.RAV-pR -raw. I PQltoffirtfetellptl' TmIiU Kariwta Night. Ue Omlj. All Week Mats. W.O, fat. 'IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE' First time In stork. Oreelest comedy hit In Jltn Cvenlngs. SAc. 75a. Mala., S8C. e. Wed. Mat. Sic emy. Kara. Th. t acaasieaeA Weeaaa CARCS Larry Ceaser, Bern I. A Raker: Adelaide Boothby: -LOVE THY EIGHBORI blmt Braata; Claud. M. Iteode A Eatelie rraaea: 8TAX STANLEY. lrK J-7UIiii LYRIC "SS:" Nat Dally at t:M: Nighta a 1:M All tMa Weh. PII.I.OX A FRANK, Sa a heeling r rnu.t.T cxeay eucce "1 WRONG" With all the la.e-t ennr bs aad the Fort- land knhoiU. TM.d Ha-ht rmairr Mora (extra). I rtd-y Ch -a. tll" t.eatL DIRECTOUY ynil TUB RB AT. Ar E(omi BCT KING COAL Claa'a tan by 1..--eraawat'a leer. fsk lor kUiUeUa No. k X e a a r t meal of late nor. -tur.aia el ansae. uia aa atteoiule guar aat wtta every r d e r. Alt wteer TANUAMU kMADk-S DC COAL ad MBUttLari-l a.a ICE DELIVERY CO. IMtataMai Cmnt A lea kUaklrraik am laaraaa A PHUU atreadwar 420 TOO LATK TO rtAS.HirT. PIANO UrsSONS. SO CKNTJ. C&parl fnr b(lnn.ra Call Main Seol. ACCTIO! SAt.ES TODAY. Fard AeetMa Reaaa. Itl td at. raraltara, earaeta eta. Bale at t P. at. At WUaeo'a Aectiaa Heaaa, at It A. at rwailva. iaa-121 i read at. MEAT1SC NOTICES. a A M t RfTA V LOTXIK. NO. X I. O. O. 1. All mamoera are rvQ'teet'd te meet at Oddfri. Iowa Hall. M. Jhna. thia I Mond.it. at b P. M.. to T'.l. A-aarel Lade. No. Is4. aad coufer third da a.-ea for (uaua. JKPSS T. JONE9L N. . K. t'SVOLD. He WIlAASIETTa; LODGE. NO. I. A. V. AND A. M. ripectal rommnnirstinn thta (Moodayl rvaatnc at T:30 e'clok tork IB M. 34. d'Crea. 'ttrira w i coma. w. a. VELKA Sec IIAWTORNT LODtlB. NO. 111. A. r. ANO A. M. Special cammualcaOon U)H IMoadavi cvenlns at T .3ft. Work in tjie y. ". itrare Vlaitinc b'-thrca aeUwna. O. aw Alll.t.rU. Becretary. C,n KEAZEB GROTTO; NO. ftV Ansiul aeMioB. laaoole Tern ai. Wc park and Yamhill ata.. lnndr tVfilnc. A o'cloca. tion and InMtat.ailoa ol olfKera. TUai conrart .u t'tiw-k. Pleaaa be ea avaad. xly edr of monarrh. K. K. HLTjX. Secretary. Kt-t-ISOS ENfAMPMKNT. NO. t. I. i u. y. 'All mmi are rr IQsted u meet at CHldfviiowa' Mai. M. Johna. tbla (Monday), at P. J4, to l.t lurl L.udKi. No. CliA. i-HKlsTIA.NaKN. CP. 11. XiaV'I.L. twjlbe. MAPTIIA WASHINGTON fHAITEK. NO. 14. O. E. S. xatvd metln tbla (Mondarl eianlne. Lul ath and burniite. la"re Vlaltora wl-nmf. rder W. M. BELXai KiCH MuND. becrelary. (XBLDI Jewelry, enttoaa, eharma. plna lie deaiaaa. Jaee Broa, lAl-a eta u. FRIEDLA.VDER-S far kxlre emblem a. IIS tteahlsiciea at. -DIED. CtVrT ft Tn thf dry. at tha Oe4 fa mar Hal H.tppiri. Jan. 27. lal-i. Laura B. cp r. ac Al ara. 2 mancha, '2 tiara. ls- r--iJ atsr-vtMt ty a hoaband. A. J. 1 roopf, I km a J J. i ft ; a fthr. Crua Bu.L, ' an4 brwc hr. Frank, both of Til.tiuook. r. : a trwbT. Char.-m. of Albany. ani I aaiari. of r ati i nr. r. tKorratoa at la paxlora of ltx Jkaara l"n.,-rtaktnc t o. cor. 3a aad Clajr. 'ux.arat ooiKa la tr. ISHBT Janaa-y ST. Tr. l.obert r. Anhbr. ceJ -rm be.ovti (4iltr of hnbrt 1L Ahrr. tf this cut; JJr-, K-litb Kow-l-r. f iak.rwf 4-td. t aL. and Mra. Btrt I fnrntT. of Tta Iailw. r. Htpmaina at Tannin r A JU.;nteaa parlor. oUv of f unaral later. TAXZALI.Viv-in th!a rtv. Jan. tT. a .St- fncDt'a itaritanum. Juhnnta. 4t-iovc1 in M Krank and Mry T-ivIlno. j .''in. T moDtra. a daa Hcinatna art at rta par.or- of th rk,a;aa L'odartakias Co.. cor. M sq4 Ciar. C K V. FT Janoarr N?1 Krfl. ac4 M ar. atatr f 3Ira Jim Kaar, Mra. l:tta Ptr-htorf and Taal Krft. kaniaina at P-aninc A Nt KaiMi pa. lor, from hr lJf will b fvrvirtt4 to Tha Iaita Or., today (Monday) tt 1 A X. XITLFR lo thla rlty. Jan. S. D. U But ;r. lar ef 40 T ow a mt. Th rmAlna ara at too rr-.ldora -ublt-hmnt of .1. P. fin' A Hon. lrn tomsjry at Sth. Notlrt of fuarl haraaXtevr. jr-?.Tv At tha fiml- tAic. v.r,f at.. J a a. Z. fhariaa w. i:toa. c-1 Taara. moatna. B day a. An unrnnt of funeral tar. rtriSHArCP Janoary Aomst F1al-h-aoar. ad TV yaarm. Remaina at luoamc A MclvalMi pajflortt. Nutica of June raj latT. T F fTt '7" rnnoral a i U of th t lata Kata KIarrnlor. wbo paa J away In ttia ry Jan. Z 191a. wilt b h-ld to H.rftw .Tl4r . at 5 P. M. from tha chpl w th iawa t" ndrtalnjr Cow. cor. aM aa4 riar. Fnnda lnvttd to at tiid. Intcrmant family lot. Btvorvlaar Camatary. riTTMAN 1 thta city. Jan. 25. J-d Pttt inan. acad rS v-ara. lata of 2X tiibba at. Tha finral rrv.ca will be hald tomor rovr fTu-ty i. Jan. at ! .V) o'clock P. M . at ao rcetdnro ctabl!hment of J. P Flfilcy o. atootom-ry at 5f h. Krtar.de invfred Intarmeot at Mt. fcott Kark I'ematary. fftrTXrt A?C Tb fnn! oore.rea of tha lata Jam C Trwda'an. who pa-mad away in Uela rity Jan. V lain, will ! hrid twtar .MvntlA'i at Z K 34. fmm tha rhapcl of tha k-wa rDdartakia Co. cr. bl and Clay. Frlnda Invlt-d to att-n.t, Intarrnoitt family lot. Roao Ctty Camatary. p it FN At tho rraldeaca. XS KIn at.. Jaa e Frdrirk 11. Orn. ait-d 46 yrara. Frtanda invt.ed to att-nd fanaral ar"a. which wlM ba hc!d at tha above VMtdance at t P. M today ' Monday. In twsMtt poxt-sVAd CUaauktorltua Ja-auaOievuaa. Tbi directory la for tha Information of the public to five far aa pos Ible tha different linea of buaineaa which the average person may find occasion to use. Any Information which cannot be found here will be gladly furnished by phoning Main 1O1O or A eoSo. House 4. AICOKDIO.N PLLA11NG. falEM-TiTCIllNG. 6c A VAHO l-LEAIIXS, ALL LAThaT iTlLM EASTERN NOV LLTI LU.. MS 61 H ST.. BtlWEEN OAK AND f-TAKrv 81S. BROADWAY 2O00. i. 8TL1'UAX. bcni.tllbalng. ecailoplng. ac cordion aid. DitaL Luttuiu cov.nsd: mat erdsia 21 Pit lock bit- Broadway IWt A.A.LI! ANO ANALYSTS. Mo.SfA.VA ASAl OFFICE. 