17 TTTR MOTtXTXG OREGOXTAX, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25, 1918. PoHlandfdusinelBjdlgrn 1 . . x This directory la for the U ioiuuucn .. - . , uoib cuitrnt lines 01 duiibcm .... ... .. ... -. ... SLUJ IUIVI IUAUVU "i-" by phoning Main It0 or A 0sS. House) Atliliu. fUaiLlb. llitLnLN 1c A lAllD PLEATINU. AU. LATt9i nI!U.i tSItn. .o LLTi CO. S3 4 Id SI.. bL.TWe.iN AA AND aTAne. B I ;, BltoAU.VAV :dW K. 1 (.PttAN. n.mautcmng. sc.. oping, ae evroioa .iij. p.u bullous cov.r.d. mai erg.r si Hii-cca o.a. B.-oJdr 1Q.OA JIV.A1KK.H ANU ANAtlSle. ku.Mi.i AsaAl urrlcti. 142 tcd Poid. .u v.r . n J p.stiaum wugat AliAlt tl.Trr.K3 ANA H to. JaY,.. KLKBS. Aulu cut au po.isnea. jiry And w.tca rvp.urn.al. Mm.r e. ween. AIrvjH.Mls.iI-L. 1B Pillock 6.k. No ctn.'lt lor consu.lalioa. aitus wiritotT umvtm la.W car rA.vOAO.. raiA Clly Gerag Into uwu B.-oaqway s-io. OHcucjN UAluUctt tt.ri't.1 CO. We Bur lai B.U e.. B.a.s barber suppaiA22OAa bo.tr Bl lCDLKj. iX P. uiUMM. coataaerciAi aad deepeee . flan Boat, tkuwoi ead aa siocA. t Leee.i il CANCEK. 1- eL JOXii M U CANCER TICEATED. IIJ Alofjj.a M.rsna.l 014J. ttLLttOlU MtTTONi. THE iMWU-auU.N COMPANY. is 7 tAeea.ugtoa jWd.j. tat. IMUUMDUlsT. V iiuta. uieit and W Uiiaa. Jr. InJ. tee a.j kmoiuic cotiukMuUt a tee iij par.oi. M ori.sr b.u. eoutnet Beg ata aoj A.u.r. t'btfM Ma.a lA'JA. tHIHurvUIsI A.VU AKtll SPLCIAIJST. JjR. W E. LA MONTE. Kreneo sanitary tpaiai oivumu. W iaru eelem ol arvh t.ti.ug. o7- aetlltnJ B.dg-Aleln M--1. luiKurH-titlt rMliua. IICK fi.ofLA. Ur. AtcAteaua. fari.aad. iLWe CAtlopreCUC BP:IA.iL. 4 Dat e a I aeef aave ta eap.oy UrugA wpeieueaa eloraiera vio.et rejA t.ttnctil. beet. Iigat taa etner Joee tiouee etuuia 1 re Bee lae ctutct el ilni- tiutce.y. eure.) ieea eAjuetet. tati coatuaag A AMiUJi 1 liOUIAA A 1 tujatlJUMM ti eevea. r'rioae. caii. write tiKllLAK La.1-Ie.IUl LiU.Se t-tllr.il CO.. elu N W. b:dg.. Max 6-.'A i-JJ tettere mu.tigrapbed. Ai.JO- COLI.KtTIO AOt.Nt.ljEa. iS-TU A lu. VSorc:er CtUC. Mela I'.'H ie ca.iectlonA to caerge. eetePueoed lirj IAtl.NO. ilA.s'CUjjsTER Dancing Acedtmj. A5V f Lfta. Uaaef tie rueoagemeot. Lalcet deacea taugat 11 prlkaie ieaeonA fa. Uaure Iw A. M. i t:t rroada i.'7. H Bi.- AiirT-HiATtt sCriuoL Lien ciag taugat la e. Its brancL.a. pritate. day or eve. Ctaaeea luea and t'rt.. b-10. iirt m"'t after. Aadia Vt aaa. Mala Aua lTRS. FLtCK S AOAlieAK Saclal aad e'.age il-inc.i.g. private tuetructioa. c .. aoa, -Burn.. I U la 10 2d w bet. V.eeA enu btara. Mela -loM. EUtCTKIC MOTOKi. fori SALJx TKALla UH LCNT. 1 A. WiiKl.it Lu.v.jKll.iL WuttKS. gig liuroeidei. broaaerajr fttiie. EtE. r.AK. NO-E AND TIIKOAT. 1r. If. ". Caaaetlajl. treeimenl. glaatea fitted. TOO tL Burnaide. cor. 1'Utn. it liu E IAA fXCTT BIOS AND RAG RCCH. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS 1qj rmja. BruMC.a. araynn, Axmiiuitr rag rag a. ait tiiea. m-il orders prompt, lHokii CARPET CLEAN1N3, REFITTING, ETC f&Ag rug kimrj aJitl etcNtiueti .Ai.lM Mtslta.V ILlIt Hlti CO-54-81 Lnwu eve. .N. Lilt tola. H ltTJ WUOLESALElaS AIN'D AITO AD BIOOT TOF PCBBlit-tj. aicooi AO" Cu, ttt A Oala, OKA1N JttJtCHANTK, yACUFIC OtvAA-N. Lu Amjat el Trad bldg. UK V OUOU8. I niUVCI CDICI Puroininm..NoUae L. UlilM,L0r ILL. VV HA aneriwca b.ug. i.kim a Itlt-S. JftDHtm A Co.. r toat at. HAT? AND CAPSC THANHOCSt.it AlAt CO, ba-o rront e- HUrAOOU CASCAevi BAKai. KAHN AtrtoS.. ll rroin et "rAl-NTS AND 1.1 BKICATINU OILS. ACCTIOS SALES TODAI. rtra Auction aooltl td et- r-trBttaf. carpet- etc. oaie at 1 If. M. At WUaone Aactto Mooa. U A. A Fw nit are. iaa-171 aacoad et- DTTD. BALl-aaa. 54. In Detroit. Mtrb- Kalher ln Beboreh Pill, be.oved wife ' ''" lia Brvy fiaii and moiner ol oart Bali, ol Portland. ROBERTSON At Jennings Lodg. Jan. S4. Jlarry Robertson, aged 4S year otl-e of funrai later. Arrangement la ear f lli.Ai A Tracey. THORNS At her la rea-'dence. 5S0 Glieon. 14a TbomA age 44 year. Funeral notice U:r. Kematna at P. U Larch chapel. tUaat E.eveacb and Ciay. rTN-ETLAL NOTICES. I,vA,. At the realdenca. 19 14th rt . Jan. IS. Emma Carroll Lotan. aged mont&A li day, beio.ed ife ' En' Lotan. mother of bm 1-otan. Fonerel rorteg from Hoimen e funeral parlor at B ti A. M- today (Friday). Jan. -- tn to BC Mary e Cathe.lral. litn and D' etA erber rejnlero hieli rae will le ol-f-re4 at A. M. Friend Invited. Intr tnant ML Calvary Cemetery. row ELL la thle city. Jan-iary -. Caotaln wn.lem 8. Poa. aged yeare. late of fc .even lb eireet. (ether of Mr J J Fhlpley aad Mra Harry A Hasettlne. of thle city. The funeral aervlcee el!l be he.d tomorro- (Saturday . Jenuary i . al 3 o'clock P M . at the Ftret Methodist r-horch. Twelfth and Taylor etreeia Friends Invited. Interment at Rlvervlew Cemetery. J. P. Flnley A Son. director- WAX I Ihl city. Jan. SS. Cbarle O Wax. aged 1 year- son ol Pblllp Wax. brother of David C-. Sol and Augueta W ax, nephew f Meyer W e v Frtenrt Invited to attend funeral service- which wCI be beid at Holman' funeral parlor. Third and 8ai nH etA. at 10 A. M tod ty (Frldeyl. Jen. ; V Interment Abaval B.lolom Cemetery. Pnlladeipbla. Pa paper pieaa copy. "EtSKE On th Bas Lin road. January 2i aueaa Feneae. eg SI year, be.oved wfe of Wllilam FeneMe. end mother or B-'e aad Annawe.m Fenehe. and Mr jNe-.tle Leadlmaa. Funeral will te-e piece tomorrow 4V-turdy. January JO. el a P M at the Adventist C'nurrh. t..gntteth, near Ciista. Fuaaul in chart of Miliar Tracer. DACTOrr Th funeral serrlc of th 1st Fta Dsotoft. who peeeed sway In this city January J3. ll. will be held todev (Frldeyl. at I P. M . from the chapel of th aaewe rnderteamg Company, corner Third and Cley. Frleude Indued to at tend. Interment Abaval sholom Cemetery. JAOGAR Th funeral servtcea of th late Mery El. en Jaggar will b held today Kr'1r. at i o'clock P. M. at the reaidenc eetablishment of J. P. Flnley A lUO. atoatgomery al Fifth. Friende Invlt ed. Interment at Rose City Cemetery. Tft AV7LLION la this city. January 24. at her let reatdxnc. 