TTTR !rorcXl"NTr OREGOXIAX, 3IOXDAY. JANUARY 2S, 1918. HELP WANTED fTMAL. WANTED Clrl for nrsl of fie work. Mast b Beat, good pnmin. tecuntt. will ing 14 becin at the bottom tfl work up. steady piac for tb r.hl g.ri. Aiuvtr In wn handwriting. Mat sxpen.nce. If J . S. m .-.-1 1 ur ud gl vs rf ersnre. T -t5. Urro..t'W AMtU As collector. jroUDf man. single, a who can rfrrrnc koi tmnci. fin . tlunt f r iilvtartmtnt to a road pot - t:on. salary ill a cok to start. Apply 4t uregoniaa bid, today otwa an-1 Alli.NTIlK La-II residing anywhere' Outsul wf lur;aaJ dsirng hotue worn. a-so ifloM lnterw:t in croc net and knit- .ling can naar or sp.sndid opening. Eastet wxl dsoi. "free - to workers. sr.d flM favt;op for detai.s. Dept. C 1'u llth SL. Ion. and. ur. La i T rook wanted for small country hotel. oi.a coinpatent to take lull charge; 4a per month: no l.lng. Call Imps rial not-i. room ail. today trem 1 la r n. v. . rt. t:oie. wtAii &trauiripnr for seoond pool tioo. easy boure and chaaca for auWaace- . bb:, moderate sa.ary. awr. glvin ' ;. er;ence and salary aapactsd. C r. tift:n. V AN TED Thorougn.y competent fady boo keeper. aner. fining al, th wou.d Interest an amp. oyer, stating ealar; expecteu. Answer la awn nandw ruing, v. Oregonlan. UAMELi Competent stenographer, go- oducatioa and address: mutt ba able to ea st l bookkeeper; in rep.y slate aapartanaa ana aa ary. 41. uregoman. TEACHERS Ws need your ear-vice tfanag tha atom- aner sec u re position now, state education. gepaon No A V led. Oregon Ian. AH eaperleliced lady clotheo Ironer: gtr'a an sairt macninaa. L. x. Laundry Co, bnnl aea. and East Tambt.l st. 1a'A.NTEi Eapenencad marker and sorter s-.eady sork. good pay. Apply la Person. irya'.a! i,annary Co. WANTED l Oman for general housework good borne and good a ages. lila Wood ward avenue, end Kichmond carilne. l-soil TL'TION cook. :. waltreasea Dialda, helpera Howe a Agency, room 4o, 2tw Waanlngton. W ANT KD Experienced girl for fnnrr an confectionery at'ire: muni bae eaperienc Call Tabor a4 after A. l. WANTF:D A elrl for general housework In family of two adults, referencea. Fboue Tahor ITtMKiiUrHER: must hao good expe rience. Stale all particulars. AO .vs. Oregontan. . A N T t 1 1 Two rbl dren to car for In wa home- prefer children 4 to J tars of age. reasonable pru-o- Tabor o3T. Waate -Doeaeetlr. CIRL ar woman for general housework an farm: fami.y of four; bo heavy wasning wage $JS per month, writ Mra, V. Prusell. Hlckreaii. or. VOUAN or girl to he p with houeework for room and ncara ana latu vim, home for right party.. Write ira. w bimmons. Tnompson's Siding. Kerry, Or. WANTED Woman for general hooaework. p.sla cooking, good hum tor tne rigni. person, fami.y of t adult and 1 email g.rl. Phone Monday Tabor 3d4o. W ANTED Olrl for general houeework must b good, conn oook; S.I U Be wasning. CwuLi Mlrl for aeneral housework. Apply a once. Hi E. 37th St.: taka Hawthorn ar ML Scott car: n washing. v'ANTED Work In plain family of adults or toardlng house, or hour work. Alain r..e ..riri. housework- lrvlitglon: in raxr.i:v: mala washing aut: fu i eou. East T9M. a vit ..ri for second work: must under stand Bialn aewmg. 824 aleaxney. near HAMlIi G.rl for general housework, no children: evening free. CM TamhIU. Wast hid C:K1 ta aealst with housework, good home. C. 8. preferred. Appiy 1214 E. Handera. alontaviiia car. C)D wage to n thoroughly competent proteetaut ma.d for genera, aouaework. 4 1-1'MI test T4. WANTED Hlah school girl to work for hoard and room and til a week. Apply today. HI E. Yamblli al. E. Z4v. A COMPETENT nursemaid with references. Aouir Tia Main St.. between .-t. Clair and Vtsta ave. Take Portland Ht. car CiRLor woman for general housework. family of 3 adults and 3 children, wagea loo. Phon Tabor 3-"2 3o4 rloral ave. COvD girl for general housework; sms 'smlly. god. wsgea. Phone Wdln. 4443. W A. STEP A girl for general bouaework. Cist siTt. 1ADY tor general housework: n waahln B car. 4HJ aat st. North. GiKL. for gsneral housework. 4 hour dally, to 12 A. M. TIT E. Broadway, tt. Uoi TOfNO Ctrl la aeeUt with cmidren. I ' Kearney WANTEle A girl t assist with grneral housework. No chl.dren. App:y 5H1 Iiku. HEX.P WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. c. . ooveitxteT TTENiXiRAPHEKS WANTED. - Unci Sam will employ every gradoat f ear civil Service eoura at aaianes of from tl'MM 1 CnOO a year. Poaitlaas gluaranteed all graduate. Enroll now. LINK'S Bi..-INidi COLLtGi. lULb and alorriaon. Portland. Or. Pbanaa: Alain SOha, A MX P1VNER9 WANTED. fiOOO WORK. OOOD PAT ORE'iO.N C1TI WOOU..N Alll.lji. OREUON CUT. b ANTED Prlvat shorthand student; ez pert Instruction wnaurpaa4 reault. AE sJJ. Oregonlan. Mips MATTINOLrS Shorthand. Typewriting chooi. Da Evening. IS M ?otn. 2a 141. Near Je feraoa Mala sa. RKLP WANTED MICEEINEOr". 11AWTH.RNE AUTO rt'HUUL, 4oJ Hswthorn in. Complete roura- In suitable day and anrenln classes. EVFRTTHINO M E CHA.NIOAL AND ELECTHICAL. rnllm Ited praotiral repair aaperlene. Special evening clase ratea OMMINAL, klOI.ER BARBER COI.LE.E. wounded In 18U3. Trade taught In eight vrtki: tuition earned during the course; get yon a poU:en. rumtsa tools, arnol arshtp transfer card. Writ for free cat, to cue. n Burns! d at. OXEWN BARBER CCLLCoS erltl teach yoo th barber trade la 1ght weeks: loo la free; scholarship and dip. tries gtvea; paid while learning; position guaranteed: tu.tlcn reduced, lij Madison. UNCLE SAM needs 10. ooo stenograpnera. Krrotl bow for shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping, allsa DECKER' PK1VA1K VlKINEfS COLLEUK. Aiiaky bldg. ekJOINAl, XOSLER BARBER SCHOOL. Teach men and women barber trade la S wks. Special rate for abort time. $ i n. ending good set too: dip, one. 4 Couch aVlilNTIKlC ilASSAUK Pupl!. received. The fi-onslds Institu'e. 32T-3 Plttock b'k VAT tilDB COMMEKCIAL Sc'UOOL, Pay and evening. 