142 becood God, ellver and platinum bought AliATfc; 4 1TTEK ANO Mr'U. JEWLTEKS. AGATEd cat and polished; )lnr and tca r-p.lrtng. Milter's. 243 W aari. s- ATTORNEYS. ATTuK.VKVtt-AT-L.AW. la Plttoce block. No cntrgt for conaultauon. B tKUKK P.IPPL1E8. OHt'iON VAhBliH 8UPPLY CO. We buy and sell all kinds barber eupplle, 23Q -a BOAT BLILOt.K-S. . O. P. GRAHAM, rammctcul aad daepasa flahboeia. building aad la stock- I'twi I o w e 1 1 it. CANCER. 1 M. JONES, M D. CANCER TREATED. 31-' Marian bldg. Marsha, 1 CHI CKLLILOID BITTONH. TUG IKftlN-UuLlSo.N COiir AN . . 187 Waa-lcgloa. fedwy. 484. A 1234. CHIROPODIST. William, talelle and William. Jr, Deeeny, tbe only aclentllic chiroiHMllat In the city Parlors. 32 lierlinsr b.da.. aouthral cur- ner aq iBOAiiMr. rnone Alain uui tHlKOPODIST ANU ARCH tPtCLALIr-T. DR. W. E. La'moNTK, French aanltary IDalnlaaal nithod. Wlxard ajralrm of an-n fittlns. 7-a Partland bids. Main MAS. tlllUOPKACTlC 1'IIVMCIANa. 6H K PEOPL.E: L)r. ilcM.non. Poniard. l' cniropractic peciaii.L Thai's why I nver have to emptoy druse, operations, vloratom. violet rajra, electricity, beat, llsbt and othvr Joe llouaa atunta. 1 re mote the caia of dlaeaa qultkiy. aurelr and leaa expenalvely. Dally convincing the dauotlng Thrnuia St an juauneats mrn. Hi. I'boiifl. call, write t'IKt I LAR I.KTTtKJi. CRANE LETIKK CO.. 10 N W. bids.. Mar toji. il llc:i uultlsraphrd. 11 30. OLI KtTION IGLMirjI. NiJTII A CO.. Worcraler bids. Main ITl No collections. Do charse. established ltfotl. OANCINO. MANCHESTER. Danclns Academy. 85H Klfto. t'nuer new manasemeat. Latest daacea taught 1U private leaaone, IX Maura 10 A. M. to B:au. Broadaav SJJ7. THE BECKETT-HEATH BCHCMjL, Dan cing taught In all ita branchea. private, day ar e. claaeea. Tusa and Ffi.. 8-10. aaKmbly after. Waau. Mala -03 MK.e ll.KCK'b ACAUe'mT Social and stage dnnring. private Instruction, classes Moa, Thura.. I u It loe Id aL, bet. Was.'l. and Stark. Mala SloO ELECTRIC MOTOKM. FOR GALE. TKADE OH RENT. L. A. WAI.KEK EL.ECVR1CAL WORKS, tl Burnalde. Hro.Jaay T. ETK. EAR. NUK ANU THROAT. be. r. F. Caaseday. treatmeot; glasaaa fitted. ?fWk V Rnniaul. nr 'Mi I. B l ial E tXirr KCbi AND IAC Rllii FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS in era Id. Brtirla. tomjrrna. Axmiuiur rag nica ail BtBm. mall oriiara prompt; oooklat CARPET CLEANING. REFITTING, ETC. lalt rug. rlraaed and aleamed LM HLMI.KM (Lilt KIO CO. 84-86 Lnlon av.. N. East Oolfi. li 1478 WHOLESALERS AND At TO ANU Bl'OOY TOPH DCBRLiLL- li L G k loP Co.. th A Oak. 4.KAL.N Mi-K HANTS. PACIFIC Oka 1--. Co.. noara of Trade bldg. DRY bOOUH. I PIV-'CI CDICI pn'urnlahlnga Nottona La UI.1IM.I.OI ILL VI O 111 b bberiock eiog. OROCER1EM. WADIIAM8 A Co.. r rontet HATH ANO CAPS. THANHOUSEH HAT CO.. M-44 Front rt HIDES. WOOL. tAsCAJtA BAJU-. KAHN 8IIU8, lal Pront st FAINTS A.tll LI BRK ATINO OILS. I- slii.l.t.K A '". l-'lh and U-.a sUt FCN ERA L U1RECTORH. idsu. aioimaa. Pna W. J. Hoisaaa. aee. J. K. Wwlelo. Traa. THE EDWARD H0IMAN UNDERTAKING CO. LftjistxUnatJ 1877. THIRI 8T-, CUKaa.K OF PALMON. A Mcxiern Spacioun Family Eoom With Private Entrance. lavAUY A-il-TA.NT. Pbooea Main 507. A 1&1U Varfoct ruaeral oarvtoa lor I aaa MILLER & TRACEY laueiMadsat Funaral Dlracuira, Waab. 6L. to.- ZOia ana 21au Mmi Side Alaia :L Lady Aaaiau. u- Isa J. P. tUU Et A aO.S. Progree a iv. ua.ral A .ir clere. friva.. -riv. v..ui.a Ait.ouaMlsi u.iuu-..i A AleT. Maia . a 64. Lady Aa slant ti 01 UA W llON a KUNi, Fua.rai liirwlora lac. Muimomaq .i sktvoth bireet EKlcooN Hwiui toa.ru.im P.rlora -j auu alorriaoa ..a, wo DLN.MNG m McENTEa. lun.ral airect. era, liiu.aay ana Pui. s..u Pheae i,,,..i M. A iia. Lady auaudaoL F. S. DLNNLNG. IAC THE GOLDEN KC La, L.Di.TAKER4 414 East Klat strsel. East A2. U MK. AND Mtlxv. W. 1L HAMILTON Pe er, i srvit.. lull EL Gllaa a. Taoor 4.18 p L. LEKCU. Asi lllb and Ciay anxu Lauy alt.na.nt Eaat lei. B IAS A.R.ZeilerCo. a st lues, c loas Williams Ave LNUEKTAEl.N'i COMPANY, ad aad Clay. Mala 41aA A aa-1. Latty a latant f 8MK1 bUiaa, BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PAKh, CEMETEBY Lowest Pricea Brat Scrrlca. No xperM. After iDtarmeat. Prvcea lower than otiier cema. teriea. BtAl -OI KI M. RIVER VIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM TaytssTe karry Cesliaa The ealy etvtUa i .th 1 et hertaa. .a.w-waite aiway. dry. nil ry tombs mi ut.t title aiMt aaaowm.at: IJklut aye PitlocB Avteca- PBooe Headway 881. tlAiaiaia 1ARTIN A ruHSM OO. Flortela. 884 Waaaiagtoa. Maia .4 a. a Lrsv. Plowere for all occasion, art tically arraag-A. CLAHkl bkuS. e'lorista. 87 Morr aa st Mala or A laod. Kin. flowers aa- floral e..igns. No brance To.NbETH FLOKAL CO. 28 Waahlngtoa et- bet 4th and 8th. Mala 81Q-, A 1181. aO X M. SMITH. Mala 7218.. A .21-1. slUa bldg. ein and Alaw eta. PEOPLE FLOKAL -HOP. 848 Aldr. riowm and d.iene Phnti. M.r.n.11 MOM MENT8. PORTLAND MARBLR WORKS. 3a4-:4 4th st. eppo.it. City Hall. Mala 8844. Philip . v.'a A 8one for memoiiaia Ic-BlaCSINC CnANiTCCOLl pr TV.TO jT MAOJN -T-tCCTi, TIIE MORXTyQ OREGOXIAX, 3IOXDAY, .TANTJATtY 23, 1918. . .. ,..M7 I FOB KALE. I WANTKP-MISCEl LANEOC8. TERT1LIZEKS. ROTTED cow aad horse manure, Eaat 1SL C 2Z71. JINK, JUNK AND HARDWARL. Tha Oregon Junk Co.. iI4 Front at Mala S2. we buy all kinds junk, metals, pay highest prices, bee us belore you seiL MATERNITY HOMES. WHITE MULLD Maternity Home; bab.ea placed in Chrtatiau homos; no publicity; charges reasonable. 7k E- T'-d N. , Ml'SICAL. PIANO LESSONS, 50c Adults or children competent teacher. TELEPHONE EAST looo. PAKiiEK School of Popular Mun.c Term, e to 2tj leesona. 4ol-2 Elisrs bidg OREGON Conservatory t School) of Music. matt waahingtou St.. at Atroauwa... ..j EillL TU1ELHOKN. violin teacher, pupil 6evclk. JOJ Filedner bldg- Bdwy. 16k. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICLVNS. WHY PAY MOKE 7 A ItAVINO from go to 40 per cent S prumpuy Hiiea giaaaea aa low stjsis as gLSU. 4UOV sausileu customers fcaiiafscuou guaxanteeu. Cnas. W oooa tnan. opwmetxial. uk Morruuu, Main -1-- PHYftltlANS. r,u a a PlilLO.ll'S. aHia iiroadway bldg. UhaumalUm. taiua,e aiaoruera. asuu trou blu. atomach Uver. feiuneya. throat, guitre. scaip. msn FLtMBINU SUPPLIES. PLUMBlNvi auppilea at wholesale, pneea. btark-Laia Co.. 21J a at Mm i9. PKINTINO.' hlEYSTuNE PKhiSS J. E. Oanteubeln. Mgr. Printing and linotyping. luo kiout at., coruer atark. Main or A 141a. THE IV V PKESb. IKJ ptark at. Bruaoway 40S. A 40S& ODlMTIVr P- W. BALTES a wur"!, rnlitliilU 1st andoaasta. Main loo. Alltl. k,.AL Eaf Alt. DEALEKS. .in. it JjNtS. 4Q4 Wticoa bldg. VTohltMEA PATlEMb WANTED. Graduate benool of IB, i"- ..... u.d.cin.. 81 lraventiv Broaoway blug lanes to sie xv Vaatebt el -o to the puollc. Patienta to! "e ueatni.nl and cur. of Pyorrhea Iran led! Cail lor fr.. examinaUun 1 P. M. KL'tih. niat.HI KbO CO. Mlabllshed 390J. ' Fulf .a aad rag rugs woven all anex iia" a" and lT...r. Eaat SW. B 1-U "bTOKAoE ANU IKANaiLrl. . i.WAVa PICK Th- BEbT lioiiaeno.a .- n.rkinl. iniD aAi sawi.tw, .. .. . - - ping ana movlug. bora, and auto van. ;p."lal f.-..gl.l fate, to all P""- . n M "nd Pin. sta Mreadwa W A Ik O'KEUON THAN SEEK CO.. 4.4 Oiiaan St. coiner 18th. T.i.paon. Broauw.y 1-bl or a 1169. We owu ana operat. two cim "A" warehouaja on lennlnal iracaa lowest iusuranc. ratea in th. city. i-i; v (r.iani hm lo all pointa on household aoous. Manning Warenu.a. A ' r ! aT. .... ...... u.....i..t 7na y t n Mil u - .i,i.,,K..sT. LOCK AND WAREHOUSE utlir. lsu Madiaoo. G.neral merchandise and torwaruing ag.nla. Pnone Main ittKl im: MOVING. bTOKAGE. rrt:Riri btoKage a tkansi-eh co 105 Park at Main ftll. WOOD. A 103L NATIONAL FUEL CO.. Ea.t2u41. E. 2d and Oregon ata . s.aw w,,..-.-. OKEEN AND DRY SLABWOOD. oiock.ooi ansma ruel Co.. East 72. M 2bt). MANUFACTURERS FAINTS. OILS AND OLA ha, RASMLs,m a CO., -d and Tayior. PIPE, FIFE F1TTLNOS ANU VALVE-. M. L. E.L1.NE. 4-e Front at. I'LL Mil INti AND M fcAM llriLMj. M. L. KL.1NE. 84-K6 Front St. PKODltE COMMISMO.N MEKCUANTS. EVEKD1NG A lAhULU. 14u Front St. M0FK"ANU BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrop SAhH. UOOB.1 AND OLASH. P. FULLER A CO- 12th and Davis sta WALI.PAPEH. MILLER Wall Paper a PL Co.. 173 1st et MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. -! -O S- OREGON HUMANE SOClEfY Uftlce. tu mm IM teurttteuee. Alb at. Fheae fresa 8 te 8 a 8!8. Heme Phoee A 88-e. Night call after lice hours Mai ia 87A Report all c we ef cruelty te th. above eddrasa Electric l.thal chamber for am a. ealmaiA 11 ore. ambulanc. for sick and dlaabiMl anima' at a moment s none, au lrln. a doe or olh.r peta commual cat with ua Call for all loot or a.ray.d stack, aa sre look after an impeunomg. Thar, la no inor. city pound. Jual oragas UafflUt Sodety. NEW TODAY. lrvington Bunga low, on Broadway Car Line, at Cost SLx rooms and attic; full ce ment basement; tile bath room; every built-in conven ience; owner leaving city. Call 715 East 22d St. North. Phone East 7342. Garages Call for Ille.trated Price U.t, 334 Askra; St. Phase Broadway 149. Sam Connell Lumber Go. MORTGAGE LOANS HFaada mm aaaa tar gssd raraa aaA 1 1 asty laaaa at rloee laterewt ratca. 1 1 Frosapt. Sellable bervice. . 1 1 A. H. lilRKhLL CO. 817-318 Maria eetera Baak BallaUas. Marakall 8114. A 4118. aMORTGAGE loans aM BL'aLNaCBS .MD RKbLDl-NCat FBOPMMTY. . . ROB ERTSO M A EWIMG, OT-b) Aarthweatera task ttldav JNO. B.COFFEY MORTGAGE LOANS Insurance, Surety Bonds 301 W ILCOX BLDG. Mala 70, A TO MORTGAGE LOANS OK FARM AftU HrSIDKMS I'HOI'LHTV. .NO COMMISSION. Wm. MacM aster 71 CORBEIT BLIXi- POH1LA.MX. OR. I hare trot all kinds of choice Inside Improved real est ale, mortgaged, must be ao id- Abrakans. 2-13 Vk Wash. St. REAL E8TATE For Hale Lata. THAT VACANT LOT Turn a burden Into Income. We design end build anything fumuh the money If desired: eight yeara In Portland. L. R. Ball.y Co.. contract ing archltta Northwestern Bank blog 1 CORNER lot 60x100. suitable for busi ness lot at atstlon. 8c carfare, at Canitol Hill. A bargain ; $880 caah. Phuae Eaat 748L v-lL-a For Hale Lota. 20 DOWN 10 PER MONTH. I am Instructed by a non-resident to sell 82 full-siae lots at a great sacrifice. These lots are ail level. In grass piot, and would make fine garden homes. The price which I will sell these lota for is g-'SO each, and you can buy one or more. This property Is located in the city of Mllwaukle on the main street, close to the carllne. river, and the new shipbuilding plant, which is In course of construction. Nothing like this has ever been offered at euch a low price for years. The owner wants them sold with the least possible delay. M. J. Clo hejsy. 415 Ablngton bldg. LOT BARGAINS. NO AGENTS. 1 dOtIOO. Weldler. near 42d. le.lO. 1 37xlio. Weidler. near 42d. J50Q. 1 oOxllHl. Haisey. near 4'Jd. $700. 1 60x100, 42d aL, near Halaey. T50. 2 00x100. 41st. near Sandy. SSOO. TERMS. E. 491. For Sale Hooaee. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Superior -room residence, close in. wonderful location and view; hardwood floors, white enamel and mahogany throughout; sleeping porch, fireplace, 2 bathrooms, plenty of eloseta, all modern conveniences, large grounds, fine trees. BROOKE. 541 Montgomery Drive, cor. Elm St. Mar. 4827. A 3SS9. Call mornings. ROSE CITY PARK. 8 MODERN BUNGALOWS JUST BEING COMPLETED. J houses on 82d. 1 blk. north of Sandy: 1 house on 62d and Sandy blvd. Builder and owner. Guthrie Loodwood. Phon. Broadway 18O0. FOR SALE at sacrifice. J3200. Have to sell my nice 6-room home in good neighbor hood, business district. West Side, between 2."rt and 2tb; ao0 cash, rest easy pay ments: all improvements paid tor; lot slone worth J2000. For interview Monday phone to owner. Marshall 0638. ROOM' bUNGALOW, J1500. On Eaat ttsth street, story and hair. 4 rooms on lt floor, 2 bedrooms and bath on second floor, well constructed. 4 blocks from school; only ir,t)0. Can be. handled for ."oo caah. Goddard A Wiedrlck. 