14 Fourth etreet. Mr Faaai Jena TravllUon. eg il year Re maina will b lorwerde.1 today (Frldayl t.v tne Ertceon L'ndeneklng company to tinker. Or. for miermenc MAroLRrie RIVER VIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM Tayter teery Read. Kal aUewrvtew Carlla rB nly dTiiiaew uiethod f ban at jAaow.wbitA alway dry eaoitary tomaa aermaa t title at.d eaoowmeot. SJJAa up j e puto:B atioca Phoa Uoadway Ul. Phot) your want ads to Tha Orcco BUa. ilain 7070, A 03S. 01 in puouc. -w " ".'," . -...-.. ...cann m find CtCC.SlOD " ....- "- .. ,,;,, ,h.H ha found her trill b giadiy furnished 40- SA.ltliLJAti.KS. HuIitU cow tail hors muurt. East 1SL c iWit. IN SI RAN CE. FOR Information about the beet III Inaur- ei.ce leiepnon muxidii w'p- Jl.Nli. t..tt A.-J Uliiwnn..-. Tha Ui.eua Juan Co.. ii Front ec Mela Jw we bujr all kiuda jaaa. metaia. pej a.goeet pricee. m " ' MIMICAL. PIAKO LESSONS, 50c Adoita or vnuoreu cu.utr: teu t teacher. Tr.JUA.fttO.Nt. tAJ t tw. fAKAtclt ecnooi ox fopu.ar Alue.c Term. to ieeeoi.A ol-g fcliera o.ug. OKtvoo.N Cooeervatarn ibtnool) of Muel atja Waeaiugtua tL. at Atroadaay. clt. uale. It tillL. IhltlLhOlCN. vlo.io leacnet. pupil Bevclk. Jui t ueuner puig. ! - Or-fOAtATk"ljT-r"AU OKTlClAS. WHT PAT MOHET . A HiVl.Nu tram to P oacl ViSia- f raiuu.u uuei geeee aa we fA 1 J Klnl-i- jreare aiiierieaca. U. a. jfrtABlllAAa. OiC K. A. ftlAiifa. ex eroaaaaj b.dg iiS.t. . bca.p. Plea t"d pi-eeur. 1A.L Mttto act rtlt-a. fi.LAitic e-l-nu-a at BU'"'.,,frle buii-u.-t lu, .li M ec Mia lur. IKlMlMi. U-taToNli Uttaa J t- oanlenuelii , atgr. fnut-ug ana ut.uipiog. iu rnt at coiner ateia. Aieiu or A Hia. gal 8tar uioaua.j API. A 40S8. tlDlUfltll' ' w- aiJ.Tte A CoMf AA . TTTaL AalAlt KLAt-tlDJ. C A HA. 1C ''"iL-''0- 1-VoKKMc.A l-AUfcNIO WA.tr.i-. TM-l i ij(j f oet unu " Tite. -o-VJ r,.i Meoiciue. ! Ku.er b.g . --nee to g... rc to " 5 ueatl.at -aa cu.e -"" -enLeu. Cel. l-r ire eatniitauoa A F. M. KUMT-WI l CO --b-r.f f.i: ;: m o. t i.q T.lM.tt,K At 1M.A.N3AC.K. iiAi ni-e Dickioa. nip- I.na nToTtli. bore, ana auto --. i.-e.gut - to ail poinia. 3d and fin eie. Airoedaa . A !. OKtooN. rKA.NKtKCO e.e o .- ?TlZj. W. olana OP.-T. Vwo" large A- .Ki.aoueee on lerioinal traae. i..,i inuraa-e latea in ma cttjr. cTTfre.gat rat to an Po.m on b?Jho gooua. Jeii-u.ue t wtb auu lioyc cn.j '" MAA7lBUiN-tr. WICK AJNU WAKJiAtOUail Oliice lU Meuieou. Oenerai meJCbanulee ,a rnr.araine egentA fnone Main .eel ui, k,. Atoti.su. uruBAUE. 6ECLKII I BTOHAOli . THAJ.ara,H CO.. 10a farK . etaia " T KICKS. TKUCK9 Fott HIKE. Br boor, day or week. Marshall ;. "it (lull. LvriVHElS eaet of Uth oa Eaat Side for $2i per coru. SAiiuNAL fCEU CO.. t.ii otl. a 2d and ,i..,;. .lt. ..aowood. till uellvered. .... . . . c- 1 i Z 111 lit AS ne b BV ewrl laKjfcefceN Ae Lr U t O W W v. - - JilAMJFACTUKEIIS PAINTS. OllJi AND OLAbbV BASMLoonA a Co.. id ana Tayior. I'lPt. PIPE rITTINOS AND VALTE& M. i. U.L1.N ti. a4 front at. 1-A.LMJttt.tO AN At bttvAAl FlTTlNti. 4. c Ki.i.e. B4-b Front il "PKODI CE COMMISSION MEJtCIlANTS. j.V A-HAItNCt l AlOt JJ.CX. Ho A root aL "MOPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portlana Curuege Co.. ltui and Northrti. A!iH. UUOM AND OLArVt. P. niXtR A Co, lutb ana laJia eta WAIXPAPEK. MILLER "'all Pepr A PC Co.. 1TJ tat at MOKUAN WALL PAPt.lt CO.. 130 '-'d eC FINERAL DIRECTORS. Edwar Holman. Pre- W. J. Holmaa. Beo. J. Av Werlela, Trea THE EDWAi.1) MULilAiN UNDEKTAKiM G CO. faatabllehed 1877. THIRD bT COKNtK OF SALMON. A Alodero Spacious Family Room With fnvaie Entrance. LA Lit AaalaTANI Pboaea ataia (Mil. A 1611. Perfect Auneral aorvica lor Laa- MILLER & TRACEY loupisUnl VUagrtu lirciora. rtuD. i mu iioia ua -:lu tiiu. J. P. FUN UK I EO.M. Progreaeiv uaerai litieclore. Prlv... uiiivMeuiva AlleuuAAlA HUillliUgAIII A A StAAtA. Mam . A lout. . Lady AaeletanC C AA Lady AaeletanC Wii-BON A HOAd. m,.m. p.i l.irli.r. IM Muitnooian at a.veiiia atreC ERIC AON Kaaiueace tjnurtAAing Parlor . , . ..... jjuitwon at Main iAi. A ijUaa. U.SilAu m MciMli; f uaerai direct or- isioauwaj -no noe ue&. fauae nioa. tie. A 4- i-ady aitenoaac F. a. IjCNMNO. i.Nc. TH GOlUaN HI.1A CNU-itXABlERa. 414 Eaet A.der street a.aet 6i. A HAg. ....... fc.. .. .'....iii. Beimonl at AIA MM. A-NO Mica. '. Ai. HAMILTON-Fa aerai eervice. I'a E. Gilean. leuor ai P L. LA.HCH. Avaal tltn ana Clay atraata Laay atteudenc Aaat 7i. H laaa. A. R. Zeiler Co. 1! it? BAtV.tS C.NAEKTAKINO COMPANY. d aad Clay Meln tlii. A XA-1 Laqy aeeistaat CKMETKK1ES. BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PAUiw CEilETEEY Loweit Prices Bst Serrlea. No cipent -iter interment. Priced lower .than other cem teriea. FLuaiBiH. MAHTIN A iuiuas CO. Flortata. U Aaeoiagtoa. Maia A !-. Flower CLAH ei Atnos. Fioriat aa7 Morr on at. Mala r A laoo. Floe flowar aa-' floral Seeiaaa. No oranca etore luM.I H FLORAL CO. ' Waablngtoa st. bet. 4th and fttb. Mala B101. A 1IL k, X M SMITH. Mala 7121a. A IU1. Belling bldg. ItB and Alder et PtAjFZEi FLORA L SHOP. H Alder Vlowera and design Phone Merehall 6jiJ3 MONTMENTTft. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 24-2S 4th St.. opposite City Hall Main aftft4 Pblllp yen A Sons for memorial- BLvTSiNG GPANITCCQI NEW TODAY. Irviiigtoii Bunga low, on Broadway Car Line, at Cost Six rooms and attic; full ce ment basement; tile bath room; every built-in conven ience; owner leaving city, Call 715 East 22d St. North. Phone East 7342. Lots for Va Their Value Close to big ahlphulldtng works now being built In Milwaukle. also two blocks from the business part on Har rison street I will sell lots 60x100 feet for 1250; 20 per cent down and $10 fier month. These lots are In the best ocatlon in Milwaukle. close to the river and streetcar line and are being of fered for one-half their value today. Thle property Is owned by a non-resident. e-Dd ha orders them sold at a sac rifice. ti. J. CLOUESSY. 