123 Graad ava. Eaat 427 CopTTifU. 19 IS. Vj hUwsjwpear I i&Wl''' 'iLL bP HEl.f WASTED MISCEIXAXT.ors. rVH.B HAM NEEDS ACTO Attend few days fre and fiB1 ul for yourself that v bar the bel system of tarhm. Call or writ for hi W-pg catalog o. ADCOX AUTO PCHOOL. Th School Tnat Different. . L'alon A. and Wmsco oU Fhoat East 744o. I . PRACTICAL training- In ra electrical and I etesra engineering, mechanical drawing. snctain-sbop practlco. osy-aretylen wld In, auloniobtle and tratlor operating and repairing. Wrlta tor catalogue. Seatlia En- ginaa.-ic- B'-nool. beam. un. UTtATIONa WANTED MALE. aavj CVrrka. THOROl'uH ACCOUNTANT Tlitrty-tw year, married. Experience: Lumber, railroad. wholi and manufacturing ; open for engagement. Al referencea. AV SSS. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED stenographer, correspond ent and general office man wishes position in rood office: cauabie. nit somswhet out of practice, will accept nominal salary to tart, highest recommendation. a.asi f 5 AE Oregonlan. REr'INED. aober. atrong man. 33 yosrs old, wanta poaition as aei-retary. or any other Job with chine for advancement on larre cattle ranch, or farm, rvot airaia oi worn R. P. Prentys, General lllvery. Seattle. C E MITCHELL, expert accountant; In come statement. Ituo Henry bldg. Main 2170. RAPID accountant win keep your books In 1 or J hours dally at a great saving Broadway 7M. Miscellaneous. VOUNO man with energy and wide expe rience desires position with going concern that ran pay monthly aaiary and later provide opportunity tor mveaimeau i 414. Oreronian. MARINE machinist want work Installing engines In vessel a for ana ait; tripi or quadruple expansion, any norerpower, steel shipbullumg . yard experience; can deliver the goods. T !. Oregonlan. L-lCENsi-D engineer wania position, night or day: wining to nr nntn soineiums better. Phone Tsbor 7142 or address 7iU ftth B. E., Portland. EXPERIENCED CHAtTEEfR. MARRIED. AT PRESENT turLUl r:u. nr.MnM POSITION; BEST OF LOCAL REFER ENCEA M PS. ORKliOMAX. AN xprlncd general merchandise roan wanta position iw or oui oi tiwr, sov bookkeeper; can handle any line. As ll. Oregonlan. BAKER, all-around man on rake. Pi. bread, wants position. Aoaress yv. ssera. 47 Osk st. Phone Broadway 1TT0. EAPKrlT. experienced ad writer; special work or permanent, position, a sou, ur gonlan. MAN. mlddls-age. good education, desires position collecting, clerical, eiu.; aceiieui referencea. T Oregonlan EXPERIENCED gas engine man wanta po- eltlon In garage or ariving; best oi srences. TsPor 430. XOl'NC man mechanic and truck driver. wllh Ooemment relerencss. wanta posi tion. T 4oa. oregonisn BT married man. driving, private or truck. years" exp.. best oi ret.; no own wora. AE 851. f'rsgonlart MAN with auto truck wanta hauling, etc. or by contract, oay. week or mania, wvun Deardorff. Lenta. Tabor oO. WANTED Plac on ranch by adulta, e- penenced. C O. Wilkin, cosmopoiia. " CHINESE boy, IS. wanta to learn printing. w rite o. a. r sy. b tin st. WINDOW trimmer and show csrd writer wlshe position. Phone Taoor siui. JAPANESE chauffeur wants position for prlva'o family. A v--. urtionuu. CuoO Chinese cook went position as chef r second in notei rest. zo nn. STTVATIONS WANTED FEMALB. Bookkeepers and rilenographor. AM a college woman with boalneaa and chool axperience: new employed, desire change. Can write advertising ropy, run rental agency, act as filing clerk, man are small office. V 044. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED ookkeepr and typist. bow employed, wishes better poaiuoa reference. Y 414. oregonlan. Ol'NG lady with aom experlenc would Ilk poeilioo as stenographer or general office work, tutwiii . H!H school girl wants clerical work for Saturday. Call Kaat !. tits ii . UAKT snwna aulta and blouaes made to or. der; distinctive remodeling Broadway Ly A Cleaning ki. IflH wash, bet w Park and 10th at Gown depu. Bdwy 2"U5 dys and cleaning dept. East gs P-Ti-DATE dreaamaker wanta day en gagementa, rsmodsllng a pclalty. Phon Main '.'3. ASHIONAHLE dreemklng. reasonable; bom or day. trie 1 huruiaa. lira. 83o3. FIRST-CLASS dreasmaklrg and tailoring done at horn or by day, call sell, phj. Lih ess MAKER, exnarlenced: embroidery, stno-klng. braiding, tell wood 3114. el. 70. Nurse. L'RSE with doctors references, t20 week. call bet. and 11 A. at. and a to a f. At. Phone Marshall l'3us, room IP. ot'D practical suns with boapital traJA Ing. Mar. 1M3. Housekeeper. IDDI.E-AOED Isdy wlshe housekeeping la city for working man or widower email warea. Call between S and T even. Ings at room 48. Barton Hotel. 433 Aider st-eet ol'SEKEEPINO for respectable American bacielor or widower by widow so years old: have 1 boy iu years 01a. can wuimoy Hotel. 2 N. 4th St.. room 34. 