24a Ftark st. HOUSE SNAPS. NO AGENTS. 7-r house. FiJk and Willis bvd.. $2000. ft-r house. E. Grant, near 40th. $2230. 8-r house, lrvington. modern. $6500. TERMS. E. 4U1. RESIDENCE of 15 rooms. In Nob Hill dis trict, suitable tor furnished rooms, board ing 'jr private sanitarium: in first-class condition and good neighborhood; must be sold. Address O 831. Oregonian. MODERN five-room bungalow, with all up-to-date conveniences. hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in bookcase, furnace and kitchen OUIll .or vuwawis. ....... right. Phone aeuwoou .iop. BROADWAY, at northwest corner of East 17'h st a modern seven-room house and choice corner lot. convenient to two car lines. See R. J. O'Nell. owner. 717 Board of Trade bldg; -KOuM house on pleasant lot. with 8 b.Hring irun treea. wnicn . - $7.vi good location: I am the owner and will give vou terms to sulu See me at my office. 4i4 Plait bldg.. cor. Park & Wafh. 81890 TERMS $1890. Modern 6-rooro bungslow. fireplace, built-in effects, expect draft must sell. See this today. 94 E. 27tb N Alberta ear. Phone Woodlawn 881L Ili'.'jO POR nearly new neat bungalow, Iur nlture and 2 lots: Mt Poott car: $200 cash, bal $12 "0 por month. Kicks. 1O02 Kpaidmg bld'n.. Sunday and evening. Phone Tabor :i4W, ; . BEAUTIFCL modern new bungalow: 5 large rooms. $a0 a mo.: moderate sum down. Prettiest part of R. C. P. Owner. 838 E. 4:h N. mhj OLD house, full lot: gas. sink, toilet; easy terms: N. lrvington. Phone Broad wsv 1424 or B 21M. Oregonlan. A OOOD bargain. 7-room bungalow, com pletely furnished: leaving town. 4ith and Sandy blvd. Tabor 34M. Hl'BBRLL A SON. 1421 Sandy, oldest firm KOSB CITY PARK, can sell you a good house cheap. Bee us first. Tabor 21B1. 6 AND 7-room modern houses, walking dis tance; bargains; terms. Phone East 1822, owner. CITY property, farm acreage for sale and e.change.Abraba.. 243 a Washington st. joVC-BI-'NGALOWrs big lots, garden. Main 3U72. McKarland. 603 Yeon bldg. Suburban Home Property. A RARE BARGAIN. 14 acres, modern bungalow, chicken house. Bull Run water, gaa. electric lights, city achool. city phone. 5c carfare. 5 min utes' walk from station. Forty bearing fruit trees, all kinds small fruit Located at Multnomah. Oregon. IS minutes ride from Portland. Price $.1000. terms. First time sdvertised: no agent Phone owner. Slain 8H5S. . Por Bale Acreage. YOUR CHANCE IS IN CANADA Rich lands and business opportunities offer you independence. Farm landa. $11 to $30 acre: irrigated lands. $33 to 830; 20 years to pay: $2000 loan In Improvements, or ready-made farms. Loans oi o.raiov. -I . .v.r.r. under 20 cents an acre: no . .. nn imnmvimentL Deraonai property - livestock. Good markets, churches. schools, roads, telephones. Excellent cli mate crops and livestock prove it Spe i. , lTTJ, .i.u far. certificates. Writ! .... hn..ifi.t. Allan Cameron. General t,.nnnienuenl Land Branch. Canadian Pacific Ry.. 403 Ninth ave-. Calgary. Al berta. FOR SALE 10 acres with good 6-room M ' --a n.itbulldinrs. near Lenta For particulars write Thomas Allen. 6131 82d St. b. r-onianu. vi. . . - In Park Rose. $11.10; choice ..-nit trMi ana oernea. v o. . 4477. FOR SALE From 10 to 60 acres. $100 per acre. 1 mile from Portland litnlta. J. J. Havllk. Bcappoose. For 8ale Farms. -. u k.i.S' No 1 WHEAT RANCH; B4U A. 11 miles norm oi . " r. .7,7 li r rm for .,300 bu.: barn 1420; M0 acres under cultivation. 100 acres in Winter wheat. 70 acres plowed for Spring seeding: plenty of water; all fenced; graded roada all the way; 4 elevators In Carter and a good, lively town. A bargain s:ui- t-rma. Inquire of owner. Frank W'oiuvod. Carter, Mont. -o c.i.k lit A.. 23 in cultivation. line. large, b-room nouw, - . . - -"- water pipe w nw-. ' " r": V- .r.n.rv chicken houses, etc.: lots o'f fruit 2 miles from Portland; good rock - road. 2 miles to town and electric road a fine country home: price siuoo. ground rented on ahures. Address route Hon 11. Eatacana. Oregon. tTTT. wur.K lii Southwestern Washington for sale, to in. . "J"-- ' - and low prices, $4 per acre and up. W rlt. fnr man snowing mmuwu. . . .. -WETEKHAEl'liER TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bldg- Taconia, Wash. 25 ACHES fine beaverdam land in Clarke Co.. o muea irom ..nvuu., . station, on electric line, on good road; can ..li in tracts. 10 and 13 acres; easy terms. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. K A K M. I miles irom v a. in cultivation. - a. iininw. - . etc.; lair baildlngs. prlc. 4uuu. J. Batea Gaston. Or. mirvrv FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. fiear Portiann; m i .v --'-, " ' terms: best soil; farms for sale, all slxea Mcr arlanq. euj I eon -m... 13 ACRES near Woodland. Wash.: navigable water ana e raiiro.- . - 1 d . 111. i-UOO 10 A Clackamas rtiver. nancy nome. " . . . KollHln.. ..rll . II .In 3872. McFarland. 803 Yeon bldg. LOGGED-OFF landa $10 acre d; running Water. gOOU Sill -s ini.... ........ easy terras. Jesse R. bharp. 8J 3d at ji.-.o v E AT rottase. 1 acre, n.ar town. Main oCi.. aicra rianu. . w,. WANTED REAL ESTATE. IT might oe lo your advantage to list your h .. - -.... run u. aL one, c-t-uu ut, b.jm.iw . j.noio If you have on. We have plenty ef good nuyera. C A. Warriner, RITTER. LOWE CO.. 20-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FRANK L. McGCIRE CAN SELL 1 OUR HOME. MAN 1 CLIENTS WAITI.M.. FOME ALL CASH. 414 AB1NGTON BLDG. MAIN lo8. SPOT caah. house equity. lrvington. Laurel hurst. Alameda or Rose City Park. 1003 Spalding bldg. WANT borne, value $1800 to $2800. 1003 Spalding bldg. WANT to buy small suburban home: must b. cheap for cash. AE 3S7, Oregonlan. FOR RENT FARMS. 