415 Ablngrtoa Bnlldlna; MORTGAGE LOANS II Faada teed isr good farm aad aly lease at close tacerewt rate. Prompt. Uellable brrvtce. A. H. liiUKHl-L CO. SIT-Sia Nortbeveatera Disk Uuildlag. alar.aai! 4114. A 411S. MORTGAGE LOANS OH BLblNthS '.lt:sALt.NCii ruoptvurv. ROBEHISiON at KWI0. Xn7- jNertaveestrra atsuak, Ailds. JNO. B. COFFEY MOKIOAOK LOANS Insurance, Surety Bonds SOI WILCOX HLI)(.. Maia 702, A 3702 MORTGAGE LOANS t)" FA H H AND KKS1IIEMB PKOPt-HI V. NO CO l MISSION. Wm. MacM aster ti roHHKrr blijo.. Portland, ob. I have got aH kinds of choice Inside Improved real estate, mortgaged, must be sold. Abraham, SlSVx Waah. St. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Of lie, twain loli Lourtuuue. AlA o. kjitnuw. Phone from I M t Ataiu .. Horn Phoa A 1A& Night call after utfice bour. Maia Report all caeee ol cruelty to the above address -.lectric lethal chamber tor ema. animata Horn ambuianc for slca and disabled anima' at a momenl'e notice Any one desiring a dog or other pet communi cate wiib ua Call for all lost or s. rayed etoca. aa w look aftr U ImpounOing Tbr la no nor city potind. iael Oregon buiuao Society REAL ESTATE i'or Sale Lots. LOT BARGAINS. NO Aljt-1 IS. 1 60x100. Weldler. near 4Id. JS50. 1 STxIOO. Weldler. near 4i;d. Jioo. 1 60x100. Halsey. near 4'Jd. 70U. 1 bUiluO. 4Jd st.. near Malsey. J 750. 3 fiuxluo, 41st. near Sandy, JMj'j. TERMS. E. 4DL $415, TO settle estate, takes 2 lots, 40x100 each, adjoining S. P. shops (worth $1-00)., $400 K. C. Park, facing east on E. 57th. 126 ft. north of Siskiyou; 2 blocks car; snap. $.'50, E. 87th near-6tark, $10 down. FRANK L. McGUIRE, Ablngton bldg. TWO big lot very best soil, 4 -room plas tered bouse, cement basement, ugnts. wat re. gas: outhouses good, neighborhood su buruan. Pric $25uo. Own terms like rent. No agents; no trade AY 2.0, ore gonian. THAT VACANT LOT Turn a burden Into liicom W design and build anything. furnleb th money if desired, eight years In Portland. L. H- Bailey Co.. contract ing architect North western Bank bldg. FOR SALE By owner, at very reasonable price. Improved corner lot. lOUxluu; ce ment ' sidewalk Situated al 2ln and Broadway. Phone Main 1447. For baleHouses. ROSE CITY PARK. S MODERN BUNGALOWS JUST BEING COMPLETED. 9 bouses on olid. 1 blk. north of Sandy; 1 bous oo 62d and Sandy blvd. Builder and owner. Gulhrl Lood wood. Phone Broad ay 1S0U. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW BARGAIN. Owner moved east advises me to sen bis 6-room lS-story Laurelhurst home with garage. Including $1700 wortb of fine Atabogany furniture, at big sacruice. Fur niture separate. If desired. J DGLAHUA' TY. Main 1700, evenings East 3734. $4360 LAURELHURST BUNGALOW $4350. Classy nearly new oungaiow witn ga rage, near car, built by one of the best builders in city, finished In 6 coats of old Ivory Street work paid to $150. No agents need apply. J. DULAliUNII. Mam 1700, evenings East 3734. WHO WANTS A BARGAIN T $4S0O 8 rooms and sleeping porch, thor. oughly modern, hard floor, tile bath, white namel. all bullt-ln conveniences, on 24th sc. In Murrymead. one-haif block to car, facing ease E. AL Holmes Co.. 272 Stark ec Main 805L 1RV1NGTON Dutch colonial homa, modern. 7 room beautiful surroundings, mahog any and white enamel finish, harowood f.oorx, 2 fireplace tile bath, fine furnace, Dutch kitchen, every convenience. F. E. Bowman A Co.. 213 Chamber Commerce bldg. Main 302. HOUSE FN A PS. NO AGENTS. T-r. house. Fik and Willis bvd., $.000. 6-r. hous E. Grant, near 40th. $.260. 5-r. house, Irvlngton, modern, $0500. TERMS. E. 4111. TO SAVE FORECLOSURE. Will sell 4 block and 7-room bouse, 1 block from car. 100S200. fronts oo 3 street besrlng orchard. Pric $2000. Tab $600 eaah. OcDDAKD A WIEDRICK. .48 Stark. AN" 8-room house, street Imp. paid, 1 blk. lo school, churi-h. 2 blk to csr. nesr Belmont and 3.1th; qtilck deal $1400. $400 cailh. bat $16 per mo.. per cent tnteresL E. T Pric. 717 Rothchlld bldg. WEST SIDE TWO-FLAT BARGAIN. Two-flat resldenc of 8 rooms esch. near 14th and Columbl Price reduced from $iio00 to $4250. Live In one and rent 'coDDARD A WIEDRICK. .43 Stark. $1680 TERMS $1800. Modern 6-room bungalow. fireplace, bullt-ln effects, expect draft, must sell. Sea this todsy. WU4 E. 27th N Alberta ear. Phone Woodlawn 891 L RESIDENCE of 15 room In Nob Hill die. trlcu suitable for furnished rooms, board ing r private sanitarium- in first-class condition and good neighborhood, must be sold. Address O 831. Oregonian. COMPLETELY FURNISHED. 185 Eaal 23th at. lot 5050, 8-room buncalow. furnace and flrepiac- Price $4oou. $1000 cash. GODDAHD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark. IRVINGTON 8 rooms and sleeping porch, attractively furnished. $6700; unfurnished. $5300: street assessments paid. Phone owner. Eaal 4463. GANTENBEIN NEAR BEECH. $2150 buys good 8-room house, furnace; lot 5U.100. GODDAHD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark. $1200 SNAP. 6-room bungalow, cement basement, bath, lot SOxluo. on corner. 1 block to car. GODDARD A. WIEDRICK. 243 Stark. LOT 50x100. 8-room house, water, cesspool, garage, no Incumbrance; am leaving town, tnis is a snap. Call or writ W. F. Erd man, 1347 Boston ave. $2600 3-ROOM bungalow, with two lota and garage, furnace. gas and electricity, one block from Mt. Scott carltne, easy ttrmi John Bain. 607 Spalding bldg. ' NEAR ALBERTA CAR. 6-room bungalow, lot 84xH0. garage, .arlth cement floor. Prl-e $11000. ' GODDAHD A WIEDRICK. 