1 DDLE-AGED widow want to keep hous for widower or bachelor, cail altar p. M. Est 132 LADY wanta a position as housekeeper In widower a noma: have own furnttur. v 041. Oregonlan. Dora et lew. JAI'ANESE girl wants position a general nouaewerk in good tamiiy. xiroaa wsy. city, care Tskabayashl IKM-iD, capable woman cook wants work. city or country. T B2, oregonlan. M larelta neons. LADY waata bousecleanlng or other work. by hour or day: satisfaction guaranteed. H. M. Ellla. Room II, pnon Broadway N experlsnced cook wishes position In smsll csmp or boarding-house: can rurnish helper: would consldsr large ranch. BD 750. Oregonlan. ANTED Plac to take car of children nings while molher la away; rfrncs. Woodlawn 11L . WANTED Plac to tsk care of children evening while mother la away; refer ence Woodlawn 1611. AFKRIENCED operator want prlvat - change. AV 20. oregenian. GOOD laundress goes out to work dally or by th hour. Eaat 130. CAMP cocks, man and woman, want Job, Hot bit, cosmopolls. wash. LAOY wants day work. Wood. awn 6273. F CmsI Britain WANTED TO FFXT, Hou WANT to rent 4 or f-room furnished fiat or house or 4-room apartment: must be close In and reasonable, aduit.- Ma;n 7543. WANTED To rant 6 or T-room hous near rarilno. eloaa In. Address W 723. Or Io nian. U'ANTFU To rent a 6-room house, fur nished: will taka good caro of same, B 2I.". "segonln. Apartments. WANTED A small furnished apt. sleeping porch, on East bide. AF Orernnlan. si;i 76 WANTED To rent 6-room apartment, heat, hot and cold water, out of the congests!! district. Address X von, uregonlen. Rooms. WORKINO woman want clean slnrle hous keeping room, atcara heau T ore gor-ian. NICELY furnished room wanted, near Cnlon Depot. AM i.'Vl. Oregonlan. FOR RENT. Fnrnlehed Rooms. A Moderate Priced FTotel of Merit. HOTEL CLIFFORD. Eaat Morrison St. and East Sixth. Hotsl Clifford Is the principal East Sid hotel and la a hotel of dlnnlty and finemenl. Rooms with private bsth. $-2.30 per month i suites. $40. A few nice rooms at $1 SO per week. Dally rate $1 and up. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14tb St.. at Washington. Fireproof. large. attractive. spotleai rooms. Individual phones, continuous heat A bot water aerv. . ,c day up. 14 30 a k. STANDISH HOTEL fUltU. Washlnaton bl.. Cor. 17th. Modern, steam-heated rooma. $LoO to It per week. Ire phon and bath. HOTEL CORDOVA. 209 lllh at Strict! modern, private baths en suit; rooms $3 up. Main P4I2. A 4ia. HOTEL BhOAOWAf, ltd N. Broauwy. Lo ratea to prmaaaat xuetlx, bisam hsa Phona. PALACE HOTEL. 446 Wash. t-l downtow location; respectable and atrictly mousrn iictm bsat; rooma large, clean. HOTEL OCKLET. Morrison street at lot Rale 30c per day up, weekly, i up running water; freo phone and bain. .MCE warm modern rooms. 50c day; $J week up. Frs reatting-room, phone and bath. commercial nott i. ifttn ana wasn-ngton. HOTEL NOKRIS. 5H3 Uj Alder St. 8trlctly modern. i ou ana -.ou week. 6 MODERN furnished rooms, plsno and use of bath, first fioor. labor cols. DESIRABLE corner room, private bath, phones, $'.'5 for two. 733 Washington st. H1LLCREST HOTEL, bath, phone. $16 mo. up: without bath. $13 up. od w aahington DESIRABLE corner room, prlvste bath. phones. $l.'o for two. 733 Wsshington St. Furnished Rooms In Private Fnmlly. A VERT desirable, extra large sunny fron room, sultab e for Z rentlemen. In pri vate family. Jn center of Irvington; after Feb 1; rent reaaonable. Home Fhone P lino. Ci-cA., beautifully furnished, connecting bath. In flral-clA spt. -house, for rent refined lady or gentleman; references. Main 6016. FOR RENT Newly furnished sleeping room, reasonshle. Main A72 mornings or even ings, po Ella St., right off Washington. 26ft 14TH, NEAR Jefferson, choice rooms. walking distance. Main 883. $12 HANDSOMELY furnished front room for woman. 434 10th st. Main 3L't6. 472 SALMON ST. Rooms for rent; walk- Ing distance. 2-R'lOM suite. 415 Mill St. LAKtiE front room for rent. 793 Johnson hL Room With Board. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences: walking distance; $3 SO per week. E. 473. 12 E. 7lh at PARKVts W Family hotel. 3S6 Montgomery t.. In South Parkway; wulking distance; excellent table: reaaonable rate M. 3iS3. 422 MORRISON, cor. 13th, choice rooms and board; modern conveniences, walking dis tant.. Room With Board In Private Family. MODERN horn for men. heat, good table, batha and music : nesr Union nnd Alberta. luv Garfield. Woodlawn 202i. 1 OR 2 children can have good, modern home, best of ear, reasonable; large yaid. near school; hav cow. wood. awn louo. ON Brodwy earilne. modern room for two. 1 single room; also young lady wishes roommate. rai inn. FUKN ACE-HEATED room with board, use of phone, belli ana family alttlne-room; walking distance. TT2 Hoyt. Main lft'JT. UuOM with board In private family. Broad way 4317. BTOH Davis. WANTED Couple to room and board with elderly lady, call z4 East nun. W ANTED Children to board, any age. E. BMP. Fwralshed Apartment. TBI CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia St FIt minute' walk to Meier AV Frank tore; good eurroundlngs; strictly modern 1 and e-room furnlshod apartmenta, all Otttsld. with FT-n. h doors and balconle. ATTRACTIVE RATES PERMANENT OR TRANSIENT. VILLA ST. CLARA. Twelfth end Taylor. Most modern apartment on th Pacific Coaat; furnished complete. s Roof Garden In Connection. Walking distance. Reference KINGSBURY APTS.. 186 Vista ave. nesj 23d and Washington; 8-room furnlahed apartment. CARLOTTA COURT. Everett and 17th. mod-rn . walking dlstanc. ARCADIA. T96 Everett, nr. 2 Id st. 3-room, givod ventilation, no children; references. Cnfnrnlahew Apartment. IRVINOTON New 6-room apartment, ma hogany and white enamel hard wood floors, tile bath, steam heat. Jan itor service, laundry, every up-to-date convenience rent ado. F. E. Bowman AV Co.. 215 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main ao;. ROSE-FRIEND, 283 Broadway, corner Jef ferson: monsrn unturn. spt. wsiking dis tnnce. best service. Marshall 1410. BRUCE APT8.. 