Fargo,
ack Deegan, C. Maldyn Evans and H.
w. Frost, with Mlsa May Van Dyke,
The luncheon Is open to all members
or clubs that have already affiliated
with the federation, and any who an-
Iclpate federating and would like to
Inform themselves on the purposes of
he organisation. For reservations call
ot later than Friday, Mrs. D. D. Sweet,
East 437.
East Side Central W. C. T. U. will
meet In the headquarters, corner East
Morrison and Fifteenth streets, tomor
row at 2 o'clock, for a business meet
ing. The department "Quia" of last
week will be continued by the presi
dent, Mrs. Hattie Wilson. Material is
needed for Clippings, partly worn sheets
and pillow cases for handkerchiefs, old
stocking for gun wipes and there is
meeting Monday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. W. O. Haanies, on Wasco street.
While the members knitted articles for
the soldiers, Mrs. Taft conducted
study of the Constitution. Scrap books
were given the members by Mrs.
Mielke. These books will be filled
and sent to soldier boys. The chapter
will meet In one week with Mrs. E. J,
By Dr-WA-Evans, "v
Auxiliary to Company F, 18th
Engineers, Railway Multnomah
Hotel, tonight.
Arleta Red Cross Unit Arleta
School. 10 A. M.
Brooklyn Mothers and Teachers
This afternoon, 1 o'clock.
Fulton Army and Navy League
With Mrs. Thomas Meeklns, all
Rose City Park Auxiliary At
10 "A. M., East Forty-fifth and
Co-operative League Unit
East Tenth and Weldler streets.
Portland Woman's Club Cur
rent literature department, with
Mrs. George E. Johnson, 637 East
Eighteenth street Korth.
still a demand for dish towels. If any
one who can contribute will Inform
Mrs. M. C. Peterson, superintendent sol
diers' and sailors' work. East 484, ma
terial will be called for.
Two clever little daitcers. Iris Rosen
thal and Nina Kitts, will participate In
an entertainment next Saturday even
ing to be given by Columbia Rebekah
Lodge No. 3.
Mrs. C. H. Castner has appointed the
following women of prominence to act
as the Federated Clubs' woman's build
ing committee of the University of Ore
gon: Mrs. Roy T. Bishop. Pendleton,
chairman: Mrs. Julius Louisson. Port
land; Mrs. A. E. Ivanhoe, La Grande;
Miss Frances Clark. Burns: Mrs. Will
iam Stewart. Hood River; Mrs. A. C.
Marsters. Roseburg; Mrs. S. W. Arm
strong. Marshfield.
The committee members will each be
responsible for furthering the state
wide campaign for a woman's build
ing on the campus of the university.
Many of the clubs have contributed al
ready to this fund and under the lead
ership of this committee it Is probable
that the organized clubwomen of the
state may Justly take to themselves a
large share of the credit when this gift
building goes up three years hence.
Already $16,600 is pledged to this
fund. Nearly $9000 has been paid In
and la invested In liberty bonds.
The woman's auxiliary of the Rail
way Mail Association will meet at the
home of Mrs. C W. Linedaugh. 325 East
Forty-sixth street, today at 2 o'clock.
Caaier A, P. E. C beid it regular
Questions pertaining to hygiene, sanita
tion and prevention of diseases. If matters
of general interest, will be answered in this
column. Where space will not permit or iho
subject Is not suitable, letters will be per
sonally answered, subject to proper 11ml'
tatlons and where stamped addressed en
velope is Inclosed. Ir. Kvans will not make
diagnosis or prescribe for individual dis
eases. Requests for such service cannot
be answered.
(Copyright. 1916. by Dr. W. A. Evans.
Published by arrangement with the Chicago
Core lex Flat Foot.
TJERE are some simple exercises for
XJL the cure of flat foot: Remove the
shoes and stockings, loosen the
breeches and underwear over the lower
legs. Stand on a two-Inch board with
the toes projecting over the edge. Flex
the toes as raucH as possible. Pull hard
with the flexor muscles located In the
sole of the foot. Extend the toes with-,
out strong muscular effort. Repeat for
five minutes. Gradually lengthen the
time given this exercise to 10 minutes.