2t3 Stark. GOOD 4-room house. V4c fare, fine place for chickens and cow. $73 down and $12 per montn. Raid. Main 8517. IRVINGTON. SOME BAROAIN Owner leav. Ins city; will sacrifice fine horn worth $ 7'00 lor $4730. Msln Mi-. cast 3114, 7oou NEW broom coionia.. West Sid FRANK L. McGUIRE ABINGTON bl.DO WILL sacrifice my strictly modern bunga low, 420 East. SACb. bouta. East 1846, REAL ESTATE. For bale Hoosea. IT IS A LOVELY HOME. In the ML Tabor Addition that I am privileged to sell because owner Is called to the Ironu To say that It is a five room, modern bungalow with furnace, fireplace, attic and sleeping porch does not convey the idea of rellnexnenl and convenience that belongs to this homo. These are only appreciated from a per sonal Inspection. The lot Is large, 60); 147, and nicely kept up. Th price is S.'oO. with reasonable term For fur ther particulars, call Maclnnes, 210 Ore gon bldg.. or phone Broadway 16.'3: THIS HOMELIKE BUNGALOW, faces the east with fine view, on a cor ner lot. 60x103. Ther are 6 rooms and bath, reception hall, living-room with fireplace, dining-room with bullt-ln buf fet, Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms with bath between, plenty of closet space, full base ment, sttlc. back porch. It cost when built 8 years ago S320O: now (2130. with payment of 50 down and IJO per month. An attractive homelike bungalow. Mac lnnes, 210 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway FULLY FURNISHED B-ROOM MODERN" BUNGALOW. Business compels me to leave Portland, and 1 will sacrifice my home, fully fur nisbed ready to step Into. The furniture la new and flrsi-clasa The bouse is large and moaern: living-room wnn nrv place. dining-room with bullt-ln buffet, iiuti-h kitchen, two nice bedrooms, full basement, large attic; Just the place for a home. Only S300 as it stands, $400 cash and S1U per month. Call Broad. way 1654. fj.-.on P ASH BUYS IT ROSE CITY PARK CAR: 3 rooms, dou ble constructed, full cement basement, fur nace, hardwood Xioors in living ana oinins mnm rirnl.cA bullt-ln butiet. bookcases, laundry trays, linoleum and gas stove in kitchen. Lot on street grade. Half block lO Car. J. Lfc nAn 1 31 A .N CClMrA.li. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bidg 4th & Stark. Main 208. A 2UOO. $250 DOWN. $1 a month. $1800 In all. buy this modern 6 -room bungalow, built tbre years sgo; front room has tirepiaco, oin-Ing-room bas nice built-in buffet, bath and toilet between bedrooms. 3 closet small basement, gas. water and electric light outbuilding l(Jx20. Write m and I will meet you. w . a. xjuxuus-uio, o.i Oswego. Or. R. F. D. 1. mi'TVr.Tnv RtlXRALOW OLD IVORY FINISHED THROUGH OUT: 5 rooms and muslcroom, large garage, street improvements unio. iu .u.i, no Incumbrance- Price AoilSO. Half cash, j I. ha htm AN COMPANY. No. 7 Cham ber of Coininerca Biog. Main 2uS, A 2oio. S2SU0 LAURELHURST BUNGALOW $2800. Price Includes ail street Improvement Licaled about 4 blocks irom tcose -it-r r.ni-'ii fn.tt Int. hardwood floors, fireplace built-in buffet, cement basement, tuba, $0Uil cash aad $30 per monin. J. HL'N'TY Main 1700. evenings East 3ii4. 5-ROOM cottage near shipyards, bargaln. Hobbs, 41 o Chamber ol .commerce. tor bale Business Property. HOMEWOOD HOTEL, VIVi'llllVER. WASH. Three-story frame, 32 rooms, completely furnished, lot ovxivu, reuieu bi bnap price. GODDAHD A WIEDRICK, 248 Stark. DON'T MISS THIS. For sal by owner, choice business loL 83 1-8x100. 50th street ana nawmorao no agents, must sell. Marshall 1311a. Suburban Home Property. A RARE BARGAIN. 4H ,ii cn, uiwucu mm. , .- house. Bull Run water, gas. electric lights. Cliy SCllOOl. tllj iuuuc, ww - U Lea win Hum ni.mi.i. tun v.. . .. n fruit trees, ail kinus small frulc Located at Multnomah, Oregon. 15 minutes' ride . ,. D-. C'i.iJlA tnrmm ITIflt irom rori.iiJ.iiw f , ic , . v, . . . . ... . time advertised; no agent. Phone owner, Main 8U5S. Fur bale 1 ruit Lands. moxei INCOME Read this big snap. 87 acres of 1160-per-acre land, planted to fine apples by nurseryman s years ago. Now beurina. All in wheat and clover. W ill lease on shares or sell part at $250 per acre Just one such snap. CSLLAHS-MURTON CO.. 8-5 Yeon bldg For Bait; Acreage. CHOICE, level land well watered, on Columbia Klver; logged 40 years ago; In pas ture ever since. Kaslly clear ed; dock on land. 800ACRE8 Deep, rich soil, free from rock. Ideal either for diversi fied farming or a stock ranch. Rock-bottom price, whether sold aa a whole or subdivided. Terms or trade con sidered. 408 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 10 acres with good 6-room house and other outDuiiuinga. near .ems For particulars write Thomas Allen; 6131 02d sL a. IS., rortiana. or, 10 ACRES, close "In. fine location; bargain for cash. It. Sou, oregonian. For Sale FOR SALE. THIRTY-FIVE) HORSES AND MULES. Including 2 German Coach Stallion 1 Kentucky Saddle Stallion. Morgan. Percheron, Trotting, Saddle and Standard Bred Stock. For particulars address A. L. BROWN FARM. Nisuually. Washington. TOUR CHANCE IS IN CANADA Rich lands and business opportunities offer you independence Farm lands, $11 to $30 acre; Irrigated land $35 to $30. 20 years to pay; A2OU0 loan in Improvement or ready-made farm Loans of llvestock. Taxea average under 20 cents an acre; no taxes 00 Improvement personal property or livestock. Good markets, churche school roads, telephone Excellent ell mate crops and Uvosiock prove it. Spe cial homeseekers" fare certificate Write for fre booklet Allan Cameron, General Bupertnteiideni Land Branch. Canadian Paclflo Ry., 403 Ninth Ave., Calgary, Al berta. 86 ACRES, 18 miles southwest of Portland. V, mile from atatlon on Oregon Electric, A mile from atatlon on Southern Pacific, fronting rock road; 40 acres cultivated. 7 acres beaverdam. 30 acree easily cleared, balance brush and timber, 7-room dwell ing, large barn and other outbutldlngs, fine family orchard and all kinds of small frulc A alghtly and attractive farm; price $140 per acre. Apply J. W. Murphy, owner, Elton Court Hotel, 11th and Yam- hill, Portland , foO ACRES, fenced with Government regu lation fenc 2-room bouse, well. 12 cows, 1 thoroughbred Durham bull 2 years old. 2 horses about 2600, with new harness, and all new farm machinery, new barn w.th cattle shed, room for 6 bora new wagon and aletgh, corral for branding, lota of good timber. 30 acres under culti vation, about GO acres easily broken, about 60 acrea good paatur Apply P. E. Blake, box 87. Danville. Wash. FOR SALS No. 1 WHEAT RANCH; 640 A.; II miles north of Carter; 8-room house. granary, room tor 5500 bu; barn 14x20; 630 acres under cultivation. 