25th and Northrup streets- Modern V rooms and slseplng porch. tm heat. Main 4Wu. Referencea. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders. $ and 6-room, reasonable. Main Told. Furnlahed ar V nfumlshed Apartment. WINDSOR APTS. 2 and S-rooms furnished and unfurnished, clean. comrortnble, homelike. 2 block carilne. East 2K0T. FURNISHED apartments. $4; slsn front bed rooms. $2.50 psr week, walking dlstanc. 545 H W aahington. Plata. 3-ROOM flat. Weet Side, furnace, ga. elec tric walking distance; rent $15. Owner, phone Broadway 115. b-RM. flat. 173 E. 15th. nr. Yamhill. F.. 2154. POLLY 12IaO0lu16-1his pixi- HOUSE. MCRaJIaJ MOOAi AAi' AIH5T( Rigkta VLrrd. Ragistared in U. S. PaUnt OfBco, MA ROYALLY DEFENDS MR. DAIBEH BY CLIFF STEHRETT. FOR RENT. Furnlehed Flats. 4 KOOMS. bath, modern conveniences, on carilne. good neighborhood. $20. Wood lawn i20i eo FIVE rooms, modem, clean, comptetely furnished, sleeping porch. 37Jls Mill et. Housekeeping Rooms. 4il EAST MORRISON, cor. Pi 8th Neatly furnished 1 and 2-room H. K. apartment. Housekeeping Rooma in Private Fnmlly. LAROE front housekeeping room, kitchen; lower floor, large yard, near shipyard. 3s7 First. ROOM, kitchenette, gas., elec, bath. hot. cold water, ? bik Pub Lib. 421 lamnni, NICE, clean housekeeping rooms. $2 we-k. 244 Montgomery. per NICE smart room, also sleeping porch, very convenient end reasonable r isnoers. Iloua $22.50 7 ROOMS, modern. 169 E. 7th st. North, nsar Oregon. $108 rooms, sleeping porch, garage, grounds lOOxlou ft-; 401 E. uth su N.. corner Hancock. $40 12 rooms, modern. West Side, at S0-4-N. 2d st., nssr K.esrney. CARL R. JONES CO., 404 Wilcox bldg. Main 8698. 10 ACRES FOR RENT. At Erroll station, on Estacada aleetne line; faces Johnson creek: I -room nouse, barn, family orchard. Bull Run water, $30 per month. WH1TMER-KELLY COMPANY. 711 Plttock block. LAL'RELHl'RST. Before buying elsewnere obtain our list of ssQulsito homes lor sale on easy terms In Lauri.hursl. the show place of Port land. LAI RELHL'RST CO.. 270 Stark si. Main !7u0, A loli. THS Hsiter residence at 768 Park ave. la fcr rent; for auitabl tenant, alteration desired win r aiaue r-non nsxw, Broadway 1104, wcea dsya . 6-ROOM cottage. 115 4-h. a It la $10. or .-lll flv '.V 11 o. lift. Fine home. 774 Everett, 2 batha, eto. $50. Edwards Company, 5th and oak. THOROUGHLY modern 7-room house, fin ished attic, nice grounds with up-to-dat double garage. 2B5 East 15to. cor. Madi son. East huub. Kent sou. THE McBrlde residence at 1764 East Yam hill la for rant to suuaoi tenant, ruoue Tabor L-084. LHiinil house. 589 IT Alder. Dr. W. Llnusey, office biu Morgan Dtog. una 6'iiW. Kes.. Jaarsnan 4uo. MODERN B-room aouse. large basement. chicken-nous, good yara tor garaen, a month, bee owner, 404 nan oiug. .hiinii house. Marruerltte ava: larg lot. fruit trees, $12. . vanauyn, oao vnam- ber of Commerce. Mam luob. NICE, clean, modern. 6-room house, oak floor and luruaca. nil tuniun. -au mum- lngs. 8-H ' loM modern house. 712 Lovejoy. near 2i'd. Inquire io nth st. stain p.-ia. MODERN cottage, wall located, close to car. Main 6U7B. . $15 6-room cottage, near shipyards, walk ing distance, goou conuiiioq. nnv. 474 STAFFORD. 5-room house with bath. $10 per month. Phone Main 101a. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Desirable 7-room house. Mar. 4827, A Boat, can morninga. TWO nice, clean places on carllns, rsasona- able. woodlawn 821. Furnished House. FURNISHED S-room house. Nob Hill dl- trlct, rent $ba; reference, janin ii. Store. FOR RENT SMALL STORE. CORNER WILLIAMS AVE. AND BKUAUWAI. Office. FURNISHED private offlc $10; also desk room ami phon ssrvice. zint etoca a.i chang bldg FOR RENT Furnished offices and desks. cheap. 723 Chamber or commerce oiog. TO LEASE TO LEASE space In brick building. 23.000 sq. ft ; close in. business center siae; suitable for garage, storage, manufactur ing. W G. Kern. 1534 Grand ave. BUSINESS OPPOKTt'N'ITrES. IF TOU have brains, foresight and $2u.0i)u and ar willing to invest them an in trlctly conservative enterprise, I will add 600 lots located in the city of Astoria. Or., conservatively valued at $40,000. and share eqjaUy with you the profit resulting from any dea's involving the exchange, trade or handling of our combined resources; ret eronevs exchanged. Address box 602. Port land Hotel. Portland. Or. WE have an exceptionally good opening for a live business man witn a tew tnousana to Invest In a going fruit and vegetable cannery In Eastern Oregon; great demand for our products; a bonafide proposition. AV 27. Oregonlan UKi'CElt Y One of the best locations In city; steady family trade; pay sure; long established; present owner 9 years; will reduce to $2.0tl for stock and fixture if desired; no trades. L) blio. cregonian. THEATER. Picture and vaudeville theater, modern and complete, for sale at bargain; splendid opportunity; examine or inquire promptly. Li berty Theater, rtoecpurg. ur. BEST bakery in Western Montana at bar- rain because or ill nealtn. Macninery, car for delivery, good brick oven. This place I free from debt and a money maker AV 315, Oregonlan. . CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Inter est In established real sstate business gst advic of Portland Realty Board. PAUL COWGILL, Secretary. IF YOU WISH To Buy. Sell or Exchange a Business of any kind, anywbar. aoo A. J. De FOR EST, 203-205-207 Boardof Trad Bldg. FOR SALE Harness, hardware, saddlery Co. Goods bought oeror price raised. will sell at in vol -e; only anop in town. W. E. stemnorr, xjanaon, ur. EXCLUSIVE county agencies tor sale, eleo- trlo controllers and aevices; patentea; no competition: quick sales; particular, M M. oregonlan. LAUNDRY for sale, good, prosperous town an tha eosnt. 