40 ACRES cultivated land at Gladstone, with ample pasture: 8 acres sand loam soil, for Intensive farming. To reapon slble party would rent large dwelling fully furnished, with complete farm equip ment with team and some good fresh milk cows. References required. Ex amination necessary. H. E. Cross. Ore gor City Phone 9. FOR RENT I acres, all under cultivation, 4-room house, furnished: 2 cows: 18 miles from Portland, on electric carllne. AV :; 1 :l. Oregonian. ' SMALL farm adjoining Oregon City to lease. Apply 821 Chamber of Commerce. No agenta 5 ACRES. Hood River, hay. garden, orch ard, due for dairy, hogs. MOO year. Main 3672. McFarland. 803 Yeoa bldg. WILL lease to responsible farmer 100 acres of diked tidelana. every foot of It the most productive garden truck soil. mii: ings all new, with water piped to all. W III I .. ., nr - ( , V. .1 11 f amf-lr B fOllOWS: 2.S cows. 2 registered julis. 2o head of vount stock. 7 brood sows. 4 head of horses. This place will support oti head of stock Property one mile from station and school. 9 miles from Astoria. Wm. Schoenebeck, Svensen. Or. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. 50.000.000 FEET high-grade yellow fir tlm. ber. unlimited quantity adjoining; excel lent mill site; two railroads; price right IS easy terms ueu teai jwsi Ry. Ex. bldg. " FOR SALE About seven million feet of fir timber. Ji of a mile from R. R. siding. Price 80c per M. R. L. Glass, owner. Cor vsllis. Or. A FINE 1 sec. of good saw timber, close to r. r. for sale at b.' bargain for cash. See Sir. Steele, with the Erong Co. 26 ii Oiik st. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. c. J. Mccracken. a4 McKay bldg. 320 ACRES timber, near railroad, cheap. AH 77B Oregonlan. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. WANTED Second-growth fir timber, suit able for portable mills; owners only: state location, amount of acreage, size of tim ber and price. Bell Real Estate Co J1S Rl. Ex. bldg. SHIP KNEES wanted. Gamble-Rleg Ship Knee Co., Gerllnger Bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. . -. . . . . .i-tt r i r r c rM.a. fnr tmrjroved ALAMAlil t s ua-j ' ' j Portland, will assume There Is a good - chance to get rid of your mortgage for clear in a booming city, of 2 railroads. 3 banks, with approximate P"-yro" 000 per month. 5 schools. I did it and 1 will tell you how. X 913. t-regonm.i. T5 an x IV Business property In St. Johns for sale, will take modern bungalow in payment, or will trade house and lot In modern bungalow, near Lutheran Church, w io Oregonlan. WHEAT land. Saskatchewan. e f: .-n ...... KKi value $&i-0, will ..It or trade. Main 8199. 1014 Chamber of Commerce bldg. t--.-,t a vr.c on of clear land at Ad- 'dison N Y.. for a 3-R. house In Portland. Phono East 5828. Tabor 1679. J. E. Perry 114 ii Grand ave. $1850. CASH or terms, takes 19 i acres i ear eieciric ciw ' . take part trade. Pnone evenings. Colum bia 8. FARMS and timberland to exchange for any- thmc or value. . . .o j XiO Morgan bldg... city. w.v-T to trade V. block South Hill lots. Spokane, for residence property In Port land: will assume. 813. Oregonian. HAVE $1200 equity 5-R. bungalow; make offer. 84- E. uarumers. IMPROVED sofmortgage $2200: equity for residence. Owner, 141 East 00th N. FOB 6ALK. Horses. Vehicles. Etc. FOR SALE. THIRTY-FIVE HORSES AND MULES. Including German Coach Stallions. , 1 Kentucky Saddle Stallion. Morgan. Percheron. Trotting. Saddle and Standard Bred Stock. For particulars address A. L. BROWN FARM. Nisquaily, W-shiugton. BAY filly. 6 years old. Grace McKlnney, daughter of the great McKlnney. hand some, breken for lady or child; price $100. 228 Alder st FOUR head good farm work horses. 1000 to 1100. $73 each; also 2-year-oid colt 1.00. $100. Call 228 Alder st. DEAD stock and old horses bought. Call us for service and best cash results. Mil waukee 8tf-J. Piano.. Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING. OUT. $3.10 aquare piano, $23 cash; -' dp right $45 cash; $325 upright $i cash; $425 upright. $113 cash; uearly new mod ern pianos: 83.75 upright. $190 cash; $423 upright. $218 cash; $o.'i0 player piano. $285 cash. -oU player. . -r"' $18 cash. Pianos stored, ihk mummy. Fourth St.. at Washington at 108 $5 SENDS home a piano. iu a piayor i ano. balance $6 or $10 monthly: subject to exchange within on. y.ar, allowing full amount paid. Scbwan Piano Co- 111 Fourth st xi . Kfria TUNED. $3. George T. Peck. Tabor 8574. Grad. New Eng. Conservatory. "FULL CASH VALUE PAID For Records, Phonographs, Musical Instru ments. Newman. Main 4495. 128 h irst I j-a Y CASH lor usea pianos. Gilbert 884 Yamhill st Harold & Furniture for 8hle. FOR SALE Used office furniture, oak and mahogany ot aii ni-.. KILHAM'S. Filth and Oak Sts. FLAT-TOP sanitary oak desk and chair used ' . few weeks. Main 8682. 248 Stark. Typewriters. WE can save from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of tvtewrlters; send for our Illus trated folder. Retail Department WHOLE- SALE T t trri w m 1 r.i ,... NEW Remington rental plan, rent applies to purchase. Visible models. Remington TvnLwrlter Co.. 88 Broadway, phone Broadway 821. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona Dealers. w re-g- -n-. ..v NEW rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cui rates. P. P. Co.. 231 Stark st. Main 1407 Dogs. Birds and Pet Stock. BEAUTIFUL canary singers, with or with out cages; females for mating. .Mail or H.r. promptly filled. C 2217. 1151 East 28th N. Poultry. r-icrv chw make earlv layers. We guar antee safe arrival of White Leghorn baby chlx from heavy-laying Hoganlzed) .tnck Write for prices, etc. The Pioneer Hatchery, petaluma, CaL Lives loc. FOR SALE 60 head wen-oreu norinorn cattle; yearlings, -,..-', -.f. " " - calf by side. Box 331. coltax. wasn. FOR SALE or trade for farm. 40 head good milch cows and route; will assume. X 928. Oregonlan. FINE Jersey cow, reaaonable. 