After about two weeks add to the toe
flexing exercise a foot-inverting exer
cise. Roll both feet In until the weight
is carried on the outside edge of the
sole. This Is the position in which a
young Ira by holds its feet. Roll the
feet In Just as far as they will go, flex
the toes as much as they will bend and
pull bard on all the muscles which
cause the motions. Allow the foot to
roll back into the natural position
without pulling on it. Repeat this ex
ercise for 16 minutes.
When the muscles become stronger
these exercises can be continued for 30
minutes a day. During the period of
the cure the person must walk with his
toes turned in.
At Fort Ethen Allen Lieutenant Perry
treated 400 men suffering from flat foot
with these exercises. About 90 per cent
of tbem were cured and made able to
continue their training without discom
fort. Footprints show that the foot
arch had been restored.
I feel certain that exercises which
spread the toes and then bring them to
gether, if persisted in, would cure a
large percentage of the cases of bun-
Ions and ingrowing toenails.
Major Brewer says that 13 per cent of
the men examined by him were rejected
for flat foot. Even at that a large
number of the men who were passed
suffered with their feet when they be
gan to train. If clerks had Government
physicians to give them foot exercl.te
every day some of them would be more
patient with unreasoning customers.
Aching feet and petulant customers do
not make a peaceful combination.
Dr. Overton reports that his board re
jected about 25 per cent of the appli
cants appearing before them. One and
sixty-six one-hundredths of this 25 per
cent were rejected on account of flat
Tuberculosis of the lungs led with a
percentage of 4.53. Defective sight
a responsible for 3.08. Deformities
of extremities (mostly foot conditions
other than flat foot) caused rejection
of 2.6S per cent of the applicants.
Heart conditions were responsible, for
2.33; under weight, 2.08; hernia, 2; de
fective hearing, 1.76: discharging ears,
defective teeth, .83; varicose veins.
76; hemorrhoids, .66; chest deformities.
60; bad appendix scars. '50; epilepsy,
42; Pott s disease, .30; hip joint disease,
$5; varicocele, .26; nasal defects, .25;
mental deficiency, .25; fracture of the
skull. .25.
All of Our Muslin Underwear
Has Been Surprisingly I
Small lot Nainsook and Batiste (PI ff 1
1 Gowns and Chemise tD-LeUU
f Beautiful Lace and Embroidered trimmed 1
I Gowns and Envelope Chemise (PI QfT I
now for Oleati
A Special Lot of Gowns $2.95 1
Odd Pieces
All Greatly Reduced
I for
Price Reductions
on Every Piece
Fancy Effects in Camisoles I
$1.00, $1.50, $1.95 I
An attractive assortment
Priced $3.95, $5.95 1
Small lot in Crepe de Chine fl?1 OCT
Plain and Fancy Crepe de
Chine Envelope Chemise
Satin and Crepe de Chine En
velope Chemise .
S2.95 1
S3.95 I
1 Hand-Embroidered Philippine
arranged in four distinctively reduced
I groups, priced as follows:
$1.95, $3.45, $3.95, $4.95 i
Charge Purchases Made
Now Will Be Billed on
Your February Account.
rfS9 IS! BIS
?Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiitiitiiitiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiimntiniiiini hiihiiiiiTt
exercise in a gymnasium are good. Climb
ing is helpful.
2. If extreme It will.
,3. Persons with pigeon breast are espe
cially susceptible to consumption.
Whooping Cough Vaccine.
P. R. T. writes: "1. W.ill you kindly
advise if there is any antitoxin for
whooping cough?
"2. Can you give some general Infor
mation on the care and treatment of
the patient?
"3. What is the percentage of fatal
ity in this disease?"