'mis win stana investiga tion. Address Crystal Laundry Co.. Til lamook, Or. OH BALE 4-chalr barber shop, good loca tion, suitable for lady barbers, neasonabi prlc. if or information, wquir -ou ourw side. PARTNER wanted; big new line; classed by Itself; exclusive: no competition; Dig ru ture: Investment required. K 475, Ore en n i n. WILL sacrifice -an old established cigar and xrult store for $23. It will Invoice $700. Call today st 4"t Hoyt at. FOR SALE Small general stors. good busi ness and location: will discount for cash If taken before Feb. 1. AJ 264. Oregonlan. WELL-EQUIPPED bakery, only one in town of 2000; owner muMt leave. For full par ticulars write AV 809. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Photo studio, just what yon want- Good soldier trade also. It' your, tnke It. Money tslka AV 816. Oregonlan. BARBER chairs and fixtures at a big sacri fice. Kemp Barbers' Bupply Co.. 271 Wash. FOR SALE Eating hous st shipyard; big business. Call Main 4!K9. FOR RENT Good location for bakery and confectionery. D 8S. Oregonlan. AND HER 31 fits "1 HM r." X. m I 1 BUSINESS OPPOBTrNITIES. GREAT OPPORTUNITY for anybody to enter In tho clothing, men's furnishing and shoe business. One of the best loca tion In Portland. Rent only $75 per month. Stock clean as gold. Inventory at th old price $7750. Fixtures e00 (working men and shipbuilders' trade). Stock consists of staple goods only. If stock bought at the present tlms It would invoice fully $11.0UO; $8000 will buy stock and fixture Must be sold at one. T 8114. Oregonlan. FOR KENT Well-established dry goods and shoe store; fine sheivlngs, 4 comfortable living rooma and bath; present tenant com pelled to move on account of l-'her busi ness; investigate. See owner.- 104S Union ave. N. BU81"ESS OPPORTUNITIES WASTED. WANTED Established dry good, furnish ing or variety atore in live town. Will pay $1500 cash or more, V 083, Oregonlan. HOTELS AND ROOMING-HOUSES. IF YOU WISH To buy, cell or exchange a hotel, rooming or apt.-boua, so A. X DE FOREST, a0g-205-207 Board of Trad bldg. 25 LIGHT, airy H. K. rooms, cheap rent, excellent location, some of the best fur niture in town, absolutsly clean through ought. Sacrifice for quick gale. No agent. C11 436 Alder s' 18 ROOMS, nlc. modern house, near 7th and Jafferaon, clear $55 per month, com pletely furnlahed H. K; a real anap, $50U Tabor 5208. TclN light housekeeping rooms, all full, good, new furniture. 940U; want to quit busi ness; paying proposition. 13o 14th, near Alder. MARY B. LENT - ssll hotels, rooming and apartment house at the best price and torno. 524 N. W Bank bldg. Main bfitjO. 11 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, all full, electric lights, $400; if taken this week, $3o5 cash. 413 Main St. Marshall 4o7. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Jan. 25. lady gold watch, between W. 14tb and Clay and E. lbth and Salmon. Reward. Call Eaat 4duJ. LOST Watch fob bowling emblem; return Geo. Henry, Portland owling Alleys; re ward. r IUA M. UAMN1NG calls Mar. 3790, she oan recover her umbrella taken by mis take Thursday. LOST State cbampionhlp bowling emblem; return A. It. Arena, Aiuiu iioiei. itewaro. 6PEC1AL NOTICES Proposal Invited. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that eealed bids will r received until a ebruary 12, 1U1H. at 8 o'clock A M.. at the oulce of the Bord of Director of the Talent Irri gation District at talent, Oregon, lor th purchaao 01 sia hundred thousand -l$o00.-000.UO dollars In bonds of the Talent Irri gation District a municipal corporation). oald bonds are numbered consecutively, commencing with number 1 ana lollowing In numerical order, mature ssnaily In an nual amouuts, so as to be appruaimaluiy qual principal and Iniarest, and shaii be payable In gold coin 01 th Luited btaies 01 the present standard of weight and llneness or it equivaianu Th aaid bonds sna.l be dated January 1, 1918, and shall bear Interest at six 18) per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on U10 first uay 01 January and July 01 each year, and the principal and Interest shall be payable at th olilc of the County Treasurer of Jackson County. Oregon, or at the liscal agency ol the sials of Urcuio, in New fork city, slats uf New Yora, tne places dssiguaiud respectively in the bonds and coupoua. Banus shall be each of the osnoiuination 01 not less than $100 nor more than looo, and snail be signed by the president ana secreiary. To seal of the Boaru 01 Directors will be alllxed thereto, and each bond will bear on th back thereof the registered cer tificate of th County Treasurer, who shall sign as Treasurer and as ea-oiiiuiu Treas urer oi tb districL Coupons lor interest will be attached to each bond, and wtil b signed witn the engraveu lacsimile signature of the secretary. The County Treasurer, who 1 e&-oliicio treasurer ui the district and the secretary ot tne dis trict, will register the saiu bonus in books In their respective uxitcfes lor tnat purpose, and therein will be slated the nuuiuer, date, amount 01 bond, lime and piww oi payment, rat of Interest, number 01 cou pons attached, and other description ior future