1516 E. 8th st. N. Woodlawn. Launches and Boats. S-ROOM modern houseboat cheap for quick sale. A Ki B3Q. oregonian. Antomobiles. LONG A SILVA'S Auto Wrecking Dept We have parts for the following cars at SO per cent to 75 per cent off tha list: Studebakera. Chalmers Michigan. Hudson, Overland. E. M. . Wlnton, Pope-Hartford. Engines. Radiators. Windshields. Mag netos, Carburetors, Lamps, etc. for less than one-half price. aoAn 462 Hawthorne ave. Phone E. 0840. g CARS. FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. One 1917 Studebaker. 4 cylinder. Cm. 19LS Studebaker. 4 cylinder. One 1917 Super-Six Hudson. 4 cord tirea and one extra tire. liOSE CITY PARK GARAGE. Tabor 8002 . USED CARS. One Cadillac bug. $175. One Overland, 5-pass. $1'8 One Ovcriand. S-pass.. $210. One Cole 6. $500. LONG A SILVA. 426 Hawthorne Ave. BRAND NEW STUDEBAKER. Sport model, apecial aluminum body, special top, 3-passnger, 6 cylinder: must k.u at a great sacrifice. You must see this car to appreciate it Call Woodlawn 49.3. BCICK- 1917. light C. 5-passeuger touring car. like new, 5 tires. 2 brand-new front tires, car thai nan nau . . buy In city for $1000: will take terms. Phone Frank Smith. Broadway 1130. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles: we wreck all maaes w cat. ." parts at half price. Auto Wrecking Co... 89-91-93 North Broadway. I 1915 FORD Touring car. demountable rims. practically new me. . must selL 20 N. Broadway. Phone Broad way 81. FORD touring car. in perfect condition; $22o Casn. neaver u.ihic ....... N.. corner Holladay. FOR SALE Ford touring car in good con dition, w. r.. rin'iweii. w u Plow Co.. Portland. Or. ELECTRIC coupe and rectifier, complete; bargain, rlou caeca ci.cv..- . and Everett 6LIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $15 each: vul canised, Zee; lire repau-ius . -v .r . Automobiles. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! HEAD THIS LIST BEFORE YOU BUY. 1917 Dodge Bros.' touring car. like new euu 1917 Dodire Bros.' sedan car. like new ; 1918 Dodge Bros." car. first class... 1915 Dodge Bros.' car. first class 1917 Chevrolet roadster, first class. 1917 Maxwell touring, like new.... 1915 Cadillac eight, like new 1916 Hupmoblle. almost new 1Q1T UiiH.ak .nuulutar Til n VrV lit' 1150 650 825 425 8S5 1650 800 tie : iw 1913 Packard alx. first classes...... 750 1913 Chalmers Six ;0!? 1913 Cadillac, first class 00 1916 Ford roadster, electric starter.. 425 1916 Ford touring car 1915 Ford touring car. first class... 2U MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM. mVFT MOTOR CAR CO.. 21st and Washington. Main 6244. 1910 FORD touring car. fine condition; $230. Call 209 Union ave. N.. near Holladay. Automobiles Wanted. WILL trade 5 -room pressed brick house in Denver, value $1750. slight Incumbrance, for good auto. Bulck or Dodge preferred. C. T. Richardson, box 246. Forest Grove. WANTED 1 or 2-ton truck, of standard make, mechanically perfect. M. C. Slew art, McMinnvllle, Or. . W'E PAY spot cash for late model cars. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 527 Wash. Where Washington and Burnalde meet. AUTO WANTED 1 will take an auto on my 13 acres of unimproved land ; time on balance. C. Barney, Oregon City, Or. WANTED Late model light automobile; must be in good condition and cheap for cash. N 88. Oregonian. PIANO and solid oak dining table and four chairs. Must sell or trade for Ford. Call at 3M8 E. 46th st N. Automobiles for Hire. - AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVER FOR. HIRE. 7-paas. car with driver. LONG A SILVA. 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. Phone K. 684 NEW AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVER. SEE G. N. 6MITBV 121 NORTH 8D ST. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO- 8D AND GLISAN STS. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Ga rage. 86 10th st. Broadway 840. NEW SAXON 6. hlgnway, depots, funerals, calling, shopping, reasonable. Eaat 4582. Autos without driver for hire. Fashion Ga rage. lOtli and Yamhill. Mar. 232. A 1236. 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 3547. HUDSON super-six, inclosed car, day or night Geo. Turney, Main 5065. A 1405. Motorcycles. DRAFTED, must sacrifice motorcycle and side car. 8413 53d ave.. Lents. Macbiaery. FOR SALE 40 H. P. Foos gas engine, 30 K. W., D. C. generator and 118 cells, 1600 amp. hour storage battery, good as new. cheap. 220 volt apparatus. AV 296. Ore gonian. CHEAP FOR CASH Complete garage re pair outfit; lathe, grinder, forge, vulcan isers, tube and casing, gas pump, etc. AC 889, Oregonian. SEVER-aL boilers, etc., cheap. W 718. Ore gonlan. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE 1 cylinder press. 3 platen presses. 2 sales. 1 rou-lop aesa, x oook keener's desk. 1 counter, type, stones and TniBc.1l9n.ntn1 tools. Complete eauipmen fnr nrintinr offices, new ana second-hand, Printers' and Publishers' Exchange, 92 First st. ONIONS, 60c to $3 per sack. Potatoes. $1 to $1.75 per sack. Apples. $1 to $2 per box. AT 244 YAMHILL. We buy good potatoes. Bring sample. BARGAIN New 2 100 H. P. 4-cy. gas- n n. .ns-ines. one eu 1 J . f. d-cy. aas- ollne engine with reverse gear. Geo. W. Kneass. 18th and Illinois st, San Fran Cisco, Cal. TOMORROW Great sale of hair switches, 3115 Yamhill, corner -jum. -o switcnes reduced to $10; $10 switches to $60 switches $3 and up. Trade taught STORAGE Reasonable rates on non-penah able goods; over-neaa water .jaiein throughout; trackage. Apply dVO L. Mor rison. East 91. FOR SALE 01 rent, logging and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, rails, cars. Railway Equipment Co.. 235 Stark st FOR SALE Second-hand lumber, all si-es also windows, doors, uncus auu wic age wood, r'none ,aat SCHOOL BOOKS, and supplies, new and second-hand. jonnaons noon -tore, u 4th at, near Salmon. ONE 6-ft copper steam table, 1 16-ft hard wood counter, l o-ic nooo. x cmu .aa. ter. 427 Washington st. tcm-r m nrner 10 down, balance $5 a month, Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark, bet 5th ana otn. BARGAINS in unredeemed guns and re volvers, an maaeo cus.f. -. ' 702 Main st. Vancouver. Wash. x:n 1 Rnrhank Dotatoes delivered. $1.50 medium and small ones. $1: also applea. Call Sellwood -ia. lorenoons. mRDWOOD slabs and edgings, also hard wood sawdust C. H. Webber. Lumber men's bldg FOR SALE Books, several sots of historical works. Taoor zeiL VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought tentiey -u. main ma- SHOWCASE, office fixtures, furnace, boxes. etc. r . P. K.unan OO.. itftt itn su SECOND-HAND gasoline pumps and tanks and air compressors, cneap. 