100 acres In Winter wbeaL 70 acre plowed for Spring seeding; plenty of water; all fenced; graded roads all the way; 4 elevators In Carter and a good, lively town. A bargain at $30; term Inquire of owner, Frank Woiuvod. Carter, MonC ONE of the choicest farms In Clarke Co. 86 acres, 21 ciearea, 00 uuuievaru. -.0 minutes' motor ride from Vancouver, at tractive bungalow, fully equipped, partly stocked; going Into service, .lust sell, will consider any reasonable offer. Dr. Man Ion 1010 Selling bldg. Main 2236. 6000 ACRES In Southwestern Washington for sale, to settler only, upon eaaj terms and low price- $5 per acre and up Writ for map snowing location, terms, etc WEVt'KHAEUiita TIMBER COMPANY. Tacoma Bldg., Tacoma. Wash. FOR SALE or trade, 120-acre farm. 1 mile from town, o-rooin nouse, oaxu, cmcaen. house, woodshed, several acrea in prune orchard. apple pear peaches, etc.; easy term- Price $40 per acre; $1500 cash. Henry Whitney. Vancouver. Wash.. Rc ft. 100 ACRES, Washington County, good, deep soil well uraioeu. . 1 , .. . . u ., uu fruit land, three million feet timber. $40 per acra Chaa C Rosa. 281 Ainswortn ave. ' FOH SALIS: 14-acr bearing berry farm. good house, oam. uesi 01 m.i.. class opportunity; best market for prod uce good roads; S miles from live town. $3500 AV 263, Oregonian. 38-A. FARM. 7 miles from Gaaton. 20 In Cultivation, a a.- prunes, - a. -.ivi"-. 10.1, etc; fair building- Price $4U00. J. E. Bate Gaston. Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. Near Portland; aid to uu per suv, cr terms; best soil; farms for sale, all size McFarland. o3 Yeon bldg.. Portland. ' NEVADA STATE LANDS. $2 50 and $4 per acre, good farming landa: part cash, balance 50 year- 263 13lh St.. West Side. SOUTHERN ORE., near town. 10 acres, lm- , ..1. l.nrt Sinnh r trerl! 40 acres adjoining, rant fre- Box 243 Oaxsaaie, w as a. LOGGED-OFF land- $10 acr np; running water good soil A tillable, employment; Tuy ternub Jesse R. Sharp. 83 is 3d St. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE CAN-SELL YOUR HOUSE. Our sales this month Include: One house at $1250 One house at $2150 One bouse at $5000; One at $7500 One house at $11,500 So you see wo have the customers lor largo and small homes. GuDDARD & WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. I WANT a 5 or 6-room bungalow In some good residence district; will give 100 lots In good town 50 miles from Portland on Southern Pacific R. R. I am selling lots at $50 to $200 each and will put In lots at $50 each, or $5000: all clear and all taxes paid: pay cash difference if any. S A. D. Kennedy. Broadmead. Or. IT might be to your advantage to list your houses with us at once. Send description, photo If you have one. We have plenty of good buyers. C. A. Warrlner. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANTED House; will give SO acres, 15 bead cows, 30 head of bogs. Income on cream check $125 per month; also all farm Implements, 15 tons hay; will take house up to $4000. balance 6 years at 5 per cent. AN 2S7, Oregonian. WE have clients waiting for bouses and lota in Irvlngton. Laurelhurst and the Haw thorne district. Bring In your properties If they are bargain we can sell tbem. See Randle, 401 Board of Trade. HAVE client for modern house from $4000 m fltnoo. for cash: must be in beat dis trict and within four blocks of grammar school. Stanley S. Thompson to., ou. oaa street. V AM ilD Good house or bungalow, 6 or 6 rooms, nicely located and at a bargain Have client who will pay cash. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. 104 6th St. HAVE clients waiting for bargains in 5 or 6-roora houses from $2000 to $B000. THE FRED A. JACOBS COMPANY. Main S0a. 104 5th St. WILL pay cash for new, strictly modern residence; must have 8 rooms, oarage and view of city; Heights preferred must be snap. Y 411. Oregonian. I HAVE fine Laurelhurst lot. cost $1200. Is free of Incumbrances, except street as sessment: will trade for equity In bouse. Main 50 73. . HAVE YOU A HOUSE TO SELL? TRY MAC INNES. HR IS A LIVE WIRE. 210 OREGON BLDG.. 5TH AND OAK. HAVE all cash buyer for modern bungalow. not too far out, 6 rooms. GODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark. FOK RENT FABM8. .rLE.UiU UAini. Located near the city limits of Port- lana. on a goou unvcw. 1 wn.., "-.'" good productive land all in cultivation with a good 7-roomed plastered and paint ed house, hot and cold water, rent $o00 pe 11.111 11 . . ,en-n, a flriA hlinch O dairy cattle, hay, ail farm implements, one team, lor ?j.ovv. Bee H. AL Maloney. RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. r j-,t-i i-"c. x-CDAT. C4PT iaa rii ro in cultivation. 50 of which , . i... o.-m. A.mnmprt house. large barn, other' usual buildings, well fenced, close to a guou .oi vallls. Rent $500 per year; compl equipment for sale at $1200. See H. M. Ma.oney, mi in . " . v. -. 207 Board of Trade Bldg. . r. ..i.i..,-h isnri at Gladstone J AV.HI.U tuiuiaitu - . . w i -.. ,-.. n aiirus Rnd loam Wlin rnufin jo.i-.w. . aolL for Intensive farming. To respon sible party would rent large dwelll . ..... . ii i ...i.k nmnl.r. frm eau luuy iuriuiicu, i.u -".-- menf, with team and some good fresh milk cows. rteterences ou..ou. animation necessary. H. E. Cross, ore gon city, fnone , FOR rent, about 8 acres beaverdam, i shares or straight rent, can furnish tea and othei equipment anu moi. iuu If necessary Address c Or., RC 8. G. Ellison, Aurora. WASTED TO RENT FARMS. I WANT to rent a good Improved dairy farm, located wnuiu ivu i,.- - - -land: will pay cash rent in advance, am buy all personal property If the price 1 reasonable. See H. M. MALONEY. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOB SALE TLMBKB LANDS. 