iuentiiiction of each bona, the foregoing shall not be construed to pro vide .hat any bond of the district will bear tb registered certificate by in oc rstary. Each bid must o accompanied by a certlilcate payable to the County Treasurer of Jackaoo county, Oregon, lor $12.uou. to sscure ths district againat any ise result ing from the laiiure of the bidder to com ply with the terms of his bia. . No inter est will b allowed on said certified check, but if bid is accPted. said check will bs credited a tirst paymenL The ba.anus of the amount due will be payable and delivery maae ee follows: $288,uoo within thirty (30) day from acceptance of bid, and $300,000 on July 1, lblo. Failure to make th payment of $2oo,u00 as abovs provided, will forfeit said certified check to said district. These bonds, based on a full examina tion of the district by ths Oregon irriga tion Securities Commission, will be certl. fled by the Secretary of State of the state of Oregon, a a legal investment tor sav Inas and commercial banks, trust and in surance companies, trust funds and state school funds, and are legally acceptabl to secure deposits of state, county and city funds in Oregon banks. - These bonds are free from Federal in come tax and declaration thereunder and exempt from all Oregon taxation. The appraised valuation of the irrigable acre age of th district is $l,09o.7bo, and the aaaessabl valuation $681,940. Purchasers must pay accrued interest to the date of delivery. The right is reserved to reject sny and all bids. THE TALENT IRRIGATION DISTRICT. By R. E. ROBISON, President. W. J. HARTZELL. Director. O. A. MANNING. Director. First publication, Jan. 11. 11)18. Last publication. Feb. 10. 1918. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. UNITED STATES RECLAMATION SERVICE. Rlmroek. Wash.. January 21. 191. The United States Reclamation Service will have for sal approximately 8.000,0(10 feet of yellow pine lumber which can be delivered In the season of 1918, beginning May 1. at th rate of approximately 350.000 feet each morfth. Sealed proposals for the purchase of this lumber will be received at th office of the United Reclamation Servlc at Rlmroek. Washington, until 3:00 P. M.. February 20, 1918. and will at that hour be opened. Delivery will be f. o. b. ears Nach, Washington. Th lumbar of fered for sale will b air seasoned and all will ba auitabl for the manufacture of fruit box and a part will be suitable for flooring and for inside finish. Bids will b received on th basis of rough lumber, will run two inches thick or the bidder may state the amount, di mensions, grade and rate of delivery of th lumber on which he is bidding. A general Idea may be had of the qual ity of thla lumber by visiting the sit of the Tleton Dam 26 miles above Naches. Wash., on the Tleton River. Samples of this lumber may also be Inspected at the Government warehoua at Naches. All lumber shAll be paid for at th time of delivery. Bidder will b supplied with a form of proposal that they may use If desired. For further information apply to United States Reclamation Service, Rlmroek. Washington. CHAS. H. BWIGART. Construction Engineer. I PALS HIS LAtiDUW'S 607 a M6hT 1' Hlt5H OVlAilQAi r r CX HiM.' r BPI.CIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. KLAMATH FALLS. Oregon. Dec. 28. 191T. The undersigned will receive hid at tn office of the Reclamation Service, Klamath Falls. Oregon, until 2 o'clock P. M.. Jan uary 80. 1U18. when the aame will be opened, tor the reclaiming of about 2300 acres of swamp land 'n Pslican Bay. Up per Klamatb Lake, Oregon, within the Klamath Project. No rental will be exacted tor ,r.e use of the land: but the sjc-'e'sful bidder will be required to be gin work within six months from the date of the contract: to complete the work within three years from said date and to give a bond in the sum of $0,uo0 with an acceptable surety company as surety, con ditioned for a faithful compliance with the term of the contracL Each bidder must state the shortest period of time for which he win accept the use or tne lana as a consideration for reclaiming It which period wiil bo considered In awarding contract. uiduera and otners interesteo may be present when bids are opened. For further Information and a copy of the contract to be entered into apply to me. J. B. BOND. Project Manager. SEALED proposals will be received at of fice of undersigned, 401 Courthouse, un til b P. M. Thursday. February 14, mis. tor genera) work of Hawthorne-Buckman BchooL Bids will be opened In room 304 Courthouse. 8 P. M. same date. Deposit of $20 Is required for plans and specin cations, which may be obtained at office of F. A. Naramore, superintendent of properties, 803 Courthouse. Certified check for 10 per cent of amount or proposal. payable to ft. H. Thomas, school cleric. must accompany each proposal. Board of Director reserves th right to reject any and all proposals. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. January 23. 1918. Miscellaneous. TO BE SOLD BY TENDER, pursuant to an order ox tne supreme court 01 nrltisn Co lumbia, dated the 9th day of October, 1917. s Th receiver of the property and assets of British Canadian LumDer Corporation, Limited, baa been authorized to offer for sale by tender en bloc the property and assets of the above named corporation a a going concern, including: (1) Freehold Shingle .Mill plant and machinery, with water frontage on Coal Harbor. Vancouver, British Columbia, and oftic building; at 1605 Georgia street, Van couver, comprising an area of about 6& acre (2) Freehold Sawmill at New Westmln ster, British Columbia, with the mill build lngs, plant and machinery a.nd water frontage to Fraeer Elver, the whole com nrisina an area of about 40 acres. (3) Freehold Sawmill buildings, plant and machinery at Crescent Valley, on the Little siocan rtiver, about a'a mues irom Siocan Junction, on the Canadian Pacific Railway, and about 5S acres of land ad jacent thereto. 