410 wasn. FOR SALE Second-hand safes, all sizes. KILHAM . JT .1 in ana oas. ois. I MAKE the pure wholewheat riour. call Woodlawn 8675: will tell you ail about It GARDEN manure for sale. Sellwood 208. FUBNITCRE WANTED. MAIN 809. We need furniture, carpets and other household goods, also office furniture. We must have coods at once. Call us and hnuar will h. there with the Cash, giv lng you the blgest prices ever paid in this city. KLINE'S FURNITURE STORK. 192 First St.. Near Taylor. Main 309. BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED FURNITURE. c q n ... rim .tore flxturea res- taurant outfits, hotels, rooming-houses . of fice furniture, furniture stocks. Nothing too bier or too small to handle. Prompt attention and courteous treatment. PHONES MARSHALL 5981. A 3224. nKVtlBT' FURNITURE CO.. 185 to 191 First St.. near Yamhill. MISH FURNITURE CO. will pay highest cash price ever paid for used furniture, carpets, rugs, stoves, ranges, office fur niture and fixtures. It will pay you to call ua 1 ou will be money ahead. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 184 FIRST. Main 5768. WB NEED all kinds of old furniture, oar pets stoves, ranges, office furniture and H H. goods generally and will pay top price for same. Call Marshall 587 and our buyer will call at once. GBVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. 205-207 First St RING UP the Greater Portland rumnur. Store, Marsnau 0.1 -1. auu yu highest price paid for your used furni ture, you will also get good bargains in buying or exchanging. Remember. 185-1 First street I MUST HAVE USED FURNITURE Spot cash for your seconu-u.n iuiuuui. D-i a. stoves, rugs, etc Call us for one ar ticle a house full. Phone and a cour teous buyer will calL Main 4778. BEFORE selling your furniture call up risuit-in 1 ,r ...... 166-168 "irst St Man 4833. It will surely be to your advantage. Best prices paid. THE LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE r- hnv. furniture, hotel and restaurant outfita and tools of any description; full value for 'hem assured. 221 Front Main 9072 A 7174. ply HIGHEST PRICES FOR USED FURNI- TURK CIlU - 11 1 J. D1V. A V a. a-"... CLEARING HOUSE. MARSHALL 4788. HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furni ture, we must nav. me -..v.-..--Furniture Co. Mar. 1822. 164 1st st HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WAN WILL PA I CASH. lAiiv poo.. WILL pay best prices. Marshall 2682. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Oak, ash and black locust bolts. C. h. Webber, Lumbermens bldg., Port land. Or. FULL, value paid for second-hand goods and Junk. Call Main 4627 HIGHEST prices paid for second-hand clothe. Main CASH for furniture, musical Instrument and records. Main 7098. BICYCLE AND MECHANIC TOOLS WANT ED. Main 4495. 128 First, near Alder, WINCHESTER and Remington automatic A pump shotguns wanted. Hochfeld. 86 3d. WANTED 2 sets single harness for work horse, include collar. AC 886. Oregonlan. SECOND-HAND clothioar ant' J Mayer, the tailor, pays 87.50 and up for suits; he pays mora for shoes and clothing. We call anywhere in the city, day or evening. Mar shall 1229 or 22!) Madison. OUR specialty Is buying ladies' and gents' cast-off clothing. Highest cash price paid. Will call day or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3225 or 209 Madison St. WANTED An electric generator with low voltage and high ampere: must be In good condition. Apply to W. J Sullivan. Ht" raud ave. THE GLOBE PAYS HIGHEST PRICES FOR MEN'S AND LADIES' 2D-HAND CLOTHING. SHOES. ETC. 283 FIRST. MAIN 20S0. HELP WANTED MALE. THERB ARE POSITIONS OPEN FOR YOU. The calls for high-class men far exceed the supply. We know how to put the right man and the right job together. Member ship costing $5 guarantees employment or a 'refund fee. It costs nothing- to investi gate this modern, systematic position-securing institution. Advisory and Employ ment Department Y. M. C. A. Main 8i00, A 6561. " WANTED SAWMILL SUPERINTENDENT. For two-band pine mill operating night and day shift; want thoroughly experi enced man; must be good mechanic; good living accommodations. Send full partic ulars regarding saiary expected, recom mendations, etc. Address AV 276. Ore gontan. "WANTED LATH MILL CONTRACTOR To manufacture lath by contract at a two-band pine mill operating night and day shifts. Send full particulars regard ing salary expected, recommendations, etc. Address AV 275. Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced shipbuilding fore man to take charge of one wooden vessel; Government work. Wagea $10 per day. Address manager, P. O. box 530, Marsh field. Or. WANTED Single man for janitor work in small apartment-house; must have good references and be able to batch. Give age and wages expected In reply. V 934. Oregonian. WANTED Competent bookkeeper to take charge of set of double entry books. An swer in own handwriting, giving ref erences and salary expected. V 921, Or gonlan. ----. LABORERS wanted for inside and outsid. work; good wages, permanent employ ment For information apply 509 Oregon bldg. WANTED Man with good references, about 30, accustomed meeting public. Capable manual labor. State age, experlenc, phone. D 917. Oregonlan. WANTED Neat-appearing boy. 16 years of age or over, for Insurance office; one with wheel preferred: answer in own hand writing. X 907. Oregonian. WANTED Good ranch hand, able to milk, Swiss preferred: wages $.i0 month now. $1)0 from 1st April if suitable. Adolph Bahler. Boise. Idaho. R. F. P. No. 3. 