1. There Is a vaccine which is quite effi
cient when used early in the course of the
2. Unless the vaccine is used early, the
treatment consists In keeping the bowels
regular, feeding the patient properly and
watching the ventilation of the sickroom.
None of the 1000 ordinary whooping cough
cures is worth using. The patient should
remain In bed or quietly in a well ventilated
room until the fever stage has passed. After
that he should have a little airing each
day. The disease Is highly oontagious at
first and but mildly so after the fever stage
haa passed. In consequence, health de
partments usually prescribe room isolation
for the onset and fever stages and Isola
tion on the lot for the next several weeks.
3. The fatality rate In babies under one
year of age Is about o per cent. .Among
older persons it is much less less Mhan 1
per cent. The death rate per 10.000 popu
lation is generally around 6-10 of 1.
Condensed Milk O. K.
J. P. writes: "Will you kindly inform
me if condensed or evaporated milk is
in any way Injurious for children?
"Does It contain any preservative
which Is In any way harmful?"
1. No.
2. No. Condensed milk Is preserved with
sugar. Therefore, conoensea mux oauie, are
generally fat and soft. They snouia oe lea
some meat Juice, soup, vegetables and fruit
inif na earlv as Dossible. A good grade
condensed or evaporated milk is better for
children than a Door grade of liquid milk.
A good grade of liquid milk, however, tanks
next to breast miiK as oauy mua.
By Edith Knight Holmes
Fls;e Breast Ad rice.
. S. whites: "1. Is it possible to cure
pigeon breast? If so, how?
"2. Will a pigeon breast prevent a
man from being accepted in the army?
3. Is pigeon breast a sign of tuber
culosis r
1. Exercises are of some serrice, espe-
rlally In children. The best exercise are
hose which develop the muscles or tne neck
aad uss t rt e lb bask. i'o. and bar
THE woman's committee or the na
tional Security League will make
Its first appearance at the Congress of
National Service, to he held In Chicago
February 21, 22 and 23, under the
ansnices of the National Security
League. Elihu Root, honorary preai
riont of th leae-ue: Ambassador Gerard
Vice-President Marshall, ex-rresiaema
William H. Taft and Theodore ttoose
veir and Secretary of the Interior
vranklin K. Lane will be among the
speakers and the woman's committee is
.rrimrinir for woman speakers of
umial nrominence.
Definite work planned includes send
ing out literature and lecturers to com
bat the effect of German propaganda,
hnlriiner congresses all over the country
and generally keeping up the patriotic
fenlinsr of tha JNatlon. Bpeciai aiucu-
tion will be given to work among the
foreien DODUlation.
Psvcholoeical" is what Miss Susanna
Cocroft. who organized the woman's
committee, calls the province oi me
women in the work ot tne isaiionai o
ruritv League.
"We '-are not starting a separate
movement," she explained today. "There
are organizations enougn. we oii ."
irniratinn we shall try to give may be
of practical help to the organizations
already in the field.
Every nation knows, ana uernnnj
In particular, that victory In this war
depends upon the morale of the men,
and this morale depends much upon the
women power behind the man power. A
soldier's memory or some iruo women
is generally his moral backing.
"American men are setting an exam
ple to the world of unselfish work for
right because it is right.
"What can we women do?
"We can sew, knit, wind bandages,
give money, give the soldiers comfort
in food, drink and reading matter as
they pass through our towns, give
money to the Red Cross for these things,
send nurses and doctors to the battle
field, help to feed our men by conserv
ing food at home, inspire the Fosdick
Commission, the Y. W. C. A., the Salva
tion Army, the Knights of Columbus,
the American Library Association and
every other movement that is giving
comfort and a touch of home life to the
boys in the cantonments and at the
front; In fact, we can put soul into
every force that is working to help our
"We can economize, buy no useless
things, wear simple clothing and sim
plify service in our homes so as to re
lease many workers to be employed in
other active service.
"We can write at least twice a week
a cheering letter to some boys who are
away from home."