320 ACRES tlmbe near railroad, cheap AH 776. Oregonian. WANT ED TIMBER LAN DS SHIP KNEES wanted. Gamble-Rleg Ship Knee Co., Gerllnger Bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WANT residence In good Portland district must oe moueiu iniouS..., . iti: have 50 acrea adjoining Roseburg, with 4-room house, to exchange for same; my property value is $6500; will suarantee loan of $2000; unless you have Al prop erty and priced right, don't reply. Write owner, roi quo. .....q. . . . . r . a 7,1 ... . 11 . fnr ImnrOVed Krt.an" There V a good chance to gee r'u i "" ,Tr."rt 3 ciear In a Dooming cnj. m - -non banks, with Government payroll of fjoOO per month. 5 school. I did It and I will r .. . v ill nr.irnn in. tell you ayjYt. " WHEAT land. Saskatchewan, " U. f. ielf or trad- mSb MS 1014 Chamber of Commerce pi my. WILL trade unincumbered lot, 50x100, Irv- tngton rarit, c. .uu ou, ------ 1916-17. in Al condition. G. U H.. 71b0 AIK1 ave.. aeauie, FOR HALL or exciia-iifcTr, act o rvjrv osjAj tisfiii. mnaiHAr house near cuy (--;-- v- "Aj vs4. nortn 01 uiviaiuu, wco-v va Oreeonian. ....vMriM tj AT r I RTTTT .TrTlf;. MUivcirc.1 tic i iuj- , , , Wen located. Price $125,000. Will ex change for farm or stock ranch. P. O. box b73. TO KXC HANG E-CELLAN EOf 8. WILL exchange phonograph or Vlctrola for a used piano; liberal allowance made. O. F Johnson Piano Co.. 14u ath. beL Alder and Morrison. FOR SALE. Homes, Vehicles. Etc SPAN of Percheron mares, 2900 lbs., sound. tree or oiemiiio. nun ... fruin 5-year-old geldings, good, true workers, right out of bard work, weight 2750 lbs.. $223. nmnm bpan oi very diwcrj-uuiii ... , wt. 2450 lbs., extra good, stylish workers: also several well-mated draft teams that we would be pleased to show. Model Sta bles, o i..i auu Wivio. FOR SALE Handsome team of bay mares, . t; -i i v. ofin lha nnrn 7 and o years oiu. " ' 'f, " ' 'r. . $290. Team of young mares, weight 240U lbs.: price aiwo. x-au w " : weight 2550 lua, $10. Two sets of double work harness, cheap. Call 240 E. 8th and Main. STALLIONS A registered Belgian and a registered roicurm,,, o. Lena Longren. admrx. Chaa. Longren es tate? Boyd. Or., or Bright A Bryant, attys.. The pane or. SAY filly. 8 years old. Grace McKlnney, ai , J . , ... vlu inn.u hand- 2551 broken for" lidTor child 'price $100. FOR BALE Els-nt head heavy draft horses, K . i,.r i mci IK. with or without harneaa Portland Van tt Storage Co.. 16th and Kearney. DEAD HORSES and animal hauled away lnwn au. SEVERAL good horaea and mare, will Belt cheap. Anaeroou diuo. U'"" Jefferson ata. DEAD nock and old horaea DouKht- Call ua tor "aervice ana owi imuaa. - waukle, c-J 10 m icj.Jy gijuu i a ui hv nver Winter. $50 to $150. 228 Alder St. DEAD stack taken quickly. We pay the most for dead and crippled stock Tabor 4203 GOOD farm wagon, $10. Irvlngton Machine wonts, c. m K...-.. WANTED Horse- Phone Columbia 131. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $330 square piano, $25 cash; $'-'i5 up right $45 cash, $326 upright. !o casn; $425 upright, 1I5 cash; nearly new mod ern pianos; 83.75 upright. $190 cash; $425 upright. $21f cash; $550 player piano. $263 cash. $250 player. $25. and parlor organ. $18 cash. Pianos stored. 60c monthly. 109 Fourth sl. at Washington sc $5 SENDS home a piano. $10 a player pl ane balance to or eio lunininj , .k. to exchange within one year, allowing full amount paid. Scbwan piano Co. Ill Fourth st. PIANOS TUNED. $3. George T. Peck. Tabor 8574. Grad. New Eng. Conservatory. WANTED PIANO FOR STORAGE. Excellent care given for the use of piano; beat reference- Tabor 5619; ' FULL, CASH VALUE PAID For Records, Phonograph Musical Instrument- Newman. Main 4495, 128 First. 1 PAY CASH lor used piano - Harold 8. Gilbert 884 Yamhill st RELIABLE party wants good piano on terms. 1224 Miss, ave. Fnrniture for Sale. CARPETS and furniture for sale 100 yards Brussels carpet No dealers. Call Friday, 47 J5. lSch North, FOB SALE. Furniture for Sale. CHARTER OAK steel range, in first-class condition, 18x20-lnch oven, guaranteed to bake perfectly, large firebox fitted with extra heaw llnlnea and duDlex grate; . water coll. A $60 range set up and connected for $30; easy terms, ansa hut. Co., 184 1st sc FURNITURE BARGAIN. Including 2 bed room suites, 1 dining-room suite, Al con. dition; gas stove, beater, rug, etc Ta bor o oo. READY to start housekeeping, furnished 8 room modern house for sale at a bargain If taken at onee; cheap renu Tabor 8534. FOR SALE Used office furniture, oak and mahogany or ail Kind KiLHAM'S, Fifth and Oak SU. Poultry, EARLY chix make early layer We guar antee safe arrival of White Leghorn baby chix from neavy-iaytng (Hoganlsed) stock. Write for price etc The Pioneer Hatchery, A'etaluma, caL SELECT Buttercup cockerels. 929 Pacific at- East 3122. PEN of Rhode Island Reds, 11 hens and cockerel for $.'. .aat 20S0. Livestock. 800 CHOICE blgh-grade Cotswold ewes, good ages: all bred. Inautre Bodlne A Clark. Union Stockyard North Portland. Phone Woodlawn 2400. FOR SALE 60 head well-bred Shorthorn cattle; yearlings. 2-year-olds, cows and calf by side. Box 31. Colfax, wash. FRESH co we: fine, large Holsteln. high grade Jersey and Duraam. 460 Sherrett ave. ae.lwooQ car. LARGE Jersey-Durham cow, fresh soon, I gals, r written guarantee. U. S. Stables, Front and Madison. HOGS and brood sows for sale Phone East 707a A FINE grain-fed pig. weight about 173 ids., ftza. aeiiwooo oo. Typewriters. NEW Ren.lngton rental- plan, rent applies to purchase Visible model Remington Typewriter Co.. 88 Broadway. Phone Broadway oi. WE can save , from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of tytewrlters; send for our lllus- traled folder. Retail Department WHOLE SALE T If PE WRITER CO.. 321 Wash. SL REBUILT typewriters and supptle Corona Dealers. E. W feas Co.. 110 6th. NEW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rate- P. D. Co., 231 Stark st. Main 1407. Automobiles. WESTERN MOTOR BALES CO. SPECIAL. 1P17 STUDEBAKER TIRES PRAC TICALLY KEVV FOR QUICK SALE.. $550 WE ALSO OFFER THE FOLLOWING LIGHT SIXES AT PRICES THAT ARE RIGHT: 1916 CHALMERS WITH WINTER TOP ATTACHMENT. 