4 Office bulldlntr at Nelson. B. C K ,1 ... OlOO .. . Innl lOI Auoul witto an vra jt ,i situate in the West Kootenay district of British Columbia, near the Little Siocan River (subject to an agreement to sell about -bio acres). (6) About 170 acres at Renfrew, Van couver Island, freehold. (7) 1440 acres or thereabout of timber lands at Renfrew, held under lease with right to log. (8) Logging camp and equipment at Renfrew, leased to B. C. Iowa Lumber Company, L,imitea. rat 005 Pernetual timber licenses grant ed by the government of the Province of British Columbia. (10) Five timber licenses to cut tim ber on berth at Port Moody, near Van couver, B. C, granted by the government of the Dominion of Canada (subject to an agreement to sell one of the licenses). (11) 25.000 fully paid shares of $1.00 each In coal liar Dor smngie company, Limited. Forms of tender and particulars and conditions of sale can be obtained from: James Thompson Tiijhe Paxton, the re ceiver. Yorkshire building, 625 Seymour street, v ancouver, B. C Davis 4 Co., barristers and solicitors. London building, 020 fender street w Van couver. B. C. C. F. Munday, attorney-at-Iaw, Hogr building. Seattle, wash. Teal, Minor 4: Wlnfree, attorneys-at-law. Spalding building. Portland, or. Goodfellow, Eells. Moore & Orrlck, attorneys-at-law, Insurance Exchange building, San Francisco, Cal. Winston, Payne, Strawn Shaw, attor-noys-at-law. First National Bank building, Chicago. 111. 4 Strlnner & Seymour, attorneys-at-law, German-American bulMInf?, St. Paul, Minn. MY wife, Esther E. Howard, havlns left my bed and board, 1 win not oe responsi ble for any debts contracted by her. Leon E. Howard. FINANCIAL. FIRST and second mortBTnges, also seller's interest In contracts purchased, Oregon or W ash. H. E. Noble, Lumbermen a Plug Loans, city and farm. Industrial Investments. A. W. Payne. 701 Board or Trade, ai. twos. LOANS, notes, contracts, mtgs. purchased. Lewis & Co. 4 Lewis bldg. Main 6sS. Money to Loan on Real Estate. OUR Installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $-1-24 per month for 00 months, or $15.17 for 96 months pay a $1000 loan and interest. Other amount In proportion. We loan on Improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commissions charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS 4 LOAN ASS'N. 242 Stark St, Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS ON IMPROVED FARMS IN OREGON, WASHINGTON AND IDAHO. LONG TIME IF DESIRED AND REPAYMENT BY INSTALLMENTS TO SUIT THE BORROWER. CURRENT -RATES. WM. MacMASTEH. 701 COR BETT BLDG. PORTLAND. EDWARD E. GOUDEY CO., 2d Floor United States Bank Bldg. ... Mortgage loans and bond issues, espe daily lu larger amounts, 5 per cent up. MORTGAGE LOANS. 5 a 7 UNION ABSTRACT CO Corbett Bldg. $50,000 TO LOAN In amounts to suit on city property at 6 and 7 per oent, McKENZIE & CO., 516 Gerlinger Bldg. $300. $400. $500. $750. $1000 and up at low est ratea, quick action, r rea vv . uerman Co. 732 Ch. of Cum. Main 6445. $200,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; building loans, lowest rates, vv. u. Bock. 215-210 Failing bldg Phone 3407. WILL loan you up to 50 on your home at or. rvo commission, jonn ri. Hartog, 212 Bd. of Trade. Main 2010. $5000 TO LOAN at 7 per cent on Improved Portland property, .tunings, 009 McKay bldg $1000 TO $40,000 TO LOAN, farm or city property; no commission. P. Q. Box 873. MONEY to loan on farm and Improved city property. K. K. Baxter. 704 Spalding bldg. SEE US today: loans, any amount, 6-7 . CELLARS-MURTON CO. 826 Yeon bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND T PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON 4 CO.. 408 Sellng bldg. $10,000 SUMS TO SUIT. AD 452. Oregonlan. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. MONEY to loan on diamonds. Jewelry: legal rates; all articles held 1 year; established since 1888. Dan Marx. 283 Washington. MONEY loaned on pianos, other securities. W. A. Hathaway, 208 Washington bldg. (MUCH OF FINANCIAL Money to Loao Chattels and Salarlc. FURNITURE SALART LOANS. LOANS. WS LOAN MONET, to salaried people pn their own note: easy payments, strictly confldentlaL ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furnltnra pianos, etc., without reinovaL Call and see us. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, LICENSED. 81T Falling Bldg. IF YOU NEED MONEY. SEE) US. SALARIES - - CHATTELS. Loans made to persons on salary or fixsd Income, on household furnitur. pianos, diamonds and other peraonal property; legal rales. Business confidential; private office. PORTLAND LOAN CO. (Licensed). 3oti-307 Dekum Bldg. REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION Estab lished by Portland business men to protect borrower. Carrie Myers Herman. Mgr., 894 Stark st. Money loaned on diamonds, Jewelry, pianos, household furniture. Loans Wanted. IF YOU HAVE money to loan on city prop erty, first mtg., list amounts with us. CELLARS-MURTON CO.. 825 Yson bldg WANT $1300. good residence, 7 per cent re newal, no commission. 