2 BOYS, 16 or over, with wheels; $30 per month guaranteed; hustlera can make good deal more: no Sunday work. Apply 7 Board ot Trade bldg. JANITOR wanted, for small building near N. W. Steel Co.; free rent, no wages: line for man and wife; call at 810 Kelly St. or D. G. Woodward, 104 Second street PAPER RULER wanted for second machine; one who can also help out on the cut ting machine. Trick A Murray, Seattle, Wanh. WANTED Calciminlng and varnishing in exchange for business college course or materials furnished. Phone Monday or Tuesday, Broadway 1821. WANTED Boys make $2.50 and $3 a day delivering packages for the merchants; wheels furnished if necessary. Main 4S08. A 2464. 15 N. 12th. WANTED Man about SO. with store expe rience, accustomed to manual labor: state age, experience, address, phone. D 916, Oregonian. $500. $1000 AND upward on improved real estate, favorable terms; no delay, no bro kerage. John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. MAN to cut fir wood, 20 miles from Port land; must furnish own tools; $2 per cord. Call 228 Alderst. CLERK Capable office clerk; good penman; large corporation. Apply room 502. Park and Oak sts. WANTED Experienced marker and sorter: steady work, good pay. Apply in person. Crystal Laundry Co. ' A FIRST-CLASS accountant; prefer one with experience as public accountant; tem porary work. P 735, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER. $S5 and board; must be able to make out financial statement. AB 801. Oregonian. YOUNG man, 18 to 21. office work, oppor tunity for advancement In wholesale lino. State all particulars. AO 797. Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced sawyer for portable mill; quote wages expected and state ex perience. AO 796. Oregonlan. WANTED Messenger: prefer one who has taken bookkeeping and had experience on adding machine. East 491. GOOD, quick shoemaker wanted at once: steady work year round. Jim, the Shoe Doctor, Eugene. Or. WANTED Salesmen to taki advantage of the opp irtunity to sell our line. Address Salem Nursery Company. Salem. Or. MEN wanted to work on river steamboats; $50 a morth and board. Apply Wasbing-ton-st. do;k. YOUNG architectural draughtsman, ouewith some experienced preferred; steady work. Apply Monday at 424 E. Alder. ALL-AROUND blacksmith wanted, married man: give place last worked. Good job for right man. J. E. Nelson, Dayton, Or. FIRST-CLASS cook and pastry cook who unaerstanas an aiuu. ui ---'. X 917. Oregonian t WANTED Delivery boy. Apply Glass A Prudhomme Co., 65 Broadway. WANTED A rouKht carpenter lor 2 or 3 days' work. C 101S. EXPERIENCED window cleaners wanted. Apply 201 Henry ning. MAN wanted at Cider Palace, 293 Yamhill. Apply at once. WANTED Boy to run errands. James, Kerns & Abbott Co., tun auu riaimrm. SHOEMAKER, first-class Jack man. 161 W. Park st . WAVT vulcenizer, first-class all-round man. Applv H. B. Black, 534 Alder. Main 131!'. WANTED Barber for Eastern Oregon, ln- quire Lewls-Stenger Haroern nuppiy o. Help Wanted Agents. YOU can make $50 to $100 per week as exclusive county agent, senilis ic automatlo knife and scissor sharpener. Get your countv now. Territory open In Ore gon and Washington. Sharpener sells for $1 75. Agent's profit $1 on each machine. Lady agents are succssful selling thes. sharpeners. Be Independent, Set now; pre vious experience not required for success. Write Charles Braun, room 313 Panama bldg., Portland, Or. GARAGE men. write to R. & t. Mfg. to. for the agency ana an .in."i" the No Equal Soaps. Auto Cleaner and P01- T . . u c 1.- laniifnc.tiirln Coul- 1uh jvuuieas oc - pany. 94 11th St., Portland. AGENTS WANTED Ford owners, demon strate Bear crans. rieiea.c, broken arms. "Alta Company. 417 Market street. San Francisco. TWO coupon solicllors or goon appeaiauc... Angvire fctuaio. jriJiiimu.. Help W'antted Salesmen. SALESMEN Two men between 30 and 80 for permanent work in connection with financing of industrial companies ... land. Reliable and highly indorsed enter orices only. Permanent work and good Day to right men. Call forenoons. P y FRANK McCRILLIS. Financial Agent 5O0-502 Henry Bldg. PERMANENT positions for 3 first-class tea and corree nouse-to-tiou.c - Day a guaranteed salsry to men fa miliar witll house-to-house work who ar. able to produce results. Apply Ideal Tea Co.. 711 Union ave. N. WANTED All-around city salesman, one who can sell. ac -i-, icamin.". HELP WANTED FEMALE. MARRIED woma-n wanted for dining-room work; wages s.iu; nuonanu i-- by. 511 N. 21st BL A 2688. ILL give working girl furnished room In private family for companionship lady sev eral nights a week. 428 11th st. WANTED Two young ladies under lor traveling position, ir inie.tesi.eu.. taiy mioo Burns at the Portland Hotel. ROOM, board and wages to girl o act as companion 10 young in 111c wum.11. shall 2109. ' CHORUS GIRLS Highest wages, long en gagements, no traveling. Apply Casino T heater; PRIVATE home for children 8 to 12 years old: IB years' exp. 714 Everett Mar. 2162. EXPERIENCED chambermaid. Apply Rin apo Hotel. 14th and Washington. WANTED Stenographer, hours to 5; $12 per week. 393 Oak. COATMAKER wanted. C. tailor, 307-8 Globe bldg. Gower, lad lea' GIRL wanted to learn tailoring; good oppor tunity. 609 Panama bldg. WANTED Trimmers and makers. Register Mullet & Ross Co. EXPERIENCED dining-room girl. Campbell Hill Hotel. INSTITUTE cook. $50; chambermaid. $40; nurse. $40. Hansen's. 345' Washington. DRESSMAKER wants help. 420 Tillamook.