1917 CHALMERS, 7-PASSENGER. 1916 CHALMERS, 7-PASSENGER. 1916 CHALMERS, B-PASSENGER. 1917 CHALMERS, 5-PASSENGER. LATE MODEL SIX -CYLINDER TO EX CHANGE FOR LIGHTER CAR, PREF ERABLY FOUK-ClLINDlSit. WESTERN MOTOR, CAR SALES CO. BROADWAY AT BURNSIDE. HERE Is your opportunity. Get your car before the good weather seta In. Used cars are going to cost more men. x-u- icm .alii.. inviaff.jitR these: Ford roadster $250 Ford roadster ..$-(5 Ford. 5-nassenger $2n0 jTnrri delivery .$2 1 11 Ford delivery .' $:"0 Ciril r- h u lt .$175 Ford worm-drive truck $840 Overland roadster, 1916 $'-3 Overland. 5-passenger. 6-cyllnder $H00 Abbott-Detroit. 5-passenger $200 Cadillac. 7-passenger, 1913 $450 Cadillac, 5-passenger, 1911 $-'50 Valla n-naKfienjrer ................. .$1100 Pierce Arrow, 1911, 4-passenger $530 Rriseoe. 5'Dassenger $ui3 White gas. 5-fiassenger. 1911 $400 All the cars are guaranteed to be In good mechanical condition. Terms If de sired. W. H. WALLINGFORD. Main 2492. 522-526 Alder St. USED AUTOMOBILES. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. 20 CARS 20 . .1.... 1. . o A K mnA We are going to move them within the next sixty days. See our stock of used cars before you buy. we will save you moucj. USED CAR DEPT. MITCHELL, LEWIS A STAVER CO., East First at Morrison St. East T272 Phones B 1216. NEW BUYS ARRIVING EVERT DAY. We have the finest assortment of used cars that was ever placed under one roof. Every car has been gone over and put In good running condition. We guarantee every car as represented. Roadsters, bugs, 5 and 7-pass. touring, big ones, medium ones and small ones. Prices range from m-ri r 1. ihl. ImmanHa RtOCK aiuu to .ooo. , i ... v--o over. Fix terms to suit you. CONLEY S USED CAR omi i t,ri. o. . ' and Wash, st- Brick building, side en trance. Phon Main 3843. ..ni,n JilDa 1917 Bulck, light 6. touring 1;;-,,0 1916 Oldsmoone o. aaa 101 uc.nu...... --. 1IU8 Dodge, like new snap. 1916 Scrlpps-Booth. nifty Job $7S 1914 Bulck roadster, special body. $475. lilia Hupmobile, splendid condition. $J00. 1U13 Cadiliao roadster, $350. Auburn touring, $175. Late model Ford touring, $325. Bulck touring. $350 w-rvw OLDSMOB1LE CO., OF OREGON, Broadway and Couch. Broadway im. LONG A SILVA'S Auto Wrecking DepC We have parts for the following cars at 60 per cent to 75 per cent off the list: Studebakera, Chalmers Michigan. i"?,'" Overland, L. M. Wfnton Fope-Hartrorcc Engines. Radiators. Windshields, Magneto- Carburetors. Lamp- etc. for less than one-half price. 462 Hawthorne ave. Phone E. ea4a 1917 SAXON SIX. 1917 STUDEBAKER A These 2 cars must-be sold at cmce: they are priced exceptionally low and gu aran teed to be In Al condition; terms If de sired. D. O. Warren Motor Car Co., 68 N. 23d. Main 780. 8 CARS. FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. One 1917 Btudebaker. 4 cylinder. One 1918 Studebaker. 4 cylinder. One 1917 Super-Six Hudson. 4 cord tires and one extra tire. ROSE CITY PARK GARAGE, Taoor duuj. . . . i-YYT t-Ttmn-Di VTT.I1 BKAAll ,.lj n ' L j ........ ... Sport model, special aluminum body, special top, 5-passenger. 6-cyllnder: must sell at a great sacrifice. You must see this car to appreciate IL Call Woodlawn 4943. 'e.v.W'r n-TTTTTvra-l Pi U 5 1 U A f-A 1VUAA-V. First-class condition, must sell at once, cash or first mortgage terms to responsl hlM nartv. East 6511. MOTORS, gear- bearings, wheel- l-l - parii Tat half price. Auto Wrecking Co.. Ea-91-93 North Broadway. PAIGE 4-pass. roadster, run About 4000 lr Immediate sale. Fletcher & James, S3 IN. prottuwoj- 1915 FORD Touring car. demountable rlma. must aelL 20 N. Broadway. Phone Broad way 31 AN E. M. F. bug in gooa running oruer; must be sola at once. u taoii. 331)2. CADILLAC car. good condition, good Ures, electric ugnis, uyu-ww. aa. . . 444 Belmont. 1916 FORD touring car. In perfect condi tion d)UU. fjao. wa. -v nrl WaaCO It. ELECTRIC coupe and rectifier, complete; bargain, rt-ouu oavcola -ii-i,a v. ..vs.-, V.H ana tiverett FORD Lruck. In good condition. $450, on easy terma- L ... waUVI Union ave and Wasco at. SLIGHTLY used tires. $3 to $15 each; vul canized. mZC; lire repmnus. .m MUST HAVE CASH Ford roadster. $195 . . K.n,A A7Q Main wiLn new uccuoa. BARGAIN 6-passenger car for aale; fine conaltion. naain 1916 FORD, fully equipped good condition . -s-ku J - AflAO SrQB; (nn.U $800 ; terms, pnwiw. owo. uq.j v.oucu. 1916 DODGE, 6-pas , In best of condition, at sacrifice. ISOO su- I amum eu i.wi ooo. PWVAIS garaga, 67 N. 20th at A 1367. FOR SALE. Automobiles. SPECIAL TODAY. 1916 Little Six Oakland roadster. ... .$650 Studebaker Light Four, new tires $300 Franklin Sport Touring 4-pass.. new tires and palnC A rare buy at $450 Oakland Eight, light 7-pas- car that Is almost new. Liberal discount. Would take small car In exchange. Come early. ' Oakland Six Demonstrator touring and roadster. Year's guarantee and service with each. Liberal discount. Oakland four cyl., 1916 model; Al....$680 On the terms we sell cars no one can afford to walk or pay 1"A cent per mil to ride streetcars. MOTOR SALES CORPORATION. 844-846-84(1-350-352-354 Burnslde. Just off Broadwayj - Automobiles Wanted. 5-ROOM house and lot. 60x100. H block from Alberta st. Will take Ford car and $650 terms. Call Woodlawn 4605. PIANO and solid oak dining table and four chairs. Must sell, or trada for Ford. Call at 3i9 E. 46th st. N. WE PAY spot cash for late model car THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 627 Wash. Where Washington and Buruside meet. BEST auto that $500 will buy; $300 cash. Owners preferred. AD 457, Oregonian. AUTO wanted In trade for 10 acres land at Beaverton. Main 5652, ape 34. $1000 LOT. free and clear, and some cash, for late model car. Marshall 8416. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVER FOR HIRE, 7-pass. car with driver. LONG A SiLVA, 462 HAWTHUK.SE AVE. Phon E. 684a NEW AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVER. SEE G. N. SMITH. 