Particular attention is called today
to the meeting of the auxiliary to Com
pany F, 18th Engineers, Railway, to be
held promptly at 8 P. M. in the Multno
mah HoteL To all who are interested
In this company the message is "Come
early and get busy." Some business of
great importance Is scheduled. Plans
will be made for immediate work.
t, rvaitnn T?ei1 r?ross Anxlllarv met
at the Creston School Tuesday after- I
non and many garments for the Red I
Cross .vera completesU Usm. i APercy j
was chosen to attend the war cookery
class as a representative of the auxil
iary. Several new members were re
ceived and it is hoped that at the next
meeting, February 5, many more will
come. .
The auxiliary to Company E will mee
Friday at 8 P. M. In the gray parlors of
the Multnomah Hotel.
Brooklyn Mothers' and Teachers' RecJ
Cross unit will meet at 1 o'clock today
in the sewing-rom of Brooklyn School,
The Red Cross unit of the Parent
Teacher Association of Arleta School
will meet this morning in the domestic
science room of the Arleta School.
Highland Parent-Teacher Red Cross
unit will meet Friday from 10 A. M. to
4 P. M. in the sewing-room of the
A sewine; machine owner who can
dispense with her machine for one day
a week can render patriotic service
by loaning it to the Highland Parent-
Teacher Association Red Cross Auxil
iary. The auxiliary has three machines
which have been donated, but the vol
ume of work requires a fourth. The
auxiliary asks that a machine be loaned
them for their Friday meetings at
the Highland School. Anyone desiring
to contribute may communicate with
Mrs. W. B. Crewdson, 1062 East Ninth
street, or. call Woodlawn 1058.
x ' .
In Clinton-Kelly district there are
two Red Cross units doing good work.
Of unit No. 2 Mrs. David Malloy is
chairman. She also Is active in the
liberty loan campaign work and In
other forms of patriotic service.
Ii. J. AVentworth Says Shipbuilding
Undervalued by People.
It is high time that the people of
Portland awoke to the magnitude and
importance of the shipbuilding indus
try in the Columbia River district, said
L. J. Wentworth, of the Emergency
fleet Corporation, speaking to members
or the Portland Ad Club at their lunch
eon yesterday in the Benson Hotel.
-Mr. Wentworth went on to say that
the money raised by Portlanders for the
liberty loan comes back to them by be
ing expended here for ships. Practi
cally every machine shop in Portland,
according to Mr. Wentworth. Is getting
some of this money, because the big
plants portion out a great quantity of
their work.
Mrs. R. E. H. Emrich told of the pur
poses of the Armenian relief drive.
London Defenses Prove Effective
Against German Planes.
LONDON, Jan. 30. In last night's air
raid three persons were killed and 10
Injured, it was announced officially. It
Wlf ?
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Is feared the bodies of six other per
sons are buried in the ruins of a house.
A large number of the persons killed
in Monday night's air raid, according
to the Central News, met their deaths
in a building, the basement of which
was used as a shelter. It Is believed
that two bombs struck the building, as
the walls were blown out in large sec
tions and all the floors collapsed.
In last night's air raid bombs were
dropped at various places in Kent and
Essex, it Is announced officially. Uhere
were several aerial engagements. All
the British machines returned safely.
Land Cases to Be Expedited.
ington, Jan. 30. The General Land
Office has Instructed the chief of the
Portland field division to expedite ac
tion on pending uncanceled Benson
and Hyde selections In Oregon. Where
cancellations result, the Government
will enter disclaimer of title to lands
upon which fraudulent selections were
Phone your want arls to The Orego
nian. Main 7070, A 6095.
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We Are Not In the Laundry Combine and We Do Not Charge Yon
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Pot Yoar Lannderlna; In Our Care You'll Like Our Superior Work
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assisted by her pupils at the Little, Theater, Twenty-third
street, near Washington. Two performances Thursday,
Jan. 31, and Friday, Feb. 1,. 8:30 P. M.
Tickets on Sale at Box Office