141 East 69th N. PEBSONAX. (DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN.) Th treatment of chronic diseases with out drugs or surgical procedure. Investigate this system of Drugles Treatment. We treat all disease and our patient get well. DR. J. DE LURY MULLOT. 653 Pitiock Block. Circulation Specialist. Phona Broadway 186L Portland. Or. Hyperemia the vacuum naturopathy treatment as a therapeutic agent by Pro fessor Dr. August Bur. of the University of Bonn. Germany, now Surgeon-General of German armies. Our method (enforced blood circulation) is a non-medical and non-surgical. The new scieutlfic method of treating chronic diseases, restores blood circulation, and by Its masterly control of tje circula tion ot the blood a-nd essential to life and health fluid of the body to the diseased parts, operates effectively In all cases. Take special notice that we are alter t.i desperate and Incurable (so-called) cases . . . ii.i... .l ..,...... .ln' anH l-un'l lliai llltuil.ill uu J uwu - cure. MADAME ORPHINE. Phrenologist and Teaching of Palmistry. Do you know 98 per cent of the suc cessful men and women of today consult ; a phrenologist on the affaire of lite in business and what you are best adapted, for This lady reads your head like an open book. Readings daily and Sunday. 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Located al 551 Mor rison st. HAIR GOODS, LOWEST PRICES. 30-inch wavy switch. 2 Sep $1.00 24-incb wavy switch, 3 sep 100 All-around transrormatiou 1.45 iiairui easing. oiooo,e. ..... ...... m , bair bobbius. mauicunug. 25c. Hulr re moved by electric needle, switch made of combings. 0."c. We uuy your comuinga. Sanitary Pal lors. 400-412 Dekum Ding. 3d , and Washington. Marshall 1702. KEEP YOUrtSELF ATTRACTIVE IT PAYS. The secret of a youtniui into win iou this week to all women who see their beauty vanishing or woo have facial lines, wrinkles, pinipies, brown spots, uiackheaus, superfluous nair, motes or otner uisligure- . ments causeu uy age or Illness. ELiiiOXllo-" LlbiS CO., 604 bwetland biug. AIACK1E oi WILKINSON, HERBALISTS. Manufacturers 01 tne famous Mackle Cancer Remedy. It removes cancers wito- out surgical Instruments or poisonous drugs, with little or no pain. A new dis covery. For aula at 1U0 N. 6th su. Port- la noOr. MisslNG Hae Deaver, 21 years 010, 0 it., weight about 130 pounds, large brown eyes, brown hair. Any one knowing of her whereabouts kinuly writs to J. IS. Reld, 'ioppenisli. Waah. Her mother 1 very slck LADIES Takara Antiseptic Powder Is a soothing, cooling auu cieaiisms buukiiuu, is endorsed uy physicians, price 50c to $1 per pacaune, teopooiiiul to quart water. For sale uy Portland Hotel Pharmacy. LOUISE NETZEL Trulued nurse and mas seuse, gives ueairneuia lur iiiBuiuaiiiiu, luuiuago, ueuraikia, etc- tub bains, maa aage aud eteclriv uiaiiaets; lady assistant. Marshall 6o33. 2 13th.. near Jetiersou, TKA1.NH.D nurse desires rellued patrons tor cabinet auu luo uains. nam uiaguewea. massase and chiropouy. eveuiug. Sunday. Main 41ibJ. 204 Hoinchiul umg. 301 m Washington. ' m DON'T DELAY An electric-Cabinet ljatn. followed by a run anu a ecieuuiic um sa.e wnl rejuvenate you. 32i-b-9 Plt tock block. 9 to u, sunuay 10 to 4. A.(-a and scalp treatments, uauaruij. iicn- -. ing scalp, superiiuoua uau, uioies. - "01 h'la ,r hiotr Krd&dwlf - lbb5 SPIRITUALISM Mrs. M. L. LA MAR, 235 bth St.. cor. Aiatn. teacnes paiunsny aoo. card reading; also lessons m aclsnc of health and success, cL-vr uu AVIV llkS J. C. fiCUORl teach LI u .11, ,eu., , 400 Jefleiaon st. Main 51 15. Sunday lec ture W. Q;Vy. Hail. 123 llth St.. 8 P. ELECTRIC treatment for poor circulation. rheumatism, luinoagu, lace, sump, suipuur, steam and salt jams. 426 Clay. Main 5359. - MRS. BERGMAN, Swedish massage, electrlo blanket treatment, -worn -us. ov aor rison St. . , MKo. STEVENS, 24 years in Portland, 20th c-utury science in iuubui; ayir- ituai readings daily. 375 Taylor st. DR. MARIE JOHNSON, chiropody, sweat. .. bath and masseuse. 010 . oiu. iovu . Sundays and evenings. Main 504. SOPHIA B. SKIP, mental, spiritual science. - Daily, UO !OUru OlO.. -o nuo aj iu. ats. Circles W eduesday 8 P;M. Mar. 1704. BODY MASSAGE, stomach and intestinal trouble, cnrouio cuuaupauuu. uow o traiued nurse. M. 104U. Flat C. 308 3d. , sUPEKFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by len-ueedie niemou; trial si.uu. ousi -Finley. tjl4 Eilera bldg. M. BJtiB. ' MILDRED CLARK, massage, baths and electric treatment. KDtucluld bldg.. 2871 Wash Office 211 Opeu Sundays and eve. BESi steam oath and massage lu city, chiro practic, vlbrt-tion and electric Dr. llnr. garet Haynle. 517 Swetland bldg. M. 1705. WALTER J. COSGKOVE. write to V. Dot Florence, learn something your advantage. MA HIE NEVINS, massage and electric treat ments. 4U4 Northwest bldg. Main 900a. FA 1 1 have fulfilled my promiss. Write to me at Riverton, Or. WILL. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR destroyed forever by Multiple Needle Method. 504 Swetland bldg. PRIM EDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. 844 E. 33iL Sell. 213. morninga MARIE DE BARR. medicated steam bath; graduate masseuse. Off 6. 291 hi Morrison. ALMA S JOHNSON, facial, scalp. Franco . American toilet articles. Main 1451. MAY IRWIN, electrlo and vibratory mas sage. 2914 Morrison st., office 7. FRANCES DbTTiAYO. SCALP SPECIALIST. 50H MORRISON. OFFICE 215. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. . D. Hill. 429 Fiiedner bldg Bdwy. S473. MM TrMl1 SMt,! 1 LET him aAOV&X