121 NORTH 3D ST. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO. 3D AND GL1SAN ST8. NEW SAXON 6. bignway, depots, funeral calling, shopping, reasonable. East 4582. Autos without driver for hire. Fashion Ga rage. 10th and Yamhill. Mar. 232. A 123a 5-PASS. Dodge for hire, louring, calling, shopping, highway Broadway 3347. HUDSON super-six. Inclosed car, day or night. Geo. Turney. Main 6065. A 1405. Motorcycles. DRAFTED, must eacrifice motorcycle and side car. 9113 53d ave, Lents Machinery. FOR SALE lOO-h.-p. Westinghouse electric motor, condition ready to use, three-phase 440-volt, 60-cycle. ttUO-speed. Idaho Junk House. Boise. Idahc S-c.kEr.AL boilers, etc., cheap., W 718, Ore gonian. Miscellaneous. SEWING MACHINES, new and second-hand, of all makes, sold tor less; no agents em ployed; machines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 3d. near Taylor. A 3826. Main 943L ' OFFERS WANTED. 1 swivel chair, 1 rolitop desk, 81 Wind sor chairs, 4 tables, 1 stove (heater), 60 feet hose, etc. Apply bee 10 and 12 A. M 89 Second bc N. ONION:?, 50c to $3 per sack. Potatoes, $1 to $1.75 per sack. Apples, $1 to $2 per box. AT 244 YAMHILL. We buy good potatoes. Bring sample. BEAUTIFUL reed baby carriage, value $42; Oriole basket and baby walker; will ell separate or at a bargain together. Tabor 82 7. ROOF LEAK. EH? Very aggravating, in deed. Why not a permanent roof? we oxidize all kinds of leaky root- 008 Tour ney bldg Main USS6. TOMORROW Great sale of hair swltchen. 3i)5 . Yamhill, ' corner 10th. $25 switches reduced to $10; $10 switches to $60; switches $3 and up. Traue taught. ONE gasoline engine. 4'4-H. P.: other at tachments, suitable for wood saw. Phone Eaut i2-2. Call 2 East athsLNorth. FOH SALE oi rent, lousing and hoisting engines, all kinds machinery, ral.a cars. Railway Equipment Co., 235 Stark SC FOR1TaLeC'HEAP Boiler. Kewanee No. 3; radiators and steam piping. 146 First st. Phone Main 9129. . FOR SALE Showcases, scales, cash reg ister and store fixtures cheap. 230 Wasii- inuton st. Foil SALE Second-hand lumber, all sizes; also windows, doors, bricks and wreck age wood. Phone East4325. SCHOOL BOOKS, and supplies, new and second-band. Johnson's Book Store. 210 4th st., near Salmon. , VACUUM cleaners sold, repaired, rented, ex changed. bought. Betttley Co. Main 8582. SHOWCASE, oftice fixtures, furnace, boxes, etc. F. P. Kunan Co.. U'O 4th au SECOND-HAND-gasoline pumps and tanks nH nir comiiresors. cheap. 4i3 wash. DIAMOND. karat, for sale cheap by private party. Am a.w, oresouian. A NEW A-l steam tame, complete, uou Tenth st. Jiar. t.ai. FOR SALE i-econd-hand safes, all sUes. KILHAM'S, Fifth and Oak Sts. SCHOOL BOOKS, high and grammar gradea. new and second-hand. 2'JO Morrison. POTATOES Fine cooking. $1.50 sack, deliv ered, rnono Aaooi iiwia. I MAKE the pure whole-wheat flour. Call Woodlawn 3675; will tell you all about II. GARDEN manure for sale. Sellwood 206. FURNITURE WANTED. MAIN 309. We need furniture, carpets and other housohold goods, also office furniture. We n'ust have goods at once. Call us and our buyer will be there with the cash, giv ing you the hlgest prices ever paid In this city. KLINE'S FURNITURE STORE, 192 First Sc. Near Taylor. Main 809. BEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED FURNITURE. Stoves, ranges, rugs, store fixture- res taurant outfits, hotels, rooming-house- of fice furniture, furnilure stocks. Nothlnn too big or too small to handle. Prompt attention and courteous treatmenc PHONES MARSHALL 69&1. A 3224. GEV'URTZ FURNITURE CO.. 185 to 191 First St.. near lamhlll. MISH FURNITURE CO. will pay highest cash price ever paid for used furniture, carpets, rugs, stoves, ranges, otlice fur niture and Uxiures. It will pay you to call us. lou will be money ahead. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 184 FIRST, lain oioo. WE NEED all kinds of old furniture, car pets stoves, ranges, office furniture and H H. goods generally and will pay top price for same. Call Marshall 6bJ and our buyer will call at once GEV'URTZ FURNITURE STORtt RING UP the Greater Portland Furniture Store, Marshall 5S21. and you will gt th. highest price paid for your used furni ture, you will also get good bargains In buying or exchanging. Remember. 165-1 First streec IMUST HAVE USED FURNITURE Spot cash foi your second-hand furnllur- car pets stoves, rugs, etc Call ua tor one ar ticle l a house full. Phone and a oour- teous ipuyer win can- j am BEFORE selling your furniture call up 166-16!i 'Irst St. M,iin 4638. H will surely be to your advantag- TtA.t nrlces DatCi. THE LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO. buys lurniiure, uuici outfits and tools of any description; full value lor hem assured. 221 1 rone Main 9072 A ait. PAY. HIGHEST PKlCt-S run w; r c"- TURE.. IXUlilOU. rill.. . . . -' CLE AKIN ti nocac. jiniun..u HIGHEST price paid for second-hand furni ture, we must nave me tu..,u,a ""-"' Furniture Co. Mar. 122. 164 1st at. BIC YCLE and mechanic tools wanted. Main 4495. 128 r irs, hmi wiim. HO USEHOLD FURNITURE WAN .ED. W ILL PA V CASH, mai.n oaoi. WANTED Steanj table, 8 to 10 holes. 400 -Eierson. jiam otc. WILL pay best prices. Marshall 2682. WANTED M ISCEI X.ANEOU8. THE GLOBE PAYS HIGHEST PRICES FOR MEN'S SHOc.S. til.. r uu i . ........ WANTED One 2-bottom 12 or 14-lnch plow, . j,-- -in f..r ,i.a of tractor: narrow, uisc auu . zJ'ZW must be in good condition. L. A. Read. Gladstone. WANTED Card tables, chair- about 150 rfi,nn.i llnnloum. Phon D jaiua nr. ........ 1282. alter o r. m. FULl. value pa.d lor second-hand goods' and , i. r,!l U ,!n 1'7 juna. .n aiaiii '- HIGHEST prices paid lor second-hand clothe- Main CASH for furniture, musical tnstrumemta and record. amu iwo. SCHOOLBOOKS wanted; we buy, sell and exchange, moruppii. WANTED Pair of riding boots, size JVi or 6 Main 878; WINCHESTER and Remington automatle A pump shotguns wanted, Hochteia. b6 So.